It’s been nine years now, and we are still going strong. Please join us tonight for another evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. And on Thursday, the Spokane and the Tacoma chapters meet.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Still fixated on the race baiting channel eh Da Perfessa?
@1 Uncle Puddles, welcome back you ignorant troll!
Right on my brother! The GOP “outreach” program as currently conceived and …. uh … implemented (?) is going to bear fruit in the next election!
Speaking as a ‘liberal’, I can tell you I am frightened, FRIGHTENED! I tells you, of the total awesome of it all.
Those lame MSNBC lesbians are just LIKE the Ku Klux Klan. I mean, why oh why would anybody believe an African American columnist and a white educated lesbian over Alex Jones?
So what if a Republican tenured politician just ‘slips’ a little “wetback” in to his talk? Like any god fearing Latino would take offense.
You nailed it big guy! Alex Jones!!!!!
From 1,
Many people’s careers have depended on exploiting the “vast racial trouble” in this country. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are just exploiting what they perceive to be beneficial to themselves. Just like any other good capitalist!
Notice how there are ONLY two black boogie men left? Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are always trotted out as the scary black exploitative liberals. They are like 900 years old. They are as culturally relevant as the Whig party or the Black Panthers, but like clock work, there they are evoked, again and again. They are like all Boomer Generation icons, they just won’t go away, even if they no longer matter.
Been saying the same thing for years. Jesse feeds his Chicago Operations. Al Sharpton will not apologize for his Tawana Brawley episode.
Yaaawwwwn @ 1.. Isn’t Alex Jones a 9/11 troofer?
Crackpot likes crackpot.. So what else is new?
In other news it appears auto sales are up..
So on whose watch is this happening? Oh it’s happening on the watch of a guy that some idiot called an “anti-capitalist”…
And I understand car sales in Europe are dismal. So much for that austerity crap.
3, 5 – In case you two haven’t noticed, this is a free country with free speech, which means anyone can say any damn thing they want to. That includes Sharpton and Jackson.
Now onto Flubscout@2…
Dude, Don Young made a comment, apologized and it was a story for a day or two. Your favrit channel continues to bring it up for the next four or five days. Yet where is there story on the Alabama Legislator who said
So where is their outrage. Oh wait he’s black and the recipient is white so no outrage there.
Wait… remember Charles Barron? No?
Or his commentary on his hero Moammar Qaddafi
You know Sheila Jackson Lee… the one who called one of her aides in public “you stupid motherfucker.” Did you hear of that? Or did you remember Joe Gaffe a minute Biden ridiculing East Indians? No? it wasn’t on MSNBC? really whodathunkit? Yet Don Young is all day everyday cuz their is nothing else on their station!
So DUMB Wabbit, why didn’t you include Flubscout in your reBUTTal? Oh can’t do that right DUMB Wabbit?
Heh… unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron tries to use it as a political football using the crazed databaze… Except it’s EPIC FAYLE 117 and counting. 117 times unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron has attempted to denigrate Puddy and has continually FAYLED 117 times. Sux to be you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Puddy hopes car sales continue to boom as Michigan is in deep trouble and Deeeetroit is really bad. Also Puddy hope cars continue to sell so Americans can get back the $$$ billions in money Obummer invested in Guvmint Motors Corp!
@8 Uncle Puddles, welcome back you ignorant troll!
I’m agreeing with you. Keep up the good work!
ps. I’m sure that any reasonable Latino will see that Young’s comments are perfectly fine and understandable.
A couple of things. I’ve heard and now read some interesting things about Boeing and its plans.
Boeing: Puget Sound’s loss is Lowcountry’s gain
Boeing making N. Charleston an IT center
The implications for those of us who live in Puget Sound are twofold.
#1: Boeing IT hotshots are going to come on the local market at a discount
#2: Boeing’s going against the observable wisdom (e.g. Amazon, Costco, Google, Microsoft…) of high performing extraordinarily profitable and inventive IT companies to diversify its IT work out of Puget Sound will prove to be as smart and cost effective as sourcing its 787 design.
some folks never learn.
Did you miss Don Young’s apology Flubscout?
Puddy will not be attending Drinking Libtards cuz DUMB Wabbit has chosen to skip it. He claimed dancing is on the schedule. So we’ll do something else too!
All you liberals laughed it up when our trolls forewarned us of the threat Obama-Kenyan-Soshuulism.
You scoffed at the warnings of Obama-Mind-Control.
