How scared are Dave Reichert’s folks about facing Democratic challenger Darcy Burner? Scared enough that they conducted extensive polling in June, yet didn’t leak a single drop of data to the media. Scared enough that even the NRCC publicly admits he’s vulnerable. And apparently, scared enough that they’re already running Karl Rove-style push-polls… a full three months before the election.
I’ve heard from three constituents who are just absolutely pissed off about being subjected to a telephone ad campaign masquerading as a political survey… a push-poll clearly designed to pump up Reichert while spreading misinformation about Burner. Push-polling is dirty politics at its worst, but the only thing surprising about Reichert’s efforts is that it comes so early — normally we don’t see these sort of dirty tricks until the final weeks of the campaign.
The caller starts by asking to speak to the “male, voting, head of household,” though the three respondents I’ve heard from are all women. It starts innocently enough with “right direction/wrong direction” questions and stuff like that, but after the respondents say they intend to support Burner, the “ifs” start coming out.
“If you knew that Darcy Burner had voted in only 11 of 22 elections, would you be more or less likely to vote for her?”
“If you knew that Darcy Burner held stock options, including stocks in oil companies and Enron, would you be more or less likely to vote for her?”
“If you knew that Darcy Burner supported using aborted fetuses for medical research, would you be more or less likely to vote for her?”
“If you knew that Darcy Burner wanted to penalize the middle class by raising taxes, would you be more or less likely to vote for her?”
I probably have the specific phrasing off, as the respondents weren’t taking notes, but all three came away with the clear impression that this was an intentional “smear job” designed to mislead voters about Burners stance on the issues. In fact, one so-called “pollster” was openly apologetic about the biased nature of the questions, whispering into the phone: “I’m just trying to earn a living.”
The firm conducting the push-poll is obviously from out of state — one caller couldn’t pronounce “Issaquah” or even “Reichert”, while another admitted she was calling Texas the day before and another southern state the day before that. No doubt other Democratic challengers are being equally smeared in other districts nationwide by a Republican Party increasingly fearful of the coming purge, and willing to stoop to any level to cling to power.
Unfortunately, one of the things that makes push-polls so popular is that journalists tend to be reluctant to write about them, because there’s rarely a recording to verify the details.
So here’s want I want all of you to do: be prepared. If you think you’re in the process of being push-polled, take detailed notes, or better yet, record the conversation. And if you’ve already been push-polled, drop me an email and let me know so we can corroborate the details as much as possible.
We all expect the Republicans to stoop to dirty tricks in defense of Reichert. But let’s not allow them to get away with it without consequences.
Our side needs to play dirty, too. Gotta fight fire with fire. Gotta beat ’em at their own game.
I’ve gotten several push-polls in the last year or two. All of them from left-wing organizations. I noted who was behind the survey, and tried to find them on the internet, but surprise – no record of the organizations. So don’t pretend to be all offended that the right is just taking a page out of the left wing play book.
Here’s the script:
“Hi, I’m calling from the Roger Rabbit Institute of Public Opinion Research. I’d like to ask you an unbiased, politically neutral, innocent question to help our clients determine where they stand in a local election contest.
Here is the question. Let me describe two candidates, then you tell me which candidate profile appeals to you the most, and which appeals to you least.
Candidate (D) is a sweet, warm-hearted, mother who hugs and loves rabbits. For photo of this candidate, click here.
Candidate (R) is a bumbling idiot who took over 20 years to catch a serial killer hiding right under his nose, ran one of the most corrupt sheriff’s departments in the country, and HATES CUTE, FURRY, LITTLE ANIMALS!!! For photo of this candidate, click here.
Take whatever time you need to think about this.”
Roger – glad to see you are back where you belong. Your ramblings as DANW at SP was beginning to show just how insane you are.
Janet, no doubt you are a pre-programmed, professional troll. But nice to see you don’t deny the Reichert push-poll… you just try to explain it away with lies.
oh goldy…for god’s sake…GROW UP! you actually want us to think that push polls are a republican scam….ALONE? oh please…….
and roger “we have to fight dirty now TOO???”
god roger….just when i thought you couldn’t be more idiotic you come out with that one. sheesh…….
goldy …janet isn’t trying to ‘explain anything away with lies’….she is just stating the facts.and for you to call her a “pre-programmed, professional troll” is so childish as to be silly. where is your proof????? so if someone doesn’t agree with you [and BTW for the record that would be almost 98% of the american population] they must be a “troll”????
