(1.)Cole makes about the best case there is for the Libyan intervention, but I feel you owe it to readers here to link to a full throated ‘against’ article.
(2.) Herbert has never gotten the recognition he deserves. I, for one, will miss him.
proud leftistspews:
From Juan Cole’s essay:
“Many are crying hypocrisy, citing other places an intervention could be staged or worrying that Libya sets a precedent. I don’t find those arguments persuasive. Military intervention is always selective, depending on a constellation of political will, military ability, international legitimacy and practical constraints. The humanitarian situation in Libya was fairly unique. You had a set of tank brigades willing to attack dissidents, and responsible for thousands of casualties and with the prospect of more thousands to come, where aerial intervention by the world community could make a quick and effective difference.”
Excellent summation of the moral balancing the Libya issue presents.
Proud @ 3,
The arguments against intervention are strong. I just see this as a 51/49 case where intervention wins. I am fully prepared to recognize being wrong down the road, but sometimes you have to go with your gut. A major difference between the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles is that Bush faced no urgency in making his decision, especially in Iraq. He contrived a threat, produced false evidence to support his preordained policy, then convinced a weak-assed Congress to go with it. In the Libyan matter, at least if the issue is saving lives, Obama did not have the benefit of time to deliberate; he had to make a decision in a situation where all options were bad. I think he did the right thing.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Here is another Good Sunday Read…
Cass Sunstein and his wife Samantha Power… Somehow they both work in Obama’s white house. And Samantha was rumored to have driven Obama into Libya.
“There is a very strong case to make that what Sunstein is advocating is itself illegal under long-standing statutes prohibiting government ‘propaganda’ within the U.S., aimed at American citizens.”
From Lefty Glenn Greenwald. Wow Glenn Beck said what about Cass Sunstein?
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Here is another Good Sunday Read…
Samantha Power and her “thoughts” on Israel. You won’t find this in the libtardo MSM!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Samantha Power “hates Jews”? Go fuck yourself, moron. As usual, you bring nothing to the conversation, you contemptible piece of shit.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Once again I can torque the FartASS with their own words as Facts!
Facts are Facts fool. Prove them otherwise.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
The Koch brothers are one of the best arguments for an inheritance tax
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Holy shit, puttbutt, when have you wingers ever worried about the legality of anything? Be careful there, or you may set a precedent your wingnut pals will be uncomfortable with! See, e.g., court injunctions, surveillance and torture statutes, etc.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@9. I agree. Martin Luther was a vicious anti-Semite.
Facts are facts, fucker.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Holy shit, puttbutt, when have you wingers ever worried about the legality of anything?
Roger Dumb Rabbit… Glenn Greenwald is ONE OF YOURS!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Martin Luther, a Catholic Priest was a vicious anti-Semite, like most Catholics and Protestants of those days
Yes FartASS correct facts are EYE opening.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Roger Dumb Rabbit…
Is your memory failing…? Glenn Greenwald has been used on this blog many times!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
MarkS Puddy is a Koch sucker
The “S” stands for Stupid! Is that the best you can do Mark”S”?
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
So now we have puddfucker defending antisemitism in the Reformation era. Nice.
LMFAO! More moronic paranoia from Puddybud! The Goldwag article and the stuff quoted from Greenwald has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIBYA!
If the thinking from the NSC is so freaking whacked out why hasn’t Gates or Hillary or anyone on the Joint Chiefs resigned?
proud leftistspews:
I just checked a couple of your links. Whoa, man, you’re claiming to have a grasp of “facts”? Really? Pud, thank you ever so much for reminding me why the Rs are so wrong. You wouldn’t know a fact from a woodpecker hammering at your ass.
Sat March 26 2011 17:04:37 EDT
Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an ORLANDO SENTINEL reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Dem fundraiser.
Reporter Scott Powers was the designated “pool reporter” for the vice president’s Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn’t arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.
Not so for Powers. A “low-level staffer” put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. “When I’d stick my head out, they’d say, ‘Not yet. We’ll let you know when you can come out.'”