You disregard the death bed confession of Obama as reported by Bob Woodward regarding Obama’s grand master plan to corn swaggle the GOP into sequester.
Sheer panic!
World is changing under their feet and they can’t handle it.. Reminds me of a certain idiot who spews crap here.
#118 and counting…
Thanks unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. Pavlov called it and you produced. Right on time too! PWNed by Puddy again. You are making your California based mama proud. You stay unemployed, blogging on HA, wasting time all day instead of providing for Mrs SEIU and your two chillun! Puddy is sure that’s the message she told unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron as a child on her knee: “Now get married, have children then if you are laid off, blog all day, visit left wrong sites. Don’t go back to work, just sit at home and make your wife work.” Hey… unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is a misogynist!
@ 16
Good post, YLB. Why those bloviations sound as stupid as the shit that came out of the mouths of Democrats as the sequester approached a few weeks ago.
@16 YLB,
My partner and I immediately moved to a hole in the ground following the passing of marriage equality in WA. We’ve also have had to give up capitalism in favor of ‘love thy neighbor as thy brother’ to just survive!
Heh. I’m twisting the idiots @ 17,18 in knots..
Idiot @ 17 see the idiot @ 18 for misogyny..
You won’t need much help – you were on the verge of dragging the wife to DL just for a skin color check..
What kind of a man who values his wife does something so silly as that?
Self absorbed moron who calls himself “HA hero” multiple times. Started in September 2011.
Self worship… very delusional. Wrong again unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron.
Wow the right wing is winning!
“Butt” (a certain moron’s favorite conjunction)
Ooops.. Nevermind…
@20 So? That’s for Mrs Puddy and me unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Sucks to be you! And your love unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is? PuddyWorship! Get a job unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron.
Why do you hate your family unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron? Do you really enjoy not working and forcing Mrs SEIU to earn the family bucks? You are NOT a man unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Sad so sad!
@ 22
That might be the case if those changes were actually happening under ACA, YLB.
What do we have instead?
Shitloads of waivers from Sebelius, most of them to union members otherwise subject to the Cadillac tax.
You gotta small business? Sorry, no options to choose from for you.
You wanna keep your doctor? Well, you must have been amazingly gullible to believe Obama on that one.
And on and on. We passed the bill so now we get to find out what REALLY is in it.
Funny one, YLB. Truly funny.
unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will not explain why unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron enjoys staying at home wearing the skirt while unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s wife Mrs SEIU has to get up early and go to work! EPIC FAYLE! But unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will EPIC FAYLE 119 times in attacking Puddy with the crazed databaze! Nothing is working especially unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He chooses not to work either!
Nothing to see here folks.. The right wing tells us pipelines are safe and create jobs..
See this brainwashed tool for confirmation..
It’s so good to be in this unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s head. Now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron posts a link every post.
Butt, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will not explain why unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron enjoys staying at home wearing the skirt while unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s wife Mrs SEIU has to get up early and go to work! EPIC FAYLE! But unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will EPIC FAYLE 120 times in attacking Puddy with the crazed databaze! Nothing is working especially unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He chooses not to work either! Momma must be proud of your laziness! When an attack ain’t working usually one will try something else. Not unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He’s got the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron life wrapped up in the crazed databaze! Butt, keep up the worthless work!
Total immersion in being unemployed. 24x7x365, that’s HA’s unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Puddy has much more respect for Fraggy over unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! At least Fraggy wants to improve himself!
Heh… Wow it’s amazing how popular right wing governors are..
Must be all those jobs they’re creating like Walker – 44th in job creation..
This idiot is a big fan.. Heh.. Die hard I bet as opposed to people who actually have to live in LA.
Called it. Nuff said!
So sad. Puddy pwns unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Some really sick libtards walking out there!
MRC (a favorite of this tool) is saying that Boehner is more dark skinned than Karen Finney. As if that was relevant?, pertinent?, appropriate? in any way..
Would this jerk object to this stupid racist claptrap?
Oh no another leftist gets a gig on MSNBC! Can the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron figger it out vs. touting racism above?
Seems North Pasadena boy is a racist!
Republicans in TN kill a Republican voucher program..
Oh they’re afraid of teh mooooslimss..
This knee-jerk voucher lover would have a sad over this.. Imagine that.. Republicans killing a voucher program.
32 – too slow…
Just like you were here…
He nails it. Must been reading HA!
Heh.. Reading malfunction…
It was your beloved MRC talking skin color..
Damn you’re a dimwit!
It’s so good to be in this unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s head. Now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron posts a link every post.
