The Sierra Club held a press conference today on Mercer Island to endorse Darcy Burner. (Note to Wingnuts: Mercer Island really is in the 8th Congressional District.)
Daniel finds even more evidence that Darcy Burner’s opponent may be abusing his franking privilege.
Los Angeles – Jewish groups have demanded Mel Gibson be investigated for hate crimes after the Hollywood star allegedly made anti-Semitic comments to US police officers when he was stopped on suspicion of drink-driving and speeding. /break/ Calling for a criminal investigation into the Oscar-winning actor and director’s remarks, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the US Jewish Anti-Defamation League, said: ‘’We believe there should be consequences to bigots and bigotry.’’ […………………………………………………………………………………..Fair enough…………………………………………, but I must have missed the “hate crime” investigation of Hillary against Dick Morris [“You Fucking Jew Bastard!”]. Could any of you commie libs repost? Goldy? Bueller? Frye? Left Turn? Dr. E? Anyone? Anyone? hehe, JCH]
DENVER – The Colorado Supreme Court on Monday upheld a state law that prohibits convicted felons from voting while they are on parole, a ruling that will keep some 6,000 people from casting ballots this year. Colorado law denies felons the right to vote while they are serving their sentences, and the justices said in a unanimous opinion that parole must be considered part of a sentence. […………………………………….Democrat lose 6000 votes in Colorado!!! Jesse and Al are furious!!!!!!!!!]
Nearly a month ago, Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s podium twice sat empty as her two opponents in the July 18 Democratic primary election debated each other and made McKinney an issue. On Monday, the 4th District congresswoman did not miss the opportunity to face Hank Johnson — […………………………………………………………………………..[Who does this Hank Johnson think he is running against “BitchSlap” McKinney?? He must be racist!!!!! Oh………..wait. He is black? Never mind……….. Rosanna Rosannadana [SNL]]
Darcy, tell us – what is your solution to the Israeli/Lebanon crisis? How do we solve this problem?
What do we do about Castro, and the vaccuum that will occur if he passes?
Time for prime time.
Dave, tell us – what is your solution to the Israeli/Lebanon crisis? How do we solve this problem?
What do we do about Castro, and the vaccuum that will occur if he passes?
Time for prime time.
Left Turn, Why aren’t commie lib Democrats who hate Bush swimming for the Hillary Paradise of Cuba? National housing, food, education, and health care!! A Democrat’s dream!!!
The mailing reads a lot better than the one that I received from my State rep…. Brenden Williams – a good half of his mailing was solely devoted to slamming the Republican Party and all of the Republicans in Olympia, all at taxpayer expense, of course.
Wasn’t it Reichert who invited that infamous Alaskan Senator to Seattle to look at the viaduct and that Alaskan Senator put in 200 million dollars to replace it?????
Go to the “other blog” for a very spirited debate between Goldy and that showboating, self-promoting bloviator. I won’t link there.
Goldy kicks ass, the other guy takes cheap shots and can’t cope.
My God. The bloviator admits to reading “Little Green Footballs”.
sgmmac @ 7 – I’m unaware of franking restrictions at the State level. Are there any?
After that exchange with Stefan, NOW will you nutjobs admit Darcy Burner was NO executive at Microsoft?
Can you please characterize for us the comparative nuclear arsenals of the US vs Say Russia or China in terms of throw weight, RVs,SLBMs,LRNA and ICBM capabilities.
Followup: In the event of a launch or threatened by a rogue state such as North Korea, beyond surrender or our nuclear destruction, how would you advocate we defend against such an attack?
Given that Iran may posess such a capability one day, and their propensity to view larges number of deaths of their own accepetable in defeating the great satan, how would you propose this nation stop such a suicidal launch of missiles against us?
“Wasn’t it Reichert who invited that infamous Alaskan Senator to Seattle to look at the viaduct and that Alaskan Senator put in 200 million dollars to replace it?????”
I agree! How pathetic is that? Only $200 million. Why that isn’t even enough to buy a decent sculpture garden for the Seattle Art Museum.
Given the past troubles of Microsoft in anti-trust litigation with the last Democrat administration, and your past employment with Microsoft, how can voters know that you wouldn’t be more prone to advocate the government go easy on Microsoft in any future litigation regarding its software monopoly?
Clearly there is a conflict of interest. And without deflecting the question to your opponent, how do you address that?
Given the dismal state of security in Microsoft products, how do you assure voters that the faulty knowledgebase that you posess regarding security issue will not impede our efforts to secure our nation and Washington State against possible terrorist attacks?
Have you ever been briefed by the Department of Homeland Security regarding the latest classified information on threats being faced by Washington State as a target of terrorist attacks? What qualifies you to even be able to begin to understand the complex issues of security and terrorism our stae and nation will face in the future? Since law enforcement and intelligence agencies are now allowed to share information regarding terrorist threats, it is reasonabl to expect that a law enforcement professional or an intelligence official woudl have experience interfacing with the Department of Homeland Security as a vital component of the national strategy to prevent terrorist attacks. What experience do you have in the law enforcement or intelligence areas?
Given the Democrat Party propensity to leak our vital national secrets to our enemy, such as the tracking of terrorist finances and the tapping of phone communications between AQ and their American cells, why should the voters trust a Democrat such as yourself in a position in which you may very well have access to classified security information? Have you ever had a top secret clearance before? Have you ever served in law enforcement or the military? Is the middle of a war on terror and appropriate time to remove an experienced law enforcement officer with two years of national security experience in favor of on the job training for someone with no such experience?
Under Rep Reichert, how many terrorist attacks has Washington State experienced?
Can you please characterize for us the comparative nuclear arsenals of the US vs Say Russia or China in terms of throw weight, RVs,SLBMs,LRNA and ICBM capabilities.
Followup: In the event of a launch or threatened by a rogue state such as North Korea, beyond surrender or our nuclear destruction, how would you advocate we defend against such an attack?
Given that Iran may posess such a capability one day, and their propensity to view larges number of deaths of their own accepetable in defeating the great satan, how would you propose this nation stop such a suicidal launch of missiles against us?
Given the past troubles of the King Co. Sheriff’s Dept in terms of more than 30 active corruption and officer disciplinary cases, and your past employment with said office, how can voters know that you wouldn’t be more prone to advocate the government go easy on corruption in public office given your track record at covering up police brutality, corruption and incompetence?
And without deflecting the question to your opponent, how do you address that?
Given the dismal state of the King Co. Sheriff’s office, how do you assure voters that the same sort of corruption and incompetence you fostered and tolerated at KCSO won’t be a regular part of your party’s service to the people of the 8Th?
Given the fact that it took you two decades to catch the Green River Killer, a high school drop out, what qualifies you to even be able to begin to understand the complex issues of security and terrorism our stae and nation will face in the future? What experience do you have in the law enforcement or intelligence areas that doesn’t involve bungling a case that led to the deaths of dozens of Washington citizens?
