Last month I ridiculed Republicans for touting the latest partisan robo-polls as evidence that Sen. Maria Cantwell was in trouble. But now that a recent Elway Poll shows Cantwell maintaining a sizable 47 percent to 33 percent lead over her opponent Mike McGavick, I take it all back. You should always trust the latest poll. It’s never wrong.
Just kidding.
Still, it’s probably somewhat instructive tracking the Elway numbers over time, which seem to show Cantwell’s lead gradually but steadily shrinking from a 55-25 percent advantage in February to 47-25 in April to 47-33 in June. No question, the gap has been closing, and no incumbent likes to be under 50 percent.
Look a little closer at the numbers and what you see is probably what you expect to see at this point in the race:
Feb 2006 | Jun 2006 | |
Definite Cantwell: | 31 | 34 |
Inclined Cantwell: | 24 | 13 |
Undecided: | 20 | 19 |
Inclined McGavick: | 14 | 14 |
Definite McGavick: | 11 | 19 |
What I see is Cantwell showing some weakness with her weakest supporters while both candidates have started to firm up their base. Yes, McGavick’s “definite” support has grown faster than Cantwell’s, but then starting from a meager 11 percent he had a helluva lot more upside.
And of course, let’s put this all in context. McGavick has been running a paid media campaign — unanswered — for the past six months, while Cantwell has been strategically sitting on a $6 million plus war chest. Yet at a combined preference of only 33 percent of voters McGavick has barely reached Will Baker numbers… the absolute floor guaranteed nearly anybody with an “R” next to their name in Washington state.
I’m not saying there aren’t some positives for McGavick in the latest Elway Poll; no doubt he’s gained some ground, and no doubt the race will tighten further. But assuming this poll at this stage of the race is meaningful at all, I just don’t see him gaining much traction.
Interestingly Canthinkandwalk is spending her advertising dollars on FOX NEWS… her mug pops up several times an hour!
Oh gee… who is she trying to woo there?
I can’t imagine the “inclined Cantwell” have moved to definite McGavicks. Something fishy here. . . Too early for anything reliable anyway.
hcybPROUDtbSTUPID: Ah, you admit being a Fox junkie? That explains your ignorance! Thanks.
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS – so are you suggesting that FOX is the news network of Republicans for Republicans?
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
CIA Employee Fired For Calling Waterboarding “Torture”
The nazis running our government are terrified of free speech — even top secret free speech the public can’t read:
“CIA Worker Says Message on Torture Got Her Fired
“By MARK MAZZETTI, The New York Times
“WASHINGTON (July 22) — A contract employee working for the Central Intelligence Agency said she had been fired recently for posting a message on a classified computer server that said an interrogation technique used by the agency against some terror suspects amounted to torture.
“The employee, Christine Axsmith, kept the ‘Covert Communications’ blog on a top-secret computer network used by American intelligence agencies. Ms. Axsmith was fired on Monday after C.I.A. officials objected to a message that criticized the interrogation technique called ‘waterboarding,’ a particularly harsh practice that the C.I.A. is known to have used on Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who is widely regarded as the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.
“Ms. Axsmith, a computer security expert with a law degree, posted the message this month, shortly after the Bush administration decided to grant some protections of the Geneva Conventions to suspected terrorists in American custody. She said that her message began, ‘Waterboarding is torture, and torture is wrong.’
Ms. Axsmith’s firing was earlier reported on several blogs including on Thursday, and in Friday’s Washington Post.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Well the inbred righties won’t like this poll. It didn’t come from Faux News or some other Hitler-esque news organization. But the fact is, Alaska’s Senate candidate Mikey Big Oil McGavick hasn’t a prayer.
Mike! is running a respectable campaign that has masked how far out of step he is from a majority of people in this state. He will lose once Cantwell gets her campaign act together.
McGavick did more to divide this state and any other politico in state history when he ran Slade Gorton’s destructive comeback campaign. Then he continued the divisivenss and rabid partisanship while Gorton’s Chief of Staff. He claims to work well with others but can’t – just look at the partisan record in the Gorton office and statements of disdain for anyone who worked with democrats when they controlled Congress.
Thenew Mike! is nothing but slick packaging.
When all is said and done, Cantwell will win by a very comfortable margin, the Green Party’s credibility will be set back a good five years, and the Republicans’ hopes of winning another statewide office will subside. Of course, that won’t stop the wingers from attacking Sam Reed. This should get really interesting.
Cantwell won’t win by a comfortable margin. She may be declared the winner after Sims sends in a rescue party to find the ballots and count the votes…….
Sam Reed is worthless.
Leopards don’t change their spots. I watched on TV the Green’s nomination of Aaron and a very reasonable opposing view was aired but they voted for him anyway. He’s a good person but his voting record should have deep sixed his candidacy.
Sgmmac, I assume that you believe that if you repeat that bogus charge often enough that uneducated people will actually believe it. The Big Lie will sometimes work . . . for a while.
Good luck with that.
smeg, you keep me confused. Sometimes you make sense; other times you sound like an aging, bitter, confused and ignorant party parrot. Move on. You should be proud of Sam Reed. Unless, of course, you like to win by corruption and fraud.
It wasn’t just Sam. Why don’t you blame that conservative judge as well? You lose all credibility when you ignore justice and cling to nonsense.
Green Thumb: you always put things better than I do! Thanks.
If the Republicans hold the House and Senate in 06, will you lib Democrat commies kill yourselves?
Roger, you know that the Gates’ are NOT paying 4% of their income in state and local taxes. It is doubtful that they even pay 1% of their yearly taxable income in state and local taxes.
Commentby sgmmac […………………………………………………………………………Kind of like the Kerrys who pay Federal taxes at the 12% MTR? hehe. JCH]
Now Gidget,
You know, I have been up in King County spending several days there looking at the ballots……… I liked the Judge, just because he’s in a conservative county doesn’t mean that he’s conservative. I don’t know too many conservative men who wear earrings with their suits! But then again, I have a belly ring so who knows!
The 04 election isn’t the reason that I don’t like Sam Reed. I voted for him. I am totally not impressed with his lack of reform or in his accountability of problems……… I also don’t approve of the way he staffs his office with personal friends. Nick Handy is a prime example. He was ran out of his job at the Port of Olympia and good old Sam gave him a job, that he’s not at all qualified for.
The bottom line is the democrats and KC pulled it off and stoled the 04 election. Thank God Florida had more sense and stopped it before the Democrats reached into their bag-o-votes to steal the presidential election. The republicans need to keep on pushing for election reform and expose voter fraud when it happens.
Kerry coveted the Jewish vote during his race, but also made a point of going after the Arab-American vote – telling each side what they wanted to hear.
