Darcy Burner won the sole endorsement of the Pierce County Young Democrats this week in her primary race against Rodney Tom for the Democratic nomination in WA’s 8th Congressional District.
“Darcy [Burner] is the right candidate for the 8th District,” said Sam Ross, PCYD Chair. “She’s right on the constitution, she’s right on healthcare, she’s right on the Iraq occupation, she’s a leader on technology and economic innovation. On all the issues that Young Democrats believe in, Darcy will stand with us always, and on all the issues that truly matter, Darcy will do what she knows to be right.”
This early endorsement in a high profile primary is important for a number of reasons. First, the Young Democrats have strong chapters at University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University, and have promised aggressive recruitment, doorbelling and phonebanking drives at local colleges and universities. Second, it demonstrates the strong appeal Darcy has amongst one of the fast growing segments of the Democratic Party: younger voters.
In 2002 the electorate was equally divided between Democrats and Democratic-leaners (43%) and Republicans and Republican-leaners (43%). Today only 35% align themselves with Republicans, and 50% with Democrats. The Republicans are doing particularly badly among independents (the fastest-growing group in the electorate) and younger voters. The proportion of 18-25-year-olds who identify with the Republican Party has declined from 55% in 1991 to 35% in 2006, according to Pew. Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, notes that the share of Republican voters aged 55 and over has increased from 28% in 1997 to 41% today, whereas the share aged 18-34 has fallen from 25% to 17%.
The Democratic Party is getting younger, which not only bodes well for the future, it bodes well for candidates like Burner who appeal to their values. It’s kinda cliche to say it, but our young people are our nation’s future… as are future leaders like Darcy Burner.
Here come the haters.
Good news.
Any insight into why thery did not endorse Tom?
Given the demographic trends noted here, the Republican Party for all intents and purposes should meet its demise after another election or two. Should we hold a memorial service for the GOP or should we just piss on its ashes?
The last time I looked the Publican triumphaism post Carter gave us Reagan, and two Bushes.
Lets not gloat.
Tom may now call himself a Dem, but until recently he was a publican and his voted publican. He has yet to prove he is now willing to vote as a Dem. So why would the Young Dems want to support him when they have Darcy, whose credentials as a Dem are clean?
@ 4:
When you really think about it, that was the pinnacle of the modern day conservative movement that began in earnest in the mid-late 60’s.
What the conservative movement has done particularly well is win the sound bite wars. They’ve done this primarily through buying out the media. Fox Opinion and conservative talk radio are the Trojan Horse in the sanctity of democracy; the press. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O, and all the local conservative talk show hosts are the killers of democracy laying in wait in the belly of the beast.
They have managed to get every news outlet to show or discuss the “two sides” to every issue. Newsrooms have forgotten that opinions are multisided, whereas the truth, i.e. the news, is one-sided. It is what it is and nothing else.
George W. Bush and the “24” crowd are as un-American as any in our history if not more so.
What we are witnessing is the passing of a political generation in American politics and the Democrats are the benefactors.
@5 Yes I know YOUR spin. I wanted to know of the YD had said something of the sort.
As for Tom, I support Darcy too but I would be a fool to denigrate someone just because he switched parties. You also want to evict Jim Webb?
You read me right. I fear that the demoes will devolve into somehting very much like the Publicans.
We see some of it here.
*Air America is certainly better than Limbaugh but the methodology is too similar and the transition to full phoniness is all too easy.
*Lotsa dems want litmus tests on Iraq. They really do want a precipitous evacuation. That is no smarter than the percipitous invasion staged by the idealog on the other side.
same thing for alliances. IMHO the NEA and AFL CIO Teachers Unions are a good 10-30% of the problem with the schools. How many, if any dems are willing to stand against them.
SJ @ 4
I think a little gloating, measured in tone and duration, is entirely appropriate. It recharges our batteries, and, besides, is really pleasurable.
I won’t gloat. I will personally shove Darcy’s 2008 victory up Karl Rove’s ass, but I won’t be gloating when I do it.
