I’ve decided to start my own virtual vigil to demand that KC Executive wannabe David Irons comes clean with his own base about his strong opposition to the anti-roads initiative, I-912. But since I don’t really feel like dragging my vigil on too long, I thought, why not settle this once and for all by going straight to the source? So following is an open letter that I just emailed to our good friend Stefan:
Mr. Stefan Sharkansky
Sound PoliticsAug. 16, 2005
Dear Stefan,
As the webmaster of David Irons official campaign website (SoundPolitics.com), I was hoping you could quickly ask your boss to settle a question of great interest, both to his supporters, and to the voting public at large. Specifically: does he or does he not support KVI’s anti-roads initiative, I-912?
It has been widely suggested (in the comment threads on your own blog, for example) that in securing the endorsement of the pro-business Alki Foundation, Irons privately expressed to board members his opposition to I-912 — a position that would be consistent with his prior, pro-transit, public statements and votes as an RTID board member and King County Councilman. And yet, he refuses to take a public position on an initiative that will have a huge impact on the ability of the County Executive to address our region’s growing transportation problems.
As a matter of political expedience, Irons’ equivocation is understandable, as his own internal polling shows that while two-thirds of his base supports the initiative, a large majority of King County voters do not. But I have been led to believe that you are a strong proponent of demanding openness and transparency from the King County Executive, and so I trust that you will join me in urging Irons to be as open and transparent about this important issue as his opponent, Ron Sims.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. In the interest of promoting an informed public debate I have posted a copy of this correspondence to HorsesAss.org, and look forward to posting your prompt reply.
Yours fondly,
David Goldstein
Stefan responds! Um… sort of:
From: Stefan Sharkansky
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 12:48:20 -0700
To: David Goldstein
Subject: Re: Open Letter to youI’m in the middle of a number of projects right now and responding to a silly email that knowingly includes obviously false assertions is not high on my list of priorites. I already commented on the David Irons/I-912 issue here.
“Silly”…? Hmmm. Is it just me, or was Stefan being uncharacteristically dismissive? I guess for Stefan, openness and transparency are standards that need only be demanded of Democrats.
Anyway, in the linked comment he provided, Stefan writes:
I am not “dismayed” by your plausible yet unconfirmed speculation that David Irons opposes I-912 … I doubt that Irons’ (or any other candidate’s) position on I-912 would have much influence on that vote one way or the other.
No I don’t suppose it would. But Iron’s position on I-912 might have quite a bit of influence on his own race… which I can only assume is why Irons refuses to publicly state his position. Irons needs the fervent support of his conservative Republican base if he’s to have a snowball’s chance of coming close to Sims, and he’s not going to get that by opposing their anti-government initiative du jour.
Ah well. I suppose the vigil will move on to day three.
a little snarky maybe, but it’ll be fun to see what the response is ;)
You probably meant to sign the letter:
David Goldstein
Your Stefan obsession is ummmmmmmmmm……peculiar.
if goldy’s ‘obsession’ with Stefan matched your obsession with homosexuality, you’d be in a place to talk, Cynical.
A lot of people should be “obsessed” with Sharkansky. Maybe that would force the Snark to devote less time to being “obsessed” with Dean Logan.
It’s absurd the number of info requests that the Snark is throwing at Logan. How can Logan do his job? These wingnuts expect KC to fix what’s broken and then they expect Logan to devote all his time to servicing idiots like Sharkansky.
Sharkansky is completely unhinged. Goldy is doing a great service exposing this dangerous fanatic.
Hey, Goldy, how many years ago was it that King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties asked the State to give them the authority to raise local taxes to fix highways; 3, 4,…?
Since KPS Counties have the authority to raise local taxes, why haven’t KPS Counties had an election to raise local taxes for highways? We all know that the taxes in KPS Counties are reasonable and well spent, caugh, caugh; don’t we. Just another 1 or 2 percent on the sales tax wouldn’t pinch anyone; would it?
Councilmembers hail transportation mandate from voters
Overwhelming support for an advisory ballot measure on funding transportation improvements amounts to a mandate from voters to move forward, said Metropolitan King County Councilmembers who sponsored the legislation.
“The answer came back that we should be looking at a cross-section of the funding options, not just one source,” Irons said.
“We have debated this question long enough, and the voters have told us they are tired of talk,” Irons said. “These poll results give us a mandate to move forward.”
David Irons: To meet the region’s mobility needs, it is more urgent than ever for transportation infrastructure to catch up with growth.”
You should change your poll to “Who’s more obessesd with whom?”
Goldy with Stefan
Cynical with Goldy
Roger Rabbit with Bush
The Nixon question is getting dated.
David Irons: “Our transportation problem has grown beyond the ability to solve it with any one fix,” said Councilmember David Irons, an alternate on the RTID Executive Board. “But we must solve it for the mobility needs and economic survival of our region. Raising taxes is not politically popular, but the alternative of doing nothing is unthinkable.
Irons Hails Transportation Consensus
The agreement on a plan to spend $12.8 billion over 15 years on transportation improvement projects across three counties marks a major milestone for the region, said Metropolitan King County Councilmember David Irons. He serves as an alternate on the Executive Committee of the seven-member Regional Transportation Investment District (RTID) Planning Board and worked with fellow Councilmember Rob McKenna to craft the compromise plan.
“The RTID Exec Board took a big first step in getting a proposal to the ballot this November,” Irons said. “The board has been working on this for two years, and the discussion has included extensive input from regional many leaders. This diligently crafted proposal finally got consensus from six leaders to move forward and present it for public review.”
The plan includes $7.29 billion for the King County project list, including:
• $1 billion for the Alaskan Way Viaduct
• $1 billion for the SR 520 corridor
• $1.9 billion for the I-405 corridor
• $820 million for the I-405/SR 167 interchange
• $900 million for the SR 509 extension to I-5
• $500 million for the SR 167 corridor
• $100 million for the I-5/SR 18 interchange
• $35 million for SR 518
• $20 million for other road projects
• $875 million for light rail
• $80 million for SR 99 north corridor
• $60 million for SR 522 transit
Funding sources will include a 0.2-percent sales tax increase, a $75 vehicle license fee, 2.8-cent local option gas tax, 0.3–percent motor vehicle excise tax, and 0.1-percent Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit) tax transfer.
The full RTID Planning Council, which includes all King, Pierce and Snohomish county councilmembers, still must approve the final proposal to send to a vote of the people at the November general election. Individually, the three councils will hear public comment and discuss the proposal before sending it to the full RTID Board for a vote on June 17.
“We can’t afford to wait and debate this issue any longer,” Irons said. “It’s time for the people to make the ultimate decision about our transportation future. This package distills the best thinking of the region’s experts and public officials, and represents the best chance for approval of the funding and projects that will make the greatest impact on mobility in the tri-county area.”
You really didn’t have to send the letter. We already know that the minnow reads this board more than his own, since nothing interesting happens there.
Anyway, the minnow isn’t for I-912 himself, since this controllers (Vance, the BIAW) know they need to fix the roads. It is probably hard enough for him to just stay quiet so he isn’t labled an apostate. Given all the kicking around he has done of Sam Reed, though, it would be funny to see his board turn on him. What would the minnow board be like if he banned everyone? Probably not that different since you only allows people with their lips firmly pressed to his ass to post.
Well written and direct. I think Goldy is beating a dead-horse issue here though; no matter what Mr. Iron’s public opinion is on I-912, it’ll still more than likely pass anyway. Time to heal from the lefty’s always present disease of “rectal-cranial-inversion” syndrome. Thanks.
Goldy is a real “Fancy Boy” with all his Fancy Boy words and slogans and such.
I only wish to give credit where credit is obviously due.
Is Goldy a homo?? Who cares!!
Is Goldy a LEFTIST PINHEAD? Ya sure youbetcha!
Is Goldy a Putz?? Welllllllll….he does show ocassional flashes of brilliance and a wisp of a sense of humor.
Is Goldy stupid? No.
Betcha the next Ice Age arrives before Snarky’s prompt reply does. His home address is STILL on his web site.
Ah, Rabbit… you speak too soon.
I’ve just posted an update with Stefan’s dismissive reply.
Try asking here:
Campaign Headquarters
2101 112th Ave NE, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 453-6482
Fax: (425) 453-6495
Mailing Address
1075 Bellevue Way PMB 134
Bellevue, WA 98004
Its a fair question, so go to his actual web site and ask.
Goldy —
Why don’t you go the Greenlake Park — whichever portion happens to be closest to Stefan’s house — and pitch some tents with a few of your friends? Hold a bunch of signs saying “Meet With Goldy” or something to that effect? Maybe you could get some news coverage …
Mr. Cynical said a couple nice thing about you, Goldy. Kiss of death, you know. (those repetitive homoerotic comments are really creepy, though)
Speaking of the kiss of death, how is the right wing pitchfork and torch crowd going to come to terms with David Irons and his $7.29 BILLION regional project list?
Maybe the troglodyte right thinks $16 billion worth of transportation projects can all be paid for with “efficiencies” and “cutting waste?” I got a real kick when that frat boy / loser John Carlson tried to pretend he had some actual solutions himself in the Times two weeks ago: “congestion relief” and “new priorities.” Never mind the money needed to pay for his nebulous notions. It’s good to see the Reagan / Bush 43 / Dino Lossi ‘free lunch’ is still alive and well in hearts and “minds” of conservative yahoos.
What will happen when the loony-toons kooks and jihadists at SP finally figure out their wacky County Exec candidate is actually NOT a populist, and is really just another corporate sellout like his DC bretheren?
Half will eat him alive like good little cave-dwellers, and the other half (jihadist leaders like Stefan) will put ideology aside for the purposes of political expediency – and for their own self-serving, navel-gazing, attention-grabbing, dominatrix-inspired powertrips.
Stick with him Goldy – We deserve to know…
Or one could simply look at David Irons’ campaign website:
Transportation solutions for King County are stuck in gridlock. David Irons believes it’s time to put to the voters a regional transportation plan that is sensible and cost-effective.
After many years of studying and debating transportation improvements, it is time to move forward with putting a regional plan on the ballot, and giving the voters a chance to be heard. Multimodal investment must be balanced between roads and transit. Neither one by itself will solve any problems. They must be integrated and work together. Because freight and commuter mobility are the keys to economic recovery and development, we cannot afford to wait any longer to begin investing in real improvements on the ground.”
I guess Irons is right — the voters will have “a chance to be heard” when they vote on I-912 this fall.
Hello Roger Rabbit.
Hey, I saw you wiggling your ears the other night when I was out for a ride on my motor scooter.
As Garth Brooks once sang “I got friends in LOOOOW places. . .” and I’m no exception. Two of my good friends really despise people with “certain political affiliations.” One is a Repo Man and the other is a “certain political affiliations” worse nightmare. You see, the second friend has himself one of them thar cushy “gum-mint” jobs at the DOL and talks frequently with my Repo Man buddy for work related reasons.
Did you know that some of the requirements that a Repo Man must do is report to the proper law enforcement agencies before he “legally” steals a car?
Did you also know that a Repo Man can contact the DOL to obtain specific information about the “target” vehicle he’s about to lift to be sure that it is registered to the correct owner that the bank says stiffed ’em for the money?
Yeah, I didn’t know that either.
Now, you may not believe this next part but it’s absolutely true; you’d be shocked and amazed at how much personal information the state of Washington has on its citizens.
Oh, my Gawd!
Can you imagine having that much personal information about someone who’s registered with the state of Washington’s DOL – on several different occasions?
So now that I know, that he knows, that I know let’s just keep private information private. Shall we?
Karl @16,
I have in fact emailed the campaign, and await their response.
Richard @ 17:
That was funny.
“Ah well. I suppose the vigil will move on to day three.”
I guess the next step (after Richard’s suggestion), if Stefan doesn’t answer to your satisfaction, would be to go on hunger strike.
Mr. Sharkansky is in the middle of some important projects right now? i wonder what they could be. Is it possible he is going to get a job?
That there is funny stuff…I don’t care who y’ar!!!!!
Perhaps Goldy will get more attention if he brings a couple LEFTIST PINHEADS who were stuck in that Battery Street Tunnel traffic jam the other day. Of course Goldy would be wise to do a background check on these LEFTIST PINHEADS to make sure they aren’t Child Molester’s or Certified Lunatics (as opposed to uncertified lunatics….the only other option for a LEFTIST PINHEAD). He may also want to check the Court Records to make sure they aren’t in the middle of a divorce either.
Worse thaen a hunger strike, perhaps Goldy should stand next to Lenin in the Free-mount District and threaten to not read his GayBlade Weekly until Stefan meets with him. That will get that crowd oooh’ing and ahhhhh’ing!!
The headlines will make a huge splash:
Goldy, I was hoping you had.
I’m sorry, but trying to nail down Stefan on this is foolish.
Stefan isnt the 912 ringleader, thats the guys at KVI if anyone at all, though I thing Suits is neutral on it.
Stefan has Sims and Logan in his cross hairs, not the gas tax.
And I hope he hits Logan at least, he is an incompetent yutz.
As for Sims, I haven’t liked him for years now, so I am all for a competitive race.
You know me, I openly support the nonewgastax campaign, and if Irons declines to endorse it, I will still likely vote for him to vote against Sims.
Just my opinion.
Admit it, Mr. Cynial is just a old .bat program that throws the phrase “LEFTIST PINHEADS” in to a bunch of randome phrases. There is no way a human could be so predictable.
You epitomize the term LEFTIST PINHEAD!
You could be the poster child!
Tell me LEFTIST PINHEAD….are you male, female… or a little bit of both like most of your comrades!
Mr. Cynical:
Don’t you have 700+ crosses with the names of fallen US soldiers to run down?
Makes no difference what Irons thinks of 912. 912 is a state issue. Irons is running for KCE. I’m helluva lot more interested in what he thinks of CAO, Dean Logan and SWA at Boeing Field.
With or without Irons, 912 will pass by 15 to 20 points, and them maybe we can have an adult discussion about how to fix the problem.
Mark @31,
That’s bullshit, and you know it. I-912 is critical to King County, and critical to the RTID’s transportation improvement plan that Iron’s actually played an active role in creating. The RTID plan relies on the state picking up a portion of the funding for these critical infrastructure projects, and the legislature giving the RTID the taxing authority to raise the rest. Without the state funding, the RTID proposal is dead in the water, and Irons knows it.
He is on the record stating the importance of replacing the 520 bridge and the AWV, and of other projects, and he is on the record supporting raising various local taxes to pay for the local portion. That he would not publicly defend a transportation package he clearly believes is necessary, for fear of upsetting his base, shows you just the kind of leadership he would provide as executive.
That’s what this is… a test of leadership. Say what you want about Ron Sims, but he’s always shown himself willing to get out in front on controversial issues and provide leadership, whatever the political costs. I respect that in a politician.
Oh… and I-912 will most definitely not pass by 15 to 20 points statewide, and will fail decisively in King County.
So Sims trying to get the rest of the state to pay for King County’s transportation problems while running for KingCo Executive is “leadership”?? What political “cost” is there for Sims on this??? Gimmee a break! You actually believe there is a cost to Sims for trying to shakedown the rest of the State????
Ha ha ha ha ha. My sides are hurting me.
JDB: That guy is an asshole who did the crosses. But that being said, I would think he is closer to your genome pool. Oops… I take that back JDB, more like rujax206.
Goldy, this is a funny thread! Thanks for capping off my day in Toronto, Ontario!!!
Stephan: BULLSHIT!
Stephan walks off the set.
the collapse of the evil neo-Con empire continues!
Donnageddon: Hey, this popcorn needs more butter!
Goldy, I must admit I do not anyone banned, but if someone who will remain nameless ***Mr.Irrelevent-Mark in most forms-PuddyBud-Cough Cough****
…were to at least have their 1200 word Neo-Con Treatis “condensed”
… I think that would help others to see the good ideas from the projectile-vomit Neo-Con diatribes.
I mean at least a 5 paragraph limit!
And each paragraph can be no more than 75 words.
I think I can condense my feelings down to one word–
How is that!
Thanks for teeing that one up for me Donnageddon! I owe you a cold one!
Don*****don: I hadn’t seen you vomit appear lately, I thought you went on vacation. From Canada, let me put this to you in easy to read LEFTIST PINHEAD wording: Go fuck yourself. There ya be. I hope you can understand that direct plain enumerated emoted sentence. Methinks you are jealous because you can’t create enough continuous thought to type out, implementing the hunt and peck skillz set, five cogent paragraphs. You sure like to see your misnomer of a name in pixels right don*****don? Three in a row. See, only one paragraph! Concise and pointed!!!
Regarding Mark – Redneck Mark, Marks of Texas, and Mark. Ohhh yeah, #4 outed Mark but he be a lefty. Waddsdamatter? Your small pea-brained mind can’t keep them mark(s) straight? Maybe you should take three GI-Joe dolls, you know oops… I meant Ken dolls because of your demeanor, and place a three-by-five card with each name respectively in front of each Ken doll. Then when you read one of their well thought out messages, you will know who wrote it by reading the card you wrote their names upon. Maybe they will provide a personal salutation in each posting so you can keep them straight, since you are a sloped brow, deep eye socketed, small cranial orificed Moby Troll Donk MoonBat Lefty! I hope that keeps them straight in your mind.
Damn, I have to post again, but I have to ask don*****don, who said probably seeing your face in their minds eye: “A mind is a terrible thing”? Can you answer that without performing any search engine search? Because you are the epitome of that sentence.
Thank you! You’re very kind. :D
Goldy, I have no idea what Stefan considers “high priority” but I know what ISN’T a priority — protecting himself and his family. His home address is STILL posted on his web site.
Actually, Richard, the minnow can’t even see Green Lake Park from his house. He’s in the lower-priced area 3 blocks away (where houses go for only $800,000). And I don’t think he’s going to walk down to the park to meet with Goldy because it takes some doing to get back up that hill — take it from me, I know, because I hop up there every day. 912 hops up, 542 hops back.* To get Steffie Baby’s attention, Goldy will need to rent a sound truck, or maybe he could rent an elephant from the zoo. Getting Steffie Baby’s attention is hard to do. He doesn’t pay attention to much of anything, least of all reality.
* Some of you may be wondering why it takes more hops to go from the park to Steffie Baby’s house than vice versa. (Actually, I don’t go to his house; I go to his garden.) Simple. I take longer hops on the way back. For two reasons, (1) I, um, weigh less on the return trip (if you know what I mean, he he) and (2) I can hop farther downhill than I can uphill. He’s on the hilly south side of the lake, kitty korner from the zoo.
This one just came to my attention. NASA has a very ambitious program — their goal is to land a man on Janet Reno by 2015.
(Actually, I heard this on Letterman’s show, not from a Republican. Republicans don’t tell jokes, because they have no fucking sense of humor. When was the last time you saw a Republican laugh at himself? Never.)
Freeper Puddy @ 40
Whew! What are you trying to say? In the words of your buddy the redneck you’re getting a bit “incoherent”.
Better buck up with some Faux News, Newsmax, WND with a dash of the ol’ Freeper.com
You have a thing for Shemales? That would explain a lot. I take it you are one of those guys that keep buying the stuff in the emails in hope of making your manhood bigger than your pinky.
As for the minnow’s busy day yesterday, it apparently consisted of posting a picture of Chernenko and Larry Phillips, because actually coming up with something witty would be too hard for him. That and he whined about the fact that Norm Maleng will not prosecute non crimes in the elections department. I hope the BIAW and GOP Central Comittee are happy with all the money they are spending on him. Such wonderful content and banning all contrary posts explains why his traffic has taken a nose dive. Heck, if he didn’t post PI and Times articles, he would have almost no blog at all.
Roger Rabbit @ 43
Stefan paid $858,836 for his house on May 3, 2003. It should be worth a bit over a million dollars by now. The property tax assessment is only $809,000 — but that is from last year, and they have done this year’s valuation yet (those tax values are about two years behind, anyway, based on the sales data that are used).
It is a pity that Stefan didn’t buy the place earlier. Apparently it was a bit run down and was sold to some investors for $390,000 on October 7, 2002. They remodeled the place and sold it to Stefan for more than twice as much seven months later.
Stefan put over $600,000 down on his house — his mortgage is only for $250,000. If he had just planned a little better, he could have bought the place as a fixer-upper, paid for the renovation himself, and probably saved at least $150,000.
Still, I think it would be a good idea for Goldy to camp out at Greenlake. It is a lot closer to Stefan’s place than Cindy Sheehan is to Bush’s ranch. And Greenlake is always a good place for liberals to meet. Not too far away from night spots — okay, it is on the south end and it will require a little walking — so much the better.
Roger, if you are LIGHTER on the return trip, why are you visiting his garden? Shouldn’t you be hanging out on his doorstep instead?
Don*****don asked for a concise narrative of my position. That’s as condensed as it gets, huh!
One word
Clueless, you better read my comments again. Don*****don can’t keep the Mark(s) straight in his head. I wuz helping him out with the dolls and 3×5 cards. The only incoherency problem is your pea-brained comprehension capacity. Does leftyism cause brain atrophy? Must be in the case of Cluedlessandless.