Don’t forget, the “will of the people” only counts when that will is expressed as anti-tax, anti-consumer and anti-worker sentiment intended to destroy things.
No worries about a special session to fix this!
The House passed the bill, HB 2363, on an 84-12 vote. It now goes to the Senate.
The raises were spelled out in Initiative 732. But they would be suspended through mid-2011 for school district employees, community and technical college academic employees and classified employees at technical colleges.
Obviously paying teachers enough money to afford extras like food and housing was a bad idea, because that would be constructive, not destructive.
So when citizens decide they want to support things like education, it doesn’t matter, the Legislature will just discard the program rather than work on the tax system. You don’t really hear crap about the “will of the people” now, because the only people who count are politicians, lobbyists and well-heeled contributors who can buy their way onto the ballot.
The suckers are the ordinary citizens who play by the rules, buying houses and goods they can actually afford, paying bills and taxes on time, expecting only some basic opportunities from the state like quality, affordable education.
But teachers and parents should vote for a regressive sales tax increase to fund health care this fall! Because it makes so much sense to lay people off, crowd classrooms, raise tuition and then ask for a regressive tax increase.
Good luck with that, Democrats, you’re going to need it.
Conservatives have long worked against education in order to keep people ignorant for political ends, so I suppose that since the Dems have come to so resemble them we should not be surprised. KKKlynical will LOVE this.
Time to primary a lot of these so called Democrats…
Nice one john. You’re turning the corner and understanding that people that “play by the rules” by buying houses they could afford is not a bad thing and they shouldn’t be punished by those democrats that didn’t play by the rules.
A detroit councilman is walking away from his mortgage, and he’s running for mayor of detroit.
As jon would say, someone that didn’t “play by the rules” is making suckers out of people that did the right thing. And yet again, the person making suckers out of people is a democrat.
My sister works for a school district where they’ve been informed that if they run out of anything, paper, pencils, whatever, there won’t be anything to replace them with.
Worked not against education, but trying to fix the system that is controlled by democrats.
Strange that democrats that control school districts always put the worse teachers in black schools. Have you ever noticed that? I always thought it strange until I realized that the democrats are still the party they were 40 years ago when they had no shame in fillerbusting the civil rights act.
If you think republicans benefit from an ignorant population…
A zogby poll showed that of those obama voters polled, 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her house.
@5: Stammidiot
Name a single republican proposal on education that has worked (Hint: vouchers and NCLB (an unfunded mandate) did NOT work so don’t recycle that same old crap). Standardized tests and busting the teachers union turn out to be counterproductive measures.
Hmmm- here is a challenge for a republican moron to actually back up her words …I wonder what drivel we will get….
Actually, she said that you can see Russia from land in Alaska – so that was why she was qualified on foreign policy.
That doesn’t mean that Obama voters are dumb – that shows that Palin is an idiot and Obama voters understood that.
@5: “Strange that democrats that control school districts always put the worse teachers in black schools.”
Evidence? I must have missed it in your little propaganda missive above.
Here’s one for you: Did you ever notice that republicons always nominate their worst candidates for elective office in this state? They lose most of the time, don’t they?
Vouchers didn’t work? In your mind, of course they didn’t work. The students profited, not the unions. Shouldn’t students have a union that protects them and looks out for their best interest like the teachers have?
The “most ethical” administration turns its back on principle to pay off the teachers’ unions.
Oops, vouchers did work.
“Her words,” ouch. You are quite the wordsmith. Besides increase taxes on the rich to put more money into the educational system, what would you do to fix it. Oops, you don’t think it’s broken, you feel it’s working fine.
I know what she said. Why did so many obama voters believe the words tina fey said came out of the mouth of palin? Well, besides the liberal media pushing the lies and mistruths.
If it doesn’t prove that obama voters are dumbed, the next question is where did they learn false information about palin?
@5 “but trying to fix the system that is controlled by democrats.”
Hardly. Republicans don’t give a shit about public schools. They only wanted to give away money to parents with kids in private schools so as to keep or buy their votes.
Evidence? I’m guessing you’ve never been to a minority school in the last 20 years. The schools speak for themselves. Since you get your information from the liberal media, I understand your lack of knowledge. Here’s an example…. new teachers can get the majority of their federal student loans dismissed if they work in minority neighborhood schools for the first few years of their career. So some newbie teacher is going to be placed in a school, not where the students want to learn, but to a class where the students are forced to be there. Of course there are some kids that want to learn, unfortunately for them, the time of the teacher is taken up by simply trying to keep the class a safe learning environment. A newbie teacher has zero exp[erience and is placed in the worst possible conditions. If you don’t believe me, go volunteer for a few days in a minority school.
Probably the same here in kalifornia. The state is so liberal that democrats blindly vote for the candidate that has that little (d) next to their name. One example would be diane feinstein. She’s been steering contracts throughout the iraq war to her husbands companies. The left hated the thought of cheney/haliburton doing it but doesn’t care one bit about feinstien doing it. Maybe since the liberal media doesn’t report it, how would any liberal know the truth. And she keeps on doing what made her so filthy rich, funneling taxpayer money into the bank accounts of her husbands business. And yet she keeps getting voted in over and over.