And no crustini for Powers, either. He made do with a bottle of water to sip as he sat at a tiny makeshift desk, right next to a bag marked “consignment.” Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to his jail for the remainder of the event.
Powers’ phone didn’t work in the closet, but his Blackberry did, so he fired a picture of his impromptu prison to his editors, who posted a short blog item on the lack of freedom of the press under the veep’s control.
Powers didn’t mention his confinement in either of his pool reports that day, saying only that “press coverage was limited to a single pool reporter, filing on behalf of all local media, who was allowed to listen to the remarks but not given an opportunity to talk with anyone at the event.”
On Friday, Powers said, the home’s owner called him. “He said he had no idea they’d put me in a closet and was very sorry. He said he was just following their lead and was extremely embarrassed by the whole thing.””
Now why would the VEEP’s peeps do dat?
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Notice the proud leftist DID NOT provide any links just “his words”.
Funny how he does that all the time.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
So now we have puddfucker defending antisemitism in the Reformation era. Nice.
Once again FartASS can’t deliver counter facts he resorts to lies.
Know Nothing Anti-Papist
As a know nothing anti-papist I certainly know not to and won’t follow someone who puts himself above Jesus. So how does FartASS reconcile what his moniker says to what I delivered above? Another non sequitur argument from the FartASS!
Can you say LOSER? LOSER!
And for someone to accuse me of being a non-believer, where are your beliefs FARTASS?
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Yeah it was “an inexperienced” staffer. DUMMOCRAPTS alway engage in suspicious behavior during fund raisers!
Liberal Scientist wonders why the intelligent designer made puddy such a fucktardspews:
I do worry about epistemic closure from our side, as I am dedicated to critical thinking and basing decisions/opinions on facts and analysis. However, as with Krugman’s saltwater/freshwater analogy, I think the righties suffer from it far more than we do. However, we do need to be on guard about how we dismiss ‘ideas’ from the right.
That said, good gawd, is Puddy full of shit, or what?
Oh how I’ve tried in the past to engage/take seriously/respond to his ‘writing’. He’s really just a bomb-throwing asshole, as the posts above once again reveal.
There’s no ‘there’ there.
Reposting/parroting Beck and Drudge? Perseverating about Cass Sundstein? Linking to some raving conspiracy site about Samantha Power trying to destroy Israel, or something? Just try following his links and one finds the relentless hollow that is his thought process.
What’s the point? Well, that’s just it – there is none.
What we have here folks is a raving, 6000-year old young earth creationist, a Beck-revering tin-foil-hat-wearing, nasty angry hateful Dominionist/Christianist conservative Tea-Bagger dedicated to the adulation of wealth and the wealthy, to violence and the military (provided they’re killing people he finds distasteful – usually Muslim), to the subjugation and denigration of workers and unions, to the elimination of women’s rights and autonomy. He is offensive to the free exercise of thinking and a pox upon this blog.
If the Koch brothers get their way…everyone will be working for $5.00 an hour and black people (that’s YOU p’dumbski) will be bussed to Eastern Washington to pick fruits and vegetables. Brush up on those spirituals…you’re gonna need ’em.
I’d really like to know just what’s wrong with thit guy. There are people here that have met him and state that in person he is thoughtful and fairly temperate…but on these threads, this “character” of his is batshit crazy.
Weekly Standard Publishes Hagiography To Koch Brothers, Doesn’t Disclose Financial Ties To Kochs By Lee Fang at 11:00 am
The Weekly Standard’s Matt Continetti, a writer who gained fame defending Sarah Palin from public scrutiny, has a new article blasting critics of Koch Industries and its billionaire owners, David and Charles Koch. Continetti traveled to Koch’s headquarters in Wichita, gained unprecedented access to the brothers, as well as their top executives, and came away with nothing but praise for the company and its peerless role in financing right-wing front groups.