Goldy – are you accusing me of lying about getting push polled by left wing groups? On what basis?
I’m used to getting lunatic threats from Left turn, and figured your policy was just to let anything go on your comments. But I guess I must have violated some line, to warrant your direct accusations. Why don’t you ever weigh in when right wingers get threats to their children, etc?
janet…i can answer that one. because that would be waaaaay too close to being FAIR and goldy isn’t into that sort of thing. just ask some of the other parents at his kid’s school.
Janet… “a page out of the left wing play book.”
Gimme a break. No doubt both parties sometimes play dirty, but this is a classic Rovian tactic, and you know it.
Burner has waged a clean campaign, and Reichert is responding with push-polling. That’s something voters should know… that those polls they’re getting are intentionally misleading.
Oh so it was some kind of push poll that I hung up on months ago? When they to speak to the male, voting, head of household, I screamed NO and hung up the phone on one woman and the previous woman who called got a NO DAMN Males live here!
Too funny!!!!!!!!!
“Roger – glad to see you are back where you belong. Your ramblings as DANW at SP was beginning to show just how insane you are.” Commentby Janet S— 8/4/06@ 7:13 pm
Huh? I don’t even read SP, much less post there. I’d have to give Stefan all kinds of personal info, and he’d find out who I am. Why would I do that?
Take your blindfold off, Janet, and maybe you’ll hit the dartboard someday.
For the record, I’m not the DANW guy posting at SP, nor have I ever posted at SP under any name.
“janet isn’t trying to ‘explain anything away with lies’….she is just stating the facts” Commentby christmasghost— 8/4/06@ 7:20 pm
Thanks for the laugh, ghost!! I needed that!!!
If it wasn’t you, Roger, then someone has studied well at your feet. I guess you should be proud that someone is listening so carefully!
I don’t have any problems with push polls, whichever side does them. If the person answering the phone is too stupid to figure it out, they deserve what they get.
But, really, let’s get past this utter nonsense that this is primarily a repub trick. You underestimate your own side.
“Goldy – are you accusing me of lying about getting push polled by left wing groups?” Commentby Janet S— 8/4/06@ 7:27 pm
Goldy wasn’t accusing you of anything, he was just stating facts. And let me state a fact too:
You didn’t know what you’re talking about when you accused me of posting on Sucky Politics.
Dr. JCH Pat
Why are you screwing up the screen? It’s a pain in the butt to constantly go to the right……………..
There are quite a few states in which it is illegal to record phone conversations without the other party’s consent. I’m not certain, but I believe Washington is one of them. If so, anyone who does this needs to be prepared to fight the same fight that Jim McDermott is now fighting.
Sweet, let’s get the push polling bastards on tape!
My experience has been that pollsters (well the college students working for the pollsters @ 6 bucks an hour anyway) will give you whatever info you ask for.
Me: So, you work for the Republican Party?
6 Bucks An Hour: No. I work for an organization hired by X to do Y.
Me: So you’re just working for THE MAN, trying to pay the bills?
6 Bucks An Hour: Yeah, ‘aint that the truth…
Me: So… Going to do this all your life or are you in school?
6 Bucks An Hour: I’m sure not going to do this forever! I’m in school.
Me: Good for you. Where do go to school at?
6 Bucks An Hour: I’m going to school at…. (If you know the school you know the town and if you know the town you know the business and can call them directly and tell them to knock that push polling shit off.)
So on and so forth.
Be nice to the callers and they’ll tell you everything. Most are college students just trying to make a little extra cash. They don’t like the job all that much and probably wouldn’t mind sticking it to their boss.
Reminder: it is illegal to record a telephone conversation in Washington state without the consent of all parties to the conversation.
“I don’t have any problems with push polls, whichever side does them. If the person answering the phone is too stupid to figure it out, they deserve what they get.”
– Janet S
This statement is grounded in “trader’s ethic” — that it is okay to prey on those who are exploitable. I’m not surprised by Janet’s comment, because it seems to reflect her general approach in presenting Republican talking points: Whatever it takes to win.
What she — like Rove — doesn’t seem to adequately appreciate is that you can fool folks only so long before dishonest tactics backfire. That’s why I fundamentally disagree with Roger Rabbit that we should mimick the Rovian playbook.
I hope that Janet’s graduate studies were not in a research-related field. I can’t believe that any professor who taught the nuts and bolts of polling would have condoned push polling.
