David Irons wants to run King County, a government that serves two million citizens… a population greater than that of 13 states. But before we hand him the checkbook to KC’s $3.3 billion budget, perhaps it might be interesting to see how he budgets the finances of a considerably smaller concern, like… I dunno… say, his own campaign for county executive?
So I checked out his latest Public Disclosure Commission filing, and discovered that things aren’t looking so rosy for the Irons campaign. Of the $263,247.01 he’s raised thus far, he’s already spent $217,755.80, leaving him only $45,491.21 in cash on hand two months before the general election. Ron Sims, on the other hand, has raised $535,151.82, but spent only $156,926.23, leaving $378,225.59 in cash on hand… a better than eight to one advantage over his rival.
Of course Sims’ fundraising advantage is to be expected: he’s the incumbent. (Plus, he actually has a chance of winning.) It’s the expenditure disparity that caught my attention. While Sims has been marshaling his resources for the November campaign, Irons has been… well… perhaps one of his consultants can explain what Irons has been spending his money on. In case you’re curious, here’s a sampling of some of his major expense categories.
Consulting $41,598.00 Payroll $39,107.96 Printing $31,845.45 Postage $15,280.49 Food $7955.64 Accounting $6774.00 Balloons $355.30
Hey Dave… here’s some consulting advice: next time, unless you have unlimited resources… don’t spend twenty percent of your budget on consultants. (My $4,200 invoice is in the mail.)
Break down the expenditures by percentage, and you get an idea of how an Irons administration might divvy up King County’s $3.3 billion budget: $640 million on consultants, $122 million on takeout, $9.6 million on his 20-year-old daughter Annette, and $5.5 million on balloons. Essential services might suffer, but the local consulting industry would boom, and the county offices would certainly take on a more festive atmosphere.
Of course we all know that at this point in the campaign, both candidates are still spending most of their time and money on fundraising… and Irons has seen a pretty crappy return on investment. With only 45K in the bank and two months to go, it’s really hard to consider Irons a serious challenger.
I suppose that explains why Irons has reportedly tried to shore up his support by quietly reassuring potential contributors and other party notables that he expects a $250,000 “independent” expenditure on his behalf prior to the general election. Which raises two important questions: 1) is Iron’s just blowing smoke out of his ass about this “independent” campaign, and 2) if he’s not blowing smoke, how “independent” could this campaign possibly be? If Irons is so privy to the details, it sounds to me like exactly the sort of coordinated activity our campaign finance laws expressly prohibit. This is not just a public disclosure technicality… it would be out and out fraud.
And that’s the type of headache that could lead Irons to spend another $1164.16 on wine from Hedges Cellars. (The equivalent of $17.9 million out of the county budget.)
As a point of reference, Raymond Shaw Reagan Dunn has raised about $239K in his race for the county council, with about $45K cash on hand. Combined with opponent Steve “The Hammer” Hammond, the KCGOP is spending more on a primary in a safe, Republican council district, than they are in the county executive race against a “vulnerable” Ron Sims. So tell me how the Irons’ campaign isn’t a joke.
So, I am curious…
How come you are not up in arms about the joining of religion and the state of Lousiana?
This is clearly against everything you libs stand for.
That payroll and consulting. Hmmm. Could it be that the Irons campaign is an employment program for former Dino Lossi flunkies?
Am surpised that none of you morons have responded to the first post.
I would anticipate that this would be enough for you to cluster together and start forming a protest (even better, a riot) on how the Gov. of LA is using a tragedy in order to further her own religous beliefs.
You should start a Protest, Boycott all fund raising/charity and demand that the National Guard be removed from the deep south, becasue, your tax dollars are being spent and this is now a religious issue.
There are clearly enough Lawyers on this site for you to file another frivilous lawsuit on how offended you are that a governor would invoke GOD into a Natural Distaster
prr @1,@3,
So, I am curious… how come you are so interested in quickly changing the subject?
I’d prefer that nobody respond to prr’s question, as it is totally off topic. If you want, take it to the open thread, or wait for the new one on Friday.
prr @ 3
“There are clearly enough Lawyers on this site for you to file another frivilous lawsuit….”
The last major frivilous lawsuit that I remember was filed in Chelan County. As I remember, it had something to do with a governor’s election.
Because the question is more newsworthy than your post.