Given the Republican Party propensity to leak our vital national secrets like covert CIA agent’s identities or giving control of our ports to Arab nations, why should the voters trust a Republican such as yourself in a position in which you may very well have access to classified security information?
Given the recent terrorist attack on a Jewish Community Center on your watch as Congressman, why should the voters trust that you can do anything to protect them from future terror attacks?
If elected, and confronted w simultaneous; Senate vote and your kids first day of Kindergarten
which will you pick?
righton @ 20 Since Burner is running for the House, I bet she’ll pass on the Senate vote.
wow, corrected on horsesass without being abused. thanks
my oops.
Wow, Wrongone, without Dean Logan around you’re missing your focus in life.
It’s making you loopy.
Why doesn’t the word “Republican” appear on the frontpage of your website?
In fact when I do a google search for the word REPUBLICAN in the domain name davereichertforcongress I get very few hits and each hit leads to a “page not found”.
Is it because you’re running away from your record as a rubberstamp for the corrupt REPUBLICAN leadership in Congress and the corrupt REPUBLICAN Bush Administration?
Or is it because the word “Republican” *spit* has become a dirty word in most people’s minds?
Your constituents want to know Dave.
PBJ at 15: Based no your questions, and your implied “standards” for being elected to national office, President George W. Bush CONTINUES to be clearly unqualified for that role, after 5-1/2 years in office!
PBJ, you say Darcy’s not ready for prime time. Why, then, is Shirley (as in “Don’t call me-“) running away from a debate with powerhouse candidate Darcy Burner? Could it be because Dave’s puppetmasters know that Darcy has a stunningly broad encyclopedic knowledge of national issues, both foreign and domestic? Is it because they’ve seen Darcy speak brilliantly about homeland security policy and middle-east policy on numerous ocassions and with clarity that Dave could not manage in his wildest dreams? Darcy would hand dave his ass tied in a neat little bow and you know it.
That being said, speaking skill is not nearly as important as having steadfast beliefs and the courage to take a side on the issues that matter to we the working families of the 8th district. Those of us who have met them both can tell you that in matters of the courage of their convictions, Darcy beats Dave every time.
Just got my new Lexus 350 and returned to the dealer the next day complaining that I couldn’t figure out how the radio worked.
The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated “Watch this!” he said, “Nelson”! The Radio replied, “Ricky or Willie?”
“Willie!” He continued and “On The Road Again” came from the speakers.
I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I’d say, “Beethoven,” I’d get beautiful classical music, and if I said, “Beatles,” I’d get one of their awesome songs.
One day, a liberal couple fro Seattle ran a red light in their Prius and nearly creamed my new car, but I swerved in time to avoid them. I yelled, “Ass Holes!”
The French National Anthem began to play, sung by Jane Fonda and Michael Moore, backed up by John Kerry on guitar, Al Gore on drums, Bill Clinton on sax and Ted Kennedy on booze.
Damn, I LOVE this car!
Even your most vocal supporter, David Goldstein has publicly admitted in a debate with Stefan Sharkansky that in fact, you were never a Microsoft Executive.
Why then do you still deceptively imply you were an executive on your campaign website:
[B]”Darcy went to work for Microsoft in 2000 and became the lead manager for an initiative to change the way software was built. It was very successful and enhanced Darcy’s reputation as a successful executive.” [/B]
How can one claim they have a “reputation as a successful executive” when in fact they have never been an executive?
pbj; she has to cling to that; kind of hard to brag about ames lake dinner club or dropping out of law school
“Given the recent terrorist attack on a Jewish Community Center on your watch as Congressman, why should the voters trust that you can do anything to protect them from future terror attacks?”
Sorry Left Turn, but the Liberals of Seattle are not calling it a terrorist attack. It is a hate crime, remember? After all, in politically correct Seattle, no one is to blame, least of all a Muslim.
“Darcy..//..Have you ever been briefed by the Department of Homeland Security regarding the latest classified information on threats being faced by Washington State as a target of terrorist attacks?”
The real question, considering DHS “leadership”‘s track record for honesty and competence, would be whether she’d believe a single word of what they told her.
Given that the Democrat Party opposes the Strategic Defense Initiative and wishes to scrap it, as opposed to Republicans who support ongoing research, what plan do you support to prevent an ICBM launched from a rogue state such as Iran from reaching the continental US? Spitballs?
What I’m surprised that the wingnut trolls haven’t jumped on like a pack of drooling jackals is, Bill Clinton comes out here for a fundraiser for Cantwell, and she doesn’t show up. WTF’s with that?????
It has been alleged you dropped out of law school, is that true? If so, how could you expect anyone to believe you follow through on what you start when you didn’t even do that with law school?
Art, if you were running, would you want to be seen with Bill Clinton? Obviously she is trying to avoid more holes in the SS Cantwell. It is already taking on water, no need to blast another hole in the hull.
Or it could be she heard about Clinton’s reputation as a letch and stayed away. Did any other women show up?
Was McDermott there? Perhaps she didn’t want to be seen with him.
Does anyone know if Darcy was there?
You are well aware of the controversy surrounding your claim of being an executive at Microsoft when in fact you were a manager. Are you ashamed to be known as a manager? Many of your potential constituents are managers, isn’t you embarassment at being labelled a manager and insistence you are an executive an insult to those potential voters who are indeed managers? What do you have against managers Darcy?
Dwight “Cuba” Pelz has a historical relationship with Communist Dictator Fidel Castro, even expressing admiration for his iron fist regime and confiscation of proprty of US Businessman in his rise to power.
Do you share Chairman Pelz’s enthuisam for communism and/or socialism as well?
Some right wing whacko on is elevating Darcy Burner’s position at Microsoft as a higher issue than homeland security, health care and other true concerns of the constituents of the 8th district.
As a rubberstamp to the corrupt leadership in Congress, do you agree with such smear tactics?
If the votors cannot trust you to even be honest regarding your resume, how can they trust you with clasiified information?
Chris “irrele” Vance, the former head of the WSRP, led your party to the disaster of the election contest causing many extremists in your party to call for his ouster.
However, who do you believe was more responsible for this 2 million plus dollar disaster, Vance or Dino Rossi?
One of your most, ahem shall we say “vocal” supporters is David Goldstein and his blogn, named after the posterior of a horse. Would you allow Henry to say the four letter words that David Goldstein and his regular liberal nutjob posters repeat on that blog?
Do you think children should be swearing like that? Aren’t you afraid Henry will pick up some of David Goldstein’s foul language? Or don’t you care about that?
Given that you associate yourself with the so called “Net Roots” organization and radical leftists, do you believe any of the conspiracy theories they have espoused such as that 911 was a Jewish conspiracy or that the government really flew the planes into the buildings?
It is strange that some of your supporters like Mark the bet-welshing Redneck coward uses so much profanity when they post to liberal websites like (On the hand, the bet-welshing coward says he will hold his nose when he votes for you. He believes you’re too dominated by women).
