Perhaps you’ve heard about it, but if you haven’t yet seen Keith Olbermann’s commentary yesterday on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, watch it now.
And about Mr. Rumsfeld’s other main assertion, that this country faces a “new type of fascism.”
As he was correct to remind us how a government that knew everything could get everything wrong, so too was he right when he said that — though probably not in the way he thought he meant it.
This country faces a new type of fascism – indeed.
Finally, a journalist with a large national audience courageous enough to say out loud what many of us have been warning for years. It’s almost enough to make me call up Comcast and order cable. Almost.
Instead, I sent an email to MSNBC thanking them for putting Olbermann’s Countdown on the air.
I will follow suit with the email to MSNBC. I posted excerpts from this essay/speech yesterday and instead of disputing it, the trolls came back with how many viewers actually saw it. My brother, in CA, has told me that the story of this broadcast made the evening news there. I hope this piece is more widely distributed. It is absolutely perfect in its message.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Goldy, please tell me you’re conducting a test this morning to see how quickly you can get to a .17 BAC… I mean, really, using the word “journalist” and the name “Oblermann” in the same paragraph? What’s next, “editor John Madden”?
You are much more of a journalist than Keith is, and you aren’t even close to being on (by your own admission). He is a washed up ex-sports dude hack who hates the Bush Administration and gets to rant about it to a few thousand viewers on TV. You might as well call Sean Hannity a journalist. That would have more credibility anyway (and Sean has about 10x as many viewers).
Have you lost your mind? Olbermann is a highly respected, highly paid jounalist/commentator. You can go here to see his biography:
He began college at 16. According to his bio on, the events of September 11 affected him profoundly, he lost several friends in the attack.
So before you go off, you might want to check up on who you are attacking. This man is respected in his profession. He is not a media clown in the mold of Mr. I’ll Spin It The Way I See It.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and helping my WingNut friends to find and start their brains.
Unless you mean “sportswriter” when you say “journalist”, you don’t know what you are talking about. But, if you believe that a career spent doing sports broadcasting qualifies one to be called a journalist in the political arena, I guess you also think a career in acting makes one an intelligent commentator on politics also (think Alec Baldwin).
By the way, his audience is growing as Fox viewership falls. I would suggest that you go to his blog, google “bloggerman”, and see what he thinks. He is liberal, he has a platform and WingNuts don’t like that.
He is also as tall as Mr. I Paid The Girl Because She Had My Ass Nailed, and is not intimidated by him. The words Keith Olbermann are not allowed on the Spin Meister show. Just like a WingNut to refuse to listen to an opposing side. After all, God has ordained you rulers of the world. Wish I could be there when God has that talk with Bush!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and not taking WingNut shit anymore.
Keith Obermann and Bill O’Reilly are different side of the Pompous Ass Coin. They’re both ego-maniacs. They just have different viewpoints.
Olbermann’s speech was indeed impressive. If you would like to download it, you can do so directly here:
or here:
Depending on your file saving/viewing preferences.
And you, TheRightIs Joking, would have me believe that actors are qualified to run a state and a country? Go read his bio, then come back to me. This is one highly educated, intelligent man. Who by the way has not had to pay a HUGE settlement to bury the fact that he is a phone sex pervert. And Arnolds qualifications? Well, they are perfect for being a WingNut: Womanizer and steroid user/abuser.
So now, TheRightIsKidding, refute the logic of his argument without attacking him. You can’t because he is correct.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and calling bullshit.
Again, you attack the messenger, not the message. You can’t refute what he said, so you castigate him. Only that tactic no longer works.
(and Sean has about 10x as many viewers)
Not even close to accurate.
Except Keith has a sense of humor, while Falafel boy has none.
Oh, and Keith keeps adding viewers, while Fox and Bill O’s keep dying off:
Aug. #’s: Total Viewers Vs. Aug. 2005
I will add HLN and CNBC, ASAP…
Total day:
Aug. ’06: 933 584 277
Aug. ’05: 1,001 433 220
% change: -7% +35% +26%
Aug. ’06: 1,511 902 371
Aug. ’05: 2,093 748 349
% change: -28% +21% +6%
One last note, TheRightIsKidding, Olbermann has been doing his show for over 2 years now.
Mr, My Head Is a Spin Zone had some hardcore jobs too. He was the anchor of that hard hitting news show “A Current Affair”, which he took after he was fired for like the fifth time, which were all due to his inablity to work with others (read: Women).
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and kicking your ass and taking names.
