Foolproof Performing Arts is bringing actress, comedienne and liberal radio talker Janeane Garofalo to Seattle’s Town Hall to headline a panel discussion:
Janeane Garofalo and friends* discuss Politics and the Press:
Fair and Balanced or Lazy and Cowed?October 7, 2006 — 8:00 PM
Tickets: $25.00 to $75.00
Janeane’s “friends” include bloggers Atrios, Matt Stoller and, um… me.
Well, actually, I’ve never met Janeane, but I wouldn’t mind counting her as a friend. I’ve always had a thing for funny women.
Anyway, I’m not sure I really belong on a panel like this, but I guess I’m there to give the local angle. The discussion will be moderated by Mother Jones Radio host Angie Coiro, and I expect it not only to be a fascinating evening, but damn entertaining.
This is a special fundraising benefit event for Foolproof, and I expect it to sell out, so buy your tickets soon. And oh yeah… most of the cost of your ticket is tax deductible.
Hi – Will they discuss Justice’s Bobbe Bridge’s 0.22% drunk driving / hit and run incident? Will they discuss Gregoire’s, Locke’s and Justice Alexander’s support of Bridge?
Or are past DUIs only to be discussed if issued to Republican candidates for office- just curious..
Hey Goldy- Will she tell us about Air America in bankruptcy. I read that she quit just before they were to tag and bag her!
“Progressive” radio-indeed!
COngratulations, Goldy! The Goldmeister! Goldilockster! The Gold-man! Goldatollah! The Goldinator! Gold-o-rama! The Goldster, hittin’ the big time…
I wouldn’t waste two pennies seeing Jeneane GodAwfulo. Tell her you love Bush and watch her head explode.
Black Democrat Keith Ellison is involved with the Nation of Islam and is an active supporter of terrorist rights. Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!!
Air America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing, three independent sources have told ThinkProgress.
Air America could remain on the air under the deal, but significant personnel changes are already in the works. Sources say five Air America employees were laid off yesterday and were told there would be no severance without capital infusion or bankruptcy. [………I wonder if Al FrankenJew will be paying back the New York Boys Club [poor black kids] the $800,000 that AIR AMERICA stole from them? Goldy, Carl, any “inside” word here?? ]
Young Western-born Muslims recruited in universities, mosques and on the internet are increasingly being turned to jihad by terrorist networks, which train them in Islamic countries to support and conduct attacks on their homelands. The return of brainwashed sleeper agents trained in counter-intelligence and covert fundraising, as well as the use of explosives, was the ”biggest threat to humanity in modern times”, said Boaz Ganor, founder of the Israeli-based Institute of Counter-Terrorism. [……………………………………………………………………………….As long a Muuuuuuslims vote Democrat, nothing will be done about this.]
@ 1:
Typical low blow bullshit, picked up from the judicial races BIAW advertising bullshit.
Bridge handled her problem admirably, and far better than a whole host of GOP politicos that have made similar mistakes.
What an ass @ 1.
Someone please take away JCH’s paste key, it is really tiresome.
Poor Aaron……..You can try!!!!
I agree with John Barelli. John Craig Herman is obsessed with making racist statements. Lately, he has taken an interest in me that I find facinating in a horrifying way. I have challenged him to prove his claims of being, among other things, rich, educated, retired, a producer, a stock wiz and on and on….. He has actually proven to us he is none of these things.
I have spent a few dollars and about 20 minutes researching John Craig Herman. Either it is a fake name he uses, or he lies. The credit rating and personal holdings of John Craig Herman do not amount to a hill of beans in HI. If John Craig chooses to challenge me on this I will, for about $30 start my own website, perhaps, and I will publish on this website all of the PUBLIC information that I have gathered.
JCH made a mistake in severely underestimating my ability to know my adversary. Now, he would be wise to curl up in his miserable little hole and leave the blogging to those of us who can form cogent, thoughtful sentences that are free from the vitriolic, inciteful hatred that John Craig Herman seems to favor.
He is a liar, a coward and a fool.
I will not acknowledge him further. I would ask that the rest of the regular bloggers do as John Barelli and I have pledged, and make no mention or acknowledgement of his presence here.
Since when has offering support and solace to a colleague or friend who is in trouble become a sin or even a political faux pas? Why is it that rightwingers lack basic humanity? As you are surely friendless, you probably don’t comprehend what I’m talking about. John Groen’s attack ad on Justice Alexander because he offered “support” to Bobbe Bridge is one of the lowest forms of political speech I have ever seen. John Groen lacks the integrity which a good judge should have.