Will you join with Mike McGavick in calling for more “civility” in public discourse?
Prior to and during 911, a wall of seperation for sharing information between intelligence agencies and law enforcement existed as a carryover from the previous Clinton administration. This was has been dubbed by some as the “Gorrelick Wall”, so named after the policies of the former Deputy Attorney General Jaime Gorrelick. The prohibition on sharing information between law enforcement and intelligence agencies was cited in the senate report on 911 as a factor in preventing authorities from stopping the attack. Some have urged a return to this situation in which intelligence and law enforcement agencies are prohibited from sharing information.
Do you support reestablishing a wall of seperation between intelligence and law enforcement?
During your long career in public service you’ve come in contact with many people from all walks of life and of all political persuasions.
Do you believe like many right wing whackjobs who post to (un)SP and troll at that ALL people to your political left are communists, terrorists, conspiracy freaks and are out to destroy America?
How do you feel about brownshirts following candidates at every stop with cameras and videotape and protest signs in Nazi-like fashion, as Democrats are doing with the Mike McGavick campaign?
Can you comment on the hypocrisy of Demcorats constant mischaracterization of Republicans as brownshirts when in fact, it is Democrats who are the ones hounding McGavick like a modern day Gestapo?
Do you agree with John Kerry that our troops in Iraq are terrorists?
Many of your supporters seem to be in thrall to organs of right-wing propaganda like Faux Snooze Channel, NewWhackos (NewsMax) and Wingnut Daily (WND).
Do you also believe everything that is promulgated through these propaganda sources like some of your supporters?
Darcy (and Dave),
Would you characterize the Seattle shooting as a hate crime or terrorist attack? And why?
Do you agree with George W. Bush that there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein played any part in 9/11?
Given the demonstrated bias and outright lies of the liberal media, the Rather fake memo, the Jason Blair phoney stories, the Eason Jordon proganda alliance between CNN and Saddam Hussien and even recently, the Pro-Hizbollah peice by CNN reporter Nic Robertson, do you trust such “mainstream” media to give you the truth?
What do you think would have been a more cost effective course of action in Iraq – rigorous U.N. inspections or an invasion costing thousands of lives, limbs and shattered minds from Post-Traumatic stress and the lost prestige of America throughout the world?
Do you agree with the Senate Intelligence report that stated that their was indeed a working relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussien’s Iraq?
Given that Democrats have repeated the meme of WMD ad nauseum until it has become urban legend, what is you reaction to the discovery of over 500 canisters of sarin gas in Iraq? These apparently are left over from the original Gulf War. Doesn’t that demonstrate conclusively that in fact, Saddam Hussein never did destroy his WMD as he claimed?
Followup to the followup:
Some Democrats say the canisters are old and degraded and therefore pose no hazard. Would you like to stand in a closed hotel room when one is cracked open? After all, if as liberals claim, they are totally inert, no ill effects should come about.
Many of your supporters spend about half their time demonizing the mainstream media.
Do you believe the government should step in and replace the MSM with outlets more acceptable to REPUBLICANS (oops sorry about that word) with Faux Snooze Channel, NewsWhackos, the Moonie Times and Wingnut Daily?
Given that prior to the Iraq War, most of the Demcrat party acknowledged that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was a serious threat but now change their story for political purposes, how can the public trust you, as a Democrat, not to simply change your position on our troops as the political winds blow from one direction to another?
Isn’t real leadership the ability to do what is necessary egardless of opinion polls, rather than change coure on a whim to please polltsters and pundits?
Do you believe the fantasies of many of your right-wing supporters that Saddam Hussein would give the “Weapons of Mass Corrosion” to Al-Qaeda terrorists thereby running the risk of those terrorists using those weapons on his regime?
“What is you reaction to the discovery of over 500 canisters of sarin gas in Iraq?”
Are those the ones the Blackwater folks are busy scrubbing the “MADE IN USA” labels off of?
Given that Democrats praised fellow Democrat Rep Barbara Lee (D Berkely) as “courageous” for voting against ousting the Taliban and going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan, and at the same time hypocritically claim they supported that campaign, how can you espect the voters to believe you can credibly be counted upon to vote to protect US national security?
Follow up:
Democrats advocate all sorts of social welfare programs, often at the expnse of national security. Of what importance are social welfare programs to Americans who are murdered due to lack on national defense against terorrist attacks?
Do you believe that any country with our proficient air force patrolling their northern and southern frontiers, bombing at will, whose economy is strangled by economic sanctions is a threat to anyone?
Do you believe that fully funding No Child Left Behind and allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices with big pharma should have a higher priority than funding highway pork barrel in Alaska?
Do you support trading crack cocaine to addicts in exchange for fraudulent voter registrations and Democrats did with Chad Statton in teh 2004 election?
Give the natural propensity of your supporters to be drug users, have you reported any crack donations, obstensibly for use in voter registration drives, to the FEC as a campaign contribution?
Darcy Burner comes from a military family. Do you believe like some of your right-wing whackjob supporters that she is not concerned in the least about our national security and the well-being of our men and women in uniform?
Did you rubberstamp cuts in VA Health care to our veterans who have laid down their lives for our country?
Do you believe any country that is supposed ly under UN sanctions, but in fact has bribed the principal players in and Oil for Food scandal, is really constrained in any way?
Given the fact that after the first Gulf War, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Commission) made a finding Saddam had no nuclear program, only to be overturned when Saddam’s own brother-in-law came forward and proved in fact he DID have a nuclear program, should the US be so naive as to beleive that Saddam did not intend to ressurect his former nuclear program?
Given that under the current administration, VA spending has increased at a higher precentage than under any CLinton Administration and that the Bush Administration raised the combat death insurance from $12K under Clinton to over $250K, how do you expect voters to believe that you are concerned, as a Democrat, about veterans?
Do you find when you are talking to some of your right wing whackjob supporters who troll at and comment at (un)SP that as the conversation progresses it gets more and more incoherent?
Why are some of your most rabid left wing supporters so clueless that they would post questions to Dave Reichert on a forum called “Darcy Burner edition”?
Could their cluelessness be side effect of their long history of self medication with illegal substances?
Do you believe without the relentless pressure from veterans groups and military families that the corrupt DeLay Hastert Frist leadership would extend anything but the most miserly support for our men and women in uniform?
Do you intend to sell our nuclear secrets to the Chinese as did Bill Clinton?
Do you wonder why, even when he sent soldier’s off to die for illegal wars in Kosovo, that Bill Clinton could not sign legislation to give them more than a measly $12K when they died in combat?
Do you also hold the military in utter contempt as did Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Do you believe that there should be an organization out there called “Wingnut Propaganda Addicts Anonymous”?
What’s your newspaper of choice that your read every morning when you commute to the House: the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Reverend Moon’s paper?
