I know it’s the age-old home gardener’s dilemma this time of year, but does anybody have any good ideas as to what to do with my abundance of zucchini… you know, other than this?
I will never understand why you gardeners keep growing that stuff. To expand on AFSMP’s comment.. you give it to all your neighbors. Anonymously. At night.
I always like to make zucchini boats. Hollow ’em out, saute with some other veggies, put in oven, cover with parmesan. Mmmm!
Goddammit, this comment section sucks. Post something, and it doesn’t show up. Try to post it again, and it says “duplicate comment”, and still wont show up.
Tain’t there MacGhee.
Read the linked article, about the woman who used a zucchini to fend off a bear attack, resucing her dog in the process.
They must grow the zuccini in Montana pretty tough. But not nearly as tough as Montana women. The article said she was bitten by the bear, but “did not require medical attention”.
What happened, did the bear break a tooth?
Zuccini….bears don’t even like the shit.
Do you need a permit to carry a concealed zucchini?
How about give to disgruntled heterosexual as a pretend gun.
Cut diagonally into 3/4″ slices. Cover with olive oil.
Grill (not sauté) until just done through. Slices will be a bit translucent and springy.
Make a marinade of boss balsamic vinegar (the good stuff), chopped fresh mint, crushed garlic, sea salt, a bit of mustard (the spice, not the topping).
Put the zucchini in the marinade in the fridge for a while.
Zucchini pancakes. Slice the zucchini thin. Chop some onions. Batter:
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil or butter melted (then cooled so it doesn’t scramble the egg)
1 cup milk.
beat egg, milk and butter mixture
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon ish of baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
add in the liquid and stir gently.
Add zucchini and onions. Fry in olive oil
dust with grated Parmesan cheese.
It’s awesome
Mr. Cynicalspews:
YLB seems like a lonely man.
Give them to him…but don’t accept one back from him after he’s done.
Here’s hoping this earnest discussion of zuchini will allow a link to Stephen Colbert’s testimony before the House this morning.
Jeremy Hulleyspews:
Pickles, fritters, mix into hummus
Poster Childspews:
I wonder why, since this problem (too much zucchini, not bear attacks) happens EVERY YEAR, why aren’t people planting less zucchini?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Send them to Australia! I have lots of cousins there.
Shred it, freeze it, and make zucchini bread all year long
The notion that too much zucchini is planted is pure phallusy.
-16 – Yeah, shouldn’t the relentless logic of the free market result in less, rather than more, zucchini?
I like cream of zucchini soup, myself. Cut zucchinis in half, coat lightly w/ EVOO, place cut side down on baking sheet and roast in a hot oven till just done, then make cream soup with them.
We use them as biodegradable targets for shooting.
proud leftistspews:
I think all extra zucchinis should be distributed to our trolls with instructions to shove them up their asses. Just a thought.
Beat Rodent over the head with it, then toss it in along with yummy Wabbit stew! Don’t worry, eating an animal that suffers from O.C.D. will not infect you with the disorder. :)
The Dukespews:
I’m the conservative on this blog, and am I to believe that only I have the answer? Foodbank.
But of course rather then giving it to people in need, what we should do is tax me more (1098) so we can buy them food.
Blue Johnspews:
@24. The obvious answer is yes, both.
Because last I checked, baby formula doesn’t come from zucchini.
You do realize that John, The Duke, Wayne was perfectly healthy and of the proper age to serve during WWII, but he spent the war poolside in Hollywood, don’t you. Some patriot. Some tough guy. Some hero.
On the other hand, my liberal father and uncles, none of whom would ever be mistaken for a tough guys, or uber patriots, answered the call when their country came calling.
#26 continued…
The right has a habit of mistaking the image of a thing for the real thing.
Spokesman-Review Flunks Economics
09/14/2010 03:00 PM
Lower-income Washingtonians pay a lot of property tax.
I suppose I just should be flattered that the Spokesman-Review paid attention to our work. But while I agree with some of it, I’ve got to take issue with a few points in this column in Sunday’s paper — including a boneheaded error of basic economics that would earn the author a big fat zero in Econ 101.
Duke @ 24: Yes, give as much as you can to a food bank. But having volunteered at food banks before, be aware that they are generally awash with donations of this sort for a week or two. Fresh produce is appreciated, but by mid-October they need other sources of produce – preferably canned, so it can be stored and distributed over a longer period of time.