Well, the best part was when he quoted Murrow. I was thinking all the while before that he was trying to step in Murrow’s shoes.
I like Keith but he was over-reaching a bit here.
Keith is still leagues beyond that scumbag O’Reilly.
Keith is getting hammered by the emails from rightwingers demanding his dismissal, so the more emails sent thanking him the better. Larry Johnson has a whole list of links you can email to over a No Quarter. This time let’s focus on not letting them take down the messenger, right now Keith is all we’ve got.
I just want to say a thankyou to Goldy for posting this. This is what freedom of speach is all about. The more people who see this the better.
I don’t really watch any of the cable news outlets any more, so I didn’t catch this on TV. In fact, I have to confess to not really knowing who Olbermann was, except to see his comments posted online now and then.
But as I was reading the piece, it wasn’t Murrow I was thinking of. Instead, I was reminded of Walter Cronkite, reporting from Vietnam during the height of the Tet Offensive, when he pointed out that the statements made by the U.S. military in Saigon had no relationship with what was actually happening on the ground. historians have marked that as the “beginning of the end” of support for the war among the U.S. public.
Addition to # 16:
“Hailed as “the most trusted man in America” during his 18 years as anchor of the “CBS Evening News,” Walter Cronkite first gained national recognition for his reporting from the battlefields of World War II. As a United Press correspondent, Cronkite covered the landings in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied invasion of Normandy and the subsequent battles across France and Germany. He was also a member of the “Writing 69th,” a group of intrepid reporters that accompanied Allied bombers on missions over Germany. In 1968, while anchor of the “CBS Evening News,” Cronkite journeyed to Vietnam to report on the aftermath of the Tet offensive. In a dramatic departure from the traditions of “objective” journalism, Cronkite concluded his reports with a personal commentary in which he voiced his strong belief that the war would end in stalemate. Cronkite’s editorial would later be regarded as a critical indice of public opinion of the Vietnam War.”
I don’t watch cable news of any stripe, so I have no idea who Olbermann is. But I can recognize a great speech when I hear it. Good job, Keith!
Show your approval of Keith’s Countdown show and commentary:
5. (Dan Abrams is now MSNBC’s general manager)
I sent my e-mail of support.
Thanks for the convenience of the email addy’s AptlyNamedClueless… I used them well and went one step farther by sharing them with all my RIGHT thinking friends that despise the America hating traitors you support.
Listen, could you do me a favor and list the few remaining advertisers MSNBC has so I can express my opinion to them as well? Thanks! [/LMAO]
A word about “Islamofascism.”
We all know that the modern Republican Party’s first response to anything is to come up with a catchy slogan, and then they forget to do the hard work of digging into the facts and coming up with a strategy and resources that will counter the actual threats we face. They have mastered the art of winning elections by beating culture war campaign tropes to death in 30-second ad spots, and they seem to think that you can solve actual real-world problems the same way. Sadly, it isn’t true.
“Islamofascism” is one of these tossed-off catch phrases, and one that shows us oh-so-cleasrly the limitations of the conservative brain. They love absolutes, black-and-white situations that one sweepingly simplistic phrase bundles up so neatly that they have to think no further. All wrapped up in the little Islamofascist package are the difficult and stubborn problems of Palestinian aspirations and accompanying resentment of Israel, Sunni and Shiite Iraqi Arab resistance against the US occupier, Shiite Arab militance against Sunnis (and vice versa) vying for control of Iraq, Shiite Hezbollah militance against Israel stemming from their decades-long occupation of Lebanon, the global Sunni-led Al Qaeda franchise and the dangers its outsourced terrorism poses, and the rise in power and influence of Shiite Iraq (leaving out a few other minor ones). These are all each difficult problems, each posing unique challenges, and almost certainly each requiring a unique solution. Yet they present the problem as singular, unified, and monolithic, and the plan for dealing with al of them is, apparently, “staying the course” of abject failure in Iraq.
It’s a marketing slogan, not a serious analysis, and it shows the bankruptcy of conservative leaership in terms of both vision and solutions. They’ve got nothing but more of the same old fear and inaction.
ASS – In my e-mail, I told msnbc to ignore all the right-wing imbeciles filling up the inboxes.
Thanks for playing to script ASS.
Sorry, that was a typo I didn’t catch; it’s “the rise in power and influence of Shiite Iran“
ASS – I love America but as with all things you have to take the good with the bad.
Guess what you are?
I wonder what Rumsfeld has to say about the GOP “black bag” operation to stage an assault by “peaceniks” on a black National Guardsman?
