So. Impeachment. That’s good. On the one hand, I appreciate that Democrats are getting on the same page, on the other, the Judiciary Committee was already doing impeachment hearings, and everyone kind of ignored it. But still, it’s good to see this step. All of the state’s Democratic members of Congress support impeachment, but if you’re Representative is undecided or opposed, it’s probably a good time to give them a call.
You and your orange moron really fucked up this time, Doctor.
“Ukraine call summary ‘a gazillion times worse’ than anyone expected: ‘Why did White House lawyers release this?’”
Impeach the motherfucker.
Live in shame.
Good article here by David Brock.
AG Barr has some explaining to do.
Rudy is toast.
New California poll shows Warren ahead of Biden by 9 points and Sanders by 10 points in that state.
What’s going on in this Country is a major Shitshow. It exemplifies white trash…mine as well outfit the Whitehouse with 4 tires and put a tarp on the roof.
Long Live Ireland!
@3 So is Mulvaney, who’s up to his dick in the Ukraine affair. He’s the guy who, on Trump’s orders, told State to hold up the Ukrainian aid. There’s zero chance he didn’t know what was going on.
And just think, that transcript is edited. And it’s what the GOP hoped they could trade down to from the IC IG report. As bad as the edited transcript looks, the original conversation was undoubtedly worse. And the IC IG report worse still.
As to why the OLC decided to give up the transcript, there does appear to be some visible distancing taking place. Even AG Quisling is now pleading total Coffee Boy ignorance. For many of them, what they do in the next 48 hrs could spell the difference between mere political disgrace and prison time.
So, will it be Pence at the top of the Republican on November 3, 2020?
I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, and I won’t vote for Pence in 2020 if Trump is thrown out of office.
@5 No, it exemplifies Trump’s mobster mentality, and reflects the fact we have a gangster sitting in the White House. Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House intel committee, said the transcript reads like “a classic mob shakedown.”
As a New York real estate developer, Trump certainly acquired some familiarity with mobster ways, and judging from his behavior, he either admires them, emulates them, or is one of them.
“A China deal could come soon.”
And Bob’s horse might get a day off too
A strong caution is in order here.
A lot of the reporting that Americans will see and read in the next day or two will be very, very bad. Stories will jump to wrong conclusions and draw inferences based on a swirl of speculation about the facts, rather than the facts themselves. We’ve all seen this movie before. And in the end, while the underlying facts may indeed reveal a deeply corrupt criminal conspiracy centered around the GOP President and his party, many of the details and speculations in the early reporting will be straight wrong. And the GOP and the media itself will use that shitty speculative reporting to discredit the actual facts.
Be particularly wary about legal technical speculation. This shit is seldom correct. Remember that one of the reasons The Founders created impeachment in the first place was that at the time of the first Constitutional Convention there were almost no federal criminal statutes. If removal of an officer required violation of criminal statute it would have been impossible. Moreover, precisely what if any criminal statutes might have been violated can today be complicated. There are over 5,000 federal criminal statutes – more than it is actually possible to know. And probably most of them could never, and should never be applied to a President or a member of his or her cabinet. But in the days ahead journalists will dive wildly down completely inappropriate legal rabbit holes (apologies to RR) only to come up empty weeks from now. Don’t follow them.
In Re 8
Probably has tee shirts up for sale on Etsy.
Teh Stoopid is spreading.
White House “Coffee Boy” just “accidentally” emailed their media talking points on Ukranium One to all the Dem offices in Congress. Then caught the boo boo and emailed the same offices demanding to “recall” the previous email.
I shit you not.
The gist of the GOP talking points appears to be to insist that a very obvious quid pro quo spelled out in their edited memo is not a quid pro quo.
That and a bunch of frankly very easily dismissed obfuscation, misdirection, and misinformation, the precise details of which are probably not worth refuting here and now, but rather will be more fun to shoot down when our idiot trolls spit them back in a day or two.
Take it away FOX!
‘Why did White House lawyers release this?’
Because a few of them have probably come to realize the Orange Messiah isn’t worth getting disbarred and possibly imprisoned for withholding that which federal law explicitly requires disclosure.
“So, will it be Pence at the top of the Republican on November 3, 2020?”
He’s in his office right this moment whiting out the word “Vice” on his business cards while at the same time praying to Baby Jesus that his name doesn’t show up in the unedited transcript or IC IG report.
Just a reminder that Trump’s base is beyond hope. There’s no point in trying to reason with them.
Those commies at Business Insider have a pretty good summary
“The acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, and the intelligence community’s watchdog, Michael Atkinson, referred a whistleblower complaint about President Donald Trump to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, The New York Times reported.
Atkinson was reportedly concerned that a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that’s at the center of the complaint could amount to a violation of federal campaign finance laws.
The Justice Department’s criminal division reviewed the complaint and determined there were no grounds to investigate Trump’s behavior because the call didn’t show him breaking the law by asking for a financial contribution or item of value.
But notes from the call released on Wednesday indicate that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, after discussing US military aid to Ukraine.