Goldy, are you going to extrapolate Sim’s goofy spend to some national or county wide level? I’m sure his spend far exceeds the $17.9mm you attribute to projected irons’ spend on wine.
you’re in the big leagues now, that’s a silly post…
Seriously, the liberals have had an attack on Christianity in this country for years. where is your righteous indignation?
Don’t tell me that a little thing like bad taste in the light of hundreds, if not thousands of people is going to get in your way of promoting your political views on the world.
Do you feel that this Governor has the right to offend you God hating liberals with a day of prayer?
What about all of the local druids and practioners of voodoo in New orleans that do not believe in God? Why are you not standing up for their rights?
It is kind of silly to ‘scale up’ the expenditures and make funny jokes about how he would do in office.
But it’s serious if Irons is going around claiming that an ‘independent’ source of campaigning will join his forces outside of the fundraising laws.
Okay Goldy,
back on Topic,
If Ron Simms can outlaw county employees from saying “Merry Christmas” because of it’s religious implication, how do you feel about the Governor of La. announcing a day of prayer?
$355.30 on balloons? How much did he spend on clowns? Oh, wait, there’s that consulting bill …
So this is what David Irons sees as prudent spending? And this “independent” expenditure — could this by the BIAW or the U.S. Chamber? Well, it looks like another $250,000 down the drain for whoever it comes from.
The only conclusion that can be drawn from his anemic fundraising and poor financial management is that Irons is what we thought he was from the first day he announced: a joke.
Not only do we know it but apparently the Republican establishment knows it as well. The Rs have plenty of money (see Raymond Shaw’s latest figures) and are hungry to take out Sims (see unsound politics), but somehow Irons is stalled.
Ah, the old “Counting on an independent expenditure campaign” line. It reminds me of Carville’s “show me a candidate counting on voter turnout, and i’ll show you a candidate who is going to lose.”
Independent expenditure, by design, can’t be your campaign. You’ve got to sell yourself. Your in charge of getting to the base of the summit and, if you’re lucky, an independent expenditure campaign can get you to the peak.
For all of the huffing and puffing about the illegal independent expenditure campaign against Senn, it wouldn’t have worked unless McKenna was running an effective campaign of his own. Same goes for Rossi and the Republican Governor Association ads. Those ads were effective because they were value added to a functioning campaign.
So, show me a candidate counting on independent campaign, and I’ll show you a candidate who is going to lose.
$355 on balloons?
I like balloons. I love parties. When there’s a party to be had, I go ape on the balloons. I mean, we’re talking balloons everywhere, and not just those cheap latex ones. I go in for mylar, I pull the stops out.
Last party’s balloon bill, including helium, came to a little over 50 duckets. 355 dollars? Can this man party, or what?
David Irons, as a fellow loonie, is getting my vote. I’ll bring the helium and the mylar, David. You bring the whipped cream and the olive oil. We’ll go nuts. It’ll be great.
Hey prr, I donated $100.00 to American Red Cross, how much did you donate?
You’re been asking everyone else to disclose their donations to hurricane relief, but I haven’t seen you post the amount of yours.
Goldy @ 4
I only want to know how much he has donated to hurricane relief, which seems like a fair question, as he’s been asking the rest of us how much we donated. I donated $100.00, how about it prr? What did you give?
I don’t have any problem with spending $355 on balloons (I like balloons too) but I want to know when the attack ads funded by US Chamber of Commerce will come out.
I think he didn’t spend ENOUGH on balloons. You just can’t trust a politician who has such screwed up priorities. Balloons should be 2nd or 3rd at least.
Maybe he’s paying the consultants to inflate them. That’d restore my confidence in him.
And RR: I coughed up a $50 to the Salvation Army’s efforts. This is a seriously messed up situation, and the handling of it has been piss-poor. I know it’s Louisiana, but for God’s sake, get the lead out and get those damn levies fixed already. I didn’t want to be an armchair QB, but when the Louisiana Gov. admits that there are too many cooks in the stew, you know it’s really a problem. I’m waiting for the damn cholera outbreak next.
I’m right there with you on the number rabbit,
I sent out $100 plus have posted a link to the American Red Cross site of of my companies website.
Considering we do business with about 56,000 people, I am sure that will generate a decent amount of money for this relief effort.
