Actually more than that, but what Goldy said.
But adding, like a broken record, that these legislators ought to take a good hard look at their districts if they want to balance the budget with cuts alone. If there is a lot of waste in state government, then some must flow into all districts. It must be gobbled up by their constituents. Their friends and neighbors, as much as anyone else, gobble up the social services and the education the state pays for, so they might as well start cutting in their own back yard.
If they can’t think of cuts proportionate to their districts’ share of state spending, then perhaps tax increases are necessary.
I know you are being a bit sarcastic, but yeah, it’s time for some revenue raising.
Yes, tax increases of 9 9 9! Bwahahahaha….
To a Republican everything is “waste” except spending on weapons, war, and blowing up garlic eaters before they have a chance to come here.
@ RR
Every single time I have had to attempt an actual, rational conversation with a TeaBagger, their ONLY rationale for Government running a deficit is the waste factor. If the Government didn’t waste money then it would always be running in the black. Deficits are caused by waste, that is their only possible explanation for them. Every other attempt to illustrate to them that you cannot starve your own citizens Government of funds, and expect it to always run at peak efficiency is dismissed as “liberal bullshit”.
Everything that actually serves CITIZENS, human beings is automatically rejected as socialism, and will lead the Country down the road to Communism. The only function of Government they recognize as legitimate is the Military.
It is an entirely circular argument. There is no reasoning with such people, they are fucking mentally ill and seriously delusional.
You have conversations with teabagers? Honestly, I’ve given up on conversations about anything even remotely political, even with members of the left.
Last Friday I was briefly tuning between channels on the radio while driving back from Tacoma, only to hear Dori Monson proclaim that “everybody knows” that half the people who work in Washington DC are unnecessary. As evidence he pointed to a few idiots that were tweeting that they were drinking on the job (for which they were fired).
The problem is, about half the people in Washington D.C. ARE unnecessary. They are the Republicans. All they do is sit around, say “nein”, and prevent anything constructive being done. They even bragg that they hate their employer, and believe their employer is unnecessary.
We should fire all of the Republicans, and we would be much better off.
by the way, Blackwater is back in the news. If you will recall, Blackwater was the “security training and consulting company” founded by Eric Prince in 1997 to provide training and security to companies operating overseas, as well as to foreign governments. With the election of George W. Bush, it became a primary security contractor in Iraq, providing security forces for the U.S. Embassy and other government groups in Iraq. As U.S. forces were stretched to the breaking point with multiple deployments, extended enlistment terms, and call-ups of reservists and National Guard units, Blackwater operatives received high pay under no-bid government contracts. In return, Prince gave extremely large donations to the Republican Party directly and indirectly – in essence, a method of diverting large amounts of taxpayer money to partison purposes.
In Iraq, they were criticized for being trigger-happy (with considerable costs to Iraqi nationals and U.S. troops tasked to get them out of trouble and pay the costs thereafter). They were eventually banned by the Iraqi government after they shot up a public marketplace there.
Prince himself was a former Navy Seal who married into one of the big Amway families in Wisconsin, which had the money and connections in the financial communities to back the founding of Blackwater and it’s meteoric rise from a start-up in the woods and swamps of N. Carolina to a prime government contractor receiving billions of dollars.
In 2009, with the Obama administration determined not to renew any contracts with Blackwater, and it’s reputation in tatters after the marketplace shooting, the name was changed to Xe and the assets sold. Prince no longer has control of the business. It is now owned by a “group of investers” and the CEO is Ted Wright, a former manager from KBR (which probably tells you where most of that investor money is coming from). KBR, of course, is an off-shoot of Dick Cheney’s old firm, Haliburton, which profited enormously from the wars in Afganistan and Iraq, as well as various security/anti-terrorist contracts (many of which are still “black projects” not subject to scrutiny). This was probably a way of getting rid of what had become a black eye for the Republican Party – unfavorable publicity about a subject they would rather have kept out of the public eye, while at the same time giving Prince a bonus and a bail-out as a reward for his “faithful service” on behalf of the Republican Party.
So in today’s news we see that Blackwater is shedding Xe in favor of yet another name, Academi. I’m not sure the rational – do they think that Blackwater/Xe/Academi will be confused as an academic research project?
