They’re all heart, I tell you. The Daily Astorian reports on Brian Baird’s town forum in Ilwaco, and state GOP executive board member Nansen Malin reveals what Republicans actually think:
“We want everyone to have quality healthcare, “Malin said, “But I am against universal health care.”
But how can everyone have quality health care if everyone doesn’t have…oh never mind.
Personally, I want everyone to have Twitter, but I am against universal Twittering.
Jon, you are becoming the irrelevant one here at HA…
Yeah “Jacob”…like YOU post so often here that anyone would give a fuck about your opinion.
Once again, the uneducated are conflating “healthcare” with “Health Insurance”…
And you’re educated?
You’re pathetic.
But funny.
Yeah right, fuckhead…you pay for “healthcare” HOW?????
OK…I’ll bite, maybe the dumbass can school us a little. C’mon “ESO”…whatcha got?
@2 And if HE DID post here often, would we give a fuck about his opinion?
Glenn Beck – the reason people like Nansen Malin are so freaking stupid
@3: thanks for demonstrating that you don’t know a damn thing about health care…Mr. empty suited and uneducated.
I suppose you think healthcare is treatment in the emergency room when the condition is out of control and incredibly costly…..great solution dimwit!
There is a reason the US spends alomst twice as much as any other country on earth per person on health care…..waste, corruption by the GOP (we pay more for drugs than any other country, thanks in large part to the Medicare plan) abd over 20% profit margin/beaurocratic overhead by the private insurers (it used to be under 2%).
Meanwhile we have at least 47 million uninsured (per 2006, there are probably many more now) and get health care equal to Slovenia.
That is the system that the republican fools think is so great.
Gee…is that TRUE about Glenn Beck…WOW!!!!
@8: No, our overpayment for drugs isn’t due to the Medicare plan (and the drug plan isn’t really Medicare). We pay more for drugs because except for the VA system, we do not bargain as a group directly with the drug manufacturers. We pay whatever they charge. Other countries which have universal health insurance plans DO bargain; therefore, the drug companies don’t make the profts they want from those countries. They make their obscene profits from US! But I guess that’s the price of freedom from “socialized medicine.”
It’s time for some honesty from the Democrats. They never were serious about health care reform that would actually work for real people. I’m thinking most (including Obama) used it to get votes and to get into power.
The way both the congressional Democrats with only a hand full of exceptions and the White House have totally screwed up the debate on this issue makes me physically ill. And when you look at the money Obama got from the health care industry during his campaign this should be no surprise.
We had a choice: either vast military spending or a stable social net of health care and a strong social security system for the retired and disabled. We don’t have the money for both. And both parties made that choice for us.
I suggest you eat lots of veggies and pray you don’t get cancer.
Is Nansen Malin a personal psychic? Or, does she just dress up like one?
Rujax @ 9: it’s disgusting Glenn Beck refuses to defend himself against all those acts of rape and murder he may have committed.
13. MarkS…
I am just flabbergasted. Really, really disappointed in the President and the Dems in Congress.
@7 Beck apparently is a local boy. The mayor of Mount Vernon has declared Sept. 26 as “Glenn Beck Day” and will present Beck with a key to the city on that date. To their credit, 6 of the 7 city council members refused to purchase $25 tickets to the event.
(Source: Seattle Times website)
Would you buy a used Oreo Cookie from this man?
@10 Sarah, I’m sorry but I have to take issue with several of your points. First, the drug plan is part of Medicare and is called “Medicare Part D.” Second, Bush prohibited Medicare from negotiating drug prices. Third, I disagree that drug companies are making “obscene profits.” Their profits as a percentage of revenues and their return on shareholder equity are about average for large corporations in general. Where I part company with the drug industry is their philosophy of creating market demand with aggressive marketing, instead of simply serving a market that exists because of medical necessity, and the vast sums they spend on this marketing in order to get people to use drugs they don’t necessarily need. That’s where the money goes; over 50% of drug company revenues are reinvested in marketing. These huge marketing expenditures do help broadcasters and magazine publishers, though, at a time when the broadcast and publishing industries are struggling.
@15 “I am just flabbergasted. Really, really disappointed in the President and the Dems in Congress.”
It’s the same tired old story of the grassroots busting our butts to elect these people and then they let us down.
Don’t get me wrong. Having the Republicans in is far, far worse.
But our choices in this country seem limited to the evil Republicans or the do-nothing Democrats. There’s no option to elect people who will actually do something to benefit citizens and solve our country’s problems. And that’s frustrating beyond words.
If the democrats won’t grow a spine and fail at real health care reform, they will fail at every thing else meaningful they attempt and I expect the conservatives to be in charge for another generation. And if that happens, this country is doomed.
The Republican idea of ” quality healthcare” is you, without insurance, trying to get an emergency room to treat your diabetes.
@20 Not necessarily doomed, but it’ll be a miserable place to live for workers and other people of ordinary means. And God help the villagers in any country whose resources the conservatives covet.
@21 We should require Republicans to have the same health care that Democrats have. That would solve the problem.