This evening there will be a special Debate Edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Please join us at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle, for a Democratic debate-watching party.
You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our normal starting time is 8:00 pm, but the debate “pre-game show” starts at 5:30 PDT, and the debate itself starts at 6:00 PDT. So join us early for this one.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 183 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The boring DUMMOCRETIN debate?
Where everyone will say just about the same thing and it will be so far left JFK would not recognize his party anymore?
Where socialism will rule the night?
Where it will so lackluster, you’ll fall asleep after 10 minutes?
Where the email scandal won’t be touched?
Where everything will be scripted and choreographed?
Where we’ll be introduced to Heilary V5.0?
Where no one will challenge Heilary on her flip-flopping on policy issues?
Where no one will ask Bernie Sanders why would America want to elect a socialist?
Where Bernie Sanders won’t call out Heilary on her big time wall street money connections?
What Will Jim Do?
Just some thoughts from the PuddyMind on the sleeper debate!
Where Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie won’t hold a debate on Fox News because DUMMOCRETINS are afraid… deathly afraid of real questions being asked!
For me and at my age, the internet is still rather a phenomenon that hasn’t completely sunk in. I went through a vast majority of my life without it. But what has occurred to me, as it matures, is that it is a microscope on the human psyche. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And the wise and stupid! Oh, the stupid! It almost overwhelms everything else. “There is none so blind as he who will not see”.
“Deaton made a short, compelling, and clear case for why income inequality in society as a whole is a threat to democracy — and why worrying about it isn’t just class warfare or resentment:”
“The very wealthy have little need for state-provided education or health care… They have even less reason to support health insurance for everyone, or to worry about the low quality of public schools that plagues much of the country. They will oppose any regulation of banks that restricts profits, even if it helps those who cannot cover their mortgages or protects the public against predatory lending, deceptive advertising, or even a repetition of the financial crash. To worry about these consequences of extreme inequality has nothing to do with being envious of the rich and everything to do with the fear that rapidly growing top incomes are a threat to the well being of everyone else.”
This was linked in Facebook. I was amazed by the trolls who argued that inequity was good for America, or that the they should abolish the Nobel Prize for Economics since all the recent winners do is give facts that unfettered greed is not good.
Where socialism will rule the night? Where no one will ask Bernie Sanders why would America want to elect a socialist?
Weird. You say that like being a socialist is a bad thing. Jesus was a socialist. Beats electing a republican.
I am supporting Bernie. This is why I support Bernie. I like his stand on most issues.
Where it will so lackluster, you’ll fall asleep after 10 minutes?
That’s true, it won’t have the side show barker leading the show like the republican debates. I don’t want the debates to be an episode of Jerry Springer like the republican debates were, I want them to be about ideas of policy and leadership because that’s what important to me.
If the Democrats have a thoughtful discussion of policy and ideas, I can see why conservatives would find that boring.
@3. Cultivated Ignorant is one of the new 7 deadly sins.
Jeb! unveils his health care plan: Repeal Obamacare and, er, you buy your own damn insurance. Just like before, except you get a tax credit, which he’ll pay for by curtailing the tax deduction for employer-provided plans, which will give employers even more incentive to eliminate health benefits for their employees.
“I can see why conservatives would find that boring.”
In this case, “boring” is wingnut code for “threatening”. But they needn’t worry. As the nation watches, the GOP is imploding. It’s becoming difficult to imagine the party even surviving another year until the election.
@1 “Heilary”
After endless patience, I’m finally tempted to comment on your habit of comparing Hillary Clinton with Adolf Hitler. I don’t have much to say about it. It simply shows how far over the edge you’ve gone and how depraved you are.
Ben Carson says “children of single parents get on welfare, become criminals”
Which he should know since he and the president were raised by single mothers.
“I don’t have much to say about it. It simply shows how far over the edge you’ve gone and how depraved you are.”
Not to mention how infantile and cringe-worthy it is.
@4 At least the Robber Barons created new industries and expanded America’s industrial base, creating jobs in the process. Today’s super-rich are different. They don’t build anything or create jobs. They’re merely asset strippers and equity skimmers. Wealth concentration is now highly correlated with ruthlessness and dishonesty. They’re merely gangsters, like the Russian oil oligarchs, or that shmuck who bought a 60-year-old drug and raised its price 5,000% without adding any value.