Butt, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will not explain why unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron enjoys staying at home wearing the skirt while unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s wife Mrs SEIU has to get up early and go to work! EPIC FAYLE! But unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will EPIC FAYLE 125 times in attacking Puddy with the crazed databaze! Nothing is working especially unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He chooses not to work either! Momma must be proud of your laziness! When an attack ain’t working usually one will try something else. Not unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He’s got the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron life wrapped up in the crazed databaze! Butt, keep up the worthless work!
Total immersion in being unemployed. 24×7×365, that’s HA’s unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Nope you posted it moron! Sux to be you!
It’s so good to be in this unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s head. Now unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron posts a link every post.
Butt, unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will not explain why unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron enjoys staying at home wearing the skirt while unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s wife Mrs SEIU has to get up early and go to work! EPIC FAYLE! But unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will EPIC FAYLE 125 times in attacking Puddy with the crazed databaze! Nothing is working especially unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He chooses not to work either! Momma must be proud of your laziness! When an attack ain’t working usually one will try something else. Not unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. He’s got the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron life wrapped up in the crazed databaze! Butt, keep up the worthless work!
Total immersion in being unemployed. 24×7×365, that’s HA’s unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Nails it!
Oh great 13 percent of people in this country think second term President Obama is the Antichrist..
Shit given how this tool can’t stop calling the second term President names, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of those 13 percenters.
R-Money lovers are such reality deniers. Yep sounds familiar…
Seems Alex Jones is right
Nails it!
Yeah I posted a report of MRC going racist over Karen Finney..
You love MRC!
You lose!
Heh.. The 9/11 troofer should tell that to MRC..
Heh.. Another for that site that right wing jerks call “that old link”..
Can’t post the link because of the filter.
Speaking of All Puddy All The Time from unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s head,
Oh no, no climate change Al Gore’s hero James Hansen –
Butt the science is all settled right?
Butt there is more…
Butt wait; oh no, no climate change.
What happened? Must be the science isn’t settled!
Oh wow.. Speaking of Jindal and his losing ideology sucking wind..
Look who is more popular in LA..
This news must suck for this name-calling fool.
Heh.. Sean Insanity and the Greta the cultist are sucking bad in the ratings..
I’m sure this cultist tool is havin’ yet another sad.. Maybe even worse than the Nov 6. sad? Naaaaahh..
Sadly Lib da schmucko hasn’t said anything about Atlanta union teachers inflating poor black kids scores. Puddy is very sad they put their careers ahead of the children. In fact no working HA leftist thinks it’s bad.
This excludes unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron because unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron doesn’t have a career. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is stuck here attacking Puddy and EPIC FAYLING and blogging on left wrong sites.
His momma must be proud!
Please keep the PuddyCommentary coming. It’s great to see how great my thoughts are unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron!
Yeeee haaaa! Here’s a racist after this bigot’s own heart..
Breathing while brown.. Only in TexASS..
Did y’all know California teachers are the 3rd highest paid in America? Well that something unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will never experience being unemployed on purpose.
Butt the interesting thing is their eighth graders are forty-eighth in reading and forty-eighth in math!
1) Throwing money at teachers doesn’t improve test scores
2) Libtard educating policies are not working
3) Libtard dumbing down curriculum isn’t helping
4) CA is run by libtards
Heh.. Because it’s true.. It takes a hero to put up with a name-calling zero like you.
No link because I haven’t had the stomach to post a list of this prick’s name-calling.. Believe me it’d make anyone lose their dinner.
Poor poor unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. Blacks can’t be bigots. Find that original PuddyPost… On second thought don’t post it. I dare you not to!
His momma must be proud of his unemployment. Sucks to be unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s children.
Name calling? unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron invented name calling. Self absorbed, calling himself a hero. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is no hero!
Heh. BillO, the dean of asshats, screams at Laura Ingraham over challenging his “bible thumping” comment.
I’m sure this idiot will approve, right wing woman or not. Love it when they tear down each other.. Couldn’t happen to nicer people.
% b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37484 |
1 row in set
Add over 300 for March. Way more comments than me.
Wow cross-references too.
Thanks unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron. Hero worship indeed! You love Puddy. Thanks again.
BTW unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron did you watch the show? He didn’t EXPLODE! So sad you need to get your left wrong material from left wrong sites!
Please keep it coming. You are replaying some of my best entries. Keep it coming. Adorable PuddyPosts!
All those names unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron called Puddy just in this thread.