I’ve answered your question now address the Issue of a state wide day of prayer, does that make you want to take your money back?
Goldy @ 4…
No offesive, but this is a bullshit posting.
Simms should be addressing other issues such as an uncontrolled elections office, taking away land rights form county residents, being a pathetic politically correct stooge, etc….
Let’s face it, Ron has a love/hate relationship with leadership. Love the power but has zero accountability.
He needs to go.
Eagle @13,
Hey, thanks for pointing me towards Raymond’s numbers. I’ve updated my post as point of reference to show that the GOP is spending more on a primary in a safe Republican council district than they are in an executive race against a “vulnerable” Ron Sims. What a joke.
Kitten Noise at 19,
You’re truly comical. You propose a left-wing hostility to Christianity, then have a hissy fit when progressives behave in a manner that contradicts your hypothesis. Now an intelligent course of action would be to revise the hypothesis, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to do something smart.
As for contributions to charitable donations, are you up for a little game of one-upmanship? You’ll have to provide me with both proof of your identity and proof of your donation. Do that, and I’ll match it over and above my own donation.
I agree with prr@20–
What we should be discussing is Sims JOB PERFORMANCE and qualifications…..PERIOD!
Frankly, I could care less if he was a former Black Panther or is raising more money than David Irons.
What has Sims done fiscally and policy wise???
What has Sims done to provide leadership on the transportation dilemma other than support a 9-1/2 cent/gal gas tax increas??
Not much that I can see.
The last thing the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’s USEFUL IDIOTS) want to discuss is Don Ron Sims King’s actual performance and accomplishments.
SIMS wins because he hates Bush…despite his lack of any leadership skills, technical skills or accomplishments!!
That is what will happen sadly….and the mediocrity of ABSURDISTAN (KingCo) will crawl backward for 4 more years.
Rick, first off, you’ll to show me where my hissy fit was and where the contradiction lies?
I’d love to see where a liberal showed a contradiction to the battle against christianity in this country, please show me proof.
As to the one upmanship:
I’ll meet you 1/2 way, here is a copy of my e-mailed receipt, sans my contact info,
Thank you for your generous gift to the American Red Cross 2005
Hurricane Relief Fund. This fund makes it possible for the Red Cross to help
nationwide Hurricane disaster victims of 2005 with critical needs such
as shelter, food, clothing, counseling and other assistance. It’s
because of the 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund that our response can be immediate
regardless of its location or the community’s ability to financially
support our efforts.
Your generous support means the most to the families who rely on Red
Cross to help them through some of the most difficult times of their
Please continue to visit us at to see how
we’re using your 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund donation to make a difference,
and for the most current disaster updates and stories about the people
being helped.
Together, we can save a life.
American Red Cross
Check the online directory of matching gift companies to find out if
your company will match your gift.
Gift Detail
City: Seattle
State: WA
Zip: 981XX
Donation Amount: $100.00
Fund: Hurricane 2005 Relief
You made your contribution on 08/30/2005 17:48:49
Approval Code: XXXXXX
(Please note that in accordance with IRS regulations, no goods or
services were provided by the American Red Cross as part of this
Kitten Noise,
First off, while the “hissy fit” turn of phrase is a bit of hyperbolic spin on “kitten noise,” that you’ve continued to rather strenuously ask people to respond to your off-topic inquiry is as obvious as the lack of response. Has it occurred to you that people here really don’t care? And, if we really don’t care, what does that mean WRT your hypothesis regarding anti-Christian polemics from the left?
Secondly, meeting me half way on the one-upmanship won’t cut it. Click on the URI that’s beneath my name on this post. There’s a link on that blog that sends messages to me. Send me a message. I’ll reply. Forward a copy of your receipt to my reply. That way, I’ll know to whom I need to forward the receipt for my matching donation.
prr @ 8
Do you feel that this Governor has the right to offend you God hating liberals with a day of prayer?
pray to a Christian god, a Muslim god, a Forest god. Pray to Bill Gates. Who cares? She’s calling for people to send good thoughts as well as help. Choose your Diety or just send good wishes. There’s no church/state conflict here unless you want to dredge one up just to keep your own hate mongering set to high.
PRR @ 1
I think it’s a waste of govt. time to put out a press release calling for a day of prayer, and, as an agnostic, I’m sort of offended. However, since there is no mention of Jesus (or Allah, or the Torah, or Zeus, or some other specific religion’s icon), I’m not sure this is illegal.
