I suppose I owe the Seattle Times editorial board an apology. Since almost the day I started blogging, from my early, ponytail-in-inkwell-like obsession with WSJ pod-person Collin Levey to my relentless attacks on the board’s relentlessly selfish shilling for estate tax repeal, I have been one of the Times op/ed page’s harshest and most vocal critics.
I have been snide. I have been mean. At times, I have been downright disrespectful. But this morning, while reading the Times‘ endorsement of Dave Reichert, I realized that I had been underestimating the editorial board all along. While bloggers like me have struggled to define our growing role in the emerging new media landscape while eking out a little hard-earned credibility, if not an actual living, the comfortably paid editorial writers at the Times have soldiered on with a self-confidence that can only come from self-awareness. As a blogger, raised in the shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, an era when current events conferred on journalists near heroic stature, I have been slow to grasp a simple truth the Times‘ editorialists have apparently long understood: they are no better than us.
So, I am sorry Seattle Times editorial board… I’m sorry for holding you up to higher standards than you deserve, higher standards than you’ve obviously set for yourselves. I’m sorry for expecting more rhetorical honesty than I would from, say, Stefan. I’m sorry for demanding that you refrain from wallowing in your own self-serving agenda any more than I would demand a pig to refrain from wallowing in his own shit. But mostly I’m sorry that at some level, a tiny part of me still wanted to believe that even on your opinion pages you hold yourself to a higher journalistic standard than the lowest, muckraking blogger.
I apologize.
That said, it is now possible for me to embrace the Times endorsement of Reichert as the unmitigated, lying load of bullshit it really is — a turgidly written, rhetorically dishonest piece of sophistry more fitting to the pages of (un)Sound Politics than to that of a major American newspaper. Once again failing to distinguish between being serious and being solemn, this soporific and stiffly written unsigned editorial displays the intellectual rigor mortis that has come to define the dying newspaper industry.
The Times congratulates Reichert for showing “a conscience-driven independent streak” despite the fact that he has publicly admitted that the House leadership tells him when to vote against them, and they laud Reichert for opposing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge even though he voted for drilling in ANWR when his vote counted most. The Times points to his experience as a “first-responder,” ignoring his mismanaged, scandal-ridden tenure as Sheriff and his bungling of the Green River Killer investigation, and they highlight his chairmanship of a homeland-security subcommittee… a chairmanship he most definitely will not retain after the coming Democratic sweep.
They claim that Reichert appreciates “nuance,” a word he’d have to look up in the dictionary to spell, let alone define.
How far is the Times willing to go in defense of their endorsement? They even tried to spin one of Reichert’s biggest gaffes into a strength:
He surprised many recently by saying he’s not convinced about how much global warming is caused by human action. We are convinced it’s a substantial contributing factor.
But Reichert says he’s skeptical, so he’s investigating. That’s a better approach than adopting a ready-made ideology.
Global warming isn’t an “ideology,” it’s the scientific consensus for chrisakes! This is the same sort of facts be damned skepticism that freed Gary Ridgeway to go on killing for another 17 years after Reichert dismissed him as a suspect.
But in fact, even the Times has little to say in favor of Reichert, instead spending the bulk of their double-length editorial attacking his opponent Darcy Burner in a surprisingly vicious and dishonest manner.
The Times criticizes Burner’s lack of public service, as if voters are best served by a Congress filled with professional politicians. They belittle her resume and mindlessly repeat NRCC talking points. But what I find most offensive is their blatantly dishonest, one-sided, through-the-looking-glass portrayal of the 8th district race.
Still more disappointingly, Burner has run a mean-spirited campaign that would make Republican spinmeister Karl Rove proud. In The Seattle Times/KUOW-FM congressional debate last week, she accused Reichert of “lying.” She called him “unprincipled” and “politically crass.”
Those charges ring particularly hollow considering one of Burner’s approved campaign ads shamelessly obfuscates the truth about Reichert’s support of veterans funding.
To this there is only one reasonable response: FUCK YOU! As a Democrat I have spent much of the past decade being vilified by the Republicans, being branded as an immoral traitor and a coward, and of being an enemy of the state. I have watched Karl Rove and his cohorts swift-boat a war hero, and morph a patriot who left three limbs on the battlefield into Osama bin Laden.
And the Times has the temerity to tar Burner with the Karl Rove brush? They attack Burner for running a negative campaign when every single mailer and commercial coming out of the NRCC and the Reichert campaign has been an attack ad? This, after Reichert aired an ad that actually fabricated a quote from the Times? Have they no shame? Are they entirely fucking clueless?
I would be more offended… I would be angrier than I am… I would even take back my earlier apology if not for the fact that with this endorsement the Times editorial board has demonstrated once and for all how entirely irrelevant they have become. Sure, they still have a couple hundred thousand readers, but few will manage to wade past the sports section and the comics and the Sunday circulars to get to today’s op/ed page, and fewer still will take this endorsement seriously. The Times incessant shilling for estate tax repeal has so strained its credibility and bored its readers that its endorsements have become more an exercise in narcissism than civic engagement. The vast majority of readers who still bother to read newspaper editorials understand that the opinions expressed by the Times editors are no more well thought out, no more legitimate than, well… mine. And they’re damn less entertaining. Sure, newspapers still have more influence than bloggers, but it’s waning, and they know it.
