Our good friend Stefan’s noble crusade to purge our voter rolls of medical researchers was dealt a crushing blow today, when King County Elections rejected his challenge of the voter registration of Dr. Daniel Sosin — a commissioned member of the Public Health Service — currently serving at the CDC in Atlanta. Carla at Preemptive Karma has summarized the decision, and you can download the official ruling here.
Unable to exact revenge on an epidemiologist, Stefan is now turning his sights towards future biochemists, urging prosecution of Chun C. Chen, a sophomore at the University of Washington, who voted in the November election despite the fact that he was not a citizen. Of course, one of the reasons we know about this incident, is that Mr. Chen went down to King County Elections three days after the election, told them he was not a citizen, and asked to have his registration cancelled.
Here’s a kid who made a mistake, realized it, admitted it, and tried to fix it as best he could, and now Stefan is going out of his way to publicize it, knowing full well it could result in revocation of his student visa, and ultimately, deportation… all to make a tiny political point. It’s just another example of how some people on the other side couldn’t give a shit about how many lives they disrupt or careers they destroy in the service of their larger political agenda.
Oh… and don’t you just love Stefan’s typically paranoid musing?
Of course it’s possible somebody impersonated Mr. Chen when he registered to vote, voted and/or cancelled his registration.
Yeah Stefan, and it’s also possible that you are not delusional… but equally unlikely.
Hmmm… perhaps I’ll file a challenge to Stefan’s voter registration on the grounds that he is “incompetent for the purpose of rationally exercising the right to vote” under RCW Chapter 11.88…?
TJ at Also Also has posted a more thorough discussion of the Sosin case, pointing out what a complete waste of time (and taxpayer dollars) it was.
Why shouldn’t Stefan try to bring some justice to those who are clearly taking advantage of our election system?
Dean Logan has made it pretty clear that he won’t make much of an attempt to clean up our voter rolls and the Democrats in the legislature feel the same way.
Someone’s got to start the process of cleaning up our elections. Stefan should be applauded for making the efforts where none have been made before.
Look at it this way Goldy, if Chun Chen voted Republican, you were disenfranchised.
Let’s see, a kid with a Chinese-sounding surname…
…who is not (yet, at least) a citizen,…
…had the gall to vote for public officials in Washington State, where he’s going to school.
But his dastardly scheme was exposed, in a manner evoking the classic tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
His nefarious attempt to participate in the political process…
…was exposed by his alter ego three days later, when he realized he wasn’t eligible to vote here and voluntarily cancelled his own voter registration.
Obviously, we’re going to have to hunt down this alien in our midst and make an example of him, so no one else with a foreign-sounding last name will think about voting.
Jeff B. @ 1
Justice and vigilantism are not the same thing.
And how long has this guy resided on Georgia? Oh Goldy you should certainly be proud of this decision!
Our good friend Stefan’s noble crusade to purge our voter rolls of medical researchers was dealt a crushing blow today, when King County Elections rejected his challenge of the voter registration of Dr. Daniel Sosin
Yeah. He missed it. If he would have won, many military members and expatriates would have been excluded.
As has been shown many times before, he who protests too much often has something to hide. The ultimate truth will be more entertaining than all this facade.
I believe there are many so-called “Washington Residents” who try to call this home because it is a state income tax “haven”. i.e. We don’t have a state income tax. Dr. Sosin has his medical license in Georgia and a home yet he votes here. Washington does have some “swiss cheese” rules regarding voter registration and eligibility. This is one where the mouse found his way out of the block of swiss cheese. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what Georgia and other states residency requirements actually are for state income tax purposes??
Now if Washington were to adopt a more onerous state income tax than Georgia, it would be doubtful the good doctor or anyone else would continue to CLAIM Washington as their state of residence.
I think the residency rules should be where you lay your head at night (with some military exceptions). However, once you buy property in another state and have say a medical license or other professional license…you ought to vote in that state. Think about it…this guy could be the deciding vote on a local Washington school levy. He has no property here. He just lived here for much less than a year 14 years ago.
Dr. Sosin managed to somehow keep a Washington Drivers License. I wonder what his car insurance company thinks about rating him where he lives>>>
This issue is not simple. Swiss cheese rules with obvious tax motives. Should we clean this up?? Perhaps this Doctor is a poor example because of his Public Service background….but others are sure to surface for the state income tax avoidance benefits. (I DIDN’T SAY TAX EVASION…IT’S TAX AVOIDANCE).
