No word yet from Attorney General Rob McKenna on whether he might reconsider his endorsement of Hans Zeiger and his call to reunite conservatives in opposition to Islam (and radical feminist, lesbian, cookie peddling Girl Scouts), but there’s at least one Republican willing to put principle — and, well, sanity — above party loyalty: Zeiger’s GOP primary opponent, Steve Vermillion.
The TNT’s editorial blog has posted a condensed version of an email sent to supporters by Vermillion today, in which he endorses Democratic incumbent Rep. Dawn Morrell in the 25th LD race, and pretty much trashes Herr Zeiger as unqualified and dishonorable. It’s a great read:
In hopes that a “mystery box” of missing ballots would appear with sufficient votes to move me into second place, my hopes were extinguished with my wife’s reminder that we lived in Pierce not King County and the likelihood of missing votes appearing was slim to none.
Zeiger asked for my endorsement, which I declined to give him. Early on, I told the folks in the Pierce County GOP that I had no intention of supporting him should be win in the primary as I do not think he is remotely qualified to be in the Legislature.
I have been asked to at least remain neutral, which were my plans until Zeiger recently moved into his cover-up mode by working to delete many of his controversial writings. I expect that he is working on his “dishonorable” scout badge for the next level of his scouting adventures.
My plans are now to endorse Dawn Morrell for Position 2. I’ve known Dawn for several years – she is the only legislator that has served our district that is willing to respond to email questions. I’ve disagreed with some of her votes but I am sure she would have disagreed with some of mine if the situation had been reversed.
I’ve studied Zeiger’s writings from 2003 to 2009. Whether I agree or disagree with his position is a moot point. I take deep umbrage with his selection of verbiage and his focus on judging people versus being inclusive of others. The problems with his writings are they are either reflective of the “Zeiger Values” he campaigns on taking to the legislature or formulated via his political courses and religious studies at Hillsdale College.
Had I not read his writings, I wouldn’t have known that, being a Baptist, I was praying to a pagan god all these years. No wonder I haven’t won the lottery yet.
Steve Vermillion
Vermillion got only 16% of the vote in August, compared to Zeiger’s 36%, but if Zeiger hopes to win in November he’s gonna need the bulk of Vermillion’s voters to swing his way. Normally, you’d expect that to happen, but you gotta wonder how many voters would have the exact same reaction to Zeiger that Vermillion did if only they had access to the exact same information?
And you gotta wonder how much longer our local media can keep their lips sealed on what is shaping up to be a pretty entertaining story?
Yeah…wow. Thanks for sharing this. Intriguing.
Insanity? I think principle!!! To do otherwise is condoning his actions as being acceptable. If he wants to discriminate against homosexuals and people who do not believe in God [specifically his God]as part of his Boy Scout agenda, he is free to do so. But anyone who conducts discrimination on an active basis has no right to represent people as a legislator. If he gets elected, so be it–voters get what they ask for–good bad or indifferent. There is much more information currently in final draft that will be presented to the voting public. One would assume it will become a real fecal matter slinging contest.
[W]e lived in Pierce not King County and the likelihood of missing votes appearing was slim to none.
Oh, Fuck You.
Hey, speaking of nut-bags, will beating off soon become illegal in Deleware?
I’d Google that, but I’m stuck at work.
The problems with his writings are they are either reflective of the “Zeiger Values” he campaigns on taking to the legislature or formulated via his political courses and religious studies at Hillsdale College.
I have never thought of Hillsdale College as being any sort of hotbed of religious intolerance. They certainly have a very strong philosophy and worldview — which most of the folks on here won’t agree very much with. But they don’t try to push any particular brand of religion, and they in fact were the first college in the USA to prohibit religious discrimination.
Dissing Hillsdale College for graduating a nut case like Hans Zeiger is sort like dissing UW for graduating Ted Bundy.
go goldy go!
So Zeiger is trying to delete all his controversial writings?
Just goes to show that Zeiger is a man of low moral compass. Either he wrote a bunch of stuff he didn’t believe in because he figured he gets paid for it, who cares (basically breaking the commandment about lying) or he’s trying to cover up what he believes now because it doesn’t go along with what his prospective constituents believe (again breaking the commandment against lying).
Either way, he’s not someone that should be anywhere where people make decisions that affect other people’s lives.
re 3: And it wasn’t Snohomish County, so the voting machines couldn’t be rigged by the GOP to make Vermillion the winner.
Face it. If a Republican wins, it’s just another victory for shitheadism.
Give credit where it’s due – he wants to defeat Teh Crayzee as much as we do. It’s good to see that there are still a few honorable people left on the other side of the aisle. That said, who wants to bet that he’ll be banished from the R’s forever as a result of this?
In a reasonable world, a nutcase like Zeiger would get 15% of the vote (and you gotta wonder about those voters). That’s what Mark Griswold got against Frank Chopp, and that’s what batshit-crazy wingnuts typically get when running for legislative or congressional offices in districts that have rational voters living in them. Griswold is about as nutty as they come — he’s hoping for another terrorist attack against the U.S. because he thinks more people will vote Republican if innocent Americans are killed. Griswold figures 200 to 300 dead airline passengers is not too high a price to pay for Republican election victories.
Here’s what Griswold posted on Sound Politics two days after getting his ass kicked at the polls by Chopp:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(Emphasis added by RR)