Welcome to the free country GOP style. Looks like FlipFlop McCain longs for the days when the storm troopers could arrest anyone who didn’t agree with the regime. Hey – maybe McCain’s handlers work with the government of Mugabe? They have lots in common. And it’s terribly funny that the republicans are so afraid to be associated with Monkeyface! I’d be ashamed too if I were them.
The Real Markspews:
Trespassing is trespassing. End of story.
They only asked her to leave the plaza. Nobody stopped her from protesting on the street. She didn’t get arrested. She got a ticket. She’ll likely even get that thrown out if she fights it. Boo hoo.
Mountain out of a molehill.
The Real Markspews:
Boy, this quote sure sounds like it could’ve come from Darcy:
“I left my job at Microsoft because I believed in this organization’s three values: Death to America, establish caliphate, and taking care of the martyrs with full vision and dental…”
Fortunately, it is a joke — just like she is.
The scary thing is that “value 1” and “value 3” are part of the Democratic Party platform. Value 2 is a flip-flop issue for Barack, depending on the crowd to whom he is pandering.
So Fake Mark – she’s trespassing because she has a sign on city property that says McCain=Bush. If she doesn’t have a sign she’s NOT trespassing. That’s punishing political speech and as much as you right wing traitors might not like it, we have a little inconvenient thing called the First Amendment that prohibits that – ESPECIALLY when there is political speech involved. She was given a criminal citation – your side might have been taught to deflect by word parsing but everyone who sees the video knows the woman is being taken away by cops for political speech.
It seems you’re okay with this and I am glad. Since when we take over the government – you won’t mind if we escort you right wing turds off city property when you want to express yourself.
Oh and why is your side ashamed of the connection to Bush? Aren’t you proud of the draft-dodging Monkeyface?
And yes she will get a not guilty verdict and hopefully will sue the city for violating her rights.
Hey Fake Mark I’d try to change the subject too if my candidate did something like this to a librarian. Lucky for you I am here to remind folks that FlipFlop McCain doesn’t support free speech.
The Real Markspews:
BBG @ 4
Regardless of venue, it was a private event. You have a right to control who is allowed in.
Sign-carrying Clinton supporters were allegedly booted from the Obama rally in Portland.
What should be of greater concern to you Lefties is the fact that the DNC isn’t allowing protesters anywhere near their convention. Ya think anyone with a pro-Clinton sign — let alone something like the BS “McCain / Bush” sign — will be allowed on the floor there? Try again, NAMBLA.
The Real Markspews:
Truth is leaking out…
this was a manufactured stunt by the folks at Progress Now.
The woman is really an activist… and “part-time librarian” at a think tank.
Standing in line in a public square (a square otherwise open to hundreds of other people not carrying Bush=McCain signs and open to her if she doesn’t carry the sign) and being singled out solely because of the first-amendment protected sign, asked to leave, then ticketed for “trespassing”…All the “security” concerns were based on disapproval of her sign. Her dangerous sign.
Surreal Mark can’t handle the truth.
McCain = Bush
ergo John “Flip-Flop” McSameOld
Here it is again. This is what your guy is willing to do:
She must have done something else and BBG you’ll always be an IDIOT.
“Divide and conquer”.
Right out of Mein Kampf.
Private event on city property in an open town hall meeting? Fake marky you must be smoking some strong dope today!
I noticed you didn’t want to talk about why you guys are ashamed of Bush.
And even if this were a “manufactured” stunt who cares? The facts are the same. A citizen was kicked off city property for making political speech. Still a violation of the Constitution as the city will no doubt find out.
The Real Markspews:
Jan @ 8
BBG @ 12
When you rent a facility — which candidates must do — grounds such as the plaza are often part of your rental. They are, therefore, considered “under [your] control.” If a person, regardless of the reason, fails to leave the premises under the control of another party, it is trespassing. The law in Denver is clear on that.
Political events are PRIVATE events and “open invitations” can be subject to limitations and revocation. If, for example, the place seated 5,000 and 10,000 people showed up, they all don’t have a right to go inside, even if it is an “open invitation.”
If you rent Key Arena, a city property, for a concert, you have a right to charge admission, set behavior standards and… kick people out. BBG, I’m sure you have experience with being kicked out of all kinds of places.
