I know this may sound paranoid, but I am becoming increasingly concerned that we don’t actually live in a democracy anymore. To be honest, I’m not sure I can imagine a scenario in which George Bush wins this election… and I actually believe the results.
Take this article in The NY Times: “Big G.O.P Bid to Challenge Voters at Polls in Key States.”
As I have previously reported, Kerry’s hopes are pinned on massive voter registration drives that have resulted in Democrats gaining a five to one advantage in new registrations in battleground states like Ohio. The Republican solution? Don’t let these people vote.
Republican Party officials in Ohio took formal steps yesterday to place thousands of recruits inside polling places on Election Day to challenge the qualifications of voters they suspect are not eligible to cast ballots.
Republicans say their efforts are necessary to guard against fraud. Yeah right.
Some officials said they worried that the challenges could discourage or even frighten others waiting to vote.
No shit, Sherlock. That’s the whole point!
Barring an indisputable Kerry landslide, this election is going to be a disaster. We need international observers.