And, with all of the other problems they have in La. right now, I wouldn’t waste ten seconds fighting this (and I bet the ACLU won’t either – and I’m sure they’re your favorite advocacy group).
Find something worthwhile (and, as Goldy said, on topic) to be outraged about, please.
BTW – sorry I responded to the OT post, Mr. Webmaster, but this bs red herring about a “battle against Christianity” just makes me want to puke whenever some troll spouts it.
@ 24
As to the donation, do it or don’t but that’s all the info you get. From what your saying, it does not sound ike you are teh one cutting teh check, so your position of you’ll be one uping this is a competely blown out of proportion.
As to the people on this board, who gives a shit. My point in addressing the issue of the day of Prayer, something that is entirely appropriate, is to point out how fucked up your beliefs are.
RWB @ 25, get your head out of your ass
Cynical @23,
And what you and your folk refuse to talk about is Irons’ record… because he is eminently unqualified to serve as KC Executive. Well it’s a two-person race, and voters need to choose between the two of them, not just between Sims and anybody else. And that is why Sims will win… because the majority of voters will choose him as the better candidate.
You need to go back and actually read the prayer, they specifically pray to GOD.
Know that can’t be confused, with Buddah, Allah etc…. nor does it say your god, or whomever you choose to believe in.
You know why the ACLU or some punk such as yourself won’t addrss this now? Because it’s in bad taste and it would shine on you in a bad light. Whereas if this same prayer were issued in rememberence of this day, the ACLU would be jumping all over this, or tey will after the emotions where off
Cynical; you forgot study released today showing poverty up in King County. Man, how’d Ron the man let that happen…?
Cynical @ 23
I was having dinner with a friend this weekend and he gave a great analogy of what is wrong with this area:
Seattle and liberism in this area is like Detroit and the US Auto market in the 1970’s
Take the avreage GM Executive;
He lived in the suburbs of Detroit.
Drove from his neighborhood, where all his neighbors had American made cars, to his office.
While at work, a GM mechanic tuned his car and when he went to leave for the day, everything worked just fine, he worked for a GM company, drove a GM Car and so did everyone around him.
As long as he stayed in detroit everything was great.
Unfortunately the rest of the world did not see it this way, the American cars they bought broke down and the foreign market cars outperformed the US market, got better gas milage, lasted longer in where, well a better car.
In Western washington, we are surrounded by liberaism, have liberal mayors, liberal councils, liberal representatives, senators, governor, etc…
And what are we seeing? mass confusion on why other people vote for someone like a republican or an independant.
Meanwhile our poverty level is increasing, taxes are rising, the government is not accountable at all and is just spending blindly, and our educational system is one of the worste in the country.
Kitten Noise @ 28,
First, if you don’t want to play the one-upmanship thing, that’s no skin off my nose. However, to comment about whether or not I’m the one cutting the check on this is akin to a school-yard attack on my character. Not that it pisses me off, mind you, I’d just like to know how, on earth, such a fleeting butterfly of a thought as that one managed to flitter its way into your little head. I certainly don’t recall insulting you in any way, so I’m entirely confused as to why you think you need to insult me for, well, what?
As for how “fucked up” my beliefs are, you haven’t the slightest clue as to what my beliefs actually are, so I’m really left wondering why you would think it meaningful to argue from a position of such intense ignorance.
I realize you are a software developer, which means that with the exception of hookers (eascorts) you’ve never been laid.
However, staring off a post with Kitten noise, is insulting, so if you want to play babe in the woods….
Additionally, make the donation or don’t, but there is no way I am giving out personal information on this site.
Now, you were saying something about ignorance?
Kitten Noise @ 34
Funny you should use “Rich” when my name is “Rick”. As for “Kitten Noise” being insulting, what is “prr” but “kitten noise?” If you don’t like it, pick a better screen name. It just seems rather cute to me.
Second, I never asked you to give out personal information on this site. I gave a way for you to contact me directly, through a method that clearly confirms my own identity, and in a manner that would obligate me to keep your personal information confidential. A failure to keep your personal information confidential would constitute a misuse of my blog, for which I could easily be fired.
