George Bush is not, apparently, willing to attend soldier’s funerals. But, perhaps, we shouldn’t be quick to judge him as a selfish prick. He has given up a lot for this war (besides his approval ratings).
Here is a medley of commentary on Bush’s recent Farewell to Clubs:
(These and some 60 other media clips from the past week in politics are posted at Hominid Views.)
That’s President George Bush, not George Bush or Bush. Try and get right.
That’s Traitor GW Bush – not George Bush or Bush. Monkeyface or AWOL Cowardly Cokehead are also okay.
And you should add liar to each of those descriptions since the piece of shit can’t even tell the truth about giving up golf for the war.
I noticed he hasn’t sent any of his combat-aged relatives to fight.
@1 I have a test for George. Can you name one single thing that “President George Bush” has done that has been good for our country? One single thing? In my opinion, there is no punishment severe enough to make up for the damage this pathetic liar has done to our great nation.
Remember this one? Bush: “Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.”
Supporting Bush these days amounts to treason.
His supporters deserve to be punished/treated as well….. Either prosecuted for knowingly aiding and abetting, or locked up in an asylum because they can’t tell the difference.
@1 I respect the office. I have no respect for the lying little usurper squatting in an office that doesn’t belong to him. Respect must be earned, and Bush deserves no respect whatsoever. Furthermore, he is no more an elected President than I’m the Easter Bunny.
Maybe by the time he leaves office, he will have completed one complete sentence without screwing it up. And to think. He will never be prosecuted for butchering the English Language…. As far as the other things, it will be up to us to see to it that he pays for his many crimes.
No riding off into the sunset. Oops, I forgot. He is afraid of horses….
And to think, what they “impeached” President Clinton over…..
Republicons are a disease.
Did anyone notice Barack just called him “Bush” yesterday live. It seems our next president does not respect “Bush” either.
I truly think Barack was trying to pick another fight, and the lap dog press was too scared to call him on it.
Imagine, someone in the press chastising Obama for not “respecting” the lying chimp. He could then go on record with an endless list of reasons why “Bush” does not deserve respect. It would have been (and may soon be) priceless.
BTW, good morning bunny man!
Ed Rollins – GOP consultant and long-time cheerleader is on Face The Nation just SLAMMING the Bush regime. He also bitch slapped AWOL Bush for the shit he pulled in Israel this week. Man the GOP is crumbling quickly. And America is better for it.
#2 #3
With people like you who needs terrorists enemies. You did return your economic stimulus check, didn’t you?
@6 (chomp)(chomp)(chomp)(gnaw)
BTW, nobody elected the press to run this country. Obama got more votes than they did.
@8 I think we know who the terrorists are they are the GOP – and the Bush regime – you know long time bin Laden family friends. And no I didn’t return a stimulus check – because I didn’t get one. Made too much money. You spend yours at WalMart though asswipe – I am sure that’s your idea of a high-end store.
Well the Christians are showing their true colors again.
Marvy and LilBitch/PiddlyDick should be careful. They could get caught in one of these.
@8 Where the fuck does Wingnut Central find these lame-ass posters? Is this shmuck the best they can send to us? I’m going to file a formal complaint! This is a respectable liberal blog.
That makes two off us who didn’t get one. made too much money thanks to President George Bush. You must still shop at Walmart I see.
Be sure to read Danny Westneat’s column in today’s fishwrapper about the idiotic (lack of) security at Sea-Tac — another clusterfuck brought to you by the can’t-do-anything-right wingnutz who run our government (and too damned much else, too).
@13 I’m checking the want ads to see whose parrot got loose. I doubt there’s a reward for this one, though. Can’t see why anyone would want it back.
@8 George. I am still waiting for you to name something the Bush Regime has done that has been good for our country.
(crickets chirping)
Newsweek reports that “at least five” military prosecutors at Gitmo “have quit … or walked away from … cases because they believed their own integrity was being compromised.”
Newsweek says 3 former prosecutors interviewd by the magazine “voiced concerns about issues ranging from the use of tainted evidence or secret trials to improper micromanaging by political appointees.”
Another clusterfuck brought to you by the can’t-do-anything-right wingnutz of the Bush regime. Not only will the innocent walk, so will the guilty!! Waaaaytagooooo dumbfucks!!!