(in the voice of Slim Pickens) Well shoot, pardner. Ah reckon we better form us up a posse and get to roundin’ ’em up!
“Racist dolts complain that honoring ‘Michael’ Luther King at KKK memorial is ‘repugnant’ to Christians”
“The Sons of Confederate Veterans argued that it would be racist against white southerners to honor King or other black Americans at the memorial.”
No, Bubba, it’s only repugnant to you batshit insane racists.
@5 A little bit of socialism is good for us. Even African lions practice socialism. When the hunter lions make a kill, all the lions eat. The pride couldn’t survive if it were every lion for himself.
“TPM asked one of the co-authors if he was feeling any vindication.”
“Damn straight I do,” Norman Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said in an interview with TPM late last week. “But I would have rather been proven wrong — honest to God — because we’re talking about the fucking country that is at stake here.”
“Reviewing the last few decades of American politics, the two experts identified a sea change for the GOP during which lawmakers decided they were willing and even eager to risk harm to the country in pursuit of their ideological goals.”
“willing and even eager to risk harm to the country in pursuit of their ideological goals”
As this is coming out of AEI, you can now take it to the bank that the GOP is fucked.
@ 10
After endless patience, I’m finally tempted to comment on your habit of comparing Hillary Clinton with Adolf Hitler.
The only time you’ve ever demonstrated endless patience is while straining at the stool.
Pretty sure that’s when you post most of your spews.
Because of course it did.
AP Exclusive: Clinton email server setup risked intrusions
WASHINGTON (AP) — The private email server running in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s home basement when she was secretary of state was connected to the Internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers while using software that could have been exploited, according to data and documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
Clinton’s server, which handled her personal and State Department correspondence, appeared to allow users to connect openly over the Internet to control it remotely, according to detailed records compiled in 2012. Experts said the Microsoft remote desktop service wasn’t intended for such use without additional protective measures, and was the subject of U.S. government and industry warnings at the time over attacks from even low-skilled intruders.
One of the nice things about so few candidates in a two-hour debate is that there is plenty of time for each candidate to say a few things.
Your move, Governor O’Malley.
@11 Ben Carson says “children of single parents get on welfare, become criminals”
Didn’t the Nazis say that 80 years ago? But don’t worry, everybody in this country has guns, so we’re safe from the Ben Carsons of the world.
@17 The GOP used to represent rich and powerful interests before it was taken over by trailer park trash. Those interests are still around, and they’re going to do one of two things, either retake control of the GOP or find themselves a new political party.
@18 You have amazing insight. I get most of my bright ideas in two places, and they’re both in the bathroom. How about you?
Robert Cruickshank @cruickshank
There are a lot of things I want to see at tonight’s debate. One of them: the crowd loudly booing any questions about Hillary’s emails.
You don’t drown out cancer. Although after efforts to dismiss it as a nothingburger have failed as it’s clear that the wipe wasn’t any more competent than the rest of what she did, I can understand why you’re hoping that screaming at it will work.
A ‘Cancer’ on the Clinton Candidacy
Very commonly, no matter what you do, cancer kills its host. Near the end, everyone around it is hoping for a quick death.
Deaton made a short, compelling, and clear case for why income inequality in society as a whole is a threat to democracy
And the five states with the highest income inequality voted for Obummer in 2012.
Imagine that!
Geez, Bob, the GOP is imploding, threatening to take the country down with it, and you prat on and on about Hillary’s server.
Only a year ago it would have been a clever comment. Today, it seems sad. Lord, it must really fucking suck to be a Republican who isn’t batshit insane like the rest of them. In a backhanded way, that was meant as a compliment.
To expand on #21 a bit, things are so desperate within the GOP that Daddy Warbucks (aka Charles Koch) came out of hiding to give his first media interview in ages, which basically was a plea to Republicans to stop being so fucking crazy.
Here’s a guy with a personal fortune of $50 billion, the biggest “dark money” funder of them all, whose problem is the politicians he buys are too insane to do him any good.
Meanwhile, the GOP’s frontrunner is another rapacious billionaire campaigning on a platform that he’s too rich to be bought by the Kochs and their ilk.
The Koch brothers almost singlehandedly bankrolled the Tea Party and look what gratitude they got for it.