The US president made no direct mention of offering aid in exchange for Zelensky’s assistance in probing Biden, but be brought up how the US does “a lot for Ukraine” right before asking Zelensky for a favor.
@11 Can’t say I disagree, but extorting a foreign leader to falsify information about the other party’s frontrunner a year before a presidential election is something you don’t need to be a lawyer steeped in federal election laws to wrap your head around. Even voters can grasp its implications.
Of course, Republican voters think this is just fine. Anything to win. It’s all about winning. Nothing else matters.
This isn’t a big deal to them, and may not seem like a big deal to some voters. But if they get to thinking about it, they may come to understand it in these terms: We have traffic laws, because our streets couldn’t function without them. We have rules about borrowing and returning library books, because if we didn’t, there would be no books left, and no libraries. We expect politics to be rough and tumble, but nevertheless it has rules, too, and if we don’t enforce those rules and come to a place where anything goes in that arena, we’ll end up with anarchy. The only reason we have a government instead of mob rule (and perpetual societal violence) is because we (or most of us) agree to abide by a set of rules about how we are governed.
Violate those rules, and you should be gone. That’s necessary to preserve the system.
“So, will it be Pence at the top of the Republican on November 3, 2020?”
Steve, I don’t think you are fully appreciating the deeply aromatic and flavorful bouquet of Stoopid this so-called EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE is serving up here.
Barring a major leadership revolution in the GOP, the name Donald J. Trump will almost certainly appear on the ballot in November of 2020. The legal, political, and structural obstacles already in place almost certainly guarantee it. Brad PubeFace runs the entire operation. ALL the money now flows across his desk. The GOP National Chair now answers exclusively to him. The state chairs have all been replaced with Trumpers. Four states have canceled their GOP primary, and a dozen more are working on it. State convention leadership and delegates are already pre-committed.
They willingly gave control of their party, its donors, its PACs, and its leadership into the tiny baby hands of this stupid man. And there is absolutely no conceivable reason to think that he would ever give it back. The Senate will not convict. And Trump will still be POTUS when the election takes place. And even if the Senate by some bizarre twist voted to convict, Trump would still be the name on the ballot.
And he could still win re-election. Some might even argue his chances are improved by this.
There is no relief from Teh Stoopid once an EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE voter crosses over beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon. There is no turning back and no redemption.
They are stuck with Trump/Putin/Corruption forever.
Yet the best these poor saps can hope for is to pine away for a Race-Bannon-in-a-chastity-belt fantasy.
I don’t know about you, but to me that is just too fucking sad for words.
Pence might not even be at the bottom of the 2020 ticket. The Howdy Modi show plus Nikki Haley would be an interesting combination, and Haley would offset a woman on the Dem ticket as well.
Pence is plenty young enough to run in 2024 against a potential Dem winner in 2020, too.
Bloomberg headline, today:
Trump Escalates Political Jeopardy With Release of Ukraine Call
Chris Strohm and Justin Sink
September 25, 2019, 7:00 AM PDT
10:00 AM Eastern time is precisely when the markets reversed course.
Yeah, good luck with this, libbies.
I absolutely agree, only as I see it, and as I’m sure probably most House members see it, it really doesn’t require an overt act of extortion. Any effort to enlist the assistance of foreign government to win an election is fundamentally disqualifying and deserves impeachment.
My concern however is that in the modern era of phony “BALANCE” journalism, the media will be pre-disposed to focus exclusively on statutory legal and ridiculously explicit, “black and white” justifications for impeachment found somewhere in the USC. And that in doing so they will harm the process. As with the Mueller investigation they will bias the public toward an unrealistic outcome that is not achievable. And they may also set up a series of unrealistic legal tests that the inquiry can only subsequently fail.
Even if, as it certainly appears, the President, his lawyers, and other White House advisers are entirely guilty of violating explicit criminal statutes, proving that to a legally sufficient standard may not be possible in the face of an administration that routinely withholds, alters, and destroys evidence, including testimony of fact witnesses. Ultimately, it may be necessary to make the case that refusing to cooperate with the inquiry is obstruction – obstruction enough to justify impeachment.
Just as they have before, as each new offense and abuse is unmasked the GOP is going to try to move the goal line. Democrats must absolutely reject GOP demands for PROOF. As one who spent years arguing FACTS with that ridiculous lying LOON, you are perhaps uniquely situated to understand the folly there. All he ever did, his entire shtick, was to try to move the debate onto his own terms, and then continuously re-define those terms.
The standard for impeachment is not “whatever you can get the votes for”, nor should it be. But it also is not “absolute, irrefutable proof, beyond a reasonable doubt” for violation of a specific criminal statute. The American people are entitled to a President they can trust is not trying to fuck them over, or fuck over their elections. This President and his lawyers just admitted to that.
@ 23
Any effort to enlist the assistance of foreign government to win an election is fundamentally disqualifying and deserves impeachment.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”
That time in 2012 a UK based data analytics firm controlled by a Russian dictator, worked in concert with a massive Russian controlled bot-farm to strip mine social media data and use it create hundreds of thousands of fake accounts and run millions of social media advertisements to influence the election.