8 SJ
Really? Who? Name five.
Given that the Pierce County YD’s have about three active members, and Sam was actively involved in Darcy’s campaign last time, this is hardly a sign of overall youth support. Sam’s a smart and tireless worker, and Darcy should be thrilled with the PCYD’s endorsement, but this is one step, and should not be construed as anything more than that.
Most YD organizations will wait until next year to make endorsements, and while Darcy is well-liked among the YD’s she will have to prove she’s the best candidate this time around once again.
“IMHO the NEA and AFL CIO Teachers Unions are a good 10-30% of the problem with the schools.”
OK, let’s get real. First, what is the ‘problem’ with schools, and second how are teachers ‘part of the problem’? And why bring up union affiliation? Are you saying unions contribute to the problem? Do you have even one scintilla of evidence for such an assertion?
“Given that the Pierce County YD’s have about three active members…..”
Approximately two more than the YR’s have.
I am not going to try to give you an off the cuff argument treatise but yes I do think there is a lot of evidence that the unions are a huge problem.
1. Teacher Pay
Contrary to a lot of union PR teacher pay is not out of whack with the starting pay in other similarly qualified professions. The key here is the term qualified. Teacher’s colleges and teaching degree programs do not attract the top of the barrel student. Yet, when you look at job applications for private sector teachers they can be very impressive why?
Unions almost always oppose progressivity in salaries or differential pay for teachers with special skills and knowledge.
2. Working conditions
Have you ever wondered what specific qualifications are required in a school district to teach French or C? Often there are none.
Similarly, there is a major need for ways to differentially reward teachers who work in disciplinary challenged settings. Again, the unions want, for traditional labor reasons, a level playing field.
What DO unions fight for … salary, benefits, security, and numbers of jobs. But even here there are problems. Unions do not want differential pay for the ex nuc sub guy who want to teach, nor do they want his credentials from Rickover transfered to this new domain. Unions also do not want to encourage efficiency good use of teachers aids or electronic tools may decrease the size of a classroom but that operates against the unions imperative to employ licensed teachers.
3. Does parental governance improves school quality? Even if ti does, Unions oppose parental involvment in school governance.
The Ames Lake Homeowner’s Association announced today that board member Darcy Burner has come out in favor of replacing the tulips at the entrance in favor of roses.
In an exclusive interview for HA, Ms Burner was quoted as saying “I took a lot of input from a lot of people and considered this complex issue carefully. In the end, I just went with my feeelings and decided to go for the roses. Sorta appropriate huh.”
I hope Darcy will do something about mine safety when she’s in Congress. Do-nothing congressman Reichert has done nothing to stem the rising tide of mining deaths. For decades, U.S. mining fatalities have steadily fallen, but suddenly they’re spiking upward. This may be partly due to increased coal production and more miners working underground, but there is statistical evidence that the Republicans’ antipathy to regulation and lax attitude toward enforcing safety laws is contributing to miner deaths:
Number of mines in 1997: 2,053
Number of inspectors in 1997: 634
Number of mines in 2006: 2,620
Number of inspectors in 2006: 584
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/n.....mine_x.htm
When Darcy gets elected to Congress, I hope she’ll support increased funding for mine safety inspections and put pressure on the administration to beef up regulation of mine operators.
Laissez-faire = dead miners
@16 How long have you had this tulip fetish? Pay your fucking gambling debt.
You may as well admit what everyone has figured out, Redneck … you’ve secretly got the hots for Darcy. Well, you’re shit out of luck, because she’s already married and besides she’s too good for you. By a whole bunch.
Hey Redneck! Are you a Holocaust denier, too? Or just a global warming, evolution, and Bush’s-tax-cuts-reduced-revenue denier?
As usual, Roger Rabbit is full of fucking shit about mine safety. Let’s look at recent actual safety statistics, not Rabbit’s gummint employment numbers.
