As David Postman reports, Mark Wilson will endorse Sen. Maria Cantwell tomorrow, drop his challenge, and campaign on her behalf full time between now and the November election. I just got off the phone with Wilson, and he sounds as enthusiastic as ever.
As much as he might have tried, and as much as some anti-war Democrats wished it to be, Wilson is no Ned Lamont and Cantwell is no Joe Lieberman. Wilson never had a shot at defeating Cantwell in the primary, and it sounds like he understood this from the get go. What he said he thought he could do was encourage a vigorous debate on the war in Iraq, while keeping those Democrats opposed to the war engaged in the process.
Now, he says, it is time for the party to heal, and come together to help take back the Senate and take back some control of our foreign policy. He says he had a long, personal meeting with Sen. Cantwell and came away convinced that she’s working to bring our troops home. But I’m sure he’ll be willing to put all this in his own words tomorrow.
good news.
Thanks Goldy for reporting the Good News :)
Cantwell “won” by a thin margin last time, and that was before we knew how fucked up King County elections department was. With Mr. Fuckup leaving, it’s a new game now.
Cantwell’s numbers continue to slide and the campaign hasn’t really started yet. McGavick will give her a helluva run, and if right thinkin’ people turn out then we’ll have at least one Senator with a fucking brain.
Hey Goldy, I think your spam filter is busted. But seriously, good news.
I went to a meeting today in Bellevue and I will be making calls in support of Cantwell and Burner. I also sent a contribution today to Lieberman’s Democratic opponent, Ned Lamont. I hope Lieberman’s shellacking at the hands of grass roots Democrats will give some of our homegrown yellowcake Democrats pause for thought.
Hey asswipe if you want to advertise on this web site then PAY GOLDY FOR ADVERTISING SPACE you fucking FREELOADER. You must be a REPUBLICAN.
If Hollywood makes a movie for 20 million, and it grosses 150 million, shouldn’t Congress demand an “excess profit” tax of another 50% of gross? Note that DEMOCRAT Arron Spelling’s wife lives in an 150 million dollar home. Where is the “redistribution” of wealth? What about the “clillin”? Are the Hollywood Democrats racist? Commie lib Democrats!! Help me here!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
Black basketball players [LeBron James] are making 20 million a year? Where are the cries for “redistribution” of wealth? What about the “chillin”? Where is Jesse Jacksooooooooon? Isn’t that “excess profit”??
Hey asswipe if you want to advertise on this web site then PAY GOLDY FOR ADVERTISING SPACE you fucking FREELOADER. You must be a REPUBLICAN.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [RR, If the poor get free food, housing, health care, and free post high school education, why not free advertising? Where is your “love”?]
Cantwell is nothing but a warmonger. I will vote for Hong Tran myself.
Cantwell is nothing but a warmonger. I will vote for Hong Tran myself.
Commentby progressive [……………………………………………………………..This is good!! A Green Party candidate should take 20-25% of the vote!!! Save the world!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy]
Thanks for the good news.
If Hollywood makes a movie for 20 million, and it grosses 150 million, shouldn’t Congress demand an “excess profit” tax of another 50% of gross? Note that DEMOCRAT Arron Spelling’s wife lives in an 150 million dollar home. Where is the “redistribution” of wealth? What about the “clillin”? Are the Hollywood Democrats racist? Commie lib Democrats!! Help me here!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
I had planned on voting for Mark Wilson in the primary and supporting Bruce Guthrie, the anti-war Libertarian, if Mark lost (which I expected). At this point, I think all those who truly want peace and freedom should just start backing the Guthrie campaign.
I know Libertarians can be a bit off-putting, but Guthrie’s different. He’s strong against the war, he’s strong on civil liberties, he strong on marriage equality, he’s strong on medical freedom (which nobody else is talking about), and he’s even strong on the eliminating the deficit and funding Social Security. I say, let’s throw our support behind his campaign to keep the pressure on! Check out
Give it up “progressives”, we don’t need one day more of Republican controling Congress than the law requires (ignoring Cheney power grabs).
JCH – communicating in code with your terrorist friends again?
@18: Well, if dorks like you stopped voting for tax breaks for hollywood millionaires, you wouldn’t be complaining now, would you? That is, if you really are complaining, which I doubt.
Any commentary on Connelley’s purile column on July 5th?
