Join us tonight for a fun-filled evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Our host Nick Beaudreot asks that you bring a pin or bumper sticker to help “redecorate” the Republican Street sign kindly donated by Mayor Greg Nickels. If so, Nick might just buy you a pint. If your sticker is pre-1992, it might be worth an entire pitcher.
Other than that, the hot topic for tonight might be about some ad that some organization took out making predictions about some guy. Or it might be about whether the deadly, costly, and colossal fuck-up the Iraq invasion has been so far, will suddenly get all better now that many neighborhoods have undergone ethnic “tidying up.”
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because of all the drunk Republicans hanging out on Republican Street.
Sorry I cant join, its just that if I drink you libs sound more ignorant to the world, the more I drink the more ignorant your raves seem, so I will just stay sober, that way you just seem stupid……
@2 In your case, it’s okay to drink all you want, because you have no brain cells to kill.
We’ll miss you terribly, Chucky. Really.
I cant make it. I will be somewhere where there is no liberal for miles http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....re10m.html
I’m sure liberals everywhere will be gladdened by THAT news.
At the risk of sounding like Joel Connelly, can’t we all just get along? :-)
Other than that, the hot topic for tonight might be about some ad that some organization took out making predictions about some guy. Or it might be about whether the deadly, costly, and colossal fuck-up the Iraq invasion has been so far, will suddenly get all better now that many neighborhoods have undergone ethnic “tidying up.”
Our mistake we forgot to take the man Roger Wabbit the worlds great General. Yep with his support selling bumper sticker Free Iraq would have brought OBL to the table begging for Pease. You just like he did in Tibet and now look at them making trinkets for the Indians. You have to admit he would had advice the Democrats about all those lies President Bush told and no WMD’s. WOW! what a man but he didn’t tell his Democrat Friends that he was soooooo smartttttt. They vote for the war, and they believe in all those dumb lies. OHHH!!! how dumb were they for not asking Roger and Goldy for their preemption of the furture. Blame it all on Bush including the hurricane that hit New Orleans and instigating 911 with Karl Rove. Yep the other party is the villians not OBL and his many vigrins blowing up women and children. Wow with luck Hillary will win and save us from the bad guys.
I will be somewhere where there is no liberal for miles
DOOFUS, you will not be missed. If you ever get back (and I hope that’s NEVER), maybe you can tell us what happened to the ACVR and why Thor Hearne won’t answer any questions about it or include it on his resume.
Heh. Like that will ever happen…
question;, related to lefties (esp steinbruck types) and tall buildings
10 yrs ago or so the Ht limits, Cap on downtown was the big deal.
Now you all want to build, build build
what gives/?
righton says:
question;, related to lefties (esp steinbruck types) and tall buildings
10 yrs ago or so the Ht limits, Cap on downtown was the big deal.
Now you all want to build, build build
what gives/?
That is the only place you can get a building permit your friends lover close down King County (Ron Sims). You can pick Roger Rabbit buddy to take care of Ron.
Wrong on @ 10
There’s plenty of criticism of Nickels and his too friendly attitude towards developers.
Geov wrote about right here at
klake @ 8:
First, what on earth does Tibet have to do with Iraq? Do you have a plan for returning it to independence? Does it involve regime change? I am VERY curious.
All the grownups were saying that going to Iraq was a bad idea. There was no big surprise as to what would happen (unless your name was Rumsfeld). Taking the country is easy. Keeping it together after that is the hard part.
Politicians, especially ones that have to be elected statewide, are easy to scare when the phones and the fax machines start running. The only time a Senator has a happy easy romp to an election is if the other side throws out a complete nutjob. Very few states are guaranteed safe for one party or the other, and not even very many congressional seats are a sure deal. There are 9 in Washington. The 7th will always go Dem. The 4th will probably go GOP. Everything else can (and has) gone either way(*). The rest of the country is the same.
Were some Democrats craven? Yeah. Do I like that? No. Lets hope the GOP remains so principled all the time. Where’s my small government by the way? I know someone promised to cut the Federal bureaucracy down to size. Did I leave it under the bed? Damn! It’s here someplace, I know it is!
