A man who once threatened the life of the BIAW’s Tom McCabe, can’t be all bad… so I’ve tried to keep some perspective on the sad (yet comic) story of Spokane’s gay-bashing/gay-banging soon-to-be-former mayor, Jim West. The charges of child molestation, while heinous, will never be proven short of a personal confession, and apart from the disturbing image of the mayor, pants down, jacking-off at his City Hall computer, his admission of legal, consensual sex with other men (however young) is scandalous mostly in its stunning hypocrisy.
But when it comes to right-wing moralists, West is far from the most stunning hypocrite. For example, there is militant, anti-abortion activist Neal Horsley.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, Horsley leads the Creator’s Rights Party, whose website gathers personal information on abortion providers — pictures, addresses, license-plate and social security numbers, etc — essentially creating a target list for assassination. It also includes an article by Horsley entitled “Arresting Homosexuals (for their own good)“, which cites the Matthew Shepard murder as evidence that gays should be locked up because they inspire revulsion in the general populace.
And so it was with some disbelief that I read on News Hounds the bizarre transcript of a recent interview Horsley gave Fox radio-host Alan Colmes. Colmes asked about an Esquire Magazine interview, in which Horsley reportedly admitted to engaging in homosexual sex… and even bestiality.
NH: “Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I…”
AC: “You had sex with animals?”
NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”
AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”
NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”
AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”
Um… I don’t want to come off as some out-of-touch, liberal, elitist city-slicker… but if this sort of thing is typical of rural, “red state” America… I don’t think I want to be in touch.
You can’t make this kind of stuff up! But just in case you think I did, and that this is some sort of vicious fraud perpetrated by liberal blogs, here’s a link to a source I’m sure you can trust, the Alan Colmes Show page on FoxNews.com, where you can actually listen to an excerpt for yourself. (And while you’re at it, listen to Randi Rhodes’ take on the story, and her amusing use of sound effects.)
Horsley has described gays as “faggots who will burn in Hell”, and who are part of “Satan’s plan”… and this from a man who believes that fucking farm animals is all a part of growing up in rural America. As he so eloquently explained to Colmes:
“You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. […] If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”
Yeah sure… if you’re a fucking pervert!
Now I’m not suggesting that all right-wing, gay-bashing evangelical extremists are porking pigs — or even just having your average, run-of-the-mill, boring, missionary-style gay sex — but apparently, some are. So when I hear the likes of U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum or Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, talking about the slippery slope from gay marriage to perversions like bestiality, I just think it’s worth pointing out that they’re figuratively and literally, closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.
And if I were the horse, I’d bolt too.
(A big thanks to HA reader DanW for tipping me off to this important news story.)
Are there any similarities in “mule” to the democrats DONKEY?
I guess Laura wasn’t so far off the mark about George “milking the the (male) horse” at the ranch in Crawford.
Yeee Hawww!
well maybe the Horsley one is merely paving the way for the teaching of ID in public school. Then students will learn to properly discuss the importance of Zeus appearing as a swan, as well as several other critters, to make various human women deliver the bestial kind. And of course there is that snake or dove that did Mary the favor. Why there is a whole history of cosmogonies filled with these encounters that can be delivered the fire and brimstone style that will be taught to those who are planning on teaching the new sciences in the future. It would certainly be proper to introduce Ganesha stories, maybe even some Hanuman ones too. Oops, elephants and monkeys are too close to home here i guess.
And so it was with some disbelief that I read on News Hounds the bizarre transcript of a recent interview Horsley gave Fox radio-host Alan Colmes. Colmes asked about an Esquire Magazine interview, in which Horsley reportedly admitted to engaging in homosexual sex… and even bestiality.
One would think someone from his party would call him on it but they won’t. The right wingers will write it off as “youthful indiscretion.” Maybe he will say he got “saved” between now and then. This technique works fairly well and can be used repeatedly to escape any sort of responsibility.
Goldy, this story hits so close to home with horsesass it’s mind-boggling. Two things for sure, Horsley-horsesass, mule-democrat mascot. are you sure this Horsley guy wasn’t playing AC with metaphores?
erik, you mean like the liberals did with “the Swimmer” and barney frank?
Exactly! Bush’s cocaine-laden, drunken youth was all erased once he got “saved” later in life…
From What I heard it sounded like he was being sarcastic, he wasn’t admitting to the gross act of mounting a mule. He was making fun of the way LIBERALS view the red states and it’s “un-educated folk.”
He was making fun of the way LIBERALS view the red states and it’s “un-educated folk.”
Hmmm. I think to most readers, his actual acts with farm animals overwhelms the rhetoric he was using on red/blue issues.
Oh please, Mr Situational Ethics and Moral Relativist is only upset because a conservative (albeit one so far out of the mainstream he’d be considered from an alternative universe) is boasting he screwed his liberal pets.