Well I am very disappointed in Mark Wilson for dropping out of the primary . I was looking forward to voting for him. Cantwell lost me with her cute trick of voting for closer so the democrats that were trying to filibuster Elitos and keep him off the bench couldn’t do it. And here comes cute little Marry Cantwell and shuts that down and then has the nerve to vote agents Elito the next day so she could say she didn’t support him. I hate to say this but to me that even worse the Libberman. At lest Joe stabs you in the front not the back.
I am sorry gentleman now that Mark has dropped out and I have no place to make my protest vote I will have to vote green I guess. I was going to vote for Mark and then if he didn’t win I would have voted for Cantwell. But now it seams the Democratic party big wigs are up to the cute little tricks again. So I will vote green I wish It didn’t have to be this way. But un like politicians I do what I say I am going to do.
I think it probably ok if the republican wins then maybe we can get a real democrat and LIBERAL in the seat one that wouldn’t dream of voting for cafta like Cantwell and Murry did one that will stand up for working people and unions and not be all buddy buddy with the Big agro farms and actually support small local farms.
You guys just keep patting your self on the back Cantwell just lost her seat.
Since North Korea is out of the World Cup, will you liberal “progressive” Democrats be cheering for France? [Lots of white flags in the stands!!]
Would you like me to call you a whaaaaaambulance?
ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. — The owner of a Rocky Mount vegetable stand has been arrested in the shooting death of a teen who allegedly tried to rob him.
According to police, 16-year-old Emanuel Harris attempted to steal a cash box from the stand on N. Raleigh Street around 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The proprietor of the business, 65-year-old Joshua Moore, allegedly fired one round from a revolver, striking Harris in the chest. Harris later died from his injuries.
Local residents said Moore operated the stand out of the back of his truck every Saturday morning at the same location.
Harris’ father, Ricky Parker, told WRAL that his son was unarmed at the time of the shooting. He said that his son didn’t deserve to die for his alleged crime.
Emanuel Harris, 16, was unarmed when he allegedly attempted to rob a vegetable stand late Saturday morning.
“It’s something that I’ll have to carry around with me,” said Parker. “He didn’t have to die like that.”
After consulting with the District Attorney’s office, police charged Moore with second-degree murder. He is currently being held at the Edgecombe County Detention Center on $35,000 bond. […………………..Both the robber and the store owner are black. So, what am I to think? Did Bush or Reagan make the 16 yr old black kid a criminal? Was Newt at fault? Am I not paying enough taxes? What about midnight basketball? Commie libs, Help me here!!! JCH Kennedy]
MEXICO CITY — Downtown Mexico City swelled Saturday with the accumulated frustration and rage of the poor, who were stoked into a sign-waving, fist-pumping frenzy by new fraud allegations that failed populist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador hopes will overturn the results of Mexico’s presidential election. López Obrador ignited the smoldering emotions of his followers Saturday morning, alleging for the first time that Mexico’s electoral commission had rigged… [……………………………………………………………..Broward County has a rent a mob ready to march!! Jesse!!!!! Al!!!! Cindy McKinney!! To the front, march!!!!!!!!!!]
28, cont………Can enough votes be “found” in King County to swing the election to the communist? Stay tuned!!!!
Trondheim, Norway – Hundreds of deaths caused by volcanic leaks of carbon dioxide from Cameroon to California are worrying experts seeking ways to bury industrial emissions of the gas as part of an assault on global warming. /break/ ”There may be massive public resistance, as we’ve seen with nuclear power” if governments fail to convince voters that storage is safe, said Bert Metz, co-chair of a 2005 U.N. report on carbon sequestration. […..hehe….Now here’s a job EVERY dumb ass liberal college student wants! 120 K a year as a UN “co-chair” on a report on “carbon sequestration”!! Classically funny!]
we can only hope
That’s right, John Craig-y, us commies are going to steal the next election and every one thereafter until we hold all the offices in Washington State, then we will tax you until your eyes bleed.
There is still a Democratic challenger to Maria Cantwell. If you do believe in the idea of democracy and the debate of issues, why not give Hong Tran a bit of your attention.
Every election cycle there are challengers who arise from within their respective parties because the incumbents have not served their constituencies faithfully. And every election cycle they’re ignored by the press, TV discussions, and now bloggers such as yourself. So each election cycle a range of issues go undiscussed, and we’re saddled with the same mediocrity every two years.