Who could ever forget that?
Small wonder Warren won’t talk about the costs.
Aaron Zitner✔
New WSJ/NBC Poll of ideas in the Democratic Primary:
Majority of voters back the idea of letting anyone buy Medicare, akin to the Biden plan, but a majority opposes Medicare for All that ends private insurance, as Sanders and others propose. …
U.S. Voters Support Expanding Medicare but Not Eliminating Private Health Insurance
Democratic candidates are presenting policy ideas that are broadly popular, including tuition-free state colleges, but other proposals—such as Medicare for All—could complicate the party’s prospects…
7:02 AM – Sep 22, 2019
In which we learn, predictably, that Teh Dumbfuck like most Americans, let alone Republicans, has not read the Mueller Report.
Free on Audible, you know, in case you can’t actually read.
Insuring everyone = popular
Fucking with our elections by secretly conspiring with foreign governments they lying your ass off about it = unpopular
I can live with that.
Not sure why y’all are talking about Pence. Who among us thinks that Romney won’t jump in if Trump isn’t there in 2020?
Insuring everyone = popular
Making YLB pay for part of the cost = panty-twisting
How does this particular fantasy come about? Go ahead. Play that out for us. Try to resist choke-fapping to your wall sized Mike-Pence-in-a-cowboy-suit poster while doing so.
I do admit I want to laugh at you people right now. But it’s hard when I realize how truly fucking sad this is.
You get Trump. Forever. You did this to yourselves, all by yourselves. Nobody forced you to nominate him. And nobody forced you to pull the lever for him in Nov 2016.
I had a lot more respect for you people when you were willing to own that.
@ 31
1. Trump becomes radioactive.
2. Pence took the VP slot despite all of the misgivings about Trump at the time.
3. One president-elect sit-down dinner side, Romney has been consistently anti-Trump.
4. Romney could self-fund an awful lot of a campaign.
5. Romney v. Warren would give everyone a clear choice.
6. Romney was right about the geopolitical foe thing. After four years of Steve unable to complete a sentence without the word Putin in it, there will be a lot of opportunity to point out “I fucking told you so.” for Romney.
Granted, everything relies on #1.
What I do respect about Teh Dumbfuck right now:
While he is yet again unfailingly swooping to the defense of his beloved Cheeto Jeebus, he wisely (at least so far) has not chosen to deploy the White House talking points. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s smart, or just didn’t get cc’d on the email.
Claims that there is not a quid pro quo in that edited memo are going to blow away like dust before the day is over. I think most competent trial attorneys could walk a witness through that memo, paragraph by paragraph, and lay it out very convincingly to any jury in any court.
Of course, pretending that there is some kind of precedent for this openly corrupt shit isn’t going to work any better. At least not if the objective is to protect the GOP from itself. But somehow I suspect the real objective here has more to do with protecting the GOP from a giant hangover of cognitive dissonance. That way they can remain standing proud and tall, wrapped in a Gadsden flag, arms extended in a WhitePower! salute, even as the burning dumpster on which they stand disappears below the rising waters.
Couldn’t find the part where a GOP nominating convention funded by Trump, staffed and controlled by Trump’s people, and operating according to rules set down by Trump, somehow goes ahead and nominates Not Trump.
You go girl!
@ 33
At least not if the objective is to protect the GOP from itself. But somehow I suspect the real objective here has more to do with protecting the GOP from a giant hangover of cognitive dissonance.
Remember when the Gore-peeps, on their way out of the White House, pulled all of the “W” keys off the word processors?
My version is that while Trump’s on his way out of the White House, he and Cocaine Mitch stuff the federal judiciary to the rafters with early 40s conservatives. Leave Warren with no place to put Godwin Liu.
If RBG doesn’t make it through the term, so much the better.
That’s the objective.
Also, and not for nuthin’, I can’t wait to spoon feed that back to you a year from today!
No. Like perhaps any normal, rational person, I do not.
Word processors? Awesomely awesome! Did they fuck with some of the telephone “dials” too? Maybe screw up some of the “mimeograph” machines?
Please, don’t stop. I’m almost there.
best dating sites in madrid dating someone with dissociative identity disorder
@ 36
Maybe you can convince Darryl to pin the post to the top of HA until then.
“A detailed list of … White House talking points about a controversial call by President Donald Trump with Ukraine’s president was accidentally emailed to offices of Democratic members of Congress on Wednesday ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What do you expect from an administration of amateurs?
@32(5) An outcome I’d love to see. A competitive race between Romney and Warren. That’s how our system is supposed to work. And if Romney won, I could live with a President Romney. Literally anything is better than a rightwing neo-Nazi who tries to frame his potential opponent by extorting a foreign leader.
DJT impeachment odds September 25: 31.3%
DJT impeachment odds June 27: 30.3%
@ 40
Any damning evidence in those talking points?
If not, defend the “accidental” nature of the dissemination of the talking points.
After 2016 Darryl’s character is incapable of dispute.
Come to think of it, neither is yours!
