“Said Esser, ‘I think humor has the potential to be far more devastating to your opponent than the meanest thing you can say about them.'”
Can you imagine Luke Esser being humorous? If you are ‘strategizin’ while your humourizin’ — the result will be stilted.
The P-Tard Auntie-Goldy disgusts me.
Right wings clowns like Bell will trash Obama for his “lack of experience” and then turn around and bash someone like the Governor for being in State Government for 40 years.
I hope Steele grinds this hard-right joke into the dust.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Right wings clowns like Bell will trash Obama for his “lack of experience” and then turn around and bash someone like the Governor for being in State Government for 40 years.
Why is that contradictory??? Lack of experience and proven failures of 40 years of librul guvmint sounds like he is comparing apples to apples to me.
I’ve been disappointed and missing Patrick since he made his Respectfully Republican for members only.
@4 Lack of experience? Sure sounds like George Bush to me. Yet you inbred cowards voted for him anyway. While I don’t think Senator Obama lacks “experience” in the way you shitbirds imply, he does lack the sort of experience that your heros bring to the table. He hasn’t okayed torture, or wars for oil, etc.
Proven failures? You voted for Bush even though he bankrupted not one, not two, but three companies. Go figure. I guess you’re not really too worried about that. And of course Senator Obama’s life is one of great success, not failure. He’s overcome a right wing racist attack on his character to come this far. That alone is greater than anything MonkeyFaceBush ever did.
40 years of ‘librul” government? Did you notice who has been President during the last 40 years? While I realize that having a mother and father who were also brother and sister is limiting, did you ever notice that the last 7 years a Republican has sat in the White House? And how about those before him?
No wonder you fucks vote GOP. You’re just too fucking stupid to know what you’re doing.
All Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Imagine how retarded one must be to think that Republiconvicts are good for government.
Think. 5 Trillion In New Debt!!!! Go George Go!!!
Republicons are a disease, and should be treated like a disease.
Of Media, Smoke and Mirrors …
With apologies to Jimmy Breslin, will someone tell me who the REAL Hillary is?
Going into this season, though an Obamite, I assumed she would win and I was very enthusiastic.
A lot of this came from articles I had read abut her professionalism in the Senate. The tenor of all this was that the Missus was the rational one, the more intelligent and more prepared of the Clinton pair. Although I had done enugh reading t realize that her claims to high prestige as an attorney and asdvoate for children were overblown, I put that down to hype.
Now, a monster has merged through the filter of this vcampaign. This has nothing to do with the Obama campaign’s efforts or ev3en the media ‘s magnifying glasses. It has ot do with a persisitent poor judgement, esp. under stress.
The assertion that California was a winner take all state may have been Penn’s but SHE hired him and SHE must have signed off on this bizarre policy.
The sniper fire fiasco, perhaps begun as a kind of fish story, escalated itself publically and inexplicably persisted long after she should have known better.
The misuse of Fla and Mich is scary in a person who claims she wants to bring the rule of law back to 1600 Pennsylvania.
And the awesome naivete that failed to see the implicit racism in Bill’s comments about Jesse Jackson and hers about Robert Kennedy.
Where is the hard edged, wonkish, wise Senator I read about?
People tell me Rush is funny, though I don’t see it. I think humorist P.J. O’Rourke is funny (I actually consider him to be one of my influences as a writer.) And when asked to name funny conservatives maybe folks can come up with a few more names.
But there’s no question that there’s an enormous humor gap between the two ideologies, and I’m surprised there hasn’t been a scholarly effort to examine and explain it.
Patrick’s the best they’ve got? That’s kinda funny in a sad sort of way.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
40 years of ‘librul” government? Did you notice who has been President during the last 40 years? While I realize that having a mother and father who were also brother and sister is limiting, did you ever notice that the last 7 years a Republican has sat in the White House?
So we had a republican president in this FU democrat run state for the last 40 years???? And how did republicans screw up transportation beyond all possible repair again??? How did republicans produce the Seattle public school district which is one of biggest laughing stocks in the Nation???? You just may have two missing chromosomes.. what a dumbass. hehehehe
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
And of course Senator Obama’s life is one of great success, not failure.
Other than making speeches about hope and change Obama’s accomplishments are__________________(Fill in blank) This question is not limited to just those in this state but to anyone living in the other 56 states as well. Or is is 58 states???
re 13: “Seattle high school jazz bands finish on top in Essentially Ellington competition in New York.”
Actually, Barry Hussein said there were 57 states besides Alaska and Hawaii, so he thinks there’s 59.