In October 2003, he told the Arab American Institute in Michigan: “I know how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli government’s decision to build the barrier off of the Green Line – cutting deep into Palestinian areas. We don’t need another barrier to peace. Provocative and counterproductive measures only harm Israelis’ security over the long term, increase the hardships to the Palestinian people, and make the process of negotiating an eventual settlement that much harder.”
But a week before the New York state primary, he told a Jewish group: “Israel’s security fence is a legitimate act of self defense. No nation can stand by while its children are blown up at pizza parlors and on buses. While President Bush is rightly discussing with Israel the exact route of the fence to minimize the hardship it causes innocent Palestinians, Israel has a right and a duty to defend its citizens. The fence only exists in response to the wave of terror attacks against Israel.”
Kerry is awesome. I actually voted for Kerry before I voted against him. Hehe
I like a national ID card like that country down south of us has, Mexico, mit the fingerprints and photos…………
Hey who other than Monica was the most frequent quest to the White house during the Clinton era? I wonder if they ate pizza. Hahahaha
“Sgmmac, I assume that you believe that if you repeat that bogus charge often enough that uneducated people will actually believe it. The Big Lie will sometimes work . . . for a while.
Good luck with that.
Commentby Green Thumb— 7/22/06@ 6:02 pm”
Green Thumb – The charge is not bogus. In the last election for Governor had all of the books been totally open from day 1 then would disagree with SGMMAC. But since it tooks months for King County to respond in a close race then that heritage will dog Ron Sims and his county government forever.
If both parties can agree on totally open and honest communications (and all of the processes are open to any and to all parties; the counts and ballots are open at open at all times) during the election process then SGMMAC would be wrong. (Sorry MAC)> But they aren’t so SGM MAC is correct.
This discussion does not hinge on with we have only close elections but needs to be present at all elections so King County residents can faithfully dependent upon a correct vote count for any position.
If Ron Sims were to to implement such a program that is fully documented then I would support him….but He hasn’t so I don’t support him.
You are picking and choosing fine details that are seemingly out of scope. The problem lies in the fact that the current needs to be totally open and honest and it is not not. Would like to offer some suggesstions to make the current system better? The problem was not with judge – he applied the law as he saw it and was very probably correct in his interpretation. Had he not been correct the case would have been appealed. Sam Reed has done his job and did see a need to intervene in King County (for right or wrong).
The problem can be resolved when all paries can define the open and honest processes needed by the KC election office. So far that has not occurred.
All this is meaningless becoase Hong is going to win the pimary
SGMMAC – I actually have one those but I had to serve 21 years in the Army to get it.
“Mike! is running a respectable campaign that has masked how far out of step he is from a majority of people in this state.”
I’ve noticed he doesn’t want people to know he’s a “Republican.” I’ll bet Mike! is a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE — you know, the guys pulling down $14 million a year who think it’s an outrage that workers want $7.36 an hour.
Note recessions ONLY happen in the private sector. The PUBLIC sector [“guvment” union hacks] NEVER have massive cutbacks. Kind of like parasites on a dog.
“The bottom line is the democrats and KC pulled it off and stoled the 04 election.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 7/22/06@ 6:54 pm
BULLSHIT!!! Every proven illegal vote — every single one of the dead votes and felon votes where we know who the illegal vote was cast for — was for Rossi.
The only cheaters around here are the same Republicans who stole two presidential elections in Florida and Ohio, and almost stole the 2004 governor’s election by rigging Snohomish County’s touch-screen voting machines.
Those machines have to go, or we’re gonna need guns to choose our own government in this country! Liberals must arm!!
RR, why don’t YOU start your own company in the evil private sector and risk YOUR capital?……………………………………………………………………………………………. Yeah, I thought so. JCH
Those machines have to go, or we’re gonna need guns to choose our own government in this country! Liberals must arm!!
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………………………………………………………………..The “machines” are racist! Only Democrats should count the votes!!! “It’s who counts the votes!” Joe Stalin]
Silly guy
I qualify as a full blown lifer with 30 years……
All this is meaningless becoase Hong is going to win the pimary
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………………..Roger Rabbit, Is that you????]
I see our [sychotic little troll, Proudass is still hangin’ around. Sez Clinton gave nukes to China Now he tries to say that the democrats stole the governors election. There, there, little psychotic. . .just a few minnnnutes and the meds will cut in. . . .
Orderly! try to keep this patient away from the day-room computer. . .you know how it agitates him.
Bwaa ha ha ha ha
a.”Clinton gave China nukes.” You still owe me a keyboard you slimey little troll.
Correction: 21
Should be
You are picking and choosing fine details that are seemingly out of scope. The problem lies in the fact that the current process needs to be totally open and honest and it is not not. Would you like to offer some suggesstions to make the current system better? The problem was not with the judge – he applied the law as he saw it and was very probably correct in his interpretation. Had he not been correct the case would have been appealed. Sam Reed has done his job and did not see a need to intervene in King County (for right or wrong.
The problem can be resolved when all parties can define the open and honest processes needed by the KC election office. So far that has not occurred.
Commentby sillyguy— 7/22/06@ 7:31 pm
Sillyguy,AKA Proudass. . . .how’s that ornithopter doin’? That’s right up there with the “tubes” of the internet. . . .
What will you dopes come up with next? Steam powered servers? Try a “tubal ligation” of the internet. . .similar to the fecal impaction of the Circus of Willis suffered by most rightwing trolls.
BULLSHIT!!! Every proven illegal vote – every single one of the dead votes and felon votes where we know who the illegal vote was cast for – was for Rossi.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/22/06@ 7:39 pm
Do you citations to prove you disagreement?
That is right. The problem with elections is there are to many democrats counting the votes. With KC going all mail we will have to many democrats mailing out ballots. Of course we all know how KCRE goes out of their way to register street drunks and avoids the military. No wonder no one trusts KCRE.
Would you care to add facts to the conversation of just add some non important puffery? If you don’t then please take your name seriously and ‘kill’ yourself off from this blog.
Open and honest elections would be to costly for the dems. They would lose to many illegal votes. Why do you think the dems oppose the voter ID….. aint it obvious.
BULLSHIT!!! Every proven illegal vote – every single one of the dead votes and felon votes where we know who the illegal vote was cast for – was for Rossi.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………RR, I remember something about 80 illegal votes all “living” [home address] in a King County Admin Building, all in the same room. You libs are always classic at voter fraud!!!!]
Only democrats named Stalin should “count” the votes! The machines are racist!!!! hehe, JCH
cantwell’s on fox to demoralize the republican voters, all 12 of them.
So let’s talk… driving around the 8th district, whose signs do we see?
Ms CaNtthinkandwalk? NOPE
Ms CottonCandy Debutante? NOPE
Sheriff Dave? SOME
#25 “Note recessions ONLY happen in the private sector. The PUBLIC sector [“guvment” union hacks] NEVER have massive cutbacks.”
