That’s not the only place that this happened. Check out Jack Abramoff’s links to the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
Hmmm …
Well as this is an open thread here are some items of recent horse shit:
The HorseShit News
All the news that one can find by looking at a horse’s ass.
Arab league visits Israel to offer peace, trip not covered because of concerns for Leslie Lohan.
Neanderthals re-emerge in human population, trip not covered because Leslie Lohan is not a Nenaderthal.
Mit Romney apparently can not read upside down signs but is subject to numerous Mormon jokes in bad taste.
Details at SeattleJew.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think that Lindsay Lohan did run down an re-emergent Neanderthal once. Apparently it belonged to a friend of hers.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, if Neanderthals really have re-emerged and are living among us, how come we aren’t kidnapping them to work on the Reichstag Embassy?
Daddy Lovespews:
Believe me, waterboarded slave labor is the only way we can spread democracy and freedom in the Middle East.
Daddy Lovespews:
Kidnapping slaves to do construction work? Ah, nuts…that’s for “girlie men”. Sooner or later when they die from heat stroke or poisoning from their Halliburton water rations, they’ll grind ’em up and make ’em into rations for the troops.
The administration is trying to raise the national “fear factor” to cover for the Senate Judiciary carving Gonzo a new asshole. This morning they evacuated Long Beach Airport for a couple of hours to “investigate” a suitcase full of toys.
Mark the Redneck's alter egospews:
Lighten up. This is just a market (read freedom) driven method to get around the minimum wage requirements for federal procurement. After all, property is not subject to minimum wage laws–thus circumventing the creep of socialism that is inexhorably taking over our government.
Insert f-bombs as you deem appropriate, morons.
Does the US constitution really prohibit slavery?
Mark the Redneck's alter egospews:
A chi-square analysis of this story proves it is false.
Which story?
Today’s Highlight in History: On July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Mark the Redneck's alter egospews:
No hurricanes have been reported in Iraq. Not only does this disprove global warming, but it demonstrates that the surge is working to perfection.
Open thread. Then I guess it’s all right to say that not only does Negroponte’s memo prove that A. Gozales is a lyin liar and a perjuring perjurer, but today’s testimony from former FBI diretor Mueller provieds independent confirmation of same.
Questions to the wingnuts:
1. Is it perjury to you only when it’s a Democrat doing it?
2. If it is a misstatement of fact under oath that is material to to issue being investigated, why would it not be perjury for Gonzales when it was for Libby?
3. Do you deny that Libby perjured himself? I mean in the, you know, legal sense.
@19 did you mean Slave labor used to contruct U.S. Embassy In Baghdad.?
And how did you do a chi square?
Yer Killin Mespews:
You take two chis, lay them out at right angles to each other . . .
Daddy Lovespews:
11 SJ
Yes, in the thirteenth amendment.
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Mark the Redneck's alter egospews:
1. Yup.
2. Well, it wasn’t for Libby. End of story.
3. If it will help, yes.
@16: JCH promised he would send a check. You mean to tell me he hasn’t?
@24: You’re welcome. Send Goldy $100. JCH appears to be a bit short of cash these days. Wait, wait….there is a noise outside…
….gott im himmel!!!!!!!! Black helicopters!!!!
Mark the Redneck's alter egospews:
@28: Idiot! I meant ‘@27’ above. The flouride in the drinking water must be taking effect……
4 Linsey Lohan did have one of her famous wrecks just a few blocks from my daughter’s apartment in Beverlywood. I sometimes shudder at the thought she might have plowed into Melissa in her Elantra instead of the Astro van she managed to shove 25 feet.
They need to get that kid off the road before she really does kill someone.
Another TJspews:
Please Bill, don’t throw Daily Kos into that briar patch:
@23 According to Bushthink, slavery is illegal only if the government does it, and it’s okay if you subcontract the enslavement to a private contractor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In addition, the fact something is against the law doesn’t mean anything anyway. According to Bushthink, if you’re in power, you can do whatever you want no matter what the laws say.
@ 24 Daddy Love
Yes, I know the 13th amendment, but it never defines slavery.