Daddy Lovespews:
So you have to quote a parody site to find a quote you can link to Darcy? Wow, you really don’t have shit, do you?
Yeah, if Darcy were Jay Gatsby she’d have run some people over, but Gatsby is fiction, just as your quote is.
You really should try harder to come up with an effective and/or compelling argument against Darcy Burner’s candidacy. But I don’t think you will.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 TRM
That woman will take her stupid ticket to court and it will be thrown out on free speech grounds. IOW, there was not legal basis to deny her presence or admission, but it really doesn’t matter, does it? They accomplished what they wanted by getting the Thought Police to drive her away.
Good old traditional Republican values.
The Real Markspews:
What part of “is a joke” didn’t your pea-sized brain understand?
OTOH, I notice that you can’t refute the fact that 1 & 3 are DNC values and that Obama uses 2, depending on the audience to whom he is pandering.
It isn’t my job to come up with an argument against Darcy. It is her job to come up with a reason for people to vote for her. And at that, she is a miserable failure.
One more interesting side note: You believed enough that this could be a real Darcy (or at least Dem) quote that you clicked on the link. What does that say about your perky little head of a homeowner’s association?
The Real Markspews:
It isn’t an issue of free speech. I can’t stand on your lawn or at your place of work (assuming you have a job) and spout off that “Daddy Love = NAMBLA.” No free speech defense there.
The legal basis is “we paid to use the facility and we don’t want you here.” It was a private event. End of story.
The ticket will likely get dropped, but not because she didn’t break the law.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 An online t-shirt vendor called Bustedtees.com is selling a t-shirt that says “McCain 1908.” I’m thinking about getting one. It’s so now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Typical. But what rightwing humor isn’t sick — and dishonest?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, we all know what happened to people who went to Bush’s putatively public “town halls” to object to his scheme to dismantle Social Security, don’t we? You can say anything you want at Bush’s public appearances as long as you agree with him, but even thinking he might be full of shit is a criminal offense under this regime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Even if it was, what fucking difference does that make? Should we set aside the First Amendment just because someone is an activist or is affiliated with an organization with a political agenda?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Oh I see. If someone has a sign you don’t like, arrest her because “she must have done something.” You missed your calling. Although you were born too late to be a Pharisee, you could have been a great FAA bureaucrat. Back in 1982, when truck driver Larry Walters made the original lawn-chair balloon flight, FAA safety inspector Neal Savoy said, “We know he broke some part of the Federal Aviation Act, and as soon as we decide which part it is, some type of charge will be filed.” Yep, that’s how you do it! Arrest ’em first and worry later about what to charge ’em with. With millions of laws and regulations on the books, you can get anyone for something. Take it from me, I was a bureaucrat for 30 years, everyone is guilty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 But don’t you know? When Republicans run the police and courts, criticizing Republican politicians at public events on public property is “trespassing.” There vision of America is a place where only rightwingers have free speech rights. Everyone else goes to concentration camps. Just like in Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Political events are PRIVATE events …”
That’s a public office he’s running for, sonny boy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Their whole campaign against Darcy is fiction. BTW, why doesn’t Cathy McMorris quit Congress and stay home to raise her new kid? Why don’t the Republican hypocrites say anything about that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “What part of ‘is a joke’ didn’t your pea-sized brain understand?”
We’re making progress! Now, when a wingnut troll is about to lie about a Democratic candidate, he signals his intention of telling a lie by saying “it’s a joke.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 You’re welcome to attend Democratic events and you can bring your sign, too. The only political party in this country that has people arrested for disagreeing with them is the G.O.P. Fascist Party.
You can’t turn city property into private property at will. And Fake Mark you STILL won’t talk about why your guy is ashamed of Bush.
I won’t let you get away with that bitch so just deal with it now or get used to getting called a cunt.
And by the way – I know one place you were kicked out of…grade school.
The Real Markspews:
Roadkill @ 24 & 27
You’re not THAT much of an idiot, are you? Political campaigns are not public organizations. Political campaigns must PAY to RENT public facilities for their events — be they “town halls” or Key Arena.
You might want to see what your precious DNC has planned for “free speech” at the convention.
The Real Markspews:
BBG @ 28
When you RENT public property, CONTROL of said property goes to the entity renting it.
If it wasn’t possible, you couldn’t rent Key Arena for a game or concert or political event.