PBJ at 46 in the “Open Thread – Darcy Burner Edition” said: “How do you feel about brownshirts following candidates at every stop with cameras and videotape and protest signs in Nazi-like fashion, as Democrats are doing with the Mike McGavick campaign? ”
Clearly, the Republicans have gone off the deep end. Some statements clearly deserve to be ridiculed.
Republicans don’t seem to understand, or don’t care, that displaying a sign in public, and videotaping a candidate in a public appearance, is a First Amendment right guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Or perhaps they just want to intimidate others from exercising their Constitutional rights, in order to avoid anything which would (a) interfere with their carefully controlled public appearances, or (b) create a non-deniable record of their candidate making one comment to their “base”, and an entirely different one to a wider audience.
Instead, they are trying to call Democrats “brown-shirts” and “Nazis”. Clearly PBS doesn’t know the history of the Nazis, or is betting that others don’t. The Brown Shirt tactics were quite brutal (including beatings and murder), and cannot be compared with holding a sign or a camera.
But to PBJ and other Republicans, displaying a sign, or recording a Republican candidate making a public speech, is the equivilent to murdering millions of jews and gypsies, etc., not to mention political prisoners such as Social Democrats, etc? Or the equivilant of launching a world-wide war of conquest aimed at subjugating hundreds of millions of people?
Once on this board I mentioned that people who form a pre-conceived opinion and then only look for facts supporting that opinion were similar to neo-Nazis who did the same thing when they questioned the existence of the Holocaust. I was called on the carpet by another poster for making that comparison, and rightly so. I apologized, as no one deserves to be equated with the Nazis except those that voluntarily espouse those beliefs. The enormity of the crimes of the Nazis puts them in a special catagory which defies comparison.
I apologized, PBJ. Will you?
PBJ at 64:
Why don’t you compare the number of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen who died or were wounded under the Clinton administration with those who died or were wounded under the Bush administration? It seems to me that there was a pretty good reason why VA spending needed to increase.
Do you believe the overwhelmingly unilateral invasion of Iraq was in anyway “illegal”?
Do you think the action in Kosovo which resulted in minimal casualties and halted genocide was a little bit better thought out than the invasion of Iraq which has cost our country thousands of lives, limbs, minds, billions of treasure and a new “democracy” in Iraq that every day grows closer to Iran?
Do you think it was a good idea to bomb the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo and nearly start WWII?
Given that we still have troops in Kosovo, even though Bill Clinton promised over 6 years ago they’d be “home by Christmas”, for something that never even rose to the definition of genocide, especially in compariosn to the real Rhwandan genocide that was ignored by the Clinton Adminsitration at the time, should Demcorats even be talking about Kosovo let alone trying to put a positive spin on it?
Are you in favor of deployng troops to war azones only to instruct them to not shoot back as happened in Somalia under Bill Clinton and resulted in the episode known as “Black Hawk Down” in which the dead naked body of our pilots are dragged through the dirt streets of town on national television?
Do you believe we’re in WWIII like president wannabe Newt Gingrich or WWIV like Norman Podhoretz?
Do you know that 50% of americans thought we were in WWIII during the Korean conflict?
Which World War do YOU think we’re in?
Do you believe it is deceptive to characterize a mutlinational force , which included over 19 nations, as a “unilateral” invasion as some of your more factually challenged liberal nutjob supporters claim, especially given the fact that Saddanm was in violation of numerous UN resolutions at the time of the invasion?
When teh Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec 7,1941, was it merely a matter for the police? Should Rooseelt have dispatched the Washington Metro Polices instead of the US Military as Demcorats advocate in our current war against Islamofacists?
Do you believe the people of Iraq are showering our troops with sweets and flower?
Should George Bush just pack up things in Kosovo and re-deploy to Iraq giving a bit of a break to some of our soldiers who have deployed many times beyond the limits of sanity?
Is it or is it not better to disarm a rogue state such as Libya of nuclear weapons without firing a shot as President Bush did, or simply ignore the problem as did President Clinton?
Why have so many coalition “partners” cut and ran from Iraq or greatly reduced their numbers? Don’t they believe in the rightness (pun intended) of our cause?
Do you believe Ronald Reagan “cut and ran” from Lebanon or merely “redeployed”?
Do you believe like Mark the bet-welshing, cowardly redneck (the guy who holds his nose while he supports you) that the only way to deal with non-state actors like Al-Qaeda is to kill somewhere in the neighborhood of one billion people?
When our troops first liberated Iraq, were they or were they not indeed showered with sweets and flowers?
Even though your party has consistently been a naysayer, Iraqi elections took place multiple times, they established a constitutional governemnt and a democratically elected governing body that includes women, isn’t it time for your party to give the Bush adminsitration some credit?
Followup to the followup:
Given that the only plan the Democrats have for getting elected is “hate Bush”, in your opinion, what will Democrats do in 2008 when the Bush administration is no longer in office? Who will the Democrat party hate then?
Do you believe your caused is helped when liberal left wing nutjob supporters of yours make up figures so astoundingly incorrect and over the top that even the most ignorant among them realize it is bogus?
When you hear that a person with a muslim background commits a crime like murder against a jewish person, that the act should be automatically labelled “terrorist”?
Do you automatically assume like some of your right-wing supporters that the muslim perpetrator is an ethnic Arab?
Given that under the current administration, VA budgets have been slashed and you voted with your republican buddies in The House of Representatives on the 2004 budget which cut funding for veteran’s health care and benefit programs by nearly $25 billion over the next ten years, and since under your watch armor for our troops in Iraq has been denied, and insufficient troops have been deployed to win a war leading to a quagmire and the loss of thousands of lives, how do you expect voters to believe that you are concerned, as a Republica, about veterans?
Do you intend to out covert operatives working to protect American freedoms for purely political reasons like George Bush did?
Do you intend to become complicit with Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the radical leftwing of the Democrat Party in leaking our national security programs via the New York Times?
Are you in favor of spreading lies about the actions of our brave troops in war zones like Somalia under the leadership of brave Bill Clinton? And why do your supporters have to try to make hay off the deaths of brave servicemen killed in the line of duty while you yourself never went into combat?
How do you feel about brownshirts following Dermocratic candidates at every stop with cameras and videotape and protest signs in Nazi-like fashion, as Republicans are doing with the Maria Cantwell campaign?
Can you comment on the hypocrisy of Republicans’ constant mischaracterization of Democrats as brownshirts when in fact, it is Republicans who are the ones hounding Cantwell like a modern day Gestapo?
How do you feel about brownshirts following Dermocratic candidates at every stop with cameras and videotape and protest signs in Nazi-like fashion, as Republicans are doing with the Maria Cantwell campaign?
Can you comment on the hypocrisy of Republicans’ constant mischaracterization of Democrats as brownshirts when in fact, it is Republicans who are the ones hounding Cantwell like a modern day Gestapo?
Do you intend to become complicit with Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney and the rest of the radical rightwing of the Republican Party in leaking our national security programs via Fox News?
