NW Progressive Institute has posted it’s first annual Neiwert Awards to honor NW progressive bloggers (you know… like “Best Muckraker… me.) I’m not sure what the selection process was, but it’s hard to argue with any of the recipients. Even if you’re one of those people who tend to dis awards like this (and admittedly, I tend to be one of them,) it’s worth looking at the list of winners just to learn more about some of our region’s other great blogs.
It’s also hard to argue with honoring David Neiwert by naming the awards after him (though in Judaism, we tend to name after the dead.) David’s Orcinus is one of the best written, best researched blogs bar none, which is why he has deservedly attracted a national audience. Congrats to David and all the other winners.
NW Progressive Institute has posted a diary to Daily Kos. Please recommend so that the rest of the nation can learn about some of our great local blogs.
Hooray!!! Congrats to all!
Congratulations, I guess, but isn’t this like somebody at the Heritage Foundation giveing Stefan an award?
Big congratulations Goldy!
And big congratulations to T.J. OF ALSO ALSO.
Keep up the great work!
Libertarian @2,
Yeah… well… sure. But I’m not going to turn down a compliment.
In any event, goldy, congratulations! And have a great New Year!
Congratulations, Goldy. Keep up the good work. The liberal progressive point of view has been savaged for the past thirty years, it’s time for folks like you to set the record straight.
Geez, does this mean that we’re going to have to buy you a beer at DrinkingLiberally again?
Go soundpolitics.org and the Shark!
Yes Mark1, why don’t you go (to) uSP and Sharkansky?
Who, by the way, are as likely to win a Neiwert Award as Jack Abramoff is to avoid jail time.
Reporting this is like reporting rain; big deal.
“Congratulations, I guess, but isn’t this like somebody at the Heritage Foundation giveing Stefan an award?”
As is typical of wingnut arguments, your rhetorical question assumes that Goldy and Stefan are intellectual and moral equals, and that rightwingism is a respectable political philosophy.
Sorry, charlie, but our side is right and your side is wrong.
“Go soundpolitics.org and the Shark!”
Go where? Is he going somewhere? Like, away?
“Reporting this is like reporting rain; big deal.”
Righton sure fooled me!!! And here I thought righton was a dumbshit!!! Turns out he’s pretty smart after all — smart enough to realize that rain is not only newsworthy but a big deal!!! Rain means …
flooding rivers
lower electricity rates
green lawns
more salmon
fewer forest fires
better harvests
Rain is, in fact, one of our state’s most valuable natural resources. Rain = good, drought = bad!
Thanks, righton, for pointing out one of this winter’s most important news stories — it’s raining!!! yay!!!!
The flooding rivers isn’t so good, but everything else about rain is good!
In other news, 2005 rained on Stefan’s parade, which is another thing about rain that’s good!
Stefan’s election controversy score: -4 votes
Stefan’s Initiative 912 score: 0
Stefan’s King County Executive election score: 39%
Stefan’s public records lawsuit score: $0.00
Stefan’s readership score: -65%
Stefan’s marksmanship score: Rabbit 1, Stefan 0
Yep, 2005 threw a wet blanket on Stefan’s dreams and aspirations. Still, Stefan can take comfort from knowing he did better than Low Tax Looper:
Democratic Write In Candidate: 96%
Low Tax Looper: Life without parole
Hey Stefan, how come you aren’t going to share the loot from your lawsuit against KCE with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
Hey Stefan, how come you’re such a dork?
Congrats on your “Circle-jerk” award!!!!
It’s comforting to know that the self-proclaimed “Progressives” enjoy giving pleasure to each other!!
Hey Rodent; how come you’re such as loser that does nothing at all all day long except post way too much on this site?
I do go there, but it is much more fun to fuck with naive leftist douche-bags like you.
I meant to say people will start to vote Conservative because they do not want anything to do with dumbass DOUCHEBAGS like Clueless, Nin, rujax et al.
I inadvertently called these DOUCHEBAGS crazies.
I’m sure my friends who are always RIGHT can understand how I made that subtle slip-up!
@21 and 22:
Amen brother. And I’ll bet Roger Rodent got beat up a lot in high school too. Hardy-har-har.