Blackwater Changes Name (Again)
In the MONEY WELL SPENT department:
30 Major U.S. Companies Spent More on Lobbying than Taxes
That’s why the jackASSes voted to save the VRA and CRA when DUMMOCRAPTS would not…
As of 1960 liberals were DUMMOCRAPTS, per the Nixon/Kennedy race. Nixon was the Conservative Kennedy the Liberal. This separation lasts until this day. Republican Conservatives brought both bills home to LBJ. Neither would have passed without Republican Conservative support.
Rep. Don Rumsfeld (R-IL) – Conservative
Rep. Bob Dole (R-KS) – Conservative
Rep. Gerald Ford (R-MI) – Conservative
Rep. Robert Taft Jr. (R-OH) – Conservative
Sen. Everett Dirksen the man who delivered the Repuplican votes – Conservative
FACT Illinois black leaders and other activist groups in Illinois did not support Dirksen for his 1962 senate re-election. James Farmer of CORE said “people will march en masse to the post offices there to file handwritten letters” in protest.”
Sen. Gordon Allott (R-CO) – Conservative
Sen. Peter Dominick (R-CO) – Conservative
Sen. Carl Curtis (R-NE) – Conservative
Sen. Roman Hruska (R-NE) – Conservative
Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD) – Conservative
Sen. Jack Miller (R-IA) – Conservative
Sen. Wallace Bennett (R-UT) – Conservative
Sen. Frank Carlson (R-KS) – Conservative
Sen. John S. Cooper (R-KY) – Conservative
Sen. Leonard Jordan (R-ID) – Conservative
Sen. Kenneth Keating (R-NY) – Conservative lost to Robert Kennedy – Liberal, NY blacks voted for Kennedy
Sen. Jack Miller (R-IA) – Conservative
Sen. Thruston Morton (R-KY) – Conservative
Sen. James Pearson (R-KS) – Conservative
Sen. Hugh Scott (R-PA) – “I will continue to deny that I am a liberal.” And he was known to cavort with Southern DUMMOCRATS in the 1960s.
Sen. Milton Young (R-ND) – Conservative
Sen. Thomas Kuchel (R-CA)
Sen. George Aiken (R-VT)
Sen. Leverett Saltonstall (R-MA)
Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME)
Sen. Winston Prouty (R-VT)
Sen. Hiram Fong, HI (R-HI)
Sen. Caleb Boggs, DE (R-DE)
Enjoy headless and your 63 sockpuppets.
Hmm, I think the self-loathing loon is trying to tell us that his hatred of black people and his desire to disenfranchise millions of black voters in 2012 with “hurdles and rules” is somehow justified because a few Republicans voted for the CRA and VRA nearly fifty years ago. At least that’s what I think he’s trying to tell us. Does anybody have a de-coder ring handy?
Back to the thread topic, I believe that 97.5% of today’s Republicans are jackasses and that the loon is 100% jackass.
100% of communists are fucking assholes.
so sayeth Max….
I’ll post it again, since you did….
Conservatives were the ones trying to keep blacks from voting, liberals wanted all americans to have a vote.
Claiming that conservatives brought us the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act because some of them voted for the bills,
is like
your wife thinking up a meal,
your wife shopping for the meal,
your wife prepping the meal,
your wife cooking the meal,
your wife putting the meal into serving dishes,
then you taking a dish to the dinner table,
you claiming you were totally responsible for the meal.
@12 That the loon has repeatedly refused to give any Democrat any credit whatsoever for the VRA and CRA is the tell. And now he eagerly sides with today’s Republicans who would gladly disenfranchise millions of the loon’s so-called peeps. The loon is simply a lying, hate-filled self-loather and 100% jackass.
Sounds like what the 1% do in regards to the labor of the 99%.
Without Republican Conservative help the CRA and VRA would not have come to fruition. The Facts are the Facts.
DUMMOCRAPT Conservatives voted against it. That’s a FACT
Yeah 15 out of 22 is some to headless oligarchy. Seven voted against it. All the moderates voted for it too.
HA DUMMOCRAPTS will always spin facts.
puddy, I AM agreeing with you, in so much that Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed because some conservatives and or republicans voted for it. Good on them for doing the right thing.
But conservatives of both parties were fighting the passage of these bills. They didn’t want them and did everything they could to stop them.
You yourself said…
*I fixed your poor spelling. You really should work on that. It makes you look stupid.
The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were liberal causes, not conservative ones.