And oh yeah… most of the cost of your ticket is tax deductible. -by Goldy, 09/13/2006, 2:46 PM
Oh really?
Care to explain that little gem please?
Top off your ticket purchase with a tax-deductible gift to American Voices and help us:
blah, blah blah, blah…
and THIS other little gem:
Your donation is critical to sustain our ability to bring voices of reason and hope to our community and continue our active role in the fight for the future of America.
1) Donate Online
2) Include a donation with your ticket order.
3) Download a Donation Form to mail or fax (pdf).
4) Call Foolproof at 206.325.3554.
BREAKING: Tim Eyman is a liar!
by Goldy, 09/13/2006, 11:07 AM
EVIDENTLY, SO IS la goldie
In an interesting campaign development, the Association of General Contractors has now endorsed Justice Alexander. That endorsement is very telling. With their endorsement, the contractors demonstrate their independence from the BIAW, which is shoveling hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy its boy, John Groen, a seat on the Court. No one knows builders better than contractors and contractors are unwilling to buy into the message of the builders. The AGC, impressively, has gone out on a limb to protect the independence and integrity of the Court by biting the hand of the builders.
Uh, ProudOfHerFatAss, again you come armed with the word lie. Which you use to accuse Goldy. Then, as per usual, you offer no proof or evidence to back your use of the word lie.
So, how about it, show us your proof…….
COngratulations, Goldy! The Goldmeister! Goldilockster! The Gold-man! Goldatollah! The Goldinator! Gold-o-rama! The Goldster, hittin’ the big time…
Commentby Daddy Love [………………………………………………….Head up Goldystein’s ass much, Daddy Love? Air America is “BK”, and the insiders stole 800 grand from poor black kids in NYC. You libs are classic!!!]
Can you READ left foot?
I took the info OFF the website la goldie LINKED.
NOWHERE on that site did it claim that part of the ticket price was TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
It did, however SUGGEST, ASK AND BEG that you inclued a tax deductible donation when you purchase your tickets.
Are you just play stupid in a blog or are your really stupid in life?
*Do you just play stupid in a blog or are your really stupid in life?
“I will not acknowledge him further.”
Commentby My Left Foot [………………………………………………………….That’s not what Mrs. Grossman said last night! The neighbors could hear her moaning and howling for miles!!!]
“Can you READ, Left Foot?”
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS [……Obviously, not very well! He’s in over his head!]
I have spent a few dollars and about 20 minutes researching John Craig Herman. Either it is a fake name he uses, or he lies. The credit rating and personal holdings of John Craig Herman do not amount to a hill of beans in HI. If John Craig chooses to challenge me on this I will, for about $30 start my own website, perhaps, and I will publish on this website all of the PUBLIC information that I have gathered.
JCH made a mistake in severely underestimating my ability to know my adversary. Now, he would be wise to curl up in his miserable little hole and leave the blogging to those of us who can form cogent, thoughtful sentences that are free from the vitriolic, inciteful hatred that John Craig Herman seems to favor.
He is a liar, a coward and a fool.
I will not acknowledge him further. I would ask that the rest of the regular bloggers do as John Barelli and I have pledged, and make no mention or acknowledgement of his presence here.
Commentby My Left Foot [………..Shit!! I guess “the dinner and a movie” invitation in “Novemeber” is out? Damn!! I was looking forward to gooseing Mrs. Grossman under the table!!]
Are you just pla[in] stupid in a blog or are your really stupid in life? Do you just play stupid in a blog or are your really stupid in life? Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/13/06@ 4:57 pm Modified by MWS for added emphasis!
Both statements work perfectly for Carl, the Left Foot.
He’s a heel and around him you stub your toes in his BS!
Notice plane would work for plain too. He is as dumb as a parked aircraft.
You were saying yesterday how liberal Justice Alexander is. That’s why the state’s largest group of contractors, a notorious group of leftists, has endorsed him, right?
I think Goldie and Janeane would make the perfect couple. No speculation on whom would wear the pants in that coupling!
It must really pizz off the righties that AA is still on the air, bankrupt or not.
Ann’s Latest!! Enjoy, Commie Libs!!!!
If you wonder why it took 50 years to get the truth about Joe McCarthy, consider the fanatical campaign of the Clinton acolytes to kill an ABC movie that relies on the 9/11 Commission Report, which whitewashed only 90 percent of Clinton’s cowardice and incompetence in the face of terrorism, rather than 100 percent.
Islamic jihadists attacked America year after year throughout the Clinton administration. They did everything but blow up his proverbial “bridge to the 21st century.” Every year but one, Clinton found an excuse not to fight back.
The first month Clinton was in office, Islamic terrorists with suspected links to al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein bombed the World Trade Center.
For the first time ever, a terrorist act against America was treated not as a matter of national security, but exclusively as a simple criminal offense. The individual bombers were tried in a criminal court. (The one plotter who got away fled to Iraq, that peaceful haven of kite-flying children until Bush invaded and turned it into a nation of dangerous lunatics.)
In 1995 and 1996, various branches of the Religion of Peace – al-Qaida, Hezbollah and the Iranian “Party of God” – staged car bomb attacks on American servicemen in Saudi Arabia, killing 24 members of our military in all. Each time, the Clinton administration came up with an excuse to do nothing.
Despite the Democrats’ current claim that only the capture of Osama bin Laden will magically end terrorism forever, Clinton turned down Sudan’s offer to hand us bin Laden in 1996. That year, Mohammed Atta proposed the 9/11 attack to bin Laden.
Clinton refused the handover of bin Laden because – he said in taped remarks on Feb. 15, 2002 – “(bin Laden) had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him.” Luckily, after 9/11, we can get him on that trespassing charge.
Although Clinton made the criminal justice system the entire U.S. counterterrorism strategy, there was not even an indictment filed after the bombing of either Khobar Towers (1996) or the USS Cole (2000). Indictments were not filed until after Bush/Ashcroft came into office.
Only in 1998 did the Clinton-haters (“normal people”) force Clinton into a military response. Solely because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton finally lobbed a few bombs in the general direction of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
In August 1998, three days after Clinton admitted to the nation that he did in fact have “sex with that woman,” he bombed Afghanistan and Sudan, doing about as much damage as another Clinton fusillade did to a blue Gap dress.
The day of Clinton’s scheduled impeachment, Dec. 18, 1998, he bombed Iraq. This accomplished two things: (1) It delayed his impeachment for one day, and (2) it got a lot of Democrats on record about the monumental danger of Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction.
So don’t tell me impeachment “distracted” Clinton from his aggressive pursuit of terrorists. He never would have bombed anyone if it weren’t for the Clinton-haters.
As soon as Clinton was no longer “distracted” by impeachment, he went right back to doing nothing in response to terrorism. In October 2000, al-Qaida bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors and nearly sinking the ship.
Clinton did nothing. This is only an abbreviated list of Clinton’s surrender to Islamic savagery. For a president who supposedly stayed up all night “working” and hated vacations, Clinton sure spent a lot of time sitting around on his butt while America was being attacked.
According to Rich Miniter, author of “Losing Bin Laden,” Clinton’s top national security advisers made the following classic Democrat excuses for doing nothing in response to the Cole attack:
Attorney General Janet Reno “thought retaliation might violate international law and was therefore against it.”
CIA Director George Tenet “wanted more definitive proof that bin Laden was behind the attack, although he personally thought he was.”
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright “was concerned about the reaction of world opinion to a retaliation against Muslims and the impact it would have in the final days of the Clinton Middle East peace process.” (How did that turn out, by the way? Big success, I take it? Everybody over there all friendly with one another?)
Secretary of Defense William Cohen “did not consider the Cole attack ’sufficient provocation’ for a military retaliation.”
Less than a year after Clinton’s final capitulation to Islamic terrorists, they staged the largest terrorist attack in history on U.S. soil. The Sept. 11 attack, planning for which began in the ’90s, followed eight months of President Bush – but eight years of Bill Clinton.
Clinton’s own campaign adviser on Iraq, Laurie Mylroie, says Clinton and his advisers are “most culpable” for the intelligence failure that allowed 9/11 to happen.
Now, after five years of no terrorist attacks in America, Democrats are hoping we’ll forget the consequences of the Democrat strategy of doing nothing in response to terrorism and abandon the Bush policies that have kept this nation safe since 9/11. But first, they need to rewrite history.
No I’m not pizzed. I think more people need to hear vile desparate moonbats deliver puke for radio!
It must really pizz off the righties that AA is still on the air, bankrupt or not.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— […….If Al FrankenJew and the Dems could just steal another 800 grand from poor black kids, maybe they could stay on the air even longer!!!! hehe, JCH]
ProudAss @13, @17,
Um… can you read?
Carl, when you get upset, your spelling goes to shit and your blood pressure spikes!! Time for your meds!!!!