Why? For one thing, it IS wrong to manipulate those who are less well informed about the issues and the political process. For another thing, push polling undercuts the credibility of authentic pollsters.
Professional ethics matter. If Janet didn’t get that in school, maybe she should go back for some remedial work.
“Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.”
Another great vote from cheap labor corporate Dem Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA). If Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border)gave a damn about America she would demand that we pump Iraqi oil and use it to pay for our military expenses.
But what’s throwing away a few billion dollars in oil revenue which should be going to the American taxpayers when there’s money to be made by the big oil companies, who benefit by keeping Iraqi oil off the market. Another sellout by cheap labor corporate Dems.
We now know that taxing the rich is more important to the dems then raising the minimum wage. I knew you tax whores liberals would show your true colors. hehe
Here’s a quiz for you:
1. How much has the Iraq war cost so far? (You can use either the government’s “official” (i.e. bullshit) figure, or a more realistic estimate, like that drawn up by Joe Stiglitz.)
2. How much of these costs have been offset by Iraqi oil sales (you know, like we were told it would)?
3. Why on earth would we need permanent military bases in Iraq?
21 – So this is why you support Mike :( McGreedy?
Here’s a quiz for you:
1. How much has the Iraq war cost so far? (You can use either the government’s “official” (i.e. bullshit) figure, or a more realistic estimate, like that drawn up by Joe Stiglitz.)
2. How much of these costs have been offset by Iraqi oil sales (you know, like we were told it would)?
3. Why on earth would we need permanent military bases in Iraq?
Commentby Dr. E— 8/4/06@ 9:39 pm
E, (1) can you write a sentence that doesn’t end in a question mark?
(2) why is it that liberals can ask questions but can’t answer them?
(3) why shouldn’t America get the revenue from Iraqi oil to compensate us for our military expenses?
@22 – I’m glad you feel the need to subsidise the rich! Just remember, if you send the price of a latte a month to the government, earmarked to “Help those poor rich folks!”, you can make sure that they don’t lose their quality of life. 75 years or so from the date you start, you will have paid your share! Bottom’s up.
(1) Yes.
(2) I think my answer above proves you wrong.
(3) So, if I understand you correctly, we should compensate ourselves for the criminal activities of our administration by appropriating the spoils of an illegal war? Tell me exactly how that isn’t imperialist behavior. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
The Washington Post reports:
“In at least two House districts (held by Iowa Democratic Rep. Leonard Boswell and New York Republican Rep. John Sweeney) voters have received a call posing as a survey. Two questions are posed. The first says: “Al Gore strongly criticized President Bush for wiretapping American citizens without a warrant. Congressman Leonard Boswell supports President Bush’s wiretapping program.” Voters can push “1” if they agree with the President, “2” if they disagree and “3” if they’re not sure. Pushing “3” leads the respondent to a second question: “Do you support the re election of Congressman Leonard Boswell?” Again, you can push “1” if you support the Iowa Democrat and “2” if you don’t. The call then terminates.”
Has there ever been a documented case of a democrat-run push poll?
For background on push polling: reports:
“In 1996, independent and Republican voters in Kansas were urged to vote for Rep. Sam Brownback over his Democratic challenger, Jill Docking, through telephone “push polls” that helpfully reminded listeners that Docking was Jewish. And cited that as a good reason to vote against her. Come November, Docking lost.”
Has there ever been a documented case of a democrat-run push poll?
27-(3) So, if I understand you correctly, we should compensate ourselves for the criminal activities of our administration by appropriating the spoils of an illegal war? Tell me exactly how that isn’t imperialist behavior. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Commentby Dr. E— 8/4/06@ 10:05 pm
Dr E,
We should pump Iraqi oil until the wells run dry by right of conquest; I don’t give a shit if you libs don’t think it’s fair. Your lib fairness to Islamofascists caused the problem to begin with.
Before you come up with some lib reason why conquest confers no rights be prepared to tell me why you haven’t given back your land to the Indians. Better just ask more questions instead of confronting that.
Dearest Janet(you miserable slut-that no one wants to uhhh “pillow”)-
You and Ghosty sure got your stories together.
Lying bitches the pair of ya’.
This is the dumbest attempt I have ever seen by that dick head reichert. He is pretty low to have to talk shit about an opponent. All I can say is Reichert, I want you to personally explain to your supports and contributors why their money was lost and wasted and why you are no longer in congress. Dave Reichert is a disgrace to congress and a disgrace to our nation. I am glad he knows how to copy Bush but he seriously needs to go screw himself.