So much for Affirmative Action’s results in education.
And, he just said that Iran was reasonable ONE WHOLE DAY before he said they were incredibly “dangerous”. This, of course, was in virtually the same breath where he blamed Hugo Chavez’ rise to power on GWB. Except. Except Chavez came to power under BJ.
Folks can say all they want about GWB’s IQ, but he soars compared to Barry Hussein.
Barry Hussein possesses a breathtaking lack of intelligence. That pos gets anywhere near the White House, America is doomed.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
e 13: “Seattle high school jazz bands finish on top in Essentially Ellington competition in New York.”
05/26/2008 at 12:22 pm
Yep, they may not be able to read or count but they can sure play a mean saxs. heheheehhe
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Actually, Barry Hussein said there were 57 states besides Alaska and Hawaii, so he thinks there’s 59.
The would make Washington state the 51st in the union. That is awesome.
@18 Jane
What utter BS, What bdo you know abioyt academic achievement in the SPS? Myn understanding is that SPS kids at Garfield, Roosevelt, Ballard .. when ranked based on socio economic status KICK ass on AP tests. Last time I looked into this, the SPSn kids ranked well above the local burbs and Lakeside as well.
So whaddya know that is different?
But there’s no question that there’s an enormous humor gap between the two ideologies, and I’m surprised there hasn’t been a scholarly effort to examine and explain it.
Academics like a challenge, that’s why. ;)
Seriously, humor is an extremely complex phenomenon, which often works by juxtaposing concepts which seem unrelated, but are connected. Modern right-wing ideology is extremely hostile to any thought longer than a sound bite, so making subtle connections is beyond the range of right-wing thought.
As another commenter noted, nasty swipes at the less fortunate do count as humor to righties. Witness right-wingers’ approval of their Maximum Leader’s endless denigration of others (bestowing unwanted nicknames, commenting disparagingly on appearances, assaulting the German Chancellor), which the rest of us see as his puerile bad manners, or worse.
@17 cmiklich
The ignirant N— you refet to was editor of the HaRVARD lAW REVIEW,has written seminal papers on consituional law that are cited by other legal scholars, and was a Professor at the Univ Chicago Law School. Not bad for a N____?
Oh yeh, he orgaonzed a set offailing black chirches on the south side f Chicago and creates successful works programs that are stil working. He was regarded as a successful state senator, and has written (w/o a ghost writer) teo best selling books.
He assembled the most successful fund raising internet based campaign in history, an effort scholars of such things are now calling revolutionary.
Oh yeh he is gonna be ouur next president.
Enjoy yourself Honkey.
“Ignorant” is spelled as shown.
Using an abbreviation of a racial epithet is amateurish at best. I’ve noticed your grammar and spelling become “challenged” at certain times, Mr Jew. Imbibing a bit much?
Yes, his “achievements” are severely tainted when given the context of affirmative action. Many more qualified Americans (of all ethnicities, but especially of Asian-descent) were passed over for Barry Hussein’s attendance at “Haahvaahd”.
Ailing black churches? Only insofar as their relationship to Christianity. To his detriment, Barry Hussein has enabled several racist pastors to have a platform to exercise their racist diatribes.
Lastly, is that the same “seminal” that BJ left on Monica’s dress?
Yes, his “achievements” are severely tainted when given the context of affirmative action
You must have similar judgements about Colin Powell then.
What an ignorant, hateful loser.. Cmiklich that is.
Humor is far more advanced in the conservative mind. Liberals have absolutely no clue as to what they miss out on. One of my favorites is
how Rush Limbaugh with his “arrogance” and how
it drives you libs crazy. He is so humble and
you tards dont see it.
25 – Aren’t you the same loser who called Obama a “jigaboo”?
I mean that’s the word that’s going to go through your mind in the voting booth. Am I correct? Right before you throw the lever to McCain?
Ha, ha, ha! What a rib tickler. See I get right wing humor.
For everyone’s edification about “mark”:
5. mark spews:
McCain will win 40 states. It will come down
to an individual in the booth asking themselves
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
What utter BS, What bdo you know abioyt academic achievement in the SPS? Myn understanding is that SPS kids at Garfield, Roosevelt, Ballard .. when ranked based on socio economic status KICK ass on AP tests
What is different is 40% of families pass up a free SPS education and send their kids to private schools even though Seattle is one of the least affordable cities to live. That is all you need to know.
18 – Seattle Public Schools are so good my oldest son learned to read at three years old, two years before he even set foot in a SPS.
