I’m out’a here for the weekend, kinda sorta camping, and believe it or not I’ve decided to go sans computer. Darryl has graciously agreed to post in my absence, so please show him a kind, HA welcome, and hurl your insults and death threats at him for the next couple days, not me.
And a heads up… I’ll be back in time for Sunday night’s show on 710-KIRO. Joining me in the 7PM hour will be Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, and at 8PM The Stranger’s Dan Savage and Eli Sanders will be in the studio discussing the fallout from this week’s Supreme Court decision upholding our state’s ban on gay marriage.
What is it with all these child rapists? Another religious right wing organization turns out to be a haven for the perverts and of course, the organization is FIGHTING efforts to reveal the abuse.
Looks like the righties are feeling the heat. The gutless cowards said they’d never allow a vote on minimum wage. Now they’ve realized they have no chance in Nov. unless they do it. Too fucking funny!
and hurl your insults and death threats at him for the next couple days, not me.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Well Lamar it’s not like you went to Harvard. Oh I get it. That’s why you hate Darcy so much. You’re jealous! HE HE!
Left Turn at # 1:
Sorry, you won’t get my support on bashing the Boy Scouts on this one, as a “religious right wing organization” as a “haven for perverts”.
Every youth organization has a problem with sexual preditors, and the Boy Scouts apparantly kept files of reports so a molester who was kicked out of one area couldn’t just move and pop up as a volunteer again in another area. Those are the files which are being disclosed in pre-trial discovery. How they acted on those reports will probably be a subject in the trial, and whether they get admitted into evidence in a court trial is another matter.
The Boy Scouts do encourage patriotism, but it is non-partison. I, myself, get offended when the Republicans try to equate patriotism with the Republican party. As for myself, I am a Democrat because I am a patriot, not in spite of it.
If you want to criticize them for not allowing gays or athiests to be scout leaders or eagle scouts, that’s your right to do so.
Full disclores: I was a Boy Scout between ages 11 and 18, an Eagle Scout, and Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow. I don’t agree with everything the Scouts do, but I think they do a lot more good than bad.
Correction: “disclores” should obviously be “disclosure”. I sure wish this program had a spell check.
Watch out for the Republican “surrender” on minimum wage. They’ve decided they can’t take the public pounding on this issue, and they will probably do something when they “return from the break” in September.
But they will probably try to throw in a few poison pills. One of the primary ones appears rather tame, a provision which allows small businesses to combine for the purpose of obtaining insurance benefits for its employees.
But why is this needed? I don’t think antitrust laws as they currently exist would prevent a trade group or association from offering group insurance rates to its members?
What the provision really does is use federal pre-emption to void state laws requiring employers to offer certain employee insurance benefits, such as cancer screenings or diabetes care. So while raising the minimum wage for the lowest workers with one hand, the Republicans are preparing to take away state-mandated insurance benefits with the other hand.
Source for # 10:
Why would they surrender on minimum wage, but take away inurance coverage for cancer screenings and diabetes control? They can’t help it – they are Republicans.
New poll shows Hank Johnson leading Rep. Cynthia McKinney by 46% to 21% in the August 8th run-off for the Democratic nomination in Georgia’s 4th district.
Democrats won’t support crazy fringe candidates. Republicans don’t support anything else.
While we are on the subject – why wouldn’t a health insurance company WANT to offer cancer screenings and diabetes control medications, without being required to do so? Early detection of cancer is proven to be the most effective method of preventing death and disability from the disease. For diabetics, early diagnosis and carefull monitering and medication to control blood sugar levels go a long way to prevent the deterioration caused by the disease, including blindness and amputations. Wouldn’t it make more sense, financially, to pay a little money now in order to avoid paying larger amounts later?
But that’s not the way it works. Insurers know that an employee/insured today will probably not be an employee/insured tomorrow. Very few non-managerial employees keep the same job for more than a few years. So if they can avoid the screening costs today, the actual treatment costs later will probably be someone else’s responsiblity.
Besides, if a cancer is not detected early enough, then the treatment costs may be minimal, as it is too late to treat them and they may just be sent home (or to a hospice) to die.
Democrats won’t support crazy fringe candidates.
Commentby Daddy Love […….Er, William J, Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA hehe, JCH]
New poll shows Hank Johnson leading Rep. Cynthia McKinney by 46% to 21% in the August 8th run-off for the Democratic nomination in Georgia’s 4th district.
Democrats won’t support crazy fringe candidates. Republicans don’t support anything else.