“But, really, let’s get past this utter nonsense that this is primarily a repub trick. You underestimate your own side.” Commentby Janet S— 8/4/06@ 7:54 pm
That ain’t gonna fly, Janet. Repubs hold the patent on dirty tricks.
Saying “Democrats do it, too” is an old rightwing trick — and a fucking lie.
Why should America get the revenue from Iraqi oil to compensate for our military expenses? They didn’t ask us to invade their country, bomb their villages, and kill their women and children. What you’re suggesting is stealing.
Of course, for Republicans, stealing is just business-as-usual.
The donk polls are just like their vote counting. You cant trust either of them. Of course donks have never been good at math.
boo fricking hoo… goldstein the political whore pimp supposedly got 3 whole phone calls from lefty whiners and suddenly the pathetic little darcy has her espensively bobbed nose out of joint.
get used to it darcy… you wanted to play with the big boys, don’t whine about penis envy now sweetcheeks.
Geez, Roger, are you listening in on my phone calls? How else would you know whether I have ever received a push poll from a left-wing cause?
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Oh, and I really don’t care if someone poses as a pollster and tricks stupid people into believing they are legit. It is right up there with goldy smearing candidates in the days right before election day, so there is no time to respond. Or getting left wing wackos to bring groundless lawsuits against politicians. Or am I lying about those things as well?
I wonder if those supposed 3 lefty whiners are related to lawyer X, the mentally feeble Irons ma, and the safeco shareholder that can’t answer a question without a cue card.
How convenmient.
Unless you’re a pimp for political whores… or just a press whore wannabe.
Dan/Rufus/Proud/Whatever @ 36:
More mindless flaming. Not a shred of factual support for a ridiculously broad-brush accusation that fails to pass even the most elementary logic. You sound like a 6th grader, and a none too smart one at that.
What’s with you, anyway? Are you a shut in who so craves attention that you feel the need to publicly humiliate yourself?
I almost forgot to do my daily reminder to all you Jew killing lefties.
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In todays Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from last week:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
“Super Computers Make Global Warming Visible”
“Machine Predicts Rising Temperatures as Escaping Gas Bubbles Up Through the Sea”
“(Aug. 5) – Whatever climate scientists may currently disagree about … virtually all of them have long since agreed that … burning fossil fuels has been making the global temperature go up. And now they have two very sobering, visual ways to explain how. …
“The gigantic super-computer in the basement of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., is so big you can walk down the aisles inside it …. ‘These super computers are getting more and more powerful every year,’ scientist Jerry Meehl told us as he gave us the tour. ‘It makes the computers we were using for global warming predictions back in the 1980s look primitive.’ And even those computers, we now know from events such as the double heat wave just past, were predicting accurately.
“Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder have now figured out how to project the computer predictions … (as) changing colors on a 5-foot sphere with the continents outlined on it … scientists and regular folks can watch the digitized projectors paint the globe, starting in 1870. Along about 1990, the globe grows yellower — warmer — and is entirely yellow by 2001.
“Then comes the sobering part. Red, for much warmer, starts to appear in North America … and by 2051 the United States is almost entirely red. That’s only 45 years from now, when today’s toddlers will barely be in middle age.
“The leading climate scientists now generally agree that earth in the coming decades will warm another 2 degrees Fahrenheit no matter what we do — partly because carbon dioxide, the major manmade greenhouse gas, stays in the atmosphere about a hundred years.
“That’s in addition to the average of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit the Earth has already warmed from manmade causes — which though it doesn’t sound like much … has already, say most scientists, given us disappearing glaciers worldwide, drought and famine, increasingly frequent and more intense heat waves and millions of species in ecosystems everywhere scrambling for cooler ground ….
“Even scarier …, about 20 meters down off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif.: … millions of bubbles of methane — 20 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. The methane is bubbling up naturally from some of the enormous natural undersea reservoirs of the gas mostly locked into the frozen mud under the sea floor.
“Scientists have just released video showing how, for the first time, they have been able to measure these natural up-wellings to tell whether, if large amounts of this methane ever thawed out from its deep sea beds, it would reach the atmosphere, rather than being absorbed in the water, and thus make the earth even hotter. … In other words, all that undersea methane is a potential ‘positive feedback’ of catastrophic proportions.