So why did the email investigating FBI enter State and impound four computers last week?
Can’t find this fact on CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS or ABC. Naturally not on the left wrong DONK sites. So why is that libtards? National news about Heilary’s computers!
So why does Puddy call her Heilary? Well doesn’t she want to confiscate your guns? There is history on this in a European country HA DUMMOCRETIN morons! Heilary has said it many times in underhanded ways. Doesn’t matter just about every mass killing shooter in recent history got their guns legally. She now is with Bernie Sanders for gun violence victims suing a gun manufacturer for the misuse by a crazy person! More leftward bowel movement from the flip-flopper!
So Puddy asks what about all that inner city violence perpetrated by illegal gun users. How she gonna handle that issue?
With the DUMMOCRETIN press machine calling Ben Carson names all last and this week as the really scary religious Christian black retired neurosurgeon who teaches and preaches self-reliance, he’s kicking Heilary’s ASS 50-39. Ben has reached the magic 50% level!
See Page 4! Of course this won’t be questioned either!
For the really ignorant DUMMOCRETINS
Dr Ben Carson deeeeestorys by +11% Heilary, 50% to 39%.
Carly Fiorina beats by +3 Heilary, 42% – 39%;
Jeb Bush beats by +4 Heilary, 44% to 40%;
Donald Trump beats by +5% Heilary, 45% to 40%.
Oopsie! So will Da Perfessa perform statistical head to heads again?
@23 Do you think Democratic voters, who outnumber Republican voters, give a rip about Hillary’s emails? They’re too busy juggling two or three jobs and raising kids by themselves to watch Issa on C-Span. Or they’re minorities being shot at by police and insulted by your voters. It doesn’t matter who your party nominates, or who our party nominates, because you assholes lost this election long ago.
“This is a message for Dr. Ben Carson, the Republican presidential candidate who made some statements this past week following the tragic shootings at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.”
“I’d like to respond to some of those statements because I thought they were so insensitive, so reckless, disgraceful, senseless, shameful,” Mauser said.
First, Mauser took on Carson’s contention that “No body with bullet holes is more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”
“To me, that’s such a disturbing statement,” said Mauser. “Dr. Carson, you have indeed seen bodies with bullet holes, but while perhaps maybe it might have become a little routine for you, I would like to think that you still were shaken by it.”
“But, instead, you seem to only react in terms of your gun rights,” Mauser went on. “I don’t understand that.”
“I would not just stand there and let him shoot me,” said Carson. “I would say, ‘Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.’”
“I think it’s a shameful statement to make because really, you were pretty strongly implying that you thought the people who were killed and injured deserved it because they failed to act,” Mauser said.
“You’re blaming the victim,” he explained. “Dr. Carson, you weren’t there. You didn’t face what they had to face. How can you say such a thing?”
“But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” he said, “because I really think that this is part of the excuse-making that happens among pro-gun activists.”
“Anything to distract Americans from a reasonable discussion of what we might do to change our gun laws to prevent some of these things from happening,” said the grieving father.
“I’d like to share a story with you, Dr. Carson,” he said. “In 1999, during the massacre at Columbine, my son Daniel was in the library along with some other students. They were all underneath tables. The shooters went from table to table shooting some students, sparing others.”
“After more than a dozen students had been shot, the shooter approached my son. He fired one bullet that went to Daniel’s hand. Daniel then pushed a chair at the shooter and for that he paid with his life. The second shot went into his face and killed him.”
“Some people have called Daniel’s actions brave. They called him a hero for trying to stop the shooter. I will never know, we will never know if that’s what Daniel intended. I will never know whether maybe that action of his lead to his death. I’ll never know if that second shot would have been fired if he hadn’t pushed the chair.”
“And that’s why we shouldn’t question, Dr. Carson,” Mauser concluded. “If we weren’t in that room, if we weren’t faced with those circumstances, we don’t know.”
Go ahead and spew your hate at the grieving father, you batshit crazy fucking loon.
@27 See #29 replying to #23. Same argument, same answer.
Puddy went to the way back machine here and found some HA DUMMOCRETIN screams back in June where Carson was was down -5 to Heilary, 46% to 41%.
Seems people got to know Dr Ben past the libtard left wrong media filters and people got to know Heilary better!
Run Joe BiteMe Run. Your party needs you!
