My daughter and I are sitting in the 310 section at Qwest Field, enjoying our first Sounders game, and clutching our open bottles of coke. Open, because they don’t let you keep the fucking caps.
I mean, what the fuck is up with that?
When I was a kid we had season tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles, and used to bring sandwiches, thermoses (thermi?), whatever into Veteran’s Stadium. Now it’s routine to frisk you at the door for illicit food items.
Okay, I get it. No glass or other potential projectiles. And I guess with the Great American Sports Concessions Renaissance, I can almost accept the argument that bringing food into one of these fancy new stadia is like bringing food into a restaurant.
But no plastic bottle caps? That’s almost as insulting as it is inconvenient.
In a nation where so many believe it’s their God-given, dick-swinging right to open carry, where’s the outrage at The Man taking away our bottle caps?
did u tell your daughter u wished u could keep the “fucking” caps? what a vulgar person you are.
@1 Wanna suck a rabbit dick? For a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG. All proceeds are donated to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Speaking of the indispensable rich guys who create jobs for the little people, bankrupt Seattle real estate tycoon Michael R. Mastro is still living in a mansion, taking exotic vacations, racking up $2,900 restaurant bills, and making the $8,000-a-month payments on his Rolls and Bentley even though he owes creditors $570 million he can’t pay. The lawyer representing Mastro’s creditors suspect Mastro is hiding assets from the bankruptcy court. Mastro’s lawyer says it’s not a crime to live high and claims his client is being persecuted.
Yeah, Goldy, I’ll bet the stands are full of heat. Y’all heard about Lake Sammamish State Park yesterday, right? Two large groups of drunken and heavily armed picknickers. Someone from one of the groups insults someone from the other group. Someone in the other group pulls a gun and fires into the air. Someone from the first group responds by pulling a gun and firing into the second group. After the gunsmoke drifts away in the air, two people are dead (including one of the shooters) and four more are wounded.
This is the Republican Supreme Court’s vision of America: Pop bottle caps are confiscated in sports stadiums so they can’t be used as projectiles, and public parks become the OK Corral.
Republican thinking is fucked up. I don’t see how any rational person could vote Republican. I sure don’t.
Goldy, If you wanted a cap, you should have bought a beer. Ran into the same idiot state rule at the Metro dome in Minneapolis. They took the top off of my plastic water bottle but left the top on my buddy’s plastic beer bottle. WTF?
My brother went through that same shit so he just brings another cap from a previous bottle. He collects Coke Reward points so he has plenty.
He also wears cargo pants into the theater with store bought candy in the pockets. I imaging he’ll get caught one of these days and sent to jail for violating some Corporate law but until then he won’t pay $10 for a box of M&M’s.
Personally, I won’t step foot into Qwest Field until they change the name.
David @6,
Well, if I had known about the weird cap prohibition I would have brought my own. I just don’t get it. I could fling the bottle a helluva further than a dinky plastic cap.
What number 1 said.
What a ridiculous thing to blog about. Bottle caps? C’mon Goldy, even with your tenderhands and all I’m sure you could find a better and relevant topic.
And lick my ass senile old timer Roger Rodent. :)
If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. That stuff’s bad for you anyway (America’s obesity problem).
by the way goldstein, i dont see your beef, considering that i bet you support the insane practice of dicsiplining first graders who bring a one inch gi joe gun to school.
…Mastro’s creditors suspect Mastro is hiding assets from the bankruptcy court…
I’m pretty sure that’s exctly what he’s doing. Rich people have a way of wanting to stay rich no matter what.
At The Gorge, on a 95-degree day, if during the shakedown at the door they find that you have tried to bring in your own unopened 12 oz bottle of water, they pull it out of your bag and dump it down the sidewalk in front of you. A bottle of water inside is usually about $6. “Enjoy the show.”
I guess you can blame it on the Arizona Wildcats.
lol…i just looked ut up goldstein, the sounders are owned by, of course, a jew, roth. so you can blame your own fucking cousin for the idiotic policies.
I guess you have a lot of free time to blog now Mel.
You finally went to your first Sounders match (against Celtic FC no less) and this is what you’re fixating on? Dude….
I guess you have a lot of free time to blog now Mel.
yeah, and thats why they play “alleged” tapes of me when they deny with their own eyes tapes of acorn. because i dared to say the word jew. and now , as a warning to everyine else, they’ll persue me until i die.
or until the coming collapse, in which case they’ll end up in the same fema camps that they’re now constructing. oh, wait a minute, i already made that movie.
I bike to Safeco Field and then take the water bottle from my bike in to watch the game. But when I get to the door, they make me drain it out. It’s fucking water, and there’s a fountain in the stadium. They aren’t even making money off that.