Do you intend to classify the Seattle shooting as a terorist incident when it suits your agenda for attacking your opponent on Homeland security and then turn around and in the same breath urge the incident be classified as a “Hate Crime” so as to be a demagogue to your PC leftist supporters who want Swedish Grannies, rather than Middle Eastern Males strip searched at the airport?
It’s apparent to anyone who bothers to open their eyes that Iraq is in the middle of a civil war. Do you believe that the nascent “democracy” in Iraq will survive its civil like we survived ours or dissolve into three warring states one of which will be closely allied with Iran?
Should our generals and soldiers “gently persuade” all sides to “just get along”?
After losing the debates with yoru opponent, do you intend to degnerate into using monikers with foul mouth references to scat, copulation and oral sex as your deranged bigotted left wing nutjob suppoorters?
Given the demonstrated bias and outright lies of the right wing media, the installment of a Fox News staffer in the White House, the issuing of press credentials to Jeff Gannon a fake righ wing journalist who is also a well known male escort, the involvement of Robert Novak leaking a covert CIA agent’s name to the press, Alan Keyes acceptance of money to promote a pro-Bush administration policy as if it were news, the conviction of Matt Drudge in court for lying, do you trust such “rightwing” media to give you the truth?
Since you run and hide from debating your opponent, do you intend to degnerate into using monikers with foul mouth references to scat, copulation and oral sex as your deranged bigotted rightwing nutjob suppoorters?
Do you believe that cutting and running away would have helped us win WWII? WWI? Did it help us win Vietnam?
When the US runs away from the battlefield, does that tend to reinforce the idea that we are an easily defeated paper tiger? Would it embolden terorrist to attack us at home on our own soil?
DO you also intend to make false allegations of use of foul moutherd language by your oppoenents when in fact only your liberal leftwing nutjob supporters have used such language?
Will you also moronically copy and paste the exact same wording of your opponent and merely change left to right as a rebuttal as is the case with your leftwing plagiaristic supporters?
Do you believe Richard Nixon “cut and ran” from Vietnam? Do you think he should have just ignored the American people and imposed some kind of martial law to buy himself enough time to “git ‘er done” in Vietnam.
Since you are an insignificant challenger who hopes to use the coattails of your opponent to gain free publicity, do you think a sitting senator should drop his duties as a United States Senator to fly back and engage in a circus for your benefit so far out from an election, neglect the people’s work in time of war, all for the express purpose of increasng your name recognition?
Do you beleive that the millions of Vietnamese murdered after the US pullout of Vietnam would have liked to be alive today?
Numerous supporters have bragged about yoru fundraising and seem to think you chances of winning are quite good. Why do you think they are all afraid to declare publicly that you will indeed win in November?
Do you believe a sitting President of the United States should abandon the soldiers he commands, whose decisions upon whom their lives depend to help salvage your re-election campaign?
Why have you abused your franking privilege to distribute thinly disguised campaign literature?
Do you think that by having your supporters make false allegations about the president, your credibility in the eyes of the public will be increased?
Do you think that by having your supporters make false allegations about your opponent, your credibility in the eyes of the public will be increased?
Since your supporters seem to think you know everything, even though you have no resume to speak of, would you be willing to give us the lotto numbers for tomorrow as a sort of test of your all knowing powers?
Do you let Henry rade the equine anal blog?
Has Henry been swearing lately? Wonder why?
Do you believe that the hundreds of thousands of vietnamese killed in rolling thunder carpet bombing would like to be alive today?
Do you believe that Richard Nixon was being soft when he ordered the spraying or Agent Orange stopped when he learned of the harmful effects on people upon the recommendation of his science advisor? Do you believe a conscience is a sign of weakness in a commander-in-chief?
Do you believe the 40 thousand people killed in the Phoenix program would like to be alive today?
followup to the followup:
The CIA admitted to 800,000 people killed in the actions in Cambodia. Do you think this had anything to do with the Khmer Rouge taking power?
Have you personally donated money to Scooter Libby’s defense fund like some of your rabid foaming-at-the-mouth extremist wingnut supporters?
Can you really believe that a liberal just attributed Richard Nixon with a conscience?
Didn’t this leftwing supporter of your just violate the first commandment of Democrat nutjobs the world over “thou shall say nothing complimentary of any Republican”?
Have you donated money to the Jim McDermot defense fund like some of your hypocritical leftwing nutjob supporters?
Do you support elected representatives receiving illegally taped eavesdroppings of US congressman and using those illegally taped conversations for political gain?
Do you agree with fellow Republican Pete McCloskey when he recently stated that Democrats should run things for a while because the corrupt DeLay Hastert Frist machine has gone completely out of the mainstream?
Do you support Pete McCloskey, one of the authors of the ESA over Richard Pombo who is trying to destroy the ESA?
Do you agree with some of your right-wing supporters who curse the name of Ike Eisenhower when he warned of the influence of the military-industrial complex, not to mention Barry Goldwater who condemned the extreme right-wing of your party?
Do you find it ironic that your rabid mouuth frothing, spittle producing , left wing nutcjob supporters would even bring up the Khmer Rouge, when they were in fact a socialist/communist party having much in common with the leftwing ideology of your current supporters?
The ideology of the Khmer Rouge has been characterised as using Stalinist means for Maoist ends. The ideology that the Khmer Rouge shared with Stalinism was the means of the mass execution and starvation of political opponents to the regime, but differed from Stalinism since it used these means to preserve the existing power structure rather than attempting a wholesale transformation of society. These goals of the Khmer Rouge were shared with revolutionary Maoism.”
Do you like Stefan “Minnow” Sharansky read Little Green Footballs? What do you think of the comment threads over there?
Do you think killing 800 thousand people in a country would tend to piss off the people who survived in that country and maybe move them to join a radical movement?
Do you support “the war on terror” or “the war to create more terrorists”?
Do you believe repsresentatives hsould put their bribery money into tupperware in their freezer as did Democrat William Jefferson?
Given that Tom Delay stepped down amidst controversy in order to spare the institution the distraction of the Ronnie Earle unsubstantiated hasn’t-produced-any-convictions-as-of-yet witch hunt, shouldn’t William Jeffeson step down?
Followup to the followup:
Even though in order to save political face, Nancy Pelosi has urged William Jefferson to step down, he has not. Doesn’t that say something about the character of Democrats when, even after being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they fight and scream to cling to power using any and all means, including race baiting memberas of their own party?
When Bill Clinton was president did he round up all the people in the cities of American and relocate them to the country as a certain wingnut whackjob supporter of yours would have you believe?
Do you have any evidence that Bill Clinton received any such policy recommendation from any of his supporters?
The comment threads of Little Green Footballs contain what would seem to some people some very interesting policy recommendations. Which ones do you support and why?
Given the following history below:
“The Khmer Rouge regime is remembered mainly for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people (from an estimated 1972 population of 7.1 million) under its regime, through execution, starvation and forced labor. Although directly responsible for the death of about 750,000, the policies of the Khmer Rouge led, mainly through starvation and displacement, to the death of over 1 million people. In terms of the number of people killed as a proportion of the population of the country it ruled, it was one of the most lethal regimes of the 20th century.”
