My Fuse Sizzle Award didn’t come with a large cash prize, but I did receive a free beer and a framed caricature of myself. And oddly, it wasn’t my first caricature of the day.
I occasionally meet with foreign journalists through the World Affairs Council, and yesterday I met with a group of visiting political cartoonists from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait. And afterwards, several of the cartoonists presented me with drawings they sketched up during our conversation… all focusing on my apparently largish forehead.
The drawing above is from Imed Ben Hamida of Tunisia, a cartoonist for numerous publications, and a university professor.
Damn fine rabbit nose you have there, cousin, but your ears aren’t long enough, otherwise you’d be a handsome swain.
The US Post Office called. They would like to add that pic to the ones of you already hanging on the walls of post offices all across America. But could you get a profile too?
The Piper
I had forgotten – Cartoonapaloza is in town!
You can meet the cartoonists and see an exhibition of their work tonight, starting at 7:30 a.m. (admission charge required).
Cartoonapalooza is coming!
@2 Don’t be jealous, Pooper, they drew one of you, too!
Washington Post: SEC Lawyer Was Blocked From Probing Madoff
A new scandal for Bush’s SEC erupted today when the Washington Post reported a staff lawyer was prevented from asking Bernard Madoff questions that would have exposed his Ponzi scheme in 2004.
Lawyer Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, an expert in specialized trading strategies, was reassigned to another department after developing a list of questions about Madoff’s inconsistent trading practicies.
Walker-Lightfoot — who left the SEC in 2006 — sued the agency for subjecting her to a “hostile work environment” and received an undisclosed out-of-court settlement. Her former department head married Madoff’s niece.
Man, you’re really f’d up.
Thank God for radio, huh?
I’m just sayin’!
At least you always give 103%!!
At least Obama is consistently tanking.
I’m going to a Tea Party on Saturday.
Marching followed by a picnic with 3 live bands. Great way to spend the 4th!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Very nice. Will you post the rest of the caricatures so that we can compare and contrast?
I thought the caricature of yourself was going to be a combined Darcy love letter and rant about the Seattle Times.
Dennis @8,
I will.
A lot of people tried to call attention to Madoff, but the SEC ignored them. Fox Business had a guy who tried for years to get the SEC to investigate, but the agency didn’t bother to investigate.
Here’s the link:
I wonder why Mr. C. Goatfucker thinks only private-sector people motivated by selfish profit “work hard”? Evidently he can’t grasp that some public sector people who work just as hard, or harder, are driven by an altruistic desire to serve others.
Btw, no small number of “hardworking” small business people I’ve observed mostly “work hard” at telling other people to work harder.
@11 I think “didn’t bother” isn’t exactly the right phrasing and doesn’t quite capture the reason(s) why the SEC made its staff look the other way.
C’mon…your evidence #1 of how screwed up State Government is.
Your still jealous that your AMWAY Distributorship failed, aren’t you Rog??
Fail in the private sector.
Suck off the guv’mint teat.
Yeah, we get it.
Goldy, he gave you a receding fro. Who knew?
@15 Isn’t the new rule, “Fail in the private sector, get a bonus of millions”? See, e.g., AIG or any bank of your choice.
The fact is, people who fail in the private sector don’t need government employment, because they’re set for life. On the other hand, government has plenty of need for smart rabbits like me, to clean up the messes that laissez-faire buccaneers leave behind them.
Your forehead ain’t that big.