You mean, aside from the humiliating evidence of stupidity and incompetence?
Now available on a tee shirt at Teh Dumbfuck’s Etsy.
Seriously. Get ready for this for at least a while. Every time a GOPer crushes a toddler’s testicles, salutes a swastika, or steals office furniture they will respond with some “What’s that got to do with Ukranium One?”
WaPo already running too far in front of the story, quoting unnamed “sources” that ADNI Maguire threatened to quit, etc.
The WH will deliberately and quietly find surrogates to seed these stories only to then make a huge public display of shitting on them just to pwn “The FAKE NEWS”.
All we know is the memo. And that is almost certainly not completely accurate. Everything else is as meaningless as Teh Dumbfuck’s dreams of seeing Romney on the Presidential ballot next year.
“…defend the “accidental” nature of the dissemination of the talking points.”
Assuming that you are in fact right and that your brilliant and beloved Cheeto Jeebus is playing seven dimensional chess, then the success of this ploy would depend on how rapidly Democrats and objective media adopt those talking points. Since obviously, if you want Republicans and FOX to adopt them you would just send them to them directly.
How’s that going? Too soon to tell? I know, maybe wait until some of the laughter has died down a bit.
At the Trump – Zelenskyy presser:
“”Rudy’s got every right to find out where that started.
I think he’s got a very strong right to do it.”
Oh shit! He’s warming up the bus. Move Rudy! Mooooove!
Over-under about 72 hours before Goldy demands to see Trump’s facial expression and hand movements during the call.
Actually, we absolutely need to hear the audio. Even a real, unredacted transcript won’t do. We need to hear Trump’s tone and inflection to understand what he was really saying.
To understand what he was really saying.
Haley would be great, especially if it’s Warren. Donald goes full Pocahontas and the media gets to ‘Both sides’ Haley stealing a Native American child from her tribe to give to a white couple in violation of Federal Law, treaties….
You might want to google that.
Other thoughts, how do you hold the Evangelical vote by tossing Mike Pence for Nimrata Randhawa who’s Sikh father still wears a turban?
Now I’m not questioning her faith at all but did you hear she may have been educated in a madrasa and may actually be from Kenya?
It’s his choke-fapping fantasy. He can have it any way he likes.
The cracks are forming part 1.
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted to overturn President Donald Trump‘s declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border. Eleven Republicans joined the vote forced by Senate Democrats to pass the revocation by a vote of 54-41.
The cracks are forming part 2
At some point in between meetings today ABC radio re-cut their story of “The White House releases a transcript” to “The White House releases a characterization
“There was no quid pro quo. And you know there was no quid pro quo. And the Democrats are only doing this hoax to distract from all the great things we’re doing at the UN General Assembly this week. Things like helping North Korea test missiles. And Brexit. Boris and I met. And the hoax that he can’t dissolve parliament can’t come at a worse time than the General Assembly. I almost got Russia back into G8 because annexing Crimea is fine. Lovely beaches that need some new resorts. Luxurious resorts.
And besides, there was no quid pro quo and you know it. I never offered Ukraine anything. All I said was it would be a great help if they could do us a favor of trying to see if Joe Biden is as crooked as we think. It’s just that I asked a foreign government to help do oppo research on my possible election opponent. What could possibly be wrong with that? And I cleared the money I withheld before asking so there was definitely no quid pro quo.”
just wondering how does Elizabeth Warren Poll versus Mike Pence
The cracks are forming part 3:
President Trump cited concerns about corruption as his rationale for blocking security assistance to Ukraine earlier this week. But in a letter sent to four congressional committees in May of this year and obtained by NPR, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood informs lawmakers that he has “certified that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for the purposes of decreasing corruption (and) increasing accountability.”
Pence can’t share a debate stage with a woman by himself. He can’t be trusted. Satan is forever behind him prodding him to sin and that would just be too much temptation.
From the edited call memo:
“I would like you to do us a favor because the country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike…I guess you have one of your wealthy people…The server, they say Ukraine has it.”
In some ways this is what I mean about people running too far out ahead or looking for specific shit to the exclusion of everything else. The OLC legal memo that offers up their legal reasoning for trying to hide the WB report argues, with great imprecision in my opinion, that the complaint did not meet the standard for “urgent concern” because it did not “relat(e) to the funding, administration or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the DNI involving classified information” (from the statute). Stinger missles? Meh. Framing Biden? Meh.
But the memo focuses exclusively on the quid pro quo for the Javelins and makes absolutely no mention of this ask about Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike is the security firm that the DNC hired to get to the bottom of the Russian hack of their servers. Russia has denied involvement. The IC has reported consistently from multiple sources that they confirm the hack was carried out by Russia, just as Crowdstrike concluded.
Crowdstrike is an eternal bugbear for Trump because it is a BIG stumbling block for removing Russian sanctions, which is what Trump was hired to do. The call memo is heavily edited here and marked up with ellipses. One explanation for that would be that the redactions involve matters, um, erm, well, take it away Mr. Statute: “relating to the funding, administration or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the DNI involving classified information”.