Do you think that 1.7 million dead is preferably to 800 thousand?
Why is it that Communist/Socialist regimes are the most murderous in world history?
It seems that two of the most enthusiastic supporters of William Jefferson in the House are Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert.
Why is this so?
When the United State kills 1000 people in a military action and a leftist movement kills 1001 – which is preferable and why?
Please name show me where anyone named PBJ ever accused Bill CLinton of having rounded up people in America in order to relocate them.
Do you support the relocation interment in concentration camps of an entire group of American based upon their race as did Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1942 under Executive Order 9066?
Did Tom DeLay step down due to Ronnie Earle or because his chief of staff got in trouble for breaking the law and things got a little too hot?
Tell us. You were there, supposedly.
Why is it that your leftist supporters have trouble with math? 800,000 compared to 1.7 million is not the same ratio as 1001 vs 1000.
Why do your supporters lie about the 800,000 figure and privide no evidence to back up their claim? Is this how you will govern if elected?
I apologized, PBJ. Will you? See post # 17, above.
Do you believe that a “peace through strength” ideology that results in killing lots of darker skinned people will never come back to haunt us?
If anyone objects to such an ideology by taking up arms against us is the solution “kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out”?
Iraq sure is fun, isn’t it? I meean, now that we have that “freely-elected” government and all, things sure have turned around. Gee, only a year or so ago there were only abo9ut 20 people a day being killed by car bombings, but now the “freely-elected” Interior Ministry death squads are fully operation just as Negroponte wanted it, I count sixty dead today alone. Of course, as the inimitable Curly said in “City Slickers,” “Day ain’t over yet.”
Kudos to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and ten other Congresspeople for sending a letter to the President, stating the obvious that “…in the interests of American national security, our troops and our taxpayers, the open-ended commitment in Iraq that you have embraced cannot and should not be sustained…” and stating the wishes of the majority of Americans that we should begin withdrawing from Iraq, or, as they put it, we should “transition to a more limited mission” (essentially echoing John Murtha’s common-sense proposal).
Why is it so many of your supporters cannot connect the dots between cause and effect?
Do you agree with one of your nutjob supporters that people to your political left have anything in common with the Khmer Rouge?
Do you agree that a Chaimberlain like “Peace in our time” appeasment mentallity has ever war?
Did the Democrat caused holocaust in Hiroshim and Nagasaki end WWII or prolong it?
Why is it so many of your rabid supporters throw out statements with no evidence to back them up?
Do you agree with a blame America first strategy in which every problem in the world is blamed on America?
United States bombing of enemy troop dispositions in Cambodia– particularly in the summer of 1973, when intense aerial bombardment (known as Arclight) was used to halt a Khmer Rouge assault on Phnom Penh–bought time for the Lon Nol government, but did not stem the momentum of the communist forces. United States official documents give a figure of 79,959 sorties by B-52 and F-111 aircraft over the country, during which a total of 539,129 tons of ordnance were dropped, about 350 percent of the tonnage (153,000 tons) dropped on Japan during World War II. Many of the bombs that fell in Cambodia struck relatively uninhabited mountain or forest regions; however, as declassified United States Air Force maps show, others fell over some of the most densely inhabited areas of the country, such as Siem Reab Province, Kampong Chhnang Province, and the countryside around Phnom Penh. Deaths from the bombing are extremely difficult to estimate, and figures range from a low of 30,000 to a high of 800,000, with UN and CIA estimates of 600,000 or more and others 100,000. Whatever the real extent of the casualties, the Arclight missions over Cambodia, which were halted in August 15, 1973, by the United States Congress, delivered shattering blows to the structure of life in some of the country’s villages, and, according to some critics, drove the Cambodian people into the arms of the Khmer Rouge.
So Israel has totally scrapped its promised 48-hour bombing suspension after about 12 hours, and Condi Rice says she “understands” the Israeli decision. What part of “ethnic cleansing” is it that she DOESN’T understand, exactly? Of course, the neocons now seem to operate as a parallel government in both Israel and the US, and there doesn’t seem much point in drawing a distinction between the “Americans” and “Israelis” any more. They’re all just cogs in the same war machine. Condi’s reduced to being the American State Department Maytag repair woman, waiting for the diplomatic service call that never comes.
Of course, the Boy Prince’s “splendid little war” in Lebanon has only made Hezbollah into Muslim hereoes and turned moderate Arab governments against us. Over there, we got the guns but they have the numbers.
Do you agree with one of your nutjob supporters that people to your political left have anything in common with the Khmer Rouge?
Why yes Clueless, yes I do. Those of you on the left have this fairy tale vision of communism/socialism as being some sort of utpoian fantasy. However history proves that ideology to be nothing more than a despot’s dream. Stalin, Pol Pot and many others have gone down that same road you and your fellow trvellwer espouse. Without exception, it has always resulted in human death, destruction and loss of human dignity.
What is most dishonest about you Clueless is that you have he audacity to take part in the blessings and comfort of our Capitalist society whilst advocating socialism for everyone else.
There are still a few socialist/communist countries out there and you are free to move to any one of them. Yet, hypocritically you choose to stay in the US.
Thanks for the question Clueless. Now I have to get back to the house floor. Unlike unemployed faux Microsoft “executives” I have the people’s business to attend to.
Good day.
Rep. Dave Reichert
8th District
Why does Clueless @135 plagiarize someone else’s work without citing it? Is he just like Joe Biden?
Do you believe like some of your rabid wingnut supporters (j. craig herman comes immediately to mind) that the use of nuclear weapons is justified against Iran?
Umm, was there a question for Darcy somewhere in that rambling rant?
Who the heck is J. Craig Herman that your rabid liberal nutjob supporters reference?
Once again, why do your Clueless supporters make statements without any references whatsoever? Don’t they know how to debate?
Gee thanks “Dave” for your candid reply.
Say hello to Tom and Dennis for me before kissing their fat rear ends and taking down your instructions for the day.
I hope the people of the 8th appreciate the fine job you’re doing for them come November.
Given the failure of the Clinton Era bilateral negotiations to prevent North Korea from creating nuclear bombs, what plan do you propose to keep Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon?
Why is it that your rabid leftwing nutjob supporters insist on a vision of communism/socialism but when given the chance to actually live un a country in which such a system is in place, refuse to go?
Why hasn’t one of your supporter figured out how to use google like I did to deduce the scrubbing of the word REPUBLICAN from your website?
Have a great day Congressman.
Why is it that your supporters lie about your opponent, micharacterizing him as a “rubber stamp” when clearly he is no such thing, as proven by his vote on the amendment to the voting rights act and stem cell research in which he broke with his party?
DOn’t you think it is hypocritical for your supporters to make this claim when in fact compared to all of our state’s other congrssional delegation, Rep Reichert has broken wiht his aprty more times than any of the others.