2cents @ 15
Who is this piece of shit (manoftruth, yeah, right) that darkens this blog, as well as this earth, all too often?
goldy, you wanted the nanny state, and now you got it….
It’s because if you leave the cap on the bottle it is more rigid than otherwise. This makes the bottle harder to throw and less hurtful when hit.
So, it sounds like I can keep on ignoring anything that goes on in stadium or at the gorge.
One of my nieces and a bunch of kids from our neighborhood put on a talent show in my back yard every summer. Come in down, it’s a good time, the snacks are free, and we’ll let you keep your bottle cap.
The point of the post is that much is made of carrying guns into every imaginable place, but if a corporate entity says you can’t have a bottle cap in a baseball stadium, you’re OK with that.
You Trolls deserve your idiotic Republican representatives, but you are not going to drag the rest of us into your mudpit of stupidity.
Yet another example of Progressivism gone wild!
you know, if the south had won the war, we wouldnt have any of this shit.
#4 Roger,
How many of those guns do you think were legal? The real story is how many of those pricks will plead down illegal posession charges to cooking nachos without a license.
Maybe b/c they don’t want to hire 50 extra janitors to pick up 10,000 plastic bottle caps. Or, those who work there don’t get paid enough to do it.
You can bring food into quest. I’ve taken whole pizzas in there before. It can’t be in glass, and they might take a look at it, but you’re free to bring it.
The reason they don’t let you have the bottle caps, and it is a bit silly, is that if you throw it and empty bottle hurts less than a full one.
I try not to let a good opportunity to be anti-corporatist go to waste.
manoftruth is none other than vile former celebrity Mel Gibson.
You’re probably right. The whole country would have completely imploded and have been split up by Canada and Mexico years ago.
I haven’t been to a ball game in Philadelphia for a year or so, but the last time I went (to the new stadium) we took sandwiches and thermoses. We got frisked. They wouldn’t allow the thermoses, but sandwiches were fine. We stashed the thermoses in some nearby bushes and picked them up on our way home. Especially in Philadelphia, they shouldn’t let the fans have any kind of projectile.
I doubt that’s it, considering they sell you peanuts and it’s okay to leave the floor littered with the shells (which is a slip-and-fall hazard, if I ever saw one).
I’ve worked cleanup at Husky Stadium, as part of a fundraiser for my kid’s athletic teams. Everybody gets a broom you start at the top sweeping everything towards the aisles, and someone at the aisle keeps sweeping it downstairs until you get to the bottom where it is all thrown into garbage bins. Aftwards, the professional crews start at the top with a hose and hose everything down. Cleanup takes about four hours under those conditions, the stadium can be ready for another game the next day (as might be required at Safeco Field).
Yo @ 21 has it right. If you try to throw a plastic bottle with a cap on it, it can still be a pretty dangerous object, especially if it strikes you in the back of the head after picking up speed on it’s descent from the upper deck. It’s a simple factor of mass + velosity hitting a rather fragile and important part of the human body.
But if you don’t have a lid on it, you will lose at good amount of the contents along the flight path, thereby reducing the amount of mass. It wont’ be pleasant for anyone under the flight path, but it wont’ be nearly as lethal.
Of course, sandwich wrap and a rubber band would substitute almost as weel as the bottle cap….
re 34: What about those hardballs that fly into the stands?
Shouldn’t they be banned for the same reason?
I suspect (but I don’t know for sure) that most of the strange rules about beverages at Qwest Field and Safeco Field involve the Liquor Control Board. The rules are in place to try to keep you from sneaking in some sort of unauthorized alcohol. This also serves the commercial interest of the teams, of course.
When the apes and chimpanzees evolve and take over I imagine that when they write the history they will record this epoch as the beginning of the Age of Stupid.
Goldy, next time blow-off the Mariners security complex and spend less money on a better game in Tacoma.
manoftruth is none other than vile former celebrity Mel Gibson.
whoa, now wait a minute….of all the idiotic things that have ever been said on this jew owned cesspool of a blog, lol…saying that only one movie star is vile, that cesspool called hollywood, just mel is vile??????
now thats rich
re 38: Mel Gibson may have a tortured psyche, but he’s made some great movies and I hope he makes more.
Have a couple of Blue Moons, Mel. You’ll feel better.
@6 “My brother went through that same shit so he just brings another cap from a previous bottle. He collects Coke Reward points so he has plenty.”
Your brother will be dead by age 60 from drinking that shit. Sprinkle some Coke on a rusty car fender and you’ll see what I’m talking about. The American fast-food-and-pop industry is feeding us crap. It’s bad for you. I eat healthy — organic lettuce, organic carrots, organic grass, and all that. I quit drinking Coke years ago, and I’m still alive.