When thousands of your constituents are telling you to bomb Iraq, you have to be brave, stupid, or have a very safe seat to ignore them.
(*) Yes, dems have held the 4th and repubs have held the 7th, but neither of these have happened in my adult life.
n.b. This post suffers from poor focus and bad editing, but I do better on my worst days than you do on your best.
Maybe you can discuss how the NY Times only charged MoveOn.Pinko $65,000 when the going rate is over $167,000+
I guess the NY Times thinks like MoveOn.Pinko? Hmmm…?
Just checking in real quick….
I want to encourage you guys to continue your brilliant strategy of Surrender and Socialism. You certainly moved the Surrender part “forward” today. Good job.
Really nails the pulse of Murka.
Keep it up…
Since righton has graced us with his presence this evening, maybe he can pick up on immigration again.
The GOP is falling on hard times. Nativism is as strong as ever, and a voice is needed to speak up for English-speaking (or any other language, as long as it’s not Spanish) Americans.
It’s been done before, and it shall be done again!
what gives/?
Why, 9/11 changed everything. What the fuck is the matter with you?
I urge all to read this article.
Is there a troll out there capable of writing a coherent sentence? Is there some code they communicate in that is decipherable to anyone who can think rationally? As the recent neurological study shows, the conservative “mind” is not only rigid, but its inflexibility prevents communication with those not vexed with its curse.
I’d love to join you for a beer and Republican bashing, but I’m spending the night in my waterfront cabin at Camano, on a beach where all the Republicans hang out. :) Smokin a big fat non SCHIP taxed La Flor Dominica Double Ligero – Chisel cigar!
And having some damn good Woodford reserve burbon to boot
RR accused me last week of probably not making 40k a year, he thinks I only make a meager living….:)
He’s sorta right, but before I decided to go back to work for the fun of it, and make a meager living I made a damn good living and saved (not spent) a butt load so I would not have to depend on libs to take care of me.
Island House doubled in price in the last two years so Island County is sucking on their new found profits.
Not far (unfortunately) from Mary Margaret Haugen, tax queen of the Island and washington, who lives up the road a piece. I think she lives on Olsen Road. Which was homesteaded by a friend of mine who says their relatives ran off with all the goods. Not somehow suprising considering the olson clan.
Enjoy all your Bitter Bashing folks! I’ll keep the lights on for ya!
Sigh. I’ll try the old fashioned idiot way:
…it’s worth the effort. Check it out.
Damn, are there only trolls here? Sorry we couldn’t make it. Looked at the checkbook balance, and DL will have to wait. Hope everyone had a good time and Hi! to our friends.
Pud @ 13:
So if I read you right, the NYT should be a regulated entity which is not free to set the price of its services according to market demand, relationship with the client, etc.?
Please, explain. I’m all ears.
The utter emptiness is on full display this fine evening. Why don’t you just admit defeat and take up arms against the Zionist Occupation Governement, so we know which ones to put away?
Wow, this comment thread is like the syllabus for a college course on psychological disorders.
How about the idiot that really seems to think he is Roger Rabbit??
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
27. Keep your day job!
Ummmm…I believe you are one of the limp wristed loooooooooooooosers who Brad Paisley was writing about.
Don’t try South Dakota there congress woman is one. Or Missouri one of their Senators is one. Montana? No we’ve got that covered. Colorado? Nope. New Mexico? Nope the good governor worked for Bill Clinton and is running for president with a (D) next to his name. Hmm… Georgia? Nope, got a few congress people that are libs from there. The whole north east is out of course. You could try Texas, but you might get your ass kicked by Ann Richards, Molly Ivins, Jim Hightower and Steve Earle.
Hmm… Looks like you’re running out of places to go.
His gradnfather’s advice to hime was, ‘Anything that’s going wrong in your life, you can pick this guitar up and it’ll go away.’
I recommend you start strumming your heart out
Ann Richards is actually dead, has been for a few months now, but she could still kick the crap out of a pimply little nerd like Dan Rathernot.
@5 Alki, with the other rowdies and vandals, is a good place for you.
P.S., Dan Blather using “Peace” as a salutation is like Ted Bundy signing his letters, “Love, Ted.”
