I worked so hard over the past year to defeat Tim Eyman and his dangerous initiatives, and I should be enjoying a victory celebration. I-892 is going down to a huge and embarrassing defeat. And I-864 didn’t even qualify for the ballot.
I’m not claiming the credit for myself, but I know I made an important contribution. (And more of a contribution than Tim knows.)
But it’s hard for me to gloat right now, when I’m watching my nation go down in flames.
I never accepted the legitimacy of W’s first administration and I will never accept the legitimacy of his second. At this moment, I cannot imagine being convinced that this was a free and fair election. Quite simply, I fear for our democracy.
I also fear for the future of the Democratic Party, nationally, and in Washington State.
The fact that Eyman has so clearly been revealed for the paper tiger that he is, is little consolation at this moment. But it’s all I have.
Yeah, well thanks for all you’ve done. You were a critical anchor for us. Also, check out http://www.SoundPolitics.com and scroll on down… then slime the egomaniac from Mulkiteo!
Kerry is not dead yet. You’re too pessimistic. Don’t sink into the dephs yet.
I appreciate your energy and creativity in exposing Eyeman for what he is. You have played a big part in his fall to rock bottom and total irrelevancy. This is worth celebrating.
Like you, I am fighting back depression over what I’m seeing nationwide. I’m proud that Washington unambiguously delivered the goods for Kerry and the Democrats and I haven’t given up hope for a Kerry victory, but fundamentally the fact that this election was even close feels like a loss. The apparent fact that Congress is moving even farther right is a huge loss. Even if Kerry ends up winning, we will be treated to watching four years of attack politics from Congress.
Where is the outrage? Where is the reality check, the accountability? Is there really no penalty for being the worst president in US history? Not this time. Apparently we are more or less OK with the fantasies of W and the last four years. I guess it has to get much worse before it gets better.
Like you, I find myself wondering if things are being manipulated. I don’t really understand how we could prevent it or discover it. After 2000, my trust in the election systems of this country were shaken to the core.
It is almost inconceivable to me that W seems to have run away with the popular vote. If this is due to manipulation, then the manipulators own us and nothing short of armed revolution will ever change it.
There is a simple explanation for the victory in the popular vote, I believe. Gay-marriage bans were on the ballots in eleven states, including Ohio. There’s nothing like a ban on gay marriage to turn out the evangelicals that support Bush. They were motivated because they are very passionate about this issue. The bans are pretty much passing everywhere, suggesting that there was a strong turnout for Republicans. But we can still get a win in the electoral college, if we can come back in Ohio. If that does happen, the electoral college will be gone before the next election. That’s pretty much guaranteed.
Like Chris, I’m disappointed, but I won’t give up. I won’t quit hoping until the end. Even then, I will still continue to fight for what I believe in. I hope everyone else on the progressive side will do the same.
I’m dropping out because I am no longer in the mainstream–but I’m still fighting in my private life. Thank God, I am not young so the Supreme Court doesn’t effect me very much; I don’t need social security to survive; and I won’t live long enough to have to pay for the huge deficits. I have figured out some things I will no longer do–this “civil disobedience” is my way of expressing my displeasure with big business and big government. The first thing I am going to do is to get in touch with the state attorney’s general and continue to protest the fact that Enron is still stealing from me, and ask that all contracts for electricity signed during the manipulation of the electricity market by Enron be declared null and void due to fraud. Then it’s on to an anti-marriage campaign; anti-pledge of allegiance campaign (I remember when “Under God” was not in the pledge); and anti-IRS campaign. BTW, I voted a straight Demo ticket yesterday except for one race–I didn’t vote for Dicks. Well, folks, yesterday was my last trip to the polls.
Folks, this is the way I see it:
a) The youth vote didn’t turn out like they should have according to MSNBC…
b) We can hold out hope for K-E, and let’s do that
c) Rossi’s gonna eke out a win
d) Eyman is what the hospitals would call ‘critical condition’ – did you see that picture?
one word: Canada.
Despite Kerry’s concession, we cannot give up. Hopefully Gregoire will win the governor’s race, and hopefully we will see better days ahead of us. But don’t tear up your voter registration card. We have no chance of a victory again if progressives give up.
Problem is, I’m about to be sued for libel in Canada.
Yeah, speaking of Canada see this: http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com/.....pense.html
I vote for Canada!
Folks, I think you had better see this – http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com/.....front.html. Eyman’s making roarings & Great Canadian Gaming’s making rumblings…
Folks, I think it’s really nothing to be concerned about.
Josef, I’ve got some good shit on Great Canadian coming. Nobody tramples on my First Amendment and gets away with it.
Where is that loud mouthed, know-it-all SOB now? I wonder if he’s selling victory t-shirts?
Hey Timmie…i’ll buy one for 10 bucks! Just don’t forget to claim it, okay?
DamnageD, just check out http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com/.....gance.html and http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com/.....rmies.html . You’ll get a kick out of ’em both. And for more, just click on “Josef’s Public Journal” once you’re done with both.