Most food banks participate in programs whereby they recive the “pickings” from gorcery store produce departments. They can’t store it long, it spoils very soon (it’s already well on the way by the time the grocery store discards it). So as soon as it comes in, they have to distribute it, and she recipients have to consume it quickly.
Right Stuffspews:
Zucchini bread is the bomb!!!
Give it to a local charity.
The Dukespews:
Asshole at 26. The Duke refers to ancestral linage rather then some actor who avoided WWII. Grow up, get a life, debate the issues or shut the fuck up.
Methinks “The Duke” @ #31 has some serious penile self esteem issues. Calm down bro, sorry about your dick.
does anybody have any good ideas as to what to do with my abundance of zucchini…
Yes. Don’t grow them.
Why do people continue to grow those things, anyway?
The Dukespews:
@32 What? How do penile issues come into play? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Dude, chill. There’s more than a few John Wayne worshiping, righty, chicken hawks. If it doesn’t pertain to you, it’s just general info.
The fact that many, many, none-flag waving, members of the left served, while flag waving chicken hawks sat out the chance IS a recurring theme on here and issue in America.
I haven’t grown the things in years. I, however, continue to try and grow warm season crops that just wont make it. I really need to move somewhere warmer.
Speaking of John Wayne & Chickenhawks:
I was just on Wikipedia, checking out Dave Reichert’s age (which is 60, by the way). I noticed that it said he joined the Air Force Reserve in 1971, after he got his AA degree.
So as soon as his student deferment ended (the lottery went into effect, he joined the Air Force Reserve. My memory from that time period is that it was pretty hard to get into the reserves and Air National Guard, since it was a popular way to avoid the draft. I knew a fellow who skipped to the top of the waiting list of the Army Reserves, but only because his father was the local Chief of Police.
#10 had a really good recipe, I might have to try that with my own zukes and yellow squash.
I like mine halved, the seeds sccoped out, then halved again and cut into quarter-inch slices, then sauteed in clarified butter (proper Indian ghee would be best, but that shit’s awfully pricey and you can make your own) and Madras curry powder, say about a quarter- to half-teaspoon, depending on taste.
give ’em to gleeman – Im sure he can make good use out of them….
R Rpisjspews:
There oughta be a law that those who grow summer squash should be required to eat all they grow.
Give them to your neighbors Goldy.
I will never understand why you gardeners keep growing that stuff. To expand on AFSMP’s comment.. you give it to all your neighbors. Anonymously. At night.
Failing that, Zucchini bread’s always good.
2 beat me to it.
Good soup weather. Our lentil soup always has a zuchini in it.
Neighbors may have the same idea..
I always like to make zucchini boats. Hollow ’em out, saute with some other veggies, put in oven, cover with parmesan. Mmmm!
Goddammit, this comment section sucks. Post something, and it doesn’t show up. Try to post it again, and it says “duplicate comment”, and still wont show up.
Tain’t there MacGhee.
Read the linked article, about the woman who used a zucchini to fend off a bear attack, resucing her dog in the process.
They must grow the zuccini in Montana pretty tough. But not nearly as tough as Montana women. The article said she was bitten by the bear, but “did not require medical attention”.
What happened, did the bear break a tooth?
Zuccini….bears don’t even like the shit.
Do you need a permit to carry a concealed zucchini?
How about give to disgruntled heterosexual as a pretend gun.
Best zucchini recipe I know…
Cut diagonally into 3/4″ slices. Cover with olive oil.
Grill (not sauté) until just done through. Slices will be a bit translucent and springy.
Make a marinade of boss balsamic vinegar (the good stuff), chopped fresh mint, crushed garlic, sea salt, a bit of mustard (the spice, not the topping).
Put the zucchini in the marinade in the fridge for a while.
Serve cold.
Zucchini pancakes. Slice the zucchini thin. Chop some onions. Batter:
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil or butter melted (then cooled so it doesn’t scramble the egg)
1 cup milk.
beat egg, milk and butter mixture
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon ish of baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
add in the liquid and stir gently.
Add zucchini and onions. Fry in olive oil
dust with grated Parmesan cheese.
It’s awesome
YLB seems like a lonely man.