… As we all know, anti-war protesters run around in black Suburbans, pack handguns, wear red baseball caps and sweatshirts, are young white males, and pick on blacks.
Yeah right.
… That incident has “right wing” written all over it.
Republicans must be pretty fucking desperate to stoop to trying to win the election by beating up National Guardsmen.
Yes, fascists, I’m accusing you fuckers of that assault.
If you don’t like it, go fuck yourself and the armadillo you rode in!
The fascists are now throwing around the term “fascist” in a lame effort to pre-empt the terminology.
AptlyNamedClueless…somehow I doubt the suits will take your advice but LOL at your monumental if misplaced ego. The suits don’t care what the little people (um, that would be YOU) think… the advertisers DO care about those of us that SPEND and the suits care what the advertisers think.
People like you are what’s wrong with America right now. You have no awareness of history, no understanding of international relations, no insight into the human spirit. Yet, you think you have answers? How someone with such limited intellectual capacity as you has developed such arrogance is truly a mystery. You are a blister on America’s ass.
ASS – It’s so simple. You watch Faux Snooze Channel 24 hours a day, then support those advertisers. FNC’s ratings are dropping. Do your part.
I don’t patronize advertisers who don’t support free speech.
At the end of the day I don’t care what suits think one way or the other. If they’re anything like the empty suits in the White House and the corrupt rubberstamp Congress, I REALLY don’t care what they think.
I don’t have cable. And I don’t watch TV all that often. Is this from Saturday Night Live? Why did he do that sudden spin in the chair at the end? Could this be a spoof?
Terry S.
I think the spin was just entertainment.
Terry S.
But no spoof; America actaully feels this way.
You know, if you’re a real cynic, you could also wonder if the oil companies might not be pulling the price of gas down to help Republicans get re-elected in the midterm elections a couple of months away.
Democrats: The Party Of Neville Chamberlain? Too bad the muuuuuuuuslim terrorists didn’t fly the planes into the Kennedy Compund, the DNC Building, and the East Hamptons.
Begala on CNN transcript:
BEGALA: For some, yes. I mean, I think the better criticism of Rumsfeld is that he has failed in his job. As I said, bin Laden walks the earth. That is wrong. That is because, I believe, the mass incompetence of Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush.
And so, if you’re working at the White House — if you’re Karl Rove, right? And I used to work there — what do you do? You know, the president is not popular. Mr. Cheney is not popular.
The one person they have is Condoleezza Rice, who the country still likes and trusts. And yet, she’s not out there.
Rumsfeld and Cheney and Bush are. And believe me — you can check — there are four or five different strains of venereal diseases more popular than Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. And so, as a Democrat, I want to Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld to…
CLARKE: You’ve probably been waiting all summer to use that line.
BEGALA: I want them on the (inaudible) every day.
One of the best dressing downs this traitor and coward Rummy has ever received. Too bad it’s over the heads of the inbred trailer trash that will vote GOP no matter what.
“Kill all the Democrats” now? You know, your chickenshit ass isn’t going to feel “safe” until you’re the only one left alive on earth. And maybe not then.
RR at 25: Somehow, reminds me of an important anniversary coming up. What was that? Oh, yes. Sept. 1, 1939. The day Germany invaded Poland, starting WWII (at least, the portion of WWII in Europe).
But shortly before the invasion, Germans dressed prisoner’s in Polish uniforms and then killed them, photographing them as evidence of a Polish attack on a German radio station on the border. Using this trumped-up “justification” for the massive invasion the next day, Hitler silenced his critics at home and added the several hours of confusion, internationally, which he needed while he breached the initial German defenses.
I couldn’t immediatly find the date for the “false attack” Hitler staged, but I think it was the day before the actual attack. So that would make TODAY the 65th anniversary of that rather infamous attempt at public deception.
Coincidence? Probably. Ironic? Probably.
I agree with RR. The right-wing has tried for the past three years to portray the left as hating American troops, in order to demonize them. Instead, the left has thanked them for serving their country and carefully seperated their respect for their service from the political mistakes of our civilian leadership. This must be very frustrating to the rightists, who can’t win an election unless they demonize the opposition.
It may or may not have any national coordination, or it might just be some local wingnuts, or maybe the guardsman needed a sympathetic story to explain how he got beat in a fight for completely unrelated reasons. but I seriously doubt any “peacenicks” surrounded and beat a national guardsman.
