Strange Bedfellows at the P-I reports that labor is coming up with a new way of supporting candidates, although I’m not sure I’d agree with their headline that includes the term “fundraising war.” Sounds more like moving into the more modern, agile internet age to me.
The Washington State Labor Council on Monday said it has created a new political action committee that would funnel money directly to candidates it feels supports their causes and not to House and Senate party funds controlled by party bosses. Washington State Labor Council President Rick Bender said labor had previously given hundreds of thousands of dollars to those funds
Now the Labor Council will urge members and individual unions to give to the ‘Don’t Invest in More Excuse’ (DIME) PAC. Bender also said the Labor Council would change how it evaluates candidates and look beyond individual votes taken. Bender said unions will take a more holistic approach, considering things like action not taken as opposed to how politicians vote on certain bills.
Yeah, the days of dumping money into party committees probably should have ended long ago. There’s still a place for that, and there’s no reason the state labor council (or other groups) can’t pump money into party committees as situations warrant. But the system of kissing rings in Olympia has broken down, at least as I see it from SW Washington. Candidates that could have scored major upsets have been sold short, and squishy, milquetoast types get an automatic nod. That’s a sign of institutional sclerosis.
Sizing up political candidates is an inexact science anyhow, and it would be great to see this labor initiative develop into a flexible apparatus that can put pressure on Republicans and Democrats who act like Republicans, and maybe throw some money at supposed long shots now and again. Kind of a “49 district” strategy, if you will. Whether people like it or not, there is a “gamesmanship” aspect to politics, and for too long our side has been hampered by outdated traditions and tactics.
There’s no logical reason that party institutions need to have such overwhelming control, and you can make the argument that a great deal can be done outside normal party channels. Obviously labor is only one (albeit important) constituent part of the party. Could this be the beginning of a new and vibrant era where all progressives support each other to a greater degree?
If there’s one hallmark of progressivism, it’s a hope to wed practical ideas with hopeful ideals. Busting up the business as usual, business lobbyist clique in Olympia is a necessary precondition to advancing all progressive causes, from education to health care to protecting the environment. Sure, there will be differences and bumps along the way, but at long last it appears labor has determined that it should practice a more nuanced and effective form of politics.
Please don’t misunderstand me, it’s quite valuable to have a strong party structure, and the ranks of the Democratic Party in this state are filled with many fantastic, talented individuals. It’s the party leadership that has failed, not the rank and file.
But this seems to represent a fundamental change in how Democrats are going to be elected. I think we’re all going to be better off because of the labor decision.
@1 Bitching about taxes is America’s favorite sport. Asking for gummint handouts is Republicans’ favorite sport. Do you notice the correlation? Giveaways to business and special tax privileges for the uber-wealthy (such as paying capital gains rates on commission income) mean higher taxes for the rest of us.
Washington has two political parties, the Real Democrats and the Republican Democrats, plus a small group of crazy people calling themselves “Republicans.”
“Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Yes, I’m for tax reform that would give workers the same exemptions, deductions, and tax rates that non-workers get.
Since capitalists can deduct private jets and yachts used for “business purposes” (i.e., banging the secretary), workers should be allowed to deduct their commuting expenses.
Since capitalists pay a maximum rate of 15% on capital gains, taxes on wages should be capped at 15%.
Since the rich get a $2.5 million exemption on inheritances, workers should get an exemption on the first $2.5 million of wages.
Since we’ll have to pay for these tax reforms somehow, we should raise taxes on the rich to make up the lost revenues.
Sounds fair to me!
So, it’s a flat rate tax then? I’m all for it!
Everyone paying the same rate on everything. Now that’s a fair tax system!
“Please don’t misunderstand me, it’s quite valuable to have a strong party structure, and the ranks of the Democratic Party in this state are filled with many fantastic, talented individuals. It’s the party leadership that has failed, not the rank and file.”
Thanks for clarifying that.
It is a sincere source of frustration that the party is incapable, in any meaningful way, of holding elected leadership accountable for biting the hand(s) that feed them. Until somebody in leadership is willing to call the bluffs of the Boeings of the world I’m afraid we’re in for more of the same.
Obama continues to fall…
From +32 after Inauguration…to -8 just 5-1/2 months later.
America is waking up to the snake-oil salesman!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
America is awakening to the fact that someday we will have to pay back the crazy Democrat spending under Porkulous. The joke is on the young people who put KLOWNbama in office.