In over 8,000 words of hagiography, Continetti did not find space to disclose that his fellow opinion editor at the Weekly Standard, Michael Goldfarb, is currently employed by Koch Industries to help improve the company’s political image. Or that the Weekly Standard’s reporters routinely attend Koch’s secret political strategy and fundraising meetings. Or that Continetti had received a fellowship funded by the Phillips Foundation, a nonprofit heavily reliant on Koch funds. Or that the Weekly Standard is owned by billionaire Phil Anschutz, a friend of the Koch brothers and an attendee of Koch donor events.
Boehner & Cantor expose their ties to ALEC, Koch, CCA, Geo in 09 ALEC speeches! by Bob Sloan
Following the 2010 election cycle several states; Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Maine and a few others gained Republicant Governors and majorities in one or both houses. As we all know, since then Governor Walker in Wisconsin, Kasich in Ohio, Snyder in Michigan, Scott in Florida and LePage in Maine are all working on Union busting, eliminating collective bargaining and have picked on public sector workers as a contributing factor to state budget deficits.
What many are unaware of is that in most of those states the same Governors and their Republicant dominated assemblies are also pushing for privatizing their state prison systems. Though on the surface this issue appears to lack the same seriousness as the right to work laws they’re trying to implement, or the attacks on workers and Unions, but as you’ll discover below, it is just as important – and in fact exposes the real agenda of these conservative lawmakers and Governors…tentacles of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and corporations such as Koch Industries. Many of us were unaware the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner was a member of the notorious American Legislative Exchange Council back in the 80’s when this agenda was developed and put into operation…or that House Majority Leader Cantor was a 2009 recipient of ALEC’s “prestigious” Jefferson award!
I further dare the puddybitch to explain how bowing down to these extreme right-wing overlords serves the interests of the commanweal.
(Of course…the caterwauler-in-chief will stridently declare that “puddy don’t do the bidding of no libtard”…suckasuckasucka klablommo…etc., etc. ad nauseum)
These days I find it to be a waste of my time to even read his comments.
Zotz sez: Teahadists are Koch suckers!spews:
@29: $5.00 an hour is giving the Koch suckers too much credit. They’d have us as slaves if they thought they could get away with it.
The Kochs and AFP et al are the embodiment of Jay Gould’s observation that he could get half of us to kill the other half…
Liberal Scientist wonders why the intelligent designer made Republicans such assholesspews:
He’s a complete tool (pud-whacker, that is).
I really don’t care that some say he’s a reasonable human in person.
He comes here raving the latest insanity he’s heard on Beck or Drudge or in the Weekly Standard or on Fox (Soros! Sundstein! Tides Foundation! Odumba!) – spiced with inane insults and self-adulation – and adds absolutely NOTHING to any conversation.
He’s a net negative on the prevailing intelligence level and quality of discourse around here.
I don’t advocate banning – but I really wouldn’t care if he were. I say heaps of derision followed by the collective cold shoulder is the way to go.
Guys lighten up.. Puddybud is entertainment – nothing more.
In other news, kick ass writer Joe Bageant passes on. An “educated” redneck – he had a lot to say about his people that all thoughtful people should take to heart.
Jim Webb, Senator from Virginia, is also a Scotts-Irish who was called to service after the debacle of Katrina.
These guys remind us to reach out to ALL the poor of this country. We forget this at our peril. If we don’t do it, then the right wing will have their way with them.
“The worst prison is ignorance.”
“I don’t advocate banning – but I really wouldn’t care if he were.”
Given the obvious descent into some personal troll abyss we’ve witnessed, the moderators would be displaying a measure of mercy with a ban, call it an act of digital euthanasia.
Holy shit! The edit function is back! I haven’t seen that in ages.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
I got your man Puddybud.
Sure you do. Why answer to chronological cretins?
