As I warned last week, Republicans are flooding the prosecutor’s race with money, with another $38,274 transfered from the state Republican Party into Dan Satterberg’s account just yesterday. That brings Satterberg’s total King County and state GOP cash and in-kind contributions to $74,405, with more to come. Yup, he sure is looking non-partisan to me.
Much of this money is coming from the usual suspects, folks like Bruce McCaw, Martin Selig and Skip Rowley who have given a combined $100,000 to the state GOP over the past couple weeks. Of course, this money was given with no earmark or quid pro quo — that would be illegal — but you can be damn sure that they knew exactly how their dollars were going to be spent… just like senior deputy prosecutor Nelson Lee, who after having his family and his family business max out to Satterberg, suddenly became a major GOP donor, giving $10,000 to the state party on 10/12. (So much for Satterberg’s pledge to keep the office out of politics.) Man… I’ve got to get me one of those high-paid government jobs.
I suppose this is all legal, but it’s money laundering nonetheless, and if Satterberg truly wanted to keep his office non-partisan he wouldn’t stand for any of it. Instead it’s politics as usual in the prosecutor’s race, and partisan politics at that… which I wouldn’t mind so much, if Satterberg was just honest about it.
Can the BIAW $ be far behind?
How can you expect justice from a man who lies?
the mother’s milk of politics is money – now, just very sour, and it ain’t yogurt
Of course you won’t see this in the Seattle times – they endorsed Satterberg because he was “non partisan”. Hahahaha. He also was the only yes vote to recount all the ballots in King county – the guy is as non-partisan as Dino Rossi. He’ll probably win because a lot of democrats want to sound reasonable and vote for a “nonpartisan” republican (sorry – but that breed is extinct – along with the non-corrupt, honest republicans of yore).
Sounds like they want control over King County elections reeeeeaaaaal bad.
Can anyone clarify the role Satteberg had in protecting the pedophile catholic priests from prosecution? Sounds like a GOP dream job.
50-42 for Satterberg.