Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.
Actions speak louder than words. But Sen. Cantwell’s words speak pretty loud too:
“I do not support having a permanent military presence in Iraq,” said Cantwell. “I want our troops home as soon as possible. We need to encourage the Iraqis to take complete control of their own security as soon as possible so U.S. troops can come home. Building permanent bases in Iraq would not get us closer to this goal and it would send the wrong message to the Iraqi people, our allies, and the world.”
Hmm. I wonder if Mike!™ would have voted for this amendment? (I just sent an email off to the campaign asking; let’s see if I get a straight answer.)
I’m curious what the vote on it was. It hasn’t been listed yet at the site. I’m quite surprised that there would be enough Republicans who would vote for it so that it could pass.
Of course Bush will probably add his typical signing statement indicating his intention to ignore the amendment.
You know JCH, you are a real jerk with your posts that screw around with formatting and such. Where did you learn to be such a jerk? Oh, right, Penn State. Nittany Lions, with emphasis on “nit”!
The trolls are starting to rot and stink anyway. Their 12 year reign of stupidity is over. The vitriol is all they have left.
I agree with Cantwell, and I still wouldn’t have voted for this amendment! It is perfectly reasonable for Cantwell to hold this opinion, and to vocalize it to the war policy people she works with. But to try to legislate military strategy is a really incredably bad idea. (And yes, it was an incredibly bad idea for Rumsfeld to try to shoehorn military strategy into his ideology, too.) I’m sure Cantwell knows this too, and knows that this amendment is pure political grandstanding.
Unfortunately, it rates pretty poorly as an act of political grandstanding, too. When taking a stand on military issues, Democrats need to ask themselves: Is this a Henry Jackson more-bombs-are-better kind of stance? Or is this a Robert Kenedy give-peace-a-chance kind of stance? If its more Robert Kenedy and Henry Jackson, the daily Kos crowd may love it, but it won’t help Democrats get elected.
I wish I had a blog at the time where I could have recorded my thoughts, but at least my family and friends can verify that when the Iraqi war started, I said that “It will only work if we can go in fast, win, and get out in 90 days. After that, things will start to go downhill.”
Yet it is clear that Bush & Co. plan to stay in Iraq indefinately. Yesterday, in response to questioning by Sen. Hillary Clinton, Rumsfield made reference to “…the cold war lasted 40 years”, implying that anything lasting less time than that should be considered quite a success.
The fact that we are still in Iraq over three years after the war, and the situation is getting worse rather than better (as testified by three top American generals yesterday), indicates that THERE WAS NO PLAN FOR OCCUPATION! At least nothing other than a completely unrealistic rosy scenario which had Iraqi Sunni and Shiite citizens uniting in praise for their American saviors, raining flower petals upon their heads and begging them to be their friends forever and to teach them the ways of Americanism. Anybody who has engaged in even a cursory reading of Iraqi history would know how erronious such a vision was.
But our continued stay has long-lasting reprocussions. Our soldiers are warriors, not policemen, and they don’t know how to police a civil war. As they react to provocations, the reputation of our military and our country is irreperably damaged. Seeing that our presence is not a temporary one, neighboring countries are becoming more and more alarmed at the threat we pose to them. Even in Iran, where a democratic movement was previously challenging the power of the Mullahs, reaction against the American presence in the regioun contributed to the democratic election of a hard-line anti-semite as President. And in Israel/Palestine, where America had been working hard for the past 50 years to be in the position of being an “honest broker” between the competing factions, a democratic election resulted in the election of a Hamas government.
For years the terrorist leaders and Mullahs have been trying to get recruits by arguing that America hates Muslims, that America is responsible for poverty in the Muslim countries, and that America will kill Muslims if given the opportunity to do so. They only got a few recruits in the past, because most Muslims looked around and saw no evidence that Americans were causing them problems. But now the situation is reversed – America is in the region, fighting Muslims, and supporting Israel’s campaigns in Gaza and Lebanon, and support for Al Quida, Hamas, and Hezbollah is skyrocketing.