You CAN rent a public facility and you CAN decide who is admitted and who is not. And if a person refuses to leave property that is legally within your control, that is trespassing. That’s the law in Denver (and elsewhere).
So why are you guys ashamed of Bush Fake Marky? Why would the 1,203 year old McCain want to make sure nobody saw a sign equating him to Bush? Is that how the GOP responds to political speech – to just try to quash it? What are you guys afraid of? The exchange of real free and open ideas scares you to death doesn’t it you little cunt?
Say it with me – McCain and his supporters are cowardly cunts!
bye bye you seem to like the word cunt.could it be your head is shaped like one.ill bet you have a dent in your forehead
PU I was inspired by your wife. While her cunt is a mile wide – I tied myself off, dove in and took care of her for you since you’re too busy chasing little boys – and yes you too are a cunt! Glad that my use of the word bothers you. I’ll see if I can find other words that bother you.
I’m sorry.
What is a “manufactured stunt”?
Isn’t just about every single form of political expression a “manufactured stunt”?
Just exactly what the fuck do you trolls call it when the President steps out of a jet onto the deck of an aircraft carrier beneath a sign that says “Mission Accomplished”? Or what McCain was doing fumbling his way across a teleprompter inside the town hall?
If Republifascists want a private event they can hold it on private premises and exclude the public. When they open an event to the public they may take whatever steps are reasonable to assure public safety. But they have no legal grounds to restrict free expression of political speech in a public venue.
This was a public plaza filled with hundreds of other people. McBush didn’t rent the plaza. The only thing that qualified this woman for removal was her political expression, which in no way presented any threat to public safety.
And after all, why the fuck are you trolls so ashamed of Bush? Are you ashamed of voting for him too?
While the McCain campaign may be “renting” the space – they are billing it a s a town hall meeting (where McCain is “supposed” to excel).
If people from all over the town can’t get in because of their political views – then it should be called a political rally – not a “town hall” meeting.
I think the question that is more important to me is, “Why was John McCain’s security staff so terrified of a 61 year-old librarian that they felt she had to be denied entrance? Perhaps they thought she was a vet who was going to ask why McCain voted against medical benefits for soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq? Or perhaps McCain was hoping for a little game of Political Softball and a protesting librarian was too much for him to handle?”
Welcome to the free country GOP style. Looks like FlipFlop McCain longs for the days when the storm troopers could arrest anyone who didn’t agree with the regime. Hey – maybe McCain’s handlers work with the government of Mugabe? They have lots in common. And it’s terribly funny that the republicans are so afraid to be associated with Monkeyface! I’d be ashamed too if I were them.
Trespassing is trespassing. End of story.
They only asked her to leave the plaza. Nobody stopped her from protesting on the street. She didn’t get arrested. She got a ticket. She’ll likely even get that thrown out if she fights it. Boo hoo.
Mountain out of a molehill.
Boy, this quote sure sounds like it could’ve come from Darcy:
“I left my job at Microsoft because I believed in this organization’s three values: Death to America, establish caliphate, and taking care of the martyrs with full vision and dental…”
Fortunately, it is a joke — just like she is.
The scary thing is that “value 1” and “value 3” are part of the Democratic Party platform. Value 2 is a flip-flop issue for Barack, depending on the crowd to whom he is pandering.
So Fake Mark – she’s trespassing because she has a sign on city property that says McCain=Bush. If she doesn’t have a sign she’s NOT trespassing. That’s punishing political speech and as much as you right wing traitors might not like it, we have a little inconvenient thing called the First Amendment that prohibits that – ESPECIALLY when there is political speech involved. She was given a criminal citation – your side might have been taught to deflect by word parsing but everyone who sees the video knows the woman is being taken away by cops for political speech.
It seems you’re okay with this and I am glad. Since when we take over the government – you won’t mind if we escort you right wing turds off city property when you want to express yourself.
Oh and why is your side ashamed of the connection to Bush? Aren’t you proud of the draft-dodging Monkeyface?
And yes she will get a not guilty verdict and hopefully will sue the city for violating her rights.
Hey Fake Mark I’d try to change the subject too if my candidate did something like this to a librarian. Lucky for you I am here to remind folks that FlipFlop McCain doesn’t support free speech.
BBG @ 4
Regardless of venue, it was a private event. You have a right to control who is allowed in.