On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.
NutRight BULLSHITTIUM ALERT, Star Trek Klaxon Horn Sounds
Then why did Dick Turbin Durbin remove the WA DC DC Opportunity Scholarship Program Vouchers from the Porkulus Bill fool? Cuz they worked and poor black kids in WA DC were making it against the NEA and their Klingon friends in Kongress.
End of NutRight BULLSHITTIUM ALERT, Star Trek Klaxon Horn Ends
Even the ACLU hates poor WA DC black kids…
So the parents know the schools are failing, and the republicans are pandering to them for votes.
If the schools weren’t failing, why would anyone be interested in vouchers.
And since they are failing, what are the democrats doing to fix it.
Why is it any democrat that has enough $$, sends their kids to private schools. What do you elected democrat politicians know that you don’t.
If democrats care about the children that don’t get aborted, why has the school system been in a decline for a couple decades. As union power has increased, job performance has dropped.
Wasn’t it obama in the debate with mcsame that said we spend more than any other country, and with less results.
BTW… get back to your goat sex stuff. With your goat sex, the rabbit and byebyegoober, the three of you are responsible for keeping this blog what it is. And it is getting half the hits Sound Politics gets. You three are doing the job I’m not able to do. Kudos.
Say, any black people where you work yet? Maybe in the next couple decades you can get some color in your office?? I have a question… Do you and your fellow workers not let blacks work there or do blacks already know better than to apply for a job there. You see, down here in lala land, working with black people is very common.
Marvin, in WA DC they spend $26,400+ per student and we all know the results of that school system.
Enjoy the 2007-2008 data HA Weasels.
Easy answer.
Democrats without any concern for poor children are pandering to the teacher unions. What is good for a poor black child is not good for teacher unions.
For democrats, unions are more important than the goal of their job. Higher wages are great even if that means the company can’t compete without being bought out by the government. IE: GM (government motors) Who cares if children aren’t being educated, the teacher union doesn’t care about that, students are not part of the teachers unions.
LIberals don’t care about children, unless they are white and blonde. That’s why you never hear the liberal media report on the black on black crime problem. But should there be an appearance of white racists (like the jena6 incident), the media will be on it like white on rice. If a white person never killed a black again, you would NEVER hear of a black man dying from the liberal media.
Utterly disgraceful.
But on a side note, the union I’m sure is thriving with all that school money that’s not being wasted on educating poor children. The less educated the kid, the better chance of a democrat voter.
@12 “the republicans are pandering to them for votes”
You got one thing right.
“BTW… get back to your”
The only person around here who seems to be hung up on farm animals is you. What’s up with that? Got issues?
“You see, down here in lala land, working with black people is very common.”
You got issues with blacks as well as goats? Hmm, that’s gotta play out in some very, very strange ways.
Hey Puddy,
Have you seen this Reason article about the dc school vouchers?
Obama’s Hypocrisy on School Vouchers
You used to write about goat sex numerous times a day, multiple times in the same thread even, day after day. Why the change, did your goat run away?
Oh Steve, we all see you are struggling with this right now, please don’t embarrass yourself and project how you feel into your reply to me.
So tell us all how it played out for you Steve. You’re among friends, you’re safe here. How did you feel when your goat ran away? Do you feel you had anything to do with him running away? And why do you have such hatred for black goats?
@17 “Hey Puddy, Have you seen”
If you hope to stick your head up Puddy’s ass then you’re gonna have to find a way to dislodge Mr. Klynical’s head first. Unless, of course, Puddy has room for the both of you. Could be.
It’s cute how you keep doing that projecting thing.
You know, you weren’t as pathetic before the goat ran away and you stopped talking about goat sex. Now your gibberish is barely distinguishable from the gibberish of byebyegoober.
Thanks. You know I like it when you sit next to your computer waiting to reply to me.
The posts from our trolls on this thread demonstrate quite plainly that the ability to think critically is anathema to our trolls. Accordingly, we understand why they have no interest in promoting effective education–they weren’t educated properly, so why should anyone else be? So, naturally, Republicans oppose funding for public education. Of course, there’s always some fear underlying any Republican position; in this case it’s that anyone who can think critically scares the holy shit out of Republicans.
How much more money should we give to the same people that are failing the kids now.
For example, if you take your car to the repair shop and they give it back unfixed, how many times will you give the mechanic “more” money before you realize the foolishness of it?
Washington dc schools get about $24,000 per student yet has one of the worst performance records. How much more money would fix the problem? For that kind of money, you can put your kid in a private school where not only will he get an excellent education but his life will not be in jeopardy on a daily basis.
How can the students ever get a decent education when the teachers have the power of the union to get what they want. Who is speaking up for the kids?
@20 “before the goat ran away”
Marvin and his goats again. Does the guy have issues or what??
Having problems with your reading comprehension?
