Rep. Cathy McMorris, R-Wash., announced today that she and husband Brian Rodgers are expecting a baby boy in May.
I fully expect all the sexist righties who so callously attacked Darcy Burner — accusing her of abandoning her child to run for Congress — to immediately demand Rep. McMorris’ resignation.
As for me, I congratulate the couple. Kids are great.
Where outsourcing comes from:
You guys are right. Stevens is a fucking idiot.
Maybe her husband is having the baby?
I tried to write something logical and on point, but what’s the point – Republican hypocracy doesn’t employ or respond to logic.
Mark the Redneck @ 1 sez…
“You guys are right. Stevens is a fucking idiot.”
So…does that get him admitted into or kicked out of your “He-Idiot Woman Hater’s Club?”
Oh…and pay your debt, asshole!
Think she’ll stay at home and raise the baby?
Goldie: What a stupid comment. When God blesses you with a child everyone should celebrate. It’s what one does with their life after children that counts. God bless you Cathy!
And I imagine she will raise this kid to be a good little neo-con who hates gays, people on welfare, reality, and Darwin. I bet she has not even watched An Inconvienent Truth.
I feel sorry for any kid being raised by a neo-con rubberstamp GOP sleazebag. Maybe the kid will run away, and get a real education. Either that or he, or she will be sent to Iraq to die for Bush’s legacy….. Anyone really think we will be out in 20 years with all the money the big dogs are making there? I really doubt it.
Hard to imagine a good right wing conservative supporter liking this as many of them believe women belong in the home raising kids — making it tough to do a good job with the kids while not only *WORKING* but *WORKING ACROSS THE COUNTRY*.
Well, at least they’re a married couple, apparently with a commitment to their marriage. With a good mom and a dad in the house, the kid is likely to turn our OK.
Having children out of wedlock has proven to be an almost-guranteed path to a life of poverty.
Sorry to be old-fashioned on this one, folks.
The Idiot-Child Butt Puddy, The troll so stupid as to out hisself on HA, rears his ugly head. Go back to your sheltered workshop, MWS/ButtPuddy/Darrell. Your brand of stupidity is way out of fashion.
Facts are inconvenient – Nah… c’mon… you don’t REALLY think there are parents out there who don’t make their chirrens watch inconvenient truth do you?
NO PARENT could be that fucking irresponsible. I can’t even imagine that.
12 continued…
hell, I’ll go a step further… chirrens should be forced to watch inconvenient truth at least once a year. Just like employees of big companies forced to go to “diversity training” once a year.
“It’s the right thing to do.”
Of course McMorris should resign! As a new mother, she needs to devote 100% of her time, attention, and energy to the new arrival! As the father of over 7,000 baby rabbits, I know how big a job being a parent is. Being a new mother is like being a quarterback with a bum knee; if she gives a hoot about her constituents, she’ll hand off to someone who can carry the ball and run with it.
@10 “With a good mom and a dad in the house, the kid is likely to turn our OK.”
Can’t count on it, Lib. Look how many children of intact families grew up to be Republicans.
@12 God forbid that YOU should let SCIENCE intrude upon your child’s consciousness. That’s probably why your dead crack-whore wife left you … that, and the fact you’re lousy in bed! Pay your gambling debt, welsher!
So, McMorris got married in September, but the baby is due in May… gotta love that from a woman who supports abstinence-only education.
She began congress as a single woman. Anyone can discern that different scenario. She’s been there awhile. No one knows what she’ll do when this term is over. She may opt to stay home and be with the other kids she’ll surely want to have.
PS– She married in August, Peter. Don’t be lyin’ about this little factoid.
17: The article I read said she got engaged in March, and married in August, and now the baby is due in May. But I can’t believe I’m counting months – I thought I had quit doing that long ago.
KiilaFrog you fool: And this has what to the topic at hand? Oops… thats right You’s a fool.
This just in: Froggy had low sperm count so is jealous of people who applaud children and parenting.
Froggy: you are such a tool. Your vitriolic attacks will NOT STOP me from pointing out foolishness by libtards!
#20: Why is that? Looking for some issue to complain about McMorris? We complained about Darcy Moonbat! because she had no political compass. She was the next rubberstamp libtard from FUWA!
Back to your sheltered workshop down in the south sound, Puddytard. The only fool I see is the fool who outed himself. . .and then was so dumb he complained about Goldy. Lemme see now, you gave your then current email address, then you used it to post elsewhere on the web with your real name, and now you complain that anyone might know your address, have access to your voting registration, and your tax records, and. . .