Commentby Daddy Love […….IF Cynthia loses she should be on the Democrat 08 ticket with Queen Hillary. Anything less would be racist! hehe, JCH]
No one knows how Jefferson would fare in a strong primary fight. William Jefferson is likely to win re-election because his district votes about 75% Democrat- 25% Republican, and he’s the Democrat. And the only thing worse that a lone-wolf corrupt Democratic politician is a GOP-machine corrupt Republican politician.
But House Democrats stripped Jefferson of his seat on the Ways and Means committee, which, considering he has not even been indicted for anything yet, is a pretty tough anti-corruption stance, again in marked contrast to House Republicans.
“At least 443 people have been killed in Lebanon in the fighting, most of them civilians, according to a Health Ministry count Thursday based on bodies taken to hospitals, plus deaths Friday confirmed by security forces. But Lebanon’s health minister estimated Thursday that as many as Lebanese 600 civilians have been killed, with other victims buried in rubble. On the Israeli side, 33 soldiers have died in fighting, and Hezbollah rocket attacks on northern Israel have killed 19 civilians, the Israeli army said.”
Let’s see, 19 Israeli civilians versus 400 Lebanese civilians….carry the one…that’s twenty times as many, right? And Hizbollah is using notoriously inaccurate Katyusha rockets, while the Israelis are using precision-guided munitions. So how many Lebanese civilian deaths, say, around Beirut which is hundreds of miles from the Hizbollah staging areas in south Lebanon, are “accidental” and how many…aren’t?
And why is the Bush administration stalling for time for Israel to attack and kill more UN peacekeepers while the rest of the world urges an immediate cease fire in Lebanon?
Finally, a Democrat/Liberal “plan”
Pander and Run
By Peter Beinart
Friday, July 28, 2006; A25
After years of struggling to define their own approach to post-Sept. 11 foreign policy, Democrats seem finally to have hit on one. It’s called pandering. In those rare cases when George W. Bush shows genuine sensitivity to America’s allies and propounds a broader, more enlightened view of the national interest, Democrats will make him pay. It’s jingoism with a liberal face.
The latest example came this week when Democratic senators and House members demanded that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki either retract his criticisms of Israel or forfeit his chance to address Congress. Great idea. Maliki — who runs a government propped up by U.S. troops — is desperate to show Iraqis that he is not Washington’s puppet. And the United States desperately needs him to succeed because, unless he gains political credibility at home, his government will have no hope of surviving on its own.
Maliki took a small step in that direction this week when he articulated a view of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict quite different from that of the Bush administration. His views were hardly surprising: Iraq is not only a majority-Arab country; it is a majority-Shiite Arab country. And in a democracy, leaders usually reflect public opinion. Maliki’s forthright disagreement with the United States was a sign of political strength, one the Bush administration wisely indulged.
But not congressional Democrats. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid demanded that Maliki eat his words or be disinvited from addressing Congress. “Your failure to condemn Hezbollah’s aggression and recognize Israel’s right to defend itself raise serious questions about whether Iraq under your leadership can play a constructive role in resolving the current crisis and bringing stability to the Middle East,” wrote Reid and fellow Democratic Sens. Richard J. Durbin and Charles E. Schumer on July 24.
How, exactly, publicly humiliating Maliki and making him look like an American and Israeli stooge would enhance his “leadership” was never explained in the missive. But of course Reid’s letter wasn’t really about strengthening the Iraqi government at all; that’s George W. Bush’s problem. It was about appearing more pro-Israel than the White House and thus pandering to Jewish voters.
Reid’s letter is not an anomaly; it is part of a pattern. In February Democrats (and some Republicans) slammed the Bush administration for allowing a company from the United Arab Emirates to take over operation, though not management, of several U.S. ports. Democrats insisted that they were standing up for homeland security, but in fact homeland security experts overwhelmingly said the move did not represent a security risk. The principle animating the Democrats’ attack was not security, it was politics. The Bush administration, playing against type, argued that America’s long-term security required treating Arab countries with fairness and respect, especially countries, such as the UAE, that assist us in the struggle against jihadist terrorism. One might have thought that the Democrats, after spending years denouncing the Bush administration for alienating world opinion and thus leaving America isolated and weak, would find such logic compelling. But what they found more compelling was a political cheap shot — their very own Panama Canal moment — in which they proved they could be just as nativist as the GOP.