He used to read aloud to his pre-school class, one of those “socialistic” co-op pre-schools.
My youngest learned to read, again in a SPS at about the same time I did in a Catholic School – later half of the first grade.
Eat shit cur…
Oops, I meant 28. Must be that private Catholic school education.
JBD – your commentary is so assinine and pathetically ignorant that it really warrants no response except to note that right wing nuts like you are in the minority and the republican president you have supported is one of the worst ever – and the most unpopular.
Your pathetic racist philosophy no longer merits consideration by the majority of real americans – you pathetic he-girls have no coherent philosphy or thoughts – just made-up factoids devoid of any real life application. I call your type “dream-wingers” – catcalls from the ignorant, prejudiced and stupid.
He is so humble and
you tards dont see it.
What say we entertain Mark with some jokes about Oxycontin addiction, divorce, and taking a boatload of Viagra to a part of the world infamous for underaged prostitution? Mark might find such humor funny; the rest of us would call it sad.
The public education you get in this state is purely based on “Dumb em down”.
But be sure to hand out a 7% raise per year to the brilliant idiots that teach “Dumb em Down”
No tests allowed.
Don’t need to read or write.
Science is not important.
Here is your voter registration.
And here is what a “D” looks like.
Oh We’ll help you with what an “X” looks like.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
JBD – your commentary is so assinine and pathetically ignorant that it really warrants no response except to note that right wing nuts like you are in the minority and the republican president you have supported is one of the worst ever – and the most unpopular.
Actually liberals have no leg to stand on when it comes to the performance of public education (an institution mostly run by liberals) so its not surprising that they resort to name calling. Although I have to admit kicking their insides out on this subject is enjoyable. hehehehe
“I’m the Commander – see, I don’t need to explain. That’s the interesting thing about being President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”
George W. Bush, August 2002
Although I have to admit kicking their insides out on this subject is enjoyable
Goody! I love snowball fights. Especially when they have rocks in ’em.
“Said Esser, ‘I think humor has the potential to be far more devastating to your opponent than the meanest thing you can say about them.'”
Can you imagine Luke Esser being humorous? If you are ‘strategizin’ while your humourizin’ — the result will be stilted.
The P-Tard Auntie-Goldy disgusts me.
Right wings clowns like Bell will trash Obama for his “lack of experience” and then turn around and bash someone like the Governor for being in State Government for 40 years.
I hope Steele grinds this hard-right joke into the dust.
Right wings clowns like Bell will trash Obama for his “lack of experience” and then turn around and bash someone like the Governor for being in State Government for 40 years.
Why is that contradictory??? Lack of experience and proven failures of 40 years of librul guvmint sounds like he is comparing apples to apples to me.
I’ve been disappointed and missing Patrick since he made his Respectfully Republican for members only.
@4 Lack of experience? Sure sounds like George Bush to me. Yet you inbred cowards voted for him anyway. While I don’t think Senator Obama lacks “experience” in the way you shitbirds imply, he does lack the sort of experience that your heros bring to the table. He hasn’t okayed torture, or wars for oil, etc.
Proven failures? You voted for Bush even though he bankrupted not one, not two, but three companies. Go figure. I guess you’re not really too worried about that. And of course Senator Obama’s life is one of great success, not failure. He’s overcome a right wing racist attack on his character to come this far. That alone is greater than anything MonkeyFaceBush ever did.
40 years of ‘librul” government? Did you notice who has been President during the last 40 years? While I realize that having a mother and father who were also brother and sister is limiting, did you ever notice that the last 7 years a Republican has sat in the White House? And how about those before him?
No wonder you fucks vote GOP. You’re just too fucking stupid to know what you’re doing.
Imagine how retarded one must be to think that Republiconvicts are good for government.
Think. 5 Trillion In New Debt!!!! Go George Go!!!
Republicons are a disease, and should be treated like a disease.
Of Media, Smoke and Mirrors …
With apologies to Jimmy Breslin, will someone tell me who the REAL Hillary is?
Going into this season, though an Obamite, I assumed she would win and I was very enthusiastic.
A lot of this came from articles I had read abut her professionalism in the Senate. The tenor of all this was that the Missus was the rational one, the more intelligent and more prepared of the Clinton pair. Although I had done enugh reading t realize that her claims to high prestige as an attorney and asdvoate for children were overblown, I put that down to hype.
Now, a monster has merged through the filter of this vcampaign. This has nothing to do with the Obama campaign’s efforts or ev3en the media ‘s magnifying glasses. It has ot do with a persisitent poor judgement, esp. under stress.