@30 Carson takes his inspiration from the World War 1 generals who squandered millions of lives on futile frontal assaults. You can’t defeat armed madmen by rushing them with your bare hands any more than armies win battles by advancing against machine guns and barbed wire with sloped bayonets. To win a fight, you need either superior force (i.e., police SWAT teams) or superior strategy (e.g., building security), or both. We don’t have courthouse or airport shootings anymore because our laws disarm people entering courthouses and airports.
Awww Triple S is trying so hard to portray what Dr Carson said in a bad light. Copied FOURTEEN paragraphs from the story. Wow… seems rules don’t mean horsesASS manure to a pressure packed DUMMOCRETIN like Triple S! Will Da Perfessa enforce the rules here? Prolly not!
First off Dr Carson said he would not be under the table as these gun free zone advocates said to be. Once you are in the cowering position you are bear bait. This is why Triple S is whom he is…
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies! If it’s on raw story run with it!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
@ 25
Tell me more about this supposed GOP implosion, Steve.
Was it the election results in 2014? Was it the gains that year that did it?
Was it the participation of black, Hispanic, and women candidates in the presidential campaign this cycle, Steve?
Tell me, Steve, how many minority presidential candidates will the Democrats have on the podium tonight?
What you call ‘implosion’ others might call change in the GOP hierarchy, Steve. Contrast that with those at the top in the Democrat legislative branch – you’ve got Pelosi, Hoyer, and Reid. Oh, but you did stick a black guy into a newly created, largely toothless House position so you won’t look totally like you picked your leaders from an old folks home in Des Moines. Those were the leaders who got you the 2014 election results. And Dems returned them to leadership positions. That sends a message, doesn’t it?
Democrats’ idea of change is Chuck Schumer. In 2017.
Contrast that with two bilingual candidates, two Hispanics, a black guy, and a woman amongst the GOP presidential candidates this year.
That’s not implosion. Implosion is hitching your team to a presidential candidate one news item away from indictment on felony charges, Steve. A plurality of your ilk are currently backing a candidate whose handlers are working very, very hard to keep away from situations in which she might actually have to answer a few questions put to her by someone other than a sycophant. This week they bottled up one of their rising stars, Tulsi Gabbard, who dared to think differently. What does that tell you about Democrat messaging this cycle?
I’ve said it before but it’s a nice line so I don’t mind repeating it:
I look forward to the Democrats’ treatment of a woman candidate, when the GOP has one on the ticket and the Democrats do not.
Stay tuned.
@23 Do you think Democratic voters, who outnumber Republican voters, give a rip about Hillary’s emails?
No because DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs. Yesterday we learned most don’t know anything about Christopher Columbus!
@33 That’s okay with me. The more the merrier.
@37 They don’t have to know anything about Columbus. They know about Republicans, and that’s enough.
Dr Carson is being lynched by the libtard media…
A high tech lynching at that…
They can’t find any skeleton in Dr Carson’s closet so the long knives are out because he’s a black conservative and that narrative doesn’t fit the DUMMOCRETIN mold for black men!
So out comes all the racist narratives. Candy Carson laughed at these attacks last week!
@36 “when the GOP has one on the ticket and the Democrats do not”
I’m impressed by your ability to foretell the future. Can you do that with stocks, too?
Travis @36,
You’re asking Triple S to think. First Triple S needs to review raw story for an answer
@42 What would you know about thinking? That’s an unprecedented activity inside your bubble.
The DUMMOCRETIN Party is the party of authoritarian principles. If you dare question Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie… out you go… Bernie Sanders to the rescue…
That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way…
Thanks for playing along! Your thoughts are not needed when they disagree with Debbie’s!
This notion of Republicans living in a bubble isn’t just rhetoric. I saw it firsthand as a member of the Democratic observer team during the 2004 recounts. They paid no attention to us, their own observers, or the county election workers processing ballots; they were off in their own little world, like a first grader daydreaming through reading class. I sat there watching them, taking notes, and they didn’t even notice. They were zombie actors going through the motions ordained by a script written beforehand by others and it was all fake.
What does Puddy know about thinking? More than you do right now early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy gave you those questions in post #1! Care to find them on the nets?
@43 Is there a question in #1? All I saw in that post was a string of foaming-at-the-mouth rants.