AHA! NOW I get it…the GOP started all these wars so they can claim the gubmint is growing while they hack and chop at everything else. I’ll bet a lot of the grunts in Hell With Sand will be really surprised to know they’re in a union.
The real issue we’re going to settle pretty soon is whether Lincoln was right or not.
Of course, when you buy off your competition to the tune of EIGHT GRAND A MONTH, little things like yard signs become dispensible.
Maybe the EightGrandGuy is going to walk around with a sandwichboard and shouting “Vote for Whatshername” for his EIGHT GRAND A MONTH.
Hell, I bet Cantthinkandwalk could pay NoLeftbrainandWishingHehadONEusableNUT in magic mushrooms and a couple of 40’s.
cantwell’s on fox to demoralize the republican voters, all 12 of them. -Commentby me— 7/22/06@ 8:12 pm
Could be… but sadly, the only thing she’s accomplishing is embarassing herself.
Like the cottoncandy debutante, her little recitation of one-liners makes no coherent sense.
My fav part of the ad is wher she claims she “forced President Bush” to do something or another… wakey wakey Maria… as if babe!
Oh the life of a vacuous lib, to believe something is nothing and nothing is something and it’s all just a relative gray…
“The real issue we’re going to settle pretty soon is whether Lincoln was right or not.” Commentby ArtFart— 7/22/06@ 8:32 pm
Art – would you care to expand on your idea?
I am just happy to hear the wingnut pukes here ALREADY making excuses why they are going to lose in November.
They must know it too.
The neocon movement is OVER.
#25 “Note recessions ONLY happen in the private sector. The PUBLIC sector [“guvment” union hacks] NEVER have massive cutbacks.”
AHA! NOW I get it…the GOP started all these wars so they can claim the gubmint is growing while they hack and chop at everything else. I’ll bet a lot of the grunts in Hell With Sand will be really surprised to know they’re in a union.
Commentby ArtFart [……………………………………………………………..Ex military, police and fire. Don’t you “guvment union hacks” hide behind these fine Americans.]
BULLSHIT!!! Every proven illegal vote – every single one of the dead votes and felon votes where we know who the illegal vote was cast for – was for Rossi.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………RR, I remember something about 80 illegal votes all “living” [home address] in a King County Admin Building, all in the same room. You libs are always classic at voter fraud!!!!]
JERUSALEM — Roy Bass emerged from the Mediterranean waves at noon Friday for a Popsicle break when, surfboard in hand, he heard his cell phone ringing on the beach. It was a recorded message: “An emergency draft has been activated.”
You’ve gotta respect this (among many things) about the Israelis. They’re all-in. And they don’t apologize for defending their country. Can you imagine Goldy or Green Thumb or Left Turn EVER accepting such a responsiblity. NO!!! They bitch, complain, and go to private Ivy schools, but NEVER serve in uniform. That’s a Hell of difference from the Isreal citizens. They are men…………the liberal commies on this board are pussy boys.
“the liberal commies on this board are pussy boys”
I don’t know fucktard… you seem to really enjoy doing nothing more than debating them here… did you know that another word for debate is “intercourse”? Bend over. You’re loving it. Keep coming back.
Unless of course you want to go fight a war. Which would, you know, take away from your intercourse time here.
Yeah that what all the libs say. Of course when you ask them if they would support a voter ID to stop the “excuses by the repubs” they shut up real quick. hehe
Imagine that! A judge ordered a 16 year old boy to go back into a hospital and get his second round of chemotherapy and comply with doctor’s orders. The boy doesn’t want it and was pursuing alternative medicine. The judge also found that his parents were neglectful for letting their son go on a diet and pursue the alternatives.
I could have sworn that the US Supreme Court set a precedent with the right to die issue previously.
I am outraged that doctors and judges are now controlling our medical decisions in this country.
Unless of course you want to go fight a war.
Commentby Frank— [……………………………………………………………………………Er, Frank Boy,……………Served 8 years in the USN, and YOU???????????????? Yeah, like Goldy, I though so…………]
FRANK BOY!!!! Like Goldystein, just another liberal ACLU Democrat bitching pussy!!!!
Frank, Do you know the Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams? He said he “knows” you! Something about 8 inched of “Tookie” love up your rectum. Nothing like a little anal love and HIV between Democrats!!!
Will Goldy be stepping up and serving Isreal by wearing a uniform, or, like most pussy liberals, will he make sure someone else takes his place???
Goldystein, Why don’t you SUE the terrorists?? Yeah, show them you mean business by “serving them with papers”!!!!!! hehe, JCH
“Served 8 years in the USN, and YOU?”
Clearly they don’t teach honor and respect in them military anymore I guess.
Enjoy your cesspool.
I’ll be back to laugh at your damaged rectums after November.
You have to question a democrat who constantly rants that repubs should enlist into a active military that already is 80-90% repub. I think they have an ulterior motive to keep you from voting hoping that you stay registered in a donk county. Well Fuck you.
FRANK BOY…AGAIN, YOUR military service? About the same as Goldy’s or the great Democrat hero Bill Clinton’s? Gee, what a surprise!! Pussy commie libs……..Someone else will take your place as you hide with the children.
Goldy, Have you “served” the terrorists with deposition papers yet? hehe, JCH
am just happy to hear the wingnut pukes here ALREADY making excuses why they are going to lose in November.
They must know it too.
The neocon movement is OVER. -Commentby Frank— 7/22/06@ 8:55 pm
Frank, Frank, Frank … if your wishes were pigs they’d wear lipstick and fly.
Your shrill rhetoric has had little impact upon average American voters who place more weight in the anti-American deeds of the left, than the harmonious chants of evil republican capitalist pigs, continually regurgitated by you lefties.
Frank, Will you leave the country with Alex Baldwin if the Republicans win in 06?
Democrats promise to leave after the 04 election but as always they were lying POS’s.
the republicans like pigs and sheep with lipstick on them I herd
Hey, REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]… this one’s for YOU, babe…ENJOY!
Say no to P.C.B.S.
Mission statement:
“Once again, we see that “tolerant” liberals are the LEAST tolerant people around. Their statement can be reduced to “Your beliefs are fine, as long as they don’t include the belief that my beliefs are wrong. However, MY belief that YOU are wrong must not only be tolerated, but accepted and supported by all.” – Some guy named Dan
Dan Qual?
Left luggage, aka Socialist baggage
I see our [sychotic little troll, Proudass is still hangin’ around. Sez Clinton gave nukes to China Now he tries to say that the democrats stole the governors election. There, there, little psychotic. . .just a few minnnnutes and the meds will cut in. . . .
Orderly! try to keep this patient away from the day-room computer. . .you know how it agitates him.