It’s about the economy stupid!
Obama thinks he is smarter & superior to the idiots who blindly voted him in office.
Rude awakening Mr. Kommunity Organizer!
Sotomayor finally admitted her racist comment was wrong re: wise Latina woman being a better judge than a white male. FINALLY!
However, there are too many instances of Sotomayor using race in her comments and decisions. Waaaaaaaay too many.
Can a Latina woman be a racist??
@8: Klynical idiot
Another anti-Obama post from a certified fool and idiot.
America has already wakened to the fact that Bush spent over 1 trillion in a wasted effort in Iraq.
America has already wakened to the fact that the deregulation written and supported by the republicans (Phil Gramm) led to the largest economic collapse since the great depression.
America has already wakened to the fact that Bush and the republicans caused the greatest deficit in history while simultaneously causing the worst economy since the great depression.
While totally screwing up this country, the republicans still claimed the economy was “sound” (even though we were already in a recession) and then want to do more of the same lousy policy (that got us in the recession) to get us out of the recession.
How stupid is that?
You forgot the comments of Chris Dodd, Chucky Schumer, Larry Summers and Bob Kerrey? Puddy recently placed them on HA Libtardos but you forget anything that destroys your virtual reality. So here they are again…
“Today Congress voted to update the rules that have governed financial services since the Great Depression and replace them with a system for the 21st century. This historic legislation will better enable American companies to compete in the new economy.” – Clinton Administration Treasury Secretary, bestus friend of Robert Rubin and “the messiah’s” economic retread Lawrence Summers.
“I welcome this day as a day of success and triumph.” – Sen. Christopher Dodd, Dummocrapt-Conn.
“The concerns that we will have a meltdown like 1929 are dramatically overblown.” – Sen. Bob Kerrey, Dummocrapt-Neb.
“If we don’t pass this bill, we could find London or Frankfurt or years down the road Shanghai becoming the financial capital of the world. There are many reasons for this bill, but first and foremost is to ensure that U.S. financial firms remain competitive.” – Sen. Chuck Schumer, Dummocrapt-N.Y.
You are right about one thing. You are stupid. Puddy thinks NutsTooTight is tasting his Cowpers solution. They are really tight today!
“…funnel money directly to candidates…”
What an utterly sensible thing to do. The Democratic Party has been undercutting labor for decades. I can see no reason for labor to support the party, beyond temporary convenience.
Will the unions that “funnel money directly to candidates” respect it’s members who object to them using their money to “funnel money directly to candidates” in writing? We all know it took a law suit to get the WEA to finally follow the law!
the remedy for a bad party is a stronger party. the labor unions should take over the party. it wouldn’t be that hard to do, it just takes about 20 folks to join in each district and then presto! you can elect the state central committee and the party chair.
running away from the party is a sign of weakness not strength.
@14 now THAT’s how you do it.
Really, though… this is the worst financial crisis in a half century, and the state government was anxious to cut 9 billion etc. If business can’t operate, then there wouldn’t be much jobs and money to go around either.
The most pro-labor legislators and political parties can’t make money appear out of nowhere. Generation of money supercedes compensation.
So, it’s easy for labor to say “we deserve more money and benefits!” and that may well be true… but if there isn’t any money, there isn’t any money.
and @6, Boeing wanted to make planes, but McCain sent the jobs across the Atlantic, where those foreigners will spend their paychecks (our tax dollars) in someone else’s economy.
#13, will corporations that collect financial capital from multiple people respect the will of those investors who don’t want the planet destroyed and the population raped and plundered?
It’s the same principle. You’re joining a group and combining your resources in order to enact an agenda and complete a task. For corporations, it’s making money. For unions, it’s creating a better environment for their workers.
If union members want to support or contribute for candidates who don’t support their values and don’t care about their future, they can do that with their own time and money as individuals. Unions will do what unions need to do.
@15, Don’t be fooled, Boeing sent plenty of jobs overseas on their own. They have since moved their headquarters to Chicago and threatened to move 787 production to South Carolina despite all the tax breaks and concessions given to them by Washington politicians.
Poor Puddy:
How many times do I have to cite the law that Phil Gramm wrote – not the stupid out of context quotes you have.
Can’t you remember anything – Gramm wrote the credit-default bill with the lobbyists of the banking industry and got the bill passed during a recess session attached to a spending bill.
Why are you such a lying fool Puddy?
@7 Dodo
We appreciate your unbiased observations about President Obama