I think in the spirit of GW B, we should consider whether slavery may not, in fact, still be legal. He has ‘splained to us so many aspects of law that we did not previously understand.
Also, if it is illegal, as in drugs being illegal, who gets prosecuted .. the slave or the master?
Just for argument sake, suppose WallMart were to offer to purchase its employees. And suppose, the employees freely agreed to be bought. Instead of slaves, we will call these people Life-Service-Partners.
Would that lead to prosecution of WalMart?
I do suppose that there would need to be laws against cruelty to LSPs.
Of course there are federal rights to organize, BUT what if WM were to purchase a Union and requires all LSPs to be members? Wouldn’t that keep everybody happy?
BTW … any resemblance to the chinese system is intentional.
I’m pretty sure Fox News will be trying to accuse Mueller of being a member of MoveOn.
proud leftistspews:
It crossed my mind that I’d like a few Republican slaves. Then, I realized that having Republican slaves would be far more of a drain than a benefit. They can’t work, but claim they’ve earned what they’ve been given. They beat their chests and proclaim how manly they are, though they’re always too cowardly to take any risks themselves. They never accept accountability for their own actions because, well, Clinton lied about a blow job. Even having female Republican slaves would be pointless as we know that Republican gals in bed do nothing but lay there and stink.
39 They may even accuse him of being an associate of Micheal Moore.
35 No, Roger, that really isn’t quite right. You can criticize the war (excuse me…the “restoration of peace and democracy in Iraq”) as long as you don’t mind the gubmint seizing everything you own.
That might be a little less scary to you, after all. Even if they rip the shirt off your back, you still have your fur to keep you warm.
Daddy Lovespews:
34 SJ
Yes, I know the 13th amendment, but it never defines slavery.
Oh, come on. What part of “involuntary servitude” don’t you understand?
You mean as in:
military service
farm workers
welfare reform
Hey! Why do you hate freedom?
Oh, wait…
That’s not the only place that this happened. Check out Jack Abramoff’s links to the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
Hmmm …
Well as this is an open thread here are some items of recent horse shit:
The HorseShit News
All the news that one can find by looking at a horse’s ass.
Arab league visits Israel to offer peace, trip not covered because of concerns for Leslie Lohan.
Neanderthals re-emerge in human population, trip not covered because Leslie Lohan is not a Nenaderthal.
Mit Romney apparently can not read upside down signs but is subject to numerous Mormon jokes in bad taste.
Details at SeattleJew.
I think that Lindsay Lohan did run down an re-emergent Neanderthal once. Apparently it belonged to a friend of hers.
Hey, if Neanderthals really have re-emerged and are living among us, how come we aren’t kidnapping them to work on the
ReichstagEmbassy?Believe me, waterboarded slave labor is the only way we can spread democracy and freedom in the Middle East.
Kidnapping slaves to do construction work? Ah, nuts…that’s for “girlie men”. Sooner or later when they die from heat stroke or poisoning from their Halliburton water rations, they’ll grind ’em up and make ’em into rations for the troops.
The administration is trying to raise the national “fear factor” to cover for the Senate Judiciary carving Gonzo a new asshole. This morning they evacuated Long Beach Airport for a couple of hours to “investigate” a suitcase full of toys.
Lighten up. This is just a market (read freedom) driven method to get around the minimum wage requirements for federal procurement. After all, property is not subject to minimum wage laws–thus circumventing the creep of socialism that is inexhorably taking over our government.
Insert f-bombs as you deem appropriate, morons.
Does the US constitution really prohibit slavery?
A chi-square analysis of this story proves it is false.
Which story?
Today’s Highlight in History: On July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
No hurricanes have been reported in Iraq. Not only does this disprove global warming, but it demonstrates that the surge is working to perfection.
10 – Alter ego? Which one are you right now, Jeff or Mark?
Pay your fucking gambling debt. Go Dutch if you need to.
Don’t forget the all-important fourth line
Soylent Green is sooooooo 1970s. ExxonMobil has a better idea.
@13: Ya’ gotta’ be kidding, right?