Bwaa ha ha ha ha
a.”Clinton gave China nukes.” You still owe me a keyboard you slimey little troll.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/22/06@ 7:59 pm
Trollboy: Look up Bernie Schwartz CEO of Loral. Clinton allowed improved telemetry to be sent to Chicoms in return to campaign contributions. You can find it all on the Internet – jackASS!
Psychotic little troll ProudAss. . .making these factually wrong (read lies) like “Clinton Gave Nukes to the Chinese, and then trying to be taken seriously here. I mean really. Can you even tell a hawk from a handsaw? And you will rant at liberals. . .my my.
This makes you just as believable as predictions of being greeted with flowers in Baghdad.
The Socialist and his/her/its baby… the one that somehow escaped the abortionist
Ah yess, grampaw psychotic troll RancidButtPutty. . .another nutjob of the highest order. Twist and turn, spin and burn. . .psychotic. Loral has nothing to do with the psychotic lie that Clinton gave nukes to the chinese.. Really, you are the stupid one.
The Neoconvicts and psychotic wingnuts are going the way of the buggy whip and spitoon and not nearly soon enough.
The Socialist Ten Commandments
Tell me again the faery-tale about Clinton giving nukes to the Chinese WINGNUT IDIOT1.
SLYGY: “The problem can be resolved when all paries can define the open and honest processes needed by the KC election office. So far that has not occurred.”
The last election was the most transparent election in the last twenty years at least. If you really want intrigue, go to Florida or Ohio and find out how the experts steal elections. In fact, I think you should leave the state. We don’t need any more bitter old conservatives.
smeg, I agree with you about the medical thing. I was appalled over the Riley??? incident. I even emailed Children’s Hospital and told them they would be getting no more donations from me if they went ahead and did that operation. Did you?
RPKKK – you now have the distinction of being the most “scrolled-past” poster on this thread. Congratulations.
Results 1 – 10 of about 519 for Bernie Schwartz Loral Chinese. (0.19 seconds)
Enjoy eating crow!!!
ProudJackass you are truly a wingnut of worldclass magnitude. Giving Nukes to the Chinese indeed. IDIOT. Clinto was a teenager when the Chinese detonated their first nuke. He was an undergraduate when they fired off first an implosion plutonium device (read proof of concept thermonuclear trigger) followed within a few hours by a full dress implosion thermonuclear device. . .Read ‘H-Bomb’.WINGNUT!
Tell me again your faery-tale about Clinton giving nukes to China.
Grampaw Rancidbuttputty. . . .the LIE was about NUKES. . .not RTOS.Get real.
Trollboy: URL SLAPPED again!
Trollboy: I wrote improved rocket telemetry. dumbASS
Read the public record trollboy.
Take your meds RANCIDBUTTPUTTY. No amount of squirming denies the LIE by PROUDJACKASS that Clinton gave nukes to the Chinese.
Grampaw Rancidbuttputty. . . .the LIE was about NUKES. . .not RTOS.Get real.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/22/06@ 10:25 pm
I have seen that “name” before. Time to search ASSes and find if you are Rabbit Pellet or some other moronic moonbat librul!
Keep squirming RANCIDBUTTPUTTY.strong PROUDASS LIED Now you claim something different. . .are you trying for the Emily Littela with oak-leaf clusters now?
The last election was the most transparent election in the last twenty years at least. If you really want intrigue, go to Florida or Ohio and find out how the experts steal elections. In fact, I think you should leave the state. We don’t need any more bitter old conservatives.
Commentby Skagit— 7/22/06@ 10:18 pm
I think Skagit is for voter ID to stop this. Right….hehehe…Skagit?
Rightwing Lying trolls come on this blog and make all sorts of fantastical claims. . . .and you are just another. You call us “dull”, and make these absurd claims. Looks to me that your are the one who is dull-witted. RTOS is a very competitive field. . .I rather doubt you could hack it.
Some facts…
The GOP is full of crooks
They steal every election they “win”
America is worse off under GOP control than it was under Dem control
Anyone who supports Bush is a traitor
LeftTurn: Your passion makes me proud. I can’t keep up with these fools. I don’t know how you do it.
Trollboy: I wrote what I wrote in post #71. Whatever someone else says is between you and them. Improved telemetry allows Chicoms to hit your beloved moonbat librul city. In fact LA, SF and SEA would go up in flames due to Loral and Clinton! Suck on that trollboy
Anyone who supports Bush is a traitor
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/22/06@ 10:34 pm
Hey I am glad I am considered a traitor by the commie left. It is great to be an American.
Now the rancid Puttybutt is going all whiney, pissy, fussy on me. Typical troll.
Skagit: Do you want to see the real leftturdy?
Now the rancid Puttybutt is going all whiney, pissy, fussy on me. Typical troll.
Commentby killatroll/saveablog— 7/22/06@ 10:47 pm
Trollboy: Not hardly. I have always said what Loral CEO did. Shall I BITCH SLAP YOU WITH MY URLS dumbjackASS?
Just like this morning Green ThumbinhisASS didn’t want to discuss the fact the librul donkocraps support islamofascists Hamas and Hezbollah and hate Israel.
rancidbuttputty is used by tree frog farmer. So now we know killatroll is tree faggot farmboy
He has used it as his retort
and for a start.
Thanks for giving your stupid ass off. If you are going to change your nick, you HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR WRITINGS. Butt we know moonbat libruls can not change their spots!!!
Pudd’NHEAD: Clinton had the ability and common sense to keep us safe. Thanks to yo good ol’e boy, Mr. On-Another-Vacation? Bush, we are looking at WW3. Of course, I expect you boys to be the first to sign up . . . ROFLMAO!
RuFuK: “I am glad I am considered a traitor . . . ”
I get it. Pudd’NHead and RuFuk are the same fool. Two computers – working both at the same time. THANK GOD! I COULDN’T BELIEVE THERE WERE ACTUALLY TWO FOOLS LIKE YOU GUYS . . .
Scumbaggit@104. RUFUS and I are as different as your face and leftturdy’s butt. Oops… in your case, they are similar!
You sed: Pudd’NHEAD: Clinton had the ability and common sense to keep us safe.
Prove it to me with URLs.
Let’s see about Clinton.
Israel give back land and Hamas and Hezbollah will not attack you! – WRONG.
North Korea we’ll give you this and that if you stop developing nuclear weapons. – WRONG.
President Clinton – We have Bin Laden in our sights, can we fire? – Sandy Burger 1996 July when Clinton was at WImbledon!
Yeah sure!
Tweedledee and Tweedledum!
Tweedledee and Tweedledumber!
Dan Qual?