Give them to him…but don’t accept one back from him after he’s done.
Here’s hoping this earnest discussion of zuchini will allow a link to Stephen Colbert’s testimony before the House this morning.
Pickles, fritters, mix into hummus
I wonder why, since this problem (too much zucchini, not bear attacks) happens EVERY YEAR, why aren’t people planting less zucchini?
Send them to Australia! I have lots of cousins there.
Shred it, freeze it, and make zucchini bread all year long
The notion that too much zucchini is planted is pure phallusy.
-16 – Yeah, shouldn’t the relentless logic of the free market result in less, rather than more, zucchini?
I like cream of zucchini soup, myself. Cut zucchinis in half, coat lightly w/ EVOO, place cut side down on baking sheet and roast in a hot oven till just done, then make cream soup with them.
We use them as biodegradable targets for shooting.
I think all extra zucchinis should be distributed to our trolls with instructions to shove them up their asses. Just a thought.
Beat Rodent over the head with it, then toss it in along with yummy Wabbit stew! Don’t worry, eating an animal that suffers from O.C.D. will not infect you with the disorder. :)
I’m the conservative on this blog, and am I to believe that only I have the answer? Foodbank.
But of course rather then giving it to people in need, what we should do is tax me more (1098) so we can buy them food.
@24. The obvious answer is yes, both.
Because last I checked, baby formula doesn’t come from zucchini.
You do realize that John, The Duke, Wayne was perfectly healthy and of the proper age to serve during WWII, but he spent the war poolside in Hollywood, don’t you. Some patriot. Some tough guy. Some hero.
On the other hand, my liberal father and uncles, none of whom would ever be mistaken for a tough guys, or uber patriots, answered the call when their country came calling.
#26 continued…
The right has a habit of mistaking the image of a thing for the real thing.
Way to go Sightline!
Duke @ 24: Yes, give as much as you can to a food bank. But having volunteered at food banks before, be aware that they are generally awash with donations of this sort for a week or two. Fresh produce is appreciated, but by mid-October they need other sources of produce – preferably canned, so it can be stored and distributed over a longer period of time.
Most food banks participate in programs whereby they recive the “pickings” from gorcery store produce departments. They can’t store it long, it spoils very soon (it’s already well on the way by the time the grocery store discards it). So as soon as it comes in, they have to distribute it, and she recipients have to consume it quickly.
Zucchini bread is the bomb!!!
Give it to a local charity.
Asshole at 26. The Duke refers to ancestral linage rather then some actor who avoided WWII. Grow up, get a life, debate the issues or shut the fuck up.
Methinks “The Duke” @ #31 has some serious penile self esteem issues. Calm down bro, sorry about your dick.
does anybody have any good ideas as to what to do with my abundance of zucchini…
Yes. Don’t grow them.
Why do people continue to grow those things, anyway?
@32 What? How do penile issues come into play? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Dude, chill. There’s more than a few John Wayne worshiping, righty, chicken hawks. If it doesn’t pertain to you, it’s just general info.
The fact that many, many, none-flag waving, members of the left served, while flag waving chicken hawks sat out the chance IS a recurring theme on here and issue in America.
I haven’t grown the things in years. I, however, continue to try and grow warm season crops that just wont make it. I really need to move somewhere warmer.
Speaking of John Wayne & Chickenhawks:
I was just on Wikipedia, checking out Dave Reichert’s age (which is 60, by the way). I noticed that it said he joined the Air Force Reserve in 1971, after he got his AA degree.
So as soon as his student deferment ended (the lottery went into effect, he joined the Air Force Reserve. My memory from that time period is that it was pretty hard to get into the reserves and Air National Guard, since it was a popular way to avoid the draft. I knew a fellow who skipped to the top of the waiting list of the Army Reserves, but only because his father was the local Chief of Police.
#10 had a really good recipe, I might have to try that with my own zukes and yellow squash.
I like mine halved, the seeds sccoped out, then halved again and cut into quarter-inch slices, then sauteed in clarified butter (proper Indian ghee would be best, but that shit’s awfully pricey and you can make your own) and Madras curry powder, say about a quarter- to half-teaspoon, depending on taste.
give ’em to gleeman – Im sure he can make good use out of them….
There oughta be a law that those who grow summer squash should be required to eat all they grow.
That’d learn ’em.