Agreed. It is a good idea. Just shutting down the computer and talking to another human being about anything is a good idea.
Re: Darcy B., didn’t I read somewhere that she (or a little girl from a catalog that looks vaguely like her) hugs rabbits?
Jack on the Hillspews:
she is so bland in her speaking manner
good idea
get her some speech and acting lessons
Yeah, Jack, you no doubt prefer the eloquence and erudition of George W. Bush.
Piper Scottspews:
Who does The Darcy get her campaign advice from, Rodney King?
“Can’t we all just get along?”
Her body language gives the lie to her words. Arms crossed says she doesn’t believe a word of what she’s saying. Then again, neither does anyone watching.
That she couldn’t believe we’d be where we are in Iraq today is testimony to how little she understands the magnitude of the task and the complexity of the struggle.
Long on emotives, short on reality and policy; The Darcy might make a good pre-school teacher, buy she ain’t no statesman for the ages.
With nearly a year to go before Election Day, 2008, The Darcy’s one-note political samba will become increasingly boring; her mantra remains the same even as events change.
It will be interesting to watch her continue a deer-in-the-headlights campaign strategy that presumes each tear she sheds translates into an Eighth District vote. Sorry, sweety, but “Cry Me a River” is a nice tune, but you can’t politically dance to it.
The Piper
Look, if Burner couldn’t win in 2006, she’ll never win. Perhaps she should try something else.
Joe Futawn the plagierizerspews:
Dec. 14, 2007 | WASHINGTON — The CIA held Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah in several different cells when he was incarcerated in its network of secret prisons known as “black sites.” But the small cells were all pretty similar, maybe 7 feet wide and 10 feet long. He was sometimes naked, and sometimes handcuffed for weeks at a time. In one cell his ankle was chained to a bolt in the floor. There was a small toilet. In another cell there was just a bucket. Video cameras recorded his every move. The lights always stayed on — there was no day or night. A speaker blasted him with continuous white noise, or rap music, 24 hours a day.
The guards wore black masks and black clothes. They would not utter a word as they extracted Bashmilah from his cell for interrogation — one of his few interactions with other human beings during his entire 19 months of imprisonment. Nobody told him where he was, or if he would ever be freed.
It was enough to drive anyone crazy. Bashmilah finally tried to slash his wrists with a small piece of metal, smearing the words “I am innocent” in blood on the walls of his cell. But the CIA patched him up.
So Bashmilah stopped eating. But after his weight dropped to 90 pounds, he was dragged into an interrogation room, where they rammed a tube down his nose and into his stomach. Liquid was pumped in. The CIA would not let him die.
On several occasions, when Bashmilah’s state of mind deteriorated dangerously, the CIA also did something else: They placed him in the care of mental health professionals. Bashmilah believes these were trained psychologists or psychiatrists. “What they were trying to do was to give me a sort of uplifting and to assure me,” Bashmilah said in a telephone interview, through an interpreter, speaking from his home country of Yemen. “One of the things they told me to do was to allow myself to cry, and to breathe.”
Last June, Salon reported on the CIA’s use of psychologists to aid with the interrogation of terrorist suspects. But the role of mental health professionals working at CIA black sites is a previously unknown twist in the chilling, Kafkaesque story of the agency’s secret overseas prisons.
Little about the conditions of Bashmilah’s incarceration has been made public until now. His detailed descriptions in an interview with Salon, and in newly filed court documents, provide the first in-depth, first-person account of captivity inside a CIA black site. Human rights advocates and lawyers have painstakingly pieced together his case, using Bashmilah’s descriptions of his cells and his captors, and documents from the governments of Jordan and Yemen and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to verify his testimony. Flight records detailing the movement of CIA aircraft also confirm Bashmilah’s account, tracing his path from the Middle East to Afghanistan and back again while in U.S. custody.
Bashmilah’s story also appears to show in clear terms that he was an innocent man. After 19 months of imprisonment and torment at the hands of the CIA, the agency released him with no explanation, just as he had been imprisoned in the first place. He faced no terrorism charges. He was given no lawyer. He saw no judge. He was simply released, his life shattered.
The Darcy might make a good pre-school teacher, buy she ain’t no statesman for the ages.
Apparently you prefer the “statesmanship” of people like the drunken driver on the county council and the bumbling, fumbling former sheriff who can’t form complete sentences.