Lastly, this may fall somewhat outside your perceptions of reality, but, being the husband of a very happily married woman means that I don’t ever have to “get laid;” haven’t had to for well nigh unto two decades, now. It is, however, best not to speak of such things in front of my children. While they are smart enough to know from whence they came, they do get somewhat embarassed when reminded of it.
prr @ 32,
I like your analogy, but it touches reality on few points.
If any business owner is basing customer experience on his own personal experience, whether that person runs a printing shop or GM, that person deserves to be run into the ground. If you are not listening to your customers, you are fucked.
Likewise, urban areas, not just in the US, but in most of the world do not vote for conservatives. Libertarian solutions do not work for large groups of stakeholders, and this is coming from someone who generally considers Libertarian solutions to be more efficient at solving problems than solutions proposed by committee and forced down from on high.
Let me take you to task on a few of your points:
1) Cite an area with similar demographics that has better schools. Test scores (for large sets of students, not individuals) directly reflect economics. Bellevue, WA, Irvine, CA, Schaumburg, IL, etc. have MUCH higher test scores, and more Republican voters. They also have fewer immigrants, fewer impoverished students, etc.
If you were to actually dig into the test scores, you’d find middle-class Caucasian students in Seattle score about the same as middle-class Caucasian students in Bellevue. The difference? Waaaaay more middle-class Caucasians in one district than the other, thus higher scores. See my first point. I find it disturbing that poor people and some immigrants don’t do well on standardized tests, but I challenge you to find any place in the US that handles them better than here.
2) Western Washington is overtaxed and underserved. Again, this is sound bite politics. Dig down. Our FEDERAL tax share is abnormally large. Our state and local taxes are not. I am a little curious about this as well, but I don’t blame it on Ron Sims.
3) What can the county executive realistically do about poverty? We have a finite quantity of land here which is going for dearer and dearer prices as people with jobs enthusiastically snap the stuff up. Likewise, low-end jobs which would do ANYTHING for poverty alleviation don’t go here. When they’re not offshored, they go to places in BF Alabama where the base labor costs are lower. Neither Seattle, nor LA, nor any other urban area will ever be BF Alabama. Land is expensive, the labor force is educated, and they don’t work terribly cheaply.
Seattle and the Puget Sound does a tolerably good (not stellar, but good) job of creating high-wage, high-skill jobs. Another biotech, software design, or Boeing machinist’s position does very little for alleviating poverty in the bottom 20% of the labor pool.
Rather than sniping, tell me who does it better. This is the problem with these conservative success stories. They don’t exist.
God’s retribution for evil Gay people cause republicans to fuck up election spending.
Hey hurricane pussy, I call your bluff, *15. This is what you get for saying us programmers have to pay for sex — it’s only the ones from M$FT and Adobe who do.
Dear ———,
Thank you for your generous gift to the American Red Cross 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund. This fund makes it possible for the Red Cross to help nationwide Hurricane disaster victims of 2005 with critical needs such as shelter, food, clothing, counseling and other assistance. It’s because of the 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund that our response can be immediate regardless of its location or the community’s ability to financially support our efforts.
Your generous support means the most to the families who rely on Red Cross to help them through some of the most difficult times of their lives.
Please continue to visit us at to see how we’re using your 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund donation to make a difference, and for the most current disaster updates and stories about the people being helped.
Together, we can save a life.
American Red Cross
Check the online directory of matching gift companies to find out if your company will match your gift.
Gift Detail
Name: ——-
Address: ——–
City: Seattle
State: WA
Zip: 98—
Donation Amount: $1500.00
Fund: Hurricane 2005 Relief
You made your contribution on 08/31/2005 16:06:22
Order Id: ——-
Approval Code: ——-
(Please note that in accordance with IRS regulations, no goods or
services were provided by the American Red Cross as part of this
Well, the nice thing about kitten noises’attempt to go off topic is that it proved how prejudice and wrong he is about liberals.
Back on topic, How much does anyone want to bet that we get a slimy attack spot just like the one against Deborah Senn right before the election? There is your surprise “independant” contribution.
Now, come on! The ‘bigger dick’ thing for donations is a bit ridiculous. Good for you if you coughed up that kind of dough to help out! Bad on you if you are just editing the text.
On a more serious note, I stopped donating to the Red Cross after the 9/11 attacks, due to them ‘general funding’ the money, instead of allocating it specifically for a cause. Anyone know if they have changed their policy?