-t puddybud -t terrific!
B I N G O!
Thanks for playing! Sucka!
Here’s a hero:
Impossible for this scared fool.. Been screaming and having tantrums like a toddler since he got here.
Wow.. Latest innovation from the right wing: Ag-gag..
Makes it illegal to document factory-farms, fracking, clearcutting.. Pure violation of the first ammendment.
This jerk approves. He’s sold his soul to ALEC and their right wing ilk.
@60 Who else but Republicans would pass legislation making it a “crime” to photograph animal cruelty? Now who would want a law like that? Animal abusers? Ya think?
@51 “Did y’all know California teachers are the 3rd highest paid in America?”
How does their pay compare with that of the bankers who ran America’s economy into the ground? How many California teachers live in mansions and drive Porsches? How many guilty bankers went to jail? or had to hand over their mansions and Porsches to the people they robbed? Yawn. People like puddy who attack teachers while supporting the Party of Banksters are either stupid, morally defective, or both.
It’s so good to know unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron has cataloged all 37484 PuddyPosts.
It’s great to know someone cares. Thanks unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron.
Today’s name calling so far just in this link,
Please be more inventive unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! Use that unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron brain. Oops… no brain there!
Bankers are teaching children in California DUMB Wabbit? Who knows where they live? Who cares? It’s the children DUMB Wabbit! Standard useless DUMB Wabbit comparisons!
63 – Those are all accurate… Especially bigot.
Here’s my total..
% b cs -t ylb -c
| count |
| 23634 |
1 row in set
Compare that with @56. There’s no way I come anywhere close to your miserable ass in name-calling.
That and right wing jerks like this one..
Another day on HA and the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will not have a job. But Mrs SEIU will leave their “home” while he sits on the couch unemployed all day!
Such a role model for those children. Making momma proud of the son she raised to be HAs unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron
# 67: Do you have any “logic” in your arsenal other than ad hominem attacks?
You do know, do you not, that an argumentum ad hominem is considered to be a classical logical fallacy? Ancient greeks that resorted to such tactics were considered to have lost the debate. In modern academic debate competitions, it would result in significant point deductions, if pointed out by the opposing side.
For the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron, nope just fighting unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s 24×7 hate hate hate. Are you blind to unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s hate hate hate? Or do you skip over unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron commentary. Seems you skip unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron commentary from this post! Well rhpee6033… See #63 since you seem forget the other side. Personally unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron is bringing back some of Puddy’s greatest comments so let him dwell on Puddy. It demonstrates he is infactuated with Puddy and Puddy is in unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s head.
What? You seem to forget unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron cruises this blog and left wrong sites you consider gospel while we’re working. Puddy been on the receiving end of those ad hominem comments and name calling since 2005 rhpee6033. Have you been accused of fucking goats? No? Well why not? Where have you been? Did you miss #46, #49 and #51 in this thread? Or as I suppose you are a blind leftist and react only to those things you CHOOSE to see? So sad rhpee6033!
Because this worked so well the last time we did it:
Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit
I’m so glad piddl missed me above. *yawn*
I had better/more important things to do than banter with that YEC idiot piddl.
I’m not going to stick around and feed the trolls much – just noting that ongoing fellating that piddl is doing for Ben Carson and Alex Jones is pure, ribald comedy. Jones is an unreconstructed right wing conspiracy theorist, and the hero Carson believes the earth is 6000 years old and that evolution is a myth. He should be nowhere near any academic or educational position, and it’s good he retired from Hopkins – to their eternal shame for hiring him in the first place. May he fade into obscurity blathering his misinformed opinions to himself somewhere – his opinions on any complex topic are immediately suspect and likely deeply misinformed. (See gay marriage leads to bestiality – Comedy!)
The other point is that piddl is the worst kind of Christian, the Faux kind. What a nasty, mean-spirited piece of work he is – I’m sure his Jesus is very proud of this particular follower. Unrelenting name calling – to the point that his posts are essentially unreadable (not that they were ever decipherable), laced with insult and weird name-calling. I find his accusations of racism laughable on their face, but even worse, is that his unrelenting attacks of YLB for ‘wearing a skirt’ and such, living off his wife, etc, as well as our discussion about ‘god’ and gender, reveal him to be quite the vile sexist.
I would like to point out, explicitly, that I find both piddl’s and Bob’s use of gender-based slurs, essentially calling people ‘women’ who they believe to be male, by way of insulting them, is profoundly misogynistic and shouldn’t be tolerated on these threads. Not banned, but held up to the light by the community and seen for what they are – destructive, snide acts by dudes dependent on patriarchy and afraid to defend themselves honestly. But we knew that about them – a couple of spineless cheerleaders for the worst among us.