Puddy loves the idiotic meme of Jesus was a Socialist peddled by the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Jesus taught personal accountability for each man/woman to God and Himself! We are accountable to God. He created us!
Jesus taught render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.
Jesus taught that WE, individually are to help out our fellow man/woman; not rely on Caesar to help them out.
Jesus never taught to give all your personal belongings to Caesar so Caesar can hand them out to the poor people!!!!! – Got link to prove otherwise!
This is why that argument falls flat on its face. Bernie Sanders’ socialist ideology he spews (along with Elizabeth Warren) is the government should care of the sick, the poor (more of them since Obummer took over the economy), the unemployed (and we sure have many more since Obummer took over), the elderly (wait… Romney wanted to throw Grandma over the cliff), and the babies born out of wedlock (because hey birth control or asbstinence isn’t the norm anymore), and pay for those abortions whenever possible (because we the DUMMOCRETIN just call them products of conception).
Provide Seattle with low cost government housing (except the NIMBY arguments of the wealthy DUMMOCRETIN neighborhoods)! Provide continual unemployment benefits for 1000 weeks if needed (so why look for a job)!
Also provide those food stamps to buy recreational ganja and alcohol as needed. Or buy that needed lobster!
Now providing needed welfare is a good thing butt they can’t be on it forever! Butt Christian charity is not DUMMOCRETIN socialism! Christian charity is ADRA helping relief efforts during hurricanes and flooding. It is the conservative Christian’s innate quality to help others. DUMOCRETINS think first we have to do this through the government only!
@48 You omitted a few things. Jesus also railed against rich people, ran the moneychangers out of the temple, and handed out bread to everyone in the crowd. He didn’t found his church on rugged individualism; its foundation was teamwork by his twelve apostles.
Oh lookie here Doug Wilder not wild about Obummer anymore…
Tone deaf is just one of the many phrases to describe Obummer!
Ohhhh poor early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
* ran the moneychangers out of the temple – Covered that yesterday early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Did you senility cause you to forget this so quickly?
* and handed out bread to everyone in the crowd. – Blessed the food and gave thanks to God not Caesar early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
* He didn’t found his church on rugged individualism; its foundation was teamwork by his twelve apostles. – He founded his church on rugged individual unlearned men who claimed their allegiance to God and Jesus, His Son, not to Caesar and his government!
the sick (ObummerCare where millions lost their doctors and their medical plans after Obummer claimed theycould keep them)
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@ 50
Wilder’s been outside the Obama camp for quite awhile now. Not sure how that helps next year, unless we see a Rubio/Condi Rice ticket. Throw in some nice words about the ticket from Wilder and that could really help VA go red.
But since the GOP is @ 25 imploding, the ticket undoubtedly will be Trump/Nugent.
Right, Steve?
Puddy forgot the link for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and socialism… http://roomfordebate.blogs.nyt.....sses/?_r=0
Maybe the debate moderators will ask them about this C BS story…
Democrats behaving badly, (yet another) Blue State edition.
Levin Staffer Arrested for Allegedly Beating Lover With Shovel
Not sure why the color of the shovel was important enough to mention twice. Unless it wan’t red until after the beating started.
And this isn’t nearly as good as when Cantwell’s aide was arrested over that gay child sex attempt a few years back.
Although “Die dirty faggy.” is something a Republican would have great trouble dreaming up.
After receiving word of the assault and use of a gay slur, brave Sir Sander’s team, er, put the assailant on unpaid leave. Allegedly.
Stay classy, Dems.
The New York Attorney General is going after that little shit who bought a 62-year-old drug and jacked up its price for antitrust violations.
Ben Carson must like delayed flights, because he’s a big fan of across-the-board spending cuts.
“A chronic shortage of controllers has reached a crisis that will lead to widespread flight delays if left unchecked, officials for the union that represents air traffic controllers said Tuesday.
“The Federal Aviation Administration has failed to meet its hiring goals for controllers for five consecutive years, leaving the number of air traffic controllers at its lowest level in 27 years at a time when air traffic is increasing, National Air Traffic Controllers Association officials said at a news conference.
“The number of ‘certified professional controllers’ – those who are no longer in training and can direct air traffic without assistance from a more experienced controller – has declined 10 percent from a peak of 11,573 in September 2012 to 10,859 as of Aug. 22 of this year, the union said.
