I understand why restaurant operators might object to King County’s new labeling rules as a bit too onerous. As a consumer, I look forward to having the nutritional information, but as a restaurateur I’m sure I would chafe at the expense in time and money. Still, I found at least one of the arguments against these new regulations to be less than convincing.
Chris Clifford, a Renton resident who said he’s owned several restaurants in King County, said very few customers need labeling to know that a 16-ounce steak rolled in butter is fattening.
“I have a six-letter word to describe them: It’s ‘stupid!’ ” Clifford told the board. “You can’t help stupid people.” Instead of menu labeling, Clifford suggested a “warning label” on the restaurant door: “Eating here is fattening and could kill you.”
Yeah… I want to eat at the restaurant where they think I’m stupid. Anybody know what restaurants Clifford owns, so that I can be sure to avoid them? Or perhaps the council should have taken him up on his suggestion and mandated a warning label on Clifford’s doors.
Little debating tip here Chris: if you’re gonna argue against health regulations, perhaps you shouldn’t display such utter contempt for the health and wellbeing of your customers.
Well looks like WHATADICK Cheney is officially running the government while the Pretend President does what he does best, gets something shoved up his ass. Wonder if we’ll notice any difference?
You can help stupid people; it’s the idealogical driven conservatives that are beyond help or salvation.
Never thought it could happen in the USA!
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964,
accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.
Selective Service Number is 3 26 46 228.
Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.
Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.
Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army
Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of COL. E. Holmes.
Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment. Bill Clinton
fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC,
September 1969.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1- A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army
Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject
to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) registrant who has failed to report..
remains liable for induction.
Bill Clinton’s birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but
anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!
Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under
Public Law 90-40.
Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive
from justice.
Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from President Carter.
Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to
serve as President of the United States.
All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and
various books that have been published and have not been refuted by Clinton.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that
those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military
personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down
and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and
injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those
responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and
injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down
and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S.
sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and
Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in
New York and Washington, DC. who are now dead would be alive today.
THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million
for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet
to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to
recall anything about past events while under oath.
Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
P.S. Please forward this to as many people as you can!
We don’t want this woman to even THINK of running for President!
There must be something right about Clinton if the Publicans are still spouting this kind of shit 6 years after he left office….and I might add with his popularity and approval the polar opposite of Bush.
Conservatives are frightened of Bill Clinton.
What the Clinton presidency represents is that everything that really mattered to the average American was right with the world.
Republicans are the mirror image in thought and deed. Their arrogance in not admitting they are horribly wrong on so many issues will be their eventual undoing.
I look to the elections of 2008 with great optimisum that when Al Gore becomes the presidentm, working with Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Reid to get our country back on track again we will once again become the shining city on the hill.
My regret is how many of our brave soldiers will have to die in the meantime because of the arrogance of conservatism.
How much more borrowing will George W. Bush do that future generations of Americans will have to foot the tax breaks for Paris Hilton and K-Fed?
Who will be the next Jose Padilia to lose their civil liberties?
Wrong President, wrong country, wrong time; George W. Bush, THE worse president in American history.
ME proves the theme of this post: “You can’t help stupid people.” Poor ME, his allergies act up when he gets exposed to facts. He gets all nervous when someone speaks a grammatically coherent sentence around him. The closest he can come to multitasking is masturbating while watching porn.
re 7: Hear, Hear!!
I apologize to everyone for returning to the subject, but . . .
Top Food labels its produce by country of origin, and it makes a big difference in what I buy. Labeling makes it is easier to support Washington growers and California garlic really is better than imported garlic. At Safeway, I find myself looking at the boxes to see where the produce was packed. Country of origin is important to me.
And you’re right – the steak with butter argument was dumb. Anyone want to bet that Chris Clifford is a Republican?
Never thought this could happen in the USA…
George Bush registers for draft.
George Bush’s daddy pulls rank and gets him in line in front of 125,000 other people.
Bush gets in NG to avoid Nam.
Bush goes AWOL instead of NAM.
Bush gets busted for Coke – DUI.
Bush marries Laura.
Laura kills a guy.
Laura has kids.
Laura’s kids get busted for being drunken lushes.
George Bush family pal Osama bin Laden is allowed to destroy WTC on Bush’s watch.
George Bush lets Osama and his family go.
George Bush lies about Iraq.
George Bush fires any general that won’t lie for him about Iraq.
George Bush starts a war using other people’s kids.
George Bush asks his minions to risk the republic by outing CIA agents for political gain.
