I know it’s hardly news, but I got my first COVID-19 test the other day.
I have been making a ton of calls for work. And my leave a voice mail voice is a bit deeper than my regular talking voice. At the end of a couple days, I was talking very raspy and had a bit of a frog in my throat. I assumed it was that and not COVID-19, but I wanted to know for sure.
I live in the urban core, so my best option was at King County Public Health. I took a late lunch, and walked there. It’s walk-in only. The line was social distanced — so it’s a bit tough to gage — but it wrapped around the block. It took a bit under an hour from getting there around 2:00 to getting the pipe cleaner up my nose.
Pipe cleaner nose is not a pleasant experience, but it was quickly done. When I came out bent, the doctor told me I had an oddly shaped nasal cavity.
The next day, I got a text directing me to their website. And I am covid free.
Still, wash your hands right now.
Political parties don’t matter in politics because the natural state of politics is hypocrisy.
Happy 78th Birthday, Mr. President-Elect.
It’s becoming clear to me what Trump means by “fraud.”
Republicans and their lawyers really do sincerely believe that “massive fraud” cost him the election.
They are challenging the certifications of election results in Michigan and Pennsylvania. More specifically, they’re trying to get hundreds of thousands of votes in Detroit and Philadelphia thrown out. What do those cities have in common? They’re heavily black.
Republicans believe letting blacks vote is “fraud,” black votes are “fraudulent,” and counting black votes is “election stealing.” It’s as simple as the fact that 152 years after passage of the 14th amendment, Republicans still don’t think of black people as human beings with rights. They’re enraged because Biden won those states with, and they fervently believe only white people can vote.
“Fraud,” explained.
“Fraud,” explained.
From the dumbfuck who previously explained that a guy shot multiple times in the front of his torso while in the process of bull-rushing a cop was actually a fleeing felon.
You are an embarrassment to the memory of SeattleJew, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Just think: These nominees, confirmed this week, could instead have been Democrat nominees, had the Democrats nominated a less awful person in 2016:
By the time all of this is over, Team Trump will have installed nearly a third of all Article III judges. Including:
Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
@ 3
Republicans and their lawyers really do sincerely believe that “massive fraud” cost him the election.
More than a small number of Democrats believe this, too. In 2016, 28% of Democrats thought the election wasn’t decided accurately.
For four years the Democrat party painted Trump as illegitimate. For the next four years Democrats get to experience that on the receiving end.
That’s what this is about – weakening Biden ahead of the inauguration. Of course, Obama and the DOJ used the DOJ to weaken Trump ahead of the inauguration. Trump won’t have that luxury. So the GOP is doing it instead. It looks bad, of course, but no worse than Schiff looked during the past four years.
@5 “You are an embarrassment to the memory of SeattleJew, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
That’s nothing, you’re an embarrassment to the entire medical profession, which probably explains why they put you out to pasture in your mid-50s.
@5 A “fleeing felon” is Kyle Rittenhouse crossing the Wisconsin state line back into Illinois and then fighting extradition.
@7 “In 2016, 28% of Democrats thought the election wasn’t decided accurately.”
Contrast and compare with the 70% of Republicans who think the 2020 election was “stolen.”
Your party may not have a monopoly on conspiracy theories, but they’ve largely cornered that market. They’ve also done a better job of monetizing it, especially the folks who sell AR-15s to dumbfucks.
@7 “For four years the Democrat party painted Trump as illegitimate.”
That’s bullshit.
@ 11
Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’
Washington Post, September 2019
Former President Jimmy Carter says Donald Trump is an illegitimate president
Vox, June 2019
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I could go on, but you get the picture. Four years of this shit. There’s no point in denying it, because there is far, far too much evidence. The links I provided were from the first page of a Google search.
The Democrat party’s leaders claimed, for four years, that Trump’s win was illegitimate. The 2016 election loser, herself, has claimed that.
Get ready for payback. You’ve got it coming.
@ 10
Your party may not have a monopoly on conspiracy theories, but they’ve largely cornered that market.
I guess you’ve memory-holed collusion with Russia already, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In January 2017 Joe Biden conspired with others, in the Oval office, to take down Michael Flynn. Biden wanted to use the Logan Act against him.
Losers conspire these days. Democrats did it for four years. It was obnoxious and increasingly clearly false, but they did it, anyway. Now you get to experience it from the other side.
@12, @13 – Russian interference in the 2016 election is an established fact, not a conspiracy theory; but whatever Clinton or Carter may have said the Democratic Party didn’t “paint Trump as illegitimate.”
Teenage serial killer Kyle Rittenhouse was released today after spending nearly 3 months in jail after his attorney posted $2 million bail.
@ 14
Russian interference in the 2016 election is an established fact, not a conspiracy theory…
I did not refer to Russian interference.
I referred to collusion. The two are different.
Russia interfered this year. So did China. So did Iran. Those are efforts by foreign nations. Until someone comes up with hard evidence that the campaigns worked with those nations, it’s not a significant point to make, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Nice try, asswipe.
@16 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck reassures us that Russian, Chinese, and Iranian meddling in our elections is nothing to concern ourselves with, or in his words, “not a significant point to make.”
Heck, why not? After all, we meddle in everyone else’s elections. And there’s plenty of evidence that someone is tampering with Doctor Dumbfuck’s brain. Are there any microwave towers near his house?
China is looking to re-eatablish a Chinese Empire in the area and countries surrounding the South China Sea.