Commentby The Socialist [RR, Is that you? hehe, JCH]
In the Pittsburgh courtroom where his American odyssey ended, an uneducated Guatemalan farmhand caught driving a van with 15 other illegal aliens said he was resigned to his fate — at least for the time being.[snip]It was not the first time for either man. Both had been sent back before — Diego-Pablo twice and Bolio-Carmona 10 times. [……………………………………..Illegals ready to vote Democrat in NOV and “doing the crimes that welfare Democrats are to lazy to do!”]
Pudd’NHead/RuFuK: Israel give back land and Hamas and Hezbollah will not attack you! – WRONG.
North Korea we’ll give you this and that if you stop developing nuclear weapons. – WRONG.
Well, when you get a resident of the White House who is always on vacation, things get a little outa hand, don’t they? Course, that’s management the conservative way: outsource, double book accounting practices, and take lots of vacations. Sure works, don’t it?
Hey Mark I here your pot belly pig girl friend oinking for you to come to bed and make some bacon
Socialist, don’t they just have a way of bringing everyone down to their level? I’ll bet they are all oinkers!
Hi you have a nice homepage nokia6630
I am also appalled by the Riley affair. It is disgusting that doctors have taken over making our medical decisions for us and if you disagree they go get a judge to force you into their medical care system. I’m guessing they are NOT the ones paying either. As for Children’s getting a donation from me, would never happen. I can’t think of any hospital that I would EVER give money to. Maybe if they didn’t charge people 20 bucks for a aspirin or an ace bandage, I might consider it. I live on my Army retirment and my VA disability payments, so I don’t do a lot of donating.
It is amazing that ProudAss and Pudbutt are such colossal liars.
They couldn’t actually vocalize the things they post here, so this blog must be their only outlet for the amoral rantings.
Maybe it’s Tourettes Disorder
Common Official Tourette Syndrome Symptoms
• Tics (list) are rapid movements or sounds that are repeated over and over for no reason. Tics are brief, intermittent, repetitive, nonrhythmic, unpredictable, purposeless, stereotyped movements (motor tics) or sounds (phonic or vocal tics). Although Tourette Syndorme tics are often described as “rapid” or “sudden,” not all are; some tics are “held” or “tonic” movements involving freezing in a position for a few seconds. A person with a tic can’t control the movement or sounds.
HT since when have you expected ANY right winger to even KNOW the truth let alone TELL the truth?
Great letter to the editor in the Sea Times today. Points out what lying fucking hypocrite that AWOL coward Bush is…
“Call him when you’re better
It’s regrettable that President Bush represents us to the world with this kind of vulgar performance [“Bush on open mike curses Hezbollah actions,” News, July 17].
For years now he has led us to believe that Jesus guides his thoughts and actions, but now I can’t help but wonder: Is this the same mouth he prays with?”
Great story on that perv O Really and what a coward he is and what sick twisted fucks watch Faux News–
I can’t watch Foe New I don’t have cable. I had it turned off after I figured out about 90% of the news was propaganda and bull shit. All of them not just Foe New.
I listen to the BBC and CBC and npr and I can get The Lear News Hour on Ch. 9 ( PBS) They have pretty good news on there . But I am kind of suspicious of them because if you haven’t noticed all pbs’s corporate founding comes from Chevron the Mining Council and the The companies that brought us genetically Engineered food of goody. If you want to know the real poop go check this sit out
And watch this documentary
You will see how really screwed we are :-(
A little additional truth here in rebuttal to the Clinton gives China Nukes lie. The CSS-4 is just now being replaced by the new DF-31 ICBM in Chinas arsenal. The following article outlines its capability when Bill Clinton took office in 1993.
Dong Feng-5/5A ICBM (CSS-4)
Year Deployed: 1981
Dimensions: 35 meters length, 3.35 meters diameter
Weight: 190,000 kilograms
Propulsion: Two stage liquid
Throw-weight: 3,200 kilograms
Range: 13,000 kilometers
Guidance: Inertial
Circular Error Probable: Unknown
Warhead: Single warhead
Yield: 5 megatons
Locations: Luoning, Jiuquan space launch site, Wuzhai test range
Number Deployed: 20 missiles
Primary Contractor: Seventh Ministry of Machine Building (now the Ministry of Space Industry)
The Dong Feng-5 is China’s only true ICBM. U.S. intelligence estimates claim that China may have as many as 100 by 2015. The DF-5 program is an outgrowth of DF-4 testing and development. The missile’s tested range estimates vary widely, from a low of 7,000 kilometers to a high of 15,000 kilometers reported by observers. The missile has been compared to the heavy Soviet SS-18 ICBM.
The civilian version of the DF-5 is known as the Long March 2C (or by the alternate Chinese designation Chang Zheng-2C, CZ-2C.) This launcher has been used heavily by the Chinese space program, and has been launching satellites into space since 1975, five years before the ICBM version was completed.
These are the only missiles in China’s arsenal capable of hitting the continental United States. In 1983, several underwent improvements (designated the DF-5A) to increase their range from 11,000 to 13,000 kilometers, and their payload to 3,200 kilograms. The missile can hit targets throughout Russia, Europe, and North America. There are several silos at test centers, as well as numerous empty silos, akin to the proposed MX “shell game” system where only a few silos have active missiles in them. China could rapidly convert its existing fleet of CZ-2 civilian space launchers into DF-5 ICBMs with a minimum of effort.
Further modernization of the land-based missile continues. It is likely that China is working on two new warheads, one with a yield of 100-200 kilotons, and another with a yield of 600-700 kilotons.
Future land-based missiles include the Dong Feng-31, a single warhead (100-200 kiloton) missile with an 8,000 kilometer range. This missile will likely be silo-based and solid fueled. Deployment is expected by 2005. The DF-41 program has likely been canceled.
Any one for some Trotsky? I just got done reading this it was very good. It was one of the pieces Trotsky wrote before he was Assassinated bye the dictator and enemy to all man kind Stalin.
Pudd’NHEAD: Clinton had the ability and common sense to keep us safe. Thanks to yo good ol’e boy, Mr. On-Another-Vacation? Bush, we are looking at WW3. Of course, I expect you boys to be the first to sign up . . . ROFLMAO!
Commentby Skagit— 7/22/06@ 11:11 pm
Skagit you miss one point! We as a country after 911 have been engaged in World War III, for I have been in more countries than my Dad did during World War II. Your friend Bill blew up Yugo to save his own Political ass and that country has yet to recover. Your French friends have not met their commitments to rebuild that country. By the way thanks for serving your country in time of need. I don’t get to see many Socialist Democrats wearing a uniform now days. The Military have only decade solders serving their country today with very few throw backs from Viet Nam era. We are weeding out the undesirables all the time to keep it a first class military. Sgmmac is right the military votes were not counted all the time and I had troubles getting my ballot counted in King County the last election. Had I been deployed out of the State of Washington it would never have been counted.