For those of you with enough fancy book larnin’ to use Excel, put the data below in a chart and look at the slope of the line. Dumshits…
Coal mining:
Year Miners Deaths Death Rate
1990 168,625 66 0.039140%
1991 158,677 61 0.038443%
1992 153,128 55 0.035918%
1993 141,183 47 0.033290%
1994 143,645 45 0.031327%
1995 132,111 47 0.035576%
1996 126,451 39 0.030842%
1997 126,429 30 0.023729%
1998 122,083 29 0.023754%
1999 114,489 35 0.030571%
2000 108,098 38 0.035153%
2001 114,458 42 0.036695%
2002 110,966 27 0.024332%
2003 104,824 30 0.028619%
2004 108,734 28 0.025751%
2005 112,449 22 0.019564%
2006 119,248 47 0.039414%
Metal/Nonmetal mining
Year Miners Deaths Death Rate
1990 235,690 56 0.02376%
1991 230,107 53 0.02303%
1992 224,567 43 0.01915%
1993 219,320 51 0.02325%
1994 225,498 40 0.01774%
1995 229,536 53 0.02309%
1996 229,045 47 0.02052%
1997 235,915 61 0.02586%
1998 235,561 51 0.02165%
1999 238,852 55 0.02303%
2000 240,450 47 0.01955%
2001 232,770 30 0.01289%
2002 218,148 42 0.01925%
2003 215,325 26 0.01207%
2004 220,274 27 0.01226%
2005 233,044 35 0.01502%
2006 234,667 25 0.01065%
You moonbats need to stay the fuck away from technical things.
You were 100% wrong about the cause of the crane accident in Bellevue. It was the base not the operator. The girlz who run the state gummint passed legislation that had not a fucking thing to do with the actual cause of the accident.
Just last week “No Rocket Scientist” Murray incorrectly blamed lack of maintenance on the 35W bridge collapse, when in fact it appears to be the weight of construction equipment on the bridge that caused the collapse.
And with mine safety, the numbers are getting better through better technology. And as RR pointed out, the numbers are getting better with fewer inspectors.
So you guys leave the complex technical stuff to the engineers. You guys need only concern yourselves about the really important things such as “rights” for butt fuckers and giving single mothers a free ride.
“Contrary to a lot of union PR teacher pay is not out of whack with the starting pay in other similarly qualified professions.”
Simply false. I won’t waste time refuting such nonsense.
“there is a major need for ways to differentially reward teachers who work in disciplinary challenged settings.”
Misplaced priority. There is a compelling need to find ways to reduce or eliminate ‘disciplinary challenged settings’.
“Unions also do not want to encourage efficiency good use of teachers aids or electronic tools may decrease the size of a classroom but that operates against the unions imperative to employ licensed teachers.”
Marvelous non sequitor. Perhaps the road to health care efficiency should be paved by having fewer doctors, eh?
“Unions oppose parental involvment in school governance.”
Oh, please. Where do you get this crap? The National Review?
It certainly should be okay for anyone to switch parties. But Sen. Rodney Tom (D-48th) and several of his closest “Democratic” backers are still supporting Republican candidates and causes, in spite of the fact that they are now calling themselves “Democrats”.
The Seattle Times article of July 18, 2007 states that Rep. Larry Springer (D-45th) and Rep. Deb Eddy (D-48th) were at Tom’s side when he announced for Congress, so I will look at the recent political track records of these three legislators towards the Democratic Party.
Sen. Rodney Tom (D-48th) used to be a Republican, until he suddenly switched to the Democrats in 2006 (after the legislative session was over), so that he could run for the state Senate. Tom was a solid supporter of the Republican line during his four years of serving as one in the state House of Representatives, even during the 2006 session, right up until the very time that he suddenly switched parties. Tom solidly supported the Republican ticket in 2004 and 2005. And Tom still supports some Republicans — for example, donating $50.00 to the re-election campaign for Republican Bellevue City Council member Claudia Balducci on May 31, 2007.