Advertisers love Olbermann’s show. He does very well “in the demo” (25-54). Advertisers don’t like paying to advertise to people who aren’t going to buy their products, and Olbermann’s show delivers viewers most likely to be purchasers.
Before anybody else posts it:
“MIAMI – A jetliner’s landing gear caught fire on the runway at Miami International Airport after two tired blew out during landing, officials said. No one was injured, and the fire was quickly extinguished.”
The airplane was a Boeing 737 operated by US Airways.
What does this have to do with politics? Absolutely nothing. That’s why I’m posting it here, to be the first to say that something can happen in the airline industry without any political cause or ramifications.
Apparantly two tires blew on landing, causing the landing gear to catch fire. The picture appears to show most of the foam around the nose gear, so I assume that the two nose gear tires blew. Normally the nose gear tires take the least punishment during landing, the main gear hitting first and absorbing the initial impact, and the nose gear being lowered afterwards.
So possible causes could be: (a) non-visable defect in the tires, (b) tires that should have been replaced earlier, (c) the most likely cause – a hard nose-first landing caused by pilot error.
Again, refute the speech. The messenger is not the problem. The problem is that speech is bullet proof. He was correct on everypoint. He did not lie. He gave his opinion, which is what is really bothering you. He thought for himself and nailed the WingNuts to the wall.
Now, honey, go get yourself pretty. The blvd opens for business soon.
Once again, Glenn Greenwald cuts to the chase about this silly appeasement meme:
“Screaming “appeasement” and endlessly comparing political opponents to Neville Chamberlian is not a serious, thoughtful argument, nor is it the basis for any sort of foreign policy. At best, it is an empty, cheap platitude so overused by those seeking war as to be impoverished of meaning. More often than not, though, it is worse than that; it is the disguised battlecry of those who want war for its own sake, and who want therefore to depict the attempt to resolve problems without more and more new wars as being irresponsible and weak.”
Huffington Post has this regarding K.O.:
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Married and Faithful to my mother, wife, and dog.
Carl, a word of advice: don’t make corny statements like that on this blog. There are a lot of people out there ready to pounce with their seventh-grade smatr-ass barbs.
Commentby Libertarian
Another TJ has it right. Olberman’s show does very well with the demo that advertisers care about, while Fox “News” viewers tend to be at the age that they are dying off:
Seldom mentioned, however, is the fact that cable news is equally geriatric. Indeed, Fox News Channel and CNN are two of only three leading basic networks (the other being the Hallmark Channel) whose median viewer age is over 60. . . .
This is the dirty little secret cable news would rather not discuss — namely, that half their viewers graduated from the 18-49 demographic during the first Bush administration. Nevertheless, their primetime hours are replete with the young, restless and at risk — whether it’s a missing girl in Aruba, spring break shenanigans or alleged rape at a prestigious university.
In that context, Fox and CNN’s content sounds more like retirement-home residents lamenting what’s wrong with kids today than catering to their audience. It also proffers a skewed vision of teens and young adults, whom the network newsmags also present as being either constantly threatened by Internet miscreants (see “Dateline’s” “To Catch a Predator” series) or determined to kill themselves (witness “20/20’s” “binge-drinking coeds” expose).
Pedophiles, in fact, have become the de facto star of the May rating sweeps, low-lighted by KCBS-TV in Los Angeles promoting a piece about child molesters living near Disneyland. It’s the most cynical kind of scare tactic (“Your children might be in danger!”) designed to reel in young women, mirroring Fox News host Greta Van Susteren’s obsession with the Natalee Holloway case.
Admittedly, such appeals are easier and cheaper to do than substantive reporting. Just don’t put lipstick on the pig, as Van Susteren did last year by calling missing persons “an epidemic.”
Heck, half of Bill O’s decline in ratings can be explained by them dying off.
45 You’re right–this airline incident certainly has nothing to do with terr’ism. However, it may well have plenty to do with the sorry state we’ve sunk to in six years of neocon “leadership”. With the airline industry rapidly falling apart, two very likely causes of the incident might be:
(1.) Pilot error, as you’ve postulated–likely someone less experienced at the controls due to the senior pilots being run out of the industry, depriving the new folks of their mentorship in the cockpit.
(2.) A calculated risk taken by the airline to fudge the paperwork and stretch the tires for a little longer service before replacing them.
Sound far-fetched? No more than Alaska’s knuckle-dragging, gang-banger scabs spraying graffiti inside the baggage compartments and ramming tractors into the sides of airplanes.
