It stands for “Google Fucking Exists,” and I think both David Postman and the folks in Senator Patty Murray’s office might want to familiarize themselves with it. Postman posted here about Senator Murray allegedly talking out of her posterior about a bridge that a school bus could not traverse without first letting the children off. Toby Nixon, who appears to be quite familiar with GFE, wrote in the comments:
Somebody needs to teach Sen. Murray’s staff how to search the web. It took me about 30 seconds to find a reference to this school bus story in U.S. Senate testimony from the president-elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers in September 2002 (he says it was in Washington County, Alabama, but doesn’t cite a source): CLICK HERE
I also found this reference to a similar situation in Guam: CLICK HERE
And that goes for Daphne Retter at TheHill as well.
UPDATE: This is not an open thread, so any comments not related to Patty Murray, Daphne Retter, David Postman, Washington County, Alabama, school buses, schoolchildren, rickety old bridges in the South, Guam, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Google, fucking, or how Toby Nixon is the coolest Republican in the state (next to Richard Pope, of course) will be deleted.
Wait. What party is Richard Pope in this week?
Oh wait, he may not technically be a Republican any more. I’m pretty sure he’ll let us know as soon as he sees this…
I’m pretty sure he’ll let us know as soon as he sees this…
Perhaps he’ll file a FOIA request with himself for documentation…
What do Republicans know about fucking? Do you really think the Party of Falling Bridges has any competence at fucking?
OK you did get me to laugh at this one…. with the UPDATE.
Question: wasn’t mentioning both Patty Murray and rickety old bridges a bit redundant?
Thank god we have Patty Murray doing all she can to get care to our wounded vets. I wonder how many would have rotted away uncared for if their care was left up to only Bush, and his contractor buddies. (See Walter Reed Hospital) (It is still fuc*ed up by the way) Is the wait to get into the VA system under a year yet?
Patty. It is ok to take some billions from the billionares, and gazillionares, and use it to take care of our vets. If any republicons disagree, I recommend they march on down to the recruiter’s office, and enlist immediately. You can look forward to being back door drafted, and serving a minimum 6 back to back tours in a place that is 120 degrees on a cool day.
@6 .. Hmm, I know you were using a figure of speech but would think democracy rather than the Deity .. esp the Deity of GWB.
It will be very interesting to see how the final candidates deal with the issues of the VA.
The VA is a really fascinating issue. It proves that the guvmnt, represented by Murray in this case, can operate an efficient health care system, Whe Iwas a Navy Doc in Sudden California, I was impressed at the Publican ex military who would CHOOSE us or the VA over any civilian hospital.
At the same time, t be fair to the Bush regime, Clinton did not do a good job of supporting the VA either. Basically the VA, like other discretionary non Defence non debt items is part of a very, very small discretionary budget that gets $$ in direct proportion to the interest of politicians like Patty.
That is the reality of democracy. Bridges to Nowhere are as political as the VA. If you are into Deitie worship, I would pray that the next Congress and Presidency will be a lot more rational in deciding how to spend its political capital. Faith dies a slow death.
[Deleted – off topic]
Patty Murray is the smartest and brightest we have right?
Factless without a position. I applaud Patty Murray for standing up for a poisition on something finally.
But again as you are dense as others; you need to look up Perini Corp and Richard C. Blum. Who is Dick Blum? – Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who had the Walter Reed Army Contract to fix it and other VA locations. Who is Richard C. Blum? Big time donk who didn’t fix WRAMC and Dianne had to resign Milcon over the scandal!
Factless: You need to do your homework.
Once again Pellethead the Pelletizer is speaking out of his ass again:
From MNDOT document “This project is currently in the 2006-2008 STIP in SFY 2006, identified as 2783-9340D and includes bridge repairs and bridge painting. Meto District has determined that it would be more efficient to remove the bridge repair element and do all painting of bridges in the same project limits. Bridge 9340 was deleted from the project and bridges 27887 and 27888 will no longer be repaired but will be painted instead. These bridges will be repaired in SFY 2007, which still has $5.4M available in the Bridge Improvement Program for additional bridge work. Bridges 27889 and 27999 have also been added to the project, so all bridges in the project area will be painted at the same time. The project will need a traffic control plan; therefore, the SP number has been changed from a bridge SP# to a Trunk Highway SP#. ”
Hey Roger, did you ever look things up or just speak from your ASS like always.
12 Pud
My guess is that you’re off topic bcause you seem to be referring to one of RR’s comments in another thread. It IS in annoying habit in here, often yours.
This topic is about is a bridge in Alabama that apparently really does require children to get off a school bus.
If MN was fixin’ to fix their bridge, I guess they were about two years too late, huh? Too bad. That new paint woulda looked real nice floating down the river.
I wasn’t sure about comment #12, but since it was about bridges, I left it up there. As far as I can tell, he’s having an argument with the voices in his head…
Public Works Director Larry Perez suggested a different possibility. He said even if the lower weight limits stick, buses might still be able to use the 15-foot bridges because only half the buses’ weight would be on the bridge at any time.
I’m sure those people in Guam will be able to figure out something…
Umm not to be crude but GFE has a whoooole other meaning on a large part of the net. Maybe I’m just too jaded by a decade of net crawling, but I thought I was reading a FARK post for a second. Heh.
Roger Rabbit @ 4:
My wife Irene and I have five children. (click for family photo, etc.)
Dori Monson did a segment on this today on KIRO, in which in inimitable Dori fashion, he presents only half the story–the half that does not include any knowledge of the presentation to the U.S. Senate testimony from the president-elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dori claims that our politicians are “just making stuff up.” However, I heard only the tease and not the show. I hope someone informed him vigorously.
Has anyone located this actual bridge, or was the person testifying also repeating urban legend?
Patty Murray- the bowel movement of the Senate! Jeez- don’t you “libruls” ever get embarassed?
@20 …
Hmmm, Patty has emerged as a leader in the Senate despite the bad publicity. Howdya thinnk she done that?
Here’s the transcript of the press conference when ASCE released their 2001 report card. The full report card for 2001 is here. Unfortunately, neither one of these mentions the specific bridge, although they talk about it.
This article lists the bridges in Alabama currently considered to be structually deficient (this in the wake of the Minneapolis bridge collapse). Five of them are in Washington County: Alabama 13 over Bates Creek, Alabama 13 over Lewis Creek, Alabama 13 over Roberts Creek, Alabama 17 over a branch near the 40-mile marker, and Alabama 17 over a creek near the 41-mile marker. Could be one of those, I suppose.
The Alabama Department of Transportation web site seems to be down right now, so can’t check there. Maybe they’re overwhelmed by all the bloggers trying to find their bridge condition report. :-)
There have been more sightings of Elvis than of this unidentified bridge.