Longtime local blogger (Peace Tree Farm) and HA regular N in Seattle has a post over on Washblog, announcing the 43rd Legislative District’s experiment in “open platform building.” During the week prior to the March 4 precinct caucuses — the Dem’s official first step towards building a party platform — the 43rd will be holding a series of three platform forums to invite more open and direct grassroots participation in the process. As N explains:
The hierarchical structure of 2004 — precincts elect delegates to the LD and county, LDs elect delegates to the Congressional District, CDs elect national delegates — worked well when the ultimate goal was to choose a presidential candidate. But when we’re trying to work on specific points of the party platform, to refine proposed positions on a dozen big issues, starting the process with a couple hundred tiny groups in front of a couple hundred blank slates doesn’t sound like the best way to start.
What N is trying to politely say is that the platform portion of traditional caucuses sucks. Usually, each precinct is just dominated by some loudmouth like me with a bug up his ass about some issue or another, and the LD ends up debating an OCD-like manifesto that reads more like a hijacker’s list of demands than a practical political agenda.
So I’m really looking forward to seeing how the 43rd’s experiment works out, and while I don’t live in the district, I’ll probably stop by the Feb. 26 forum, if only to hear the keynote speech by Congressman Jim McDermott.
For more information, including dates, locations and forum agendas, please read N’s full post at Washblog.
Writing in the comment thread, Emmett O’Connell informs me that Thurston County is planning similar platform forums. More information here.
Thurston County is doing something similar:
Adopting a platform is much easier in the GOP. Karl Rove writes it, and all the delegates have to do is jump up, give the Nazi salute, and yell “Seig Heil! Seig Heil!”
Thanks for the plug, Goldy. It’s greatly appreciated.
This shows the real difference in how Dems govern v. how the right wing thugs govern. We invite debate on policy and the righties just issue orders and jail anyone who doesn’t agree.
This clusterfuck will turn into endless process where the goal is to be heard and respected….not produce anything of value.
Oh well, it’s something for you gays & lesbians to do besides havin’ sex with members of the same sex.
I’m sure the #1 plank will be same-sex marriage.
Perhaps someone will bring a video of gays & lesbians doin’ what they do best and some free-range popcorn with a nice bottle of Fremont Water that dripped off Lenin’s Statue into the bottle.
Be sure to take a group picture of all that attend Nin.
Will be real impressive.
I just astounded that folks who claim to be gay or lesbian cannot give a simple explanation of what those terms mean, what they like to do and why. How are those unreasonable questions?
I mean these folks have parades and all kinds of events to draw attention to themselves.
And I truly do understand what it’s like to have a buddy from the same gender. It’s just that I don’t particular feel compelled to suck on his wanker or feel it in my hind-end. Plus I simply don’t know that it is somethin’ to be particularly “PROUD” of. Do you?
Are you one of them gay guys too Clueless.
If so, maybe you can splain it.
It not, why in the samhill are you so inclined to celebrate it?
Maybe some gay fellas don’t suck, get suck, poke their weiner where it don’t belong or get poke by someone elses?
When I took Biology, they taught us that the rectum was an EXIT orifice. Precisely what date did that change?
Maybe we need a new National Holiday….Gay Day. To celebrate the first gay butt poke. What the hell…another day off fer guv’mint werkers.
Hallmark would have a field day with Gay Day cards.
Hell clueless, you me can pardner up….if you promise not to look at me all dreamy eyed with yer boner in yer hand.
The “Main Stream Media” have really shown themselves over this hunting accident, especially David Gregory.
Nobody was trying to hide anything, nobody had said that it did not happen or tried to place the blame on someone else (Sort of what Ted Kennedy did when after 10 hours had lasped he finally alerted the authorities about the accident; HE TRIED TO GET HIS COUSIN TO SAY THAT MARY JO WAS THE ONE DRIVING, NOT HIM!!!)
The shooting accident was reported emediately to the proper authorities and medical personel; HE WAS NOT LEFT THERE TO DIE LIKE MARY JO WAS BY TED KENNEDY, the only people he notified were his friends and attorneys. The people who could have saved Mary Jo were never told, so she died a slow death by suffocation while Kennedy saved his political career. Where were the press when this happened and why were they not outraged over this. [GBS, I bet if you knew how to swim YOU could have saved Mary Jo!]
Gettysburg, Pa. — Vandals damaged monuments and removed parts of sculpture at the Gettysburg National Military Park in the third such incident in a little over a year. Two bronze sculptures honoring New York and Pennsylvania soldiers were dragged from their places, and a sword is missing from a sculpture honoring Massachusetts infantry /break/ The bronze head of an artilleryman figure was removed at the New York monument
Video surveillance cameras are extremely cheap nowadays. Sounds like we have some thieves who are either collectors or selling to collectors and both need to be put on public display in a federal prison for at least 10 -15 years. [Looks like Roger Rabbit, GBS, Left Turn, and Bill were out with their young Democrat thug buddies last night!]
Oink, here’s your answer:
We’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the GOP are pussies. And George W Bush is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn’t appropriate – and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves… because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don’t know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don’t let us fuck this asshole, we’re going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
Just like I thought!
10, Beltowner…….Just a little crude. Not the post of the month.
[JCH] @ 12
Crude, maybe… But it conveyed the message in a way that you are able to understand.
Kevin Carnes @6
Our process isn’t perfect, but it doesn’t produce platforms that look like this:
Job Losses
What’s with Kevin’s weird obsession with gay sex? Is he a closet LCR?*
* LCR = Log Cabin Republican
“Sounds like we have some thieves who are either collectors or selling to collectors”
I doubt it. They’re probably selling the bronze to scrap dealers for drug money.