Based on “preliminary data” from the Grant County elections Department, 30-40% of illegal aliens are registered and voting; with another 30-40% registered and AFRAID to vote, nevertheless registered.
Registering alone is a serious fine and jail time; registering and voting is added jail time and fine. These illegal aliens cannot afford it, and neither can we. No doubt, they are most likely to play “ignorant” and will merely say they were asked if the wanted to register, so Ithey did. They will claim their English is not good enough for them to understand.
If they got a driver’s license, their English has to be good enough to know what it means to BE or NOT to BE a US Citizens.
Randomly picking 62 names from the DOL List who reside in Grant County, WA, with either a Hispanic, Russian, or Foreign sounding last name, the Grant County Elections Department was asked to identify the following, and see their response:
1. Are they registered voters in Grant County;
elections@co.grant.wa.us: SEE LIST
2. Do you have a completed registration signed by the individual attesting they are a U.S. Citizen;
elections@co.grant.wa.us: YES
3. Does Grant County ask the individual if they are a US Citizens and/or does the county require proof of US Citizenship when the individual registers to vote;
4. Did these individuals vote in the 2004 Primary and the 2004 General Elections.
elections@co.grant.wa.us: SEE LIST
From 62: 51 were registered to vote. Though 51 were registered to vote, only 23 of the 62 had voted, some going back 11 years. 28 of 62 were registered but had NEVER voted or were inactive voters.
The 23 who were are registered and had voted represent a 37% of the random sample of 62.
We will have to determine how many of these people who registered are U.S.
Citizens, and who are illegal Aliens. After we determine that, we’ll have to get this information for the other 38 other counties and see how those numbers play. Whichever way you cut it, there is no way we can ever be assured of honest elections, devoid of illegal aliens voting, without a 100% re-registration of all voters in this state.
This is “preliminary data” and we are working on getting the rest for Grant County, and plan to prioritize getting this data for the other 38 counties, specially Eastern WA where a high
concentration of illegal aliens are known to reside.
If the 37% holds true for all 39 WA counties, based on INS figures of 136,000 to 235,000 illegal aliens in our state, we had between 50,230 and 87,000 illegal aliens Registered to vote and voting in our September 2004 Primary and November 2004 General Election.
Let’s be the first state in the union that offers AMNESTY to the Illegal Aliens. Goldy has made the point: they indeed contribute to our wellbeing and ought to be brought into our society as equals partners. Why not?
Face it: they are here, they contribute, most pay taxes they cannot file and get refunds on, they are just you and I, and are only doing what they are because they are given no choice.
Chime in. Let’s do an iniative to the people, headed by Goldy himself. What are the elements you’d like to include and make part of the iniative?
martin @ 9
Here’s an idea.
How about instead of welcoming illegal aliens, we give our police officers the ability to deport all illegal aliens, no case workers, no public monies wasted on them, just send ’em back to where they were from and bill the originating country for the trouble.
Then, we replace our homeless population in their jobs.
If an immigrant wants to be an American citizen, let them apply for citizenship just like our ancestors.
But Goldy, Stefan was only acting in the true spirit of compassionate conservatism when he outed Mr. Chen.
prr @ 10
Paraphrasing the President’s former press secretary, you should watch what you say and where you say it. If your comment was to get wide play east of the mountains, you’d have two-thirds of the orchardists there coming after you in the dark of the night.
David@2. re another Manhunt. In due time, the result of this drag-netting will bring a huge whip-lash to the Republican Party. The issue of legal or illegal is not what the majority are looking at about now. What they are looking most at is how low-down the dirt gathering has sunk to.
I have updated my post to add a link to TJ’s very thorough discussion of the Sosin case over on Also Also.
Your separation of the terms justice and vigilantism says it all. Vigilantism is a huge turn-off to true Americans whether they live in the red state or blue state. Reeks.
Martin–are you seriously suggesting that because people have foreign sounding names, they are not citizens? Did you just drop out of the 19th century or something?
“We will have to determine how many of these people who registered are U.S. Citizens, and who are illegal Aliens.”
Wait a minute–you just told us it was 37%. Now you’re admitting it could be ZERO, right?
And re-registration is a non-starter; it’s illegal, a ridiculous burden on both the electorate and the state, and is a WIDE open door to invite fraud as a result of the process.
Are you guys TRYING to take longer and longer shots at this case?
prr@10. I think that recipe is already in the unrevised edition of the immigration’s cookbook and called the one step two step. One, stir up and sift out. Two, package and remove by truckload. :-)
torridjoe@ A case of Mad-Dog 20/20. Longer and longer shots.