Good going, guys. Instead of “tiptoeing through the mine field” that is the Middle East, the Bush Administration made sure it exploded just about every mine. Instead of being careful as a surgeon, they are the bull in the china shop.
Remember, these are the same guys who sent Marines to Lebanon in the 1980’s to guard an airport, while at the same time using the USS Missouri to lob shells at Muslim militia positions in the mountains in support of the Christian militias. Somehow, Rumsfield (at the time) thought that the fighting militias see the U.S. Marines as “peacekeepers”, seperate from the same country that was raining down shells from the Missouri. A suicide bomber hitting the U.S. Marine barracks proved differently. Of course, at that time they again argued that “No one could have foreseen….”
What a bucn of idiots.
Correction: “What a bunch of idiots”.
Hey, maybe I missed something important.
Like the fact that the amendment passed. Since the Repubicans control the U.S. Senate, that means (presumably) some Republicans had to vote for it, too.
Who are those Republicans? Under what circumstances would they vote against the Administration line? Were they given permission to vote that way, under the expectation that the amendment would never get by the House or a Conference Committee? Were they allowed to vote that way to save their hides in a tough re-election battle, or does the Bush administration feel that they can ignore the Amendment, anyway, by issuing a signing statement claiming that the Administration retains power over any defense spending?
Do you think it’s also a bad idea to let civilians decide issues of war and peace? Should we let the generals decide when to take the country to war? What this amendment says is:
(a) The U.S. is not going to be a permanent occupying power in Iraq;
(b) The U.S. is not going to expropriate Iraq’s oil.
Why should that be a Pentagon decision?
David, there’s a difference between “military strategy” on the battlefield and deciding where you will build your bases. Congress gets a vote on how money is spent for thingsa like base construction- and the Senate is saying “don’t build it in Iraq”.
It’s an election year. They’re thinking about self-preservation.
Building permanent bases in a foreign country without the consent of that country’s citizens is not a military strategy, it’s a political decision, and we don’t let generals make political decisions.
Regarding “signing statements,” can anybody explain how it came to pass that, in George W. Bush’s Orwellian world, a president can sign (as opposed to vetoing) a bill passed by Congress and then ignore it? Where in the Constitution does it say presidents can do this? Did I miss something?
I always thought breaking the law was an impeachable offense. At a minimum, breaking laws he signed into law himself is incredible hypocrisy.
well sense we are leaving it’s probably a good idea to not build permeate bases in Iraq
Some MEN joined the US military and didn’t LIE about their service.
Unlike you, you butt-fuckin’ idiot.
Are you going to explain why you lied about your militry service?
Huh? Are you?
Yeahhhhhhh, thought so.
Hey GBS, tell me again the story of how JCH LIED about his military service! I NEVER get tired of reading that story!!
OK, back by popular demand, the story no LIBERAL ever gets tired of hearing. . .
I wonder if it’s possible for the Dems to sweep Washington’s House seats? Why would anyone vote for the 4th’s do-nothing congressman, Doc Hastings? The best thing you can say for Hastings is he’s too stupid to break anything important.
How to catch a Conservative in the act of lying:
Note the date/time stamps.
108, Libertarian, I never attended flight school. Hence, I never “washed out”. All a figment of GBS’s vivid “imagination”. All my training was done in Newport, RI and Coronado, Ca, as well as the old Philadelphia Ship Yard. Then, three WESTPACs of 6 monthe each , one ten month IO cruise, and a tour in Coronado at the NAB. Four years at sea, and two ashore.
Comment by Myron [JCH] Silverstein, ESQ— 2/24/06 @ 3:04 pm
@ 123
JCH: Are you saying GWB served in combat then? Just askin’
Comment by windie — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [No, but, Windie, have YOU ever “buckled up” in a Mach 2 F-106? Not for pussies. I washed out of Naval Air [bad GI] and served Surface Line [1110]. Flying [and training] in military jets are not for the Bill Clintons of the world.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:37 pm
@ 125
Comment by YO — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [YO, I’m sure you are correct and I was mistaken. Thanks for the help. Anyone who flies has my respect. I was not up to the stress. Not many are. JCH, LT, USN [1110, 76-84]]
Comment by JCH —
Speaking of LIARS; How badly do you think Randy “Take it in the Duke-ster” Cunningham, is taking it in the ass hole?