Good Grief YLB! Have some pity on the Piper. Can you imagine what it must be like to wake up every morning and realize that you are still Piper Scott. And then to bravely go forth into the blogoshere spouting nonsense hoping that one day, like a million monkeys sitting at word processors pounding away for eons to finally assemble the complete works of Shakespeare, something that you say will make sense.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I heard darcy has already wrote her speech for the night of the election. It starts out, “Boohooo..sniff..whaaaboohoo..” Hey that sounds awfully familiar. hehehehehe
The second time around will be just as good as the first.
Right Stuffspews:
What exactly is new about her approach?
Oh and great idea Darcy….”Close your laptops and talk to your family….”
WTF? Is that something you have to remind yourself to do?
Nice attempt to roll in the “look I’m a mom, and My brother is in Iraq.” Hmmm wonder what HIS take on Iraq is….
Darcy, your ambition is so transparent.
You’re not interested in making Washington or this country a better place… You’re just trying to make a name for yourself. Pure and simple. Couldn’t do it at Microsoft, couldn’t do it in Law School, and obviously unable to do it in the Democrat party.
Piper Scottspews:
10-monkeys at typerwriters writing gibberish still make more sense than 99% of the HA Happy Hooligans, who take their cue from The Darcy.
Would you all like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony? While all sipping from the same Coke bottle?
And doesn’t it suck that she’s content to abandon the care and nurturing of her son to pursue raw, naked political power? That the kid is growing up in a liberal home is ba enough, but to be foresaken by his own mother! And then to hear her claim she’s doing it for him!
Talk about your Mommie Dearest for the ages!
And I do feel safer…but won’t if The Darcy is elected.
The Piper
Tommy Thompsonspews:
I’m an outsider to Washington State Politics, but even being a Democrat, there is something about Darcer Burner that make feel like she is fake. The way she speaks bothers me. I think she’s in it for the money and the money only.
darcy is such a transparent idiot. wow….goldy, this is your hero? and electing her will change THE COUNTRY how?
well…she has one thing going for her. she is a do-nothing now so everyone knows [at least] what she will do if elected. the same thing every other washington state politician is doing….nothing. unless it’s illegal and then they are on board.
and something no one seems to notice is…she is a mom. being a mom, a good one, is a full time job. so this is darcy’s style?
***have kid, run out on kid because “now” she wants to be a politician, leave kid with nanny,don’t raise OWN kid while telling other people how to raise theirs……oh brother!***
gawd darcy dearest…when even the washington state democrats don’t want you…..can you take a hint?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 You heard right! Darcy hugs rabbits! Do-nothing congressman Reichert still hasn’t hugged a rabbit after 3 years in office. But what can you expect from a blow-dry sheriff who took 20 years to catch a serial killer who was right under his nose?
Dear Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, why are wingnuts so fucking stupid?
Great Mother Rabbit Spiritspews:
Because I didn’t make them. They came from another shop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Great Mother Rabbit Spiritspews:
I don’t normally communicate directly with your world, except in dreams, but I want to make sure you’re not blaming Me for that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Begging forgiveness, Perfect One, I never implied that. In fact, that idea never even occurred to me. As Thou art infallible, it’s always been obvious that Thou did not create the slimy goo known as the Republican Party. But here’s a question for you evolutionary scientists out there: Are they stupid because they’re wingnuts, or are they wingnuts because they’re stupid?
Anyone get the feeling some of these righties are unconsciously transferring their irrational fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton to Burner?
It can’t help but help Burner because it makes her look stronger rather than frail.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 They’re afraid of women, period! It probably started with their mothers. That’s why they’re motherbeaters.
so darcy, the object of goldstein pimping (darcy does rabbits but does she spit or swallow?), uses the net to tell people to get off the net.
poor darcy, lady (snicker)-in-waiting of moron central.
I love that you kids like to shout that we hate “strong women”.
The only fallacy in your argument is that your harpies (like darcy, the object of goldstein pimping) are only perceived strong in comparison to emasculated, fearful eunuchs known as the liberal male, man, boy, object with useless appendages formerly know as testicles . The question to ask is not why anyone fears strong women, but why you lilies subjugated your manhood to such vile bitches like darcy, the object of goldstein pimping.
Darcy? Darcy who? Darcy Burner? Who the hell is that? Oh, I forgot; the new drive-thru manager on Capitol Hill’s Taco-Bell.