Then, in June, the media reported that the Iraqi government was considering an amnesty for insurgents, perhaps including insurgents who had killed U.S. troops. Obviously the prospect was hard for Americans to stomach. But the larger context was equally obvious: Unless Maliki’s government gave local Sunni insurgents an incentive to lay down their arms and break with al-Qaeda-style jihadists, Iraq’s violence would never end. Democrats, however, rather than giving Maliki the freedom to carry out his extremely difficult and enormously important negotiations, made amnesty an issue in every congressional race they could, thus tying the prime minister’s hands. Once again, Democrats congratulated themselves for having gotten to President Bush’s right, unperturbed by the fact that they may have undermined the chances for Iraqi peace in the process.
Privately, some Democrats, while admitting that they haven’t exactly been taking the high road, say they have no choice, that in a competition with Karl Rove, nice guys finish last. But even politically, that’s probably wrong. The Democratic Party’s single biggest foreign policy liability is not that Americans think Democrats are soft. It is that Americans think Democrats stand for nothing, that they have no principles beyond political expedience. And given the party’s behavior over the past several months, it is not hard to understand why.
The writer, a monthly columnist for The Post, is editor-at-large of the New Republic and author of “The Good Fight: Why Liberals — and Only Liberals — Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again.”
Joining me in the 7PM hour will be Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer…
That’s a great snag. He’s a terrific interview subject. Be prepared because he knows his stuff.
Write your own opinions, but if you MUST steal, excerpt a snippet then link to the rest.
[…….IF Cynthia loses she should be on the Democrat 08 ticket with Queen Hillary. Anything less would be racist! hehe, JCH]
What is JCH/REP Kennedy (aka A.D.D. manchild troll) going to do when the Democrats toss Cynthia McKinney out the door? Where will his obsessive-compulsive disorder lead him then? Will have anything to post on HA?
Beinart’s wrong here.
A) Republicans opposed the poirt deal as well. It wasn’t a Democratic idea to do so.
B) It’s odd to dsay that Reid’s letter “makes Maliki look like an Israeli stooge” when he says that Maliki is NOT very pro-Israel. And of course Maliki CANNOT be pro-Israel OR anti-Hizbollah because his government is essentially Shia-run and Iranian-influenced, which IS what Reid is pointing out.
C) The Iraqi government is essentially Shia-run and Iranian-influenced BECAUSE the bumbling Bush administration and their Rubber Stamp Congress made it that way. It’s going to be hell for the Democratic president in 2009 to do anything about.
# 11: “It’s going to be hell for the Democratic president in 2009 to do anything about.”
That’s the problem with being a Democrat. It’s a lot like being a janitor. You spend four or eight years watching the Republicans make a big mess of your house. Then you spend the next four or eight years cleaning up the mess. Then the Republicans criticize your house-cleaning skills, and the process repeates itself.
Dang, did I leave those italics open? Sorry about that, guys.
“Shia run” and Bush made it that way???????
How about the Shia significantly outnumber the others? How about that’s what the Iraqi’s negotiated? Or would you have preferred for Bush to dictate how their government is structured?
Did the Iraqi people vote on their government? I could have sworn they did.
Seattle School District still has far too many schools.
Issaquah school district, arguably one of the best in the state has 16000 students attending 22 schools, giving an average enrollment of 727 students per school. Seattle school district has 46,000 students attending 100 schools, giving an average enrollment of 460 students per school.
This brings up some troubling questions:
1) If smaller schools with smaller class sizes were really the answer to better education as claimed by you moonbats, the teachers union, Senator Dimbulb, and the education establishment, then Seattle schools should be among the best. Instead, they are arguably the absolute worst district in the state. Kinda blows up the whole small school theory.
2) Instead of closing just three more schools, if they were to get to the same average school size as Issaquah, then SSD should have 63 schools. So instead of closing just 3 more schools, the number closed should be more like 37. Will SSD close 37 schools? Of course not. So the underlying problem will never be fixed. Seattle will continue to victimize its young people and force them to go to substandard schools where it is impossible to get a decent education. Why anyone would do this to their kids is beyond me.
Beinart’s also unintentionally funny, as he trashes Democrats in the guise of “sort of” being one.
“Americans think Democrats stand for nothing, that they have no principles beyond political expedience.”