Which I think helps explain the nasty tone and dishonest logic of this particular editorial, for in attacking Burner they are also attacking us bloggers and the Netroots Movement that helped propel her from a virtual unknown into one of the most hotly contested races in the nation. The Times‘ influence or lack thereof can be measured against their established record of endorsing losing candidates and causes. But a Burner victory would be seen as a huge victory for the netroots, and a clear sign of the growing influence of the barbarian blogger hoards amassing outside the gates of the traditional media.
In this light we can see the Times endorsement for what it really is. It’s not just a defense of the kind of status quo politics they find comforting. It’s not just a defense of a politician they can trust to fight for their pet issue of repealing the estate tax. In some way, at some level, this endorsement can be seen as a defense of the Times editorial board itself.
In such a close election, perhaps what little influence the Times editorial board still has with voters could be enough to swing the victory to Reichert. But if so, it will be a Pyrrhic victory, for by so distorting both the candidates and the tenor of this race to suit their own narrow objectives they have proven themselves to be no more credible and no more relevant than your average, run-of-the-mill blogger like me. And at least I’m not boring.
The thing reads like Frank Blethen wrote it himself. Reichert is for repealing the estate tax. End of argument. The Seattle Times editorial page is a one-issue air horn.
Roger Rabbit has returned from vacation! This is the REAL Roger Rabbit posting! If you don’t like it — fuck you!!!
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the comments on this thread.
Every Time I read an editorial like the one endorsing Reichert…I just KNOW Blethen wrote it (or had it written to his specs, but I really believe the former).
It’s his newspaper and if he wants to look like an asshole…well, the results speak for themselves.
And Frank, you DO look like an asshole.
Is your article considered a “Goldy Hissy Fit”.
Thanks for making my day…..
No damage here from the 6.3 earthquake off Kona. BTW, The security gate still works, so GBS and JDB can’t enter and loot. Could be big surf om the Kohala coast!!! [If I were a black Democrat I could blame George Bush, go loot a HDTV from Best Buy, get a free FEMA trailer, and a $2000 credit card from the Red Cross to buy Marlboros, Black Velvet, KFC, and King Cobra!!!!]
It seems pretty likely that only one newspaper will survive the end of the joint operating agreement. It would be a shame if it was the Times. If they go all the way to the dark side and endorse Mike!, I think a campaign to get people to switch to the P-I would be a good idea.
In 1968 & 1972 the Seattle Times endorsed Richard Nixon. In part because he would be a good law-and-order President. I always take the Seattle Times endorsements with a grain of salt. They have always been a little to the right of reality.
I SO called this on the podcast, Goldy…
I just gave all I could afford to Darcy (less than $50). It was my first political contribution. Come on Darcy!
I hope Sheriff Dave can track down the real Global Warmers faster that he caught the Green River Killer.
Unfortunately the hissyfit will continue on the airwaves tonite. The good news is that only 12 people will listen.
Waddya wanna bet Darcy is on for 3 hours reading her talking points.
Someone with a working testicle please ask her a YES or NO question… and see if you actually get a ‘yes or no’ or if you get DNC talking point number 245.
Rubberstamp Reichert not only took twenty years to catch fellow Republican, Gary Ridgeway, he never caught Young Repulican, Ted Bundy.
I think when we look at the facts it is clear that Dave Reichert CODDLES REPUBLICAN MASS MURDERERS.
As God is my witness, those are the facts!
6 “HONOLULU (AP) – A strong earthquake shook Hawaii early Sunday, causing a landslide that blocked a major highway on Hawaii Island and knocking out power across the state, authorities said.”
Shit on a stick, Jimmy…you can’t tell the truth about anything, can you? Then again, you’re probably pleased as punch if the highway’s blocked and it keeps out the riff-raff from over in Hilo, huh?
Anyway, glad to hear things weren’t any worse, and that you and yours are OK. Hope the the Sunday afternoon jazz session at Mixx is the only thing “shakin” for the rest of the day.
Oh, yeah…we switched to the P-I last week anyway.
@ 13
Hellooooooooooo Anyone Homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
1. Dave is no longer a Lawman. He is a congressman.
2. Darcy is NOT running against BUSH (but if you see her around, you might want to remind her of it again, and again, and again)
It was so full of shit it couldn’t contain it anymore, and once the eyeballs, which had been corking his skull, blew out there was no stopping the lahar of shit!!! A new island in the Pacific was created today.
I found it a tiny bit interesting that the dead-trees version of the Times editorial page has a David Broder op-ed column — reprinted, of course, from the Washington Post — right next to the Reichert
attack adendorsement. Among “The Dean”‘s unusually lucid words (emphasis added):Not only is the op-ed next to the editorial … there’s a picture of Darcy cut into the Broder column. The photo is also displayed in the online version of Broder’s column, but you can’t see the juxtaposition with the editorial on your computer monitor.
Welcome back, Roger.
Wrong on both counts. Silvermane is still running as “Sheriff Dave” because he’s got no congressional record he can call his own to run on; and, a vote against RubberStampReichert is the same thing as voting againstg Bush!
The Times Ed Board yeilds to Blethen and for him it is all about the estate tax. They endoesed Rossi for the same one reason. So its a BS sham.
