This piece by Josh Feit about Patty Murray not wanting Super PAC’s in the 1st District race is basically fine. I don’t like Super PAC’s in general, but as long as they exist, I don’t mind them in primaries. But this struck me as particularly odd.
It’s grating enough when Democrats protest finance rules they object to by prescribing a holier than thou approach. Until you can actually reform finance rules, snooty protests just land you in the “L” column when you get outspent or outplayed.
I’m not sure how much it’s snooty to simply ask people to play nice. I like the rough and tumble of a primary, but plenty of people don’t. Still, the larger point is: Democrats, including Patty Murray, passed campaign finance reform. It was difficult and it took a lot of political capital. Then the Supreme Court invalidated it. Now it’ll take a Constitutional amendment or a different Supreme Court to fix things. Is Josh really saying until there’s a Constitutional amendment, Democrats can’t complain about the way things are. Not until they’ve fixed them? What the fuck is that?
Patty Murray ultimately led and failed to produce any financial cost asavings at all in her deficit committee. Now she is railing on taxing the rich, which at best would only fund the federal government for a single week. It is an absolute talking point from a billboard, and she will end up taxing everyone in America for her rediculous spending spree and failure at pulling back the financial reigns. She is a complete failure as we approach her party’s Fiscal Cliff and 16 trillion in debt!
What he said!
Owebamma – If you make under $200,oo you will not pay ONE DIME IN NEW TAXES
What he meant!
Just what will Taxmageddon do come January 1, 2013? It will begin,
raising rates on investment income, estates and gifts, and earnings at all levels. Overnight, the marriage penalty for joint filers will spring back to life, the value of the child credit will drop from $1,000 to $500, and the rate everyone pays on the first $8,700 of wages will jump from 10 percent to 15 percent.
The Social Security payroll tax will pop back up to 6.2 percent from 4.2 percent under the deal approved Friday by Congress. And new Medicare taxes enacted as part of President Obama’s health-care initiative will for the first time strike high-income households.
Some economists say it could push the fragile U.S. economy back into recession, particularly if automatic cuts to federal agencies, also set for January, are permitted to take effect.
Read more:
Damn Lies!
@1 If taxes for the 99% go up on Jan. 1, it’ll be the fault of the obstructionist Republicans, and no one else.
P.S., I paid payroll taxes my entire working life, over 40 years! It’s not like Social Security is running surpluses or anything.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
We all know guns don’t kill people, they’re inert objects, it’s kids with guns that kill people!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check, and carry it anywhere without a permit! But they think soldiers shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Republican senators don’t want you to know who’s buying politicians.
That idiot is a disaster. Bank interest rates at .01, CD rates at 1% Muni bonds being cashed out like worthless notes, and reissued at rediculous rates. The Fed is out of bullets, cities all over america are going broke every day from wages and pensions they can no longer afford, 42% of every dollar in government today is being borrowed>
This is a Damn SPENDING PROBLEM, nothing else, and the Democraps are totally responsible for the lack of budgets and restraint.
Your blaming Republicans is getting Damn old. Owebamma and the democrats own this fiscal issue!
With cocaine use dropping dramatically, and more people using prescription painkillers, the U.S. government is rethinking how it fights the drug war.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Official policies on painkillers are shameful. Millions of Americans are unnecessarily suffering the tortures of medical pain because our paranoid government is afraid that rational pain management will lead to abuse of painkillers. Painkillers are already being abused, and the only people who can’t get them are patients who legitimately need them.
Buy A Verdict Dep’t
NBC reports the Paterno family plans to conduct its own investigation of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse case.
I’m sure they’ll find the coach innocent. Now all they have to do is find the evidence that proves it.
Everyone only had to work 197 days this year to pay for the cost of government. Before long the IRS form will just have two lines on it.
1. How much did you make
2. Please remit that amount
@ yd
You hate this country so much, leave. Quoting and linking to a radical right wing anti-government website doesn’t help your arguments at all. All those issues stem from the National-Corporatists running the Government. People you have consistently supported.
You want a free and fair government, stop supporting those people. Your raving against banking regulations and such is exactly what those assholes want.
Those automatic tax hikes were put in place by the Republicans and the Bluedog Democrats as a compromise to gt the centrists on board in support of the Bush tax cuts for the Billionaires, not by liberals. Mitch McConnell was the goddamn AUTHOR of that compromise bill.
The responsibility for them lies dead square on the GOP mafia.
If your “conservative” Representatives were not so hell bent on deliberately collapsing the economy, we wouldn’t even be in that mess.
@ 9
You do realize that you’re arguing with someone who either doesn’t know that total tax revenue as a percent of GDP is the lowest it’s been since 1950 (see here) or hasn’t figured out that, given this fact, an increase in his tax burden must mean that someone else’s tax burden has gone down–substantially.
When Tea Party folks talk about being “taxed enough, already,” their wallets aren’t the thing that’s overtaxed.
based upon the rabbit turds droppings, this must be an open thread.
# 7: Maybe the Sandusky family and O.J. can join forces in their search for the “real culpret”.
As for being on topic, I have yet to see post on this thread yet which has anything to do with campaign finance reform, primaries, or the assertion that you can’t complain about something until you fix it.
If we were to apply that latter standard to Mitt’s campaign, he can’t complain about the economy until he uses his superman-like intellect to change the economy single-handedly, as he seems to think the President should have done by now.
“Now it’ll take a Constitutional amendment or a different Supreme Court to fix things.”
Which means, barring some kind of civil war, it ain’t gonna happen in my lifetime, and my children will be damn lucky if it happens in theirs.
Tacoma Mayor, Mayor Marilyn Strickland commits treason!
Dear righties, please keep on making up crazy shit like this and getting it published in newspapers, it’s helps us on the left tremendously.
Oops, wrong thread and it’s too late to fix it.