George Bush alienates the whole world against the USA.
George Bush makes America less safe by helping recruit terrorists to war against the USA.
Never thought this could happen in the USA…
Before electing a woman or black person as president, the majority of voters decided to try a retarded president: George W. (Cliff’s Notes) Bush.
Chris Clifford is a longtime political gadfly. By his own admission he is too blunt and outspoken, but then again he is trying to get Pat Davis recalled.
Gee, eating bacon and eggs every day for fifty years can actually be bad for you. Smoking 40 cigarettes a day is bad for you. Not exercising is bad for you. Drinking heavily is bad for you. Being a junkie is bad for you.
Gee! Who knew?
So, libertarian, if you ever get sick or injured, we should deny you medical care and insurance, because you know the docs can find something you did that was a risk factor for whatever disease or injury, right?
You know, like eating pickles. You know that eating pickles is associated with a 100% mortality rate, right? Ice cream and chocolate and hot dogs, too. And even broccoli!
The Clintons matter because the she-bitch put herself out there as senator and now as presidential candidate. She-bitch advertises herself as part of a duo, attempts to take credit for what little slick willie did and has the penis in chief out their telling people she IS in fact a woman.
How ironic is that?
Lizzy Edwards has to go out and tell voters that the silky pony is in fact a tough guy and the penis-in-chief has to remind people that Hillary does not have one. Gotta love the libs.
regarding the restaurants:CHRIST you morons will support anything that reinforces punishing business. I am actually glad King County is doing this. I am actually glad that restaurants will lose business for tasteless food and I am actually glad when they close and/or move to more favorable environs. The sooner this miserable county, city and state completely fail, the better. I REALLY can\’t wait till they take control of what you libs DRINK liberally. HAH! You get the government you deserve and I can think of no group of Koolaid drinkers that deserve Koorupt County more than you.
I don’t agree with forcing restaurants to label the calories and fat in a dish on the menu. That’s asking far too much. If restaurants choose to put fat and calorie labels on the menu items, then more power to them. They’ll be wonderful folks. But don’t FORCE restaurants to label the fat and calorie content. Give it a rest, already!
DarcyBurner: hated by the Stranger says,
I don’t think Hillary will be the Dems’ candidate in 2008. If they do nominate her, the Dems won’t win the White House in 2008.
I don’t think we should label food. Since Publicans are less educated than Democrats, it’s more likely that they’ll be so stupid they’ll eat themselves to death.
hated @ 16: “The sooner this miserable county, city and state completely fail, the better.”
I presume you remain here in service to your stated goal, correct? Plainly, you bring down the quality of life of any place you might choose to live. The Republican Party must be so proud to call you one of its own.
re 14: Many otherwise bright people do not know that eating food soaked in trans fat, palm oil, partially hydrogenated corn oil and many other things will kill you.
Your attempts at reductio ad adsurdum argumentation, sadly, only reduces you to that dreaded state of absurdumation.
You liberal punks have ruined this once great city. The fuckers have mede it impossible to drive to Seattle have made it impossible to park in Seattle, have made it impossible to start a business in Seattle and now are hell bent on destroying a night out in Seattle
You are damned right I want it to fail. Just like fucking France had to fall on its ass to learn what it needs (and more importantly does NOT need) to survive, so do you miserable fucking morons.
re 16: That’s brilliant. Why don’t you send it to the editors of ‘National Review’? I’m sure they’d love to reprint it.
re22: No one’s stopping you from starting a business. Just your own incompetence.
lucy your snotty look down your nose attitude toward people is disgusting.
With one side of your filthy mouths you fuckers want to brag how oh so very smart the liberal elites in Seattle are then with the other side of your filthy mouth, tell them they are too fucking dumb to know what is best for themselves.
headless lucy says:
re22: No one’s stopping you from starting a business. Just your own incompetence.
spoken like a true socialist fucker as she suck off the tit of the state on the nipple provided by the union fucks.
FY, you are so absolutely clueless it’s funny. Neocons like you are the problem, and I have the solution right here with me. It’s called my right to vote. And I will be exercising that right, to vote your ilk out of existence on Nov. 4, 2008.
Since you consider Seattle to be ruined, why don’t you flee into exile like your messianic maniac Chimp-in-Chief will? I hear Paraguay’s nice.
Oh, and while you’re at it FY, join Lou Guzzo and GO FUCK YOURSELF.
re 26: I’m not a socialist. You are. You believe in corporate welfare. I’ve started several businesses in my life. Only one was successful, but that was the only one I needed.