RDC@11. The last court room shooting may trigger copycats. The church shooting as well could trigger copycats. Many who experianced both those shooting spoke out on TV, saying they were afraid to go back to court or even church. One woman wondered why God didn’t protect the flock at church. Our coins say, “in God we trust.” The old fad of carrying around a rabbit foot may just be the next revival or even a four-leaf clover. Those who go after, open up to be gone after.
Chee @ 18
I’m not sure I understand your comment. By orchardists, I was referring to the owners of the orchards, not the workers.
The case of Chun C. Chen is clearly fraud. The fellow admitted he was not a citizen. Was proven to have voted. And now he admits it was wrong.
Does that mean we should go after everyone with “foreign sounding” names? No. But anyone can investigate anyone else. Go ahead an challenge Stephan’s registration – you have every right to as a citizen. And if he is violating our election laws, he should be punished just as Mr Chen – who actually ADMITS it, should be punished.
Unless of course you think Stephan beat the confession out of him, then that is another matter altogether.
RDC @ 11,
I am sure that the Orchard owners could care less if he is pay an illegal alien or a homeless worker.
The only flaw in my plan?
This proposed new arm of the State would, most certainly, have to be run by a new state agency, which of course would mean a 6 figure income for several of Chris Gregoires relatives to “administer this 1 day a week. So rather than the 50 cents and hr the “day laborers” are normally paid, it would mean paying them $16.50 and hour (the worker would get the same pay, state would get the rest).
The real question is, which daughter would run it? Who would be the union delegate?
Of course this leads to another problem, with the increased cost of Washington Apples. Apples would become a luxury, or possibly a sin (reference to Adam and Eve, which would make apples a fruit that signified a religious symbol and therefore be anti-constitutional by liberal views), so the sin tax would apply.
The cost of an apple after my proposal?
The same as a pack of cigarettes, $6.00 unless you buy them on Indian land. Ooops can I say Indian land here? Sorry Native Americans?
VRWC at 20 says “The case of Chun C. Chen is clearly fraud.” Apparently the right wing has spent so much time screaming “FRAUD!” that they see it everywhere now — they’ve forgotten what the word means. “Fraud” implies criminal intent and a scheme to deceive.
If Mr. Chen knew that he didn’t possess the legal qualifications of a voter, but voted anyway, then he committed a class C felony (see RCW 29A.84.660). Even if he broke the law, though, his actions don’t look like fraud. You can’t accidentally or even negligently commit fraud — you have to know what you’re doing. Someone committing fraud wouldn’t have owned up to voting or tried to rescind his ballot.
Don’t cry “fraud” where it isn’t, or you’ll start sounding like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Of course, for some folks it’s already too late.
Mr. Chen knew what he was doing was illegal. He is no dummy…obviously. I think he is throwing himself on the mercy of the court, so to speak ,by stepping up to the plate and admitting he voted. What he did was vote fraud…look up the definition kids.How can you accidentally vote? Get real here….so what you are all saying is that it’s okay for a Chinese national, or any other non-citizen to vote? And that if anyone questions the legallity of this they are racists?
Why would it ever be okay for a non citizen to vote here? The only thing that protects our Democracy are clean and fair elections and the trust the people NEED to have in their elections process.
And as far as Dr.Sosin goes…..what he is doing is not okay. He is registered here simply to dodge paying income tax in Georgia…according to his boss this is a common practice in the civil service BUT if he even has a fishing license in Georgia he has invalidated his ability to pass the smell test.And let’s say he votes Republican? Have any of you thought of that? What if the GOP brought in bus loads of illegal aliens and out of State voters as shills for the next election. Will you still be making this same arguement? If you can’t honestly say that would be fine with you….then you are being hypocrites here……
And here is a prediction for you. After the discovery process is over in the election contest…the Feds are going to come roaring into Washington to clean it up. You just wait and see…..
Mr.Chen knows this too……..
cg @ 23:
Mr. Chen knew what he was doing was illegal. He is no dummy…obviously. I think he is throwing himself on the mercy of the court, so to speak ,by stepping up to the plate and admitting he voted. What he did was vote fraud…look up the definition kids.How can you accidentally vote? Get real here….so what you are all saying is that it’s okay for a Chinese national, or any other non-citizen to vote? And that if anyone questions the legallity of this they are racists?
Actually we don’t know if Chen is intelligent or not…unless some of us have personal knowledge of him. Intelligence isn’t a factor in this issue anyway.
This issue is twofold:
1. Did Chen do something illegal?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes..did he know at the time it was illegal?
Either way, the guy went to the authorities and let them know he wasn’t legally allowed to vote. To make an example of this guy under the circumstances is a lousy thing to do given the fact that he came forward on his own. Had he not..it’s unlikely Sharkansky would even know about him. This is another example of Sharkansky attempting to get publicity in an underhanded and nasty way. But karma is a bitch, after all.
And as far as Dr.Sosin goes…..what he is doing is not okay.
Whether people agree with him doing it or not isn’t the point. The point is that it’s LEGAL. It also makes sense for Washington State to have rules like this given the high number of military and civil service folks in Washington.
He is registered here simply to dodge paying income tax in Georgia…according to his boss this is a common practice in the civil service BUT if he even has a fishing license in Georgia he has invalidated his ability to pass the smell test.
If Sosin earns money in Georgia, he has to pay Georgia’s income tax whether he is registered to vote there or not. People who live in Washington State but are working in Oregon have to pay Oregon income tax. I’m not even going to bother to address the fishing license thing….I’m sorry but that’s a stupid point that makes no sense whatsoever.
And let’s say he votes Republican? Have any of you thought of that?
How do you know he didn’t? That could be one less vote for Rossi. Think about it. Sharkansky is actually working to get fewer possible Rossi votes.
What if the GOP brought in bus loads of illegal aliens and out of State voters as shills for the next election. Will you still be making this same arguement?
How do you know the GOP isn’t doing that already? And will you be making that argument if you find out that they are? Give us all a break, please. Noone here is saying it’s okay for illegals to vote. I’m saying that it’s not okay to go after someone who clearly tried to fix what they did. In fact…it’s downright disgusting.
After the discovery process is over in the election contest…the Feds are going to come roaring into Washington to clean it up. You just wait and see…..
Mr.Chen knows this too……..
If the feds make Washington State a priority over places like Ohio and Wisconsin…they’re really screwed. There are actual documented instances of voter fraud in Ohio. Further, if the feds start investigating Snohomish County….Gregiore will gain even more votes. The machines in Snohomish had serious problems and apparently screwed Gregiore out of quite a few votes.
On the SP Forum under “Non-Citizen Votes”, Deborah says: I agree with Martin that first investigating those with foreign last names is an excellent place to start with regard to votes by non-citizens…(Let’s drop the ‘PeeCee’ crap here…wasting time looking up the *Jones* and *Johnsons* would be an exercise in futility..)
Maybe I’m just being sucked in on a parody written by some liberal wag, but it sounds like they want to check all the “foreign” sounding last names to verify they were legal. Even Sharkansky commented this was “just plain stupid.” But his troops appear undeterred.
I would put this in the category of “when your opponents are doing something galactically stupid, don’t try to stop them.”
Christmasghost @ 23:
You obviously have no appreciation for the facts of Dr. Sosin’s case. He is a uniformed member of the Public Health Service currently assigned to a government facility in Georgia. There is little reason for him to maintain a Washington medical license since he is not practicing here. I am not sure if he is required to have a Georgia medical license for his current billet, but if so, why should getting it forfeit his Washington residence? And if he decides to buy a house instead of rent, so what? I believe the statutes are clear that members of the uniformed services do not forfeit their right to residency in a particular state by virtue of where they are later assigned and for how long. Stefan’s search for fraud led him astray, whether or not he (or you) can admit it.
UW @ 25
To be fair to some of the SP commenters, I’d say the opinion was relatively split on whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for Sharkansky to undertake.
But this bigoted witch hunt for illegal aliens is par for the course over there…
Yeah, waste of time…
Speaking of which, carla, I largely agree with you:
carla sez: ”Actually we don’t know if Chen is intelligent or not”
Goldy writes this fact: “a sophomore at the University of Washington,” which indicates to me that he has intelligence aplenty. Whether he has common sense is another issue.
carla clarifies: ”Either way, the guy went to the authorities and let them know he wasn’t legally allowed to vote”
Ah, I would submit he has good morals were this an attack of conscience, but either way the common sense thingy is still questionable. I don’t know how I would rule on punishment, other than to say I would spare his life and appendages. Perhaps I would force him to attend city council meetings. Cruel, indeed…
As to Dr. Sosin,
“And let’s say he votes Republican? Have any of you thought of that?”
carla sez: “How do you know he didn’t? That could be one less vote for Rossi. Think about it. Sharkansky is actually working to get fewer possible Rossi votes.”