“If warming currents, such as those already detected by scientists at depth, begin to thaw these methane beds, it will make the atmosphere, and consequently the sea currents, even warmer, and melt out more methane. A number of scientists tell me that would take the Earth up into temperatures humankind has never experienced — and probably could not survive. …
“That’s why they insist we must stop the unnatural burning of fossil fuels — oil, coal and gas — which risks giving such a methane mega-burp an artificial kick that could — hard as this is to take in — end civilization. …
Psychologists tell us that a little denial when facing truly frightening news can, at first, be a good thing. It helps us hold ourselves together in face of the threat, helps keep our ‘meaning systems’ intact. As long as we keep working back towards reality. No child wants to think it can harm the basic wellbeing of a protective parent who provides its only world. They can’t even believe they could do such a thing. Climate scientists are telling us we are doing just that to our own Mother Earth, and we should believe it.”
Republicans driving gas guzzlers are genocidal maniacs.
Hey, look at the bright side of human extinction: When are the humans are dead, housing prices should ease.
“when all the humans” not “are”
SUV are literally weapons of mass destruction (WMD). They can cause more long-term harm to humanity and the biosphere than many conventional weapons. As such, because of the Bush administration’s steadfast refusal to better regulate SUV usage, we are a rogue state that is perpetuating a crime against humanity. As such, the UN has every right to send in an army that takes control of the government.
It wouldn’t be any great loss. American democracy has collapsed anyway. We may not be able to restore it without outside help.
Janet said, “so don’t pretend to be all offended that the right is just taking a page out of the left wing play book.”
No Janet, we do intend to simply be offended – we’re going to expose the right, regardless of whose book it is you claim they are reading (the right reads books?)
Ack! I meant to write, “we do NOT intend…”
Now the Evilfuckingchristianistbitch jumps in.
Just like that movie with the three witches…you know the one that Bette Midler was in.
Did you know the Evilfuckingchristianistbitch thinks girls who love girls have a “thing” about turkey basters? What’s up with that? Is that any way for a “christian” to talk? Maybe THAT’S why she’s a christianist BITCH!
Ya’ think?
Just sayin’.
Daniel K – so, how do you defend what goldy does? Because he is telling the truth in his political dirty tricks? He THINKS that a certain candidate has broken some kind of law. That isn’t truth, it is an opinion. He also never proved what Irons’ mother said, just gave her a space to sound like a raving lunatic. Didn’t matter what the truth was, it was a great last minute hit piece.
I’m just waiting to see what he will launch this election. And then all of you can act all pious about politics being rough.
Janet, it is really interesting how you change the subject whenever your behavior is challenged. The subject is that you condone the misuse of polling. That is flatly unethical. No legitimate pollster would ever attempt it.
Instead of trying to change the subject, why can’t you just stop and admit it — you’ve become such a mercinary that you no longer care if you hurt other people.
Next step: How about taking a break from politics and relearning what it means to be a healthy human being. Maybe then you’d start living up to your Christian ideals.
Spare me, Green Thumb. Someone picks up a phone and makes a political call. It comes in the form of a poll. Only an idiot wouldn’t understand that this isn’t a legitimate polling service. But I guess that is why you are so scared of it. The dems aren’t smart enough to figure it out? So they are easily swayed?
By the way, most polling is annoying and highly subject to bias. I hang up on pretty much anyone wanting my opinion about things. It is a waste of my time. Why should I give them their marketing info for free? I don’t hold pollsters in great regard, as it sounds like you do.
Janet, you simply cannot defend push polling. It is unethical, pure and simple. For you to continue to do it merely illustrates your moral depravity. There is such a thing as professional standards for polling. Imagine that! People don’t always sell out to the highest bidder!
Next time you’re in the bathroom, how about taking a look in the mirror and asking whether Jesus would be proud of you.
Eh, never mind. You’ve got an election to win. Why confuse yourself.
How about the FACT that the political pimp ASSumes it’s a push poll, paraphrases {wink, wink{ the supposed questions to 3 phantom comlainers and then drops a crumb trail for anyone else he suggests might be so grievously offended to follow
Good grief, this punk parades a more varied menu of tricks than Heidi Fleiss or the Mustang Ranch
A liberal God-hater smugly asking you whether Jesus would be proud of you… another cute pet trick.