Sign-carrying Clinton supporters were allegedly booted from the Obama rally in Portland.
What should be of greater concern to you Lefties is the fact that the DNC isn’t allowing protesters anywhere near their convention. Ya think anyone with a pro-Clinton sign — let alone something like the BS “McCain / Bush” sign — will be allowed on the floor there? Try again, NAMBLA.
Truth is leaking out…
this was a manufactured stunt by the folks at Progress Now.
The woman is really an activist… and “part-time librarian” at a think tank.
Standing in line in a public square (a square otherwise open to hundreds of other people not carrying Bush=McCain signs and open to her if she doesn’t carry the sign) and being singled out solely because of the first-amendment protected sign, asked to leave, then ticketed for “trespassing”…All the “security” concerns were based on disapproval of her sign. Her dangerous sign.
Surreal Mark can’t handle the truth.
McCain = Bush
ergo John “Flip-Flop” McSameOld
Here it is again. This is what your guy is willing to do:
She must have done something else and BBG you’ll always be an IDIOT.
“Divide and conquer”.
Right out of Mein Kampf.
Private event on city property in an open town hall meeting? Fake marky you must be smoking some strong dope today!
I noticed you didn’t want to talk about why you guys are ashamed of Bush.
And even if this were a “manufactured” stunt who cares? The facts are the same. A citizen was kicked off city property for making political speech. Still a violation of the Constitution as the city will no doubt find out.
Jan @ 8
BBG @ 12
When you rent a facility — which candidates must do — grounds such as the plaza are often part of your rental. They are, therefore, considered “under [your] control.” If a person, regardless of the reason, fails to leave the premises under the control of another party, it is trespassing. The law in Denver is clear on that.
Political events are PRIVATE events and “open invitations” can be subject to limitations and revocation. If, for example, the place seated 5,000 and 10,000 people showed up, they all don’t have a right to go inside, even if it is an “open invitation.”
If you rent Key Arena, a city property, for a concert, you have a right to charge admission, set behavior standards and… kick people out. BBG, I’m sure you have experience with being kicked out of all kinds of places.
So you have to quote a parody site to find a quote you can link to Darcy? Wow, you really don’t have shit, do you?
Yeah, if Darcy were Jay Gatsby she’d have run some people over, but Gatsby is fiction, just as your quote is.
You really should try harder to come up with an effective and/or compelling argument against Darcy Burner’s candidacy. But I don’t think you will.
13 TRM
That woman will take her stupid ticket to court and it will be thrown out on free speech grounds. IOW, there was not legal basis to deny her presence or admission, but it really doesn’t matter, does it? They accomplished what they wanted by getting the Thought Police to drive her away.
Good old traditional Republican values.
What part of “is a joke” didn’t your pea-sized brain understand?
OTOH, I notice that you can’t refute the fact that 1 & 3 are DNC values and that Obama uses 2, depending on the audience to whom he is pandering.
It isn’t my job to come up with an argument against Darcy. It is her job to come up with a reason for people to vote for her. And at that, she is a miserable failure.
One more interesting side note: You believed enough that this could be a real Darcy (or at least Dem) quote that you clicked on the link. What does that say about your perky little head of a homeowner’s association?
It isn’t an issue of free speech. I can’t stand on your lawn or at your place of work (assuming you have a job) and spout off that “Daddy Love = NAMBLA.” No free speech defense there.
The legal basis is “we paid to use the facility and we don’t want you here.” It was a private event. End of story.
The ticket will likely get dropped, but not because she didn’t break the law.
@1 An online t-shirt vendor called Bustedtees.com is selling a t-shirt that says “McCain 1908.” I’m thinking about getting one. It’s so now.
@3 Typical. But what rightwing humor isn’t sick — and dishonest?
Well, we all know what happened to people who went to Bush’s putatively public “town halls” to object to his scheme to dismantle Social Security, don’t we? You can say anything you want at Bush’s public appearances as long as you agree with him, but even thinking he might be full of shit is a criminal offense under this regime.
@7 Even if it was, what fucking difference does that make? Should we set aside the First Amendment just because someone is an activist or is affiliated with an organization with a political agenda?