Most interestingly, King County Democratic leadership, including Chair Susan Sheary, recruited Rodney Tom to run for U.S. Congress against Democrat Darcy Burner. Unfortunately for true Democrats on the Eastside, Sheary and her clique were far more interested in finding someone to run against Darcy Burner, than against King County Councilmember Jane Hague (R-6th). Tom would have been a strong candidate against Hague, if party leaders had not been more interested in having him run against Burner.
Rep. Larry Springer (D-45th) was an early endorser of Republican Jane Hague for re-election. Just look at Hague’s voter pamphlet statement or campaign website (janehague.com). To the extent, if any, that local Democratic Party leadership actually tried to recruit a candidate against Hague before filing week closed, this would have been made much more difficult by a powerful Democrat already supporting Hague. (Springer himself would have also been a strong candidate against Hague, had he not already been supporting her.)
Springer was also a backer of Republican Santos Contreras, who ran against Ron Sims for County Executive in 2001, and gave $500.00 to the Contreras campaign. By the way, Contreras was absolutely clobbered by Sims, receiving only 34.98% of the vote — less than any other GOP nominee has ever gotten for King County Executive since that office was created in 1969.
Or take Rep. Deb Eddy (D-48th). I looked up her contributions to other candidates on the PDC website, and was surprised to learn that Eddy is currently employed by the far-right creationist think tank “Discovery Institute”, which nationally promotes the teaching of “creation science”, instead of evolution. Eddy supported Republican Rob McKenna for Attorney General in 2004 and gave $100.00 to his campaign. While Eddy is obviously pretty conservative, at least she hasn’t publicly supported or donated to any Republican candidates since being elected to the state House as a Democrat in 2006 — which is slightly better than can be said of either Tom or Springer.
Thanks for that.
Unlike MTR I actually have redneck roots. One of my earliest memories is watching my dad’s dad die of black lung.
I wouldn’t read too much into the UPS kids endorsement, their mostly spoiled rich kids from out of state and live way outside the district.
The PLU kids on the other hand rock, real community minded folks that love hands on stuff and they’re right down the street from the 8th.
vagina lips @ 23:
1. We await with bated breath your learned disquisition on ‘butt fucking’ and lesbians.
2. The bridge that fell: In 2005 the structure was judged to be not up to snuff structurally. Unlike rightwingnut commentators who rushed to blame the collapse on Islamic terrorist planted explosives, most in the reality based community commented on the wingnut proclivity to cut taxes for rich people and fuck all when it came to maintenance.
As for the weight of the equipment used for the resurfacing project contributing to the collapse….this only demonstrates how truly ignorant and mendaciously stupid you are. Take equipment. Take weight of removed surfacing material (the usual procedure in a resurfacing). Compare the two. Factor in engineered safety factors (they have to protect their licence, you know, fuckwad). Tell me the first is greater than the second.
You know dimwit, you’re so mendaciously wrong here as to defy description. You obviously know not a fucking thing about civil work, or anything else for that matter. Your mendacity is a shining beacon to all who reject wingnut ‘logic’ in all its lunatic formulations.
Jayzus, you are one piece of stupid shit, red-dick.
When Darcy ran last time, the right wing assholes said she shouldn’t run because she had a kid. When will that GOP cunt McMorris quit now that she has a kid?
Poop @ 25: “Most interestingly, King County Democratic leadership, including Chair Susan Sheary, recruited Rodney Tom to run for U.S. Congress against Democrat Darcy Burner.”
You have any evidence for this assertion, Dickie?
@22 Yup, I see from that chart you have to go all the way back to 1990 to find a death RATE in coal mining as high last year’s. How do you explain that, Redneck? C’mon, you claim to have FOUR college degrees, maybe you can tell us if there is a CORRELATION between the anti-regulation attitude of the Screeching Monkeys and the rising death RATE?! Sheesh.
@22 Maybe next time you should get your statistics from an ideological reliable source before making a public ass of yourself. Pay your gambling debt, loooooooser.
@23 “Just last week “No Rocket Scientist” Murray incorrectly blamed lack of maintenance on the 35W bridge collapse, when in fact it appears to be the weight of construction equipment on the bridge that caused the collapse.”
OK, Mr. Rocket Scientist, answer this: If the bridge was properly maintained why did it collapse from the weight of construction equipment? Aren’t you supposed to be able to drive construction equipment across an INTERSTATE FREEWAY bridge, dumbass?
And how the hell is anyone supposed to maintain a bridge if they can’t even drive construction equipment on it? Betcha they’re gonna find the gussets buckled after rusting through.
@24 ““Unions oppose parental involvment in school governance.”
Yeah, I can see where a competent teacher wouldn’t want SOME parents spewing their wingnut crap in a classroom.
@28(2) Mr. Four Alleged College Degrees apparently believes that if a bridge collapses because someone drives construction equipment on it, previous lack of maintenance is irrelevant.
Off topic but I couldn’t help myself.
Bush war adviser says draft worth a look
WASHINGTON – Frequent tours for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush’s new war adviser said Friday.
“I think it makes sense to certainly consider it,” Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute said in an interview with National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”
“And I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table. But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting the demands for the nation’s security by one means or another,” Lute added in his first interview since he was confirmed by the Senate in June.
P.S., the death rate just went up; 3 coal miners were killed in Indiana today.
@37 It’s not unusual for government officials to express support for conscription. For example, VA Secretary Jim Nicholson told a reporter he favors it; Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) co-sponsored the Rangel bill to reinstate the draft (which lost on a 2-402 House vote). The subject is frequently discussed. I don’t think the fact Gen. Lute is talking about it signals a change in administration policy. He’s speaking for himself, just as Nicholson was.
@28: Jayzus, you are one piece of stupid shit, red-dick.
Worse. You are a welsher. The lowest form of life.
nimrod @ 23: You’re so stupid you probably believe you’re good target practice. Don’t delude yourself. You’re not.
Fucking welsher.
33 Uhh…. ’cause it weighed too much?
Let me explain since I know how fucking stoopid you are. A typical dump truck or concrete truck weighs about 50 tons. A typical passenger car weighs about 2 tons; maybe a bit less if you’re stoopid enough to worry about “global warming”. Since I know you’re too fucking stoopid to do simple math, that means that one dump truck weighs as much as 25 passenger cars. Paving machines that are trasported in pieces and assembled on site weigh even more.
What happens in a construction project is to have real smart guys called “Professional Engineers” do an analysis of the bridge and the loads. (PEs are guys like me who passed two extremely difficult engineering exams) The PEs then tell the construction contractors whether their equipment plan is OK or not and establish limits as to how much weight they can apply the structure at any one time. It appears in this case that the contractors failed to follow what they were told to do.
That’s about as simple as I can make it. Understand now?
Another GOP Rapist Nabbed
“CLEVELAND — A lawyer who formerly led a Michigan young Republicans organization has pleaded guilty to sexual battery for forcing sex acts on a woman … at a convention last July. … [Michael] Flory, 32, of Jackson, Mich., faces … prison [and] will become a registered sex offender. Judge Peter J. Corrigan will determine whether to classify him as a sexual predator. …
“Flory had faced 11 charges, including eight counts of rape, kidnapping, aggravated burglary and gross sexual imposition. … Flory … is the former chairman of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans ….
“He was among the young Republicans … at a convention in Cleveland. The victim, 21 at the time, was intoxicated and became ill, and Flory took her back to her hotel, said assistant county prosecutor Carol Skutnik. ‘She said thank you and goodbye, and he forced his way into her hotel room and forced several sex acts on her,’ Skutnik said. ‘Afterward he was bragging about it.'”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://www.woodtv.com/Global/s.....v=0RceXt7f
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wow! He raped her EIGHT times in ONE night! Typical presumptuous Republican … after a few drinks he thinks he’s a rabbit.
Being a convicted felon and registered sex offender shouldn’t keep him from having a political career in the “family values” party, though. It’s hard to find a Republican politician these days who hasn’t been convicted of something.
Rabbit – like I say…. stick to things that are based purely on opinion like special privileges for butt fuckers and “free” health care for illegal aliens.
Leave the technical stuff to your betters…
The Wrangel bill was designed to end the war, this is a sitting general saying we may need the draft to continue the war. While Gen. Lute was speaking for himself, it shows just how broken our military is.
Mark the Asshole- Simple is what you do best as a simpleton.
“The stone was being used to add a two-inch layer to the bridge deck. Its weight, and the weight of the trucks carrying it, would most likely not be a threat to a bridge in good condition, engineers said, but could play a role in causing the failure of a structure that was already weakened.”
All that said, I, as a PE who has been often interviewed and quoted in newspapers, know that the failure was likely due to a combination of factors. That combination will likely be determined after the press looses interest and after assholes like you are done using the story for effect.
And you will never understand because it does not advance your foolish tirades.
MTR: The average dump truck weighs about 27 tons. Where did you get the 50 ton figure?
@42 Hey Redneck, I’m just a cute fluffy bunny with no engineering degrees, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask a another question … how did they build the highway across the bridge if the bridge wasn’t designed to support paving equipment?
Yup, those engineers are pretty smart folks … when those boys get out their slide rules they know what they’re doing! http://www.historylink.org/db_.....tadium.JPG
Roger Rabbit says:
Another GOP Rapist Nabbed
I am a democrat not a GOPer.
Roger Rabbit says:
Being a convicted felon and registered sex offender shouldn’t keep him from having a political career in the “family values” party, though. It’s hard to find a Republican politician these days who hasn’t been convicted of something.
Here here. It never stopped me. heehehhe
Rog @ 50- careful on that one. It was an instance of the contractor (who is generally responsible for methods and means of construction (engineer is responsible for finished product)) using an incorrect process. If memory serves me, the contractor ate the costs without seeking anything from the design firm, a true rarity.
Remember asshole @ 51 and 52, when Clinton lied, nobody died.
And yes he was wrong for personal misdeeds. He did not bankrupt the country, or start a war of convenience based on lies.
You tell em. I didn’t do crap in office.
It is one thing to be a racist, it is an entirely different story when you are a racist and running for public office. Well at least if you are a republican. Hahaha
Keep telling yourself that, bud. And let’s see who left a stronger economy, a more sustainable foreign policy.
Roger Rabbit @ 43
Good story.
Here is another “family values” Republican — Lewis County Prosecuting Attorney Michael Golden. Golden is in hot water for having an affair with the mother of a juvenile that his office was prosecuting. (The juvenile’s mother happens to be married to another man, a fact that the newspapers have not yet considered as important as the other circumstances involved.) In another case, Golden allegedly had an affair with the victim of a crime that his office was prosecuting.
Holy crap! What a scum bag.
That fully expresses the depth of your wisdom.
Found another Republican Rapist
Queens City Councilman Charged With Rape Is Free On Bail
Queens Councilman Dennis Gallagher is now free on bail after surrendering to police Friday morning.
Gallagher turned himself in to detectives at the 112th Precinct just after 7 a.m. following his indictment Thursday night.
He was arraigned on ten counts, including rape and sexual assault charges. He was released on $200,000 bail.
Report: Former Gallagher Aide Says He Harassed Her
August 05, 2007
A woman who volunteered in accused rapist Queens Councilman Dennis Gallagher’s office reportedly told a grand jury last week that Gallagher sexually harassed her.
According to the New York Post, the testimony of the woman helped lead to Gallagher’s indictment on charges he raped a 52-year-old woman in his Queens office last month.
The paper says the Republican’s former aide told the court she walked off the job after Gallagher asked her to take off her shirt.
And lets not forget about Glenn Murphy Jr, a Young Republican leader you likes to suck him some cock!
UPDATE: Murphy resigns political posts; cooperating with police in apparent criminal investigation
Party chair says in letter resignation was for business reasons
The chairman of the Clark County Republican Party — who last month was elected president of the Young Republican National Federation — has resigned both posts, apparently in the wake of a criminal investigation.