20,“Islamofascism”” is one of these tossed-off catch phrases, and one that shows us oh-so-cleasrly the limitations of the conservative brain. They love absolutes, black-and-white situations that one sweepingly simplistic phrase bundles up so neatly that they have to think no further. All wrapped up in the little Islamofascist package are the difficult and stubborn problems of Palestinian aspirations and accompanying resentment of Israel, Sunni and Shiite Iraqi Arab resistance against the US occupier, Shiite Arab militance against Sunnis (and vice versa) vying for control of Iraq, Shiite Hezbollah militance against Israel stemming from their decades-long occupation of Lebanon, the global Sunni-led Al Qaeda franchise and the dangers its outsourced terrorism poses, and the rise in power and influence of Shiite Iraq (leaving out a few other minor ones). These are all each difficult problems, each posing unique challenges, and almost certainly each requiring a unique solution. Yet they present the problem as singular, unified, and monolithic, and the plan for dealing with al of them is, apparently, “staying the course” of abject failure in Iraq.”
“It’s a marketing slogan, not a serious analysis, and it shows the bankruptcy of conservative leaership in terms of both vision and solutions. They’ve got nothing but more of the same old fear and inaction.”
Commentby Daddy Love—— 8/31/06@ 11:33 am
Thanks for posting a good example of the feminized lib approach to Islamofascism. Just analyze to find all the nuances, then analyze the analysis. Never reach a conclusion, just criticize those with the guts to do something and claim that they haven’t thoroughly analyzed it.
I have never seen a lib here offer a solution to terrorism, you just whine that Bush is doing it the wrong way. You libs don’t have the slightest idea how to fight back, and you think analysis is a complete substitute for action. If we left the defense of this country up to you you’d still be analyzing while the bombs are going off in Seattle.
Neville Chamberlain was a lion compared to you libs, at least he finally declared war. You feminized libs aren’t even willing to start fighting. Keep coming up with excuses for Islamofascists, Mommy Love, killing the shitheads that are trying to kill us is just too simplistic to possibly be right. If you keep analyzing long enough I’m sure you can come up with a solution that doesn’t require fighting, maybe you can get some ideas from Oprah.
Another good take on Rumsfeld’s foolish speach:
If Bush was still analyzing what to do in Iraq rather than having attacked Iraq, terrorism would be less of a threat than it is. If Bush had spent more time analyzing risks rather than encouraging Israel to toss bombs into Lebanon, Hezbollah would not be as big a threat as it now is. Taking action for the simple sake of taking action, any action, appeals to simplistic minds like yours. The world is not a black and white place. Killing your neighbor on the west to retaliate for what your neighbor on the east did does not make you, or anyone else, safer. Thank you for acknowledging your disregard for analysis. Such disregard was clear anyway, but your candor is refreshing.
The problem with the War on Terrorism is not that liberals would not carry it out; liberals have been very supportive of that. The problem with the War on Terrorism is that the Bush administration dropped it except as a propaganda point, and instead launched a War on Iraq.
What I would give if Republicans would actually wage a War on Terrorism. Instead they are letting brave young men and women die for their vanity, while giving the terrorist recruiting tools. I dare any of you wingnuts to name one good decision made by any of the politicians on the right when it comes to Iraq or the War on Terrorism. Just one good decision.
It’s not the neocons’ war on Iraq that’s the problem. It’s their war on America.
Just for the record, I mailed MSNBC and thanked them for Keith Olbermann’s special report last night.
Then I wrote a personal email of thanks to Olbermann for saying out loud what so many of us — more than half the country, last I checked — are thinking, and saying it on the air.
I think keithO projects too much of himself onto DonaldR. TO me he came off as snarky, ego driven, and kinda vacant.
Roger – your humor is lacking and you need a better tinfoil hat…
53,54, as I said before;
I have NEVER seen a lib here offer a solution to terrorism, you just whine that Bush is doing it the wrong way. You libs don’t have the slightest idea how to fight back, and you think analysis is a complete substitute for action. If we left the defense of this country up to you you’d still be analyzing while the bombs are going off in Seattle.
Just what is your solution to terrorism then? You have no clue, just more complaining about Bush. If Bush pulled out of Iraq tomorrow you’d probably start complaining that we should pull out of Afghanistan. Do you libs have a single idea that isn’t purely defense?
I’m for illegals coming to the USA, but ONLY if they live in Cape Cod, MASS. That would include ALL illegals in the USA [20 million]. Note the lack of New Orleans black Democrat homeless in Democrat CONN and MASS. Get the picture now???? hehe, JCH
“Kill all the Democrats” now?