“Americans think Democrats stand for nothing…”
Maybe they do (after a decade of GOP propaganda fgrom every news outlet) and maybe they don’t, but even so, Democrats are running large leads among independents in the generic Congressional ballot in the 14-22 point range. Democrats have about a 16 point lead across all registered voters in the generic congressional contest. Only 31 percent of voters in blue counties (those carried by Kerry) are voting Republican for Congress, but 41 percent of red county voters are supporting the Democratic candidate. The combined data set shows major shifts in the Deep South and rural areas (even before the most recent controversies), blue-collar white men, and the best educated married men with high incomes. Democrats have made big gains among older (over 50) non-college voters, women, practicing Catholics and the best-educated men. In the South, across AL, FL, LA, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN and VA, Democrats are preferred over the GOP to control Congress by 44-43 (FL’s preference for a Dem-controlled Congress was almost 10 points).
Boy, that looks amateurish.
Of course the Shia are a majority. But they always have been, haven’t they? But the government was not Shia-run or Irani influenced until now. And OF COURSE the Bush administration made it that way. First, they overthrew Saddam Hussein without bothering to make ANY plans to manage what evey credible observer prediected from the start would be: a high probability of sectarian violence.
They delayed elections, they disbanded the Sunni-run army and Suni-run bureaucracy, they looked the other way as their hand-picked Provisional Government incorporated Shia militas into the “official” military/polioce, they ignored and covered up as under their hand-picked Provisional Govbernment (no one ran a slate that didn’t pass US approval) let the Shai militants take over the Interrior Ministry, from where the “death squads” who are murdering Sunnis in Baghdad daily are run.
So even though we are delaying thousands of troops from coming home so that we can increase instead of decrease our numbers in Iraq, and putting thousands more Americans in Baghdad to try to quell the violence that the 70,000 Iraqis (as I said, militias and death squads throughout) that were deployed there a month or so ago only managed to increase, we still won’t be able to reduce the killings because the dath squads ARE the government. And we esentially made it that way.
Citations for voter preference polling I excerpted can be found at http://www.emergingdemocraticm.....001418.php
Gee, MTR, maybe the schools in the suburbs and exurbs are jsut bigger?
Eyman, Washington’s leading initiative promoter, failed to qualify Friday for a ballot spot for his $30 car-tab initiative in a random test of his petitions, but the state will do a full check now.
It was Eyman’s second big setback this year. Earlier, he had failed to gather enough signatures to force a public vote on the new state law protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination.
Secretary of State Sam Reed, the chief elections officer, announced that a check of about 11,000 randomly selected voter signatures showed an invalidation rate of 18 percent.
Strangely enough, Tim isn’t wining about missing petitions anymore.
Daddy, you don’t like my nickname? Is that what you mean by amateurish?
SGM is a military (abbr) title. It stands for Sergeant Major. The rank SGM is a Staff Sergeant Major. There are also Command Sergeants Major. When addressing a SGM or a CSM, the spoken title is SGM. You don’t say Command Sergeant Major when you are talking to a Command Sergeant Major, you call them Sergeant Major. But if you are talking about a Command Sergeant Major, then you call them CSM. A SGM is also a E-9 pay grade. There are 9 enlisted pay grades. E-1 is the lowest, E-9 is the highest.
I am a retired SGM and my last name starts with MC, so I got the nickname SGM Mac, and before that it was 1SG Mac……
Want to know what a 1SG is?
“And we esentially made it that way.”
Yes and no. It would be quite hard to have a democracy with a minority party. The Sunni’s were NOT little angels under Saddam, as a matter of fact, they were his death squads, murdering, torturing, raping and killing thousands……….
How do you win here???????????
What is JCH/REP Kennedy (aka A.D.D. manchild troll) going to do when the Democrats toss Cynthia McKinney out the door?
Commentby LiberalRedneck […..Er, Liberal Redneck, Can you say “REP William J. Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA”???? hehe, JCH]
Okay, as previously reported, The Secty of State’s randam sampling of Tim’s car-tab initiative showed a failure rate of 12.7%, which results in an automatic testing (re-count) of all the signatures.
“If the same pattern continues during the full signature count, I-917 would wind up with 218,230 valid signatures — or 6,650 short of the required 224,880 needed to qualify, said Trova Heffernan, spokesperson for the Secretary of State’s office.”
So I’m still musing about how this all came about. Tim’s allegations that “someone” opposed to him or his petitions stole the signatures is ludicrous on its face. And the “receipt” which he never requested before, but which somehow appears showing the 300K+ number with a stamp from the Secty of State’s receptionist, is wierd.