“Trish Gilbert, a union vice president, likened the situation to April 2013 when automatic, government-wide spending cuts imposed by Congress forced the furlough of 10 percent of the controller workforce. During the seven days the furlough was in place, 12,760 flights were delayed – about three times the normal number. The disruptions were greatest at some of the nation’s busiest airports. Amid complaints from disgruntled travelers, Congress passed an exception to the budget cuts for controllers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, here’s what happens when brainless boobs like Carson who don’t know a damn thing about how government actually works get elected to Congress or whatever and then insist on cutting spending without taking into consideration what the spending pays for or whether it’s needed. First come the service cutbacks. Then comes the public outcry. Step three is restoring the service by exempting that particular activity from the mandatory cuts. Pretty soon there are hundreds, even thousands, of these exemptions. Ultimately, you end up back where you started in terms of going through the budget line by line and mostly giving the agencies what they asked for, because you have to, or you’ll disrupt something important and have angry voters on your back.
Republicans always claim they can balance the budget without raising taxes by eliminating unspecified “waste, fraud, and abuse.” But they NEVER tell you what they’ll cut. That’s because they don’t know themselves; it’s all a smoke-and-mirrors act.
So go ahead, Ben, impose 3% or 4% across-the-board spending cuts on federal agencies — including the FAA — and then see what happens when you want to fly home to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Good luck with that. Oh, and I wouldn’t eat that uninspected turkey, either — if you can get a turkey at all.
Because this is what happens when voters flock to a “populist” who talks up a storm but doesn’t know what he’s doing. Electing Ben Carson president would be like asking a dental hygienist to separate Siamese twins conjoined at the head.
If Hillary is stopped by the emails, we already have a better candidate in Bernie Sanders
In other news, New Orleans, Miami, Boston, Long Beach, and numerous other coastal cities are doomed; but by the time they figure it out, today’s Republican climate deniers will be dead and beyond the reach of retribution.
It might not be exactly like God asking Noah, “How long can you tread water?”, but there’s already a humongous amount of money being spent to maintain Miami’s potable water supply and hold back recession of the Biscayne aquifer. So it’s more like “How long can you keep up with your utility bills?”
@1 hopefully you will be more than just fallen asleep after 10 minutes.
@3 what do you want from someone who is going to fall asleep after 10 minutes!
I’m fucking tired of Rubio always having to say that he’s an immigrant (or I thought a son of immigrants) every time he talks about immigration.
Well, why not talk to me, my parents were both Immigrants and came here when they were 17 without their parents. Fuck Rubio. I could care less what he’s going to do for people that are like him….what are you going to do for people that are not like you, you dumb fuck.
That’s what the problem of #4 is.
@5 for many months now I get email from conservative groups of political nature, along with a ton of other junk mail…..and I finally had enough and want to start to unsubscribe but conveniently the Republican groups don’t have a unsubscribe option….so I’ve been replying to the emails asking to unsubscribe, and then I say “because I love Commies!”
2nd question is about socialism – the Puffwad is wonnng again.
So far 20 minutes into the debate and nobody in the audience booed or hissed, like the Repukes. I think Democrats have classier people and the booing and hissing by Repukes goes to show you who the problem is in this Country, pretty clear to me.
Not much common sense happening with people booing and having hissy fits.
@23 – 30 minutes in and still no booing…I think the only people that boo and are so fucking disrespectful are you dumb mother fucking Repukes, you fuckwad.
@40 awwwweeeeeee Puffy playing the race card now.
@59 that’s ok, their children and grand children will feel like the biggest fools.
“Tell me more about this supposed GOP implosion, Steve.”
No problem, Bob.
“Was it the election results in 2014? Was it the gains that year that did it?”
Wistful thoughts of past glory. I can see why you’d live in the past seeing as how your party is imploding today.
“Tell me, Steve, how many minority presidential candidates will the Democrats have on the podium tonight?”
Eliminate the batshit insane and the chronically lying, failed CEO, and how many do you have? None.
“What you call ‘implosion’ others might call change in the GOP hierarchy, Steve.”
Others might call it batshit crazy people taking over your party. In fact, I hear from an insider that your party needs to “hit rock bottom” if it’s ever going to get it’s act together again.
