Back when I was living in New York City, a college friend once tried to track me down by calling information and asking for the phone number of “David Goldstein”. The operator derisively laughed back, “I must have hundreds of David Goldsteins, sir. You’ll have to be more specific.”
Yeah, when it comes to naming children, my parents didn’t earn any points for creativity. Six out of the eight boys in my Hebrew school class were named “David”, and tacking on my last name wasn’t any more distinctive. “David Goldstein” is the “John Smith” of Judaism — about as generically ethnic as it gets.
And so it is with some amount of pride that I noticed this morning that HA currently occupies the top two slots when you search my name on Google. In fact, of approximately 1.7 million results returned, I personally hold five of the ten slots on the first results page.
(Of course, on the downside, HA is no longer the top result for “Tim Eyman“. It’s number three. Ah well. You can’t have everything.)
It’s not exactly fame, and it certainly hasn’t brought me any fortune, but my Google ranking is a testament to the power of the blogosphere to give voice to individuals who, a few years ago, would have been drowned out by the din of the corporate media. Anybody with something to say — and a knack for saying it — now has the opportunity to reach a larger audience.
I’m a cynic by nature, but I remain hopeful that the Internet will continue to grow into the democratizing force our world desperately needs.
goldy…if that’s your claim to fame at 40….that’s kinda sad.
Isn’t it “the Internets” and “the Google?”
Wouldn’t want to fail to follow Smirky McFlightsuit.
Did you even read what he wrote?
Your comprehension skills are quite sad.
Tim Eyman
Hope that helps, Goldy … every little bit —
Milo@3 That’s why I call her our Ectoplasmic Apparatchik.
Send Bush the bill again.
Milo @ 3
Christmas ghost has joined MTR as a troll-only zone.
Congrats Goldy! You*ve made it to the top of Googledom.
Actually, I confess THAT is how I stumbled onto your blog myself. I was goggling in regards to the Initiative to name Tim Eyman a “Horse*s Ass” to post at another board. (Even though I did not expect them, especially the New Yorkers, to believe the initiative process could cover such a thing). And THERE HA was – just waiting to be discovered and perused! Come to think of it, I never did get back to the old spot to post that, shuckydarn.
I love this place (although the trolls who can*t spell do get a bit tiresome at times)! Rubbing shoulders occasionally with people here in local politics I*ve read about for years, I feel like a Groupie. Thanks for sharing Goldy!
Man, the missing apostrophe tonight sure is irritating, never realized how often I use it.
Dave, Did ANY of the thousands of New York “David Goldsteins” ever serve in the military? That would be the US military, Dave. Just “axing”. BTW, Happy Commie May Day to you and Fidel.
when I typed in:
Deadbaet Dad + David Goldstein you were number 2
Child Molester + David Goldstein you came up first as well.
Pedophile + David Goldstein you were 3rd
Assfuck Loser + David Goldstein you were #1, #2 & #3
Excellent Experiment.
You should be proud of all you’ve accomplished.
The “Pedophile + David Goldstein” search links to an article about the well known Republican Pedophile Mark Foley (R-FL) who resigned that day. Not sure how that advances you point of view about Goldy.
@4, you need to make it a link:
Tim’s a Horse’s Ass!