Whaa! whaa!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Cat@ 10 – Are you a parody of yourself? Seriously…
Nah, nin – “Seriously”, there really is nothing more amusing or entertaining than a desperate, ‘my-party’s-out-of-power’ impotent liberal scraping the barrel bottom and trying to besmirch and stain all his political opponents with the same big brush of sleaze he found there.
It’s a well used tactic I’m sure you baby libs learned well from the likes “vast right wing conspiracy” Hillary… old song new verse.
Erik @ 4: “One would think someone from his party would call him on it but they won’t.”
Whose party? Liberals get in a huge snit when folks on the right try to ascribe leftist extremists to all Democrats, so don’t do the same to this nut and Republicans.
Tom @ 7: “Exactly! Bush’s cocaine-laden, drunken youth was all erased once he got “saved” later in life…”
Excuse me, but if you’re going to say that Bush and Horsley are the same, then I can say that Ted Kennedy should have been run out of the Democrats YEARS ago.
Maybe he was just training the donkey to take be a suicide bomber of a planned parenthood? “Strap ons” can be annoying, ask Chardonay. Chard must be gay…the way she trashes them, she is following in mayor Wests footsteps.
Or maybe he was making Colmes, then Goldy and now danw look like complete fools…
Horses ass:
n. pl. ass·es (sz)
2.A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.
Main Entry: ass
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: idiot
Synonyms: blockhead, bonehead, dolt, donkey, dope, dunce, fool, halfwit, idiot, imbecile, jackass, jerk, nincompoop, nitwit, numskull, schmuck, simpleton, twerp, twit
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Cat just because you name yourself after an animal, it doesn’t make it beastiality…..it’s just plain sodomy for you.
Yes I am sure that admiting that you committed Beastiality as a joke is an excellent political move in the GOP.
When Bush starts wearing the armbands…I am sure you will qualify it as a fashion statement he got from the young prince of England.
You are as big a sheep as “strap on” Whine is.
You are intolerent of most, but when the real sickos come along because they bomb planned parenthoods, they’re okay in your book.
Did your family lose their Plantation in 1865 or what?
A big thank you to Stephan for the previewing and censoring opposing thought.
Erik @ 4
“someone from his party would call him on it but they won’t. The right wingers will..” blah blah blah
Who says this loose cannon is in my party or I’m in his? And somebody from “their party” (hint hint I mean yours) should denounce the WTO anarchist jerks.
I suspect Scalia noted that once marriage is solely a contractual arrangement based only on consent things like bigamy and incest could be legal. Not sure the animal thing, i guess except if stuff formerly mindbogglingly illegal becomes legal, what’s next. You libs do have guys advocating bigamy and multiple marital partners
Who says this loose cannon is in my party or I’m in his?
He does.
Erik, According to Goldy, “Horsley leads the Creator’s Rights Party”. Doesn’t sound like the Libertarian party or GOP to me.
It’s probable that more than one WTO anarchist votes a straight Democratic ticket. There are loose cannons on both sides.
Cheap Whine @ 5 “are you sure this Horsley guy wasn’t playing AC with metaphores?”
All tools are up my ass @ 8 “From What I heard it sounded like he was being sarcastic, he wasn’t admitting to the gross act of mounting a mule. He was making fun of the way LIBERALS view the red states and it’s “un-educated folk.—
STOP making sense @ 10 “.. uh .ermmm…???”
Goldy, you have the best troll’s on the internet! When they do not have their foot planted firmly in their mouth, they spout jibberish!
Please continue the entertainment and pass the bubbly!
A funny thread. I doubt the sex happened, but if it did, did he use moonshine as lubricant? Lets see if it becomes folklore… Heehaw, heehaw.
Let’s see in 3 years if this is a urban legend.
Erik and others … I once knew a crooked businessman who found Jesus and was “saved.” The way it works is like this. After you’ve been “saved” it’s okay to continue lying and cheating, because you’ve not only been forgiven for the sins you’ve already committed, but you’ve also been forgiven for continuing to commit the same sins in the future. I imagine it works the same way for dishonest, lying politicians too. As long as you’ve been “saved” anything goes and everything will be forgiven …
Tool @8, Puddinghead @22,
That is really pathetic. If you can’t accept that this freak is um… a freak, then really… what’s the point of discussing any issue with you? Listen to the audio… the guy admitted to fucking mules and a whole lot of other shit. And this wasn’t the first time he admitted it.
The correct rebuttal would have been to attack me for trying to use one nutcase to impugn all right-wing, gay-bashing evangelical extremists. But to suggest he was joking… sheesh.
Now I know what they’re getting at when they say liberals remind them of sheep.
Reminds me of an old axiom my grandpappy used to say: “He who smelt it probably dealt it.”
Vintage Rockford…
I’m not sure what the person who posted #25 is trying to say, but if you’re suggesting “liberals” are having sex with sheep, my response is I’ve seen plenty of news stories about Republicans involved in sexual misconduct. All the perversion seems to be occuring on the conservative, not liberal, side.
I’m tired of explaining myself to halfwits…(no offense).
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