Don’t mean to point out something obvious, but based on the phrasing by xmasghost, I think you very succinctly nailed the obvious point made.
Is that what karma is all about?
”He is registered here simply to dodge paying income tax in Georgia…”
carla sez “If Sosin earns money in Georgia, he has to pay Georgia’s income tax whether he is registered to vote there or not”
Oh, how wrong you are on this. He may pay property and sales taxes, but if his residence is WA, he does not have to file anything in GA. He is a Federal worker. It is beyond morally questionable, but, as you say, it is legal.
“What if the GOP brought in bus loads of illegal aliens and out of State voters as shills for the next election. Will you still be making this same arguement?”
carla sez:“How do you know the GOP isn’t doing that already? “
Because there is no proof. Just as you (correctly) constantly point out that there is no evidence of overt fraud vis-a-vis the contest.
carla sez: “If the feds make Washington State a priority over places like Ohio and Wisconsin…they’re really screwed.”
I agree, but with a different focus: The Feds are not going to bog themselves down in a state issue regarding a statewide race, especially one that is in court. Further, they will not touch it after the WASC ruling, whenever that may be…as to Ohio, if they investigate there beyond a cursory inquiry into minor local infractions, I would ask why they are wasting their time and my money for it. The margin is not surmountable unless you buy off on Rep. Conyer’s entire web of conjecture-based fact like these misguided individuals.
martin @ 8, using your number of up to 87,000 illegal voters in the past election, and using Grant Counties election results that means that Dino Rossi got approximately 59,636 illegal voters to our governor’s 27,370. WOW, looks like CG really one the election by 32000+ votes.
ringhofer @ 8
You expect us to believe 80% of the illegals in Grant County are registered to vote? You’re referring to the migrants who move from state to state, and county to county, with the seasons and harvests? Hell, we can’t even get 80% of English-speaking native-born Americans to register.
marks @ 28:
Goldy writes this fact: “a sophomore at the University of Washington,” which indicates to me that he has intelligence aplenty. Whether he has common sense is another issue.
I suppose we can sit here and parse out “intelligence” all day long.
Ah, I would submit he has good morals were this an attack of conscience, but either way the common sense thingy is still questionable. I don’t know how I would rule on punishment, other than to say I would spare his life and appendages. Perhaps I would force him to attend city council meetings. Cruel, indeed…
Or maybe he thought he could vote..found out he couldn’t..and went to the authorities to fix it. Either way..the guy came forward. It’s petty and mean of Sharkansky to go after him the way that he is.
Don’t mean to point out something obvious, but based on the phrasing by xmasghost, I think you very succinctly nailed the obvious point made.
Is that what karma is all about?
No. Webster’s has a fine definition if you’re interested. I was merely showing CG the flip side of his coin…which from the tenor of his post he didn’t appear to be getting.
Oh, how wrong you are on this. He may pay property and sales taxes, but if his residence is WA, he does not have to file anything in GA. He is a Federal worker. It is beyond morally questionable, but, as you say, it is legal.
If Georgia collects an income tax..he has to pay it. Even if he is registered to vote elsewhere. Being a civil servant doesn’t exempt him. It doesn’t in Oregon for Washington residents.
“What if the GOP brought in bus loads of illegal aliens and out of State voters as shills for the next election. Will you still be making this same arguement?”
carla sez:“How do you know the GOP isn’t doing that already? “
Because there is no proof. Just as you (correctly) constantly point out that there is no evidence of overt fraud vis-a-vis the contest.
But the point wasn’t about proof. The point was about statement making to back up an idea. If this…then this. That’s the point.
I agree, but with a different focus: The Feds are not going to bog themselves down in a state issue regarding a statewide race, especially one that is in court. Further, they will not touch it after the WASC ruling, whenever that may be…as to Ohio, if they investigate there beyond a cursory inquiry into minor local infractions, I would ask why they are wasting their time and my money for it. The margin is not surmountable unless you buy off on Rep. Conyer’s entire web of conjecture-based fact like these misguided individuals.
Except it may not be insurmountable. There’s probable cause that Ohio may have been fraudulent with several small things that went on..rather than one large one. But insurmountable or not..there’s a difference between “fraud” and “human error”. Washington is human error. Ohio is fraud. Fraud is a much higher standard of investigation than is human error.
carla @31
“If Georgia collects an income tax..he has to pay it. Even if he is registered to vote elsewhere. Being a civil servant doesn’t exempt him. It doesn’t in Oregon for Washington residents.”