Boy it is nice of us to found China’s nuke program and ours at the same time. Well sense were founding the both sides of the war on terror I guess we might as well found the this one to. We are just to generous of a people gee whiz.
I bet there are more Socialist wereing the uniform then you think there are .
Gonna be another scorcher today in FUWA. This is because:
1) The sun is shining.
2) Because I drove my luxury SUV yesterday.
Pick one and post your answer. I’ll grade them later.
Skumbaggit @110 farted:”Pudd’NHead/RuFuK: Israel give back land and Hamas and Hezbollah will not attack you! – WRONG.
North Korea we’ll give you this and that if you stop developing nuclear weapons. – WRONG.
Well, when you get a resident of the White House who is always on vacation, things get a little outa hand, don’t they? Course, that’s management the conservative way: outsource, double book accounting practices, and take lots of vacations. Sure works, don’t it?
Commentby Skagit— 7/23/06@ 1:10 am
Dipshit, I and RUFUS are not one. Those events happened during blowjob boy’s admin with Warren I never said that Christopher and Madeline Halfbright running the state department. You forget Jimmy Carter went to NK and really screwed it up. Now look at what Israel (whom the left and your good friends the French, Spanish and other EU countries really hate) are dealing with because of this give them back the buffer land and they won’t attack you outcome!
If you are chronologically deficient, just admit it and I can URL BITCHSLAP YOU with the facts!!!
Hopefully Mark The Cowardly Redneck will drive his Suzuki into a ditch!
“If you are chronologically deficient, just admit it and I can URL BITCHSLAP YOU with the facts!!!” — Puddybud
Really, now? Like the way you did with global warming — lots of crap from the fossil fuel industry and its allies? Come on, Puddybud, if you are going to take an extremist position, why not at least have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge it rather than adopting the proto-fascist arrogance of MTR?
Mummified sez: “It is amazing that ProudAss and Pudbutt are such colossal liars.
They couldn’t actually vocalize the things they post here, so this blog must be their only outlet for the amoral rantings.
Maybe it’s Tourettes Disorder
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/23/06@ 5:31 am
Mummified Brain Harry: I have over the months provided URL after URL on how Clinton and his cronies set us back years with phony Oslo Accords, land give backs that did no good, and Loral CEO giving the Chicoms improved rocket telemetry to hit us with their DongFeng 5A missiles and I didn’t have to visit the Free Republic to BITCHSLAP you moonbatty libruls. Before Clinton, Schwartz and Loral, they had as much chance of hitting Seattle as they did hitting your mimmified brain and ASS. Now they can easily do both! So to you Mummified Brain if that’s Tourettes syndrome, then you must be an idiot savant. You only gift is typing because there is no thought in that process.
Dingleberry Green ThumbinhisASS: I said global warming is occurring. Even DJ agreed I said it. You are sooooooooooo stupid, it makes it from your brain to your keyboard through your fingers.
Dingleberry Green ThumbinhisASS: I am still waiting FOR THE DEBATE ON HOW THE AMERICAN LEFT HATES ISRAEL AND THE EU SUPPORTS ISLAMOFASCISTS. And no the keyboard and my fingers work just fine.
Howard Dean
NY Times
Donkocraptic Party.
Only Hilary has come out saying Israel has the right to defend itself because she wants the votes of Putnam, Orange, Westchester, Sullivan, 5 NYC Boroughs, Nassau, and Suffolk county Jews. Since i used to live in NY I know the area well.
Great pud, let’s start the debate. How ’bout taking it over to the open thread, though? But first, a bit more intellectual precision: does the “American Left” (you’ll need to define that a bit more specifically, usually wingers take this to mean anyone that doesn’t agree with their radical ideological agenda) hate “Israel” the state, or are you referring to Zionism, or making the assertion that the “American Left” hates Jews? I hope you’ll also have some documented statements of the supposed EU position in support of Islamofascism—from the EU itself, of course, not from some right-wing blog.
gawd Mark mellow out dude. What happened did your pot belly pig bite your pecker agen this morning?
DR E. I am glad you asked. There is no Sunday 7-23-06 Open Thread.
Let’s start with the tone of this article:
URL the statements of French President Chiraq regarding Hezbollah in Lebanon. URL the picture of Spanish President wearing a kaffiyeh.
Why are librul newspapers saying Israel is using too much force?
I don’t care if it’s Israel or Zionism, you do though. Israel has a right to exist. Zionism is the response act to ISLAMOFACSISM, cause celebre in the donkocraptic world.
128 – The answer is:
3) You head is lodged way up your ass!
Take puddybud’s advice – pay your gambling debt..
Pud, on what grounds can you assert that Israel has a “right to exist”, and specifically where it is currently located?
@26 Every proven illegal vote – every single one of the dead votes and felon votes where we know who the illegal vote was cast for – was for Rossi.
We don’t know who any of the votes were cast for. All we know is that the felons who cast the votes said they were for Rossi. I imagine you could get at least some felons to say pretty much anything, with the right incentive, especially when their story is absolutely unverifyable.
@140 Israel has more right to exist than the United States does.
Why is that?
If the argument is that the Jews stole the land from the Arabs, then the white man has no more right to North America than the Jews have right to land in the middle east. I don’t agree with either of these arguments, but to be consistent if you believe one you should believe the other.
If the argument is that the Jews stole the land from the Arabs, then the white man has no more right to North America than the Jews have right to land in the middle east. I don’t agree with either of these arguments, but to be consistent if you believe one you should believe the other.
Commentby Michael— 7/23/06@ 10:34 am
The kid has a point.
So Dr E. you are proving your true colors:
From that above comment you agree with these statements!
Then your statement above should read “Israel has no more right to exist than the United States.”
Ok this is pretty good.. Long but good for any one that likes Trotsky.
Pud, you don’t know what you’re talking about, since you have no idea what my actual views on the matter are. You also didn’t answer my question above.
Also, If Israeli Jews have no right to be in Israel then NO refugees have the right to be here in the USA–it belongs to the Native Americans. Since my ancestors were brought in slave boats, we can stay!!!
Dr E., Since you are one of those whom disagree with Israel’s right to exist should live by your conviction and get their sorry librul moonbat ASS back to whatever hellhole your ancestors came from. Then you wouldn’t be living a lie right, Dr E.
Were you ancestors part of the tired and poor, yearning to be free? OR, were your ancestors part of the lookie here at all this land we can take from those savages crowd?
Well if there really was a God. Im sure she would send us ( Americans) packing back to Europe.
But Israel is the historical land of the Jews so I think she would probably bitch slap the Arabs in to next week.