Mother Rabbit: Why doesn’t Roger work?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Mark, would you like to speak with the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit? Here are some helpful hints:
First, get Her name and form of address right! She is the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, not “Mother Rabbit.” What the fuck do you think She is, a nun in Calcutta? Not! She is everywhere — in the trees, the grass, the wind, the stars. And She is not a nun, she is the Omnipotent Being, the Source of all rabbithood.
Which brings up the second point, namely, it helps to be a rabbit. It’s hard for Her to empathize with non-rabbits, and impossible if you’re a wingnut! You can’t help being born a fucking human, but you can do a couple things to improve your chances of getting an audience with Her Divinity: Abandon your pagan myths of wingnuttism, become a Democrat, strap on a pair of costume-supply rabbit ears, and try to wing it.
Finally, because Her Holiness usually speaks to us through the medium of dreams, I suggest you tie on a good drunk and pass out on the living room couch. You might hear Voices. Then again, it may only be the TV playing.
Meanwhile, as to your question pertaining to why I don’t work, I can help you out with that: Because I don’t have to! Why the fuck should I put up with overbearing, overdemanding, and underpaying bosses when I can make 10 times as much money, and pay half the tax rate, by sitting on my fat rabbit ass in front of a computer screen buying and selling stocks? I realize this produces absolutely nothing but money, whereas working produces absolutely no money, but hey I didn’t create this fucked-up system. Based on the choices on the table in front of me, I prefer getting paid for not working to working for no pay. That’s what Republicans do, so why shouldn’t I? If you don’t like it, kiss my cute furry cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Pelletizer (TM), Pelletizer (TM), Pelletizer (TM)@18: The thread is about Darcy Moonbat! Can’t you stay on topic?
@30 Rodent:
Sorry, were you saying something? I’ll read your posts if you ever become employed and get off the gov’t cheese. Till then, talk to the hand.
Roger Rabbit, have I EVER told you how much I enjoy your posts? This whole dang site would be beyond boring without your furry butt cotton tail! Bet the wingnut trolls get mighty jealous of your wit and wisdom! Plain to see. Thx
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 I am on topic. This thread is about
and replacing Sheriff Blowdry with Darcy is merely a subset of that topic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 They can’t stand my superiority over them in wit and wisdom. See, e.g., #33.
Darryl, I know I will get hammered from all different directions, but I have to admit…this Darcy YouTube just doesn’t cut it for me. Yeah, I would like to see her succeed and get HairGuy out of there. Her speaking is more measured & improving from earlier tapes, crossing the arms not great body language though. Reminding folks that she wants to leave the fairly young young’un, in order to go wrestle windmills may turn off more voters than gained.
Kind of like Darcy’s trying to replay the “Mom in Tennis Shoes” gig. Patty Murray clearly proved (& still does!) that she is a forceful contender always fighting for the little person. Murray worked her way up through different posts/elections before getting to the Senate job plus her kids were older (as I recall) by the time she ran.
This YouTube just doesn’t seem that original to me. Just something to consider. My 2-cents worth.
#35: Gvumint Cheese Pelletizer (TM) I see Darcy Moonbat!, and I can accept Congressman Reichert, but you are reaching to add Dino Rossi.
I wonder when Geov and Persesser Darryl will start dispatching your various off-topic dead zones?
re: 7
A Yemeni man gets a rough ride after the U.S.S. Cole was bombed there.
Here’s the solution: If life is so good there, please, all you leftists can just leave. Them muslims have made life soooooo enjoyable.
And Marcy “surrender now” Burner wants us to just quit. Her looks WILL IMPROVE when she’s forced to wear that burqa!
somebody tell darcy she has a face for radio… sadly, along with her pimp, she has a voice for flagging traffic around sink holes… in the dark.
ICK! darcy babe, you can’t attract the johns carrying that extra 50 pounds, chubby cheeks — and GO WASH YOUR HAIR, GREASY STRINGS AIN’T ATTRACTIVE even on a lovely woman… which you aren’t!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 So now you’ve appointed yourself as the Comment Vigilante?
Roger Rabbitspews:
My comments are always on topic. The topic of this blog is
and all of my comments are about that topic. Got any more stupid questions/comments? Didn’t think so.
Geov commented somewhat otherwise recently Pelletizer (TM). In fact half of your non-topical thread entries qualify a dead zone material.
I’m inspired. It’s a good idea.
Agreed. It is a good idea. Just shutting down the computer and talking to another human being about anything is a good idea.