Here’s the bottom line on the clumsy Bush regime’s clownish efforts to bring the 9/11 perpetrators and their henchmen to justice:
“Astonishing as it may seem, in nearly seven years since the 9/11 attacks only one Guantánamo detainee — Australian David Hicks — has been convicted, and only after a plea bargain in which he accepted a nine-month sentence. … Historians and legal experts will be assessing what went wrong for years to come. Davis has his own explanation: ‘I think if you combine excessive arrogance and excessive ignorance, you wind up 78 months later where we are in this process.'”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use)
(“Davis” refers to former Gitmo chief prosecutor Col. Morris Davis. David Hicks is an Australian who apparently received military training at a Qaeda-run camp in Pakistan whom Col Davis has publicly stated was not worth prosecuting; Vice President Dick Cheney reportedly was personally involved in pressuring prosecutors for a please deal with Hicks as part of an unsucessful attempt to save Australia’s rightwing prime minister from defeat in an impending Aussie election.)
The word “Republican” has become synonymous with “stupidity.”
When will they prosecute the occupants of the White House for ignoring Richard Clark, and the Clinton Administration? Remember they told the Bush Regime that the thing they needed to worry about the most was Al Queda. Bush, completely ignored them, and didn’t lift one finger to step up efforts to protect us from an attack, even after in your face, code red warnings. Even if Bush wasn’t involved in the attacks, he left us wide open on purpose. One could only imagine him giggling crazily while rubbing his hands together dreaming of how he could abuse power if our country was attacked. (PNAC’s Pearl Harbor like event) It makes my skin crawl.
It is obvious The Bush Gang ignored Clarke, Clinton, and all those warnings for a reason.
Want proof? Look at every single action the Bush Crime Family took after the attack. It seems like it was planned……
@20 “It seems like it was planned”
You’re giving them too much credit. Planning requires a level of intelligence they lack. It would be more accurate to say no one was minding the store.
John “Third Term” McSame wants to invest another $1 trillion and 5 more years’ worth of casualties in a shithole called Iraq.
And some people are actually stupid enough to vote for this guy for president … ?? … !!!!
We stopped selling pinpoint aiming rocket telemetry systems to the Chicoms. You have to give big creds to Clinton though. Now the Chicoms can aim an ICBM at Seattle with a 90% probability of hitting it. Just think NoFactsWorthlessPositions, you worthless Donkey life is now in jeopardy from the man who dripped on a blue dress.
Proof. URL, Citation, Time&Date Stamp for McCain saying that. A real URL not that swill HAs clueless idioto provides.
Point made. Instead of proving me wrong, the right wingers attack Clinton.
Puddy, my friend. The smears are not working any more. Game, set, and match.
Clinton: “At least I tried to get him”…
Clinton tried to protect us, Bush ignored every single warning.
BTW Puddy. Since we shifted most of our manufacturing to China, how long do you think it will take for them to pass us with technology? Especially since they don’t believe in patents. We might as well make China our 51st state at this outsourcing pace. In a few years, they will just buy us anyway….
@23 That’s unfortunate, but I take comfort from knowing that if I disappear in a mushroom cloud, you’ll go too.
@24 Sorry, I can’t post links anymore, because my post will go into the spam filter and never come out. Goldy explained that “Roger Rabbit” is a name frequently used by spammers, and his new software vaporizes anything with “Roger Rabbit” on it that has a link in it, and there’s nothing he can do about it. So, I don’t post links anymore. My comment in #22 came from a MSM news article and you’d have no difficulty finding this information if you’d read a real newspaper once in a while instead of depending on rightwing crapola for your “sources.”
@26 Thanks to wingputz trade policies, it won’t be long before we’re buying jet fighters from China.
NoFactsWorthlessPositions: Another left wing idiot asks a question, Puddy answers and the left wing idiot blows up.
You can’t prove me wrong so you tangent off like always NoFactsWorthlessPositions.
Prove to me that Loral is manufacturing rocket telemetry in China.
I’ll wait…
WOW 30 postings by 8 posters way to go. I am sure McCain will be our next PESIDENT OF THE USA.
# 16 Type in GOOGLE & follow the instructions.
Rabbit, your eating the wrong pellets, pellet stove pellets are for pellet stoves. If you eat them it makes your postings look like you Out of control.
Remember when Farenheit 911 came out? The righties ran from it, as though cursed, something akin to turning around to look back at Soddam and Gamorrah. Odd thing is though, the most damning thing in that movie was not commentary from Moore. The most nauseating scenes were simply of Bush being Bush. His own conversation and behavior with no embellishment from the film’s maker. That golf scene is a perfect example. A despicable human being exposed.