Care to consider breaking the habit?
Why does a racist fuck like you care whether a 16-year-old black kid is killed while robbing a vegetable stand? You’ve got yours — enjoy.
Oh, one more thing, Craig — there’s several billion desperately poor people on this planet who would gladly knife you, shoot you, or club you to get at your fridge. Every day, you should kiss the feet of the GOVERNMENT that keeps the hungry human mobs away from door.
Unless you are Asian, Ms. Tran isn’t looking for your vote.
Since Senator Cantwell still has a double – digit lead according to polls taken by non-republican pollsters, I am not worried and wouldn’t be worried even if Wilson stayed in the race. Alaska’s Senatorial Candidate and best pal to big oil and big insurance Mikey McGavick hasn’t got a chance. All we have to do is show his picture with the draft-dodging coward Georgie Bush and it’s all over.
Well if there is still someone running agenst Cantwell in the primarys I will vote for them
Then if Cantwell wins the primarys I will vote for her.
Sence there is not a Socialist Canidate running.
35 I didn’t know you were a racist? Hong spoke well at the convention and reached out to all.
That’s right, John Craig-y, us commies are going to steal the next election and every one thereafter until we hold all the offices in Washington State, then we will tax you until your eyes bleed.
Commentby Your worst nightmare [ER, YWN, Raise Washington state taxes all you wish! The higher, the better, as you won’t get a penny out of me! Aloha, asshole!!!]
34…….”Every day, you should kiss the feet of the GOVERNMENT” [Roger Rabbit] [………………………………………………………………….Er, RR, They do that a lot in the Hillary Paradise of North Korea. You truely are a Marxist. Typical “progressive” Democrat: communist]
Property rights: not in the Democrat Marist vocabulary. All rights come from the state. [It seems our Founding Fathers disagreed with Roger Rabbit, communist.]
Hmmm. Bad news for “Auntie-Goldy” and that split-the-vote punk jaybo.
That’s right, John Craig-y, us commies are going to steal the next election and every one thereafter until we hold all the offices in Washington State, then we will tax you until your eyes bleed.
Commentby Your worst nightmare […………hehe, That sounds like Detroit. And it works sooooooo well there!!!!!]
Since North Korea is out of the World Cup, will you liberal “progressive” Democrats be cheering for France? [Lots of white flags in the stands!!]
re 8: You don’t need to buy a blockbuster film to drive your injured child to the hospital. But you do need to buy gas. See the difference, asswipe?
I’m not a racist. But Tran wants to be elected for affirmative action reasons. She wants to make a statement.
re 18 as well, you perseverating asswipe.
Passengers on an Alaska Airlines flight to California were delayed several hours last Sunday when the plane they were boarding was damaged by a boarding ramp. According to KING 5 News,
“Alaska Airlines told KING 5 News that the jetway was being operated by a customer service agent. The agent was not at the controls at the time of the incident.”
Sea-Tac officials said the accident is under investigation. Hell, Roger Rabbit doesn’t need no investigation, I already know what caused this accident:
Okay, have it your way, get rid of the government and let you defend your food supply yourself. I heard G.I. Joe’s is having a special on ammo this week.
Better buy 5 billion rounds.
Hey Craig — if you don’t want to kiss the government’s feet, would you like to kiss a rabbit ass instead? For a good time call 1-800-LICK-ROG.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………………..RR, Own any GM or Ford stock? Great “Union” companies. And the charts on the stocks? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
RUN HILLARY RUN!!!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy………………………………………………………………………….A bankruptcy trustee for a carnival company whose owners received a pardon from President Clinton is seeking to garnish the bank accounts of Mr. Clinton’s brother-in-law to recoup more than $100,000 in loans.
Anthony D. Rodham, one of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s two brothers, got the loans from United Shows of America Inc. after its owners obtained the presidential pardon in March 2000 over the objections of the Justice Department.
Michael E. Collins, trustee for United Shows, filed papers in Alexandria bankruptcy court seeking the return of $107,000 plus $46,034 in interest from Mr. Rodham, 51, for the loans he received from the carnival company, which went bankrupt in 2002.
Mr. Rodham “received the benefit of the loans without making any repayment,” reads a related document filed last year in bankruptcy court in Nashville, Tenn.
United Shows’ owners, Edgar Gregory Jr. and his wife, Vonna Jo Gregory, were convicted of bank fraud in 1982 on charges of illegally giving loans to friends. Mr. Gregory died in 2004, within four years of the presidential pardons.
At the time Mr. Clinton pardoned the Gregorys, Mr. Rodham reportedly said he worked for Tennessee-based United Shows as a consultant and denied taking money to lobby for presidential favors.
Mr. Collins, in his June 26 bankruptcy filing, said each of 16 checks from United Shows written to Mr. Rodham had a note at the bottom indicating the payments were loans.
Mr. Rodham, known as Tony and a resident of Vienna, Va., did not return several calls seeking comment.
His being named in the bankruptcy case is the latest distraction to Mrs. Clinton’s political aspirations caused by her two younger brothers. Mrs. Clinton, a Democrat, is seeking re-election in November to her Senate seat from New York and is weighing a presidential bid in 2008.
Mr. Rodham got into a brawl in August 2001 at the Rodham family’s summer cottage in Pennsylvania with a man who said he caught Mr. Rodham having sex with the man’s girlfriend.
Mrs. Clinton’s other brother, Hugh E. Rodham Jr., intervened in that fight. Hugh Rodham, 56, also came under scrutiny for his role in Mr. Clinton’s pardons. An attorney, he returned about $400,000 he received for lobbying for a presidential pardon and prison commutation for two clients.
Both brothers were criticized in 1993 when they sought corporate contributions to pay for festivities surrounding their brother-in-law’s first inauguration.
“I had planned on voting for Mark Wilson in the primary and supporting Bruce Guthrie, the anti-war Libertarian, if Mark lost (which I expected). At this point, I think all those who truly want peace and freedom should just start backing the Guthrie campaign.”
Really, you just sort of planned on supporting Guthrie. Hmmmm. A first I thought ‘how could someone be so dumb. I mean really, but hey he’s no Aaron Dixon’. But then I got to thinking, I mean your sig line links to the Guthrie site. Curious I thought, and since I am up at 5 fucking 30, thanks to a car accident in front of my house, time for some fun on the net.
If you go to
You will notice that Guthrie’s Campaign manager is named Travis Wright and our friendly ‘TMW’ has both a T and a W. That’s not enough you say, I mean maybe it’s just a co-winky-dink. But wait there more. Notice the M in the middle. A google search for “Travis M. Wright” shows out friendly Guthrie manager’s middle initial is in fact ‘M’.
Thanks for playing, dipshit.
RE: Kurt,
Jesus Christ man, I mean Cantwell’s not perfect, but a crazy loon who can’t pay his debts, parking tickets or child suport, and has, apperently, never voted. Not even to mention his criminal past.
Grow the fuck up.
Another blow to the Taliban wing of the republican party. We don’t want a theocracy assholes. Especially one run by child raptists, cowards and traitors like the ones who currently control the GOP!
My, what a rabid bunch we all are. Does anybody really think that Cantwell is that much different from McGavick? Why, then, is the race so boring? Why does the Times characterize the race as a “contrast of moderates?” OK, so the Times is not the P-I, but even Joel Connelly has had good things to say about McGavick. So, what’s the story?
This is it: The Ds and Rs are really in cahoots. The fix is already in. We are in Iraq for the long haul, and Iran is probably next. Maria will give you guys lip service until she gets your vote. You watch.
If you really want change you really are going to have to step outside the two party system, and stop buying into all that propaganda about spoilers and wasted votes. “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” – John Quincy Adams
Re Ox,
I’ll setp out of the two party system when third parties show they can govern by starting at the local level. You know city councils, county councils, etc. Oh and not fielding loons as canidates would help to.
JCH — whatsamatter, jealous of people who drive Fords or Buicks? Isn’t your Hyundai treating you very well these days … ?
Don’t hold your breath for Dubya to admit PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for going AWOL during wartime.
Don’t hold your breath for wingnuts to admit PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for voting for this idiot.
51, 52
If he wants Mike! McGavick to win, he should cut out the middleman, and just vote for Mike! McGavick.
Public Notice – Correction
56, 57, 58 were posted by Roger Rabbit, not Mrs. Rabbit.
Roger Rabbit supports executing child rapists for the first offense! This may sound harsh, but it’s essential to keep them from getting paroled and becoming GOP politicians.