Honestly, Goldstein, after the unbelievably politically motivated smear you’ve been enabling of McGavick, I hardly think you’ve got the moral high ground to accuse ANYONE of smearing anybody. There’s no denying it.
never use the words ‘honestly’ and ‘goldstein’ in the same sentence.
..not to mention hearing Goldstein actually accusing someone else of “stooping to dirty tricks”. Ya mean like fishing for someone to push up on stage to announce a highly partisan, politically motivated smear lawsuit just before campaign season gets into high swing? Like that????
Goldy, goldy, you can’t smear and play dirty tricks on people and then turn around and accuse others of doing same!!! It just doesn’t work. Makes you look several cards short of a full deck—you know what we mean??
There is not one single verifiable fact in goldsteins entire ‘push-polling’ drama.
Not ONE.
High drama followed by melodram
TOTAL BULLSHIT engineered to stir up the koolaid and to feed the godstein press addiction.
Hmmmm. If you “professional” wingers are coming out in such force on a Friday night that would suggest that where there is smoke there is fire.
What’s ya say, Proud? You tend to show up at interesting times, and come very well prepared. Are you guys feeling a little heat?
Na. Couldn’t be.
The Dems have been push-polling and dirtying up Reichert for months and months with automated phone calls to the 8th district. I ought to know. I’ve received every one of them. Goldy, I don’t understand how you can know that and then get offended that Rs are now doing it back to Darcy. The readers on this blog have to know that you are not quite playing with a full deck on this. It’s okay to trash Reichert on automated phone calls but it’s not okay to trash Burner? Who are you kidding??? I know this is a partisan blog, but i think you insult even your liberal readers with this kind of logic.
#31 “We should pump Iraqi oil until the wells run dry by right of conquest”
So, uhhh….when are we going to start doing that, huh? As I understand it, Iraqui oil production is now only a fraction of what it was prior to the invasion. In fact, in Baghdad, gasoline is a scarce commodity indeed.
This of course makes sense if one accepts the idea that Bush’s dear friends in the oil industry have no interest whatever in increasing production. Rather, they want to gain control of supply world-wide and trickle the stuff out at vastly increased prices.
A couple of years ago, it was revealed that the RNC had outsourced fundraising by phone to a call center in India. Perfectly in keeping with the principles of CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATISM of which Roger has spoken.
Assuming they’ve stayed true to form, if you get one of those phone calls, you dare not assume that it’s coming from within your district, your state or even your COUNTRY.
#31 “We should pump Iraqi oil until the wells run dry by right of conquest”
So, uhhh….when are we going to start doing that, huh? As I understand it, Iraqui oil production is now only a fraction of what it was prior to the invasion. In fact, in Baghdad, gasoline is a scarce commodity indeed.
This of course makes sense if one accepts the idea that Bush’s dear friends in the oil industry have no interest whatever in increasing production. Rather, they want to gain control of supply world-wide and trickle the stuff out at vastly increased prices.
Commentby ArtFart— 8/5/06@ 12:37 am
Bingo. Maybe you didn’t read the prior post.
“Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.”
Another great vote from cheap labor corporate Dem Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA). If Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexcan border)gave a damn about America she would demand that we pump Iraqi oil and use it to pay for our military expenses.
But what’s throwing away a few billion dollars in oil revenue which should be going to the American taxpayers when there’s money to be made by the big oil companies, who benefit by keeping Iraqi oil off the market. Another sellout by cheap labor corporate Dems.
“Before you come up with some lib reason why conquest confers no rights be prepared to tell me why you haven’t given back your land to the Indians.
What do you mean “your land”? You live on it too.
AF-here’s how the ethics of your logic work, let’s see if you like it:
I come over to your house, while you’re there, kill and/or maim your entire family (except for you), and then set your house on fire. Once your house is totally destroyed, I claim the proceeds from your home insurance policy to recoup my costs incurred in burning down your house.
Sound fair? Remember, you don’t have any rights, because I believed you had some dangerous weapons in your basement. Sure, they didn’t turn out even to exist at all, but you’re still at fault—both for making me think you might have those weapons, as well as for having that homeowner’s policy I covet.
Keep going Dr E-.
I love the smell of toasted wingnut in the morning.
No point with partisan writhing…Dems do it too and hire the exact same kinds of firms.
64 – So your solution again is to vote for Mike :( McGreedy.
