I’m going to write a few letters to various state and local officials (and maybe my member of Congress and Senators). Mostly it’s urging them to do as best they can to resist Trump, but also other things maybe. Here’s the first one. I wrote the following to my city council members (at large and the one who represents me) and Mayor Murray and City Attorney Holmes. Murray’s has 2nd person language in the executive order section, but otherwise it’s the same.
I was heartened when Mayor Murray reaffirmed his commitment last month to make Seattle a sanctuary city. I hope you’ll do everything you can going forward to make that a reality.
I’m asking specifically that you use your power to have the city not to assist in deportations. People’s immigration status is not their value to the city. This is a moral issue in and of itself and it’s also a test for future issues.
Donald Trump has already threatened to do even worse. From Muslim bans to national stop and frisk. If you give in on the sanctuary city front, it will make it easier for him to do these other things.
Thank you,
Carl Ballard
[edit — off topic]
“Mostly it’s urging them to do as best they can to resist Trump”
Holy fucking yawn.
@3 Yeah, why bother. Trump believes annihilation of humanity is inevitable, and so do I. Just let it happen, then no more fights about Roe v. Wade, religion in schools, or guns in daycares. Nothing but trillions rabbits living harmoniously.
Yes, ignore the law (immigration)!
Get used to saying President Trump in a little over a month. Not only is he saving – and bringing new – jobs, he’s going to actually start enforcing the law.
BTW, immigration is SOLELY the domain of the Federal Government, per the US Constitition. I am a State’s Rights guy (love the 10th Amendment) but in this case – immigration is strictly the domain of the Congress and the States and cities have no legal standing at all to ignore and defy the law. I hope Murray ends up in jail for his illegal actions regarding illegal aliens.
People are refusing to send their kids to American colleges out of fear, potentially costing the U.S. billions. Tariffs and trade wars threaten rampant inflation. Deporting millions of low wage workers means food prices climbing rapidly. Massive cuts to Social Security mean elderly living in our streets. Hate and violence seep like pus into our daily lives both public and private. And what is becoming clear from all the looney generals is war again in the middle east. One our arrogance and foolishness will lose us and waste trillions of dollars and countless lives. This is called “Making America Great Again”
What happens when the $15/hr minimum wage takes effect, don’t we pay more for food because of the loss of low wage workers? Or are you cool with devaluing agricultural workers’ wages as long as your quinoa and kale salad is cheap?