Good work Giffy, much better to expose subterfuge by the Guthrie campaign than to trade barbs with the wingnut brigade.
The Bush administration has to be slowed on a number of issues, and while I think we need to get out of Iraq, we’ll likely end up in Afghanistan to finish what GWB had the original mandate to start.
For instance, Senator Cantwell is a co-chair of the National Advisory Board of the Apollo Alliance, working to create 3.3 million new jobs and achieve energy independence in ten years. Cantwell has introduced legislation to reduce U.S. oil imports 40 percent below 2025 projections, currently 3.6 billion gallons of oil per year in transportation fuels, which has had an annual growth rate of 1.7 percent for the past 25 years.
McGavick will do less to get us out of Iraq, but his fusion at the hip with Ted Stevens will kill the efforts Cantwell is making to remove a major excuse for us being there, at all.
54, 55
Minnesota stepped out of the two party system by electing Jesse Ventura governor, and boy did they regret it.
There’s a reason why the two major parties consistently get over 95% of the total votes — they mirror the electorate! If you disagree with their candidates, the problem lies with the voters, not with the parties who are most successful at giving voters what they want.
The underlying problem is the schizophrenia of American voters, who want government to cut taxes but at the same time spend more on programs and benefits, and who wave flags and want muscular leaders but can’t tolerate soldiers coming home in coffins – hence the vast spending on robotic instruments of warfare and the propensity of American politicians to promise bloodless victories.
Wanting something for nothing is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that nobody can sell anything in this country unless they “mark it down.” (The way this works, of course, is you raise the price by 25%, then give ’em a 20% rebate, and the difference is a “profit center.”)
As if subterfuge was unique in politics…anybody pause to wonder why Hong Tran jumped into a race that already had an anti-war candidate? Anybody pause to wonder why both Tran and Wilson were excluded from all “Coordinated Campaign” programs except the convention?
And, uh, lessee: The “wingnut brigade” includes,…who? A bunch of armchair progressives who are willing to settle for the lesser of two evils?
Clarification, amount and increase in oil consumption is for Washington State, only, not the entire U. S. The sentence above should read:
Cantwell has introduced legislation to reduce U.S. oil imports 40 percent below 2025 projections, currently Washington consumes 3.6 billion…
The two party system is a disaster. Just ask yourself why voter participation is going down, why trust in government is going down, why nearly every poll finds that voters want a viable third alternative.
A call to the Wingnut brigade:
Stop this man from maligning our troops!
I would much rather settle for less evil, than Satan in drag.
Mike McGavick, if elected, will vote the Republican Party line 90%+, just like Dave “Goodhair” Reichtert has and will.
As an example, take what Chuck Hagel of Nebraska said of the other Senator from Nebraska, Ben Nelson, probably the most right-wing Democrat in the Senate: “… and by the way my voting record, he talks about Ben Nelson and Chuck Hagel, somebody better go check the record here. Ben Nelson’s voting record isn’t even in the same universe as mine as far as Conservative versus Liberal…”
Life is a lot more complex and interrelated than issue “A” or “Z”, the total effect of all stands on important issues has to be taken into account. My opposition to the war in Iraq isn’t compatible with Tran or Dixon in other ways.
Particularly the issue of their ability to compete for votes in the entire State of Washington. Even in Seattle, neither is likely to poll 5%.
Multi-party parliamentary systems do not provably work better.
The essential dilemma is that political systems which offer voters more choices are more likely to produce paralysis and less likely to get anything done. The American two-party system distills a cacophony of voices down to a low common denominator, which is less than completely satisfying, but is more effective at producing a governing majority.
Cantwell’s position on Iraq that has angered so many seems to boil down to this: Bush has gotten us into quicksand, and a panic-stricken flailing around will just suck us in deeper, so to avoid an even worse disaster we’ve got to get hold of something and carefully pull ourselves out.
42 Ok, but you’re not. And she’s not going to get elected either. But she’d need more than just Asian votes in any case.
She’s already made a statement about the opportunities available in this country. Vietnam refugee to successful lawyer to Senate candidiate. No likely tohappen in many other conutries.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
If you really think we have a “two-party” system why don’t you tell me why the race so hum-drum.
Do you really think it will matter much if Cantwell or McGavick gets elected? Housing prices will still go up. Congress will continue to add quick fixes to Social Security and Medicare. Immigration will still be a problem. The War on Drugs will continue to fail. We will stay in Iraq until God knows when. We may even add Iran to our list of servient nations.
