It starts right before the 2000’s with Blowjobgate. American Journalism balanced its coverage between a third Way neo-liberal who was horny and the anguished cries of Republicans who insisted horniness will destroy the Republic.
Neo-liberalism won in extra innings, although batshit had a good game.
Then American Journalism made fun of Love Story as seen on the Internet, balancing coverage precisely halfway between neo-liberalism and batshit insane.
Batshit won in exra innings, with the help of the home plate umpire. American Journalism decided to go see what the sharks were eating.
Then came a Pearl Harbor of our Lifetimes. To deal with the Evil Empire of our Lifetimes, we needed Saddam to Suck On Something. Coverage was balanced between Third-Way hawk viewpoints and those who argued that French Fries were the problem. American Journalism sort of missed the millions of people marching around going “this is a big mistake,” although they did occasionally find time to make fun of them.
Completely batshit won in a blowout, and in an exhibition match, a brain dead woman smiled at everyone. American Journalism was content.
After the Big Mistake, there were even bigger mistakes and shocking brutality. American Journalism started to look into it all, but then a Federalist Society member who just happened to be familiar with late 20th-Century typewriter font kerning was watching TV one night. American Journalism cowered before the power of kerning, fearing for itself.
Coverage of shocking brutality was balanced between a few gasps and calls for more shocking brutality, including against American Journalists.
Batshit won again.
Meanwhile, the Great Recession was happening. American Journalism did not balance its coverage about this because it missed the story altogether.
American Journalism gnashed her teeth and smiled at everyone who was still around. She would get the story right this time, by packaging it better and using Twitter.
Today’s news media wouldn’t know a news story if they saw one, for example, the news media going out of business.
And there’s a vey good reason why they’re going out of business: bias.
Sex provides no comfort for the wingnut. As we’ve seen with so many on the right like these guys
The wingnut is simply driven to more and more depraved depths of perversion.
Then there’s the wingnut who gets no sex or very occassional sex. That wingnut sublimates their drive into wingnuttery – being pro-choice on war, making the rich richer, putting women in shackles, unhinged greed – all the things wingnuts are known for.
In the first case the wingnut scars people for life. In the latter case, many, many people end up DEAD (mostly people of color) and the country’s economy is thrown into ruins.
Yep batshit insane is a good descriptor.
@2 Yep, there’s too much fawning rightwing bias in the so-called “news” media. For example, they treated Bush with kid gloves after his negligence in ignoring terrorist attack warnings prior to 9/11, looked the other way at blatant voting fraud in Ohio, and were soft as a peach on his authorizing illegal wiretaps, arbitrary detentions of innocent people, and secret use of torture, not to mention the media’s complicity in deflecting blame away from Bush and the GOP on the endless scandals under Republican non-government ranging from the Enron ripoff to poisoned food. The so-called “news” media has proved itself useless as a public watchdog, so why should anyone buy newspapers anymore?
@3 It’s probably best that wingnuts not reproduce, despite the adverse side effects of horniness, because there’s too damn many wingnuts already. The silver lining to wingnut reproduction is that many offspring of wingnuts realize their parents are batshit insane and choose to follow a different path that leads toward social responsibility.
Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit there’s still one journalist who knows how to look at the world around him and describe what he sees:’s Dave Horsey.
In this piece, Horsey writes about people driven by a sense of entitlement. He means you, greedheads! I doubt that any woman deserves alimony of $53,000 a week, although possibly some husbands deserve to pay it. On the other hand, I think anyone who ever worked for Wal-Mart or Boeing deserves the social safety net they paid taxes for.
So much for J-school and the famous five Ws. Shoe leather, my ass.
Contemporary journalism is truly embarrassing. The media is constantly bending over for whatever nonsense the wingnuttery might be spewing at the moment and treating such nonsense as if it’s equal to reality. The media’s approach to global warming is an example–there truly are not two rational opposing positions on the issue, but you’d never know that from following the MSM.
Where’s the “Journalistic” outcry over the Obamanation saying his bowling score was something out of the Special Olympics? I don’t imagine you neo-commies would ever let Bush slide on that one. Score one point for the Obama/McChimpy/Hitler/Coke Addict.
I love this!
Dear John,
Are you so dumb that you have not heard of self-deprecating humor? Or are you so thick you don’t get it? Or are you so partisan and rightwingnut based that you insisit on this non-sissue being brought up?
