Gun rights advocates proudly flaunt their weapons during protest at the Washington State Capitol yesterday. Because they’re assholes.
To be clear, if I were to walk onto the floor of Washington State’s house or senate chambers wearing a bulletproof vest atop my jacket and tie, I would be removed for violating the dress code. But asshole gun nuts like those pictured above are free to open-carry semi-automatic weapons into the galleries above the chambers. God bless America!
UPDATE: Lt. Governor Brad Owen has announced that openly carried firearms will no longer be allowed in the senate gallery:
Owen said it didn’t make sense to allow people to openly carry firearms while banning backpacks, signs and umbrellas.
Gee, ya think?
If you own a jacket and tie, why did you let yourself be filmed in an interview for public television while you were wearing a sweatshirt?
From the photo – these guys don’t look any different from Terrorists.
Deluded prog playbook:
Protesting the death of thug piece of shit Mike Brown = good.
Protesting perceived slights against constitutional right = bad.
@2 That is because they are terrorists. A bunch of yahoo terrorists but terrorists all the same. They want to advance their political agenda through fear and intimidation, the very definition of terrorism. It is no surprise that the whole open carry thing is a republican phenomenon – right wingers rail against tyranny and pretend guns will prevent it but the reality is that ideologically they have a very authoritarian mindset. The number one threat to American democracy and the few remaining ‘freedoms’ left to us is not radical Islam but home-grown right-wing American terrorism – like those clowns in the picture.
@4 here here!
Unusual protest, considering that one can bring guns into the Capital and wave them from the balcony but you can’t do the same with signs.
Did anyone check their IDs to make sure they’re not from ISIS?
@1 It was a sweater. Just a touch threadbare.
These guys have accomplished something I thought not possible: they have made me a supporter of the Bush Doctrine. Obviously, they hate us for our freedom enough to kill us. The only possible course of action is to kill them first.
Speaking of assholes, a young woman who doesn’t believe in vaccination is spreading measles at Disneyland. Dozens are sick now.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My guess is she’s a home-schooled libertarian. Maybe one of the same people who, not long ago, were screaming for Kari Hickox to be quarantined against her will (and in ignorance of sound medical science).
@4: In an environment where on the one hand you have a government vacuuming up literally every piece of digital communication and performing warrantless searches 24×7, and on the other hand a worldwide cult that is actively trying to behead or shoot blasphemers (and often succeeding), “home grown right wing terrorism” is the biggest threat we face? Really?
“…“home grown right wing terrorism” is the biggest threat we face? Really?”
That’s about as close as any dumbfuck wingnut has ever come to admitting that right-wing terrorism even exists.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I think if constitutional originalists were honest, they would admit that in a time when the quick mobilization of citizen militia (organized and well regulated) was a necessity for the young country to establish itself and remain ready to mount a defense against foreign enemies, the current mania of allowing any Bozo to walk around fully armed as if an invasion were imminent is as near to the original intent of the founding father’s as ‘Clear-Channel’ is to the original intent of the first amendment.
@13 — That is IF constitutional originalists were honest — which they are not.
“home grown right wing terrorism” is the biggest threat we face? Really?”
Yes, really. There were over 110 right-wing terrorist attacks in this country over the last 20 years
“Fifty-six percent of domestic terrorist attacks and plots in the U.S. since 1995 have been perpetrated by right-wing extremists, as compared to 30 percent by ecoterrorists and 12 percent by Islamic extremists. Right-wing extremism has been responsible for the greatest number of terrorist incidents in the U.S. in 13 of the 17 years since the Oklahoma City bombing.”
Before one can solve a problem, one must first admit that a problem exists.
Even I, a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter, think these open-carry protesters are idiotic…I mean talk about bad optics.
However, saying that they are terrorists and more of a threat than Islamic terrorism is just plain ridiculous.
@15, There is a big difference between the number of attacks and plots and the severity and success of attacks and plots.
Anyone who believes that Right-wing terrorism is the greatest threat facing the United States (and the world at large), is foolish and blind.
Can’t waive their, ahem, “members” in public, so waive the guns instead. You know, the bigger the gun, the bigger the “member.”
@16 — People have told me that to buy a Porsche, your member has to measure 3″ or less. Any truth to that?
Methinks that this should not be allowed in the chambers of the house. if signs are not allowed, pointing guns at the ceiling should not be allowed – no matter how stupid the people are who are doing it.
The Second Amendment was a sop to the South to get them to ratify the fledgling Constitution.
The purpose was to allow the slave owners to track down and forcibly return their wayward ‘property’…or shoot them on sight.
These yahoos persuaded the Senate to ban guns from the chamber. Mission accomplished!
@17- so as long as they’re inefficient, its not terrorism. Got it. If I break into your house but fail to kill you, no harm, no foul, amirite?
Is that guy in the lower right hand corner of the photo wearing a “Silence of the Lambs” style mask? What a gaggle of colossal intellectual shitstains.
@23, Apparently comprehension is not one of your strong suits.
Terrorism is terrorism, no matter who carries it out… but the threats (and indeed actions already carried out) by Right-wing terrorists pales in comparison to what the United States and the world face from Islamic terrorists.
Caption Correction:
“Ammosexuals wave surrogate penises at legislators.”
Am I the only one struck by the overwhelming whiteness of that group?
I guess what gets me most about too many 2nd Amendment groups is the undeniable racial element to it all. Far too often it’s not about the right to bear. It’s about the right of white people to bear. Where were these guys when Governor Reagan freaked out about the Panthers carrying in public? The first major restrictions in the modern era of gun control were born right there and Saint Reagan delivered the baby.
@26. I agree. A picture is worth a thousand words. I bet if everyone of those guys were black then white America would be scared, you know it would be an image of the black panthers.
Not one of those guys seems to have a black friend to have brought along for fun.
Seems so long as local (non-federal) law enforcement are compliant in gleefully blasting away at every African American pre-adolescent foolish enough to wield a Super Soaker in public, then the ‘baggers are all about the 2nd Amendment. It’s really a perfect arrangement: everyone enjoys the “right” to bear arms in public, but if you happen to be non-white it’ll probably get you killed by the police. It may not be “equal protection” but the cynic in me thinks this is exactly what white folks have in mind when they combine expansive right to bear with aggressive militarized policing. For non-whites, right to bear equals right to bleed to death while cops stand around and watch.