Im not agreeing with mark here am I ? Please say it isn’t sooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Im not agreeing with mark here am I ? Please say it isn’t sooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! -Commentby The Socialist— 7/23/06@ 10:47 am
Yes, God fobid that you would have an independent thought or stray from your manifesto.
Dr E. Israel has a right to exist from the United Nations 1947 Partition plan. I also believe Jews should have a place called Israel. For you to ask me these questions and me admitting I am a NEO-CON cements my views of you Dr. E. It is so apparent where you lie in this debate it reeks off of the monitor.
So I just answered my question. It isn’t in moonbatese so your comotose state may not comprehend it.
Yes, God fobid
What a minute I don’t beleave in god
Pud, where did I ever say that I disagree with Israel’s “right to exist”? You’re the one who first made the assertion that the “American Left hates Israel”, and I’m trying to find out exactly what you mean by that statement. So far, your only “proof” has come in the form of an article that is critical of Israeli use of force in Lebanon. For the record, I am highly critical of Israels asymmetrical use of force, both in Lebanon and elsewhere.
And also for the record, my ancestors were Jews that emigrated to the US from Estonia in 1905. Confused?
You don’t spell well either and your grammar could use a little work.
Dr. E. I’d love to continue this but I have a life. We are going out now to a BBQ to eat some MEAT!
Peace be to you. Too bad you don’t think Israel has a right to exist!!!
Remember we conservatives are NEO-CONS; we agree Israel has a right to exist and defend herself. What do the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats say? Ohhh, I know you are waiting to get your marching orders from Goldy!
mark is a neo boob lol
Estonia is bye Russia isn’t?
I don’t think Mark even noes what a neo con is really
I just can’t leave with #158. Your ancestors are Jewish? Then why are you on the side of moonbats? I have some very good friends who emigrated from Israel whom work here. They give a different perspective than the one from American Jews. You better change your friendships because they fully agree with the firepower being used by IDF against Hamas and Hezbollah!!!
One told me the Arab only understands strength. If you are a coward, you are exploited. The Arab also know our recent war history and how the MSM shapes the news. These aren’t my words, this statement is from an Israeli Jew!
NEAR Russia and it’s BY not bye… good grief, how can you ever expect to be taken seriously if you can’t master the rudiments of 3rd grade vocabulary and grammar?
My ancestors are Irish
Puddy, it comes down to KILL OR BE KILLED.
Terrorists have drawn a line in the sand and the world cannot be cut and run cowards afraid to cross that line.
“Only Hilary has come out saying Israel has the right to defend itself because she wants the votes of Putnam, Orange, Westchester, Sullivan, 5 NYC Boroughs, Nassau, and Suffolk county Jews. Since i used to live in NY I know the area well.” — Puddybud
Why is it that wingers like Puddybud are so fixated on creating us/them, white/black, good/evil dualities . . . and then when reality intrudes they find a way to dismiss a shade of gray?
I’m no fan of Hilary, but it strikes me that she (and her husband) have always been pretty centrist in their policy views, and rather hawkish on foreign policy. Perhaps I’ve missed something, but I haven’t seen any of the professional trolls here at HA show much awareness of where the Clintons are situated ideologically in the Democratic Party, let alone the “left” of the American political spectrum.
This leads to discussions that are so simplistic that they often venture into lalaland. When sometimes tries to inject some nuance, they either ignore it or dismiss it with personal attacks.
I respect Dr. E for trying to engage Puddybud on this topic, but so far it doesn’t seem to be showing signs of productive conversation.
So Dr E. as I leave, the arab knows how we were three months from winning Vietnam (see the NVN chronicles recently published on the Internet Dr. E.) until Walter Cronkite started saying his crap on TV and the rest was history. The arab knows about 1983 in Lebanon where 243 Americans dies and we ran with our tail between our legs. The arab knows about Somalia and how we didn’t send it heavy artillery and 18 guys died, then we cut and run.
Mark shut up and go eat your your pig
Green Thumb: Why did Billy boy take a large stipend from Dubai on the Ports Deal your side cried over and he said it was a great thing for America? Where is Billy boy’s voice in this right now?
There is no such thing as gray
A thing IS or it ISN’T… it can’t be both: There is no such thing as gray
A man can choose or decline to choose… he cant do both: There is no such thing as gray
White reflects light of all visible wavelengths, black reflects none; gray is a nothing…neither reflects nor doesn’t: There is no such thing as gray
ah well screwed up the html… get over it… it still made the point, albeit, sloppily…
There is no such thing as gray
A thing IS or it ISN’T… it can’t be both: There is no such thing as gray
A man can choose or decline to choose… he cant do both: There is no such thing as gray
White reflects light of all visible wavelengths, black reflects none; gray is a nothing…neither reflects nor doesn’t: There is no such thing as gray
The Innate Hypocrisy of the American Liberal
shoot! well it’s there… but’s it’s ALSO here now…(see? no ambiguity, no mushy, ugly, gray nothing…)
The Innate Hypocrisy of the American Liberal
Did you know that by the tenants of liberalism as it exists today, it’s absurd for a liberal to live in America?
Consider: Liberals preach tolerance and they preach relativistic acceptance of other cultures and lifestyles.
Well, America was founded and predicated on federalist, conservative ideals, and lasted that way up until about the 60s, when all this “free love” hippie nonsense started. Then came the wave of tolerance and relativism.
So consider – if you’re supposed to be tolerant, you shouldn’t utter ONE WORD of dissent about America’s conservative beliefs and lifestyle – because how can you call yourself tolerant of a person you’re coming down against it? Furthermore, it’s absolutely contradictory, by the typically-liberal relativist lifestyle, to try and change a conservatives beliefs and lifestyle. But yet, the liberals, in direct defiance of their own beliefs, sit there and tell conservatives that they’re wrong and need to change.
If they were REALLY accepting and REALLY tolerant and REALLY compassionate, they’d kindly let conservatives live in the culture they like, and they’d pack up and go somewhere that fits their ideals (I suggest China, Cuba, or France).
A liberal that tries to change America and tells conservatives that they’re wrong is a hypocrite, by his own ideals.
“Well, America was founded and predicated on federalist, conservative ideals, and lasted that way up until about the 60s, when all this “free love” hippie nonsense started. Then came the wave of tolerance and relativism.”
Whoa, I’ve gotta call bullshit on this one. Explain to me exactly how the views of the authors of the founding documents were conservative. That’s a statement that just smacks of massive ignorance.
“. . . your side cried over. . . .” — Puddybud
“A thing IS or it ISN’T… it can’t be both: There is no such thing as gray.” — Proud
You both sum up my point eloquently. What I wonder is whether this predilection for us/them, white/black thinking is built into certain personality types, or can a quality education overcome such dualistic thinking?