Re: Darcy B., didn’t I read somewhere that she (or a little girl from a catalog that looks vaguely like her) hugs rabbits?
she is so bland in her speaking manner
good idea
get her some speech and acting lessons
Yeah, Jack, you no doubt prefer the eloquence and erudition of George W. Bush.
Who does The Darcy get her campaign advice from, Rodney King?
“Can’t we all just get along?”
Her body language gives the lie to her words. Arms crossed says she doesn’t believe a word of what she’s saying. Then again, neither does anyone watching.
That she couldn’t believe we’d be where we are in Iraq today is testimony to how little she understands the magnitude of the task and the complexity of the struggle.
Long on emotives, short on reality and policy; The Darcy might make a good pre-school teacher, buy she ain’t no statesman for the ages.
With nearly a year to go before Election Day, 2008, The Darcy’s one-note political samba will become increasingly boring; her mantra remains the same even as events change.
It will be interesting to watch her continue a deer-in-the-headlights campaign strategy that presumes each tear she sheds translates into an Eighth District vote. Sorry, sweety, but “Cry Me a River” is a nice tune, but you can’t politically dance to it.
The Piper
Look, if Burner couldn’t win in 2006, she’ll never win. Perhaps she should try something else.
Dec. 14, 2007 | WASHINGTON — The CIA held Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah in several different cells when he was incarcerated in its network of secret prisons known as “black sites.” But the small cells were all pretty similar, maybe 7 feet wide and 10 feet long. He was sometimes naked, and sometimes handcuffed for weeks at a time. In one cell his ankle was chained to a bolt in the floor. There was a small toilet. In another cell there was just a bucket. Video cameras recorded his every move. The lights always stayed on — there was no day or night. A speaker blasted him with continuous white noise, or rap music, 24 hours a day.
The guards wore black masks and black clothes. They would not utter a word as they extracted Bashmilah from his cell for interrogation — one of his few interactions with other human beings during his entire 19 months of imprisonment. Nobody told him where he was, or if he would ever be freed.
It was enough to drive anyone crazy. Bashmilah finally tried to slash his wrists with a small piece of metal, smearing the words “I am innocent” in blood on the walls of his cell. But the CIA patched him up.
So Bashmilah stopped eating. But after his weight dropped to 90 pounds, he was dragged into an interrogation room, where they rammed a tube down his nose and into his stomach. Liquid was pumped in. The CIA would not let him die.
On several occasions, when Bashmilah’s state of mind deteriorated dangerously, the CIA also did something else: They placed him in the care of mental health professionals. Bashmilah believes these were trained psychologists or psychiatrists. “What they were trying to do was to give me a sort of uplifting and to assure me,” Bashmilah said in a telephone interview, through an interpreter, speaking from his home country of Yemen. “One of the things they told me to do was to allow myself to cry, and to breathe.”
Last June, Salon reported on the CIA’s use of psychologists to aid with the interrogation of terrorist suspects. But the role of mental health professionals working at CIA black sites is a previously unknown twist in the chilling, Kafkaesque story of the agency’s secret overseas prisons.
Little about the conditions of Bashmilah’s incarceration has been made public until now. His detailed descriptions in an interview with Salon, and in newly filed court documents, provide the first in-depth, first-person account of captivity inside a CIA black site. Human rights advocates and lawyers have painstakingly pieced together his case, using Bashmilah’s descriptions of his cells and his captors, and documents from the governments of Jordan and Yemen and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to verify his testimony. Flight records detailing the movement of CIA aircraft also confirm Bashmilah’s account, tracing his path from the Middle East to Afghanistan and back again while in U.S. custody.
Bashmilah’s story also appears to show in clear terms that he was an innocent man. After 19 months of imprisonment and torment at the hands of the CIA, the agency released him with no explanation, just as he had been imprisoned in the first place. He faced no terrorism charges. He was given no lawyer. He saw no judge. He was simply released, his life shattered.
The Darcy might make a good pre-school teacher, buy she ain’t no statesman for the ages.
Apparently you prefer the “statesmanship” of people like the drunken driver on the county council and the bumbling, fumbling former sheriff who can’t form complete sentences.
Here’s “statesmanship” for you.
7 – But that’s ok – the Piper feels “safer” now.