The assertion that California was a winner take all state may have been Penn’s but SHE hired him and SHE must have signed off on this bizarre policy.
The sniper fire fiasco, perhaps begun as a kind of fish story, escalated itself publically and inexplicably persisted long after she should have known better.
The misuse of Fla and Mich is scary in a person who claims she wants to bring the rule of law back to 1600 Pennsylvania.
And the awesome naivete that failed to see the implicit racism in Bill’s comments about Jesse Jackson and hers about Robert Kennedy.
Where is the hard edged, wonkish, wise Senator I read about?
Duncan @2,
Yeah, if Esser wants to make this election about which side has the better sense of humor, it was over before it started.
Every comedian I had on my show I asked the same question, “why are there no conservative comedians?” and nobody argued with the premise.
There is a difference between being funny and being mean that the other side just doesn’t get.
Goldy, Rush is funny, in a sick way….. I know, I know. Not sick. I mean reeeeeealy sick. Really really sick…… I mean sick beyond belief.
I am just glad I don’t have to defend the indefensible. Especially on a blog.
Ever wonder why the Reicht Wing Blogs have to ban everyone?
By the way, I forgot.
Stefan is a pussie.
Facts @10,
People tell me Rush is funny, though I don’t see it. I think humorist P.J. O’Rourke is funny (I actually consider him to be one of my influences as a writer.) And when asked to name funny conservatives maybe folks can come up with a few more names.
But there’s no question that there’s an enormous humor gap between the two ideologies, and I’m surprised there hasn’t been a scholarly effort to examine and explain it.
Patrick’s the best they’ve got? That’s kinda funny in a sad sort of way.
40 years of ‘librul” government? Did you notice who has been President during the last 40 years? While I realize that having a mother and father who were also brother and sister is limiting, did you ever notice that the last 7 years a Republican has sat in the White House?
So we had a republican president in this FU democrat run state for the last 40 years???? And how did republicans screw up transportation beyond all possible repair again??? How did republicans produce the Seattle public school district which is one of biggest laughing stocks in the Nation???? You just may have two missing chromosomes.. what a dumbass. hehehehe
And of course Senator Obama’s life is one of great success, not failure.
Other than making speeches about hope and change Obama’s accomplishments are__________________(Fill in blank) This question is not limited to just those in this state but to anyone living in the other 56 states as well. Or is is 58 states???
When did the state GOP become a make-work program for B-list bloggers?
When they realized that most GOP bloggers are C-list or lower…
re 13: “Seattle high school jazz bands finish on top in Essentially Ellington competition in New York.”
Actually, Barry Hussein said there were 57 states besides Alaska and Hawaii, so he thinks there’s 59.
So much for Affirmative Action’s results in education.
And, he just said that Iran was reasonable ONE WHOLE DAY before he said they were incredibly “dangerous”. This, of course, was in virtually the same breath where he blamed Hugo Chavez’ rise to power on GWB. Except. Except Chavez came to power under BJ.
Folks can say all they want about GWB’s IQ, but he soars compared to Barry Hussein.
Barry Hussein possesses a breathtaking lack of intelligence. That pos gets anywhere near the White House, America is doomed.
e 13: “Seattle high school jazz bands finish on top in Essentially Ellington competition in New York.”
05/26/2008 at 12:22 pm
Yep, they may not be able to read or count but they can sure play a mean saxs. heheheehhe
Actually, Barry Hussein said there were 57 states besides Alaska and Hawaii, so he thinks there’s 59.
The would make Washington state the 51st in the union. That is awesome.
@18 Jane
What utter BS, What bdo you know abioyt academic achievement in the SPS? Myn understanding is that SPS kids at Garfield, Roosevelt, Ballard .. when ranked based on socio economic status KICK ass on AP tests. Last time I looked into this, the SPSn kids ranked well above the local burbs and Lakeside as well.
So whaddya know that is different?
Academics like a challenge, that’s why. ;)
Seriously, humor is an extremely complex phenomenon, which often works by juxtaposing concepts which seem unrelated, but are connected. Modern right-wing ideology is extremely hostile to any thought longer than a sound bite, so making subtle connections is beyond the range of right-wing thought.
As another commenter noted, nasty swipes at the less fortunate do count as humor to righties. Witness right-wingers’ approval of their Maximum Leader’s endless denigration of others (bestowing unwanted nicknames, commenting disparagingly on appearances, assaulting the German Chancellor), which the rest of us see as his puerile bad manners, or worse.