Goldy- take a deep breath, step out of the blogosphere and into reality, and realize that Darcy Burner has demonstrated one thing on the campaign trail- she isn’t ready for a contest in junior high, much less a position in Congress.
She is CLUELESS. Listening to her in the debate was PAINFUL.
This woman is not equipped to be in Congress. Such a letdown from two qualified Democratic candidates two years ago. earnest L’il Darcy is ready only to go to D.C. and do whatever Pelosi tells her to do. Not a quality thought in that l’il head. She is Dorothy in Oz, thinking that wishing it so will make it so.
Democrats really need to take a look at their candidate recruitment. Kyle Taylor Lucases and Darcy Burners don’t pass the straight face test.
You have put so much energy into your Burner fantasy, and reality is starting to break into your dreams. Too bad.
I heard on the radio today (KOMO 4, AM 1000) that the Pukians are pulling money from races they can’t win and pouring it into races where they’re trying to save endangered seats, including Reichert’s. Looks like Darcy’s got ’em worried.
Pukians, in case you’re wondering, are alien life forms from the Planet Puke.
Looks like Kevin Carns is worried too.
Is the Yakima Herald a Right or Left Paper?
i guess goldy doesn’t like the fact they called his girl an empty suit.
the lowest, muckraking blogger. by Goldy, 10/15/2006, 1:33 PM
but at least he recognizes himself and his ‘supporters’.
I’m not surprised, given the Times debate moderator’s clear partisanship during last week’s debate. (Also in evidence, his general dunderheadness and cluelessness). I mean, good gravy, it’s a pretty big district in a very populous and wealthy area, and the Times could only air it on TVW and have it in some dusty, undecorated hall. You’re right. They are headed towards obsolecence.
The Associated Press reported today that Rep. Curt Weldon, 10-term GOP congresscrook from Philadelphia and vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee, is being investigated by the FBI for allegedly using his influence to steer a million dollars of lobbying and consulting contracts to his daughter, including work for associates of Serbian thug Slobodan Milosevicz. I guess it’s all in the company you keep.
Weldon was already in a tight re-election race, so the GOPers can kiss off another seat.
And at least I’m not boring. by Goldy, 10/15/2006, 1:33 PM
LMAO hahahahahahahahahahahaha! yeehaw! let the excuse begin!
no more relevant than your average, run-of-the-mill blogger like me. by Goldy, 10/15/2006, 1:33 PM
even a blind pig finds a mushroom ocassionally. Congratuations on finding your goldy.
I’m a Goldy supporter! Got a problem with it? Meet me at my burrow at 7 p.m. Bring claws so I can claim self-defense.
For simulation of what rabbit feet can do, click here: http://tinyurl.com/njv8z
yes, you are
I’m a Goldy supporter! Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/15/06@ 2:29 pm
another blind pig finds his mushroom!
Well, you Repubs. can gloat for today but tomorrow me and thousands of other Dems. will be calling person to person with voters and promoting Darcy Burner for Congress. And if she loses, we’ll be hectoring Reichert for his whole term and be putting the onus on him for everything.
Endorsing a like minded candidate like Rubberstamp Reichert does not bother me so much. He has already stated he wants the heirs of multi-millionares to pay less taxes (repeal estate tax) so the rest of us can make up the difference from our low paying jobs, and our children’s futures.
What I have a problem with, is them twisting the facts, and not being honest about the reasons why.
Seattle Times: ” On the other hand, it is hard to discern where Burner differs from the Democratic Party line.
The former Microsoft manager is smart and argues effectively for change — if only she were running against President Bush.
Which she is not. ”
Maybe someone should let the Times Retarded Editor Board understand that Bush would be impeached 50 times by now for “High Crimes And Misdermeanors” if not for Republican control of congress.
By taking back the congress RETARDED EDITORS, the Democrats, and the people may be able to hold the lying traitor in chief accountable.
Has anyone ever heard about the days when Congress actually investigated presidents for “crimes” and stuff?
It appears the Seattle Times endorses the burning of our constitution, and the destruction of what our founding fathers fought, and died for.
Shame on you.
Shame, shame, shame.
The Times: ” On the other hand, it is hard to discern where Burner differs from the Democratic Party line. ”
Differs from the Democratic Party line? What, you mean help everyone, and not just the top 1%, and greedy corporations. Give us affordable health care, and work on creating jobs other than at Wal Mart? Wage war out of necessity, instead of political gain, and grudges? I could go on, but I don’t have all afternoon.
The Democratic Party Line = Good For America
The GOP = Good for Billionares, and no one else.
Seattle Times: ” It matters that she, as an adult, didn’t take it seriously.” And what the hell is this? Attacking Darcy for attacking Reichert’s voting to hurt our country at almost every turn?
Seattle Times: “Those charges ring particularly hollow considering one of Burner’s approved campaign ads shamelessly obfuscates the truth about Reichert’s support of veterans funding. She says he voted to cut funding for veterans services. The truth is, he voted for a budget that increases funding for veterans services but its nonbinding, out-year projections, unlikely to be implemented, look like reductions.”
Maybe someone should tell the Times that there is a war going on, and the VA is insanely under-funded. 10,000 person waiting list to go to the VA in Washington State? My God. This is unacceptable, and Darcy, and every other red blooded Washingtonian understands it.
Seattle Times: “Besides, Reichert coordinated a delegation letter urging increases and bucked his party to support unsuccessfully an amendment to add $54 million for veterans services.” This is chump change. The VA needed 5 BILLION DOLLARS IN EMERGENCY FUNDING!!!!! This was last year, and we have a bunch more vets coming home with their arms, and legs blasted off thanks to REPUBLICANS!!!!
Seattle Times: “When pressed on this distinction, Burner shifts her blame again to Congress. Reichert is not Congress. He is a congressman, and the former Air Force reservist agrees veterans-services funding should be increased.” You morons. The congress is controlled by REPUBLICAN TRAITORS!!!! Nothing will get better until we replace their big oil, lower tax on corporations, and the super richm disastrous retarded ideology. My god more people on this planet according to polls admire Bin Laden than Bush.
Seattle Times: “But Burner has not made the case she will be a better member of Congress.” One of Darcy’s turds would do a better job in congress than Rubberstamp “I vote against my party when they let me” Reichert. I am sure old “ain’t sure about humans causing global warming” Reichert wanted to vote against those issues. Good for him. If the vote was closer, he would have voted with his party. We all know they count votes, and let vulnerable sleazebags vote against the party in order to pretend to be “their own man” or something for the coming (here) campaign.
Seattle Times: “— an approach that fits his moderate, rational district. His goal should be to expand his influence and be a stronger voice for change.” He may be a moderate. Good for him. He is still a Republican, and he will vote to causus with Republicans, and choose the leadership. You know, the leadership that thinks we don’t need to do anything about the sex slaves, and forced labor, and forced abortions in Saipan.
We do need Republicans. The will make a good minority, except for they lying, and baseless dishonest attack. Maybe someone will eventually hold them accountable for the miles of horse shit that spews out of their lying mouths daily.
You can bet the Times won’t.
whaa whaa the times kicked darcy in the nuts whaa whaa.
Maria: Dotzauer whore
Darcy: Pelosi whore
Goldstein: Demorcrat whore
liberal gag fest
Reaction to the death of former Rep. Gerry Studds, D-Mass.:
“Gerry’s leadership changed Massachusetts forever and we’ll never forget him. His work on behalf of our fishing industry and the protection of our waters has guided the fishing industry into the future and ensured that generations to come will have the opportunity to love and learn from the sea. He was a steward of the oceans.”
– U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.
“No one fought harder for human rights, particularly in Latin America; for our environment; and for the fishermen of New England and the entire nation. He was a true pioneer.”
– U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., whose wife, Lisa, once worked as an aide to Studds.
“Gerry often said that it was the fight for gay and lesbian equality that was the last great civil rights chapter in modern American history. He did not live to see its final sentences written, but all of us will forever be indebted to him for leading the way with compassion and wisdom. He gave people of his generation, of my generation, and of future generations the courage to be who they are.”
– Dean Hara, who married Studds in 2004.
“Gerry was a stalwart champion of New England’s fishing families as well as a committed environmentalist who worked hard to demonstrate that the cause of working people and the cause of the environment go hand in hand with the right leadership. When he retired from Congress, he did not retire from the cause, continuing to fight for the fishing industry and New England’s environmental causes.
– U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
“I am very saddened by the death of Gerry Studds. From his days in the early 1970s as an articulate and effective opponent of the Vietnam war, through his consistent leadership on environmental issues, to his insistence that the U.S. government stop ignoring the AIDS crisis, Gerry was a forceful advocate for causes that were not always popular and that were consequently shunned by many politicians.”
– U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.
Hey anonymous. What you think it is better if you are gay? Staying in the closet denying your sexuality like Jim West, and Foley, or just saying you like dudes?
After staring at forbidden fruit for decades, closet types can explode, and hurt others. They have to remain in the closet, because they are intimidated by RETARDS!
I assume you mean yourself or one of your close relatives
37, 38
Fucking Republican idiot doesn’t even know how to write html script.
Anonymous = default screen name of GOP shill too lazy to type in a screen name
The meltdown continues…
No damage here from the 6.3 earthquake off Kona. BTW, The security gate still works, so GBS and JDB can’t enter and loot. Could be big surf om the Kohala coast!!! [If I were a black Democrat I could blame George Bush, go loot a HDTV from Best Buy, get a free FEMA trailer, and a $2000 credit card from the Red Cross to buy Marlboros, Black Velvet, KFC, and King Cobra!!!!]
Republicans think only wages should be taxed. There are so many disincentives for working, why should anyone work? I don’t. I live off the fat of the land, like Republicans do. Years ago, I memorized this phrase:
I’m a Democrat so I can someday live like a Republican.
Well, that day is here!!! From now on, I’m going to get all my money from inheritance windfalls, capital gains, investment income, pension payments, and Social Security. Fuck work!!!
If Republicans really believed all the crapola they spew about “hard work,” they would support taxing inheritances, lottery winnings, capital gains, and investment income, and exempting wages from taxation.
The only “hard work” Republicans believe in is the hard work done by others so they don’t have to work at all.
“No damage here from the 6.3 earthquake” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/15/06@ 3:32 pm
No, you wouldn’t think so, would you? You were already cracked, and now the crack is wider.
I guess if you dropped a brick off a 10-story building it wouldn’t know it broke into pieces on the pavement below, would it.
The whole point of being a Republican is to live off the work of others so you don’t have to work.
Great to have you back, Rabbit.
You were missed.
“Anonymous” is MtR in drag.
Commentby Anonymous— 10/15/06@ 3:08 pm
Let me see here. You have a problem with people saying nice things about the man at his funeral?
President Clinton gave a eulogy for Richard Nixon. There comes a certain point where you just try to remember the good, while putting aside the bad.
Or, perhaps you think we should all follow the example of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Jim King @22,
Really… more than one Republican elected official has complained to me about what an idiot Reichert is. I found it troubling that you would endorse such mediocrity.
And when it comes to candidate recruitment, you entirely miss the point about Darcy. She wasn’t recruited by the party. They failed to recruit anybody. She ran and the netroots embraced her, and the result is that win or lose, she just sucked $5 million of GOP money into WA-08 that they weren’t expecting to spend there, and that they now can’t spend elsewhere.
Meanwhile the Times thinks WA-08 would be better served by half-wit member of the minority. Go figure.
“Great to have you back, Rabbit. You were missed.” Commentby Rujax!— 10/15/06@ 3:44 pm
My world traveling is over! The trollfucks have a long, dark winter ahead of them. I’m going to give them well-deserved torment every day between now and next spring.
Speaking of torment, or more accurately, torture — I happened to find a copy of National Review in a trash bin while hitchhiking across America’s salad bowl, and read the conservative intelligentsia’s apologia for the Bush regime’s gulag. Being a lawyer, what immediately struck me was that their arguments totally failed to address the possibility that Bush’s military avengers might arrest the wrong people. You know — INNOCENT people. The NR contributors and editors seem to operate on a presumption of guilt. “If they arrested you, you must be guilty, otherwise they wouldn’t have arrested you.”
Hey, as I’ve posted here before, I don’t give a rat’s ass what the GOP-Nazis do to the 9/11 perps. I will turn a blind eye to it. My concern is about the innocent people they’ve arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and in some cases, murdered with no due process at all but simply because of bad intelligence or because they felt like it.
Now watch the trollfucks jump in here and claim there’s no innocent people in Gitmo, and never has been. If that’s so, how come the Bush regime released dozens of Gitmo detainees within the last couple weeks? Why have 90% of the detainees been freed without tribunals, charges, or sentences? Because they were INNOCENT, that’s why!!!
Duh. Does anybody out there think the Bushies would release a detainee if there was even a scintilla of evidence, a shred, a scrap, a straw, to suggest they even remotely might be a terrorist? Show of paws, please. I see no hands. No, I didn’t think so.
If the right wing’s best and brightest can’t do any better than that, imagine what deep shit the uneducated rednecks are in.
The thing about the right wing house of cards is that it doesn’t take liberals to bring it down. It will fall of its own accord. Lying incessantly doesn’t turn your lies into facts. If you claim gravity doesn’t exist, then jump off a cliff, you’re gonna splatter anyway. Well, wingnuts can say whatever they want about WMDs, Iraq, the UN, the economy, or global warming. The truth is gonna catch up with them even if we do absolutely nothing. In other words, gravity is real no matter what they say, and they’re gonna splatter.
It is now patently obvious from every poll in sight that a large majority of the American public has concluded Bush is a serial liar.
I can hardly wait until Hillary is president and Pelosi is speaker, so we can shove it up their asses! No negotiation with these right wing bastards. We don’t need their input to solve the health care crisis — we’ll just solve it. Why should we give them any say in how we fix the country’s manifold problems, since they created those problems in the first place? The only role the GOP should have in the new Congress and next administration is hanging up our coats.
Washington state: NO on I933 NO on I920
Global Climate Change not Global Warming – get it right – plus no ONE has the total answer on this subject
16 CG
“1. Dave is no longer a Lawman. He is a congressman.”
Hmmm, maybe someone should tell Dave. He mentions his former business about twenty times a sentence, and in his TV ads he has a big star graphic surrounding his name.
“2. Darcy is NOT running against BUSH”
Ah, but she is. You see, the mindless (at least in dave’s case) rubber stamps in the Republican COngress won’t stand up to the president, won’t dichrge their responsibility to oversee executive government, approve of whatever stupid ideas he wants to push, and won’t even admit or stand up to their own corruption. Sending a Republican back to Washington just asks for more of the same failed policies and failed governance. Sending a Democrat is the only way to make a chsnge.
Looks like the only one on the “road to irrelevance” is you Clownstein.
” 10,000 person waiting list to go to the VA in Washington State?”
Where is this VA hospital at???????????
Darcy clerly learned resume enhancement from this guy
The right-wing pricks are getting restless.
Given Microsoft’s history of screwing over temporary workers, why should the voters of the 8th district trust a Microsoft Manager such as Darcy Burner, to represent their concerns?
Hey Rabbit,
Looks like you like to hear yourself post. Hmmm if only you had something say.
I think Reicharts waiting for the DNA evidence on global warming.