Nothing wrong with some good-natured “bigger dick” chest-beating so long as it increases the amount of charitable donations. Never thought someone would get his undies in such a bundle about it, though.
As for the Red Cross, at least their web site allows you to specify where the donation goes. I have no knowledge of the extent to which it’s honored. Charitable organizations are obligated to honor earmarks, but I don’t know if the web site thing constitutes a legitimate earmark.
prr@30 –
So, you believe God is named Yahweh, Jehova, and so on?
Actually God call himself “I AM”. So let call him I’am.
I would say call him “he is” but the is part would be too confusing for you donks.
Hey Wabbit could you wxplain this phenomenon, if I knew this, I would have skip english class in high school.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and last ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can
! sitll ra ed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as awlohe. Amzanig, huh?
RUFUS@43 – Yes, I left out Elohim, the name of Zoroastrian origin. Thank you for that reminder.
Righton@31 and prr@32–
Ron Sims could care less about the poverty in KingCo.
All he cares about is POWER and money for his in-crowd.
Goldy still hasn’t come to grips with the fact that sometime you just gotta kick the current bastards out. It should have happened in Olympia….Gregoire’s reform my ass. No state worker cutbacks have been made. Cutting 1000 managers…smoke & mirrors, they merely call them something else and actually are creating more UNION MEMBERS and UNION DUES by making some exempt managers now protected. That’s right Goldy you fucking idiot. Suprised??? I’m not. That’s what happen’s when one Party or regime like Sim’s is in power too long. When we learn? As long as the major criteria for getting elected in Seattle and KingCo is hating Bush….you assholes deserve all the traffic jams that come your way!
Republicans in the private sector should just leave Seattle. Take every private sector job out, and let the “progressives” tax each other. Grasshoppers taxing grasshoppers. Atlas has Shrugged. JCH
Good for you, prr. Thank you. Now if we can get everyone who reads HorsesAss to send $100 (or whatever they can afford), we lowly bloggers can make a real difference.
Since you answered my question, I’ll answer yours. I have no problem with the Governor of Louisiana praying to whatever God she prays to. They’re all the same God anyway.
Clusterfuck @ 48
Considering that Seattle has one of America’s largest concentrations of billionaires, that’s unlikely to happen. Evidently they see too much opportunity here.
Kitten Noise @ 34
“staring off a post with Kitten noise, is insulting”
Sounds good to me! :D Rick, you don’t mind if I use it, do you?
“On a more serious note, I stopped donating to the Red Cross after the 9/11 attacks, due to them ‘general funding’ the money, instead of allocating it specifically for a cause. Anyone know if they have changed their policy?”
I don’t think there’s much danger right now of ARC not spending every dollar they can get on Katrina victims. The needs are endless.
That’s a pushover compared to this:
“Upon and in the event of the giving of such notice by the Tenant in a timely manner to extend and renew the term of this Lease, and provided that the Landlord shall have given, or be deemed to have given, the notice provided for in clause (a) above, the initial term of this Lease shall (unless said initial term shall sooner have expired or terminated pursuant to any of the conditions of limitation or other provisions of this Lease or pursuant to law) be deemed extended and renewed for one additional period of ten (10) years (herein called the “Renewal Term”), namely, the period commencing on February 1, 2004 and ending on January 31, 2014 (subject to earlier termination pursuant to any of the conditions of limitation or other provisions of this Lease or pursuant to law), such extension and renewal to be subject to and upon all of the terms and conditions of this Lease (including, without limitation, Article Twenty-four hereof) except that during the Renewal Term the fixed rent payable hereunder shall be equal to the sum of (i) the product obtained by multiplying the Tenant’s Area by the R.E. Tax Share of the Real Estate Taxes for the Tax Year beginning on July 1, 2002 and ending on June 30, 2003, (ii) the product obtained by multiplying the Tenant’s Area by 110% of the O.E. Share of the Cost of Operation and Maintenance for the Computation Year beginning on January 1, 2003 and ending on December 31, 2003 and (iii) ninety-five (95%) percent of the amount, if any, by which the Fair Market Rental Value (as defined in Section 30.3 below and determined in accordance with the provisions of this Article) for a Lease, the term of which commences on February 1, 2004, exceeds the sum of the amounts described in clauses (i) and (ii) above.”