Clueless @ 69, that’s an interesting question. Has AmericaFirst come out in favor of McGavick? Tran? Aaron Dixon? Or is he a troll who maximizes “his” destructive potential by sounding nonpartisan or Democratic-leaning without ever showing his cards?
70 – Anyone who doesn’t support Cantwell wants Mike :( McGreedy to win. Cantwell certainly isn’t perfect but there’s no way I’m going to vote for the Indian fighter’s (Gorton’s) hatchet man over Cantwell.
As for that AF character – yes he’s probably a professional troll.
Push Polling.
I got one of Reichert’s push polls. I hung up. I always hang up on phone calls from India. So Davy is not even pay is push pollers $6.00 per hour. In India they get paid a lot less than that. That explains why he votes against the min wage. Also why does the US chmber have to lie about his record when they run ads for him? And do his yard signs not say that he is a rebuplician?
“A liberal God-hater smugly asking you whether Jesus would be proud of you… another cute pet trick.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 8/5/06@ 12:22 am”
Who would Jesus smear…you evil fucking hypocrite.
We need to conduct our own push polls on RubberStampReichert. Only by sinking to the GOP level can we win.
good morning
I always hang up on phone calls from India.
Reichert must have gotten a few tips from Mike :( “offshore it” McGreedvick.
“I almost forgot to do my daily reminder to all you Jew killing lefties. ”
goldy, i never realized what a powerful force the other side considered you until i viewed this comment section. they must be running scared. can you even imagine hanging out on a popular NW rightwing website (do they even have one??) and trolling their comment section for the purpose of clogging up the dialogue!!! they must be desperate. just imagine, all these lefties show up and start to reconsider whether push polling is in fact ethical because janet (the ignorant slut!) says it was invented on the left? having a positive discourse w/likeminded people is such a lost cause for the right, they put more value in infecting liberal sites than making any progress on their own! good luck. thanks for the info, howie from seattle referenced you
Dear Wingnuts:
Find this leftist, traitorous, so-called “military prosecutor” and tell him to stop hurting the morale of our heroes!
Yeah, my boss push polls me every day:
1. “If you knew your job was in jeopardy, would you work harder?”
That’ just for starters. Then the push-threats follow.
The trolls are nothing but minimum-wage college students working for one or another of the big-business-funded GOP front groups that pop up like dandelions.
Janet S sez: I’ve gotten several push-polls in the last year or two. All of them from left-wing organizations. I noted who was behind the survey, and tried to find them on the internet, but surprise – no record of the organizations.
If you found no record of the organizations, how do you know you got the calls from left-wing organizations? What kinds of questions did they ask?
It seems strange that you would get several in a “year or two”, the organizations must have a pretty poor call list.
Many American Jews are serving with the IDF. Goldy? Goldy? Bueller? Frye? Anyone?
Goldy? IDF service? Goldy? Bueller? Frye? Anyone?
It is amazing how much time they spend here, and one has to wonder what they think they are accomplishing.
The biggest accomplishment of Bush’s first term was the Do Not Call list. In 2004 David Ross’s campaign made a faux pas by calling this then-new-to-Bellevue voter after I had been on the list for 90 days, and I voted for Reichert.
BTW, the issue I want to read about is passenger rail, esp. long distance (say 1000 miles). Most railways used by Amtrak are privately owned. Passenger trains wait for freight trains to pass, which is unacceptable. The Coast Starlight was five hours late each direction when I took it to California last December, with two-hour waits near Klamath Falls, OR. Reichert opposed retention of long distance Amtrak routes in 2005, and missed the Amtrak vote in 2006. I see no mention of Amtrak on Darcy Burner’s site.
Goldy, how long do you think letting the paid right wing shills run rampant here on HA is going to work?
It has certainly made me go from a daily reader, to a weekend reader.
There is enough wingnut slime out there, that giving them yet another forum to spout their lies just makes no sense.
If you knew that President Bush lied about the reasons we went to war in Iraq, and continued to change his story of why we went to war after the fact, would you rather he was tired at The Hague and:
1- Hanged
2- Shot
3- smothered in the blood of the innocents he murdered
4- forced to eat Cheney, Rumsfield, Tony Snow and the entire Staff’s of FOX News, CNN, CNBC and the entire membership of NAMBLA that supported his actions until his stomach exploded?
Meanwhile, Darcy refers to what is apparently a 3 year stint at Microsoft as a ‘successful career’, flashing the Microsoft name in her ad. Don’t we have a liberal democrat to run that isn’t such a rookie?