Commentby Daddy Love [Daddy, Let’s start with Iran, and see how that works. We will still need the Democrats to mow our lawns.]
Carl, does Mrs. Grossman let you have her email “password”? NO?……………Gee, Carl, I wonder why??? hehe, JCH
#51 “I have never seen a lib here offer a solution to terrorism, you just whine that Bush is doing it the wrong way. You libs don’t have the slightest idea how to fight back, and you think analysis is a complete substitute for action. If we left the defense of this country up to you you’d still be analyzing while the bombs are going off in Seattle.”
I have an idea oh bloodthirsty one…. Maybe if we killed terrorists, instead of invading oil rich dictatorships, and killing 129,000 innocent Iraqis the whole world would still be with us killing more terrorists, instead of telling us to “shut up” as the Chines #2 dude said.
You warmongering yellow bellies cry what a wonderful job Bush is doing, causing the deaths of innocent muslims, and wonder why there are now 1,000 Al Quedas.
To fight terror we need financial, diplomatic, social, military, police style investigations, and intelligence all working together to battle the hatred MILLIONS OF PEOPLE feel for our country. We need to make fewer people hate America, not more. It is 500 times as big of job as any Republican could possibly wrap their pea brain around. You freaks would rather kill a thousand women, and children than find a lasting solution…..
If someone isn’t dying, or being tortured, Republicans aren’t happy.
Remember what John Dean wrote in his book Worse than Watergate. Bush, and Cheney are Bin Laden’s recruiting dream team.
Since Rumsfeld is throwing around words like appeasement, and fascism, I will give you a little insight on the Rummy way of waging the war on terror, dating back to the WW2 days.
If Rummy was in charge, when Hitler invaded Poland, the US would have invaded CANADA!!!!
By the way, I trash talk Bush full time. I always hear pea brained Republicans saying “at least Bush is doing something” or the like.
What Bush did not do is listen to the Clinton Administration when they said their #1 priority should be going after Al Queda. They completely ignored that warning, and over 100 other in your face warnings we were about to be attacked, and did not lift a finger to keep 9-11 from happening. I think they knew about the attacks, but by not doing anything to protect us is treason enough.
Then they kicked the taliban out of Kabul, left Karzi to fend for himself with only opium money to run his country, and went off to create more terrorists by invading Iraq, and lying about the Iraqi threat to the American Peopole, and the world (according to Coling Powell).
Now Iraq is in a civil war, our military is destroyed, we don’t have one single reserve battallion ready to go if needed, we are 4 trillion farther in debt, North Korea, and Iran are going nuclear, and all we can do is trash talk, because the world dispises our leader.
You say libs only attack Bush, and have no real answers as to how we should fight terror. What a joke. Your Decider has only increased hatred for our country, and the list of our enemies grows longer each, and every day.
The world’s lone superpower has been brought to it’s knees by one lying traitor in the White House.
And you defend him.
You, and your rightie sleazebags are the most dispicable of traitors.
Any slow 4th grader could fight the war on terror better than the Bush Crime Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing you understand is blood, and you don’t care if it is being spilled by the innocent instead of the guilty.
Just remember, the people being tortured in Abu Gharib were guilty of nothing. One picture of a hooded muslim hooked up to wires made our country millions of enemies overnight. And to think the people at the top who did nothing to stop the torture after learning about it never had to pay a price for these millions of new enemies they created.
Justice has not been served, and 1 BILLION muslims know it. Just your pea brained Republicans thing it is ok……
That government was England’s, in the 1930’s.
It knew Hitler posed no true threat to Europe, let alone England.
It knew Germany was not re-arming, in violation of all treaties and accords.
It knew that the hard evidence it received, which contradicted its own policies, its own conclusions —— its own omniscience — needed to be dismissed.
The English government of Neville Chamberlain already knew the truth.
Most relevant of all —— it “knew” that its staunchest critics needed to be marginalized and isolated. In fact, it portrayed the foremost of them as a blood-thirsty war-monger who was, if not truly senile, at best morally or intellectually confused.
This describes the position libs will take on Iran nukes pretty well. Libs will deny the threat until Iran already has nukes, then they’ll say it’s too late to do anything militarily. Just like Clinton and North Korea, libs will spend their time coming up with excuses not to use force.
Nice deflection, fascustfirst, but that’s not the subject of Olbermanns editorial nor Don “The Incompetnet One” Rumsfeld’s speech.
Your assholes have fucked Iran, too, so STFU.