The Ds and Rs are in it together. They are offering you a choice between the blue toothbrush and the red toothbrush when its time for a professional flossing.
Well, in purity contests the virgins have an advntage.
@71 Tell a what, good buddy Ox, just run out there and mount those barricades. First, I’ll give the ballot another go ’round and vote for Cantwell. There will always be time to resort to Mexican Ballots (bullets) later.
Yep. My team, right or wrong. That’s what makes us strong.
@74 Your team may think that way, and is further evidence why your showing at the polls is so strongNOT! For my part, I’ll vote for Cantwell in preferance to
Bruce GuthrieMike!51. 61.
Some mighty fine sleuthing there. First, everything I stated is true. I had planned on voting for Mark in the primary and supporting Bruce Guthrie in the general election. Second, if I wanted to engage in “subterfuge” I could have made up any name I wanted. I use my intitials on every blog post – anywhere on any subject. It’s just habit. Jeesh.
Look, if you’re happy voting in lock-step with the Democrats or the Republicans have at it. If you’re more interested in the label worn by those in power than what they do with that power, please enjoy.
If, on the other hand, you understand that your vote is your voice in this great Democracy – and that it’s wiser to invest that vote in your values instead of voting out of fear of “the other guy” – then just visit and consider another option. There’s nothing “wingnut” about peace, freedom, equality, and responsibility to future generations.
Anyway, I’m too busy to keep at this. I just wanted to state my case. I’m disappointed in Mark, but he’s free to take any job he wants.
Tree Frog:
You do not know “my team.” I could be working for Dixon or Guthrie, or even Tran, or Greene, or Klippert for that matter. Everything I have said here all reduces to “Throw the rascals out and start over.”
But I know your team. And sooner or later you will recognize that “your team” is interested only in power, and isn’t interested in the free exchange of ideas or in voter participation.
Or maybe I am just an iconoclast who likes to rake muck on rabid liberal blogs.
This is why we need closed primaries. Pick-a-party my ass.
Frankly, I still prefer that we select candidates in caucuses. I don’t imagine folks like Travis would be willing to put in the time or put up with the crappy coffee.
77&78 You convict yourself of your Wingnuttyness Troll!. You spew agitprop pure and simple. You stand in a house on fire, and fear the Democratic party would light a candle for truth?
I think I’ll hurt myself laughing.
Not that your premise has any merit, but do you suppose it’s possible that some public minded leaders realize that without power, there really isn’t much anyone can do about “the free exchange of ideas or” “voter participation” or much of anything else.
In a system like ours, the greatest power is vested in those who can rally the support of the greatest number. That requires compromise to reach consensus. No one’s “team” gets it all their way. But many “teams” combining together can get a great deal accomplished.
You flatter yourself.
It actually seems almost impossible to seek political office without seeking power. Sort of like wanting to play futbol without wanting to be an athlete. ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA
The frog threw a tantrum {snicker! now, there’s a surprise!}… L’ITALIA VINCE!
Yep. A house afire. On that we agree. But a Democrat lighting a candle for truth? Now its my turn to laugh.
You show me any Democrat (or Republican for that matter) who is genuinely authentic, who is a true statesman not concerned with the results of the next public opinion poll. The only one who even comes close right now is Jimmy Carter, and he had to get whipped pretty bad to get there.
Oh yeah. The polls. Them third party candidates never poll anything. So far, ONLY Elway has even asked about third party support in the Senate race, and he did it only once. And a funny thing happened. So Dixon gets only 2 points. But Cantwell drops 7 and McGavick stays put. Where did that other 5% go? Perhaps that 5% really hate Cantwell AND McGavick, and recognize that Dixon is damaged goods. Yep, anybody who has recognized that politics is more than liberals and conservatives winds up in the category of “Other.” Do you guys really think these polls are not themselves corrupt?
Ox gave itself away with this comment:
“Congress will continue to add quick fixes to Social Security and Medicare.
Comment by Ox — 7/9/06 @ 1:12 pm ”
Don’t know if you have been paying attention
wingnut moleOx, but R’s wanna fucking KILL Social Security and Medicare.D’s want to do the only sensible thing and raise the FICA taxes to keep up with inflation, and stop the Rs from raiding it to pay of no-bid defence contratcts and tax-cuts to the unearned income of the wealthy, thus avoiding a “problem” with Social Security.