The surveillance programs that the operations under the authority of the DNI relied upon to confirm Crowdstrike’s conclusions are all very highly classified. And ever since 2017 Trump has stuck close to the official Russian line, insisting that Russian did not hack the DNC, that it was some kind of “inside job” carried out by Seth Rich, and that Crowdstrike was involved in “covering the tracks”, “setting up” the Russians, and presumably in murdering Seth Rich.
Yes, this is all lunacy. And it is sad to think that 63 million Americans voted for these people. And come election time next year that should be emphasized. But right now, what matters is that, crazy though he may be, Trump was inviting Zelenskyy to fuck around in some highly classified intelligence. Exactly what the statute is there to protect.
Don’t look over there! The real meat of the complaint might have been the proffer of trading Javelins for Crowdstrike.
LMAO!!! Rmoney voted for Oleg Deripaska…:
The senator declined to join the 11 other members of his party, a party whose 2012 presidential nominee memorably warned that Russia was America’s “No. 1 geopolitical foe.” That guy was on to something. I wonder what happened to him?
Then the lying tool voted for the wife of Deripaska’s lobbyist.
The lobbyist is none other than Vitter the shitter.
Rmoney is out for rmoney period. Only a dumbfuck would put any faith in that lying pos.
Bring… it… on…
Warren Romney would be fun.
“Tax Billionaires. Restore CFPB. Raise minimum wage. Protect Social Security.”
“Corporations are people my friend.”
(Romney disqualified himself long ago.)
Remember that Donald had “The biggest electoral college victory in history?”
Wasn’t even bigger than Obama over Romney. That’s the winning ticket. The guy who got shellacked, have another try.
The desperation from Dumbfuck is astounding.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News- Too bad that your Ukraine Fartblower turned out to be just another Demorat liar and Trump only mentioned Biden’s kid once, (
@4). It’s obvious that you need help with your hoaxes, I suggest that you think big. Don’t waste your time talking about a $million or two Biden’s kid got out of Ukraine, focus on the $billion the Chinese put in the kid’s company after Biden & Kid, Inc. went to China, when you talk a billion that will attract the public’s attention. All you need do is produce a China Fartblower to claim that Trump threatened a trade war if China didn’t investigate that deal and you are home free, Trump will probably resign.
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president.
Donald told the press, “As far as I’m concerned (Pelosi)’s not the speaker of the house anymore.”
That’s that then Madame Speaker. Donald has decreed. Come on home. We’ll open up a nice Napa Cab and drink to what could have been. We made some friends and some enemies. It was all good fun but it’s clearly over now.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News- More helpful hints for Demorats, before you claim that Joseph Maguire threatened to resign over the Ukraine Fartblower you should check with him to see if he will back up your hoax. When you don’t do that and he exposes your hoax people might get the idea that Demorats are just a bunch of liars.
Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, unequivocally disputed a Washington Post report published Wednesday that he threatened to resign if the White House blocked him from testifying candidly about his handling of a whistleblower complaint concerning President Donald Trump.
“At no time have I considered resigning my position since assuming this role on Aug. 16, 2019. I have never quit anything in my life, and I am not going to start now,” Maguire said in a statement minutes after WaPo’s story was published.
It’s pretty clear from PorkSauce 63 that the drooling hordes of hooting racist baboons are already slurping up the incompetent fuckup talking points and spewing them right back out without any cognitive processing.
Never mind that it was President Obama who demanded that Shokin be removed. Never mind that it was the UK, not Ukraine, that spearheaded corruption investigations into Burisma. Never mind that it was those UK investigations that Hunter Biden and his business partner were hired to address. Never mind that by mid 2014 Burisma and it’s shareholders had at least one hundred US citizens not named Biden employed on their behalf. Never mind that Shokin himself killed the investigation into Burisma. Never mind that the reason Obama and US State wanted Shokin removed wasn’t because he was investigating Bursima and other companies, but because he refused to investigate any of them.
Trump’s “supporters” are simply mindless, beer-drunk robots and bot-farmed algorithm addicted rubes.
What the fuck is Rudy Giuliani really doing in the middle of this thing, anyway?
He’s almost certainly in a shit ton of legal jeopardy, that’s for sure. But what is he doing? What is his job, his role, what duty is he performing and what interests does he serve?
He is not a public employee with the US government and he holds absolutely no official or even unofficial government role in dealing with any co-party, coordinate government, or agency. He is an entirely private citizen representing entirely private interests.
And yet here he is, negotiating with foreign state leaders and government on behalf of the United States. Endowed with the proxy of the United States President – not Donald J. Trump the office holder, but the office itself. And here he is openly bragging about it on network news programs. Openly proclaiming that he has been granted full access to classified documents and intelligence. Engaging in multiple contacts at various levels with foreign heads-of-state and their subordinates in order to set conditions for Congressionally approved foreign aid.