@7 “At the risk of sounding like Joel Connelly, can’t we all just get along? :-)”
@34 How smart is it to “get along” with Nazis, Stalinists, insurgents who cut off children’s arms, child molesters, or robbers? Is it even possible? Why should we want to? We should throw this human scum into cages, not invite them to our dinner tables. The same principle applies here.
@8 “the man Roger Wabbit”
Damn, klake … we know you’re stupid, but can’t you even tell the difference between man and rabbit?
@27 Mirroring again?
I wonder when MSM will call bullshit on General Yes Man’s statistics. He’s cooking the books. This is Vietnam-era body counts in reverse.
JSA: All I’m saying is how cum MoveOn.Pinko got such a fine 61%+ off the rate? Can you negotiate a 39% rate when you go for services JSA? As a GC I’d like to know!
Either the NY Times sucks at rate negotiation (and their reportage and why they had a recent layoff) or the MoveOn.Pinkos are great negotiators hence they should work on the UN Human Rights Commission where if memory serves me correctly right now Cuba is the president.
Moonbat!s, did you notice how the Hsu didn’t fit on the evening news last night.
ABC’s Charlie Gibson didn’t mention it, NBC’s Brian Williams only skated on it and CBS’s Katie Couric talked about some dead parrot more than fitting Hsus?
The largest campaign contribution in history ($850,000) is being given back and no one on the left really covers it. No librul bias in the news libtards? I wonder what the FBI finds will be broadcasted. Maybe Bush will spring a September 2008 surprise!!!
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaahaaaa haaaahaaaa ahhh haaaa haaaa
Gosh Lee, you are looking more stupid every hour!
Wow, it looks like the Moonbat!s were out in full force yesterday.
Did headlice loocie go? Did rudejacks go? How about atj? JSA works in Vancouver BC so I know he couldn’t make it.
These are the same thinking types like many Wipers on ASSWipes who think the Bush Administration blew up the twin towers.
Yessireeee, these brainiacs wore orange jumpsuits in “solidarity” with Gitmo detainees. Did you know the average Gitmo detainee gained 18 lbs while at Gitmo? When released they didn’t say thanks, many rejoined their rag-tag group of fighters (sounds like the original story line of Battlestar Gallactica 1979) to fight the US another day.
I COULD make it, but it would make for a pretty long night. 3 hours South, 2 1/2 hours North afterwards.
All the while, there’s a perfectly decent bar 150 feet from here. I think the beer at the Montlake is better, but Bar Havana will make a mojito with Cuban rum if you like.
On the 28% wingnuts care.
You seem to think you’re relevant.
You know, they’re doing wonderful things with psychiatry today.
Puddybud has found his new Able Danger and Gorelick wall.
Yeah, but that’s human psychology. Other primates, not so much.
@1 Rodent:
At least be honest why you can’t attend-you know cab companies don’t take food stamps as fare.
JSA: All I’m saying is how cum MoveOn.Pinko got such a fine 61%+ off the rate? Can you negotiate a 39% rate when you go for services JSA? As a GC I’d like to know!
Good question Pud.
First off, yes. I beat the holy hell out of vendors, and yes, I’ve negotiated 60% discounts before. It makes me really popular hereabouts.
Let’s talk about rates. If you call me up and want me to get in the car and talk about systems with you for a couple of hours, the rate’s about $200/hour right now.
While I’d be delighted if my current source of finance/entertainment paid me that 10 hours a day for the two years I’m scheduled to be here, that’s not going to happen. They get a substantial discount over the short-term rate.
I suspect you have a short-term and a long-term rate as well. I would be surprised if you didn’t.
More importantly, the NYT is a publicly traded company, and is bound by fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of their shareholders. You and I are free to set rates based on whether we need cash, whether we like our customers and want to give them a break, or any other factor we like.
The NYT is not. Giving MoveOn (or anyone else) a sweetheart rate exposes them to the risk of shareholder lawsuits.
FWIW, while newspapers are not a great business to be in, and probably not my first (or second, or third) choice of stocks I’d be purchasing with my own money, the NYT has been beating the S&P 500 publishing index for most of the last year.