Open thread. Then I guess it’s all right to say that not only does Negroponte’s memo prove that A. Gozales is a lyin liar and a perjuring perjurer, but today’s testimony from former FBI diretor Mueller provieds independent confirmation of same.
Questions to the wingnuts:
1. Is it perjury to you only when it’s a Democrat doing it?
2. If it is a misstatement of fact under oath that is material to to issue being investigated, why would it not be perjury for Gonzales when it was for Libby?
3. Do you deny that Libby perjured himself? I mean in the, you know, legal sense.
@19 did you mean Slave labor used to contruct U.S. Embassy In Baghdad.?
And how did you do a chi square?
You take two chis, lay them out at right angles to each other . . .
11 SJ
Yes, in the thirteenth amendment.
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
1. Yup.
2. Well, it wasn’t for Libby. End of story.
3. If it will help, yes.
@16: JCH promised he would send a check. You mean to tell me he hasn’t?
@22: I always take 3-4-5 chis. Works every time.
21 SJ
Here’s how you do it!
Thanks for clearing that up.
@24: You’re welcome. Send Goldy $100. JCH appears to be a bit short of cash these days. Wait, wait….there is a noise outside…
….gott im himmel!!!!!!!! Black helicopters!!!!
@28: Idiot! I meant ‘@27’ above. The flouride in the drinking water must be taking effect……
4 Linsey Lohan did have one of her famous wrecks just a few blocks from my daughter’s apartment in Beverlywood. I sometimes shudder at the thought she might have plowed into Melissa in her Elantra instead of the Astro van she managed to shove 25 feet.
They need to get that kid off the road before she really does kill someone.
Please Bill, don’t throw Daily Kos into that briar patch:
@23 According to Bushthink, slavery is illegal only if the government does it, and it’s okay if you subcontract the enslavement to a private contractor.
In addition, the fact something is against the law doesn’t mean anything anyway. According to Bushthink, if you’re in power, you can do whatever you want no matter what the laws say.
@ 24 Daddy Love
Yes, I know the 13th amendment, but it never defines slavery.
I think in the spirit of GW B, we should consider whether slavery may not, in fact, still be legal. He has ‘splained to us so many aspects of law that we did not previously understand.
Also, if it is illegal, as in drugs being illegal, who gets prosecuted .. the slave or the master?
Just for argument sake, suppose WallMart were to offer to purchase its employees. And suppose, the employees freely agreed to be bought. Instead of slaves, we will call these people Life-Service-Partners.
Would that lead to prosecution of WalMart?
I do suppose that there would need to be laws against cruelty to LSPs.
Of course there are federal rights to organize, BUT what if WM were to purchase a Union and requires all LSPs to be members? Wouldn’t that keep everybody happy?
BTW … any resemblance to the chinese system is intentional.
Bush signs executive order making it illegal to criticize his Iraq war.
Hey, did you guys catch that scene in which Faux Snooz labels Sen. Arlen Specter a “D”?
Sign up to be a Faux News Attacker!
Let’s put those bastards out of business!
Looks like the FBI chief is calling that asshole AG a liar. I suppose he, like Publican Specter from PA is a member of the left – wing conspiracy?
I’m pretty sure Fox News will be trying to accuse Mueller of being a member of MoveOn.
It crossed my mind that I’d like a few Republican slaves. Then, I realized that having Republican slaves would be far more of a drain than a benefit. They can’t work, but claim they’ve earned what they’ve been given. They beat their chests and proclaim how manly they are, though they’re always too cowardly to take any risks themselves. They never accept accountability for their own actions because, well, Clinton lied about a blow job. Even having female Republican slaves would be pointless as we know that Republican gals in bed do nothing but lay there and stink.
39 They may even accuse him of being an associate of Micheal Moore.
35 No, Roger, that really isn’t quite right. You can criticize the war (excuse me…the “restoration of peace and democracy in Iraq”) as long as you don’t mind the gubmint seizing everything you own.
That might be a little less scary to you, after all. Even if they rip the shirt off your back, you still have your fur to keep you warm.
34 SJ
Oh, come on. What part of “involuntary servitude” don’t you understand?
You mean as in:
military service
farm workers
welfare reform