Again, he is not a U.S. government employee, holds not security clearance, holds no title. And the ONLY interests he is allowed to serve (assuming he is any good at his job, which may not be at all safe to assume) are the private interests of his private client. This is important. There is a reason Rudy Giuliani is in the middle of this. And it is perfectly safe to conclude that the reason has absolutely nothing to do with “corruption in the Ukraine gas industry”.
The reason Giuliani is in the middle of this are pretty much the same reasons that Mr. Safety School
Esq.was in the middle of setting up phony shell companies to funnel campaign money to Trump’s fuck buddies. Nothing really changes with these idiots.Sometimes they make what they are doing so fucking obvious that it is hard to see. And partly that is because most of us don’t like to ask dumb questions. But everything these people touch they render dumb. To get to the truth with these idiots a person must ask the dumb questions.
Kevin M Krause
On the assumption that he can’t help but lie about everything, I just looked this up.
And according to Wikipedia, there’s never been a Miss Universe winner from Ukraine
Side note: this is the greatness happening at UN that’s not getting through because of those filthy nasty beastie Democratses….
My wonderful pageant.
It’s hysterical to read John Ziegler, one time panter-in-chief towards Sarah Quittin’ Failin’, go all #cult45 on pro-drumpf loons on twitter…
Now a never drumpfer…
Ahhh. Life has its sweet moments…
@26 Anything Warren proposes is better than the GOP plan, which is Ending Health Care For Nearly All. Their followup plan is Medical Bankruptcy.
@67 “Nothing really changes with these idiots.”
As I’ve said before, Republicans have no learning curve. They learn absolutely nothing from experience. And they certainly don’t learn anything from newspapers, because they don’t read newspapers.
Shokin was fired in March of 2016.
Republicans controlled Congress from that date forward, and the whole fucking canoli starting in 2017, until January of this year.
No investigation of Shokin firing.
Something, something, Hunter Biden, something… no investigation. Of this terrible thing. That Peter Schweizer started fabricating as far back as 2016… no investigation. That every credible news agency ran down with all they could muster… no investigation. Congressional records broken looking into BENGHAAAZIIII!!!… but nothing for Peter Schweizer’s Biden fable.
Power to hold hearings, subpoena documents, compel testimony, but instead… let’s do more ButteryMales and have crazy Uncle Fester do Ukraine… because… REASONS!
This thing ran away with itself. Giuliani and who the fuck knows who else got bugfuck crazy carried away and spread their contagion to the germophobe boss before the palace minders could get it quarantined. They should have cut the phone cord. But they didn’t. And now they have no other option but to peddle the most absurd gaslighting bullshit anyone has ever seen.
Dial spinning to Fox on XM all they were talking about was Biden it’s as if the impeachment inquiry wasn’t even happening. Thus 63.
Honest! I didn’t fuck the Pool Boy.
If you need to yell at a child, we’re here to listen to you on the Greta Thurnberg Helpline
@ 72
Um, Cz-252?
The document is classified Top Secret with all of its attachments.
What was just released is the memo without the attachments.
If Congress wishes to see the attachments they’re still classified. Plus, Schiff.
@ 68
And according to Wikipedia, there’s never been a Miss Universe winner from Ukraine
No, but there was one from Russia, and since she was the first MU winner to be dethroned, it may have stuck in Trump’s mind.
Keep focusing on the important stuff, Cz-252. You’ve got an absolute lock on the fix being in on the bikini competition.
You’re trying waaaaayyyyy too hard, libbies. Example 137:
Christopher Miller✔
Setting record straight: @Leshchenkos confirmed to me what those of us in Kyiv already knew—he is NOT currently an advisor to Ukraine’s Zelenskiy & wasn’t at time of July 25 call. He said he DID NOT tell ABC insistence for leaders to discuss Biden probe was precondition for call. …
JUST IN: An adviser to Ukraine’s president tells ABC News that Trump’s insistence for the two leaders to discuss a possible investigation into Joe Biden was a precondition for their now-infamous July 25 phone call. …
2:45 AM – Sep 26, 2019
Schiff knows what is in Trump’s heart, and that’s why Goldy @ 50 wants to hear Trump’s voice. Then Goldy will want a video of the call. Then Goldy will want to carve out Trump’s heart so he can prove what is actually in it.
Tom Elliott
Rep. Schiff re-writes the call transcript for added drama: “I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good, I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it, on this and on that, I’m going to put you in touch with people”
6:22 AM – Sep 26, 2019
“If the glove does not fit, you must acquit!” or words to that effect.
Might even work as a pretext for the Senate votes they’ll need.
If they can pile it up high enough.
But as with OJ, prolly not gonna help with everyone standing outside the courtroom. And that’s all Speaker Pelosi cares about.
Now watching Teh Dumbfuck go full Derp State.
Picture me standing, eyes closed, holding a Bic lighter over my head, swaying gently back and forth with a huge grin on my face.
It’s called mens rea.
A lot of legal scholarship devoted to it. Has nothing to do with “mind reading”. It’s about extant evidence that reveals purpose, knowledge, recklessness, or negligence.
-The evidence displays an intention that the criminal act (actus reus) produce an outcome.
-The evidence shows that the accused had knowledge that the action would produce an outcome.