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Wow no one has presented ANY LINKS to refute my comments above.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@47: Your links are self-refuting. Go fuck yourself.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
YLB @ 42…sad news. Dear Hunting With Jesus was a great read. I wonder if the fuckpudder read it. Nah. Not a chance.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Libyan intervention, Tom Englehardt weighs in:
[TomDispatch Note and Book Recommendation: The world is exploding. TomDispatch can’t cover it all. Still, a comment is in order on our Libyan intervention. As a start, it could be the first intervention that actually escalated before it even began. It went from no-fly-zone to no-fly-no-drive-zone before a U.S. cruise missile was launched or a French jet took off. Within two days, it seemed to be escalating even further into a half-baked, regime-change(ish)-style operation. (As of Wednesday, 162 Tomahawk cruise missiles had already been sent Libya-wards, most of them from American vessels, at more than $1 million a pop.) To make the intervention even stranger, it was initially opposed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon, and counterterrorism chief John O. Brennan, as well as many conservatives. Instead, the (not very) liberal warhawks of the administration — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, National Security Council senior aide Samatha Powers, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice — were evidently in the lead on this one (along with various neocons in full hue and cry).
As on so many issues, where exactly the president was, other than blowing in the wind, remains unclear. Congress played no significant role — neither advice nor consent — in the decision. It now seems almost quaint, if not exceedingly retro, even to suggest that the people’s representatives have anything to do with American war-making. And it goes without saying that the people themselves, who seemed to be deeply unenthusiastic about a Libyan intervention before it happened according to the polls, were in no way consulted. Gates spoke of a “spirited debate” within the administration — just nowhere else.
Think of this, then, as the “human rights” intervention. So far, it seems to be a remarkably seat-of-the-pants affair, suffused with the usual American faith in the efficacy of military power. As far as I can tell, Washington is relying for success on pure, dumb luck (and the vague possibility that, if the U.S. and allies whack his forces hard enough, Libyan monster Muammar Gaddafi’s officer corps could turn against him or their troops might defect to the rebels). Luck could hold, but what would follow remains bleakly unknown. Look for the no-[fill-in-the-blank]-zones to expand if Gaddafi hangs on, the rebels don’t advance fast enough, and desperation and confusion set in. In the meantime, the learning curve in Washington when it comes to interventions seems nonexistent. For the rest of us, that learning curve might improve if James Peck’s new book Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights was to be widely read. It’s a taboo-breaking look at the way in which, from the 1970s to late last night, successive administrations have exploited the human rights movement, turned it to Washington’s ends, and contained any impulses to define human rights ever more broadly. This is, unfortunately, a story decades old but as fresh as the Libyan intervention. I recommend the book strongly. Tom]
Get that book.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
(1.)Cole makes about the best case there is for the Libyan intervention, but I feel you owe it to readers here to link to a full throated ‘against’ article.
(2.) Herbert has never gotten the recognition he deserves. I, for one, will miss him.
From Juan Cole’s essay:
“Many are crying hypocrisy, citing other places an intervention could be staged or worrying that Libya sets a precedent. I don’t find those arguments persuasive. Military intervention is always selective, depending on a constellation of political will, military ability, international legitimacy and practical constraints. The humanitarian situation in Libya was fairly unique. You had a set of tank brigades willing to attack dissidents, and responsible for thousands of casualties and with the prospect of more thousands to come, where aerial intervention by the world community could make a quick and effective difference.”
Excellent summation of the moral balancing the Libya issue presents.
proud leftist,
Take these two on:
Down The Rabbit Hole
Against Intervention
Here’s more:
An Open Letter To Juan Cole
Proud @ 3,
The arguments against intervention are strong. I just see this as a 51/49 case where intervention wins. I am fully prepared to recognize being wrong down the road, but sometimes you have to go with your gut. A major difference between the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles is that Bush faced no urgency in making his decision, especially in Iraq. He contrived a threat, produced false evidence to support his preordained policy, then convinced a weak-assed Congress to go with it. In the Libyan matter, at least if the issue is saving lives, Obama did not have the benefit of time to deliberate; he had to make a decision in a situation where all options were bad. I think he did the right thing.
Here is another Good Sunday Read…
Cass Sunstein and his wife Samantha Power… Somehow they both work in Obama’s white house. And Samantha was rumored to have driven Obama into Libya.
Remember this?
From Lefty Glenn Greenwald. Wow Glenn Beck said what about Cass Sunstein?
Here is another Good Sunday Read…
Samantha Power and her “thoughts” on Israel. You won’t find this in the libtardo MSM!
Samantha Power “hates Jews”? Go fuck yourself, moron. As usual, you bring nothing to the conversation, you contemptible piece of shit.
Once again I can torque the FartASS with their own words as Facts!
Facts are Facts fool. Prove them otherwise.
Facts are Facts.
The Koch brothers are one of the best arguments for an inheritance tax
@5 Holy shit, puttbutt, when have you wingers ever worried about the legality of anything? Be careful there, or you may set a precedent your wingnut pals will be uncomfortable with! See, e.g., court injunctions, surveillance and torture statutes, etc.
@9. I agree. Martin Luther was a vicious anti-Semite.
Facts are facts, fucker.
Roger Dumb Rabbit… Glenn Greenwald is ONE OF YOURS!
Yes FartASS correct facts are EYE opening.
Roger Dumb Rabbit…
Is your memory failing…? Glenn Greenwald has been used on this blog many times!
The “S” stands for Stupid! Is that the best you can do Mark”S”?
So now we have puddfucker defending antisemitism in the Reformation era. Nice.
Facts are facts!
LMFAO! More moronic paranoia from Puddybud! The Goldwag article and the stuff quoted from Greenwald has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIBYA!
If the thinking from the NSC is so freaking whacked out why hasn’t Gates or Hillary or anyone on the Joint Chiefs resigned?
I just checked a couple of your links. Whoa, man, you’re claiming to have a grasp of “facts”? Really? Pud, thank you ever so much for reminding me why the Rs are so wrong. You wouldn’t know a fact from a woodpecker hammering at your ass.
I Got Puddybud’s MAN for 2012. I got his man!
Whoa! Is that going to be entertaining or what???
Who said it did ylb? You are chronologically stupid. The article sets up the here and now moron. The article discusses Cass in all his glory.
You can’t put 2+2 together and get 4 if someone gave you the calculator.
Naturally stupid and staying that way!
This is a Drudge Flash so it will disappear…
Another good Sunday Read Missed… http://www.drudgereport.com/cl.jpg
Sat March 26 2011 17:04:37 EDT
Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an ORLANDO SENTINEL reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Dem fundraiser.
Reporter Scott Powers was the designated “pool reporter” for the vice president’s Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn’t arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.
Not so for Powers. A “low-level staffer” put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. “When I’d stick my head out, they’d say, ‘Not yet. We’ll let you know when you can come out.'”
And no crustini for Powers, either. He made do with a bottle of water to sip as he sat at a tiny makeshift desk, right next to a bag marked “consignment.” Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to his jail for the remainder of the event.
Powers’ phone didn’t work in the closet, but his Blackberry did, so he fired a picture of his impromptu prison to his editors, who posted a short blog item on the lack of freedom of the press under the veep’s control.
Powers didn’t mention his confinement in either of his pool reports that day, saying only that “press coverage was limited to a single pool reporter, filing on behalf of all local media, who was allowed to listen to the remarks but not given an opportunity to talk with anyone at the event.”
On Friday, Powers said, the home’s owner called him. “He said he had no idea they’d put me in a closet and was very sorry. He said he was just following their lead and was extremely embarrassed by the whole thing.””
Now why would the VEEP’s peeps do dat?
Notice the proud leftist DID NOT provide any links just “his words”.
Funny how he does that all the time.
Once again FartASS can’t deliver counter facts he resorts to lies.
As a know nothing anti-papist I certainly know not to and won’t follow someone who puts himself above Jesus. So how does FartASS reconcile what his moniker says to what I delivered above? Another non sequitur argument from the FartASS!
Can you say LOSER? LOSER!
And for someone to accuse me of being a non-believer, where are your beliefs FARTASS?
Here is a good read on the VEEP’s peeps actions.