Follow up to the followup:
Do we hear your supporters saying “rubber stamp Cantwell” or “Rubber stamp Murray”?
Follow up to the followup on the followup:
Or do they simply require a simplistic childish rhyming cadence so that the average moron can get the slogan stuck in their head like a McDonald’s commercial?
Why hasn’t one of your supporters understood that the Reichart campaing is a big tent and that anyone is invited to join him regardless of party, unlike the narrow Democrat partisan web site of your campaign?
Who in America is so clueless they could not figure out Rep Reichert was a Republican?
Followup to the followup:
Why is it that your campaign website is so blkatently partisan it discourages cisitzens who are not Democrats from joining? It reads like a “Whites Only” sign in a fountain.
Are Democrats the only ones allowed in? Apparently so with your campaign.
Do you think this is how to be “tolerent” of others and “Inclusive”, by declaring “DEMOCRAT”? That ought to encourage lots of independents to come to your campaing eh? Talk about a rubber stamp!
Oh and one more thing “Dave” @ 138
I understand you recently voted yourself a raise. Sure why not? Why go against the grain of your party’s leadership when it means going to the doghouse?
Thank the people of the 8th next time you decide not to duck seeing them.
“Dave” @ 138
Pay a visit next time you’re in town to this guy. He’s gone off reservation for some reason.
Can’t take anything for granted. You need all the support you can get.
Thanks again for the question. My website is specifically a nonpartisan website, in contrast to my opponent. You see Clueless, it doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Independent or even a Democrat, I encourage all Washingtonians to join with me to protect our national security and improve the lives of all Washingtonians.
So, if you too believe in America Clueless, even you are welcome at the Reichert campaign. We don’t check for partisan affiliation as that is unAmerican.
Thanks for asking.
Rep. Dave Reichert
8th District
Why can’t your campaing be inclusive like Representative Reichert’s campaign? Are you bigoted toward non-Democrats?
151 – Don’t bother with little old me, “Dave”. You have the “people’s” (Tom and Dennis’) business to do.
Best be going. Congrats on the raise!
Since you tout DEMOCRAT on your website, does that mean that if elected you will only represent Democrats and forget about the rest of the citizenry?
If your website is a Democrat only establishment, doesn’t that imply you will simply be a Democrat rubber stamp?
Followup on the followup:
Why should any non-Democrat vote for you if you will exclude them from your website?
Why have you failed to answer any questions so far and yet Rep Reichert has answered at least two questions and it isn’t even his thread?
Is that how you intend to govern, by ignoring us?
Please go to and listen to the Kevin Coscrove phone tape from 9-11. It is a good reminder of just what we’re up against, and that terrorism is REAL, and we cannot coddle islamofacism.
Well it looks like Darcy was afraid to show up to answer questions even on her most enthusiastic supporter’s web site.
Kind predicts how responsive she would be if elected.
Oh I get it now “Dave” – you remove the word “REPUBLICAN” from your website (like Tom Reynolds) because you believe there’s just too much darn partisanship these days!
That’s a real knee slapper Congressman. You made my day!
You know what. I’ll think I’ll check the websites of other incumbent “non-partisans” who occupy swing districts and see how well they’ve rised to the call of “non-partisanship”.
Then maybe I’ll compare and contrast with the “non-partisans” of other districts who feel a little more safe about November. Don’t worry about me. I like this kind of thing. It’s fun!
Clueless @158,
And while you are out there, find some links to support your unsubstantiated statements.
it doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Independent or even a Democrat
Funny you say that Congressman because you just compared people to your left with the Khmer Rouge. Why would you want people like that involved in your campaign? Oh well.
Non-partisanship is not about feeling “safe”. It is about reaching out to include the diverseness of our state so that our elected officials represent ALL the constituents, not just a select few who have an R or a D by their name.
As or the raise, I have chosen to give mine to charity while Demcorat Norm Dicks has chosen to spend his for gold guilding at his taxpayer built shrine to him in Bremerton.
Rep Dave Reichert
8th District
Where are you Darcy? If you cannot even show up for a blog on your most enthusiastic supporter’s website, how can we know you will even show up in Washington if elected?
Dropping out of law school, failing to show up to answer questions. You can’t seem to manage to make any of your commitments can you?
When did you serve in our country’s military? How can you possibly have a clue about sending our brave men and women off to war when you have never served yourself?
When did you serve in our country’s military? How can you possibly have a clue about sending our brave men and women off to war when you have never served yourself?
Where are you Dave? If you cannot even show up for a blog on your most enthusiastic supporter’s website, how can we know you will even show up in Washington if elected?
Were you ever able to get straight As in law school like Darcy did? Where you ever in school at all? Do you know how to read?
Well it looks like Dave was afraid to show up to answer questions even on his most enthusiastic supporter’s web site.
Kind predicts how responsive he would be if elected.
Why is it so many of your rabid supporters throw out statements with no evidence to back them up?
Do you agree with the exteme right wing Taliban Christians who want to see America turned into a theocracy like Iran?
He stepped out to get some water for his family and when he came back, he found a demolished home and no one left but his dead wife and four children. Adnan Harakeh from Nabatieh (Lebanon) wandered the street where his home once stood and holding pictures of his family, cried and screamed: “I am responsible for their death. I wish I had moved to Beirut.”
An Israeli raid that hit their home in Nmeirieh had left the man homeless and alone.
“You went and left me alone … What will I do without you?” he cried.
“I went to bring some water for my children … 20 minutes later, Israeli warplanes raided my house, killing my wife and kids,” he told The Daily Star.
Harakeh is a civil defense worker who worked on aiding dozens of civilians killed and wounded during Israel’s strikes on Nabatieh.
“Are my wife and kids terrorists, do they have rockets?” he screamed in pain.
“Israel is cruel. I can say nothing but may God have mercy upon them.”
Was he an islamofascist?
“Dave” @ 161
Non-partisanship is not about feeling “safe”. It is about reaching out to include the diverseness of our state so that our elected officials represent ALL the constituents, not just a select few who have an R or a D by their name.
Gee Congressman that is so inspirational. I’m sure those wise thoughts suffuse throughout your caucus. Those thoughts must translate into ACTION:
Like this
and this
Indeed non-partisanship must be the bellwether of our times (now till November at least). The non-partisanship of Tom DeLay, the non-partisanship of Dennis Hastert, the non-partisanship of Richard Pombo, the non-partisanship of Bill Frist. Yes indeed I buy it!
The people of the 8th must be proud to have you represent them in the House.
Oh my! Non-partisanship!
Robert Fisk.Veteran war correspondent, London Independent, reporting from Tyre, Lebann. Tyre was where the dead of the Qana massacre were taken…
“…when I got there, I went straight to the government hospital in Tyre, where many of the wounded — and there weren’t many, because most of them died — had been taken and where they were counting the number of children.