Here is a lesson for rhpee6033…
Remember this? No? Puddy thought this was up you alley (so-to-speak)!
Well who is for and against this? Still with Puddy rhpee6033? Puddy travels to all these countries (wait for the Lib da schmucko attack) in Puddy’s business dealings.
So rhpee6033… Do you remember this? No? Well why not? It’s a long list of the Congressional and Senate Donk (DUMMOCRAPTS to the low information voter) who are against Japan joining the TPP. Now why is that rhpee6033? What union send ol’ man Conyers much bucks every day for his campaign war chest? Do you have some logic in your “arsenal” why DUMMOCRAPTS are so union bellicose all the time?
Well Puddy will let you in.. The UAW is so bellicose to the Japanese joining the TPP. Maybe when Dr W Edwards Deming was discussing Total Quality back in the day (personally took his quality training courses) the Big Three rejected his training. They didn’t care about quality. In fact they wanted your car to die fast so you would buy a new one! Yet Jaoan accepted Dr. Deming with open arms. Their quality went through the roof. When they open plants in the US, you must take quality training. The UAW threw a fit over this and the fact UAW unions were not welcome there. BTW remember GM and Saturn? Well they did partially reopen the Spring Hill plant. Now this encapsulates the Ford argument. You can ask unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron what one of my bro-in-laws did for a living before retiring. Puddy wrote it and unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron has it cataloged in the crazed databaze. Ask unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron rhpee6033 for the link. Puddy dares ya!
Have you noticed GM and Chrysler are very very qwiet on this issue? Do you know why rhpee6033? Well Puddy knows. Been to those foreign countries and know what they have as hardware! Puddy loves his job rhpee6033!
So what does Puddy suggest? Tell Japan you want to participate in the TPP then stop your “protectionist policies”. Butt, they have to have proof instead of conjecture. Will Obummer do that? Doubt it. Why? Cuz Obummer is viewed as weak overseas. Puddy placed link after link after link here rhpee6033. Ask the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron for it. unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron posted at least 8 previous PuddyPosts for attacks. Maybe unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron will display those links for rhpee6033.
See ya rhpee6033. Thanks for playing the reality game! You see Puddy follows a lot of stuff so Puddy’s discussion of why the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron cruises this blog and left wrong sites is for informational purposes. Yet, the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron asks questions of others all day and never answers any. So Puddy keeps asking!
Oh my Lib da schmucko@71, who makes condescending snide comments about anything and everything he disagrees with all the time, is gonna correct Puddy? This “person” visits left wrong sites and then regurgitates their hate by validating their thoughts du jour!
See the hand? Talk to it!
Amazing cheating scandal just gets worse. Gotta love the union teachers!
Where is Roger DUMB Wabbit on this? Blame the bankers as he claimed in California?
From 4,
Of course that’s your response!
When are you due, BTW?
Oh my… The Administration Press (AP) actually allowed this to be printed?
http://blogs.the-american-inte.....r-on-iran/ – gets even better than the AP link so Puddy put it out there vs. including it in a special sentence!
Weak… Obummer is weak!
The party of stupid irrelevance just got even stupider and more irrelevant.
“Republican lawmakers in North Carolina have introduced a bill declaring that the state has the power to establish an official religion …. The bill says that federal courts do not have the power to decide what is constitutional, and says the state does not recognize federal court rulings that prohibit North Carolina and its schools from favoring a religion.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s like, you know, giving the finger to the Constitution. You’ve got to wonder about voters who elect politicians who would do that. Are they foreigners? Is North Carolina a suburb of Pakistan?
So Fascist Pigsty@4,
So Jesse and Al no longer matter? Toure is your new guy? Please develop this further!
Direct from the link the DUMB Wabbit just proffered here on HA!
Don’t tell that to the DUMB Wabbit!
@25 – what exactly do you do for a living Puffy? Eplain to us your great existance and contribution to mankind.
@76 Easy to say for an armchair general like you. How many wars have you fought in? Hey, I’m not endorsing Obama’s Syria policy. I just think chest-beaters should be the first ones to go, that’s all.
No here is giving the finger DUMB Wabbit… Obummer skips over the will of the senate!
You see DUMB Wabbit, Obummer’s sadministration don’t care about the will of the people. It’s their way or the highway!