Yeah it was “an inexperienced” staffer. DUMMOCRAPTS alway engage in suspicious behavior during fund raisers!
I do worry about epistemic closure from our side, as I am dedicated to critical thinking and basing decisions/opinions on facts and analysis. However, as with Krugman’s saltwater/freshwater analogy, I think the righties suffer from it far more than we do. However, we do need to be on guard about how we dismiss ‘ideas’ from the right.
That said, good gawd, is Puddy full of shit, or what?
Oh how I’ve tried in the past to engage/take seriously/respond to his ‘writing’. He’s really just a bomb-throwing asshole, as the posts above once again reveal.
There’s no ‘there’ there.
Reposting/parroting Beck and Drudge? Perseverating about Cass Sundstein? Linking to some raving conspiracy site about Samantha Power trying to destroy Israel, or something? Just try following his links and one finds the relentless hollow that is his thought process.
What’s the point? Well, that’s just it – there is none.
What we have here folks is a raving, 6000-year old young earth creationist, a Beck-revering tin-foil-hat-wearing, nasty angry hateful Dominionist/Christianist conservative Tea-Bagger dedicated to the adulation of wealth and the wealthy, to violence and the military (provided they’re killing people he finds distasteful – usually Muslim), to the subjugation and denigration of workers and unions, to the elimination of women’s rights and autonomy. He is offensive to the free exercise of thinking and a pox upon this blog.
Even worse, his posts aren’t even entertaining.
The puddybitch is just another Koch-sucker.
News flash to the pudybitch:
Barack Hussein Obama is the duly elected President of the United States of America and the Commander-In-Chief of the US Armed Forces.
NOT YOU. (thank Pasta.)
If the Koch brothers get their way…everyone will be working for $5.00 an hour and black people (that’s YOU p’dumbski) will be bussed to Eastern Washington to pick fruits and vegetables. Brush up on those spirituals…you’re gonna need ’em.
You did. The “librul power couple” that you’ve been paranoid about over many dribblings from you we learn up above “drove” Obama on Libya.
Or is it Powers who wears the pants in that relationship? Which is it fool? You dribble on and on and on and on about Sunstein.
What drives this insanity Puddybud? It is Beck?
Moronic carnival barkers like Beck are like lighter fluid to the mess between your ears.
Paranoid? Schizophrenic?
I’d really like to know just what’s wrong with thit guy. There are people here that have met him and state that in person he is thoughtful and fairly temperate…but on these threads, this “character” of his is batshit crazy.
Heh. I see no comment on Cain..
Silence is golden. I got your man Puddybud.
Oh my! Are we going to have fun at your expense in 2012!
I dare the puddybitch to find inaccuracies in either of the previous comments.
Rujax, he’ll just scream some paranoid bullshit about Soros… and then he’ll quote some source funded by his favorite right wing billionaires.
It’s entertaining to see what he does in any case.
I further dare the puddybitch to explain how bowing down to these extreme right-wing overlords serves the interests of the commanweal.
(Of course…the caterwauler-in-chief will stridently declare that “puddy don’t do the bidding of no libtard”…suckasuckasucka klablommo…etc., etc. ad nauseum)
@36…I’m not holding my breath.
“I dare the puddybitch”
These days I find it to be a waste of my time to even read his comments.
@29: $5.00 an hour is giving the Koch suckers too much credit. They’d have us as slaves if they thought they could get away with it.
The Kochs and AFP et al are the embodiment of Jay Gould’s observation that he could get half of us to kill the other half…
He’s a complete tool (pud-whacker, that is).
I really don’t care that some say he’s a reasonable human in person.
He comes here raving the latest insanity he’s heard on Beck or Drudge or in the Weekly Standard or on Fox (Soros! Sundstein! Tides Foundation! Odumba!) – spiced with inane insults and self-adulation – and adds absolutely NOTHING to any conversation.
He’s a net negative on the prevailing intelligence level and quality of discourse around here.