Good Grief YLB! Have some pity on the Piper. Can you imagine what it must be like to wake up every morning and realize that you are still Piper Scott. And then to bravely go forth into the blogoshere spouting nonsense hoping that one day, like a million monkeys sitting at word processors pounding away for eons to finally assemble the complete works of Shakespeare, something that you say will make sense.
I heard darcy has already wrote her speech for the night of the election. It starts out, “Boohooo..sniff..whaaaboohoo..” Hey that sounds awfully familiar. hehehehehe
The second time around will be just as good as the first.
What exactly is new about her approach?
Oh and great idea Darcy….”Close your laptops and talk to your family….”
WTF? Is that something you have to remind yourself to do?
Nice attempt to roll in the “look I’m a mom, and My brother is in Iraq.” Hmmm wonder what HIS take on Iraq is….
Darcy, your ambition is so transparent.
You’re not interested in making Washington or this country a better place… You’re just trying to make a name for yourself. Pure and simple. Couldn’t do it at Microsoft, couldn’t do it in Law School, and obviously unable to do it in the Democrat party.
10-monkeys at typerwriters writing gibberish still make more sense than 99% of the HA Happy Hooligans, who take their cue from The Darcy.
Would you all like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony? While all sipping from the same Coke bottle?
And doesn’t it suck that she’s content to abandon the care and nurturing of her son to pursue raw, naked political power? That the kid is growing up in a liberal home is ba enough, but to be foresaken by his own mother! And then to hear her claim she’s doing it for him!
Talk about your Mommie Dearest for the ages!
And I do feel safer…but won’t if The Darcy is elected.
The Piper
I’m an outsider to Washington State Politics, but even being a Democrat, there is something about Darcer Burner that make feel like she is fake. The way she speaks bothers me. I think she’s in it for the money and the money only.
darcy is such a transparent idiot. wow….goldy, this is your hero? and electing her will change THE COUNTRY how?
well…she has one thing going for her. she is a do-nothing now so everyone knows [at least] what she will do if elected. the same thing every other washington state politician is doing….nothing. unless it’s illegal and then they are on board.
and something no one seems to notice is…she is a mom. being a mom, a good one, is a full time job. so this is darcy’s style?
***have kid, run out on kid because “now” she wants to be a politician, leave kid with nanny,don’t raise OWN kid while telling other people how to raise theirs……oh brother!***
gawd darcy dearest…when even the washington state democrats don’t want you…..can you take a hint?
@2 You heard right! Darcy hugs rabbits! Do-nothing congressman Reichert still hasn’t hugged a rabbit after 3 years in office. But what can you expect from a blow-dry sheriff who took 20 years to catch a serial killer who was right under his nose?
@3 Typical Republican blow-dry voter — cares more about style than content. That’s how we got into the present morass.
Republicans = All show, no substance
@11 “Boohooo..sniff..whaaaboohoo.. ”
You’re confused. That would be a little kid named Dino.
@14 If you’re going to impersonate a well-known politician, at least get his party right.
Dear Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, why are wingnuts so fucking stupid?
Because I didn’t make them. They came from another shop.
I don’t normally communicate directly with your world, except in dreams, but I want to make sure you’re not blaming Me for that.
Begging forgiveness, Perfect One, I never implied that. In fact, that idea never even occurred to me. As Thou art infallible, it’s always been obvious that Thou did not create the slimy goo known as the Republican Party. But here’s a question for you evolutionary scientists out there: Are they stupid because they’re wingnuts, or are they wingnuts because they’re stupid?
Anyone get the feeling some of these righties are unconsciously transferring their irrational fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton to Burner?
It can’t help but help Burner because it makes her look stronger rather than frail.
@25 They’re afraid of women, period! It probably started with their mothers. That’s why they’re motherbeaters.
so darcy, the object of goldstein pimping (darcy does rabbits but does she spit or swallow?), uses the net to tell people to get off the net.
poor darcy, lady (snicker)-in-waiting of moron central.
I love that you kids like to shout that we hate “strong women”.
The only fallacy in your argument is that your harpies (like darcy, the object of goldstein pimping) are only perceived strong in comparison to emasculated, fearful eunuchs known as the liberal
male,man,boy, object with useless appendages formerly know as testicles . The question to ask is not why anyone fears strong women, but why you lilies subjugated your manhood to such vile bitches like darcy, the object of goldstein pimping.Darcy? Darcy who? Darcy Burner? Who the hell is that? Oh, I forgot; the new drive-thru manager on Capitol Hill’s Taco-Bell.