Hmmmmm. . . oh what a fucking nightmare come true for a REPUBLICAN! Doing time in prison, getting ass raped by a gang of huge black men, and ohhhhh please, if there is a God, illegal, homosexual Mexicans just ass fisting the ex-congressman.
Tell us how the military isn’t for you pussy types again.
Yeah, I can see you now Claric: living in your mommy’s basement, eating Kraft macaroni and cheese, beating off to SOF magazine, watching FOX news in your GI Joe PJ’s, the American flag hung incorrectly in your room, and a kiddie porn collection.
You’re a pathetic.
“Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.”
Another great vote from cheap labor corporate Dem Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA). If Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexcan border)gave a damn about America she would demand that we pump Iraqi oil and use it to pay for our military expenses.
But what’s throwing away a few billion dollars in oil revenue which should be going to the American taxpayers when there’s money to be made by the big oil companies, who benefit by keeping Iraqi oil off the market. Another sellout by cheap labor corporate Dems.
I don’t get the issue. So we build a base. We have bases in every frickin corner of the world, including in arab countries we didnt invade.
Are we occupiers in England or Germany?
sven, the difference is not subtle at all:
When you illegally invade a sovereign nation that poses no threat to you whatsoever, unseat its government, destroy its infrastructure, create nearly ubiquitous conditions of chaos and violence, and maintain a military presence in a Sisyphean attempt to maintain control, you are an occupier. Period.
the difference is that if the government in Iraq offers us a base, who cares?
We have bases in worse places
I think we SHOULD have permanent bases in Iraq and that every right wing radio talk show host and pundit in America should be forced to go staff those bases. America would actually be safer then!
E – “Illegally? Really? What laws were broken. Pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the votes in Congress that gave President Bush full legal authority. FULL LEGAL AUTHORITY.
Now you may be referring to some bullshit thing from the worthless fucking UN, or maybe some imaginary moonbat feelings… but that sure as shit isn’t law.
So “educate” me E. Cite chapter and verse of the laws that were broken.
E – You got some serious work to do…
1) I want a full explanation how the conspirators setup the demolition of the WTC. Specifically, I want to know how they drilled thousand of holes, set the charges, wired them up, and detonated them at exactly the right time WITHOUT ANYBODY NOTICING.
2) I want to see your chi squared analysis to prove conclusively that current temperatures are beyond historical norms and are therefore cause for alarm.
You are the one challenging the status quo; the burden is on YOU to prove that you’re right and everybody else is wrong.
Didn’t think so…. dumass…
Man, I NEVER get tired of THIS story!!! The only thing remotely as funny is the story of Redneck’s dead crack-whore ex taking him for
$5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0
( F I V E H U N D R E D T H O U S A N D S M A C K E R S )
of vagimony and child support!!! :D :D :D
It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t get it. Try this:
We weren’t invited to Iraq.
Hey Sven, I got a better idea. Why don’t you go to your local confederate cemetery and ask one of those guys what he’s got against Union troops occupying Richmond. ha ha ha ha ha
What “government in Iraq”??
Oh, you mean the puppet government we installed in Iraq, that three-quarters of Iraqis are trying to topple while simultaneously attempting to eject a foreign invader from their country?
There isn’t much that all Iraqis agree on, but I’m pretty sure most of them agree on two things:
a) getting rid of the foreign invader
b) getting rid of the puppet government installed by the foreign invader
Hey Redneck — can you explain for us how cutting taxes while increasing spending reduces inflation and expands employment?
“July Jobs Growth Weaker Than Expected”
“WASHINGTON (Aug. 4) – Hiring slowed in July as employers added just 113,000 new jobs, propelling the unemployment rate to a five-month high of 4.8 percent and providing fresh evidence that companies are growing cautious amid high energy prices.