I don’t advocate banning – but I really wouldn’t care if he were. I say heaps of derision followed by the collective cold shoulder is the way to go.
Guys lighten up.. Puddybud is entertainment – nothing more.
In other news, kick ass writer Joe Bageant passes on. An “educated” redneck – he had a lot to say about his people that all thoughtful people should take to heart.
Jim Webb, Senator from Virginia, is also a Scotts-Irish who was called to service after the debacle of Katrina.
These guys remind us to reach out to ALL the poor of this country. We forget this at our peril. If we don’t do it, then the right wing will have their way with them.
“The worst prison is ignorance.”
“I don’t advocate banning – but I really wouldn’t care if he were.”
Given the obvious descent into some personal troll abyss we’ve witnessed, the moderators would be displaying a measure of mercy with a ban, call it an act of digital euthanasia.
Holy shit! The edit function is back! I haven’t seen that in ages.
44 – It even works on Chrome on Linux.
Sure you do. Why answer to chronological cretins?
Wow no one has presented ANY LINKS to refute my comments above.
@47: Your links are self-refuting. Go fuck yourself.
YLB @ 42…sad news. Dear Hunting With Jesus was a great read. I wonder if the fuckpudder read it. Nah. Not a chance.
Libyan intervention, Tom Englehardt weighs in:
[TomDispatch Note and Book Recommendation: The world is exploding. TomDispatch can’t cover it all. Still, a comment is in order on our Libyan intervention. As a start, it could be the first intervention that actually escalated before it even began. It went from no-fly-zone to no-fly-no-drive-zone before a U.S. cruise missile was launched or a French jet took off. Within two days, it seemed to be escalating even further into a half-baked, regime-change(ish)-style operation. (As of Wednesday, 162 Tomahawk cruise missiles had already been sent Libya-wards, most of them from American vessels, at more than $1 million a pop.) To make the intervention even stranger, it was initially opposed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon, and counterterrorism chief John O. Brennan, as well as many conservatives. Instead, the (not very) liberal warhawks of the administration — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, National Security Council senior aide Samatha Powers, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice — were evidently in the lead on this one (along with various neocons in full hue and cry).
As on so many issues, where exactly the president was, other than blowing in the wind, remains unclear. Congress played no significant role — neither advice nor consent — in the decision. It now seems almost quaint, if not exceedingly retro, even to suggest that the people’s representatives have anything to do with American war-making. And it goes without saying that the people themselves, who seemed to be deeply unenthusiastic about a Libyan intervention before it happened according to the polls, were in no way consulted. Gates spoke of a “spirited debate” within the administration — just nowhere else.
Think of this, then, as the “human rights” intervention. So far, it seems to be a remarkably seat-of-the-pants affair, suffused with the usual American faith in the efficacy of military power. As far as I can tell, Washington is relying for success on pure, dumb luck (and the vague possibility that, if the U.S. and allies whack his forces hard enough, Libyan monster Muammar Gaddafi’s officer corps could turn against him or their troops might defect to the rebels). Luck could hold, but what would follow remains bleakly unknown. Look for the no-[fill-in-the-blank]-zones to expand if Gaddafi hangs on, the rebels don’t advance fast enough, and desperation and confusion set in. In the meantime, the learning curve in Washington when it comes to interventions seems nonexistent. For the rest of us, that learning curve might improve if James Peck’s new book Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights was to be widely read. It’s a taboo-breaking look at the way in which, from the 1970s to late last night, successive administrations have exploited the human rights movement, turned it to Washington’s ends, and contained any impulses to define human rights ever more broadly. This is, unfortunately, a story decades old but as fresh as the Libyan intervention. I recommend the book strongly. Tom]
Get that book.
Prove it FartASS!!!
Prove they don’t, shithead.
rujaxoff, you made the claim… now you can’t back it up.
Put up or shut up!
The coward p’dumbski needs to prove it to “proud”.
The big p’dumbski shows himself as a fraud and a liar here constantly.
Hey asswipe…who would the jesus lie about?