Glenn Greenwald breaks down the ASS mentality:
Dean contends, and amply documents, that the “conservative” movement has become, at its core, an authoritarian movement composed of those with a psychological and emotional need to follow a strong authority figure which provides them a sense of moral clarity and a feeling of individual power, the absence of which creates fear and insecurity in the individuals who crave it. By definition, its followers’ devotion to authority and the movement’s own power is supreme, thereby overriding the consciences of its individual members and removing any intellectual and moral limits on what will be justified in defense of their movement.
Read the whole thing. It’s pretty good.
Dr. E, as per a previous thread, there is some degree of conservatism embedded in our constitutional order, e.g., Madisonian checks and balances. Where Proud seems to be sliding sideways is that this amounts to a fundamentally pluralistic form of government — it is DESIGNED to not privilege any one faction; it was DESIGNED to be tolerant of differences; it was DESIGNED to encourage robust debate. Indeed, despite Hamilton’s affinity for a strong central government, the constitution does embed quite a bit off decentralization into our political structure.
I sincerely doubt that even the more conservative signers of the constitution would agree with Proud’s assessment of their intent.
I also see no reason why I, as an American citizen, should have to move to elsewhere because Proud and his elk do not understand their own constitution.
Mark can’t even tell the truth about having to go eat lunch
@147 Then your statement above should read “Israel has no more right to exist than the United States.”
No, the Jews have been in Israel off and on for thousands of years, whereas the white man has been in North America for only about 500. The Jews have more claim to their land than the white man does. Besides the fact that the Jews actually purchased large pieces of land in the early 1900’s. I don’t think the white man purchased America from the Native Americans.
thats what I sead on 152
Clueless @ 180:
That’s a very interesting review; Dean’s book sounds like it may be worth a read. The big question is what to do about it? How might blogs like this one respond to this authoritarian mindset? Indeed, how does one even converse with one, e.g., is rational discourse (like what we’re supposed to do in academia) possible?
Look Michael, Jews of course were purchasing tracts of land from the Ottoman Empire already in the 19th century. One of my main issues with this whole matter centers on the idea that, based on their religious narrative, Jews, whether indigenous or not, have a genuine claim to their land. What claim do other indegenous populations of Palestine have to the land they have been inhabiting for centuries?
A thing IS or it ISN’T… it can’t be both: There is no such thing as gray.” – Proud
You both sum up my point eloquently. What I wonder is whether this predilection for us/them, white/black thinking is built into certain personality types, or can a quality education overcome such dualistic thinking? -Commentby Green Thumb— 7/23/06@ 11:29 am
You’d probably be better served taking your ASS and your nose out of the GreenieTimes and instead, perusing a little Aristotle.
You have heard of Aristotle, haven’t you?
Go ahead, educate us about Aristotle.
Yes, please educate us on Aristotle. While you’re at it, how about following up on your previous thread by describing why federalism does not encourage “tolerance.”
185 – Bush’s approval is down to 29 percent. There’s no negotiation with those people or with few of them anyway.
The worst crime is when good people do nothing. One hundred million people don’t vote. We have to focus on them.
People like ASS, Puddybud, MTR – unless they break the law or turn violent they’re a waste of our time. And they WILL turn violent as we saw in places like Germany, Chile, Indonesia, etc. The trick is to act before it gets to that.
Here’s a little prayer that I’m sure will be lapped up from the likes of ASS, DOOFUS, Wingnut Obsession Sucks, Puddybud and the bet-welsher:
“O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle — be Thou near them! With them — in spirit — we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it — for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts.
How does it feel to be a disgusting puke aptly-named-clueless?
How does it feel to wish for, nay, celebrate the annihilation of those that would save your sorry ass witout thinking twice aptly-named-clueless?
How does it feel to mock the vixtims you purportedly champion aptly-named-clueless?
You truly are a disgusting puke aptly-named-clueless and the single most perfect exhibition of liberalism gone wrong and hence, the single most perfect reason why liberals will continue to lose.
Please, go forth aptly-named-clueless and post that vomit on every single blog you can find.
I sure will.
I will post it and I will absolutely attribute it to you, aptly-named-clueless; I will absolutely attribute it to goldstein and I will absolutely attribute it to all you far left liberals/communists/socialist and treasonous America haters that try their mightiest to destroy this country and their fellow citizens rather than the terrorist bastards that are killing them.
Start looking for it, puke:
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ASS – I laugh at you! Who wrote the prayer in 191 and why did he write it?
Show off some of that “private school” edumacation.
As for your spew – I am so not impressed at your wingnut blog erudition and your industriousness at seeking out your fellow delusionals.
And don’t worry – once we’re back in charge, we’ll protect your sorry behind from religious nuts who might want to harm you so you’ll be free to call us all traitors and any other names that come to mind.
Just don’t physically hurt anyone, OK? If you feel the urge, resist it and/or seek medical attention.
Pottybutt Michael: ” Those events happened during blowjb boy’s admin with Warren I never said that Christopher and Madeline Halfbright running the state department. You forget Jimmy Carter went to NK and really screwed it up. Now look at what Israel (whom the left and your good friends the French, Spanish and other EU countries really hate) are dealing with because of this give them back the buffer land and they won’t attack you outcome!
If you are chronologically deficient, just admit it and I can URL BITCHSLAP YOU with the facts!!!”
And you apparently are memory-deficient considering you have NO MEMORY of your boy “on-another-vacation? Bush” over the last six years DOING NOTHING!Oh, I forgot, it is the job of this president to go on vacations. . .
Wow! Proud, that’s quite the list of information sources. You clearly have a well-balanced and reality-baseed diet!
I do wonder, however, why you didn’t bother to answer the above questions posed to you. I guess it is easier to cut, paste and spew personal attacks at people.
Could it be that, like the “wizard” of oz, there is only a little man behind the curtain?
I am Pud D. Bud. HE is Michael. Different peeps Skumbaggit.
Proud ass finally comes clean and admits he lets every batshit crazy taliban loving right wing wackjob wierdo do his thinking for him. Now we understand. It’s ALMOST sad. Except it’s not!
Leftturdy: Do you frickin read, or are you just naturally stupid?
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS is a lovely NEO-CON woman!
No answer, so he must be NATURALLY stupid. Thanks for playing leftturdy!
To whoever said “Dems need the illegal votes”. Since when has voting been illegal? Is that comment nothing more then republican voter intimidation? Are only dem votes illegal?
Dems don’t need “illegal votes” evan because they have the King County board of elections standing by ready to manufacture as many votes as they need to win any statewide or county election…..
this is why Washington state has the weakest senatorial team in the nation… unbelievable… Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell… they should be pulling a dog sled somewhere in alaska, but instead, they are representing us in congress…..
Wishful thinking for you leftists – what they didn’t tell you was that 70% of those polled believe that terrorists should be appeased and voted for McDimwit.
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