Mother Rabbit: Why doesn’t Roger work?
@30 Mark, would you like to speak with the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit? Here are some helpful hints:
First, get Her name and form of address right! She is the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, not “Mother Rabbit.” What the fuck do you think She is, a nun in Calcutta? Not! She is everywhere — in the trees, the grass, the wind, the stars. And She is not a nun, she is the Omnipotent Being, the Source of all rabbithood.
Which brings up the second point, namely, it helps to be a rabbit. It’s hard for Her to empathize with non-rabbits, and impossible if you’re a wingnut! You can’t help being born a fucking human, but you can do a couple things to improve your chances of getting an audience with Her Divinity: Abandon your pagan myths of wingnuttism, become a Democrat, strap on a pair of costume-supply rabbit ears, and try to wing it.
Finally, because Her Holiness usually speaks to us through the medium of dreams, I suggest you tie on a good drunk and pass out on the living room couch. You might hear Voices. Then again, it may only be the TV playing.
Meanwhile, as to your question pertaining to why I don’t work, I can help you out with that: Because I don’t have to! Why the fuck should I put up with overbearing, overdemanding, and underpaying bosses when I can make 10 times as much money, and pay half the tax rate, by sitting on my fat rabbit ass in front of a computer screen buying and selling stocks? I realize this produces absolutely nothing but money, whereas working produces absolutely no money, but hey I didn’t create this fucked-up system. Based on the choices on the table in front of me, I prefer getting paid for not working to working for no pay. That’s what Republicans do, so why shouldn’t I? If you don’t like it, kiss my cute furry cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Pelletizer (TM), Pelletizer (TM), Pelletizer (TM)@18: The thread is about Darcy Moonbat! Can’t you stay on topic?
@30 Rodent:
Sorry, were you saying something? I’ll read your posts if you ever become employed and get off the gov’t cheese. Till then, talk to the hand.
Roger Rabbit, have I EVER told you how much I enjoy your posts? This whole dang site would be beyond boring without your furry
buttcotton tail! Bet the wingnut trolls get mighty jealous of your wit and wisdom! Plain to see. Thx@32 I am on topic. This thread is about
and replacing Sheriff Blowdry with Darcy is merely a subset of that topic.
@34 They can’t stand my superiority over them in wit and wisdom. See, e.g., #33.
Darryl, I know I will get hammered from all different directions, but I have to admit…this Darcy YouTube just doesn’t cut it for me. Yeah, I would like to see her succeed and get HairGuy out of there. Her speaking is more measured & improving from earlier tapes, crossing the arms not great body language though. Reminding folks that she wants to leave the fairly young young’un, in order to go wrestle windmills may turn off more voters than gained.
Kind of like Darcy’s trying to replay the “Mom in Tennis Shoes” gig. Patty Murray clearly proved (& still does!) that she is a forceful contender always fighting for the little person. Murray worked her way up through different posts/elections before getting to the Senate job plus her kids were older (as I recall) by the time she ran.
This YouTube just doesn’t seem that original to me. Just something to consider. My 2-cents worth.
#35: Gvumint Cheese Pelletizer (TM) I see Darcy Moonbat!, and I can accept Congressman Reichert, but you are reaching to add Dino Rossi.
I wonder when Geov and Persesser Darryl will start dispatching your various off-topic dead zones?
re: 7
A Yemeni man gets a rough ride after the U.S.S. Cole was bombed there.
Here’s the solution: If life is so good there, please, all you leftists can just leave. Them muslims have made life soooooo enjoyable.
And Marcy “surrender now” Burner wants us to just quit. Her looks WILL IMPROVE when she’s forced to wear that burqa!
somebody tell darcy she has a face for radio… sadly, along with her pimp, she has a voice for flagging traffic around sink holes… in the dark.
ICK! darcy babe, you can’t attract the johns carrying that extra 50 pounds, chubby cheeks — and GO WASH YOUR HAIR, GREASY STRINGS AIN’T ATTRACTIVE even on a lovely woman… which you aren’t!
@38 So now you’ve appointed yourself as the Comment Vigilante?
My comments are always on topic. The topic of this blog is
and all of my comments are about that topic. Got any more stupid questions/comments? Didn’t think so.
Geov commented somewhat otherwise recently Pelletizer (TM). In fact half of your non-topical thread entries qualify a dead zone material.