On Tuesday afternoon, Glenn Murphy Jr. e-mailed media outlets a letter announcing his resignation from both positions, citing an unexpected business opportunity that would prohibit him from holding a partisan political office.
However, the Clark County Sheriff’s Department on Friday began investigating Murphy for alleged criminal deviate conduct — potentially a class B felony — after speaking with a 22-year-old man who claimed that on July 31, Murphy performed an unwanted sex act on him while the man slept in a relative’s Jeffersonville home.
Murphy, a 33-year-old Utica resident, has not been arrested nor has he been charged with a crime. A copy of the police report has been posted on an politically focused Internet site and another was provided to a reporter with The Evening News and The Tribune on Tuesday evening.
Larry Wilder, Murphy’s attorney, said Murphy is cooperating with police and Prosecutor Steve Stewart. Wilder said Murphy contends the sex act was consensual.
A reporter was unable to reach Stewart on Tuesday evening.
In 1998, a 21-year-old male filed a similar report with Clarksville police claiming Murphy attempted to perform a sex act on him while he was sleeping. Charges were never filed in that case.
Back to the subject, Darcy, and Mr. Tom. I hold no ill will for Mr. Tom, and wish him the best of luck. I am glad he has came over from the dark side. Better late than never right. As far as his “views”, I wonder just how much they match mine, or if Darcy’s are a better fit. I don’t trust “moderates” all that much, because one side is usually more right than the other one, and a full time waffler is not what America needs. What we need is people to call a spade a spade, and tell the truth, 100% of the time.
One thing is for sure. If we had more Darcy’s and less Blue Ball Dog Dems in congress, Bush would not have his retarded useless spying program running without oversight. Bush would actually have to get warrants, and everything, to spy on people, just like our founding fathers wished for.
Since there is no oversight, and Warren Hatch has already been caught spying on Ted Kennedy, by hacking his computer, and sharing the info with the GOP, there is a strong possibility they are only tapping Democrats phones, and not terrorists….
Well did she put ice on it?
43 & 64
hehehehehe You dems just can’t win can ya. hahaha
@51 et al. – Have you noticed how wingnuts always pose as Democrats when they steal someone’s identity? I understand that … if I were a Republican, I wouldn’t want anyone to know it, either. The GOP brand name is a bit tarnished these days. Every time we hold an election, goppers get recalled like Chinese toys.
@58 With so many rotten attorneys around, how come good ones can’t get a job, Richard?
@59 I believe “criminal” is the correct terminology.
@68 … And there will soon be one less Republican attorney in Michigan, after the disbarment committee meets.
I don’t understand why New York doesn’t pull Ann Coulter’s license for advocating the assassination of Supreme Court justices.
@65 You let us worry about the winning, and we’ll let you handle the whining.
Why AT&T Shouldn’t Control the Internet
When Darcy is elected to Congress, I hope she’ll push legislation to guarantee “net neutrality.” Here’s what will happen if big corporations get control of internet content:
“AT&T: Pearl Jam edit a mistake
“The Associated Press
“SAN ANTONIO — Lyrics performed by Pearl Jam criticizing President Bush should not have been censored from a webcast by AT&T Inc., a company spokesman acknowledged Thursday.
“AT&T, through its Blue Room entertainment site, offered a webcast of the band’s headlining performance Sunday at Lollapalooza in Chicago. The event was shown with a brief delay so the company could bleep out excessive profanity or nudity. But monitors hired by AT&T … cut two lines from a song … ‘George Bush, leave this world alone’ … and … ‘George Bush find yourself another home,’ according to the band’s Web site. …
“Pearl Jam said … on its Web site that in the future, it would work … to ensure live broadcasts or webcasts are ‘free from arbitrary edits.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....jam10.html
Here’s what columnist Nicole Brodeur says about it:
” … Pearl Jam’s … silencing gave mainstream consumers a taste of what’s at stake when media giants like AT&T have a firm grip on what we receive …. The incident raises the issue of ‘net neutrality,’ which seeks to address … the control being harnessed by those who provide access. … Corporations say we should trust them not to censor. Mistake or not, AT&T just gave us a reason not to.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ur10m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here are the 2 lines censored by the liberal-biased* media:
“George Bush, leave this world alone.”