“The latest snapshot Friday from the Labor Department added to the evidence from a variety of economic barometers that the economy is slowing. …
“The tally of new jobs last month was weaker than the 124,000 added in June and was the lowest total since May, when payrolls grew by 100,000. …
“The civilian unemployment rate jumped from 4.6 percent in June to 4.8 percent in July, matching the jobless rate in February. … Economists had forecast a gain of about 145,000 jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.6 percent. …
“The Fed steadily has raised rates 17 times since June 2004, each in increments of one-quarter of a percentage point, to prevent inflation from taking off.
“The hiring slowdown comes as companies cope with soaring energy prices and higher interest rates. Oil prices reached a new closing high of $77.03 a barrel in the middle of July, though they have moderated slightly since then. In these conditions, businesses and consumers – engines of economic activity – have turned cautious. That, in turn, has slowed the economy. …
“The economy slowed to a pace of 2.5 percent in the April-to-June quarter, compared with the 5.6 percent growth rate in the first three months of the year.
“In July, manufacturers cut 15,000 jobs, reversing the gain of 22,000 the month before. Employment was flat in retailing, after the sector shed just over 4,000 jobs in June. Government employment also held in check in July, following a gain of 15,000 jobs the month earlier. Employment in the information industry, including publishing and telecommunications, dropped by 9,000.”
For complete story and/or copywrite info.
Policy setting BY THE PEOPLE is alive and well here in the Feminist Utopia of Washington (FUWA). And that’s a GOOD thing.
One of the things that Tim did really well was to highlight the power of citizen initiatives. For those issues where elected government acts irresponsibly, or fails to act at all, The People of FUWA have a powerful weapon at their disposal.
The contempt that you moonbats have for the initiative process is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of one of the pillars of Murkan government; namely the notion that power flows from The People to the gummint, and NOT the other way around. The fact that elected officials have only partial control of policy, and a greatly reduced control recently for the high leverage issues, drives you moonbats into a delerium that I find absolutely fascinating and very entertaining.
Not to be overlooked is Reddick’s claim, in a previous thread, that cutting taxes always increases government revenue. Let’s do a reality check and see how that’s working:
In a previous thread, MARK THE RETARD REDNECK claimed the Bush tax cuts have increased federal revenue. This is demonstrably false; disregarding FICA revenues, which were not affected by Bush’s tax cuts, federal revenue was as follows:*
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
36 – Uh… look at the data for the past 6 years.
Hey Reddick, you fucking welsher, unfuck yourself and pay your gambling debt.
Table below shows the effect of the Clinton Recession and how GWB’s reduction of tax rates increased fed revenue. Notice how the downturn began under Bubba’s watch. Remember, during his first year, GWB was stuck with the mess Bubba Chubby Chaser left behind and it was a year until he could enact the policies that led to the strong recovery.
All this happened on top of an attack on our country that would have driven us into deep recession under any other president.
@8: No, I don’t think the Pentagon should decide whether to go to war (nor did I even hint, much less say, that I thought that).
Yes, I do think the pentagon should make decisions about base placement without congressional involvement. The fact that congress has a hand in base placement has, as far as I can tell, never had any useful consequence. But it has resulted in a lot of porkbarrel politics and bases that we either don’t need or would work better in some other location.
We have permanent bases in Korea from the Korean War, Japan and Germany from WWII, Bosnia and Kosovo, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, and around 100 other countries.
Why punish Iraq – they need billions of dollars too!
Mark – ’smatter wif you, fool? Cain’t you read? Yesterday I said, “Don’t come back until you have 100% irrefutable proof that you’re right.” Don’t make me give you reading lessons. Didn’t you do your homework? I’ll make it easy for you, Mark. You don’t even have to read anything. Just go to C-SPAN and search for American Scholars Symposium. It was broadcast on 7/29 and they’ve got the video up. Go ahead, prove them wrong. They’re the ones challenging your “status quo”. Otherwise, to quote you ad nauseam, STFU.