I was commenting about your goat.
@24 “goat”
There it is again!! Marvin must have some goat related issues or something. What’s up with that, Marvin? You got goats on the brain?
I think Puffybutt and Marvin are the same person. Look at the shit they post. Similar style.
Marvin, yes Puddy had read the article. But why post here with the HA weasels. They’ll say it’s right-wing bullshit. That’s why Puddy placed the link for the DC School Results for all to see.
Notice the fool @26. It’s been proven Marvin and Puddy are separate people (Dr Darryl) but the bug-eyed buttface has to keep hope alive.
Steve is always discussing someone’s head up someone else’s ASS. What a weasel.
Steve, how can you make heads or tails of anything with your head up your goat’s ass? Steve, you showing signs of coprophagy again? BTW fool, my mother has been dead eight years so if you are now dabbling into necrophilia along with your know bestiality, go for it. All HA Weasels can see you don’t have a cacophobia. You surely like looking at your ugly face in the mirror on the quarterhour.
See ya!
@28 yo mama
You spent months droning on about goat fornication–
91. Steve spews:
92. Steve spews:
Hundreds of posts.
Want me to post them all steve??
Now that would be that shit-eating pooch DOOFUS who we haven’t seen since shortly after the great victory for our country’s soul last Nov 2008.
He was one of yours Stupes – fiends too stupid for words.
Good grief, Puddy! Lighten up!
@28 “Steve is always discussing someone’s head up someone else’s ASS. What a weasel.”
No, I’ve only talked about Mr. Klynical’s head being up your ass. I mean, aren’t you at all embarrassed by that? Show some pride, my man, and pull that fool’s head from your ass! And watch out that Marvin doesn’t make a move on you when you do it!
@30 “Want me to post them all steve??”
Please do.
You save that shit? Damn, that’s just a little weird, you know? Hell, I’ve only saved one exchange in all my time here:
@33: Yup – there are a lot of racists in the wingnut camp:
and others….., not too suprising for the party of the deep Southern whites.
Here is a nice video where a Bush administration toture apologists tells why the terrorsits are “bad guys”. He went to Gitmo and “looked at them” through the wire…and he could tell they were guilty. No need for atrial or evidence – he saw right into there souls…..
Anyway, the other reporter (I think Laurence O’Donell) just massacres this guy (I think Phil Musser) after he says that…compelling stuff on how the minds of the rightwingnut torture defenders/apologists work.
These guys (the right wing torture defenders rallying around Cheney, like Dana Rohrabacher and Musser) would have been right at home explaining how just looking at the Jews you could tell they deserved being in the Nazi concentration camps….
Here is the link:
NutRight@35, so let them all go from Gitmo fool. And when one comes back and strikes the US, we’ll cum knocking at your door.
@35, 36 These wingnuts are something else. Thank God America woke up and the Democrats beat the crap out of them the last couple of elections.
@34 “the party of deep Southern whites”
And, of course, Puddy. How strange!
Geez, whatever happened to Marvin and all those goat posts he was going to put up? I guess it dawned on him that it wasn’t a very good idea. I tell ya, that guy’s got some real issues.
Good grief Steve, Cynical’s head ain’t up my ASS. What a weasel. Butt all can see yours resides in your goats ASS.
Keep marching to those bleats!
Why do you battle those who have neither weapons nor shields? Puddy, Marvie, Cynie, markie–these folks are utterly defenseless. Do you really need to stomp on their corpses? Have a heart, man, let what’s left of them fade into the earth they always hated.
@39 Oh. My bad.
@40 “Why”
I just want to help them all win a Golden Goat before they fade away into the earth they always hated. Geez, you’d think they’d show some gratitude.
Work’s been a bit overwhelming lately, so nobody got a Goat last week. Any thoughts this week about who should get one? Cynical and Puddy are always out there, but, dammit, they’re two-time winners, and both, in what would seem like an anatomical impossibility, have their heads up each others’ ass.
Your reading comprehension sucks.
Find a post of mine saying I was going to post about your goats.
You are becoming a shell of what you used to be.
Marvie, damn, you want the Goat, don’t you?
Glad to hear while others are struggling you are doing so well.
Do you feel guilty yet?
I nominate the Golden Goat award every single stinking Republican, conservative and ass hole jerk off who says “Support Our Troops” or has that ribbon on their car but voted for Republicans while our brave soldiers were going to prison for following the Bush Torture policy while they ALL stood silent.
But they sure as Hell came out of the woodwork with their voices for that brain dead Terri Schiavo. Go, go now with your Dixie cups full of water. Oh, how compassionate of you.
Classy people, huh?
GBS, you can not conflate what Lizzie England and Charles Griner did to anything being approved through those memos.
Come on dude, you are much better than that. Seems to Puddy you are joining the HA weasel brigade.
@48 “Lizzie England and Charles Griner”
Um, Puddy, it’s Lindy Englund and Charles Graner.
Photographic memory, huh? I don’t think so. Really, Puddy, must you lie about everything?