-The evidence shows that the accused was aware of a substantial risk that the action would produce an outcome.
-The evidence shows that the accused should have been aware of a substantial risk that the action would produce an outcome.
Here’s an example of evidence of mens rea:
“White House officials told me that they were “directed” by White House lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored for coordination, finalization, and distribution to Cabinet-level officials.
Instead, the transcript was loaded into a separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature. “
It should be possible to determine to a certainty if these actions alleged in the WB complaint did in fact take place. There may be “innocent” explanations for the unusual and unprecedented handling of the word-for-word transcript of this phone call. But under normal circumstances, and very frequently in criminal prosecutions, an attempt on the part of the accused to destroy or conceal evidence is itself considered evidence. In this case, it can be interpreted as evidence that the accused had knowledge that the underlying action had a criminal purpose.
See. No “mind reading” required.
I’m above the law too – maybe I’ll go and shoot and kill someone too.
@ 84
See. No “mind reading” required.
You spent 2015 and 2016 accepting Hillary’s explanations at face value. Turned out it wasn’t about yoga and recipes after all.
@79, @80 And here’s Dumbfuck standing in the middle of the tracks oblivious to the oncoming train.
It’s what you expect of dumbfucks. Darwinian selection. Survival of a species requires that its dumbest specimens aren’t around to reproduce, and nature takes care of that.
I think Trump will be impeached — NBC News reports this morning there are enough House votes to impeach right now — and the possibility seems to be growing that he will be removed or resign under pressure as Nixon did. The GOP wall of protection in the Senate is still up, but the first cracks in it are beginning to appear.
The Trump presidency will be over when a GOP Senate delegation, perhaps led by McConnell or Graham, goes to the White House and tells him the jig is up. After this morning’s revelations, that time may not be far off.
But we’ll still be saddled with Doctor Dumbfuck. Unfortunately, there’s no way to impeach and remove HA’s trolls, no matter how dumb they are or what depths of dumbfuckery and debauchery they plumb.
For an example of Doctor Dumbfuck’s superficiality, see #86.
He makes the Marianas Trench look shallow.
The point our Dumbfuck didn’t get…
Every single Republican in the House voted against the Orange Messiah.
Cracks are forming part 4
Devin Nunes is AWESOME!!!!
Russian comedian/radio host (RC) on Phone with Rep. Schiff (AS):
RC: “We can provide you with naked pictures of President Trump”
AS: “If you have something you should give it to the FBI”
2019, Devin Nunez in house hearing, “Remember that time Chairman Schiff tried to get naked pictures of the President?”
And the only thing you are lacking is some evidence.
Any evidence. Any evidence at all.* Gowdy? Nunes? Mueller? Bueller? Anyone?
*Sorta neat how this perennial, delusional wingnut obsession is what brought you to Zelenskyy and Crowdstrike and impeachment. You were warned about this.
Please don’t tell him.
I think he’ll enjoy it so much more if it comes as a surprise!
“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistle-blower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Mr. Trump said. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
I refer you now to the relevant statute. We’ve previously covered the portion of the statute that defines “urgent concern”. Recall that there were three categories of complaint that might be considered an “urgent concern”, and that (up to now at least) the relevant category was this:
(A) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters[;]
The legal rationale that the OLC and the DNI are offering for their concealing of the IC IG report in violation of the statute has been that according to their interpretation the complaint did not meet this standard.
But there were two other categories under which a complaint might be determined to be an “urgent concern” according to the statute and thus “shall be forwarded” to the HPSCI. One category involved sworn lying before Congress. And the other category… wait for it.. yes! It involves retaliation or threats of retaliation against the reporting whistleblower.
See! This is what great leaders do! Where there is confusion they provide clarity. And where there are obstacles, they clear a path.
Hey Bob, I’m just calling to thank you on helping out with “transporting” the horses for us.
Two biggest failures of the Intelligence committee hearings questioning ADNI Maguire:
1) They completely let him slide as to how, and why he took no action in response to learning that a private person outside of the government with absolutely no clearance and no chain of accountability was being granted access to, and assigned to take action on information derived from the intelligence community.
2) They totally ignored Maguire’s knowing silence in the face of the call transcript and the details about Giuliani’s operation being moved to the covert communications system. That’s a violation of the National Security Act. He has a statutory obligation to intervene and he failed to do so.
These are both pretty big deals, really. And it seems to me that what it goes to is how widespread the violations of law may have been in the attempt to cover up the WB complaint and the IC IG report. Some people get targeted, and some people somehow do not. Maguire must be called upon to explain these fundamental legal failures on his part.
The committees are already allowing balls to drop here. They can not afford to do that. They need to regroup, review the reports and evidence, call that motherfucker back up and swear him again. And he probably should not be permitted to continue to serve as ADNI.
RW Radio, “This is the worst path for Democrats. They’re handing Trump reelection. The American voter sees this as another example of the deranged left doing anything to get this great president and they will pay in support.”
Reality world:
I believe that this week we may have witnessed the bigliest, most epic self-own by a hominid since australopithecines walked the earth.