63,I have an idea oh bloodthirsty one……. Maybe if we killed terrorists, instead of invading oil rich dictatorships, and killing 129,000 innocent Iraqis the whole world would still be with us killing more terrorists, instead of telling us to ““shut up”” as the Chines #2 dude said.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 8/31/06@ 8:40 pm
So what’s your plan for killing terrorists, then? Still haven’t heard one from you. Just more complaints about what should not be done.
By the way, “England” never had a government during WWII. England, Scotland, and Ireland were combined into the “United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., etc.,” for quite some time prior to our own revolution. The Monarchy and Parliment was British, not English. Make this mistake with a Scot, and he’ll set you right quite quickly – they are quite proud of their record during WWII.
“So what’s your plan for killing terrorists, then? Still haven’t heard one from you. Just more complaints about what should not be done.”
Infiltrate. Investigate. Gather evidence “proof they are committing crimes” and bring them to justice with the least amount of collateral damage possible. Capturing, killing, or disabling murderers of innocent civilians, as we AND OUR ALLIES see fit. This would be acceptable worldwide, and is what “should” have been done. It is a big job, and would take real leadership. The one thing our contry lacks the most. Bush couldn’t think his way out of a telephone booth, and Rumsfeld is even worse. Destroying Al Queda could be done, but only with the help of many nations. You know, the ones that used to be our allies……
You know, if we did it my way, instead of occupying Iraq, Al Queda would probably be mostly defeated by now, and the world would respect us for the work we did ridding the world of the Al Queda menace. We could be using those trillions of dollars building schools, infrastructure, irrigation, medical aid, and the things that once helped “others” see a side of Americans that was not all greed, and world domination. Too late now….
You see, for someone with a brain, fighting terror is not all that hard…. For a bloodthirsty, fearmongering, warmongering, powermad fascist, it is “hard work”. Something daddy’s widdow baby never had to do, is an honest day’s work. He always had daddy… No wonder he is so lazy. He thinks wagging his finger, and making empty threats is the way to solve the world’s problems.
Retard rule!!!
69,By the way, “England” never had a government during WWII. England, Scotland, and Ireland were combined into the “United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., etc.,” for quite some time prior to our own revolution. The Monarchy and Parliment was British, not English. Make this mistake with a Scot, and he’ll set you right quite quickly – they are quite proud of their record during WWII.
Commentby rhp6033— 8/31/06@ 9:31 pm
Great point, but it’s a direct quote from the Olbermann article, not mine. BTW, I hope you do some more posts like the McGavick phone call.
The problem with us liberals that drives the righties mad is the fact that we are all so much smarter…. Doesn’t mean we don’t make mistakes, but smarter nonetheles… By a mile…
Oh by the way, has McGavick apologized to Maria yet? Mischaracterizing her stand on the tax issue and basically lying in his ad about her position on the sales tax exemption.
What a piece of work. There is plenty of things he could attack her with, and he chose to lie instead. Lazy.
What a piece of work….
I am glad McGavick is self destructing. Now we can give more money to Darcy, and Peter….. We don’t need to support Maria as much. Sorry Maria, but McGavick is a dishonest idiot, and even Republicans will be voting for you soon.
Ask McGavick if he thinks the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. See if he has the courage to answer. When I asked him all he did was waffle…..
70,Infiltrate. Investigate. Gather evidence “proof they are committing crimes” and bring them to justice with the least amount of collateral damage possible. Capturing, killing, or disabling murderers of innocent civilians, as we AND OUR ALLIES see fit. This would be acceptable worldwide, and is what “should” have been done. It is a big job, and would take real leadership. The one thing our contry lacks the most. Bush couldn’t think his way out of a telephone booth, and Rumsfeld is even worse. Destroying Al Queda could be done, but only with the help of many nations. You know, the ones that used to be our allies…………
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 8/31/06@ 9:33 pm
Sounds more or less like the Clinton plan, and that didn’t prevent 9-11. I think the only effective solution is to attack the countries which give aid and comfort to terrorists sufficiently hard that those countries have an incentive to crack down at the source. Anyway, thanks for sharing your plan, I just don’t think it’s strong enough.
The ASSES have a plan
Separating the war on terror from the war in Iraq…
ASSES also have a PLAN B
75,76 Good ones, HPTBA.
77, another good one, HPTBA.
Teddy has his Chappaquiddic Plan
80, yet another good one,HPTBA. Looks like the libs have left the field.
