Tonight there will be another fun-filled meeting of the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. I appeal to you to scooter on over and join us for an evening of politics under the influence. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Pardon the pun, but it’s an easy commute.
Drinking Liberally’s Seattle hosts are Nick Beaudrot of Electoral Math and HorsesAss contributer TheHim (also at Blog Reload and EFFin’ Unsound).
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area, there is a Drinking Liberally for you—Jimmy will have the details.
The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 210 chapters in 44 states (plus DC). And if you don’t find a chapter near you…start one!
commute…scooter….oh, I get it.
Hey Darryl (and other locals),
We’re going to have a very distinguished visitor at DL tonight! I don’t think he let Niq or anyone “in charge” know about it … I just happened upon his post this afternoon.
Just don’t tell anyone from that terrible infestation in the 43rd LD. We wouldn’t want to ruin the good professor’s visit to our city.
Hey, it beats Ann Coulter humor.
Not that any of these right wing traitors here care, but here’s the background on the so-called “liberal” judge who sentenced Libby…
“President Bush knew what he was getting in 2001 when he made Reggie B. Walton one of his first picks for a seat on the federal bench: a tough-on-crime judge.”
Yes that’s right. Baby Bush himself appointed Walton as a judge. And it was a Publican who brought the indictment. And a conservative-Appeals Court who denied his appeal.
Sure sounds like a left-wing conspiracy to me – NOT!
4 It’s fruitless trying to make any logical sense of the neocons or their followers. The former lie and the latter abandon all rationality in their struggle to believe them.
Sadly I won’t be able to join you kemosabe. It’s just been too darn nice out and my schedule has been too crazy. Can’t wait until I do return though…
I’d luuurve to join all you good people tonight, but I think I’m going to go home and plug into my favorite Internet “radio” station. Since it doesn’t seem likely that Jay Inslee’s bill is likely to pass before the RIAA’s silver hammer drops on the 15th, I might as well enjoy it whilst I can.
I have been banned. voice of asses wiping is a chump.
using alternative methods. I guess truths about posters bother ol unwiped ass
@3 Anything beats Ann Coulter humor, even a good beating.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because of traffic problems caused by the crush of admiring fans, papparazzi, cops, and bail bondsmen — for some strange reason, the public thinks I’m Paris Hilton.
@6 Besides, you’re too busy writing bullshit for the sucky little competing blog, aren’t ya?
Full Libby Pardon In the Works
“WASHINGTON (AP) – President Bush on Tuesday left open the possibility of an eventual pardon for former White House aide I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby. ‘As to the future, I rule … nothing out,’ the president said a day after commuting Libby’s 2 1/2-year prison term in the CIA leak case.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know damn well Bush is going to pardon Libby some dark night when no one is watching, probably near the end of his term. The only reason he doesn’t do it now is to limit the damage to his administration. This whole scenario has been planned from day one.
Tony Snow’s Flippant Apology For Plame Case
“Snow was asked by a reporter if anyone in the administration would ever apologize for … public disclosure that Valerie Plame … was an undercover CIA officer. ‘Yeah, it’s improper to be leaking those names,’ Snow said. Pressed on whether someone in the administration owed the American public an apology, Snow said, ‘I’ll apologize. Done.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Done? This won’t be done until Dickless Cheney, Scooter Libby, Bush himself, and the rest of the scheming lying cabal are dragged into court and made to pay millions of dollars in civil damages to Wilson and Plame. It won’t be done until Democrats exact street justice from Republican traitors — here are some of my ideas:
1) Raise their taxes
2) Put them on the travel watch list
3) Revoke the GOP’s earmark privileges for 75 years
4) Elect Hillary president
5) Make them bend over and kiss Roger Rabbit’s cute furry cottontail
Re #5, for a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG — have your credit card ready, operators are standing by!
Speaking of commuted sentences…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he LIED to a grand jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case that he later settled for $800k.
Hey Goldy, if you get around to looking at this post, I’m still running into trouble posting. Usually I have to hit the “submit comment” button, Firefox acts like it’s trying to post the comment but there’s no movement on the progress indicator, so I have to use the “Stop” button, and then when I submit again it goes through.
Ees werry werry stronge.
I’ve thought of a moniker for Bill Cruchon. Since he takes such pride in using his “real” name, I think I’ll color this man: “DittoCrutch”!!!!
will you discuss HiLLary\’s (thats a nod to fucklesteins spelling \”challenges\” for those that missed it or have their noses too stuck up his ass to mention it.) dubious personnel choices… the ones with with ethical lapses?
Clinton\’s pollster is accused of monitoring ex-colleague\’s e-mail
NEW YORK — Hillary Rodham Clinton\’s chief strategist is being accused of illegal eavesdropping in a civil lawsuit that alleges he and his polling firm monitored the personal e-mails of a former associate who started a rival company.
ahhh brings you warm fuzzy memories of good old gasbag mcdimwit, doesn\’t it? How\’d that work out for him??
I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.
@13 Let’s see, how much did Paula Jones get after legal fees? 5 bucks? And Clinton wasn’t even convicted of anything.
Here’s a good analogy for the Paula Jones case. You park your car in a parking lot. A woman walks up to your car and pounds her fist on the fender to make a noise like metal hitting a body. Then she falls to the ground and begins groaning. A few days later, a slick lawyer calls your insurance adjuster. After years of depositions and negotiations, your insurance company agrees to a “nuisance settlement” to the woman of $500 and agrees to pay her legal fees of $800,000. The woman is never prosecuted for insurance fraud because her lawyer makes campaign contributions to the prosecutor.
Anytime a plaintiff is being secretly represented by Ann Coulter you know something fishy is going on.
Let’s review:
1. Paula Jones posed nude for Penthouse.
2. Paula Jones participated in a TV boxing match
with Tonya Harding for money.
3. Paula Jones’ own lawyer, Ann Coulter, called her “trailer-park trash” and “a fraud” for “pretending to be an honorable and moral person.”
@17 A wingnut complaining about illegal wiretapping is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime.