Jerry Cornfield of the Everett Herald gets the prize for being the first to unearth the police report from Mike!™ McGavick’s 1993 DUI, and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture. And surprise… it also catches Mike!™ in a couple of Lies!™.
Lie number one comes from his misty-eyed mea culpa, where he remorseful explains: “I was cited for DUI when I cut a yellow light too close in 1993.”
Cut a yellow light too close… yeah, right. We all just assumed that was merely a feeble and disingenuous way of saying that he ran a red. (You know, a lie.) Well, now we know that he ran a red light, and a steady one at that.
The police report states the officer observed a car “drive through a steady red signal” at an intersection a couple miles north of the District of Columbia, where McGavick, then 35, worked for the American Insurance Association.
Of course, his defenders might argue that you can’t expect Mike!™ to remember all the details because it happened thirteen years ago and, well… he was Drunk!™. But according to the police report, it turns out Mike!™ has a history of lying about drunk driving.
When McGavick rolled the window down on his white Mazda Miata, a strong odor of alcohol greeted the officer, according to the report. McGavick told the officer he had “two, maybe three beers” during the previous five hours.
Ooops. I guess that counts as lie number two, especially when you consider the fact that in interviews after his surprise revelation Mike!™ admitted that he knew he shouldn’t have been behind the wheel the minute he saw the flashing lights pulling him over. So, either he lied to reporters that he knew he shouldn’t have been driving, or he lied to the police when he said he’d only had “two, maybe three beers” during the previous five hours.
As it turns out, he probably had at least a dozen drinks that night as the police report shows he blew a stunning 0.17 at the police station, a full 90-minutes after he was pulled over. That suggests his blood-alcohol level was likely in excess of .20 at the time he climbed staggered behind the wheel.
How Drunk!™ was Mike!™?
When McGavick rolled the window down on his white Mazda Miata, a strong odor of alcohol greeted the officer, according to the report. […] The officer had McGavick get out of the car for sobriety tests. The report described McGavick as having a flushed face, slurred speech and a swaying body. His demeanor was described as polite, cooperative and sleepy.
McGavick failed sobriety tests in which the officer moved his finger side to side and up and down. McGavick did better when he was asked to walk heel-to-toe on a line and stand on one leg.
After the tests, the officer handcuffed McGavick and drove him to the Bethesda, Md., police station. McGavick fell asleep while waiting to have his blood alcohol level measured, according to the police report.
I would imagine that if I were being arrested and processed, I’d be pretty stresed out. But Mike!™ actually fell asleep. Man… that’s pretty damn Drunk!™
Looks like the only thing with more spin than his calculated, preemptive confession, was Mike!™’s head that drunken evening back in 1993.
Here’s a PDF of the police report courtesy the Rich Roesler and the Spokesman-Review.
I blew a 1.74 and yet I stayed awake for the whole ugly experience. McGavick is a sissy.
Look, Goldy, this guy is going to lose in November. Will you still be pontificating about McGavick once your girl gets re-elected? Why not talk about something more relevant than McGavick’s DUI 13 years ago? You’re coming across as a mindless zealot.
It’s all part of the civility campaign: “His demeanor was described as polite, cooperative …“
Please x-post at dailyKos. Could be weekend frontpage material.
Once again, it’s not the action that gets you; it’s the lie that brings you down.
Also, RonK, well played in #3.
Geez, must be slow news day to keep beating this dead horse.
Oh wait, there is something out there, the cancellation of Fitzmas!
Even the WaPo is turning on Wilson. So, who out there is going to admit they were wrong, and apologize to Rove, Cheney, Bush, and co that they didn’t commit the treasonous acts you all were so eager to accuse them of?
Really good summary of this total non-scandal that the press and the left touted for two years:
These days nearly everyone has a digital camera. So, the big question is, can Mike keep at lease three feet between his lips and his gin martini for the next 68 days. Cuz if he can’t pull this off then we are going to have a load of fun.
And Mike, you may want to think twice before drinking your booze out of a Starbucks cup cuz we will be checking out the residue soon after you toss that into the bushes. Belch.
Did I call it or what? Yellow light my ass.
WHEN President Bush declared last week that “nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered” the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was a large segment of the American public surprised by this, spinning again?
Only the die-hard Butch supporters of the war in Iraq, 35-38% who, according to opinion polls, believe to this day that Saddam was somehow involved in 9/11.
The alleged connection was the Bush administration’s selling point for the war. VP Duck Cheney claimed that the government was learning “more and more” about links, before 9/11, between Iraq and al-Qaeda, after the CIA debunked any such claims. In 2004, the VP Duck Cheney lied again that Saddam “had long-established ties with al-Qaeda.”
The Butch administration blurred/spun and lied what was a clear distinction between the regime of Saddam and Islamic extremists like the 9/11 hijackers so as to create a connection in the public mind that they were one and the same.
So for Bush Jr. to now claim that “nobody has ever suggested” that the Sept. 11 attacks were ordered by Iraq, as he did last week, is yet another LIE in the chain of LIES that shackles the Bush presidency.
Props to Jerry Cornfield. Mike! is a loser.
Just a quibble — your blood alcohol level actually goes up for a while after you stop drinking:
Godly said:
“As it turns out, he probably had at least a dozen drinks that night as the police report shows he blew a stunning 0.17 at the police station, a full 90-minutes after he was pulled over. That suggests his blood-alcohol level was likely in excess of .20 at the time he climbed staggered behind the wheel.”
Not to defend McGavick, but just a couple of points:
(1) EVERYBODY who is pulled over admits to having only a couple of beers. Its a running joke among police officers. The point of the officer’s question is not to determine how much you have been drinking (the sobriety test and BAT will do that), but simply to get you to admit you were drinking. This, along with the reason for the traffic stop and the odor of alchohol in the car, provides probable cause for conducting the sobriety test and the subsequent BAT.
(2) It is not safe to presume that the blood-alchohol level was ALWAYS higher when the person was driving. It probably is true in most cases, where there is a significant amount of time between the traffic stop and the BAT. But in cases where the person was drinking shortly before the stop, and the BAT is taken relatively quickly, the alchohol could still be in the person’s stomach/digestive system, and will not enter the bloodstream (and then the respiratory system, triggering the BAT results) until sometime thereafter. Drinking behavior will result in BAT readings with a bell curve, the highest point occuring some time after the person has begun drinking the alchohol, and then start declining thereafter. When the actual high point will be reached depends upon many factors, including the whether the person was drinking constantly (or frequently) over a period of time.
So a person who drinks quickly and drives shortly thereafter, could hypothetically be driving at .06, and not reach beyond .08 until after he got savely home (we hope). In such cases, the intervening traffic stop and subsequent BAT which might show him peaking at 1.0 or beyond an hour or so later, which was not the blood alchohol level he had while driving, but instead was the blood alchohol level he had while being tested considerably later.
Of course, anyone who hits a 1.7 on the BAT was very probably still quite drunk 90 minutes earlier, so this doesn’t help McGavick very much. It’s anybody’s guess whether McGavick had a BAT level of 1.4 or 2.0 at the actual time he was driving, but neither result is particularly complimentary to McGavick.
does the report show what his BAL of the blood test was?
Point to ponder: Why didn’t he know he shouldn’t be behind the wheel BEFORE he saw the flashing red lights? Don’t most people understand something is wrong without having to get caught doing it?
He should tell the truth……….like Uncle Teddy!!!!
rhp6033 at 11:
Um, I got pulled over for DUI, and when asked how much I had consumed, answered, “Too many.” Mike answered the way he answered to try and evade what was obvious to everyone (BTW, what the Hell was Gaelyn doing this whole time, knitting?)
I was done–no more alcohol in my life–and like McGavick I was friendly and cooperative (but awake the whole time I was booked).
The officer was a complete gentleman, and offered me a ride home afterwards. NO handcuffs, NO jail.
But I am still a CRIMINAL for my DUI, and so is Mike McGavick. We jeopardized public safety in a terrible, indiscriminate way. He may think its no big deal, but I believe otherwise.
@1 I believe you are pulling the long bow.(Nice speak for a Republican Lie) A BAL of .450 is generally accompanied by cessation of breathing. For most people .450 is a FATAL LEVEL.
Day 11 September 1, 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
Tax Cuts and Fed Revenue
Roger Rabbit is full of shit when he denies the link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue.
From The Moonbat Economic Theory collection:
How about redistributing the wealth so the top 1% don’t own 60% of all the property in the U.S.?
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 5:54 pm
Oops, you are right. .174. I was drinking when I wrote that first comment (hick!)
Stick a fork in the Drunk! – he’s done.
Did some welsher 200+ days late on the bet he lost just say something?
“Mike!™ admitted that he knew he shouldn’t have been behind the wheel the minute he saw the flashing lights”
Why didn’t he know this when he inserted the key the ignition? Does he need a copy to do his thinking for him? If he’s elected to the Senate, will a Capitol Police Officer stand next to him during roll calls, to tell him how to vote?
“” Geez, must be slow news day to keep beating this dead horse.
Oh wait, there is something out there, the cancellation of Fitzmas!
You know the problem with the Valerie Plame / Wilson story? The fact that the outing was a minor crime compared to the destruction of Brewster Jennings the CIA front company that really damaged our efforts to find REAL WMD’S. The press writing about Plame is a smokescreen to hide the horrible horrendous crime of destroying a CIA operation.
Loose Lips Sink Ships
Treason. Amitidge should be arrested, and Novak too. The CIA told Novak twice not to print her name, and he did anyway.
The whole White House was having trouble finding a way to shut Wilson up. They found a way. Kinda.
By committing treason, and muddying the water so the traitors in the White House, and Armitidge could not be brought to justice.
Let’s look at this another way. Maybe reporters should stake out all people going into and out of CIA headquartes, do some extensive research, and OUT ALL CIA NOCS!!!!
That would make us much safer right Novak?
“he lied to the police when he said he’d only had ‘two, maybe three beers’ during the previous five hours”
According to my recollection, this is a separate crime called “obstructing.” So Mike? committed TWO offenses that night (well … AT LEAST two …)!
“I blew a 1.74 and yet I stayed awake for the whole ugly experience. McGavick is a sissy.” Commentby Anonymous— 9/1/06@ 10:33 am
Mike? would’ve had no trouble staying awake if he had blown a 0.00 like he’s supposed to.
All the wingnuts are crowing about that lame editorial in the WAPO. Armitage leaked to Novak?
Yeah and Rove leaked to Cooper.
“Look, Goldy, this guy is going to lose in November. Will you still be pontificating about McGavick once your girl gets re-elected? Why not talk about something more relevant than McGavick’s DUI 13 years ago? You’re coming across as a mindless zealot.” Commentby Libertarian— 9/1/06@ 10:34 am
Hey Lib — why don’t you call Mike?’s office and ask him to concede the election and withdraw his name from the ballot? When he does, we’ll move on. As long as he’s a candidate actively campaigning against Maria, why should we?
This is like war, man. When the enemy waves the white flag, throws down his arms, and walks out with his hands up, it’s over. That’s the time to give him food and water, and show him mercy. But as long as he’s in his bunker, shooting at you, you keep bombing and shelling and shooting — comprende? That’s the system, that’s how it works, those are the rules.
“Geez, must be slow news day to keep beating this dead horse.”
Commentby Janet S— 9/1/06@ 11:04 am
Is this the daily spin from the GOP’s Chief Apologist Bitch? See #27 for relevant response.
Spin and deflection, I should say. Nice try at changing the subject, Janet Whore. Shove it up your ass … better yet, stick it in your ear.
You can lick MY ears! I have cute pink long ears! For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG.
I’m so pleased to see you posting today. I have some questions for you:
1. Do you dispute that the earth is getting measurably warmer over the past 100 years or so? If so, what is the source of your information?
2. If the world is getting warmer, then what is the likely cause? (Hint: “the sun” is surely part of the equation, but not an adequate answer.) Is such warming solely a natural phenomenon? If you so contend, are there any identical periods of climate change in the historical record that match this one for rate and degree? Please cite the source of your “facts.” A peer-reviewed scientific article in a reputable journal would be a necessary start.
3. Have you entirely ruled out carbon emissions as a source of climate change? Is your analysis based on a peer-reviewed scientific article? Can you tell us by what percentage carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere since industrialization began? Please explain what accounts for this increase, other than industrial activity.
I am struggling with these questions and so hope you can help me. I seek your input as you seem to be the smartest person who posts here. Indeed, the depth and breadth of your wisdom is truly mind-boggling. Please accept my best wishes for a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
“WHEN President Bush declared last week that ‘nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered’ the 9/11 terrorist attack”
I’m waiting for him to say, ‘nobody has ever suggested this administration has an ounce of brains … ‘ – it would be the first true thing he’s ever said in his life.
Here’s a defense lawyer’s trade secret: After you get out of the car, and before you blow the breathalyzer, take a deep pull on a bottle of Old Granddad … that way, the cop can’t prove whether you were drunk when he pulled you over.
… you’re gonna get busted for drinking in public, but that’s a less serious charge than DUI.
33 & 34
This advice is intended for my Republican friends. My Democrat friends don’t need it.
Dueling URL citations…
chris suggests:
Just a quibble – your blood alcohol level actually goes up for a while after you stop drinking:
I, for one, would rather follow the scientific methodologies reviewed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (emphasis added):
Here’s a defense lawyer’s trade secret: After you get out of the car, and before you blow the breathalyzer, take a deep pull on a bottle of Old Granddad … that way, the cop can’t prove whether you were drunk when he pulled you over.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/1/06@ 12:02 pm
I have heard that before — at least as an “urban legend” kind of thing. Not sure how it would work in real life. Good chance of getting shot — the officer might think you were pulling out a gun, instead of a bottle of whiskey. If you are already smashed, your BAC level will be going even higher — perhaps high enough to cause serious alcohol poisoning issues. And somehow I don’t think the jury would be really impressed at all by this. Whether or not this raises a “reasonable doubt” as to the source of the alcohol is up to the discretion of the jury. And the prosecution doesn’t have to prove the BAC level — it is sufficient to show that the alcohol had affected your drinking in an appreciable manner.
Do we have any cases where someone ACTUALLY did this?
This advice is intended for my Republican friends. My Democrat friends don’t need it.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/1/06@ 12:03 pm
Okay — I get your humor :) It is a great way to be totally dumb and make sure you are convicted. Or change the political balance of power, one voter at a time, if the officer is trigger happy.
“He may think its no big deal, but I believe otherwise.” Commentby kurtyboy— 9/1/06@ 11:32 am
It’s a bid deal.
(photo of a fatality accident on a college campus … guess what they were doing before hitting the pole?)
The difference between you and Mike? is that YOU know you fucked up … Mike? is still wondering ? why the cop pulled him over … ?? That’s because Republicans have no sense of right-and-wrong.
September 1, 2006
After losing her husband in the World Trade Center attacks, Laura Balemian turned to a Huntington lawyer to help her assure financial security for her children.
The lawyer, Thomas Troiano, 62, helped her get that security with an award of $6.7 million. But in the end, Troiano collected the highest legal fee of any attorney representing a 9/11 family trying to collect from a federal compensation fund, officials say. In fact, at $2.2 million, he received more than most of 7,300 victims’ families collected themselves.
Now, years after agreeing to pay the fee, Balemian wants her money back.
“I don’t think anybody charged half that,” said Kenneth Feinberg, the federally appointed special master who oversaw the fund. He called Troiano’s fee “shocking and unconscionable.”
However, Troiano points out that the award he won for Balemian, 44, was among the highest. He has filed a federal lawsuit against the widow, accusing her of behaving “greedily” in trying to have his fee overturned in Suffolk Surrogate Court. His suit seeks to prevent his fee from being taken away from him. […….Democrat trail lawyers……..Don’t you just love them????]
N in Seattle @ 36
Thanks for the more detailed analysis of the NHTSA link. I had posted the NHTSA link on here before, but had glossed over the alcohol metabolism rate issue.
Apparently it is VERY dependent upon drinking patterns. The 20% who burn less than 0.012 per hour probably rarely, if ever, drink (or drank in the past) alcohol. The average rate is 0.017 per hour. HEAVY DRINKERS are defined as 60 drinks per month — which isn’t that much necessarily — 1 ounce of alcohol per day, or the same as a pint of 6% microbrew — and get 0.020 per hour at that level.
Poor Mike. Got caught making a completely dishonest ad about Maria’s position on tax cuts, and then gets caught lying about hs DUI.
Sound like a normal lying Republican.
What is he running on anyway? Dishonesty? It seems to work for Bush……
“Roger Rabbit is full of shit when he denies the link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 9/1/06@ 11:38 am
Mark the Gasbag is full of shit when he claims I denied there is a link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue. He’s also full of shit when he denies there is a link between cutting tax rates and subsequent decreases in federal revenue.
A 0% tax rate produces no revenue. A 100% tax rate also produces no revenue, because there would be no economic activity. Somewhere between the 0% and 100% tax rates, there is a tax rate that maximizes federal revenue. If the existing tax rate is less than this figure, cutting the tax rate will decrease revenue. If it’s more, cutting the tax rate will increase revenue.
Let’s test this against real world facts:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(Data from official sources)
Yup, Mark the Gasbag is full of shit.
P.S., pay the $100 you owe Goldy, gasser.
22 erratum
does he need a cop to do his thinking for him
Now we know a few things about Mikey.
1) He abandoned his wife and child to run a political campaign but this is okay with Janet S because she only thinks it’s a WOMAN’s place to be in the home raising kids
2) Mikey’s a drunk.
3) Mikey’s a drunk driver who endangered life and property.
4) Mikey’s a liar because he lied about his DUI.
5) Mikey’s no different from every other lying shitbag piece of crap republican.
” However, Troiano points out that the award he won for Balemian, 44, was among the highest. He has filed a federal lawsuit against the widow, accusing her of behaving “greedily” in trying to have his fee overturned in Suffolk Surrogate Court. His suit seeks to prevent his fee from being taken away from him. […….Democrat trail lawyers……..Don’t you just love them????]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/1/06@ 12:23 pm ”
Did she sign a contract? I do believe she signed a contract…. I guess contracts, and deals are a “liberal” thing, and Republicans are supposed to make up the rules as they break them…..
Remember “Uniter, not a divider”?
O’l Bush, and Rove sure has worked tirelessly to bring us together….. As long as we are of course Jesus Freaks….
“Good chance of getting shot”
Since I’m offering this advice to Republicans, that’s not a problem from my point of view.
I would hope that our cops are (a) not trigger happy, and (b) can differentiate between a bottle and a weapon. Although in the case of the Seattle cops, after they shot a guy for pulling a TV remote control on them a few years ago, I’m not so sure of either (a) or (b).
JCH — didn’t she sign a fee agreement agreeing to pay 1/3 of the recovery to the lawyer? Did someone force her to sign that fee agreement? How much would the lawyer spend on the case? How much would he have gotten if there was no recovery?
40 (continued)
Hiring a lawyer is a voluntary activity.
Nice try at deflecting the topic away from Mike?’s lying, JCH! You and Janet Whore should get together. You’re 2 of a kind.
Leftturd just told you to go Fork yourself over at Postman’s. He seems a bit grumpy nowadays. What, aren’t you guys paying any attention to him here?
There are folks on both sides whose enthusiasms lead them to hurt the home team.
And I don’t think LT told me to Fork myself. Whatever it was, it was a five-letter word. (Spoon?)
JCH @ 40:
You ignorant motherfucker. Please cite your proof that the lawyer is a Democrat. You have a history of making shit up and sucking Pussypud cock. I heard you visited his mother too. She had some trouble getting away from you when you had your way with her.
It’s wrong to lie to a cop about how many drinks you’ve had; you’re right to bring it up. It reminds me of a little lie Clinton once told. The one about his great deal with North Korea in return for their promise not to build nukes; Clinton sure drove a hard bargain on that one, didn’t he.
Speaking of nukes, liberal lion Olbermann unwittingly disclosed the next Dem surrender in a foolish attempt to compare Bush with Neville Chamberlain. Olbermann managed to swerve into a near-perfect description of the Dem plan to ignore Islamofascism in general, and in particular the latest Dem plan for surrender, which is waving the white flag to Iran.
The Olberman quote:
“That government was England’s, in the 1930’s.
It knew Hitler posed no true threat to Europe, let alone England.
It knew Germany was not re-arming, in violation of all treaties and accords.
It knew that the hard evidence it received, which contradicted its own policies, its own conclusions —— its own omniscience — needed to be dismissed.
The English government of Neville Chamberlain already knew the truth.
Most relevant of all —— it “knew” that its staunchest critics needed to be marginalized and isolated. In fact, it portrayed the foremost of them as a blood-thirsty war-monger who was, if not truly senile, at best morally or intellectually confused.”
This describes the position libs will take on Iran nukes pretty well. Libs will deny the threat until Iran already has nukes, then they’ll say it’s too late to do anything militarily. Just like Clinton and North Korea, libs will spend their time coming up with excuses not to use force.
Keep those white flags ready, libs, Iran swears not to be deterred from building nukes by the bullshit UN declaration. Time to bring in Carter and Clinton to pull another North Korea and work out the details of surrender.
John Craig @ 40:
What is a TRAIL Lawyer?
You ingnorant, cocksucking, Janet loving motherfucker.
HPTBA posted some good cartoons yesterday, here’s one for starters:
The 3 Stooges have a plan
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 8/31/06@ 10:43 pm
John Craig
You ingnorant, cocksucking, Janet loving motherfucker.
Commentby My Left Foot […….She’s STILL not back from “shopping” with “Jerome”, is she?? hehe, JCH]
Too bad “Chappaquiddick” Teddy and his lemmings cant use this on Election Day. What a crying shame@!!!
A state law was struck down this week by a federal judge because it violated constitutional protections for due process. The law authorized jail booking fees and was passed in 1999 at 10 bucks and the limit was raised to 100 bucks in 2003.
The money was taken INVOLUNTARILY from a person at the time they were booked into jail. In Spokane County the jailers would confiscate the wallets and remove the money!
My county also used these booking fees and now owes 662,000 back to the people they confiscated it from.
Who thought that police removing money from an inmate’s wallet was legal?
If the inmate didn’t have enough cash, did the police process a charge on the inmate’s credit card?
What was the State Attorney General thinking in 2003 when this law was amended?
I thought this stuff only happened in Russia or China, anywhere but in the US!
Now, I truly know why this state is called the Soviet Republic of Washington!
America First:
Historically, it is Democrats who have most fervently protected this country.
President Harry Truman used NUCLEAR weapons in defense of this country. Then had this to say about it:
“Having found the bomb we have used it. We have
used it against those who attacked us without
warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have
starved and beaten and executed American prisoners
of war, against those who have abandoned all pretense
of obeying international laws of warfare. We have
used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in
order to save the lives of thousands and thousands
of young Americans. We will continue to use it
until we completely destroy Japan’s power to make
war. Only a Japanese surrender will stop us.”
That sound like a “cut and run” party to you? That sound like a party who does not believe in defense of this nation.
He also said in later years that he never lost any sleep over the decision.
If you don’t like it, I hear that JCH has a small shack out behind his that you can rent. He is willing to take the rent in trade too. All you have to do is be willing to indulge his fantasy he likes to call “Tookie in the shower”. He has another related fantasy called “Tookie me all night long”. Have fun.
The quicker we use up all the world’s oil, the better off we’ll all be. Then if Muslims want to procede with a jihad against us,well…………… I don’t ‘spect they’d get toofar with it. Plus, it’d be great to get this porcine oil oligarchy off our backs for good.
What will they do for “unearned income” when solar power is perfected? Put Big Boxes over our cars and vehicles if we don’t give them money?
We would not have this system is Democrats had their way:
nterceptor downs missile in test over Pacific
Fri Sep 1, 2006 2:42pm ET144
By Jim Wolf
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military shot down a target ballistic missile over the Pacific on Friday in the widest test of its emerging antimissile shield in 18 months, the Defense Department announced.
The Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency said it had successfully completed an important exercise involving the launch of an improved ground-based interceptor missile designed to protect the United States against a limited long-range ballistic missile attack.
The test results will help improve the performance of a multibillion-dollar shield against the type of long-range ballistic missile that could be used to attack a U.S. city with a weapon of mass destruction, the agency said in a statement.
Officially, the $85 million test was designed to collect data rather than shoot down the target.
It was the first involving a live target since interceptor rockets failed to leave their silos during tests in December 2004 and February 2005.
It was also the first since the ground-based system, which is part of a layered shield that includes naval and aerial components, was activated to guard against ballistic missiles test-fired on July 4 and 5 by North Korea.
Boeing Co. is prime contractor for the ground-based mid-course defense. Major subcontractors include Lockheed Martin Corp., Northrop Grumman Corp. and Raytheon Co..
In the exercise, a target missile was launched from Kodiak, Alaska. And for the first time, the ground-based interceptor missile was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in central California. Previous launches have been from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
� Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
I find it ironic listening to all the drunks from “Drinking Liberally” lecture us about alcohol.
President Harry Truman used NUCLEAR weapons in defense of this country. Then had this to say about it:(quote above)
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 1:19 pm
To coin a phrase, the current crop of libs are no Harry Truman. Current libs accuse Truman of murder for using the bombs.
I saw Mike at a Carpenter’s tribute concert and he was completely drunk out of his mind on “DEAD GUY” and was snorting Peruvian IBOGAIN like it was going out of style!!!!
We nicknamed him Mike “the Hodad” Mc Gee in insurance-man college. ha!!!!!!!!!
“This is like war, man. When the enemy waves the white flag, throws down his arms, and walks out with his hands up, it’s over. That’s the time to give him food and water, and show him mercy. But as long as he’s in his bunker, shooting at you, you keep bombing and shelling and shooting – comprende? That’s the system, that’s how it works, those are the rules.
Or in the case of liberals and Islamic terorrist, liberals simple give terrorists more guns and food and free lawyers and wait for America to wave the white flag.
My left foot,
I own my own home in Lacey, at least until the next legislative session skyrockets our property taxes……..
I am afraid that since I am female that I lack the basic equipment to “tookie” anyone.
I’ve been divorced since 94 and really could care less about any male, but I certainly wouldn’t go for taking anything out in trade. My Army retirement and VA disability checks pays my bills just fine. I don’t need a man to pay them……..
As for liking my civil liberties snatched away by a gang of socialist overbearing know-it-alls, NO, I don’t like it and you shouldn’t either.
It amazes that those who are screaming the loudest about President Bush taking away our civil liberties are the ones pushing a strict socialist agenda here in this state that takes away our civil liberties!
pbj at 69
You’ve sure got that right. Man, I can’t tell you how much I love terrorists. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to coddle them. In fact, you’ve made me start thinking–I’ve got an empty room in my basement, maybe I can put up a few of them. I also want to sponsor a few of them in terrorist/jihad school. Do you know where I can fund a scholarship? I suppose I could employ some of them, too. After all, they’ll need some pocket change while they prepare their next attack on us.
Do you realize how stupid you sound, pbj? If you had any self-awareness at all, you’d realize that you should keep your opinions to yourself because expressing them really makes you look foolish.
You raise an interesting question, Left Foot. Are there any libs out there besides Left Foot who think Truman did the right thing by using nukes, or do you think Truman was a war criminal?
Any Seattle Cop who reads this blog, or anyone who knows a Seattle Cop should recommend they head over to 2307 24th Ave E, every Tuesday around Midnight. I’ll bet there will be some good opportunities to make quota with DUI arrests between 11 pm and 1 am. Be on special lookout for a 2002 Nissan Altima.
It amazes that those who are screaming the loudest about President Bush taking away our civil liberties are the ones pushing a strict socialist agenda here in this state that takes away our civil liberties!
Commentby sgmmac— 9/1/06@ 1:45 pm
Couldn’t have said it better myself, sgmmac! Are you sure you’re not a Libertarian?
“We all just assumed that was merely a feeble and disingenuous way of saying that he ran a red. “
Yeah, he did say he ran a red light. Only dimwitted liberals wouldn’t get that was what he was saying. But then perhaps you have been “drinking liberally” again.
First Goldstein gives the quote:
“McGavick told the officer he had “two, maybe three beers” during the previous five hours.”
Then he turn around and deliberately LIES and misquotes:
“he lied to the police when he said he’d only had “two, maybe three beers” during the previous five hours.”
So which is it Goldstein? Did say he had two or three beers or ONLY two or three beers? It is pretty sad when, in your character assassination, you cannot even be consistent within the same posting.
“As it turns out, he probably had at least a dozen drinks that night as the police report shows he blew a stunning 0.17 at the police station, a full 90-minutes after he was pulled over. That suggests his blood-alcohol level was likely in excess of .20 at the time he climbed staggered behind the wheel.”
Once again, you make outrageous statements with nothing to back it up. How you you know he “probably” had “at least a dozen drinks”? You are a medical expert? Can you cite some medical evidence on alcohol metabolism or somthing as evidence? Nope, just some wild assed ASSumptions on your part.
“I would imagine that if I were being arrested and processed, I’d be pretty stresed out. But Mike!™ actually fell asleep. Man… that’s pretty damn Drunk!™”
Yeah, I bet you’d be wide awake, even if you “probably had at least a dozen drinks. Not everyone has your large alcohol resistance, built up from years of binge “drinking liberally”.
Heck, give me half a beer and I am out like a light. I am a lightweight drinker and proud of it!
No leftist, you are the one who is foolish. Liberal KNOW they are out of the mainstream of this country. Heck they are ven afraid to call themselves liberals anymore. They are now caling themselves “progressives”. Calling a turd and teapot doesn’t change the fact it stinks. Much like your opinions “proud” (terrorist loving) leftist.
Some Bush quotes. As you read them you will see that our WrongMindedFriends have something in common with him. Total stupidity and a stunning lack of command of the English language.
“I said I was looking for a book to read, Laura said you ought to cry Camus. I also read three Shakespeares. … I’ve got a eck-a-lec-tic reading list.” –George W. Bush, interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, New Orleans, La., Aug. 29, 2006.
“And I suspect that what you’ll see, Toby, is there will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses.” –George W. Bush, talking to reporters along the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, Gulfport, Miss., Aug. 28, 2006
“I would guess, I would surmise that some of the more spectacular bombings are done by al Qaeda suiciders.” –George W. Bush, on violence in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Aug. 21, 2006
“One thing is clear, is relations between America and Russia are good, and they’re important that they be good.” –George W. Bush, Strelna, Russia, July 15, 2006
“I’ve reminded the prime minister-the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship.” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 29, 2006
One of my favorites:
President Bush: “Peter. Are you going to ask that question with shades on?”
Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times: “I can take them off.”
Bush: “I’m interested in the shade look, seriously.”
Wallsten: “All right, I’ll keep it, then.”
Bush: “For the viewers, there’s no sun.”
Wallsten: “I guess it depends on your perspective.”
Bush: “Touche.
–An exchange with legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten, to whom Bush later apologized, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006
“I like my buddies from west Texas. I liked them when I was young, I liked them then I was middle-age, I liked them before I was president, and I like them during president, and I like them after president.” –George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1, 2006
And finally, stating the Republican poilitcal plan:
“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” –George W. Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005
This man is president.
How did he graduate high school?
Here’s the report: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....239307.pdf
“This man is president.
How did he graduate high school? “
And yet he got better grades than Francois Kerry. If Bush is a moron, how does it feel getting beaten by a moron libs?
Umm, how do we know that didn’t come from a Kino’s in Texas?
PBJ @ 76:
You might want to consult a dictionary:
lib·er·al Pronunciation (lbr-l, lbrl)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
You should be so lucky to expand your mind and learn something.
The liberal view of Islamofascism and how to not fight it :
“Islamofascism” is one of these tossed-off catch phrases, and one that shows us oh-so-cleasrly the limitations of the conservative brain. They love absolutes, black-and-white situations that one sweepingly simplistic phrase bundles up so neatly that they have to think no further. All wrapped up in the little Islamofascist package are the difficult and stubborn problems of Palestinian aspirations and accompanying resentment of Israel, Sunni and Shiite Iraqi Arab resistance against the US occupier, Shiite Arab militance against Sunnis (and vice versa) vying for control of Iraq, Shiite Hezbollah militance against Israel stemming from their decades-long occupation of Lebanon, the global Sunni-led Al Qaeda franchise and the dangers its outsourced terrorism poses, and the rise in power and influence of Shiite Iraq (leaving out a few other minor ones). These are all each difficult problems, each posing unique challenges, and almost certainly each requiring a unique solution. Yet they present the problem as singular, unified, and monolithic, and the plan for dealing with al of them is, apparently, “staying the course” of abject failure in Iraq.”“
“It’s a marketing slogan, not a serious analysis, and it shows the bankruptcy of conservative leaership in terms of both vision and solutions. They’ve got nothing but more of the same old fear and inaction.”
Commentby Daddy Love—— 8/31/06@ 11:33 am
Thanks for posting a good example of the feminized lib approach to Islamofascism. Just analyze to find all the nuances, then analyze the analysis. Never reach a conclusion, just criticize those with the guts to do something and claim that they haven’t thoroughly analyzed it.
I have never seen a lib here offer a solution to terrorism, you just whine that Bush is doing it the wrong way. You libs don’t have the slightest idea how to fight back, and you think analysis is a complete substitute for action. If we left the defense of this country up to you you’d still be analyzing while the bombs are going off in Seattle.
Neville Chamberlain was a lion compared to you libs, at least he finally declared war. You feminized libs aren’t even willing to start fighting. Keep coming up with excuses for Islamofascists, Mommy Love, killing the shitheads that are trying to kill us is just too simplistic to possibly be right. If you keep analyzing long enough I’m sure you can come up with a solution that doesn’t require fighting, maybe you can get some ideas from Oprah.
Are you still analyzing, Mommy Love, haven’t heard from you.
SGMMAC @ 70:
I did not know you were female. Sorry you are still bitter about the divorce. JCH would not be interested in you, I am sorry to have suggested this. He likes the “Tookie” type.
He also would not be interested because you are a “taker” living off the government and relying on the taxes he pays to support you.
(I on the other hand understand fully the responsibility a government has in taking care of those who defend this country).
As for a socialist agenda, I would pick up arms and fight to the death to prevent that from happening. Just because I am in favor a health care system that would give all Americans access to the care they need, a system where physical need, and not dollar profit, would come first…so does not make me a socialist or even socialist leaning. The key here is compassion for others, recognizing we all have different ideas and needs and then learning how we can all live together without the hate the extremists on both sides spout.
Left Foot @81,
Now I know why you leftist don’t refer to yourself as liberal anymore – nothing in that definition applies to you socialists.
fascistfirst’s solution to terrorism:
Kill’em all and let God sort ’em out.
If Bush is a moron, how does it feel to lose an election to a moron? And how does it feel that that smartest candidate you could find could not get grades as good as a moron?
Oh, you mean like Truman nuking the Japanese eh?
“It amazes that those who are screaming the loudest about President Bush taking away our civil liberties are the ones pushing a strict socialist agenda here in this state that takes away our civil liberties!” sgmmac @ 70
You’re usually a bit more careful in your comments than most of your rightwing comrades who post here. So, what’s up with the above? Give us some examples of a “strict socialist agenda in this state” that would take away our civil liberties. Your example of police officers taking money from detainees is an example of a mistaken governmental policy, which I would agree is worth screaming about. (I have not heard about this other than your post, however, so I don’t know the details.) Beyond that, examples please.
Please give us you analysis and cite the peer reviewed scientific studies upon which it is based. Specifically cite the passages that support your anlysis.
Republicans are just like the Nazi party in pre-war Germany. Substitute Islamo-fascist, Mexicans or immigrants for “Jew” and you have the current administrations ideology.
It frightens me, and, it should frighten you! Distracting with hate and nationalism, while slowly removing the citizens rights.Internal spying, urging neighbors to watch neighbors… What is up next: Bush Youth for Change, at that point you will find me locked and loaded, waiting to once again place my life between the enemy and my country.
Peter “Braindead” Jameson:
I’m liberal and proud of it. I have the same attitude towards socialists as I do towards whackjobs like you. If they’re ideologically-driven they are not to be trusted.
I like being reality-based. Dogmatists leave a bad taste in my mouth as they should to all people who are civilized and rational.
“ou might want to consult a dictionary:
lib·er·al Pronunciation (lbr-l, lbrl)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
You should be so lucky to expand your mind and learn something. “
Well, that sure doesn’t describe socialist Democrats. I see why you stopped using the term. Joe Lieberman and Tim Sheldon are good examples of the socialist Democrat party’s slavery to their dogma. Dare to have a differing opinion and they will give you the boot.
How does it feel to lose an election to a moron?
We lost it to Rove and the minions of his machine like the swift-boaters.
Rove is evil but he’s not a moron.
Shrub just had recite his lines on the teleprompter and the speech cues from the device mounted on his back.
Dare to have a differing opinion and they will give you the boot.
If they’re not responsive to the voters they’re supposed to represent, why should the voters return them to office?
Nice try on the talking point there, braindead.
re 81: “Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis!!??!!??!!!” If consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, yours is as large and empty as the Big Blue Montana Sky!!!!!!!!!
Does Mike! McGavick still stand close to his friend Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska?
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The offices of at least six Alaska legislators, including the son of Sen. Ted Stevens, were raided by federal agents searching for possible ties between the lawmakers and a large oil field services company, officials and aides said.
87 – Using the nuke was a mistake. Japan was defeated and suing for peace.
At worst the nuke was a warning to the USSR.
51 “Nice try at deflecting the topic away from Mike?’s lying, JCH! You and Janet Whore should get together.”
Hell, no! The last thing we need is more little Jimmie and Janets running around.
re 92: Voting against your constituents best interests is more than just “a differing point of view.” Idget!!!
Sorry 81. I didn’t mean you. I meant “kool-aid boy” #92. You got more white kool-aid drinkers in the REP party than you can shake a witch hazel switch at!!!
“Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis!!!!!!!!!!????”
For the second time in less than a week, a federal judge has found that voter registration rules imposed by Republican officials or legislatures that threaten organizations and individuals conducting voter registration drives with heavy penalties are unconstitutional.
The message in all this is that Republicans disrespect the voting rights of American citizens, are trying to “win” elections by suppressing and intimidating opposition voters, and resort to these tactics because they’re too far out of the mainstream to win honest and straightforward elections based on a competition of ideas and performance in office. In short — Republicans behave like third-world thugs.
“Ohio Judge Throws Out Voter Registration Rules
“CLEVELAND (Sept. 1) – A federal judge threw out new state rules governing voter registration drives on Friday, saying they … violate the First Amendment ….
“U.S. District Judge Kathleen O’Malley issued an order … immediately halting the enforcement of the registration rules, saying they appeared to be unconstitutional. She said she planned to issue a detailed written order sometime next week. …
“The judge said that, in light of her ruling, voters should ignore the references to the criminal penalties on forms used to sign up new voters. She gave the secretary of state’s office five days to remove references to the rules and penalties on its Web site.
“Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, the Republican candidate for governor, plans to comply with the order and not challenge it, said Larry James, an attorney for Blackwell’s office who was in court when O’Malley issued the ruling.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
At one point, Republicans tried to justify their bungled military adventure in Iraq by saying they were bringing democracy to Iraqis. Yet, from the get go, they’ve been working overtime to keep American citizens from voting in their own country.
They even resorted to the dirty trick of mailing registered letters to the home addresses of (mostly black) soldiers deployed to Iraq so they could challenger the soldiers’ voter registrations while the soldiers were abroad and unable to defend their right to vote (and not even aware they were being kicked off the voter rolls). This is the truth about how Republicans “support the troops” — they “support” them by taking away their right to vote.
Republicans are lower than scum.
55 Have to admit that the Dem Congressional leadership has at times seemed a lot like Chamberlain…except the Nazis they’ve kept trying to appease haven’t been on the other side of the world. They’re right across the aisle.
pbj @ 89
I didn’t state a single opinion or make a single factual assertion in my post at 31. Accordingly, providing analysis supported by peer-reviewed studies is not possible. You don’t even know how to pretend that you know what you’re talking about, do you? You also have a serious problem with little things like grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Please continue to express your idiocy. It gets liberals like me all whipped up to go out and kick some neanderthal ass around.
Last week, a different federal judge declared similar rules enacted by Florida are unconstitutional.
Now watch Janet Whore, shill for the nazi Republicans, come on here and defend the GOP’s violations of American citizens’ constitutional rights.
Clueless: I am sorry to disagree with you, but that bomb saved thousands of American lives. In war, your goal is to win with minimum of casualties on your side. The other side? They asked for what they got.
105, LF, so far none of the other libs think Truman did the right thing. Like I said, they probably think he was a war criminal.
I dunno whether Mike?’s taking a drink nowadays should be considered a big deal. After all, at this point he’s no doubt being driven all over the campaign trail with a carful of “handlers”. Were he to win (God forbid) he would no doubt continue to be driven around in a black sedan at taxpayer expense. If not…hey, he’s rich. He’ll be able to do his own real-life remake of “Arthur” if he wants, complete to the Rolls with liveried chauffeur, plenty of champagne, and even a jar of Grey Poupon.
The issue I think we really have is not that he drinks, but who he drinks with.
If you really want to find out about Truman, I suggest you consult with Dr. Monte Poen, the foremost living authority on Truman.
You’ll find he’s very accessible.
Ok nut. Now let’s hear your conspiracy theory as to how George Bush got better grades in college than Kerry.
More made up stuff from the socialists. Let’s see the source for that “story” sunshine.
The beautiful thing about America……we can all agree to disagree without having to fear arrest….hey, leggo me, what do you mean under arrest for crimes againt the government? Roger, I need a lawyer…….I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country….hey those are too tight…..I am an American citizen, I demand my rights! What? You say I don’t have any rights, oh,hmmmmmm, fuck you then, shoot me now! Cuz if you don’t and I get loose, I am coming for you!
God this is fun watching the inbred right winger trying to defend Alaska’s US Senatorial Candidate Mikey McGavick. What a looooooser.
Since Mike?(tm) was ready to take the praises for admitting his drunking, will he as gladly take the heat for lying about it?
Hey, at least we know Mike?(tm) is ready for a job with the Bush administration after he picks up his 42% of the electorate. He has the lying down pat.
ahhhh goldy……..not a peep about your peeps beating up a soldier?????
very typical of you…………TSK TSK TSK.
106 OK, I’m a leftist/liberal, and I’m at the very least willing to give Truman credit for having the best of intentions. Horrible as it may have been, the use of nuclear weapons in one war, and the stark images of the aftermath in everyone’s memory, may well have served to prevent us from casually letting our leadership consider using them again except in the ultimate of desperate straits.
Unfortunately, like so many of the hard lessons of history, that has faded with time.
And you KNOW who beat up the soldier?
“We would not have this system is Democrats had their way”
The ABM system deployed by Bush was proposed and funded by Clinton, dumbass.
The key here is compassion for others, recognizing we all have different ideas and needs and then learning how we can all live together without the hate the extremists on both sides spout.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 2:18 pm
Republicans are just like the Nazi party in pre-war Germany. Substitute Islamo-fascist, Mexicans or immigrants for “Jew” and you have the current administrations ideology.
It frightens me, and, it should frighten you! Distracting with hate and nationalism, while slowly removing the citizens rights.Internal spying, urging neighbors to watch neighbors… What is up next: Bush Youth for Change, at that point you will find me locked and loaded, waiting to once again place my life between the enemy and my country.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 2:31 pm
Congratulations, Left Foot – it took you 13 minutes to completely reverse your “civility”. Way to go!
Proud Lefist,
That story is in the PI and the Olympian. I was shocked to find out that they were removing the money from the inmates wallets. To me, it’s stealing, and I don’t care if the police were doing it.
Other examples, trying to pass a law that you can’t talk on a cell phone while driving. I understand it pisses people off to get behind some idiot yakking on a phone. We already have a law that covers it – it’s called reckless driving.
We have a law that says underage minors don’t need parental permission for an abortion. Furthermore, some other adult can take your child out of state for an abortion. All legal in this state. Yet, they are trying to pass a law that prohibits a minor from getting a tatoo or body piercing without parental permission. These contradict each other. Either the parents have rights over the child or they don’t.
Can you imagine being the parent of a 14 year old girl who goes to school and the next time you see her she’s in the morgue because of a failed out of state abortion that some other adult paid for and gave permission for?
That recent case of Riley (I think) his name is with the failed kidneys, the mother didn’t agree with the doctors, so the state went to court – took him away from the mom, she snatched him, we had a bogus amber alert over it, they get him back and do the surgery and the kid didn’t start dialysis for almost a month. The mom now gets to see her kid, but only if she agrees with the doctors! WTF? Doctors are NOT Gods and they are NOT always right.
The smoking issue. We have the style of government that we do, so that a tyranical majority don’t trample the rights of minorities. Yet, it is happening all over the US. We are NOT done with the smoking issue. I fully expect to see a law passed or attempted to pass that says you can’t smoke in your car with a minor in the car, no smoking on beaches or in parks, and everything else that California tries to pass, our legislators will try to pass.
Last session Brenden Williams attempted to pass a bill outlawing Foie Gras. It isn’t made in this state, but he wants to save the geese in other states.
Last session they passed a law outlawing playing online poker in your HOME. Westneat wrote a column about a guy who had two of his magazine subscriptions cancelled because the law says you can’t have anything that promotes gambling. So, the magazine publishers cancelled all subscriptions to Washington State.
Last week they had a story about a man down here in the Olympia area who got a letter from the State Gambling Commission telling him he had 30 days to get rid of his two slot machines in his garage. He bought them years ago and they don’t accept coins, but the Commission declared that they violated state law and if he failed to comply, they would come seize them and take him to jail. No court order, just a letter full of threats.
There are tons of other examples………. but my favorite baseball is coming on TV – Go Yankees!
Republicans are just like the Nazi party in pre-war Germany. Substitute Islamo-fascist, Mexicans or immigrants for “Jew” and you have the current administrations ideology.
Commentby My Left Foot—— 9/1/06@ 2:31 pm
It’s even worse than that,LF. Reps defend that war criminal Truman for dropping the bomb.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/1/06@ 11:49 am:
If the company that Valerie Plame used as a cover was so important, shouldn’t your wrath be pointed at her for compromising it? She made a political donation using that as her company name, and she was instrumental in getting her husband a junket that was devised by the CIA to embarrass the president. Don’t blame the press or admin for those acts.
If the CIA was serious about not having her name published, the director would have called the newspaper and said to pull it. THat is the standard procedure for the CIA to indicate it’s seriousness. They didn’t.
Novak or Armitage didn’t break any laws or commit treason because Valerie Plame wasn’t a covert agent at the time this was published. That’s why neither was charged. No one else was, either, if you notice.
If Armitage was a tool of the white house, why did he let them all twist in the wind for two years? Doesn’t sound like a team player to me. Sounds like someone with an axe to grind.
“Let’s look at this another way. Maybe reporters should stake out all people going into and out of CIA headquartes, do some extensive research, and OUT ALL CIA NOCS!!!!”
Gosh, I bet no foreign agents have ever thought of this! Maybe that’s why truly covert agents don’t work at the CIA headquarters!
You have no facts to support anything, and not even any good logic to support the weak comments you make.
Just watching a replay of Olbermann’s rebuttal to Rumsfeld’s speech. I did not realize watching it live, I was so struck by his words, that he was pissed. He was full of passion and indignation.
It is important for us as Democrats to use his passion and words as a springboard to absolutely crush the WingNut machine in November.
I am tired of being beaten over the head with the clubs of patriotism, fear of terroism (I am not afraid to fly, attend major events, venture into the city, or travel abroad……. I am an American, it is bred into me to not be afraid, once I am afraid, they win. Whether the “they” is the terrorists or my own government)…..and being unAmerican. I am taking the club and swinging back.
I voted for
HONG TRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janet will you be wasting your vote on Alaska’s US Senate Candidate Mikey McGavick now that he’s admitted he abandoned his son for politics or do you have a double standard here?
not a peep about your peeps beating up a soldier?????
Nice try ghost. Those were your peeps – white supremacists!
I though a peep was a disusting easter candy ?
Janet Whore @ 118:
Taking my freedoms, threatening my country (whether from within or without) will cause me take up arms. We handle things here with (hopefully) civil discourse. I am willing to get along. I am also willing to change things through the system. It is not inconsistent for me to express willingness to take up arms to defend this country…..against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Every soldier and politician swears this. Why should I be different?
Before you post, you might want to actually think and reason before you hit the send button.
Art at 98:
No chance of John Craig and Janet getting together, John Craig only has a desire for big black man to pound his little white ass.
Ghost at 114:
You need to follow this story closer. Four young white men with close cut hair, all wearing red baseball hats, driving a SUV, and brandishing a gun. Sounds like the Guardman ran into a Young Republican convention:,6.html
But, of course, Republicans are so wrapped up in their delusions that you figure that it has to be liberals.
Isn’t interesting how Republicans always claim Democrats for their own after they left office. In 10 years we will hear about how right wing Carter was when he started the build up of the Navy and the B-1 program. In 30 years we will be talking about how right wing Clinton was when he passed welfare reform, built an army that was so successful in Afghanistan and Iraq before the political powers that be messed everything up.
Such a shame that you can’t claim any old Republican presidents did anything right.
And, amerikkkafirst, please state one thing that Bush has done right with the war on terror? It amazes me that a man could take a country so unified as ours was after 9/11 and instead of taking on the problem, ignored it, invaded Iraq, and made everything worse.
Given the sheer incompetence shown by the GOP over the last six years, I think even you have to admit that it is time for a change.
ok im on my 4th biscuit …… :-/ this batch came out really good
I put that lemon pepper seasoning in them.. hmmmmm yummy
By the by, the PI’s take on McGavik lying:
Since U(sp) was so ready to talk about Darcy Burner having an accident, when are they starting the thread on McGavick lying about his DUI?
I want more information on this hidden army of “taxi driving terrorists”. Montana is apparently full of them. If they have taken over there, they must have a foothold here in Seattle. I find this frightening. I am going over to Green Lake and digging a bunker next to Roger.
105 – It wasn’t one bomb, it was two. It would have been three if Truman didn’t see pictures of the kids he was killing.
The U.S. had been firebombing Japan practically since Pearl Harbor. Tens of thousands were killed. They were defeated in every way and were practically crying uncle. Truman wanted an unconditional surrender – they didn’t want the Emperor humiliated which was practically a religious issue with them.
The war department studied an occupation of Japan for months before Hiroshima and concluded it could be done with minimal casualties – the bomb was nowhere in their calculations.
There’s strong support for the theory that Truman wanted to show Stalin how ruthless he could be with the new weapon.
cont. 132,
No wonder we have state Troopers who are members of the KKK.
Do suppose Mike’s!? insurance rates were affected by his drunk driving conviction? Or did he get the employee discount?
Mac @ 119
I think we need to agree on a definition of “civil liberties” here. I believe all your examples, in a sense, implicate some notion of personal freedom. That is well and good. Aside from the examples involving police taking money from detainees and abortion, however, they do not involve civil liberties. Civil liberties are those freedoms which are guaranteed to citizens through either the federal or state constitutions. Speech, religion, press, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, due process–these are what we commonly think of as civil liberties. The fundamental core of due process is the right to notice and an opportunity to be heard before the government deprives us of property, life, or liberty. Your police example, in my view, is a deprivation of due process in that a governmental agent is taking property from people without giving them an opportunity to be heard. Abortion, according to the Supreme Court, implicates a number of our civil rights, including due process. Your other examples simply do not implicate protected liberties. Driving, for instance, is a privilege, not a right. Smoking and gambling, likewise. Moreover, your other examples involve classic confrontations between conflicting liberty interests–smoking in a public place provides the smoker pleasure, but perhaps not the asthmatic person sitting at the adjacent table.
Thank you for your reply. I’d have appreciated your reply more had you not disclosed your fondness for the Yankees. Good God, woman, the Yankees?
119 MAC
Yeah, your politics are bad enough, but the Yankees? Now you have gone too far.
Get with the program, Left Foot, listen to Clueless, she knows what she’s talking about. How can any lib possibly support the first use of nuclear weapons?
Listen to Rumsfeld. How can any wingnut support running a war well?
@91 “Republicans are just like the Nazi party in pre-war Germany. Substitute Islamo-fascist, Mexicans or immigrants for “Jew” and you have the current administrations ideology.”
Two quibbles- Jews in Germany in the 1930’s were not terrorizing anyone- the same cannot be said for “Islamo-fascists” today. Also, with many in organized labor villifying Mexicans and immigrants, that is hardly a failing only of Republicans. In fact, I remember just last week that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee had to remove an ad that pictured supposedly illegal immigrants on the border in between pictures of the esteemed leadr of North Korea and bazooka toting “Islamo-fascist” terrorists. Neither side has kept clean hands in these debates.
Well, being a liberal, by definition, means I think for myself. My family has a rich military history. Why do Conservatives believe that all Democrats think alike? I have to believe it is because they all do. There is no other explanation. The program is that I truly, with my whole heart, believe in America first, last and always. My country, right or wrong.
141 No, Footsie…it’s not because conservatives all think alike. It’s because they don’t think at all.
121…So, Joe Wilson’s trip was a CIA plot to “embarass the President”? With what? The truth?
Yeah and Rove leaked to Cooper. Next! Commentby For the Clueless— 9/1/06@ 11:54 am
Where’s the proof? Kos, evergreenwatch, mccranium? All were wrong. Using Puddy’s definition – Bullshittium!
This is like war, man. When the enemy waves the white flag, throws down his arms, and walks out with his hands up, it’s over. That’s the time to give him food and water, and show him mercy. But as long as he’s in his bunker, shooting at you, you keep bombing and shelling and shooting – comprende? That’s the system, that’s how it works, those are the rules. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/1/06@ 11:54 am
Like your good friends the French, Furball?
144 – It’s right in the WAPO editorial you posted Nimrod! Cooper told the grand jury Rove was his source!
You’re losin’ it WOS.
JCH @ 40: You ignorant motherfucker. Please cite your proof that the lawyer is a Democrat. You have a history of making shit up and sucking Pussypud cock. I heard you visited his mother too. She had some trouble getting away from you when you had your way with her. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 12:59 pm
How would you know an ignorant motherfucker? Oh wait… … … … “This just in Left Turn is an ignorant motherfucker. Film at 11.” We will never answer to your rants dipshit. You were the first to accuse John Mark Carr of conservatism. Not only are you the biggest dickhead here, but you are the redidual water of a used enema bag!
This is like war, man. When the enemy waves the white flag, throws down his arms, and walks out with his hands up, it’s over. That’s the time to give him food and water, and show him mercy. But as long as he’s in his bunker, shooting at you, you keep bombing and shelling and shooting – comprende? That’s the system, that’s how it works, those are the rules. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/1/06@ 11:54 am
Like your good friends the French, Furball?
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 9/1/06@ 4:54 pm
Rodent is an expert on surrender, MWS, and you’ve got to listen to an expert:
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit ———— 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
No wonder we have state Troopers who are members of the KKK.
Commentby My Left Foot […..Wouldn’t Robert “KKK” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV, kind of qualify here????? hehe, JCH
“Janet Whore”, Commentby My Left Foot………[Carl, do you have a “problem” with women? Just “axing”……..]
If you don’t like it, I hear that JCH has a small shack out behind his that you can rent. He is willing to take the rent in trade too. All you have to do is be willing to indulge his fantasy he likes to call “Tookie in the shower”. He has another related fantasy called “Tookie me all night long”. Have fun.
Commentby My Left Foot [……Carl, You do have a “problem” with women. You can’t pick fights with every female poster on HA.ORG. Sad…..]
Carl, Mrs. Grossman and “Jerome” are over at the Embassy Suites in Room 411. Want a video???
America First: Historically, it is Democrats who have most fervently protected this country. President Harry Truman used NUCLEAR weapons in defense of this country. Then had this to say about it: Truman’s words. That sound like a “cut and run” party to you? That sound like a party who does not believe in defense of this nation. He also said in later years that he never lost any sleep over the decision. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 1:19 pm
Back then your party was protective. Now the moonbats run your party. Ninnies, sissies and psychophants.
154 – Typical wingnut. Always projecting:
Sissy: “boil on his ass” Limbaugh
Psycophants: ASS, Mr. Cynical, Jim Gannon
Ninnies: WOS
SGMMAC @ 70: I did not know you were female. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 2:18 pm
You have to excuse TwoLeftFeet. He has the memory of a moron and writes gibberish all day.
TwoLeftFeet: SgmMac has stated many times her femininity. You missed it reading librul blogs!
jdb and left turd jch wants to get into your wife before the worms do.
Remember the Debates
Dino Rossi – She’s going to raise your taxes
Christine Gregoire – I will not
Dino Rossi – Yes, she will raise your taxes
Christine Gregoire – Will not
We all know what really happened now don’t we.
How do you know a lib is lying? They look at you and smile.
Chattanooga, Tennessee — An illegal immigrant who has been arrested previously on drug and firearms charges and deported seven times Friday pleaded not guilty to illegally re-entering the United States. /break/ Chattanooga police arrested Garcia-Morales for driving without a license July 14. He is also charged with violating federal probation in a previous case in Arizona. /break/ Records show Garcia-Morales was most recently deported March 3 to Mexico and forced to leave the United States several times before.
The whole issue has come about because this is being treated as a criminal offense matter. It is no such thing.
This is simply another example of the policy of several governments, including our own, to destroy the historical understanding of the meaning of borders and national sovereignty.
This creep is simply a foot soldier in that effort. If you want to treat him as an individual rather than a soldier, you’re already heading down the wrong path. If a soldier of an invading army entered our territory, would you send him home? Not likely! You would, or should, do the normal thing. Shoot him. Which is exactly what should happen in this case. Shoot him. Stand Senor Garcia-Morales against a wall, and shoot him. And treat the state of Mexico as an enemy nation in a open state of war against the US. I’, in favor of an artillery barrage to start things out.
“faded with time”
No problem, you can find anything on the internet.
“I am going over to Green Lake and digging a bunker next to Roger.” Commentby My Left Foot— 9/1/06@ 3:35 pm
Plenty of room here for everyone! Click here for photo of my burrow:
146: I know what teh WaPo said. I take umbrage with the word “leaked”! Patrick Fitzgerald didn’t consider it a leak. Numbnutz like you do! Still Clueless after what 30 years?
You take “umbrage” because you can’t face the truth that your hero Rove is a scumbag!!!
Or maybe the truth is that Rove is your crowd’s scumbag and you love him for it.
They look at you and smile.
Yeah that’s how some people handle wingnuts who are spouting their looney ideas in public. It’s amusing and sickening at the same time for sane people and it’s a real effort to maintain civility.
This creep is simply a foot soldier in that effort. If you want to treat him as an individual rather than a soldier, you’re already heading down the wrong path. If a soldier of an invading army entered our territory, would you send him home? Not likely! You would, or should, do the normal thing. Shoot him. Which is exactly what should happen in this case. Shoot him. Stand Senor Garcia-Morales against a wall, and shoot him. And treat the state of Mexico as an enemy nation in a open state of war against the US. I’, in favor of an artillery barrage to start things out.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/1/06@ 5:54 pm
Dems only shoot their own wounded, and then only if they reveal too much about what Dems really think about America. Remember the Dem hero Cindy Sheehan. Her star faded with the Dems after she started saying in public what Dems are only supposed to say in private, “America isn’t worth dying for,” as reported below:
Cindy Sheehan followed this act. Wearing a sweatshirt advertising the website for United for Peace and Justice, Sheehan was interviewed outside just before the meeting by an ABC-TV news reporter. Sheehan said then that military recruiters should not be allowed on college campuses, maintaining they trick naïve 18-year-olds with offers of money and scholarships. Tragically, Cindy Sheehan lost her son Casey who was in the Army and was killed two weeks after arriving in Iraq. She claimed he was promised a job as a chaplain’’s assistant although once in the service was placed in a combat role and killed, certainly a moving story –– one she exploits to promote venomous anti-Americanism. “George Bush and his neo-conservatives killed my son,” she said tearing up a bit.“America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for.”
Poor poor Clueless: Keeping the Rove indicted dream alive. If the special prosecutor said no, Clueless says he’s wrong!
Dreaming, nothing more than dreaming! What’s the problem Clueless, afraid the Rove attack in the Fall will kick some librul butt?
I saw Santorum closing quickly on Casey. Memendez is now down six in NJ when a month ago he was up six. Steele is ahead in Maryland. Just think; if you guys lose those you’ll have a hard time taking the senate. Crow on Clueless!
Now we see Barbara Boxer introducing a resolution to remove Don Rumsfeld. You guys trip over each other so quickly!
Please x-post at dailyKos. Could be weekend frontpage material. Commentby RonK, Seattle— 9/1/06@ 10:50 am
Yes RonK, a kos a day keeps libruls dumb all day!
167 – Poor sad WOS. I could care a flying rip about your hero scumsucker.
I feel sorry for a low-life like Rove and anyone who thinks he’s doing anything remarkable.
LeftTurn – I have repeatedly said that I don’t care what path darcy has chosen. But I get tired of hearing the likes of Joni Balter claim she is a super-mom because she has turned over parenting duties to someone else so she can pursue a political career. No, she has lots of money to pay someone to do a job she has no interest in, raising her son.
McGavick doesn’t claim that he will make a better senator because he raised children. He rightly claims he is a parent, and he is proud of his children.
#170 Clueless: Poor poor Clueless, Looks like I’m in your head. Polls are changing. People realizing the left is devoid of character. People realizing the left don’t care about them. The left only cares about power. They are crazed nuts because they lost their power. Ever since Daschle was booted you guys are rudderless. Ever since the Indians figured out Daschle didn’t represent them they booted him. Now with Russell Simmons backing Michael Steele Maryland is in play. Blacks are seeing you all for what you are!
Did you see 50 Cents calling Bush his home boy. Must get to you some of your precious base is coming my way. I welcome open minded blacks. I’d invite them over for dinner and a movie. Puddy asked if you’d invite an islamofascist to your home Clueless. You not only were clueless but you were speechless. Whaddamadder Clueless, your friends are looking to eat. Call up Hamas or Al-Aksa Brigades in Gaza and invite one. Since you are anti-neo-con you like Islamofascists.
Better yet, why not start transmitting Al-Minar TV? I’m sure you’ll get some subscribers from the Furballettes. So dumb like a box of chocolates.
dont get me wrong, im a lefty. but honestly, this argument is disengenious in its merit. who really gives a shit if he got a dee wee. im more concerned about the defunct elections process. how the fuck are we going to regain any power in washington if we continue to allow our politicians to be “paid” and our voting systems to be “rigged?”
MWS at 144:
You ignoranus( not a typo, you are not only stupid, but you are an asshole too). I have never commented on John Mark Carr. Show me the post, dumbass.
Just like a WingNut to totally fabricate his “rebuttal”. You are just man cuz you are behind in the polls and John Craig likes Pussypud better than you.
Now, pull up the post or STFU!!!!
174 should reference 147, sorry for the confusion.
And MWS, a personal note, whatever it is that you are smoking…..QUIT NOW! That shit is rotting your brain.
I do find it interesting that you support the hate mongering rantings of Ms. Coulter, but you condemn Mr. Olbermann for an intelligent and eloquent rebuttal to the rantings of our Defense Secretary.
How can you morally justify your position? I will tell you how….You can’t!!!!
Carl, does Mrs. Grossman say “Good night”, then walks away, and shuts the door to the guest bedroom?
174, While you are dicking around on HA.ORG, I wonder what Mrs. Grossman is doing in the guest bedroom? Hmmmmmmmmm??
177 Carl, does Mrs. Grossman say “Good night”, then walks away, and shuts the door to the guest bedroom?
Did you mean to say “then SHE walks away”, might want to try a remedial English course, John. You also might want to at least comment on the issue.
Maybe before you start to type, you should have Pussypud take his dick out of you ass. That way you won’t have that small distraction keeping you from tapping out a cogent post.
By the way, Fuck you!!!
oops, take his dick out of YOUR ass…..
Hey Pussypud,
Nuff said?
Fuck you!!!!!
I am all y0u two think about. I am in your heads, controlling your minds. (I just wish it had been somewhat of a challenge).
“Blood pressure meds from you go to bed, Carl!”
182 “Blood pressure meds from you go to bed, Carl!â€
Comment by Doctor JCH Kennedy — 9/1/06 @ 9:19 pm
Not sure what you are saying here? Have you been drinking with McGavick? Or are you still giddy over Pussypud’s dick in your ass?
I am inside your head, John Craig, I am all you think about. You can’t stay away. You need me. You are addicted.
172 – WOS you’re insane. I support Democrats because they won’t bankrupt the country and create more terrorists with their policies. Your boys had their chance and they failed miserably.
If some black folks want to be on the right let them try it. It’s a free country. Let them see where it gets them.
pbj @ 65
So a story that describes three tests with two out of three failures is good news?
americafirst @ 82
“Thanks for posting a good example of the feminized lib approach to Islamofascism.”
No, thank youfor not only illutrating my point about your team’s ideological blind spots, but also for providing a great illustration of how your propaganda works: you think that by “feminizing” your opposition you paint them as weak. Too bad it’s not working this time around. America’s on to you guys; they know you have failed our nation at every turn that we have been and will be safer with a party who take the business of protecting America seriously enough to DO SOMETHING RIGHT instead of the Gang Who Can’t Shoot Straight. The TRUTH is that Democrats will rebuild our military, equip and train our first responders here at home; provide the benefits that our troops and veterans need and deserve; fully man and equip our National Guard; promote alternative fuels and reduce dependence on foreign oil; and restore Americans’ confidence in their government’s ability to respond; implement the recommendations of the independent bipartisan 9/11 Commission; FINALLY protect our ports and airports, our borders, mass transit systems, our chemical and nuclear power plants, and our food and water supplies from terrorist attack; and the TRUTH is that the Republicans will do NONE of those things (while claiming that they are).
“killing the shitheads that are trying to kill us is just too simplistic to possibly be right.”
That’s true, considering that you guys apparently think that Lebanese civilians, Iraqi civilians, and innocent Muslims the world over are the ones who should die. We can’t afford to have Republicans churning out new terrorists at that rate we are. We need a change, and it’s pretty clear that America agrees.
excerpt (
Conservatives today are the natural candidates to take the lead in confronting our most painful episode from the war, because they were once among the most vocal critics of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Consider the following:
On August 8, 1945, two days after the bombing, former Republican President Herbert Hoover wrote to a friend that “[t]he use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul.”
Days later, David Lawrence, the conservative owner and editor of U.S. News (now U.S. News & World Report), argued that Japan’s surrender had been inevitable without the atomic bomb. He added that justifications of “military necessity” will “never erase from our minds the simple truth that we, of all civilized nations . . . did not hesitate to employ the most destructive weapon of all times indiscriminately against men, women and children.”
Just weeks after Japan’s surrender, an article published in the conservative magazine Human Events contended that America’s atomic destruction of Hiroshima might be morally “more shameful” and “more degrading” than Japan’s “indefensible and infamous act of aggression” at Pearl Harbor.
Such scathing criticism on the part of leading American conservatives continued well after 1945. A 1947 editorial in the Chicago Tribune, at the time a leading conservative voice, claimed that President Truman and his advisers were guilty of “crimes against humanity” for “the utterly unnecessary killing of uncounted Japanese.”
In 1948, Henry Luce, the conservative owner of Time, Life, and Fortune, stated that “[i]f, instead of our doctrine of ‘unconditional surrender,’ we had all along made our conditions clear, I have little doubt that the war with Japan would have ended soon without the bomb explosion which so jarred the Christian conscience.”
A steady drumbeat of conservative criticism continued throughout the 1950s. A 1958 editorial in William F. Buckley, Jr.’s National Review took former President Truman to task for his then-current explanation of why he had decided to drop an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. The editors asked the question that “ought to haunt Harry Truman: ‘Was it really necessary?'” Could a demonstration of the bomb and an ultimatum have ended the war? The editors challenged Truman to provide a satisfactory answer. Six weeks later the magazine published an article harshly critical of Truman’s atomic bomb decision.
The only reason that TODAY’S Republicans support Truman dropping the bomb is because THEY want to.
Mountain Man @ 158
The Legislature raises taxes, not the Governor.
My question is this: does Washington State really need its very own lying, reckless, irresponsible, alcoholic, multi-millionaire Republican politician representing it in DC? It seems that there are enough of them there all ready and that they have made quite a mess of things.
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