That may be true for the usual case where you have someone living in WA yet employed by a company in Oregon, but in this case, Sosin earns his paycheck from the Federal Government. The feds withhold his earnings based on his state of residency (in this case, WA). This is true no matter what part of the federal system (military or civilian) you are employed by…
“Except it may not be insurmountable. There’s probable cause that Ohio may have been fraudulent with several small things that went on..rather than one large one. “
I think Rossi has a low probability of success, and yet you subscribe to “distributed vote fraud” in Ohio on a tens-of-thousands scale? That is what SoundPolitics alleges on a ones-of-tens scale.
Carla @ 24…….”If Georgia collects an income tax..he has to pay it. Even if he is registered to vote elsewhere. Being a civil servant doesn’t exempt him. It doesn’t in Oregon for Washington residents.”
Wrong again Carla…….I talked to his boss and he is not paying income tax in Georgia….and they do have income tax. That’s why he is doing this.It’s common practice.Just because Oregon does something does not mean that it is the same in Washington.
And I think we can safely assume that Mr.Chen is intelligent as he is a student at the University with a major in chemistry.I don’t think it’s a reach to think he’s smart enough to be able to read the “you cannot vote if….” part on the ballot.
Carla…can you honestly say that it would be fine with you if all this were reversed and the GOP were bussing in illegal aliens to vote Republican? I do make the assumption that most voter fraud is commited by lefties because lefties have “the end justifies the means” attitude that would make it a viable option in their world…..ELF ring a bell for you? Who else but the far left would come up with the idea to stop developement[and save trees] by burning down houses…so that MORE trees have to be cut down to re-build. Which always happens…..
It’s pointless…but they do it over and over. Do I think the average Democrat would commit vote fraud? No. But I think the far left is about as balanced and fair as the far right. They are exactly the same…just different sides of the same coin.
At least I have managed to become a ‘he’ in your world instead of the ‘it’ you used to call me… however I am a ‘she’….
RDC@18. I did understand what you said about taking the pickers away from the orhardists and agree there. I did veer off from that to other disgruntles going after the people like judges and so forth. Didn’t mean to confuse your point. Think maybe my coffee was weak this morning. (lol) I always enjoy your posts.
xmasghost @ 33, it doesn’t really matter whether you are a he, she or it…..what makes you think that the repugnicans have stopped bussing people in to vote their tickets?
Don@30. I recall reading about a Judge who was brought up before the bar for a racial slur. He had publically stated, mexicans are always the ones whose names appear in blotter. To hear that someone would suggest targeting foreign names on the voter’s list first is another racial bent statement.
jpgee @35
“xmasghost @ 33, it doesn’t really matter whether you are a he, she or it…..what makes you think that the repugnicans have stopped bussing people in to vote their tickets?”
And the world is weird.
Stop beating your wife.
btw- What is a repugnican?
David@22. You got it right. Fraud is very difficult to make stick and as Don has pointed out time and time again here, fraud is a different animal than the misguided think it is. Add in the must show “intent” to any case, fraud or otherwise, and the stewers might find you have no mulligan to stew about. Robert Blake’s long drug-out murder trial ended in a not guilty. The reaming screaming can forget about any illegal voters ever wearing prison stripes for reasons of fraud. The full extent of the law in motion is never as simply as quoting an RCW.
Dr Sosin resided in Washington (as a Student for a very short time) 14 years ago. He owns no property in this state, has no ties to this state, other than his driver’s license(which i dont understand how he can still keep). He owns a home in Georgia, practices medicine in Georgia, he has LIVED there for the past 14 years…..
NOW…Do you think he should have a SAY in what happens in OUR state?
As far as the Student voting and then turning himself in, why should you think that KC elections would do anything to this poor soul, they didnt go after the Dead People or Felon’s Votes, why should they bother this one young man. BUT, if he did register to vote, he must be able to READ ENGLISH (understanding it also), so his excuse of I DIDNT KNOW, doesn’t fly here. If you take the time to Register, you should be able to READ.
It is a sad state we live in today, where nobody is willing to accept responsibilty for oneself. Too easy to blame someone else.
In my opinion, Stefan DID the right thing. He is making a point about the SYSTEM. Personally, why should we have to LIVE BY the choices that govern us, when my vote is cancelled out by people whom are not Real (active for the term at least) residents of this state.
Marks@28. Man alive, the Feds are coming, the Feds are coming. Sounds like days of Paul Revere. Washington’s past election is not high crime. Making a mountain out of a molehill doesn’t lend lends any credance; much to the contrary.
Mark@28. By the way, I agreed with your focus.