@78 They never did except to straw-graspers like you.
Damn DUMB Wabbit, so many specious arguments so early in the morning. What does that have to do with Iran and Syria?
From 77,
Religion needs to be almost totally excluded frm government. Mentioning it is OK, but trying to establish a “state” religion is definitely a no-go!
@81 ignore; off topic
Oh Weally DUMB Wabbit?
Al has a show on MSNBC. Seems MSNBC is grasping straws! Jesse is the first person they run to on “black issues”. Ever NOT see him on CNN or NBC or ABC or CBS?
Another of your DUMB Wabbit comments. Puddy has this one saved!
Let’s just stay out of Syria. We’ve got enough trouble in the Mideast as it is without looking for more.
@83 “What does that have to do with Iran and Syria?”
It doesn’t. It has to do with you and your vapid comments, in particular, @76.
@84 They’re obviously trying to pick a fight with the Constitution and the federal courts that enforce it. Those asswipes can’t get over losing the Civil War 150 years ago.
@85, see #79! Another DUMB Wabbit EPIC FAYLE!
@86 “Al has a show on MSNBC.”
Who cares? Besides you, I mean? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. That’s what the channel dial is for.
Ever been to the Middle East Ten Years After? Puddy has. (wait for the snide Lib sa schmucko comment) Puddy went to the ourskirts of Ramallah. Ate at a great restaurant. Puddy saw the Golan Heights. You understand what Syria wants to do against Israel. Butt, most HA libtards hate Israel. They love Palestinians. Butt most Palestinians would hang all these gay HA libtards. Go figger?
Grasping at straws DUMB Wabbit? They care enough to give him a venue to spew vile bile similarly to yours here on HA.
ROTFLRHMBBAO… Thanks for playing.
@90 Where did I say @79 was off topic? I didn’t. I said @81 was off topic. Which it is. Would you like to discuss @79?
Hopefully rhpee6033 will view today’s unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron’s PuddyAttacks and scratch some short hairs and figger it out!
@93 So what? Fox gives lots of bile-spewing idiots a venue. This is America! Any jackass can say any stupid thing he wants to here. Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia?
@95 Who has the decoder ring?
It’s not even 9:30 AM yet and puddy already has 15 comments this morning. I don’t have anything productive to do this morning, and obviously he doesn’t either. How does it feel to be a member of the Idle Class, putz? Isn’t it great? Sure beats working.
Do you actually pay attention to a thread conversation DUMB Wabbit? Do you or are you so blind with hatred your memory exploded long ago? Fascist Pigsty claimed Al and Jesse are old black fossils so to speak. Yet you can’t figger that out because you forgot that above.
And you wonder why Puddy calls you the DUMB Wabbit.
BTW DUMB Wabbit… Puddy is on vacation. My job told me to take a week off due to my overseas travel. So Puddy took this week off since Easter was Sunday! It feels great spanking your old codgy ASS!
Holy Cow Batman… Joe Klein disses ObummerCare… who is next?
@99 You’re spending your vacation on Horsesass? HAR HAR HAR!!! I can visualize how that conversation went:
Mrs. Puddy: Where are we going on vacation this year, dear?
Mr. Puddy: My computer.
Mrs. Puddy: I have lovely brochures on Spain, France, Portugal …
Mr. Puddy: Forget it. I’m doing Horsesass again this year!
Mrs. Puddy: Not again! Why do we always have to do what you want? Why can’t we go somewhere I want to go?
Mr. Puddy: Trust me, dear, Horsesass is way more fun than Spain, France, or Portugal.
Mrs. Puddy: Okay, tell you what, I’ll buy a ticket for myself and check on you when I get back.
Mr. Puddy: Hnnhhh, talk to me about it later, I’m “busy” right now …
Did y’all see Bill Maher on Jimmy Kimmel? You need to view all three clips…
PuddyCommentary: Seems wild Bill is talking with forked tongue. He jock straps libtard policies of course on his Friday night show. Now he’s demonstrating the core of libtards: y’all enjoy enacting laws that control the behavior of the little people, but scream if those laws to affect them.
Speaking of inattention, you still haven’t answered my question @94 that I asked 36 minutes ago.
@102 Well, I guess that goes to show that people who get too much money become paternalistic bullies, so maybe we should outlaw too much money. Let me know which soft drink you like, so I can buy stock in that company.