Weren’t the idiot republicans worried about teh economy? Or are trivial issues all they can focus on?
What a bunch of partisan hacks, you pathetic trolls!
Why an “outcry”? Wouldn’t that show bias?
The gaffe was reported and it was also reported that Obama apologized for it.
End of story. Now we return to cleaning up after the right wing mess.
For eight years you morons blamed all the fuckups of Bush on Bill Clinton. Now the tables are turned.
How does it feel?
His poor use of words was on all the cable shows, early news and national news….
As well as the official WH correction.
I don’t see how this was under reported. This is a liberal blog, so why do you expect liberals to want to discuss this?
Better question in my mind is – Why go on the tonight show in the first place…..
“What a bunch of partisan hacks, you pathetic trolls!”
Uhhhh Pot? I’d like to introduce you to Kettle..
Your post is hilariousness as usual except I feel sorry for you.
This is a non issue for anyone who has no morals and values. Bet you laughed your ass off when you heard the loser say that.
Your post shows how dumb and dumber your getting.
If this was any Republican joke and see if your post would be changed.
Your post have always been off topic or useless rants.
1. Roger Rabbit spews:
Today’s news media wouldn’t know a news story if they saw one, for example, the news media going out of business.
03/20/2009 at 7:55 am
Well, they could always “Drudge” up ole Dan Rather….Of course any news story he reports would have to have the facts “manufactured” to suit his reporting…
@9 It was reported, jackass, and you’d know that if you ever picked up a newspaper! One reason newspapers are going under is because there are more ignoramuses like you in the U.S. population now. For that reason, the next industry to go under will be textbook publishing.
@16 There was no flaw in what Rather reported, only a technical violation of the network’s formal procedures to verify a single piece of supporting documentation. The story Rather reported was true. The colonel’s former secretary verified it with her witness statements.
There are 3 things we can say are true with complete confidence:
1) Obama fucked up last night, and Roger Rabbit admits it;
2) Bush dodged Vietnam by using “pull” to get into the TANG, and went AWOL from the TANG, but you’ll never get any wingnut to admit it; and
3) The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans cover up Republican criminality, whereas Democrats demand accountability regardless of party affiliation.
#1 really
#2 old lies no proof
#3 This is hilarious Ever hear of fannie mae,freedie mac executives stealing millions of our money before leaving.
Sadly since Watergate the Dems have covered up Repub criminality (in Iran Contra) or joined in as in the illegal wire tapping, or have gone along as with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Heck the dems never even tried to get Bush to put the money for those wars in the regular budget. And now their answer for Bush 2’s crimes is to ‘look forward’, or have a toothless truth commission.
Obama-Biden Top 10,
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
There are 3 things we can say are true with complete confidence:
1) Obama fucked up last night, and Roger Rabbit admits it;
True and non story.
2) Bush dodged Vietnam by using “pull” to get into the TANG, and went AWOL from the TANG, but you’ll never get any wingnut to admit it; and
There is still an open question about his service between April-October 1972. He admits to working on a campaign for a family friend, with permission from his unit.
3) The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans cover up Republican criminality, whereas Democrats demand accountability regardless of party affiliation.
03/20/2009 at 11:23 am
Uhh, unless you’re Tim (the tax man don’t mean nothin to meeeee) Geitner.
I nearly spit my coffee onto my keyboard when I read this….
Obama now sees reality or is he so dumb he didn’t know it was a put down.
“Iranian Leaders Ignore Obama’s Outstretched Hand”
Loser was on air Force one until his brain realized what he said. President Obama called Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver to apologize 3 hrs later.
He is a weasel and a loser and he’s all yours.
Is Jon DeVore bat-fucking-shit nuts? Even Rabbit makes more sense, except when he’s hallucinating about Democrat accountability, but that’s probably just Rabbit’s Agent Orange overdose from the ‘Nam talkin’.
@20 See what I mean? Republicans don’t accept responsibility for anything.
@25 At least he’s not a thief, liar, and murderer like your not-potty-trained chimp.
@26 You got something against disabled Nam Vets?
Due to matters outside the Committee’s control (work, dammit) this week’s Golden Goat cannot be announced until either tonight or tomorrow. The award remains in play until time of announcement. C’mon, trolls, let’s ramp it up a bit.
@29. No.