Arguing with redneck is like yodeling into a barf bag. Pointless and absurd. Sheesh.
E – Uh… so in other words, all you have is intolerance and hate. Not even a viable theory…
Thought so… Dumass…
Hmmm…. I think I’ve figured out why E can’t get a real job…
I think MTR suffers from “low integrative capacity”:
This can be seen through his manifested tendencies to:
In short, the (neo-)fascist’s ideal tool.
How does it feel to be cognitively challenged, Mark? Does your boss know?
BTW, thanks for the link earlier today, Ken. (Source for the above.) Interesting read.
Craig, if you know how to read (which seems somewhat doubtful) you’ll find all the information you need at 45, above.
“Thought so… Dumass…”
No, Mark, it’s Dumas, as in Alexandre Dumas. You know, the Three Musketeers and all that. Did you do your homework yet? ‘Smatter, is your “worldview” challenged? Is your mind so totally shut with hate and intolerance that you’re uncapable of watching a video? It’s easier than reading, you know.
Until you get just a tiny bit of background, you have absolutely no basis for either argument or debate. So, to quote you ad nauseam again, STFU.
Arguing with redneck is like yodeling into a barf bag.
No, wait, I take that back. Arguing with redneck is like talking to an eight-year-old with his fingers in his ears going “nah-nah-nah-nah” to try to block out his adversary’s words.
Pretty fucking childish.
E – Tell me… for someone who fancies herself as some kind of intellectual, does it suck when I ask easy questions that you can’t answer? Keep it coming though… it’s kinda fun…
I think Dr. E suffers from a condition called being a dumass librul. It appears to be terminal…
Prove me wrong E… answer my simple questions…
Mark – ’smatter wif you, fool? You still here? Cain’t you read? I just said, “Don’t come back until you have 100% irrefutable proof that you’re right.” Can’t you do your homework? Watching a video too hard for you? Scairt of what you might find out? I’m waiting…
Otherwise, to quote you ad nauseam, STFU.
À propos of, well, something, can you believe
americafirst spews:
Dr. E spews:
Green Thumb spews:
Green Thumb spews:
americafirst spews:
Dr. E spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
americafirst spews:
Green Thumb spews:
ArtFart spews:
Dr. E spews:
Dr. E spews:
Greg spews:
DWE spews:
sgmmac spews:
jDanTua8Y9 spews:
jack napier black spews:
“Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.”
Another great vote from cheap labor corporate Dem Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA). If Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border)gave a damn about America she would demand that we pump Iraqi oil and use it to pay for our military expenses.
But what’s throwing away a few billion dollars in oil revenue which should be going to the American taxpayers when there’s money to be made by the big oil companies, who benefit by keeping Iraqi oil off the market. Another sellout by cheap labor corporate Dems.
Here’s a quiz for you:
1. How much has the Iraq war cost so far? (You can use either the government’s “official” (i.e. bullshit) figure, or a more realistic estimate, like that drawn up by Joe Stiglitz.)
2. How much of these costs have been offset by Iraqi oil sales (you know, like we were told it would)?
3. Why on earth would we need permanent military bases in Iraq?
May we take a break from the moonbattery and engage in a moment of mature reflection?
Let is not forget that Mark the Redneck is Our Lord and Personal Savior. He is All Knowing. He is Infallible.
Try as you may, Lord Redneck will prove you wrong. Always.
Shall we sing another hymn from the Book of Lord Redneck?
Lord Redneck loves the little moonbats,?
almost all the moonbats of the world.?
Red and yellow, black and white,?
they are precious to his sight.?
except all the muslims?
who should be made into dog food.*
* After removing their gold fillings.
Here’s a quiz for you:
1. How much has the Iraq war cost so far? (You can use either the government’s “official” (i.e. bullshit) figure, or a more realistic estimate, like that drawn up by Joe Stiglitz.)