The Democrats can go through the process in the House, but they don’t have the votes in the Senate to actually do anything to Trump. It’s just a “feel good” exercise for the Democrats.
Disclaimer: I have no intention of voting for Trump in 2020, nor did I vote for him in 2016.
Rudy, excellent, slow on the driveway, yeah…
There goes privilege…
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not,” Giuliani told the Atlantic by phone on Thursday, presumably foaming at the mouth. “And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,” he said, adding that he’s just trying to ferret out corruption (that, to be clear, does not appear to exist). “I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government, Anything I did should be praised.”
Ferret out corruption???? Trying to save the World from corruption? What business is it of his? When did he become policeman?
WTF – corruption is in style nowadays. Rudy should go make himself useful and go become a priest or some godly preacher and save the world from gay people. While he’s ferreting out corruption, gay people are running for President…OMG!
@97 not just feel good…it will go to show that Repukes like corruption and lawlessness. Great opportunity to show some of the scum that Repukes are. If Dems don’t do it they could forever be blamed for having this fuck become a dictator. When that day comes we could look at every fuck that didn’t give a shit, including you regardless if you voted for Yogi the Bear, you fucking moron. Your statement alone gives credit to the corruption goin on in the current admin. Where’s your term limits speech. You think you can sit back and be unacceptable for any of this? Nazi Germans loved someone like you, you pussy. You would make a shitty whistle blower or ref.
I don’t care if they succeed or not. Not trying to succeed is worse you moron. Go back an rock in your rocking chair staring at the ceiling, you deadbeat.
One of the stories in the “trending now” section of Apple news is a fox story about a squirrel tugging on a woman’s pants the led the woman to the the squirrels injuries baby.
@98 I used to believe you have to be smart to be lawyer, but I don’t believe that anymore, because there are plenty of stupid lawyers and Rudy is one of them.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News- Congrats on your excellent Fartblower hoax, which is a substantial improvement over your Russia Dossier hoax. At first glance Fartblower’s reliance upon hearsay might appear to be a weakness, but you have cleverly avoided the problem faced in your Russia Dossier hoax by providing sources subject to US jurisdiction and available to testify so you will be able to fill in a few missing details such as Fartblower’s sources and how the hoax came to be released to the media before it was officially released.
BTW, it appears that Fartblower may have made a small mistake about who was on the Ukraine call but a little thing like that is nothing to worry about, fortunately you have many witnesses who will no doubt agree upon all the important details when questioned separately.
Rep. Mark Meadows: Here’s what we do know. There’s reports out just minutes ago that on page three where the whistleblower said that he heard a counselor for the State Department was actually on the call, well the State Department says, no that didn’t happen. Well, we’re going to find out a whole more of what didn’t happen.
NPR/PBS/Marist has 49 approve 43 oppose. Fifteen point swing from April.
But.. well… you know… pinkos.
Also, on page 6 he says the phone rang four times but it was only three.
Also, my boss only ever uses a Princess phone.
And July 25th was a Wednesday.
Everybody knows that on Wednesday mornings my boss has his boils drained.
Sean Hannity says if you listen very carefully to the transcript of the phone call you can clearly hear Westminster chimes in the background. Which proves that the call is FAKE from MI-6 DEEEEP STATE.
It’s Pod People burrowed deep into federal agencies dedicated to sabotagiing my boss and replacing him with a look alike.
All hail the King!
Felix Hernandez!
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I see YLB @ 110 grew weary of girl-crushing on Goldy.
Still on her knees, she will now kiss a ring instead.
1-8. 6.4 ERA nearly $28M.
Since his magical 19-5 no playoff season $215M has got the Mariners:
130 wins, 100 Losses, zero playoff appearances
Since signing his really big contract in 2013 they got
71 wins, 60 Losses.
King Felix and selling tickets to King’s Court is a magical bit of marketing convincing folks that a #3 starter on most teams is the rock on which to build a franchise.
If I hear another 710 Host call him a potential Hall of Famer imma drive down to the station and burn it down!
@112 I see you’re visiting the barn early today. Didn’t get anything last night?
Re @103: Is it now time to designate pork sauce a Superfund site?
CNN headline this morning: “Trump voter: I think he crossed a line, but that’s the way he is”
Yeah, well, I think you crossed a line, too, but that’s the way you are.
“Ooh. Ooooh, I’ve got’em (Eds note, note a hyphen) This! Here it is… gatewaypundit. Kablammo!”
@113… Oh c’mon.. A perfect game, a Cy Young… The guy had a wonderful career and he loved the fans and actually showed some gratitude for his good fortune here.
As if the salary, the team building strategy, the lack of run support was his fault.
It’s a business – butts in seats, tv contracts and the rest. You don’t have to watch or go to the games if you don’t like how the business is run.
But you can appreciate the talent.. As great or not as great as it is. Really, c’mon..
@112 still smarting after the previous night’s “discipline”…
LMAO!!! Goldy made a grade zero of ass of you here and you’re still “smarting” from that ..