The 3 Stooges have a plan
A HREF=””> The party of peace answering terror challenges in typical style
Infiltrate. Investigate. Gather evidence “proof they are committing crimes” and bring them to justice with the least amount of collateral damage possible. Capturing, killing, or disabling murderers of innocent civilians, as we AND OUR ALLIES see fit. This would be acceptable worldwide, and is what “should” have been done. It is a big job, and would take real leadership. The one thing our contry lacks the most. Bush couldn’t think his way out of a telephone booth, and Rumsfeld is even worse. Destroying Al Queda could be done, but only with the help of many nations. You know, the ones that used to be our allies……
You know, if we did it my way, instead of occupying Iraq, Al Queda would probably be mostly defeated by now, and the world would respect us for the work we did ridding the world of the Al Queda menace. We could be using those trillions of dollars building schools, infrastructure, irrigation, medical aid, and the things that once helped “others” see a side of Americans that was not all greed, and world domination. Too late now….
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— [………………………….Why not kill them all with B-52 strikes. After a few hundred thousand Iranian ragheads die, I figure the rest will quit FUCKING with America. Arc Light Strikes……..they work every time they are tried!!!!!
The party of peace answering terror challenges in typical style
The party of peace answering terror challenges in typical style
@ #4:
“…if you believe that a career spent doing sports broadcasting qualifies one to be called a journalist in the political arena, I guess you also think a career in acting makes one an intelligent commentator on politics also.”
Oh, the irony, it burns.
Next thing you know, you’ll tell us conservatives could never support an actor for president. Or consider him one of the greatest presidents.
More proof Bush supporters will betray any conservative principles it takes to “defend” the Dear Leader. I suggest reading what Jesus had to say about hypocrites, myself.
HPTBA, good work on those cartoons. I hope you keep finding them. Too bad the libs ran away tonight.
“thanks for sharing your plan, I just don’t think it’s strong enough.”
Lemme get this straight:
Democrat’s plan: Hunt down the perps of 9/11 and kill them.
Republican’s plan: Let the perps of 9/11 roam the earth untouched after five years, as if nothing ever happened. Meanwhile, hope no one notices the distraction of an invasion mainly done so Junior could brag to Dad. (“Hey, Dad! I invaded Iraq! **You** never invaded Iraq, didja, Dad?”)
Best evidence we knew in advance Iraq **didn’t have** WMDs: Bush the Chicken invaded them.
Best evidence we know in advance Iran and North Korea **do**: Bush the Chicken **won’t** invade.
Just like he’s too chicken to get Osama bin Laden.
Heck, that sentence goes on too long: Bush is just chicken.
What part of “hunt them down and kill them” do you think isn’t “tough eough”? What part of “keep them loose in the world without a hair on their head mussed” do you think **is** “tough enough”.
What’s ****YOUR**** plan, big boy? Assuming you have one? Because if you or Bush have had one for the last five years, it ain’t workin’. Osama is laughing at you all the way to the bank.
“” Commentby Facts Support My Positions— [………………………….Why not kill them all with B-52 strikes. After a few hundred thousand Iranian ragheads die, I figure the rest will quit FUCKING with America. Arc Light Strikes……..they work every time they are tried!!!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/31/06@ 11:00 pm “”
But the problem you (enter words describing repbulican who does not understand the world around them) don’t understand, is the fact that they may not just want to “give up” after we have killed thousands of their women and children. At some point violence only leads to more violence. Do you want to live with a guard frisking people at every bus stop, subway station, resturant, etc…. What was is that one Colorado Professor called it “Blowback”.
To pretend the problem is only “them” and our foreign policy has nothing to do with the hatred MILLIONS of people feel for our country is true insanity.
Every time an innocent muslim dies, the people that hate us get stronger, and we get weaker. Pretty easy for even a Republican to accept this fact.
Their lying, repressive, corrupt governments need to change, but our lying, repressive, corrupt government also needs to change. If Bush, Tom DeLay, and Ken Blackwell is the model for freedom, those people would probably rather have the nearest warlord….. At least he will acknowledge they exist.
Just remember Jack Abramoff, and his friends have more influence over our government than you, and I do. All we can do at this point is have Democrats take over the house, start the investigations into corruption, and hopefully someday make campaign contributions ILLEGAL!!! Federal funding of all elections. No personal money either. Lay off 99% of the lobbyists, and elect people to office that don’t need millions, upon millions of $$$$$ to run a stinking campaign. Elect people that only want to work out America’s problems.
Looks like all the righties went home with their tails between their legs whimpering…..