Ox = wingnut troll in disgusted liberal clothing.
Jus5t antoher example of the Administration’s “if it doesn’t work, KEEP DOING IT” policy. Clinton alerted the military, then negotiated with NK and got them to stop reprocessing plutonium.
Bush came into office pretending that negotioation were for pussies, but when NK called their bluff and started reprocessing plutonium again, we did NOTHING ecept feebly insist that they should really, really WANT to sit down to “multilateral talks” (they don’t) and begging China to do something about them (they won’t). In the meantime, NK keeps on reprocessing plutonium. How’s that diplomacy been going?
Vote fot the effective party. Vote Democratic.
The sad truth is that the Administration’s foreign policy has run aground on the shoals of its own incompetence. The Bush administration literally seems to have no foreign policy at all anymore.
Afghanistan is reverting to the Taliban. Iraq is beyond the point of no return. North Korea is acting with impunity. Iran controls its own destiny.
The fact is Bush has boxed himself in, frittering away lives and treasure, and leaving himself with few options.
If you need help getting your car out of a ditch, would you turn to the guy who just drove it in there or to the stranger who stops to help?
Vote for who will help. Vote Democratic.
Go Travis go, and Go Bruce Guthrie!
We should face it even if Bush can’t.
U.S. efforts to establish an Iraqi civil police authority have completely collapsed. LA TImes: “Brutality and corruption are rampant in Iraq’s police force, with abuses including the rape of female prisoners, the release of terrorism suspects in exchange for bribes, assassinations of police officers and participation in insurgent bombings, according to confidential Iraqi government documents detailing more than 400 police corruption investigations.”
None of this is new, and none of this is news. The so-caaled “police” forces in iraq have been shot though with “insurgents” from the beginning, and the government has been eager (with US consent) to co-opt local militias into their forces to appear to be growing in strength when in fact their various forces are disloyal to anyone but their own tribal or religious leaders. What the Times piece reinforces is that any U.S. withdrawal plan that is predicated on Iraqis assuming responsibility for policing is not a plan at all but an open-ended commitment. At best such a commitment would last years. But realistically I’m not sure there is any historical precedent for an occupying power being able to salvage a situation that is as far gone as the security situation in Iraq is.
Lacking the integrity to acknowledge a disastrous outcome and the courage to change course, the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary of Defense have made the decision to punt the problem they created to the next administration.
Vote for the guys who won’t punt your problems. Vote Democratic.
No way am I voting Cantwell again. Congress has not done it’s job and they ALL need to be returned home. Cantwell is a part of the problem in DC. What’s been wrong with the Dems? They’ve had a majority of We the People behind them since the Schiavo Circus and outside of a mere handful all they’ve done is whined and hustled their asses into the rubber stamp line right along with the GOP. Cantwell is just one of the players who allowed the Executive Brach is do all it can to make Congress obsolete. I want a fighter for my Rep, Cantwell needs to just bring herself on home, she can’t do the job.
anyone who doesn’t vote for Cantwell or stays home just helps McGavick, another rubber stamp republican, who will advance the radical GOP agenda, but if you can’t tell the difference b/t the Dems and GOP by now, you are probably beyond help.
I’m a far left Green and I’m happy to vote for Cantwell. I might even campaign for her. Cantwell has not been nearly as vocal as Lieberman about supporting the war. Giving Lieberman a run for his money is a big enough message to the DNC that Democrats don’t support the war.
We should let a corporate, Republican, CEO defeat a strong environmentalist over one issue.
Didn’t Perot and Nader teach you anything? In a tight race, Vote Green = vote Republican, Vote Liberatarian = vote Republican. If you want the Republican challenger to win, just vote for him and save all that extraneous counting.
How much are they paying Wilson to drop out? I understand that he is now “employed” by the Cantwell campaign.
Yes, bring the troops home and pay a handsome salary to the sell-out. Man how you would howl if the shoe were on the other foot you lying, sell-out, third way piece of crap.
I wonder if he’ll make more working for Cantwell than you will on 710…no wait, I don’t. Of course he will. If you had any balls you would report this but then that would require and ounce of honesty and actual commitment to progressive principles instead of simply a love of your own grating voice.
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