JSA: So you do or don’t think they got a sweetheart deal? I think they got the kneepad deal.
YLB/Clueless – You keep forgetting Mary White and Colleen Rowley think different than you on the Gorelick wall. That’s because it happened more than 24 hours ago.
Hmmm… One was a former FBI Agent and the other was a US Prosecutor. You are and forever will be Clueless!
In related news, Bloomingdales doesn’t pay the card rate either. They run 2 ads a month rain or shine, and have worked the price down to the bone.
This is proof positive that the NYT is just an arm of the clothing/retail/industrial complex.
But if you don’t believe me, buy a share of NYT stock and mount a class-action lawsuit the next time they sell ads to a customer below the card rate. The stock closed at $20.46 today. Even you can afford one share of stock.
If the place is as crooked as you believe it to be, this should be a slam-dunk! Put your money where your mouth is.
JSA: Nope, I have better places to invest and I have.
Cisco, Johnson & Johnson, Boeing, GE, Carnival Cruise, Dow Chemical EMC, IBM etc.
Here are many mottos which describe the librul mindset.
From Darwin web site above: The sum I.Q. of the world is a constant.
Now where have I heard sumtin similar to this…?
But Pud, there’s a clearcut case of collusion with an ideologically friendly partner in violation of the officer’s sworn duty of fiduciary responsibility!
This is like the deal in Trading Places where you could make a killing on the suit, and put the NYT out of business once and for all.
Or do you know already that you’re talking out of the wrong orfice?
jsa, ok i’ll engage.
what part of immigration you want to talk about?
Legal via permit
or floods of mexicans w/ out.
Better yet, if you think unlimited hordes of mexcians is good, go visit some former nice towns in LA area and decide if you’d prefer suburb w/ clean houses or poverty?
I’ve lived in places that had immigration as a fractino of the prior population, and those overwhelmed by the immigrants. no way you want to live in those overwhelmed.
and yawn to the tired old story about no irish ,etc. those guys spoke english, and came at a time the country was underpopulated.
I doubt Pacoima or Burien for that matter need to double their size, esp via dirt poor immigrants.
righton @ 59:
I would love legal via permit.
I understand and agree with the issue of uncontrolled floods of Mexicans. There is a legitimate interest in controlling immigration to the country.
The fiction that needs to be addressed is this issue of permitting.
The meme on the right (I’m sorry to say) is “Let them wait their turn and come in legally”
There are 4 routes in this country, and only 4:
1) You must be willing to invest one million dollars in the US (discounted to a mere $500,000 if it’s a poor area, i.e. not a great business proposition without lots of sweat on the part of the immigrant)
2) You must be highly skilled, and even then, there aren’t enough visas. I know people with solid-gold resumes who are being denied entry.
3) You can marry an American.
4) You can apply for refugee status. If you follow the law, expect to be denied.
Apple pickers? Construction workers? Plumbers? We may need them, but they can’t get in under the current system. No way, no how. So sorry.
At least two things have to be done for immigration to be reformed properly:
a) A sane system needs to be set up to allow workers in temporarily based on demand, and not arbitrary quotas.
b) Real punishments need to be given to employers who hire illegal workers. Migrants come because there are paying jobs. Migrants are not in Canada because you will be fined out of existence hiring them here.
Neither of those are being done. Intense political pressure from the right is preventing a from happening, and lobbying from agriculture and construction is frustrating b.
Irish may have spoken English, but they were unwelcome regardless. Chinese and Italians spoke not a word.
jsa; fallacy is “we need construction workers, plumbers”
to me the importing of workers (and same for goods from afar) is death to our labor force.
Used to be construction was a job paying high school grads a decent working wage. Now you toss in underpriced illegals and voila, no more local guys making decent wages.
Ever wonder why the flood of teardowns and buildings underway; borrowed money PLUS cheap labor makes it easy
I don’t get why Dems escape on this one; deflating wages AND turning our cities into 3rd world slums.
I doubt (but i guess need to check) your assertion there is no legal immigration for non rich mexicans.