@10 Oh I see. If someone has a sign you don’t like, arrest her because “she must have done something.” You missed your calling. Although you were born too late to be a Pharisee, you could have been a great FAA bureaucrat. Back in 1982, when truck driver Larry Walters made the original lawn-chair balloon flight, FAA safety inspector Neal Savoy said, “We know he broke some part of the Federal Aviation Act, and as soon as we decide which part it is, some type of charge will be filed.” Yep, that’s how you do it! Arrest ’em first and worry later about what to charge ’em with. With millions of laws and regulations on the books, you can get anyone for something. Take it from me, I was a bureaucrat for 30 years, everyone is guilty.
@12 But don’t you know? When Republicans run the police and courts, criticizing Republican politicians at public events on public property is “trespassing.” There vision of America is a place where only rightwingers have free speech rights. Everyone else goes to concentration camps. Just like in Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia.
@13 “Political events are PRIVATE events …”
That’s a public office he’s running for, sonny boy.
@14 Their whole campaign against Darcy is fiction. BTW, why doesn’t Cathy McMorris quit Congress and stay home to raise her new kid? Why don’t the Republican hypocrites say anything about that?
@16 “What part of ‘is a joke’ didn’t your pea-sized brain understand?”
We’re making progress! Now, when a wingnut troll is about to lie about a Democratic candidate, he signals his intention of telling a lie by saying “it’s a joke.”
@17 You’re welcome to attend Democratic events and you can bring your sign, too. The only political party in this country that has people arrested for disagreeing with them is the G.O.P. Fascist Party.
You can’t turn city property into private property at will. And Fake Mark you STILL won’t talk about why your guy is ashamed of Bush.
I won’t let you get away with that bitch so just deal with it now or get used to getting called a cunt.
And by the way – I know one place you were kicked out of…grade school.
Roadkill @ 24 & 27
You’re not THAT much of an idiot, are you? Political campaigns are not public organizations. Political campaigns must PAY to RENT public facilities for their events — be they “town halls” or Key Arena.
You might want to see what your precious DNC has planned for “free speech” at the convention.
BBG @ 28
When you RENT public property, CONTROL of said property goes to the entity renting it.
If it wasn’t possible, you couldn’t rent Key Arena for a game or concert or political event.
You CAN rent a public facility and you CAN decide who is admitted and who is not. And if a person refuses to leave property that is legally within your control, that is trespassing. That’s the law in Denver (and elsewhere).
So why are you guys ashamed of Bush Fake Marky? Why would the 1,203 year old McCain want to make sure nobody saw a sign equating him to Bush? Is that how the GOP responds to political speech – to just try to quash it? What are you guys afraid of? The exchange of real free and open ideas scares you to death doesn’t it you little cunt?
Say it with me – McCain and his supporters are cowardly cunts!
bye bye you seem to like the word cunt.could it be your head is shaped like one.ill bet you have a dent in your forehead
PU I was inspired by your wife. While her cunt is a mile wide – I tied myself off, dove in and took care of her for you since you’re too busy chasing little boys – and yes you too are a cunt! Glad that my use of the word bothers you. I’ll see if I can find other words that bother you.
I’m sorry.
What is a “manufactured stunt”?
Isn’t just about every single form of political expression a “manufactured stunt”?
Just exactly what the fuck do you trolls call it when the President steps out of a jet onto the deck of an aircraft carrier beneath a sign that says “Mission Accomplished”? Or what McCain was doing fumbling his way across a teleprompter inside the town hall?
If Republifascists want a private event they can hold it on private premises and exclude the public. When they open an event to the public they may take whatever steps are reasonable to assure public safety. But they have no legal grounds to restrict free expression of political speech in a public venue.
This was a public plaza filled with hundreds of other people. McBush didn’t rent the plaza. The only thing that qualified this woman for removal was her political expression, which in no way presented any threat to public safety.
And after all, why the fuck are you trolls so ashamed of Bush? Are you ashamed of voting for him too?
While the McCain campaign may be “renting” the space – they are billing it a s a town hall meeting (where McCain is “supposed” to excel).
If people from all over the town can’t get in because of their political views – then it should be called a political rally – not a “town hall” meeting.
I think the question that is more important to me is, “Why was John McCain’s security staff so terrified of a 61 year-old librarian that they felt she had to be denied entrance? Perhaps they thought she was a vet who was going to ask why McCain voted against medical benefits for soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq? Or perhaps McCain was hoping for a little game of Political Softball and a protesting librarian was too much for him to handle?”