“Looks like Roger Rabbit … were out with their young Democrat thug buddies last night!”
Don’t you DARE accuse me of theft, you fucking liar.
Comment on 10
Betcha Oink is lusting for JCH’s asshole right now!
I guess you guys never saw Team America: World Police
@ 12
I think it’s less crude than anything you write.
This Oink character sure likes repeating hisself. Par for the course for wingnuts.
Clueless will probably lead the Flake Brigade in their mission to___________??? Make a list of stuff they hate….and why fella’s who push fudge of other fellas outta be PROUD of that…proud enuf ta have a parade!
I see Stefan is ranting today against California’s Proposition 13, which he likens to RENT CONTROL! Under Prop. 13, someone who bought a $600,000 house in 2004 pays much higher property taxes than someone who bought an identical $600,000 house in 1974, even though the latter homeowner likely is older and more affluent.
Roger Rabbit opposes both Prop. 13 (a similar initiative failed in Washington several years ago) and rent control.
MTR says “open platform for dems is great”. This will give the moonbat kook fringe an opportunity to steer dems to an even further outside the mainstream. I think dems should “embrace” every kook cause that comes around and make the platform a dog’s breakfast of nutball causes.
After giving us Howard Dean AND making TSWITM the presumptive nominee, the concept of open kook platform will garntee continued domination by right thing common sense GOP.
Go get ’em Goldy…
21 – Oink, sorry you had such a traumatic experience watching “Brokeback Mountain”. It must have put you in touch with certain feelings you were repressing.
We understand. You’re just acting out. Now please remember that I’m straight and I’m not into bestiality but as I said before, an optimistic attitude can lead you to a suitable mate or sex partner – whatever you’re into.
MTR said ” I think dems should “embrace” every kook cause that comes around and make the platform a dog’s breakfast of nutball causes.”
Mark, I am pleased to inform you that the Dems HAVE embraced every kook….every damn one of them! They haven’t missed a single one.
clueless is intentionally missing the point.
Homo’s want everyone to stay outta their bedroom…
Yet they make a big deal of their homo-ness every time you turn around. Homo Parades, Homo Chatlines, Homo Websites, Homo Bars…Why not just live your life clueless?
26 – Funny I hadn’t noticed that about gay people Oinkster but somehow YOU DID NOTICE THAT.
Now why is that? Again, we understand. You’re just acting out. An event like seeing “Brokeback Mountain” can do that kind of thing. I mean it’s kind of obvious isn’t it? I mean you’re going into explicit anatomical details in your comments and you seem to know quite a bit about the culture – kind of like a guy who’s sorry or downright pissed that he’s missed out on so much fun all these years.
Just keep a good attitude Oink. There’s someone out there for you. Maybe you can go see Brokeback Mountain and look around after one of the steamy scenes. Make eye contact with the first pork-lips besotten mug you see and go for it. It most probably won’t turn out to be a long term relationship but it’s a start.
Oink – You are correct. But they need to formalize their kookiness in the platform so it’s out there for everyone to see in writing. The dem campaign mode is “campaign to the right; lead to the left.” This will force them to campaign to the left too so they can get their heads handed to them.
Comment by BOB from BOEING — 2/16/06 @ 1:30 pm [Finally a post from Bob that makes sense!]
Formalized Kookiness is quite a difficult goal. It can only be accomplished with a shitload of these Lefty Kooks.
I guess it stands to reason though…
The more Kooks you have in the kitchen, the more the stew resembles a filled colostomy bag!
The Emeril of the Kooks====Jim McDimwit!!
The head f*cking Chef!
When Bob posted:
Comment by BOB from BOEING 2/16/06 @ 1:30 pm
I think it might be one of them gay trollin’ secret code words for “If yer a fella, meet Bob in the 2nd stall on the 3rd Floor Men’s Bathroom in the Seattle Library.”
Can I put his on a T- Shirt to sell at Casinos to teenagers. I think yu have made the most ardent political rant in the history of this blog.
It would be banned in Bellevue and cause locker searches all over. Please?
Oink, you are shocking folks who thought they were un-shockable. Careful, your friends will not come over, even for free animal beer.
Oink – can you call me?
Still think it’s mighty mysterious the Gays & Lesbians refuse to clearly define themselves and discuss their activities…yet demand public recognition and approval of them as a special class.
Holler at me all you want….doesn’t change the fact that your conduct, your actions are quite odd.
Goldy: “OCD-like manifesto that reads more like a hijacker’s list of demands than a practical political agenda”
You couldn’t have summarized the Democratic platforms of recent history any better.
Unfortunately, I fear that the chances of the minority of “thinking” Dems snatching control of the platform from the rabid protest march crowd is as likely as the moderates in the GOP taking over and kicking out the Hard Righties.
Oink – after reading some of your comments here, I have to meet you! Maybe I can give you a job in my office here. You can help me write talking points. I dictate, you.. well I think you know what you have to do.
It’s all spelled out in your comments.
So Ken, let’s hear your definition of Gay and Lesbian.
What conduct makes one Gay or Lesbian?
Is that conduct something to be “Proud” of?
If Gays & Lesbians just want to be left alone, why do they have parades, websites, groups etc?
Ken, you can feign offense all you want.
It still doesn’t answer the legitimate questions.
Ken Mehlman, that name rings a bell. Can you please call me?
Oink and I have a proposal for you about a big party we are giving together, select list.
I love how the ONE thread Goldy puts up about the Dems needing a coherent platform and ideas instead of just “not-whatever-the-GOP-wants” has almost NO (relevant) comments in it. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. When you guys have to come up with something original, all one hears is “cricket, cricket, cricket…”