But perhaps Tim was acting out of character, and telling the truth (from his own perspective)? Perhaps he really did believe he had 300K + signatures? Perhaps somebody just happened to count a box twice, leading to the confusion?
But then you have that danged “receipt”. Why would Time insist on a receipt for a number which no one had counted yet, and woulnd’t be in any position to count for several hours, if not days? Rather than proving he turned in 300+ signatures, it tends to prove that Tim anticipated in advance that the official signature count would be less than the number he gave reporters before he turned in the petitions.
Of course, everyone would know that he didn’t have enough signatures. Why the charade? Certainly it would be embarrasing for him not to be able to make the ballot, especially after the embarrassment a month or so earlier when he failed to make the ballot on the gay marriage issue. But the deception would quickly be discovered, and Tim would be known not only as an initiative promoter who failed, but as one who lied about it as well. How in the world does that benefit him?
I guess we have to look to Dunmire, who writes the checks for Tim. Presumably Dunmire paid Tim for 300+ signatures. Is he going to demand a refund? What if Tim doesn’t have the money to pay him back? Maybe Tim just wants to buy some time so that he can stall Dunmire until he gets more money, or he offers to “credit” it toward Dunmire’s financing of his next initiatives?
Assuming Tim purchased the signatures from a signature-gathering company, it would be interesting to see their reports and invoices. You would think that if Tim knew the “petitions” were stolen from him, he would be waiving those documents around to show he had enough signatures, rather than this so-called “receipt”. But Tim isn’;t showing those reports to anyone.
The answer to this latest brainless screed by the unthinking and inimitable John Craig Herman of Hilo, Hawai’i is simple: When Rep. Jefferson was caught with a refrigerator full of cash, the Democratic caucus stripped him of his committee assignments.
They didn’t have the authority to kick him out of Congress, because Congress is controlled by the GOP.
Did the GOP kick the corrupt Rep. Jefferson out of Congress? Nooooo, even though he’s a Democrat. Makes you wonder why … pro’lly cuz they don’t want to establish a precedent of kicking out members who take bribes. That could turn around and bite THEM.
Why did Rep. Jefferson keep money in his frig?
Because he prefers to be bribed with cold cash.
Here we go again, another CHRISTIAN showing us how to live our lives.
Did the GOP kick the corrupt Rep. Jefferson out of Congress? Nooooo, even though he’s a Democrat. Makes you wonder why …
Commentby Roger Rabbit [RR, Could it be that the Black Congressional Caucus had an issue? My thought: William J. Jefferson and Cynthia McKinney are the best and the brightest of the Democrat Party, and need to be in the MSM, FOX, and on Rush’s show EVERY day!!!]
A Mexican man who lied about his citizenship to become a U.S. Border Patrol agent and admitted helping illegal aliens to enter the country was sentenced Friday to five years in federal prison. Oscar Antonio Ortiz, 29, had pleaded guilty to conspiring to bring in more than 100 illegal immigrants, falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen, lying in order to get a gun, and owning a gun despite having entered the country illegally. [……….100 new Democrat votes in California!!! [Baja Norte] Just another 50 million more illegals and the Democrats will rule!!!!!!!!!]
T40skUzLPwn lSOrtF1lGwS xXWJXpc6pxVxP
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Let’s see, 19 Israeli civilians versus 400 Lebanese civilians….carry the one…that’s twenty times as many, right? And Hizbollah is using notoriously inaccurate Katyusha rockets, while the Israelis are using precision-guided munitions. So how many Lebanese civilian deaths, say, around Beirut which is hundreds of miles from the Hizbollah staging areas in south Lebanon, are “accidental” and how many…aren’t?
Commentby Daddy Love— 7/28/06@ 10:10 am
So you agree with hizbollah fighters running behind women’s skirts and baby blankets and hiding their munitions in places of worship.
You are a scary person Daddy Love.
Write your own opinions, but if you MUST steal, excerpt a snippet then link to the rest.
Commentby Daddy Love— 7/28/06@ 11:29 am
IDGAF – Do as you please. Daddy Love supports his hizbollah hiding behind women as human shields
Full disclores: I was a Boy Scout between ages 11 and 18, an Eagle Scout, and Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow. I don’t agree with everything the Scouts do, but I think they do a lot more good than bad.
Commentby rhp6033— 7/28/06@ 8:58 am
rhp6033: All you did was confirm that leftturn is an idiot! Thank you for your service!
sgmmac: Daddy Love is today’s left wing (moonbat) idiot
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