“When I arrived there, there were a number of, maybe 20, 30 children, the corpses of children, lined up outside the government hospital, hair matted, still in their night clothes. The bomb that killed them was dropped at 1:00 in the morning. And they ran out of plastic bags. They were trying to put the children in plastic bags, their corpses, and they would put on it, you know, “Abbas Mehdi, aged seven,” and so and so, aged one, and use a kind of sticking tape on it. But then they ran out of plastic bags, so they had to put the children’s corpses in a kind of cheap carpet that you can buy in the supermarkets, and they roll them up in that and then put their names on again. I was having to go around very carefully and write down, from the Arabic, their names and their ages. It would just say “Abbas Mehdi, aged seven, Qana.”
“The Lebanese soldiers were trying take down the names of all who had died, but I found a man with a clipboard who had taken down 40 names, and he said that they weren’t accurate, because some of the children were blown into bits and they couldn’t fit them together accurately and there might be — they couldn’t put the right head on the right body, and therefore they might not be able to have an accurate list of the dead. But he was doing his best in the circumstances of war to maintain the bureaucracy of government.”
“It’s quite clear from listening to the IDF statement today that they believe that family deserved to die, because 90 feet away, they claim, a missile was fired. So they sentenced all those people to death. Is that what we’re supposed to believe? I mean, presumably it is. I can’t think of any other reason why they should say, “Well, 30 meters away a missile was fired.” Well, thanks very much. So those little children’s corpses in their plastic packages, all stuck together like giant candies today, this is supposed to be quite normal, this is how war is to be waged by the IDF…The fact that when they made these comments, they went unchallenged on television, was one of the most extraordinary scenes I’ve seen.”
Oops my bad –
Richard Pombo apparently needs to get with the “non-partisan” program a little. He’s almost there though!
Oh, yeah, it WAS a precision guided weapon. You know, the kind we’re selling to Israel?
“…they knew what they were hitting. It’s a guided weapon. We know that because the computer codes have been found on the bomb fragments. Did they say, “Oh, well, then, the man who launched the missile is hiding with the children in the basement of the house we’re going to hit”? Is it the case now that if you happen to live in a house next to where someone launches a missile, you are to be sentenced to death? Is that what Israel thinks the war is about?”
Democracy Now posted the transcript of the television interview.
What I’m surprised that the wingnut trolls haven’t jumped on like a pack of drooling jackals is, Bill Clinton comes out here for a fundraiser for Cantwell, and she doesn’t show up. WTF’s with that????? Commentby ArtFart— 8/1/06@ 10:15 am
Because she’s Can’tVoteWell with her feet either!
#167….she got straight a’s for 1/3 of a normal education.
not sure i believe she got straight a’s either. lie about one thing, lie about another
“When did you serve in our country’s military? How can you possibly have a clue about sending our brave men and women off to war when you have never served yourself?”
Young man, please wash your mouth out. With that filthy language, you must be a liberal moonbat.
You can read about my service at my website:
“From 1971-1976, Dave Reichert served his country in the US Air Force Reserve including active duty in 1976. ”
Rep Dave Reichert
8th Dustrict
Well it looks like Dave was afraid to show up to answer questions even on his most enthusiastic supporter’s web site.
Kind predicts how responsive he would be if elected.
Why are your supporters so brain dead all they can do is parrot back what is typed? HA is hardly the website of Rep Reichert’s most enthusiastic supporter. Goldstein runs this site, and unless your moobat liberal supporters are claiming Goldstein is supporting Reichert, they just expose themselves as total morons.
Once again your rabid leftwing nutjob supporters illustrate that all they can do is parrot back words without any original thoughts of their own. Is that how you will govern, simply parrot the Democrat liberal leftwing nutjob party line?
Apparently one of your foaming-at-the-mouth wingnut whacko supporters collects RNC talking points cribbed from WingNut Daily, NewsWhackos, the Moonie Times,, Faux Snooze Channel and other organs of wingnut propaganda. I think he writes them down on index cards so he can trot them out in “debates”.
Does it get tiresome having lunatics like this in your camp?
Mr Clueless,
Peter Bartholomew Jameson is a world reknown scholar whose towering intellect is apparent to all but those with less than a grade school education. His essay on the corrosive effects of modern liberal acivism on the family structure of contemporary western society is a groundbreaking examination of the heavy price western society has paid for its fatal embrace of liberal social activism.
I am proud to count this fine man amongst my many supporters.
Rep Dave Reichert
8th District
From 1971-1976, Dave Reichert served his country in the US Air Force Reserve including active duty in 1976.
Please tell us when you served in the military.
183 – Thank you Congressman Reichert for publically acknowledging that you are proud to count out of the mainstream, right-wing ideologues among your most fervent supporters.
It is no wonder that you march lockstep with the corrupt Bush Hastert DeLay Frist machine whose “policies” are bankrupting this country and manufacturing more terrorists to plague us and our allies.
This admission will signal to the voters that you must be replaced by Darcy Burner, a brilliant self-made woman from a mainstream military family who worked her way through an Ivy League school and became accomplished in the business world. In Congress, Darcy Burner will craft policy from facts not ideology. She will be guided by what is best for her district and her country and NOT what is best for corrupt right-wing ideologues, politicians and special interests.
Congressman, long ago you made a choice about the group of people to whom you would hitch your political star. In November you will face the consequences of that choice.
I repeat again, when did you serve in the military? Why are you trying to ride on the coattails of being in a “Military Family? By that standard, Reichert’s dog is as qualified as you.
Why did you drop out of law school? Why do you not finish what you start?
What accomplishments is your clueless leftwing nutjob fanatic referring to? Your Lying about being a Microsoft executive?
Darcy Burner is a whip-smart self-made woman from humble roots who had to work her way through an elite school on the road to a successful career in business. In contrast, it took you 20 years to find a miserable serial killer who was a high school dropout.
Must the people of the 8th district wait 20 years while you find your feet in the House of Representatives?
If the Democrats take back the House and you are re-elected who do you expect will then dictate votes to you?
Dave Reichert actually served his country, willingly put his life on the line for national security and then for 30 years as a law enforcement officer. In constrast, you declined to serve your country and stand up for national security.
Will the people of the 8th district also see you decline to protect them from crazed terorrists?
Do you believe in the fantasy that Democrats will win control of the House and Senate? And when that doesn’t happen, if you do get elected, will you whine and complain that the reason you cannot get anything done is because your party doesn’t control congress, even though a good representative can get their agenda through any congress no matter who is in the majority?
If you believe in the Democrat controlled congress fantasy, what other fantasies do you have? Santa claus? Easter Bunny? Tooth Fairy?
Some of your supporters in the 8th district are deranged right-wing monomaniacs who suffer from delusions of grandeur among other mental afflictions. They are hopelessly addicted to right-wing propaganda and very emotionally disturbed. If the Democrats take back the House of Representatives and/or the Senate, it is all but certain that these right-wing imbeciles may hurt themselves or others. If you are re-elected or recalled from office will you support accessible mental health care for these pitiful individuals?