2. How much of these costs have been offset by Iraqi oil sales (you know, like we were told it would)?
3. Why on earth would we need permanent military bases in Iraq?
Commentby Dr. E— 8/4/06@ 9:39 pm
E, (1) can you write a sentence that doesn’t end in a question mark?
(2) why is it that liberals can ask questions but can’t answer them?
(3) why shouldn’t America get the revenue from Iraqi oil to compensate us for our military expenses?
I answered your questions over on the other thread. Why dontcha answer mine?
Seems like a guy who fancies himself as some kinda innalekshuwal like E would take my challenge about global warming and say to himself “holy shit… it’s certainly reasonable to aks if current temps are something outta the ordinary. So before jumpin’ off the deep end, let’s see if this even makes any fucking sense.”
Or… mister innalekshual might say “hmmm… MTR might be onta something about this WTC conspiracy thing… HTF would they plant all the charges without anybody noticing?”
But no, E is just another dumass moonbat librul kool aid drinker. He’s the exact opposite of what he’d have us believe here.
63, I did on the other thread.
Lord Redneck @ 64:
Praise the Lord Redneck, for He is Always Right! Yes, another dumass moonbat utterly destroyed by His Superior Wit and Wisdom!
Let us begin to exterminate All Muslims! Onward Christain soldiers!
#5: “The fact that we are still in Iraq over three years after the war, and the situation is getting worse rather than better (as testified by three top American generals yesterday), indicates that THERE WAS NO PLAN FOR OCCUPATION!”
Bullshit. There was always a plan, and this is it—keep the place destabillized, as an excuse to maintain our presence there in perpetuity.
A number of groups, including the US Catholic Bishops, have condemned our government’s actions for getting us into this mess in the first place, but asserted that we now have a moral obligation to continue the engagement until most of the damage has been cleaned up and the Iraquis can be left with an expectation of peace and stability.
Well, folks, it’s becoming more and more apparent that if the neocons have their way, that ain’t ever going to happen. The situation in Iraq has in fact continued to deteriorate, in spite of the deployment of more and more troops and a campaign of “pacification” that appears to have no other objective other than to brutalize and further provoke the local populace.
These people keep saying “Support the Troops”. In the meantime, they keep using them as hostages to justify our continued involvement.
Mark, don’t flatter yourself. Your last post was utterly fatuous.
Oh, and Mark, I hope you’re doing your homework. I expect it by 5 pm. Remember, I said, “Don’t come back until you have 100% irrefutable proof that you’re right.” No extensions on this one.
I’d wonder whether we can get a straight answer from Cantwell. The fact of the matter is that we’ve already been working for some time to build permanent military bases in Iraq. It’s not a matter of whether “building permanent military bases -would- get us closer to this goal.” It -isn’t- getting us closer to this goal.
In the past when I’ve corresponded to express my opposition, first to the invasion, and later to problems with the occupation, Cantwell has suggested that she’s relied on military intelligence to make her decisions – the same military intelligence filtered and shaped by Douglas Feith, Rumsfeld’s lackey. Apparently she’s continuing to do the same thing – flat learning curve.
This opening sentence is misleading. In fact, Sen. Stevens proposed the amendment on behalf of Sen. Biden. Sen. Biden was the sponsor of the amendment. Sen. Cantwell was the cosponsor.
The amendment was SA 4851 to HR 5631 (the Defense Appropriations bill for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007). It was passed unanimously. Here is the text:
In my view, a much more interesting amendment is SA 4873, sponsored by Sen. Cantwell. This amendment concerns the TALON program and would prohibit “the collection, storage, or analysis of information on United States citizens who pose no threat to the military or its facilities, including United States citizens taking part in non-violent activities protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States related to protests against United States Government policy on Iraq.” You can read about the amendment here.
The US is NOT building permanent bases in Iraq and they haven’t been for quite some time either. They have built wood structures with lots of security for the soldiers living there. They have built showers, latrines (bathroom) and dining facilities. They have put in lots of air conditioners to keep the soldiers alive in the 135 degree heat. They have built gyms in tents and wooden structures and they have put up satellite dishes so that the soldiers can get some TV……
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