Black Democrat Keith Ellison is involved with the Nation of Islam and is an active supporter of terrorist rights. Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/13/06@ 4:14 pm
A few beliefs of the Nation of Islam Democrats:
The following is a brief summary that outlines some of the main points made by Elijah Muhammad in his 300 page book called Message to the Blackman in America. It was first printed in 1965 and then again in 1992 by United Brothers Communications Systems of Newport News, Virginia.
Elijah Muhammad makes many outlandish proclamations in his book, but it is important to keep in mind that the proclamations are mixed in with claims about discrimination that are true to varying degrees, and that even when true to some degree, readers’ opinions would differ about the significance of such claims.
In his book he says that he is a divine messenger who is warning blacks that they had better pledge to Nation of Islam’s version of Islam before Allah eliminates whites and non-believers in racial Armageddon. To understand the reasoning behind the belief in the eventual annihilation of whites, it is necessary to explore Elijah Muhammad’s interpretations of creation, of history, and of events from the 1960’s.
He says in his book that Allah created originally the blacks, next the brown, red, and yellow races, and lastly the whites. A renegade black scientist named Yakub created the white race 6,000 years ago, and ever since then, the whites have ruled the other colors.
There are hints in the text that blacks are considered supreme over whites. After explaining that Yakub extracted the “brown germ” from the “black germ” and in turn grafted whites from the “brown germ,” the author says Yakub discovered that the “white . . . was the weaker of the black germ.” In discussing “Black Supremacy” versus “White Supremacy” the author says that “some must rule over the other. It is the law of nature.”
Whites are viewed as inherently evil for “the whole Caucasian race is a race of devils.” While they are usually referred to as “devils,” other titles are applied to whites such as “the great archdeceivers” and “man of sin.” The white race, we find out, “are the people described as ‘beast’ in the Revelation of the Bible.” We read that blacks have been tortured and murdered by whites principally, and as a result, whites are the “evil and murderous race.”
A perfect candidate for self-hating moonbat Dems.
Alrighty la goldie… I owe you one….
…but I’d rather owe you than beat you our of it.
Fucking moron, look it up: INCITE, to provoke, goad, spur, arouse, exhort; fire; induce. While the “ful” suffix is not common, it was appropriate here. Insightful, while a nice word indicating a positive, thoughtful process, was certainly not indicated.
I suggest that you and ProudOfHerFatASS get together and do some thinking and reading before you go off like rockets. You were both wrong today. You might want to engage in some basic English courses while you are sitting there rubbing cheeks from this ass kicking.
Go fuck yourself!
As for November 9-13, the offer is still on. I will be there. Put up or just go away.
You’re not done yet.
Don’t you still need to explain your post @ 17?
WTF was that all about?
33…To whom is this post directed? Are you still sober?
The credit rating and personal holdings of John Craig Herman do not amount to a hill of beans in HI. If John Craig chooses to challenge me on this I will, for about $30 start my own website, perhaps, and I will publish on this website all of the PUBLIC information that I have gathered.
Commentby My Left Foot [………………………………………………………………………..Ok, Carl…….Do your damnest!! Post and website away!!! Consider yourself “challenged!!”]
Black Democrat Keith Ellison is involved with the Nation of Islam and is an active supporter of terrorist rights. Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/13/06@ 4:14 pm
A few more tidbits from the Nation of Islam Democrats for the self-hating Jews among you:
If you go into a bar and get your ass whipped, maybe the people in the bar were wrong;but if you go into 10 bars in one night and get beat down in every single one of them, chances are that it isn’t them, it’s you.
If the jews had only been expelled from one country, they could possibly get away with convincing the world that they had been terribly wronged. Unfortunately for them, the fact is that jews have been thrown out of nearly every civilised nation on the planet (and a few un-civilised ones).
There was a time in this world when our own people could speak the truth about the jews–or anything else for that matter– without fear of retaliation. Those days are gone but their words, and the truth behind them, remain.
The teachers, preachers, scientists, inventors, artists, newspaper editors, government officials and business leaders of today know full well that if they were to utter these same “politically incorrect” facts today, they would be branded “racist”, “hater”, or “anti-semite”, hounded from their profession and marginalized from society.
Many of us realize that it is not only our job to keep the truth alive until a more sane and rational age emerges, but to do what we can to help manifest that new age.
A perfect candidate for self-hating moonbat Dems.
I will not acknowledge him further.
Commentby My Left Foot [………….I sure hope Mrs. Grossman doesn’t feel that way!! Who else [besides Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams] will give her the “rectum love” she desires??
“If you go into a bar and get your ass whipped, maybe the people in the bar were wrong;but if you go into 10 bars in one night and get beat down in every single one of them, chances are that it isn’t them, it’s you.
If the jews had only been expelled from one country, they could possibly get away with convincing the world that they had been terribly wronged. Unfortunately for them, the fact is that jews have been thrown out of nearly every civilised nation on the planet (and a few un-civilised ones).
There was a time in this world when our own people could speak the truth about the jews–or anything else for that matter– without fear of retaliation. Those days are gone but their words, and the truth behind them, remain.
The teachers, preachers, scientists, inventors, artists, newspaper editors, government officials and business leaders of today know full well that if they were to utter these same “politically incorrect” facts today, they would be branded “racist”, “hater”, or “anti-semite”, hounded from their profession and marginalized from society.” [Carl Grossman]
As for November 9-13, the offer is still on. I will be there. Put up or just go away.
Commentby My Left Foot [Carl………..BOXCAR!!!!! NOW!!!!!]
Here is some reading for you. You can find the rest of the article at Kind of shoots down MTR’s theory that American is conservative, America is middle of the road, asshole!
Mark Murray
Political reporter
WASHINGTON – Less than two months until Election Day, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that more than half of registered voters disapprove of President Bush’s job performance, even more disagree with his handling of Iraq and a strong plurality prefer a Congress controlled by the Democrats — all suggesting that Democrats are still poised to pick up seats in the upcoming midterms.
Enjoy the last days of your Rome.
Gee – does Air Amerika declaring bankruptcy mean that they don’t have to make restitution for the $875,000 they stole from the Gloria Wiese Boys & Girls Club in the Bronx?
Well, Al Franken always said they had the money escrowed, and they were in the process of paying it back – so it MUST be true!
Carl: Show the demographics of the poll.
Or is it as a righty said in May and I paraphrase librully: The donk almost outnumbered the conservatives 2:1 in the See BS and Hay Bee See polls.
“If bankruptcy is imminent, the timing couldn’t be worse for Franken: His new movie, Al Franken: God Spoke, opens today in New York. In a statement, an Air America spokeswoman said “no decision has been taken to make any filing of any kind.”
Like God would speak to a heathen who rejects Him! Maybe the money from the movie can pay off the $800,000 stolen from those poor minority kids. Amazing how these WA State moonbats clam up when money is EXTORTED from poor minority kids.
MWS @ 43
The poll is, I am sure you can enter the url into your browser address bar and find the poll. It is on the front page of the site.
The facts are this, no matter the demographics. Two thirds of Americans now think Bush is a fuck up. That is across the board. The net result is that you are losing ground. The net result is that House will fall, possibly the Senate, to the Democrats. At that point the ability of your president to fuck up anything else will be severely limited. This is a good thing.
Carl: And I bet it was personally tabulated by Keith He Should Have Stayed in Sports Olbermann!
At least Goldie would be the smarter of the two!
MWS @ 46
Keith Olbermann is a highly educated man. I am sure you are familiar with his background so I won’t bore you with the details.
However the mere fact you mention him here today recognizes that he has upset you. That means in turn he has spoken the truth. You have your spokespeople, we have ours. Sorry ours are far more educated and well spoken.
How does American Voices, an openly political group for the left, get 501(c)3 status? This is supposed to be for those groups who do community service and provide for the poor. In the non-profits I’ve been involved with, this type of event, where only one viewpoint is invited to speak, would threaten our status immediately.
Do all of you work for free, or does Janeane get paid? I guess even if she doesn’t get money, she’s getting free publicity to try to market her new talk show that will be available to the airwaves now that Air America is toast.
Hizballah terrorist Mohammed Ali Hamadi, convicted in Germany of murdering US Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem aboard a hijacked airplane but freed last December in a probable ransom exchange for German hostage Susanne Osthoff (Germany denies this, of course), has rejoined Hizballah.
Imagine my surprise.
WASHINGTON — One of the most infamous terrorists of the 1980s has rejoined Hezbollah following his release from a German prison and deportation to his native Lebanon in December 2005, a senior Bush administration official told FOX News.
Mohammed Ali Hamadi was released despite strong U.S. objections, FOX News learned. Those objections were raised in phone calls to German authorities by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller, as well as by top-level State Department and administration counter-terrorism officials.
“[The Germans] ignored us and didn’t give us enough time to pursue it through legal action,” an official told FOX News on the condition of anonymity. “They gave us very short notice.”
U.S. officials said they “can’t rule out” the possibility that Germany deported Hamadi, after he had served 19 years of a life sentence, in exchange for the release of Susanne Osthoff, a German archeologist taken hostage in Iraq and freed four days after Hamadi’s deportation. German authorities have denied any such deal was made.
In June 1985, Hamadi was one of four Islamic militants who commandeered TWA Flight 847 — en route from Athens to Rome — and hijacked it to Beirut. The ensuing hostage ordeal lasted 17 days, with the plane shuttling among various Mediterranean airports.
On the second day of the hijacking, Hamadi and his accomplices learned that U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem was on board. Hamadi and his co-conspirators beat Stethem unconscious, then shot him to death and dumped his body on the tarmac of the Beirut airport. The hijackers later escaped. […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..OK, The plan: nuke Iran, and take the oil. All of it. If any Muuuuuslim terrorists fuck with us, pick another Muuuuuuuuslim country and repeat. You will be surprised how the Muuuuuuuuuslim terrorists quit fucking with Americas after a few million of them are turned to ash. It is that simple!!!!!]
Here is some reading for you. You can find the rest of the article at Kind of shoots down MTR’s theory that American is conservative, America is middle of the road, asshole!
Mark Murray
Political reporter
WASHINGTON – Less than two months until Election Day, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that more than half of registered voters disapprove of President Bush’s job performance, even more disagree with his handling of Iraq and a strong plurality prefer a Congress controlled by the Democrats — all suggesting that Democrats are still poised to pick up seats in the upcoming midterms. -Enjoy the last days of your Rome. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/13/06@ 6:27 pm
Go read the referenced article, then get back to me. The poll is clear. Your side is done. Read, woman. You have proven twice today that either you don’t read or you don’t comprehend what you read. Which is it?
HowCan: Ignore Carl.
Cushing’s Syndrome.
HowCan: Ignore Carl.
Koro Syndrome.
HowCan: Ignore Carl.
Orchiopexy Syndrome.
HowCan: Ignore Carl.
Testicular Atrophy.
HowCan: Ignore Carl.
Acromegaly Syndrome.
All of the above conditions COULD describe Carl Grossman disease.
I’m sure others are available from the Physician’s Handbook, but I’m tired.
Now for some reality:
Goldie blogged:”There has been some discussion in Postman’s comment thread about how we might raise the revenues to pay for Tim’s folly. My suggestion is an excise tax on the sale of fraternity watches.”
I could support that Goldie. I am not agreeing with you but saying I could support this action.
Myleftfoot Does that mean john cant bang your wife anymore.
my left turd at@45 but just think he is going to be your fuckup for an other 2 years.go fuck yourself asshole.
janet they did community service they stole from the poor kids in need what more do you want
Carl FullofLeftFeets: I have taken JCH to the woodshed when he goes overboard. Lately he’s been identifying the vast donk-wing conspiracy of blacks against blacks. How else do you allow a NoI member who on tape said nasty things and your side turns a blind eye. Your side cares nothing for my people. I know I am one of them. You are not one of them.
Lately JCH been expressing himself against you. Seems to me he has entered that teeny weeny brain of yours and caused a “Ball of Confusion, That’s what your brain is today, heh heh!” – Temptations 1970. Applies to your condition today.
Lately JCH has “entered” into your wife too. As MWS wrote in another thread, if your wife could think on her butt and write a few missives back at JCH she could “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee” – Muhammad Ali. There’s no need for swearing like her husband does on his futile rants, just drop a dozens or two on JCH.
Look here Mrs Grossman. I feel sorry for you Why? Two reasons:
1) You married Carl
2) As HowCan said – Stockholm Syndrome
3) You’re both mentally challenged
4) JCH can go overboard
5) Your hubby basically said bring it on when he outed himself
6) Your hubby wrote I’ll ignore and then forgets
7) Your hubby wrote he’d play nice then forgets
So Mrs Grossman, I”l take pity I’ll help you It’s a start. Practice makes perfect.
Carl you practice another Aliism – “I don’t always know what I’m talking about but I know I’m right.”
Janet S @ 49
“How does American Voices, an openly political group for the left, get 501©3 status?”
501(c) Groups – Nonprofit, tax-exempt groups organized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code that can engage in varying amounts of political activity, depending on the type of group. 501(c)(3) groups operate for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes.These groups are not supposed to engage in any political activities, though some voter registration activies are permitted.
I think for them it’s all about the education.