“Where’s ma mofo guvment check? Where’s my mofo FEMA trailer? Where’s ma mofo Red Cross Credit Card? Dat mofo Bush causes da earthquake like he causes Katrina!! Eyes gosta gets da KFC, da Black Velvet, and da King Cobra!! Youse owes me!!” [Alive in Hawaii]
I’m going to enlist…..just kidding, I’m really a republican who inherited my money(and paid way too much death tax), and am presently comfortable letting someone else fight my war for me. Truly, chivalry is dead in the GOP.
No damage here from the 6.3 earthquake off Kona. BTW, The security gate still works, so GBS and JDB can’t enter and loot. Could be big surf om the Kohala coast!!! [If I were a black Democrat I could blame George Bush, go loot a HDTV from Best Buy, get a free FEMA trailer, and a $2000 credit card from the Red Cross to buy Marlboros, Black Velvet, KFC, and King Cobra!!!!] “Send me my mofo guvment check!!!! Donate, you mofo whities!!! Eyes gosta gets da Marlboros and KFC!! And eyes need a diamond stud!! You bests pay, or I be lootin!!!”
Ted Bundy was a Republican.
Not only was Ted Bundy a republicant, he was another criminal Dave Reichart couldn’t catch. But I’m sure he would have………….after he got around to testing the DNA.
You can tell when people have lost the argument. They resort to profanity. I think you could have eliminated all of the extra stuff in your blog and just stuck with “I’m sorry”. The rest of it is all pretty pathetic.
“BTW, The security gate still works, so GBS and JDB can’t enter and loot.” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/15/06@ 3:32 pm
We’re more subtle than that. We’re gonna raise your taxes.
Given the GOP’s history of screwing over everybody, why should anyone trust them for anything?
Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __, then bend over and suck your own dick.
A Republican lecturing about profanity is like Ted Bundy lecturing about parking tickets.
Well, one thing you gotta say for Ted Bundy is he didn’t rack up unpaid parking tickets. There’s a little bit of good in everyone.
Of course, if you’re trying to get away with killing people, it’s a good idea not to call attention to yourself isn’t it? A principle the average GOP congressman doesn’t seem to understand.
84 Who said I’m a Republican. And I know you think what you’ve said is funny and maybe you even think it makes sense, but it seems to me you and the author of this blog are stuck in their Junior High years where people use profanity to make themselves feel older. Do you also get into bathroom humor too?
you all enjoy reliving your Junior High years–this seems to be a pretty worthless blog. I think I will go elsewhere.
Way to go Times! Do they even kow who Darcy whats-her-name is?
@83 Rodent:
By your childish response you have just proven Dave correct. Back from vacation huh? Another vacation from a vacation. You know, not working, collecting gov’t cheese, having an IQ of under 100, being a worthless unproductive member of society, etc., and I’d be willing to guess you have never been popular with the ladies either.
I may eat govt cheese, but at least I’m not part of the pedophile enabler association…..the GOP.
Would the GOP be covering for a Congressman Ted Bundy(R-Bellevue) right now, or do they just cover for pedophiles?
re 92: Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway were card carrying Republicans.
They say that OJ is searching for the killer of his wife on every golf course in Florida. A little known fact is that Mark Foley was with him…..and he was searching the caddies.
I’m becoming more optimistic about how the elections will turn out in November. Reading the silly hissy fit here convinces me that Burner is going down. If the best you can do is try to associate Ted Bundy to Dave Reichert, you are truly desperate.
Too bad you can’t put in a positive word for your actual candidate. Tell me again, just what was that public service and experience in state government that she claims?
BTW, people with scruples would have boycotted the Stubbs memorial. He had sex with an underage page. This is predatory behavior. Why glorify him?
Oh, that’s right – Ted Kennedy was complicit in a woman’s death. He doesn’t exactly have any moral standing.
That should be “Studds”.
Let’s face it: Reichert sounded like a moron at the debate.
49 “From now on, I’m going to get all my money from inheritance windfalls, capital gains, investment income, pension payments, and Social Security. Fuck work!!!”
You forgot war profiteering, Roger.
Did the Times muzzle David Postman? No entries on his blog since the infamous endorsment.
Too bad you can’t put in a positive word for your actual candidate. Tell me again, just what was that public service and experience in state government that she claims?
Commentby Janet S— 10/15/06@ 10:25 pm
Well, Dame Janet. Still on that same “resume” rant. Given your guy Bush didn’t have much of a resume, I would think you rather let that one go . . .
But, it seems you can’t find anything else of merit about which to diss her . . . keep ranting.
BTW, you must be a very old dame indeed. Chappaquiddick huh?
Hey Goldy –
I don’t know if you bother reading these comment threads after they wander off into name calling and ED ads, but I was hoping you’d respond to the main point of the editorial – the Times strong belief that this is a race between two people, not two parties. They state in no uncertain terms that Burner is not running against Bush or Congress, but against Reichart. You, on the other hand, argue eloquently that this year more than ever the elections are parlimentary, and all that counts is putting the Democrats back in power. Burner echoes that sentiment, and the Times doesn’t like that approach apparently.
I think you should write an op-ed and make the argument very explicit… something along the lines of “Burner’s lack of community service or prior voting matters not, just as Reichart’s competance (or lack thereof) as a Sheriff and as a Congressman is irrelvant. All that matter is the (D) and the (R). The actual people might as well be named after the election.”
My world traveling is over! The trollfucks have a long, dark winter ahead of them. I’m going to give them well-deserved torment every day between now and next spring. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/15/06@ 3:58 pm
Oh really Pelletizer? Still bragging of having sex with animals out of marriage, or is “tormenting trollfucks” your new pasttime? Personally I think you are better at the former because you really suck at the latter!
I’m not surprised, given the Times debate moderator’s clear partisanship during last week’s debate. (Also in evidence, his general dunderheadness and cluelessness). I mean, good gravy, it’s a pretty big district in a very populous and wealthy area, and the Times could only air it on TVW and have it in some dusty, undecorated hall. You’re right. They are headed towards obsolecence. Commentby Chascarrillo— 10/15/06@ 2:25 pm
Oh you mean the yelling and screaming, booing and hissing from the moonbat wing in the audience and he didn’t tell them to shut up? Oh you mena let’s have civil discourse and your side continued to boo and hiss yell and scream? Oh you mena when he tried to get the audience not to applaud each Burner dud answer and boo the ex-sheriff?
Pure partisanship? Drinking the kool-aid again? Why do moonbats claim to be so tolerant yet, you want to shout down their opponents so they can’t speak their points?
Fucking Republican idiot doesn’t even know how to write html script. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/15/06@ 3:29 pm
Maybe we don’t care what you think!
90 Mark1
“not working, collecting gov’t cheese, having an IQ of under 100, being a worthless unproductive member of society, etc.,
Golody @ 58 said:
“and the result is that win or lose, she just sucked $5 million of GOP money into WA-08 that they weren’t expecting to spend there, and that they now can’t spend elsewhere”
Sounds like early damage control. This race is over (actually, it never even started).
So let me get this straight, it’s outrageous that Burner is “running against Bush”, while it’s perfectly OK for Reichart to run against Pelosi?
“Voters need to ask the question: Will Darcy Burner do Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s bidding in Congress?” opined Tebelius, referring to the Democrats’ challenger in the 8th District.
Could someone explain?
OK, how about we start an initiative to specifically exempt the Blethen family from inheritance taxes? Then maybe Frank will shut the hell up and go back to running his damn newspaper.
Dipsy-Doodle Darcy is now DOA!!
111 John425
“Dipsy-Doodle Darcy is now DOA!!”
Yeah, she’s so far from winnning that the RNC is spending $5 million trying to knock her off. Uh-huh.
You should read youself to sleep with those fairy tales.
89 Mark1
“Do they even kow who Darcy whats-her-name is?
She’s the one they have to spend $5 million to even TRY to stop.
Word has it that the GOP is being forced to selectively allocate its resources, pumping money into campaigns of “treatened” candidates by witholding or reducing support for those whose chances of prevailing appear hopeless.
So who knows? Even if Darcy doesn’t win, she may have helped pull the plug on Rick Santorum.
The Seattle Times will endorse the incumbant in most cases, espessially when the challenger is largely unknown.
There you are!
One quick question; What do you think of your Rep. “Able Danger” Weldon now?
Looks like a third Republican congressman is headed to prison, along with all the other conservatives criminals.
C’mon, Puddybud, it’s time to be honest and admit that while the “ideals” of conservatism as the model of government known is a failure. Failed by the very people who promoted it — conservatives.
Why didn’t George W. Bush do anything to attack al Qeada after January 26, 2001 once the CIA and FBI confirmed to the POTUS that al Qeada was responsible for the USS Cole bombing?
President Clinton put his administration on a war footing and he was ONLY waiting for Tenet to confirm if al Qeada was responsible for the attack on the Cole.
Why did George W. Bush downgrade the terrorism Czar from a cabinet position to a sub-cabinet position?
Whdy did George W. Bush stop the weekly principals meetings that President Clinton had instituted regarding terrorism?
Why did George W. Bush address NATO in March of 2001 and listed the top 5 threats facing the west, and not one of them was terrorism?
If Al Gore was president the 9/11 attacks would never have occured and thousands of Americans would be alive today. Because Al Gore would have taken us to war BEFORE they hit us over here. And, Al Gore would have paid attention to PDB in August that specifically outlined an al Qeada attack inside the US using commercial aircraft. Being at war against al Qeada we would have taken steps to prevent hi-jackings and save America from a savage attack.
Instead, George W. Bush ignored anything and everything President Clinton focused on when it came to America’s security.
Why did Bush ignore the threat when presented with clear and confirming evidence that al Qeada attacke the USS Cole?
GBS: While waiting for Puddy to answer, why did Clinton pass on 8 different opportunities to get Bin Laden? Did you read the opinions for retired CIA agents? Hasn’t been refuted yet? Neither has Lt. Col Buzz Patterson?
“Goldy” says:
“Global warming isn’t an “ideology,†it’s the scientific consensus for chrisakes!”
“the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant.
What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.” Doctor Michael Crichton in a speech at California Institute of Technology, January 17, 2003
Just because your buddy Al Gore rants that it is so, doesn’t make it so.
Bill H
Doctor Michael Crichton in a speech at California Institute of Technology, January 17, 2003
Just because your buddy Al Gore rants that it is so, doesn’t make it so.
Great, now I’ve got diet soda on my screen again. Thanks for the laugh.
That was comedic irony, right?
#119, I don’t get it, what is comedic about commenting on the lack of scientific seriousness in the global warming debate. Are you one of those that takes your global warming religion seriously and so do not want to expose yourself to any heresy? It is clear that this issue is political and has become the left wing religion, otherwise the global warming religionists would not be so unserious as to ignore science that threatens their “theory”.
Bill H
MWS @ 116:
Be specific, which opportunities are you addressing?
I’ve learned that Republicans LOVE to throw out red herrings and out and out lies, i.e. the irony of the “Able Danger” bullshit.
You make an extremely vague accusation. Come with facts and I’ll respond in kind.
Bill H.,
Just because your buddy “Doctor” Michael Crichton rants that it is so, doesn’t make it so.
Read closer, he did not say that it “isn’t so”, what he said, and most people with a background in science would agree, is that science does not work on consensus. We didn’t take a vote and decide how far it is from the earth to the sun. That is not how science is created. It is created by proving one’s theory and having it peer reviewed to see if the proof is repeated. The global warming debate is all based on computer models–all of which have drastically overstated temperature changes than have actually occurred. To say this represents settled science is grossly exaggerated–which is why I say it is more akin to religious belief than anything like science.
Here is another quote for you:
“The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations for impressions” John Ruskin
Bill H
By the way, yes it is Doctor Michael Crichton. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University, got his medical degree from Harvard School of Medicine and was a post doctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences. He is more than qualified to speak to Cal Tech on the scientific method, which is what the speech that I quoted from was on. What are “Goldy”‘s degrees in?
Bill H
Oh, and by the way, Crichton has also written a few books and had a few successful movies…
Bill H
A medical doctor is qualified to comment on the science of climatology in the same way that a plumber is qualified to fix your computer. And Crichton has written quite a few books of FICTION. If that’s your idea of scientific credentials, well, no more need be said. :D
Bill H.,
Perhaps you could enlighten us as to the basic differences between Kuhnian and Popperian philosophies of scientific inquiry? Doctor (snicker) Crichton’s claim that consensus has nothing to do with science is fundamentally ignorant. If you want me to take his comments seriously, I suggest you don’t post those comments in which he makes an ass of himself.
You all need to actually learn to read rather than just let your fingers start typing.
Geni, if you were to have read what was said, you would know that the quote from Crichton was commenting on the scientific method, something that you have demonstrated you know nothing about, since you seem to have some problem with just reading the English language. Also, Crichton has also written several books of NON-fiction. How many have you written?
It is very interesting how touchy you all are when someone challenges your religious beliefs. Heresy makes you nervous doesn’t it?
TJ, you have shown yourself to not be interested in data that challenges your global warming beliefs, so why should I bother to educate you further. You are obviously “True Believers”. Isn’t it funny that the party of no religion has found one! How dare anyone question the questionable “science” behind it? How dare anyone point out that while glaciers are falling into the sea on Greenland’s coast that greater amounts of ice are growing in Greenland’s interior. How dare anyone point out that Arctic ice melting does not raise ocean levels one iota. How dare anyone point out that Antarctica, overall, has little or no change in it’s ice coverage (slightly less in the last few years, but greater ice over the last 30 years). How dare anyone point out that temperatures were higher 1000 years ago than they are today (I know you would rather only look back over the last 900 years or so).
From perusing this site, I can see that you would all like to just talk to each other–you don’t want anyone to challenge your ideas, so I’ll leave you all to it. However, you might find it more interesting to actually have an intelligent discussion rather than a kneejerk reaction. But then, if you wanted that, you probably wouldn’t be on this website.
And “Goldy”‘s scientific credentials are?
TJ, you have shown yourself to not be interested in data that challenges your global warming beliefs, so why should I bother to educate you further. You are obviously “True Believers”.
No, I’m not “True Believers;” I’m only one person – singular.
You posted Crichton’s comments regarding what is and is not science. Now that you realize he was most likely laughed out of the room, you’re stomping off in a snit. You sound like one of those people who believes what he’s told as long as it conforms with his preconceptions. When others who know more than you point out your error, you plug your ears and rage that no one else will see your Truth. In short, you exhibit the traits of a closed mind, not one open to discovery, scientific or otherwise.
If you’d ever like to address any philosophy of science issues in a more adult manner than you have so far in this thread, feel free to come back. If not, good riddance.
True Believers–I was referring to both you and Geni. If the two of you do not question questionable science, what else can one call you? You didn’t deny that you are a true believer, you just said that you are singular–glad to hear you don’t have multiple personalities.
Closed mind? I’m not the one who has bought into Global Warming hook, line and sinker or made idiotic statements like “Goldy” made, saying there is a “scientific consensus” here. Well heck, if “Goldy” says that there is a “scientific consensus”, who are we to question it. Closed mind? Look in the mirror, or better yet, look at “Goldy”. I’ve never said anything definitively about the issue other than the fact that the science is sorely lacking.
And by the way, “Goldy”‘s scientific credentials are?
Bill, you’re really not getting it done. Quit while you’re a behind.
Not getting what done?
Bill H said like a bought and paid for troll “the science (of climate change) is sorely lacking.”
Hmmm.. Not according to the scientists. But then you wouldn’t know anything about science.
Your just a fucking troll.
Perhaps Bill “I hate America” H would like to question EVERY science academy of EVERY industrialized nation.
Feel free, Bill H.
Troll away!