@17 cmiklich
The ignirant N— you refet to was editor of the HaRVARD lAW REVIEW,has written seminal papers on consituional law that are cited by other legal scholars, and was a Professor at the Univ Chicago Law School. Not bad for a N____?
Oh yeh, he orgaonzed a set offailing black chirches on the south side f Chicago and creates successful works programs that are stil working. He was regarded as a successful state senator, and has written (w/o a ghost writer) teo best selling books.
He assembled the most successful fund raising internet based campaign in history, an effort scholars of such things are now calling revolutionary.
Oh yeh he is gonna be ouur next president.
Enjoy yourself Honkey.
“Ignorant” is spelled as shown.
Using an abbreviation of a racial epithet is amateurish at best. I’ve noticed your grammar and spelling become “challenged” at certain times, Mr Jew. Imbibing a bit much?
Yes, his “achievements” are severely tainted when given the context of affirmative action. Many more qualified Americans (of all ethnicities, but especially of Asian-descent) were passed over for Barry Hussein’s attendance at “Haahvaahd”.
Ailing black churches? Only insofar as their relationship to Christianity. To his detriment, Barry Hussein has enabled several racist pastors to have a platform to exercise their racist diatribes.
Lastly, is that the same “seminal” that BJ left on Monica’s dress?
Yes, his “achievements” are severely tainted when given the context of affirmative action
You must have similar judgements about Colin Powell then.
What an ignorant, hateful loser.. Cmiklich that is.
Humor is far more advanced in the conservative mind. Liberals have absolutely no clue as to what they miss out on. One of my favorites is
how Rush Limbaugh with his “arrogance” and how
it drives you libs crazy. He is so humble and
you tards dont see it.
25 – Aren’t you the same loser who called Obama a “jigaboo”?
I mean that’s the word that’s going to go through your mind in the voting booth. Am I correct? Right before you throw the lever to McCain?
Ha, ha, ha! What a rib tickler. See I get right wing humor.
For everyone’s edification about “mark”:
5. mark spews:
McCain will win 40 states. It will come down
to an individual in the booth asking themselves
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
LMAO!! Funny right wing comedian we have here.
What utter BS, What bdo you know abioyt academic achievement in the SPS? Myn understanding is that SPS kids at Garfield, Roosevelt, Ballard .. when ranked based on socio economic status KICK ass on AP tests
What is different is 40% of families pass up a free SPS education and send their kids to private schools even though Seattle is one of the least affordable cities to live. That is all you need to know.
18 – Seattle Public Schools are so good my oldest son learned to read at three years old, two years before he even set foot in a SPS.
He used to read aloud to his pre-school class, one of those “socialistic” co-op pre-schools.
My youngest learned to read, again in a SPS at about the same time I did in a Catholic School – later half of the first grade.
Eat shit cur…
Oops, I meant 28. Must be that private Catholic school education.
JBD – your commentary is so assinine and pathetically ignorant that it really warrants no response except to note that right wing nuts like you are in the minority and the republican president you have supported is one of the worst ever – and the most unpopular.
Your pathetic racist philosophy no longer merits consideration by the majority of real americans – you pathetic he-girls have no coherent philosphy or thoughts – just made-up factoids devoid of any real life application. I call your type “dream-wingers” – catcalls from the ignorant, prejudiced and stupid.
What say we entertain Mark with some jokes about Oxycontin addiction, divorce, and taking a boatload of Viagra to a part of the world infamous for underaged prostitution? Mark might find such humor funny; the rest of us would call it sad.
The public education you get in this state is purely based on “Dumb em down”.
But be sure to hand out a 7% raise per year to the brilliant idiots that teach “Dumb em Down”
No tests allowed.
Don’t need to read or write.
Science is not important.
Here is your voter registration.
And here is what a “D” looks like.
Oh We’ll help you with what an “X” looks like.
JBD – your commentary is so assinine and pathetically ignorant that it really warrants no response except to note that right wing nuts like you are in the minority and the republican president you have supported is one of the worst ever – and the most unpopular.
Actually liberals have no leg to stand on when it comes to the performance of public education (an institution mostly run by liberals) so its not surprising that they resort to name calling. Although I have to admit kicking their insides out on this subject is enjoyable. hehehehe
“I’m the Commander – see, I don’t need to explain. That’s the interesting thing about being President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”
George W. Bush, August 2002
Although I have to admit kicking their insides out on this subject is enjoyable
In your shit-eating dreams cur.
Here’s one of your right wing fanatasies:
and here’s the reality: