Whenever Seattle Times publisher Frank Blethen catches a cold, he hocks up a loogie of an editorial, railing against the estate tax. But do this too often (say… more than about once a month) and readers will start tossing out the op/ed section like the soggy piece of Kleenex it sometimes is. So today Frank tried a new approach at blowing out his selfish message… he actually bought an ad in his own paper!
Andrew’s got the full text and a great analysis over on the Northwest Progressive Institute Blog. He does a great job of deconstructing the ad’s many lies and misrepresentations… and I really love this quote he found that nails Frank’s incessant whining, dead on:
Three generations of Blethens have managed to keep their inheritance in the family despite a much higher estate tax than the Times now rails against. If the current generation proves unwilling to make the same kind of sacrifices as their elders, then the Blethen family should blame itself, not the tax code.
Man… that David Goldstein guy really knows what he’s talking about.
The estate tax is being gradually phased out through 2010, when it will be repealed for one year, before returning in 2011 at the old rates and thresholds. Barring legislative action, I fully expect Frank to take his own life in 2010 (it would be the financially prudent thing to do) so as to guarantee another generation of Blethens expectorating on the op/ed page. Of course, Frank would prefer to live, and thus had hoped that the Senate might permanently repeal the estate tax this week. But apparently the votes weren’t there, so Senate Majority Leader Bill “Kitty Killer” Frist has put off a vote until September.
That gives us plenty of time to contact Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and ask them to hold firm against shifting $23.4 billion in taxes off the very richest US families and onto the backs of the poor and middle class.
Goldy, I got your back on this one. Consider emails to Murray and Cantwell sent. The dwiddling of the Estate tax is just another nail in the coffin of hypocrisy that is the Neo-Con agenda.
“hmmm… how can we ensure the rich get richer and the middle class and poor get stiffed?”
“I know! We will call the estate tax (which is rarely ever seen any taxation at all) the “Death Tax!”
On a more personal note, which I am well aware will make great fodder for Puddy, PacMan, and other Neo-Con apoligists, I once dated a comely lass in the 1990’s who was an avowed conservative. Did I mention she was very lovely? She also believed in Astrology, but that is a minor point.
Anyway, she asked me what paper I read. I told her “The Seattle Times”.
She was very happy at this pronouncement! She told me that The Seattle PI was a liberal rag!
I was ever so much closer to getting into her panties!
I did not want to blow it by telling her that I could not see any difference between the two papers (and I actually thought that the PI was slightly more editorially conservative) and my real reason for getting the Times is that I prefer an afternoon paper.
Of course, the Times soon shifted to being a morning paper, and I cancelled my subscription.
Did I “get” the comely conservative female in bed?
Mind your own business!
A Frank suicide? Barney? Barney Fag? Goodbye and good riddance….
Chuck, you are a monument to the wingnuts.
Did you even read Goldy’s post?
If you did read the post but went straight to the Barney Frank die and good riddance comment… then
Fuck you! You sad pile of excrement.
Try to imagine a bitchy right-wing freeloader calling you up every payday to harass you for her child support! I sure hope, for your sake, that she found out you were cheating on her (i.e., reading the P-I) before it was too late.
RR @ 5 she already had 4 kids.
But she really was lovely!
And honestly, I really have never been able to tell the differrence between the PI and Times.
They all seem to go for the “Whatever gets the paper selling” mentality.
Maybe it is just me.
No, you’ve got them pegged. News publishing is a business, and they go for circulation, because circulation is what sells ads, and selling ads is what brings in money to pay for presses, paper, ink, and editors’ salaries. That’s why our local TV news programs are nothing but glorified police blotters.
Man oh man, I’d get as far away from that baby factory as fast as I could, if I were you. Child support lasts 18 years or until paid in full, whichever occurs last; looks last a lot less than that. It’s like making payments until you’re 55 on a car you bought when you were 25 that went to the crusher when you were 35.
No taxation without respiration! (Thanks Steve Forbes.)
“The man who dies rich dies disgraced.”
Andrew Carnegie
The estate tax is just one way to ensure that the rich do not disgrace theselves any more than they have done.
RR –
I know that this has nothing to do with the current conversation, but you started it…..
You are right, those women that get themselves knocked up, should go on public assistance. It should never be the responsibility of the fathers. Dang, they were just there to have a good time. What a buzz kill. Too bad there wasn’t a way to force women to have abortions, so that men never had to suffer any consequences.
headless lucy @ 10
Better that the rich spend their money before they die. How about dumping it on the real estate market? Get the housing prices to skyrocket so most cannot afford to buy. The market collapses, the rich guy’s assets, and everyone elses, deflate to 10 cents on the dollar, and Uncle Sam gets squat. Or, burn the money by donating to the rich guy’s favorite charity or think tank. (Probably not Green Peace or MorOn.org.) Yea, let’s disgrace these folks before they die. That will get them to do the right thing.
Just for the record, that “ad” has been running regularly for the last couple of weeks in the Times, daily and Sunday.
A quarter-page in section A … methinks Blethen is foregoing a big pile of revenues by selling ad space to himself. Or perhaps he’s trying to get his net worth beneath some specified level where the estate tax rate changes.
New approach? IIRC, he’s pulled this (full page ad in his own paper) stunt before. Years and years ago … about the time I took the Times off my regular reading list.
Was it a paid ad this time? I don’t think he paid for it last time around. (One of the competing/alternative publications may recall details.)
It’s sure funny how the holier than thou lefties want to screw someone out of their hard earned $$$. If they inherited it and just used it in a riotous lifestyle, I’d agree with your assessments. If someone from nothing built an empire and was giving charitably, why does your side want him/her to bend over and drive him/her to Newark upon death? I can see some fairness arguments, but your side doesn’t take into account how their $$$ were implemented to potentially:
Help the fellow man/woman with charity
Provide jobs for people
Proven benefit to his/her community
Revered by his/her peers
If these were taken into account, why take the balance of his/her legacy out in high taxes? This is not a black and white issue. Your side complains about how righties love to hoard. I deliver links on how many lefties talk about someone else money but don’t you use their money. Al Gore, Susan Sarandon, Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, etc. have low charity $$$. When they die I want you lefties going after their piles of gold!!!
Nobody should be allowed to be wealthy. We should decide on a quantity of money that citizens would be allowed to have and stick to it. Those with more than their fair share, should put all their excess funds into the “kitty” and those with less than the required amount should be able to supplement their wealth from the money in the “kitty”.
Next, we need to figure out a way to make sure that everyone has the same car and the same house. We will probably have to tear down a lot of houses so that everyone has only their fair share of housing. The difficulty will be in deciding the locations of the housing. It certainly would not be fair if my friend has a waterview, or a mountain view and I don’t. Giant curtains could be the answer to that.
What makes our country great is that everyone has the opportunity to make something great of themselves. No matter the walk of life that they come from, they just have to put their mind to it.
If that incentive is taken away, if people that make it, by designing an operating system, or inventing some new technology, or writing a book, or working hard to put themselves in a position to run a company, or creating their own company, or producing life saving medicine, or by saving their money and investing it wisely…then why would they take those risks? Why would they make those sacrifices?
Take away the reason for dreaming and you take away the dreams.
Solution: keep all inherited assets at their original cost basis. When the assets are sold, the heir pays the full capital gains. This includes family businesses. No reason to liquidate on the event of death of the founder.
Of course, this isn’t punitive to the successful, but it does honor the right to private property. Believe it or not, the govt does not own everything except what it allows citizens to keep.
15 – The problem is that people like Frank Blethen didn’t dream a dream or pull himself up by his bootstraps. He inherited the money from his relative. His wealth is thus, undeserved.
Lawerence @ 17
‘His wealth is thus, undeserved.’
Yes, throw the baby out with the bathwater. Punish all who earn their wealth, or those that do good things with inherited riches so that jealous lefties feel better.
The trolls have a point. Society needs to protect incentives to steal money from employees, customers, shareholders, and taxapayers in billion-dollar chunks so crooked CEOs can rise to “greatness.”
So what’s the Neocon program? Keep ’em barefoot, ignorant, and pregnant?
I gotta hand it to Shrub — he’s making a flat-rate income tax look good. Under his plan, wage earners pay all the taxes, and capital pays zero.
Roger Rabbit @ 22
Capital pays taxes via corporate income tax. Also, Federal receipts for capital gains is up big time the last couple of years. (I will try to provide some links/data.) Cut the rates and the rich pay more.
Um…sorry for the historical perspective here, but you know — the founders of this country specifically intended wealth NOT to be retained in families over generations but rather plowed back into the general population, thus enriching the entire country and not just a few wealthy families…the situation that existed in the countries they left. Primogeniture, and all that. I now return you to your regular right- or left-bashing.
Roger Rabbit @ 22
Links promised in 23
Everyone is Laffering except the rich folks.
AuntTora @ 24
The founders should have left more specific instructions. Oh wait, they did – its called the Constitution.
Concentrated wealth is a threat to the economy and to democracy. If a rich guy dies, is he still going to need the money?
I don’t have a problem with any rich guy taking care of his kids while he’s alive but he’d better give back to the society that made it all possible for him and by society I mean the soldiers who die and are maimed in wars, the scientist who discovers and invents on a meager salary, the hospital workers that save his ass in emergency rooms and on and on and on.
People can strive for riches all they want and enjoy them to the hilt – while they’re alive. When they’re dead riches don’t matter a hoot to them!
Like those whacko marxist leninists, Bill Gates Sr., Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger say – it’s simply a matter of fairness.
Those bad,evil rich people! Obviously they STOLE their wealth from the poor.
Let’s take away their first born while we’re it.
That’ll teach themich Neo Cons.
I guess there aren’t any rich Democrats
Smoke, there’s a lot of CEOs who are taking advantage of their shareholders. They’re collecting eight and nine figure salaries from captive boards while their companies underperform. The bottom line is shareholders are left with little or nothing. Add to that, outright fraud, dishonest financial statements, and the government’s refusal to regulate accounting practices that leave shareholders vulnerable. What’s happening is people are fleeing the stock market into real estate because there’s no benefit for the average shareholder in putting their money in stocks.
Another sector in which rich people are reaping trillions they didn’t earn and don’t deserve is government. When the taxpayers had to spend $500 billion on the S & L bailout, that money didn’t go to the middle class or working people. It was stolen by the wealthy class, including one of Dubya’s brothers, who was in top management of a crooked S & L that ate more than $1 billion of taxpayer funds. But the S & L debacle pales next to the trillions of public money the Bush administration is giving away to its corporate pals.
What you don’t want to acknowledge is that a massive transfer of wealth from the working and middle class to the wealthy class is occurring in America as a result of government policies designed to favor the rich. To add insult to injury, Bush wants to shift the entire federal tax burden to wages, while the capital-owning class pays nothing. If you’re among the wealthiest 2%, you are benefitting from Bush’s policies. If you are not, you’re getting the shaft.
Y’all think a super-rich guy should be able hand off all his wealth to his heirs, i.e. start an aristocracy, ‘cuz he’s been paying taxes on it all along, yes?
Using like every trick in the book? Tricks Joe Sixpack can’t touch. Is that fair?
Wow! Happy supply-side days are here again!
Budget analysts inside and outside the government said the positive turn is likely to be short-lived. Indeed, after a four-year absence, the Treasury Department announced yesterday it is considering reissuing its 30-year Treasury bond to help finance long-term government debt, jolting the bond markets and pushing down the price of existing 30-year securities.
April, however, turned out to be a far better month than anticipated. Taxpayers were confronted with unexpected tax bills, many from capital gains and the alternative minimum tax, a parallel income tax system designed to hit the rich but that is increasingly pinching the middle class.
Yes, indeed, happy voodoo economics days are here again.
Hell when Bush was campaigning he addmitted it by saying “You see.. wealthy people don’t pay taxes, they have accountants and such to make sure of that. So raising taxes on the wealthy doesn’t matter”
That is Neo-Con doublespeak for “Bend over middle class- we are putting all the burdon of keeping us rich on your backs”
Here is one of the many exact quotes: “Thirdly, you know how the tax code works. When they say, “tax the rich,” those are the folks who have got the accountants to see to it they don’t pay tax,”
And here: “Just remember, when you’re talking about, oh, we’re just going to run up the taxes on a certain number of people — first of all, real rich people figure out how to dodge taxes”
And again: “He said he’s only going to raise the tax on the so-called rich. But you know how the rich is, they’ve got accountants. That means you pay.”
And again : “People need to be aware of this talk out of Washington, D.C. that says, oh, don’t worry, we’re just going to tax the rich. That’s not the way it works in the tax code. The big rich dodge taxes, anyway”
So, the wealthy don’t pay taxes according to Pres. Bush. Well then you can’t fault us for wanting us to tax them when they are dead!
The people who oppose estate taxes also typically oppose affirmative action. They don’t recognize, or just won’t acknowledge, the inconsistency in their positions. If affirmative action is poor policy because everyone should have the same starting position, then surely handing unearned riches to the sons and daughters of the wealthy cannot be fair, right? If we claim to be a true meritocracy, then an onerous estate tax is absolutely necessary.
Goldy, Thanks for linking to NPI, as a reminder that these are the jerk offs who posted that “Rossi=Eyman=Craswell” article a few months back. Andrew lost all his credibility long ago with that BS. Why should anybody care what that political hack has to say about policy?
The people who state BS like “The people who oppose estate taxes also typically oppose affirmative action.” are typically idiots who need to get out into the real world.
proud leftist @ 33
‘If affirmative action is poor policy because everyone should have the same starting position..’
Affirmative action is poor policy because with it the Government discriminates based on race. (i.e. racist) The “starting position” argument was one of the valid ones used by the Civil Rights movement.
..’unearned riches to the sons and daughters of the wealthy..’
Raced-based discrimination affords benefits even to the wealthy, as long as they are the right color.
“Unearned” riches? Not usually. Sounds like the Left needs a better way to specify rich folk to focus on the inheritance class.
My State representative says there are about 8 million vehicles a day using Washington roads. If the average usage across the board is only 3 gallons a day that equals $6,720,000 in taxes per day at the rate of .28 cents which existed prior to July 1.
That’s pushing $25 BILLION a year. What has our legislature been doing with all that money. KeepWashingtonRolling (in taxes) tries to reconcile it but doesn’t even come close.
Aren’t any of the “question authority” folks curious?
According to the EPA the “average” vehicle gets 22 miles/gal. and is driven an “average” of 225 miles/week.
Now, baynative @ 37, you claim an average of 3 gallons/day which would add up to twice the 225 miles/week average. (3 X 22 = 462)
So your 25 billion is actually closer to 12 Billion/year.
Oops (3 X 22 X 7) = 462.
http://tinyurl.com/6pzw7 for the “average” numbers
Baynative @ 37
Your numbers are wrong. Washington’s population is 6.2 million, of whom a third are children and elderly, so the 8 million vehicles a day figure amounts to twice the number of driving-age people in the state. The $25 billion figure is roughly equal to the entire state budget. The actual figure for transportation spending is about 1/10th of your number.
In the interest of reducing the ignorance on this board (if that’s possible) here is a link to information about state revenues and spending that is real (versus fanciful):
After the page opens scroll down to “2005 Citizen’s Guide to the State Budget,” which is a .pdf file download.
From: The Neo-Con Bible:And the rich man asked, “How shall I enter the Kingdom of Heaven?” and Jesus answered, “By investing your money and letting some of the profits trickle down to the poor.”
Why don’t you Reps keep your re-fried Freidman to yourselves. There’s never been a free market and there never will be. These corporations couldn’t exist without society propping them up. Chrysler and GM and Lear and Boeing. They owe us. It’s not the other way around.
RR @ 41 Thanks for the link! Good stuff.
Commenting on 43
It’s true that unregulated capitalism eventually collapse on itself, if it isn’t first overthrown by the ever-growing population of marginalized citizens. The reason for this is because one of capital’s prime objectives is to destroy competition, and when competition has been destroyed, there is no longer a free market but only a monopoly market that doesn’t work any better than any other market that’s controlled from above.
Roger Rabbit @45
Damn, but you are so close to correct. With that single post, I now know you have relatively firm footing in reality. Not that I had any doubts before…well, maybe I did…
Headless @43,
I know I shall live to regret this…but,
Chrysler and GM and Lear and Boeing. They owe us.
Did you ever work for them? How do they owe you? Aren’t you an employee of the school distict?
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