“Contrast that with two bilingual candidates (a Bush! and a nobody), two Hispanics (I want to see that Canadian’s birth certificate!), a black guy (batshit fucking insane), and a woman (lying, failed CEO) amongst the GOP presidential candidates this year.”
“That’s not implosion.” You have Trump and Carson taking half of your primary vote right now. Anybody who is even half-assed qualified to be president is hated by your base. The party leadership is going before firing squads as your base is waving confederate flags. That’s a fucking party imploding, Bob.
“I look forward to the Democrats’ treatment of a woman candidate, when the GOP has one on the ticket and the Democrats do not.”
I see you never mention Walker anymore. Now you tout Fiorina. I hope you’re better at picking horses. Anyways, in case you haven’t noticed, the lying, fetus obsessed failed CEO with “that face” is dropping like a rock. Good luck to her ever being on the ticket.
“Stay tuned.”
As it looks like you might be starting to lose it, sort of a slow troll trainwreck in progress, I will, in fact, stay tuned!
“Travis @36, You’re asking Triple S to think. First Triple S needs to review raw story for an answer”
Just think, Bob. Your only friend here is a batshit crazy black man who couldn’t ‘speak American’ to save his fucking life. Now that’s some funny shit.
Meanwhile British Police Inaction… probably coming to America soon… http://www.yorkshireeveningpos.....-1-7510233
Notice the racist and misogynist name calling to the minority and female Republican candidates. When your coronated creepy candidate pukehead (CCCP) is falling down due to her own stooooooooooopidity all one can say is WOW Triple S!
One of my friends wrote this…
The Democrat field is really one that truly looks like America. Very diverse. Very. People from Vermont, Rhode Island, Maryland, New York, and Virginia. Racially diverse. And they have a woman. They are that progressive. And they chose men who would simply come across as duds compared with her to let her shine. A perfect panel if only the original 13 colonies were voting.
Now that is just the most outrageous thing you’ve ever posted. Simply ridiculous. Beyond the pale. So completely detached from reality as to defy comment. Absurd. Such a preposterous claim.
You don’t have any friends.
“One of my friends wrote this…”
Who’s that? Mr. Klynical? The KLOWN? Too funny.
“You don’t have any friends.”
You must not have met Mr. Klynical yet. He’s just as batshit insane as the Loon.
“Notice the racist and misogynist name calling to the minority and female Republican candidates.”
Go ahead and make shit up. Meanwhile…
“Mike Huckabee tweets out racist joke about Asians eating dogs during Dem debate”
Huh! Looks like we found a real racist and it turns out he’s a GOP presidential candidate.
Oops! Raw Story again. Time for another batshut crazy loon head explosion.
Ahhhh yes the head explosions of lib the unscientist and Triple S above… Written by a personal trial attorney you morons.
Used by Puddy to describe exploding HA DUMMOCRETIN heads for years!
“Notice the racist and misogynist name calling to the minority and female Republican candidates.”
From the fingers of Triple S!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
Meet your base, Bob.
“Confederate flag-waving ‘St. Cloud Superman’ gets into shouting match after calling black man a ‘n***er’”
Kind of like if the batshit crazy loon and Bob had a love child…with the result of their cojoining being a batshit insane racist.
Meet your base, Bob!
“A group that attempts to proselytize to college students by carrying fake bloody tampons onto campus seem to be misunderstood when they had to explain they are “not against periods.””
“How do you deal with your period?” one female student asked. Another added, “she’s preaching against tampons and stuff.”
This forced Smock to explain, “I — I’m not against periods.”
Looks to me like “biting the tampon” might become the new “jumping the shark”.
Say, I have an idea! How about we judge Bob by the company he keeps? Oh, wait, I already do that.
Meet your base, Bob!
“Freaked-out Kansas conservatives confuse church pew removal with Muslim plot”
Look out, Christians! The Muslims are coming for your church pews! It’s a plot!
See? I told you his head would explode. His mind has deteriorated to the point where all it takes anymore is two words – “Raw Story”.
“Banking while black: College students handcuffed after ‘uncomfortable’ white customers complain”
Banking while black. They’re lucky they weren’t shot and killed. Good thing they weren’t shopping for a toy gun, jaywalking, a 12 year-old playing in a park, selling cigarettes on the sidewalk or sleeping while black. We all know how that shit turns out.