I’m serious. Find a service or product that you can offer the public, get a business license, and get busy.
Quit crying about life and start living it — you whining puss.
re 26: On uSP they are always blathering about “free enterprise” and they are totally subsidized by rich right wing CRANKS.
Goldy, the left wing “socialist” has kicked their asses on blogging and other media. Even with the right wing money for the echo chamber, you guys are just pathetically non-competitive.
Cronyism capitalism is not the real thing.
But, you are too stupid to even know what I’m saying.
Go ahead and froth at the mouth, bitch.
BULLSHIT lucy. your drug addled brain has al;ready forgotten that your bragged being a WRESTLING COACH. I hope to hell you were one of the kiddydiddler coachs arrested, you miserable fucker sucking off my tit with your union thug kipples.
And I suggest you go read the fuckstein whine about big bad Dave denying planned parenthood THEIR corproate welfare with MY tax dollars you fucking blight on humanity
You mean a person can’t be a teacher, coach, and businessperson in a lifetime — and I’m far from finished yet — bitch.
Go ahead and froth at the mouth — you stupid incompetent whing twat. (No offense to the ladies intended)
@5 Did you see this on that Snopes.com link?
“That Bill Clinton went to great lengths to avoid the Vietnam-era draft, that he used political connections to obtain special favors, and that he made promises and commitments which he later failed to honor, are all beyond dispute.”
The Bush twins are whores who got arrested for being lush-like cunts and Laura Bush killed a guy. Jeb’s little girl has been eating pussy in the women’s penn for years given her 7 drug convictions. Add to that GW’s arrests for DUI and coke possession – wow what a first family!
I couldn’t be happier about the new regulations. The “cluttered menu” objections strike me as about the weakest cop-out imaginable. I’m guessing most restuarant chains with 10 or more franchises can afford to hire someone to design a menu that has eye-appeal AND some extra nutrition information.
I think it will be a quite a wake-up call to a lot of people when these rules go into effect. There is a big difference between realizing that a meal at a restaurant “might be a little bit fattening” (to quote Mr. Clifford, who I found unbearably obnoxious in the few clips of him they showed on the news!) and seeing in black and white on the menu that it has more calories than you’re supposed to eat in a whole day. I’m guessing it might make more than a few people reconsider that double cheeseburger with fries! Which I think is exactly what the restauranteurs are afraid of. In fact, I wonder if some of the entrees might be redesigned to lower their calorie counts in time for the new rules, much like trans fats started disappearing from foods once manufacturers were required to list them. If so, that would be another good development!
“That Bill Clinton went to great lengths to avoid the Vietnam-era draft, that he used political connections to obtain special favors, and that he made promises and commitments which he later failed to honor, are all beyond dispute.”
-from the Snopes.com article
ON topic-
Government regulation to ban normally legal items, such as; trans-fats, foie gras, and tossing table scraps, should be viewed with the understanding that Uncle Ron and Uncle Greg really know what’s best for you. That you’re too simple to understand. That you can’t read the big words on the back of the package.
from the article-
“Lynn Chapman of the American Diabetes Association’s local chapter asked board members to imagine they were a single mother with a couple of kids. You have diabetes, and your kids are at risk, she told them. “You are stressed, you don’t have time to cook,” so you take the kids to a restaurant in White Center. “You need to get that [nutrition] information,” she said.”
Not said but clearly stated here was, the single mom is poor, stupid, and likely African-american (diabetes). This is so insulting and panders to stereotypical attitudes about people who can’t take care of themselves. And likely the same stereotypical mom isn’t going to read the damn label anyway.
I’m not saying that you should eat trans-fats, or support the ritual force-feeding of geese or against recycling. I object when the Government steps in to force me to do (or not do) those things. I’m an adult, leave me alone. Take your Nanny state and bugger off.
Eh, missed the comment @ 32.
So sue me.
Don’t worry #37Delbert, #5Lee thought we were liberals and wouldn’t be concerned with reading about facts. Makes you wonder why #5Lee even posted a link that proved him wrong.
Reminds me of the stupidity of smokers who need warning labels on the side of the cigarette pack. If you don’t realize smoking is bad for you without the warning, its evolution at work what can I say. Same thing for trans fat warnings. Eat McDonalds every day you clog your arteries and get fat. What’s next, warnings on the sides of Metro buses? Step in front of this bus and you might die? Where does the nanny state go from here?