“George Bush, find yourself another home.”
* Yeah … right! But wingnuts lie about every other fucking thing under the sun — and even lie about the sun itself — so we gotta expect them to lie about who controls the media, too.
Roger Rabbit says:
@51 et al. – Have you noticed how wingnuts always pose as Democrats when they steal someone’s identity?
Well if you want to pose as a rapist or murderer who the hell else is there. Only dems elect criminals to office.
Republicans are hoping that terrorist attacks killing thousands occur pretty damn soon, or they’re in trouble.
Isn’t it sick to behold the “party of Lincoln” becoming the party that pines for mass murder?
it’s no wonder that the terrorist think they can take down the US…..if there reading here they probably think we couldn’t organize our way out of a paper bag! What a collection of gutter-mouthed hot air! I cherish free speech, but I think there’s been some line crossing…..didn’t your momma ever tell you about….living in glass houses?……two wrongs don’t make a right?…….the boy who cried wolf? How about moving your behinds out of the chair and finding a new way of obtaining self-esteem, or at least cleaning up some of the foul mouthed comments, as you blabber on……………
re 75: You are blithering idiot!
#76 headless lucy says:
What is it about the hate and name calling with you? Is your life really that painful? Please, I beg you, get into therapy. Life is good.
#75, I guess you haven’t noticed your country being destroyed right? I remember when America was respected around the world. Not any more.
Having criminals in control of our government, and the justice department makes me mad, and I take it out on anyone un-patriotic enough to either support them, or accept their crimes.
The people still supporting Bush, and the GOP remind me of the “Good Germans” that helped Hitler.
I only hope our country doesn’t suffer the same fate…..
I know people like Darcy will make America, and for that matter the world better if they get into office. Mr. Tom may too, but I really don’t know his stand on the issues.
It is possible that all the years of calling himself a Republican may have warped his mind. Everyone knows the GOP is nothing but a bunch of frauds running on fear and hate. Just look at them. All they got is fear and hate. They haven’t had an idea that worked since Goldwater, or perhaps earlier. Their economic policies only make the rich richer, and every day the other 98% of us fall farther behind. Just wait till you lose your health care, and get sick, or have your job outsourced. Say goodbye to your house…..
Oh by the way. If you don’t believe me when I trash Republicons, just look up the K-Street Project.
Imagine what will happen to the GOP when Tom DeLay starts singing like a bird…..
Anyone have a Rodney Tom stand on an isue they’d like to represent and/or defend?
Or Reichert?
75: Fuck you
77: You’re a moron. Your opinion is worthless. Have a nice day.
Of course they would, they don’t know any better. After all, the young are MOSTLY all naive. God help us all.
75 JR
Yes, the “terrorist [sic] think they can take down the US” because someone said “fuck” on a blog comment thread. That’s it. You’ve hit on the essential element of their grievances. They have no conception of post-colonial partitioning of the Middle East, they just don’t like the suckee-fuckee talk. They don’t break a sweat over the establishment of Israel by the West and its displacement of thousands of Palestinians; they just hate the shitslingers.
75 JR
Oh, and thanks for your impassioned defense of the free speech you “cherish.”
“Speak freely and you’re aiding ‘the terrorists.’ ”
Free speeech=treason. “The terrorists”=God knows who all.
This is where Republicans have come to. No more.
I may stay neutral on this for awhile, make both sides court me. Darcy Burner made the 5th district angry when reportedly said that our not fielding legislative candidates contributed to her loss.
Roger Rodent:
Since your loud-mouthed, delusional, pathetic gov’t cheese recipient ass likes numbers so much….
86 total posts here as of 08-12-2007 10:43 PM, you have 24 mouth spewings out of that so hence- 27.91%. Now, that equals the absolute definition of pathetic. Get help bunny-boy, you sure need it.