You make me hurt myself laughing Trolltard!
Repbublicans (especially so called conservative ones) seem the most likely to be hypocrites on almost every issue they are concerned about (unmarried pregnancy, stay at home mom, homosexuals, bribe-taking, etc.)
Wow – so she’s having a baby 9 months after the wedding…..
…..not the sort of thing you’d expect from a right-wing religious wacko.
I’m just sayin….
Maybe she doesn’t believe in abortion?
She’s supposed to be single till married, then enjoy sex with her husband.
Yeah we dumped on Darcy for volunteering to run w/ a young child.
the logical parallel might be that Cathy might choose to resign her office (since she chose not to abort her baby).
I feel sorry for Rep. McMorris when “pressing business” causes her to race to the closest ladies’ room, all the way across the visitor’s lobby from the House floor. Another reason for an “equal opportunity” remodel of the House restrooms–sooner, rather than later.
Poor kid. He will grow up with a steady diet of Fox News, Ruch Limbaugh, Pat Roberts, Jerry Faulwell, and Rev. Dobson…. No wonder he will want to kill gays, Mooslims, and anyone else Hannity, and Rush says is causing all America’s problems.
I feel sorry for any kid having to grow up with “conservative” or “Republican” parents. Gotta suck.
I know a lot of Republicans. It is amazing what they believe is true, and what truth they refuse to accept.
Here comes a fact Republican, run away, run away…..
Someone should ask Kathy how old the Earth is. I would love to hear her answer.
Ruch Limbaugh
I think “Retch” is the typo you were looking for. “Lush” also is acceptable.
One Note Froggy@23: What? Huh? Did Froggy say something? Oh… another animal posting on ASSes.
Froggy, when you personally attack me, you demonstrate to all you have nothing to add to the thread conversation!
Froggy, you’ve been dissected and found empty inside.
Froggy, you’re still sitting at the kids table at family reunions.
Froggy, adult conversations escape you. Are you an idiot savant? I already explained why I posted my tertiary address for the original GBS and JSA. Didya notice you weren’t invited to the conversation?
Froggy, low on the DNA and gene pool.
Froggy, your lesser brain function may be due to inefficient amino acids stereochemistry. An inherited problem? You should have that fixed and join in adult conversations.
Froggy, when you can follow a thread come back and debate.
Righton: A few people dumped on Darcy that choice. Most dumped on her because she is a jackbooted lock-stepped Nancy Pelosi-ite Moonbat! Furball calls the syndrome rubberstamping!
erratum: Darcy for that choice. Must have had an open greater than sign!
Puddybud says:
Righton: A few people dumped on Darcy that choice. Most dumped on her because she is a jackbooted lock-stepped Nancy Pelosi-ite Moonbat! Furball calls the syndrome rubberstamping!
Why is Nancy Pelosi a moonbat? Because she wants to Drain the Swamp? Raise the Minimum Wage? Let Medicare negotiate with drug companies to save us tax dollars? Allow federal funding for embrionic stem cell research, so my dad dying from parkinsons may have a chance of extending his life? Ethics reform? Enacting the 9-11 commissiion recommendations?
If this is what a moonbat is, does, and supports, then it appears 80% of Americans are moonbats.
And to think the non moonbats like DeLay (under indictment) and Hastert (should be under indictment “See Sibol Edmonds”) did nothing about these things all these years…. Not to mention the people living in the Marianas forced to have abortions, and live in prison compounds so they can make their Made in U.S.A. garments for slave wages, on American soil.
It is amazing how you can support a party that has only lied, cheated, stole, waged war justified by a pack of lies, raped, murdered, and pillaged the taxpayers, and the world.
If you still call yourself a Republican, you should go get some professional help.
As far as the “jackbooted lock-stepped Nancy Pelosi-ite Moonbat” part, I would take a million lock step Nancy Pelosies over one retarded Republican. And heck, the hearings have not even started….
Roger @ 15:
The definition of “turn out OK” means different things to different people. Having Republicna parents is no more deleterious to a kid than having Democrat or Libertarian parents.
When did it become wrong to have a baby nine months after getting married????
..we have women popping out kids with no husband or just a “boyfriend” and y’all are upset because she’s having a baby nine months after getting married??? What’s up with that???
Darcy? Darcy Bunrner? Who the hell is that? Oh yeah, almost forgot; you mean that unqualified, incompetent nobody that ran for Congress and got beat?!