Nice but incorrect conversation DUMB Wabbit. Puddy takes the morning and slaps your ASS. Then Puddy goes out. Will be going out soon. You should have asked my “caucasian” (you word) wife where Puddy takes her on vacation. BTW she works too so Puddy is off a lot while she works! Oops… Lib da schmucko will make another snide comment!
BTW DUMB Wabbit… Puddy has the option to work at home two days a week when in America. Puddy loves his job.
Don’t drink much soda Roger. Puddy prefers juices. Cranberry Blueberry Pineapple Apple Orange. So you better buy Ocean Spray!
Answer your question DUMB Wabbit? 79 is self explanatory. See ya… Gotta run! Have fun! Puddy will as the sun is coming out!
@105 “Puddy is off a lot while she works!”
I figured that out a long time ago.
@106 Ocean Spray is a cooperative. No publicly trade stock. They oppose mandatory labeling of genetically modified products. In other words, they’re one of those food processors who don’t want you to know what you’re putting in your body when you consume their products. I can’t tell you whether to drink Ocean Spray juices, puddy, that’s up to you … but, believe it or not, we’re gonna miss you … on the other hand I think you’ll look funny with three arms and three legs …
@107 “79 is self explanatory”
Really? What does @79 explain? That a Republican bill authorizing a state religion, but not specifying a religion, is not only stupid and unconstitutional but also pointless? Glad we finally agree on something.
That’s like that idiot town council that passed an ordinance saying households must own guns, but then exempting anyone who doesn’t want to own a gun, to make a “point” about gun rights.
It’s nice to see everything is so hunky-dory in America that our elected officials can’t find anything better to do than this stuff.
# 69: So your response is that since others do it, you can too? That’s another form of logical falacy (albeit a more modern one), called misdirection.
It seems to me the flame war started a very long time ago, I won’t even try to figure out who started it, and at this point it’s pointless to try. Such flame wars aren’t conducive to logical discussion. Or do you want to stretch to achieve the lowest common denominator?
Would not your credibility be enhanced, and those of your critics diminished, if you sought the high ground in a debate?
@111 I know who started it. I also know who’s gonna finish it.
@111 “Would not your credibility be enhanced, and those of your critics diminished, if you sought the high ground in a debate?”
Don’t give him ideas. The rest of us like puddy just the way he is. See, e.g. @108. How could we have fun like that if he changed his tune? (And that lunatic thinks he “spanks” me?!)
Whoa what happened here?
Comments 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 103, 107, 108
Folks we see in this thread how a right wing jerk likes to spend his precious leisure time.
6:33 am to 10 am sharp..
Ooooooooh what a beautiful mooooornning!
Almost missed this one.. Bang up series on the true “moochers” and “takers” in America: rentiers..
Private sector parasites:
Remember Gordon Gecko in Wall Street? “I create NOTHING.. I own…” Lind:
Rich “moochers” hurt American have-nots:
Defeating useless wealthy “takers”:
The value of this series is immeasurable. Lind really lays out concisely what many others have been trying to say for years..
And before a certain jerk starts whining, yes rentiers in this country have effectively bought off all of one party (Republicans) and a big part of the other.
This guy believes that liberals and conservatives can collaborate on an anti-rentier agenda..
My first thought is… Fat chance.. See how Bruce Bartlett was treated when he dared to challenge right wing economic dogma.
More from Mike Konczal.. Pretty good writer too.
But Tuesday at a Denver Post forum on the gun control debate, the senior congresswoman from Denver appeared to not understand how guns work.
Asked how a ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds would be effective in reducing gun violence, DeGette said:
“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”
It’s similar Democrat legislative incompetence that got them the passed bill in NY that they had to immediately suspend because it required use of clips of a size that do not exist.
@116 I’m definitely a mooching rentier, but I’m too small time to be a policy concern. I don’t even live as well as my neighborhoo bank branch manager!
@118 Do you know what the point of banning high-capacity magazines is?
@118 “it required use of clips of a size that do not exist”
I can’t think of a more effective gun control measure myself. No clips, no shots fired. Simplicity itself.
From 116,
Would pay-day lenders be considered “renters?”
I’m all for an anti-rentier agenda. Renters shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Or if they do vote, their vote should only be counted as a 3/5 or something.
They should pay double the sales tax.
….oh, rentier means something else?
…it does? Oh hell no! that threaten the job creator who made all those jobs in the 2000s.
121: Well, you could have the 1903 Springfield .30-06 used by American soldiers and Marines in WWI. It was partly based on a Mauser design (1893?) It was a bolt-action rifle without a magazine – you had to put a round in the chamber each time before you fired it. Of course, someone with this rifle can’t fire off more than two or three rounds before they are tackled by bystanders.