JSA: I think it’s curious a political ad got such a discount especially since it has been proven George Soros is the money man for Moveon. Now we’ve seen similar commentary to Moveon in the forms of Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, Paul Krugman. And… the NY Times owner and his son’s editors have allowed interestingly biased articles to live in print which I have placed on Wipes.
You can discount the “collusion” point all you want as its a free country. I think it is really strange and… I believe your rose-colored glasses provide a warped view on this one.
BTW I’d never accuse you of ASSFacia. It’s that librul disease where your face looks like your ass and your bowels don’t know which way to move. That disease is already identified in YLB/Clueless and chadt.
Wow I wonder what word the filter caught this time.
Stay tuned JSA comment in the filter.
Hey Moonbat!s while the Arctic ice is melting the Antarctic ice is growing to new levels.
Amazingly I missed all those news stories. Hmmm…?
And here is a wonderful story.
LOne was a former FBI Agent and the other was a US Prosecutor
That’s a fallacious response otherwise known as an appeal to authority.
I’ve played that game too – see Slade Gorton.
You want to pin 9/11 on Bill Clinton and Gorelick? Nice try Puddy. See Shrubya’s non-response to the August PDB. See Richard Clarke unable to get a meeting to brief his principals on the threat from Al-Qaeda until shortly before the planes hit the building.
Your Gorelick wall is a silly right-wing fantasy – not that that is news to anyone around here.
We may expect increasingly desperate measures from PuddyTARD as he grows more desperate and shrill. The churchbat!s theocratic wonderchild never completed birth, and it’s obvious now that it won’t for a long time.
Chadt: I hated to admit this but you prove this point more every day. The best part of you ran down your mother’s leg!
Is that clear enough for you?
Just think Chadt, you should be counting your lucky stars. Most Moonbat!s don’t fall too far from the family tree. Your mother could have aborted you and never even thunk about it!
I love how YLB/Clueless puts his “chads” in with Slade Gorton, a man whom he never voted for in his 30+ year sorry existence!
If you had voted for Slade Clueless just once, I could accept your argument. It’s specious at best libtard!
Puddy, you’re a pretty loathsome excuse for what you pretend to stand for, and nobody here takes you seriously, as you should by now have been able to ascertain.
Shriek on to your heart’s content, your insults would only have meaning for any of us who might have the slightest respect for you. You have no more impact on us than logic and reason have on you.
You’re a joke, and we’re the ones laughing.
If you had voted for Slade Clueless just once, I could accept your argument. It’s specious at best libtard!
My support or non-support for Gorton is neither here nor there you idiot!
What did Gorton say PWhacko?
Why did Gorton say that Whacko? Didn’t you vote for the guy? My theory is he looked at the facts and made a judgement call. Either he’s right or wrong.
If you had an ounce of brains, you’d tear into his argument but you don’t so you make some shit up about me not supporting the guy.
You’re such a fucking loser!!!
Actually, I disagree. Pudster had nothing to lose in the first place.
Clueless/YLB – I have torn into his argument over and over. I trust the troops on the ground YLB. Why can’t you. Maybe because it’s not in your psyche?
You take on comment made by Slade and trumpet it up. Besides if you read Media Matters Slade said the Gorelick wall had no affect on Able Danger Clueless. You took his comment out of context.
“But, as the 1995 guidelines clearly state, the Gorelick memo and the guidelines applied only to intelligence sharing “between the FBI and the Criminal Division” within the Justice Department, not a military unit established by the Defense Department”
“As is evident from the language of the Gorelick memo itself, it didn’t apply to Able Danger. But in response to growing misinformation on the topic in The Washington Times, former Republican senator Slade Gorton, a 9-11 Commission member, specifically addressed and debunked the theory that Gorelick’s memo prevented intelligence sharing about Atta in an August 18 letter to the editor in the Times:”
Waaaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Mary White and Colleen Rowley said there was a wall. And Clueless since you forgot the truths, Gorelick rejected advice from the Mary White U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.
Hmmm…? I know you suck the tit of Media Matters… so enjoy using Google to look it up.
Looks like my answer is stuck in the filter YLB Clueless – But if you read Media Morons Slade did not say there was no wall. He said there was no wall against the defnese department. But as a librul you missed what Gorton was referring to. Read #74 wne it is released.