@18 Why not, now that the British, French, and Japanese have been kicked out?
All you need to know about Trump’s refusal to concede:
“The campaign has sent out more than 250 fundraising emails asking supporters for cash as it continues baseless legal challenges across several states fighting the 2020 election results.”
With Republicans, it’s always about the grift.
You won’t like the result.
@17 – Yes, the US has meddled in other countries’ elections in the past. I would like this country to get out of all foreign lands. Is America more safe with 900 military installations around the globe, in countries who hate us?
If we don’t want other countries to meddle in our elections, then we should keep out of meddling in their elections. We never intended America to be world policeman, and it’s time for the current people in government to realize this and end the empire.
@22 Nature abhors vacuums, and Russia and China would be happy to fill them.
Trump’s opponent conceded on election night and then President Obama called to invite your bloated orange fart cannon to the White House, in spite of the five years of phony accusations of being “a foreigner”.
This is GOP stock-in-trade.Accusing everyone else of being “illegitimate”. Trump may have been doing it for decades but now the rest of you on on the same fucked up crazy train.
You lost the election.
You are the losers of the election.
Concede. Get it over with.
The more you prolong this the happier I am. There’s good information in that.
Pelosi and, by extension, Biden are further weakened.
So far.
Eventually, after some time has passed, Republicans will reluctantly accept their loserdom.
It’s the 21st century. Partisan Republicans obviously do what they do. And that includes categorically rejecting the legitimacy of all voters and officials other than their own. Obama is “Kenyan”. Detroit voters are “illegal”, etc. Clinton got a blow job. Hillary put cock rings on the White House Christmas tree.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
No competent Democrat is appealing to partisan Republicans.
And Democrats are consistently capturing moderates 2 to 1, lead by Joe Biden.
And that’s why Republicans lost.
Only a Trumplo could convince herself that losing make you stronger.
For four years I’ve painted you and your orange fucking moron just as what you are…Putin’s fucking pawns. You’re both goddamned fucking traitors and you should both hang for it.
@27 I wouldn’t go that far; 23 hours a day in a concrete box in ADX with no TV to watch or books to read will suffice.
@28 Steel cages in FEMA camp remote in the swamps of Louisiana for the deplorables. And separate them from their children. Heh.
Horseshit. You gave Putin your polling data. Why? Just one of many revelations that leave you and your ilk stinking of borscht, which you’ve turned into the foul stench of sedition and treason.
23 – Yes, with Creepy Joe and Kameltoe in there, the Russians,and Chinese are going to do pretty much whatever they want.
From Reddit
It astounds me that the current GOP leadership, and as a whole, aren’t crawling through glass to help expose Trumps crimes now that they know he doesn’t have a chance. Trump is bent on revenge. First, its the people for not giving him a second term. Next, its the GOP for not overturning the results.
Mark my words, in January, Trump will be calling for GOP election boycotts in every state for every election until he dies.
How can they not see this coming?
They could, but they had no other choice. People don’t realize the bind the GOP has been in since Obama won.
The most powerful constituencies of their alliance are the white supremacists and the white evangelicals (with overlap of course), because those are the only ones that inspire people anymore. Since Reagan, every single tentpole of the GOP platform has collapsed in the face of cold, hard facts. In fact, by 2020 they didn’t even bother making a platform.
Meanwhile, Obama was the first Democrat besides LBJ in ’64 to win despite them, and LBJ had help from being incumbent and from JFK’s assassination still fresh on people’s minds. So on top of the president literally representing what they looked down upon (reversing their “natural” order of things), they were facing political irrelevancy, which looked to be permanent given the bloc’s dwindling demographic. Even with the map drawn in their favor, and anti-democracy features baked into the constitution, and even more so after a reactionary 2010 win.
GOP strategists after 2012 openly proposed going further than Bush on the “compassionate conservatism” thing, and said they should adjust to be more appealing to ethnic minorities. You know, win elections by attracting votes. The supremacist bloc 86’ed that, though— their ideology wouldn’t let them give inferiors seats at the table of power. The slide into the abyss was sealed. So then what?
Enter Donald Trump. His MO his entire life has been one thing over and over: Find people desperate to stay “in the game” they’re in, despite lacking the qualifications to do so. Dangle continued relevance in front of them, and soon enough he owns them fully. He drains them dry and leaves them hanging, holding the bag, with nothing left, not even their dignity. That’s why so many of the contractors he stiffed went right out of business: They were already on their last legs. They knew they shouldn’t get in bed with Trump, but when they weighed the certain prospect of admitting failure against the slim possibility of keeping the dream alive, their rational risk assessment went right out the window.
Not to mention, Trump is the first Republican pol to be so unabashedly supremacist, in general. Everything is hierarchical for him, and he is at the top. The more you get away with, the more superior it proves you to be. The deeper the cruelty you inflict on someone, the more superior you are. The more blatant the hypocrisy, the more superior. And so on. He is the avatar of supremacism, and that is why his base loves him. That is what they mean when they say he “tells it like it is.”
So the GOP is stuck on a speeding train, and they see the bridge out up ahead, but they don’t stop the train in the dimming hope that something will come along and complete the bridge before they reach the abyss.
Your thoughts?
#31. Fuck off you woman hating incel. Your Russian asset lost. You never said word one about the impeached danger yam and Russia, you don ‘t have the right to say anything now. Go peddle your propaganda some where else. We aren’t buying it.