The WWII M-1, the “Garand”, had a stripper clip and was considered a semi-automatic rifle (one round each time the trigger is squeezed). I think it held five rounds, but I could be wrong. U.S. the Philpines had the WWI version, and the Marines had it for a while longer (always last on the Navy’s budget/supply list of priorities). At Guadalcanal, in at least one battle the Marines were carrying 1903 Springfields and the U.S. Army soldiers were carrying Garands, fighting side-by-side. The Garand had a sometimes inconvenient feature of ejecting the clip when the last round was fired, which it did with an unmistakeable sound – not something you want the enemy to hear (“rush him, quick – he’s re-loading!)
From 124,
My brother used to own a 1903 Springfield in 30.06. You could press four rounds into a built-in clip, plus one in the chamber for a total of five rounds, fully loaded. It was by no means a single shot rifle that had to be reloaded after firing a single round. Just look at the old movie “Sergeant York.” Gary Cooper worked to bolt to reload the chamber as he picked-off the Germans who were charging him. Also, remember the sniper soldier in
“Saving Private Ryan.” Remember how that guy worked the bolt to reload a new round from the magazine and prayed to God as he did it? The Sprinfield 1903 is NOT a single-shot weapon by any stretch of the imagination.
See rhpee6033. Ain’t gonna happen. Puddy is already above the likes of the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron and others.
BTW to the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron, how Puddy spends PuddyVacation is my bidness. Just think if you can, Puddy getting paid to smack your unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron ASS!
Thanks for playing.
Butt here’s a DUMMOCRAPT and her “misunderstanding” of refills!
# 125: Since you’ve seen the rifle, and I haven’t, I’ll conceed the point.
From 128,
No worries!
@126 You seem not to understand that under American Capitalism Ver. 2.013, employed persons are the bottom of the socioeconomic heap and unemployment is the highest attainment to which one can aspire. Take me, for example. I don’t work or produce anything. I don’t have to, because I own.
@128 This should settle all arguments:
But for sheer killing power, nothing beats a modern fully-automatic assault rifle, equipped with a 30-round banana clip or even better a 100-round drum magazine!
# 72: Gee, you actually had some rational and intellegent thoughts in there, but it got a bit jumbled by trying to combine too much in it, and to turn it all into an anti-Obama rant.
Yep, American auto makers really screwed up royally on quality, and they are still playing catch-up. It started back in the 1960’s, when they fought against virtually every safety improvement (seat belts, safety glass, etc.). Then they fought against anti-pollution devices (catalytic converters, etc.). Then they fought, and continue to fight, against milage standards. Withut any significant domestic competition, they thought they could avoid quality issues in order to reduce costs and raise profits. Of course, the UAW saw all those profits and wanted a slightly larger slice of the pie, and the auto companies fought them, as well – adding fuel to an already notorious adversarial relationship which went back to the early 1930’s.
So while the auto executives focused on fighting the government and the unions, the Japanese auto makers quietly came into the country and established a presence in the small-car market. Henry Ford III just turned up his nose at this, saying that “small cars equal small profits”, and refused to invest any resources in that share of the market – especially after the problem with the Pinto and it’s exploding fuel tanks.
Suddenly you had the 1973 oil embargo, and a huge demand for small cars. People found that the small Japanese cars were not only fuel efficient, but pretty good cars overall.
But the real change came about in the early 1980’s. Seeing American car makers sales plummit, and oil prices still going higher, the car companies and the UAW combined to pressure Congress to place an embargo on the import of Japanese cars. The Japanese auto makers responded by offering instead a voluntary partial embargo which limited the numbers they could sell in the U.S. for a limited period of time.
This turned into a major disaster for the American car makers – not at all what they intended. Instead of exporting cheap cars to the U.S., the Japanese auto makers exported their higher end vehicles. There were waiting lists for the cars, and buyers were surprised at the quality of the Japanese vehicles – and they kept buying them in increasing quantities.
But one key point – Japanese car quality was driven as much by government regulation as it was by any management theory. The Japanese have to have an annual inspection to get their car registration renewed. Inspectors can (and will) refuse to renew a registration if a car has the slightest problem, even cosmetic. So rather than go through expensive repairs and re-inspection, most Japanese sell their cars within four years – the point where the inspection requirement kicks in. Used cars don’t have much value in Japan, most are exported to other countries. But for those that keep the cars, the word gets around quickly if a particular car has repeated inspection failures.
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