Hmm. Looks like I’m turning HA into a political events calendar.
President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter will be at Seattle’s Town Hall next Thursday, May 25th, 5:00 – 7:00 PM, as part of a fundraising event for their son Jack Carter, the Democratic candidate for US Senator from Nevada. Please RSVP to
This isn’t one of those ritzy, high-roller fundraisers… suggested donations are only $50.00 per person, $25.00 for seniors and students. So it’s a terrific opportunity to meet one of our nation’s truly great statesmen, while doing your part to help Democrats take back the Senate.
Do you remember Desert One? I do [“Gonzo Station, IO] . What a Carter cluster fuck. We could have solved the Iran problem 25 years ago, but Carter fucked it up.
Carter – Mediocre to lousy president, great ex-president.
JCH (R-Bend over and grab your ankles for your cellmate in the federal pen)
I’m sure Carter planned the whole operation, right. That was a military fuck-up, beginning to end. Unless you fault Carter for listening to the generals who planned the operation and/or told him it would be possible.
” We could have solved the Iran problem 25 years ago, but Carter fucked it up. ”
What an ignorant comment, which shows no knowledge of the situation in Iran at all. Carter inherited a policy of 30 years of the U.S. propping up the Shah as a bulwark to the Soviets, but that house of cards couldn’t be propped up any more. The Shah had no support anywhere within his own country, and was attacked by both the fundamentalist right and the liberal left, both of whom blamed the U.S. for the Shah’s iron-fisted rule.
Carter wanted to close the embassy earlier, but listened to the right-wing idiots who claimed it would be “turning the country over to the Soviets”. He delayed a bit too long, and the hostages were seized. Then he listened to over a year of screems from the right-wing about him not doing anything to rescue the hostages, people who have no idea how difficult the task was, and when an attempt was tried the same people blamed Carter when it didn’t work.
Remeber the “misery Index” under Carter? The inflation rate plus the unemployment rate………..something like 20-25 under Carter. Just another piss poor liberal idiot Democrat fucking things up.
Remember the “Misery Index” under Carter? The inflation rate plus the unemployment rate………. Something like 20-25 under Carter. Just another piss poor liberal idiot Democrat fucking things up.
Is it true that Jimmy Cater wanted a port hole next to his rack on his submarine.
The shrub is speaking, why doesn’t he just sugesst ear tags for guest workers like we can’t even get right for fucking canadian cows.
How many lives did we lose in Desert One? Six? Ten? And then Reagan TRADED GUNS FOR THE HOSTAGES — is that what you call giving in to terrorists and paying ransom? Yes, I thought so. How did THAT work out for you sanctimonious fucks? Can you see CRIMINAL and IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES?!! And speaking of clusterfucks, Bush’s military misadventure in Iraq makes Desert One look like a training accident.
Patience, dickhead. Bush is running up the most enormous deficits of all time. Inflation, high interest rates, high unemployment, and recession are not far behind.
Re: the “misery index”….the dollar has lost 7% of its value in the last month. I was fortunate enough to get a new job back in February in which I gained a substantial increase in salary–and I’ve already seen about a third of that disappear as the Bush and Bernanke have kept the printing presses rolling full speed. The shit’s hitting the fan, just slowly enough that we think we can ignore the SPLAT and turn our noses the other way to avoid the smell.
Carter made a few mistakes, to be sure. I’ll never understand why he let the Shah come into the country for medical care because he was about to croak anyway. The rescue attempt was a clusterfuck at all levels, probably made worse by bad planning at the top and micromanagement from Washington once it was underway, with no autonomy for the commanders in the field. (Apparently the present management at the Pentagon didn’t learn much from that.) It’s also pretty likely that Carter was too naive to realize that there were people under his own command who were out to stab him in the back.
A year or so later, we had lower interest rates, but I vividly remember a phenomenon I had never seen before, even during the recession of the early 70’s: lots of people doing roadside begging, and not just grizzled derelicts but WHOLE FAMILIES–Dad, Mom and the kids, out there looking for a handout. Somehow, that didn’t seem like much of an improvement.
BREAKING NEWS: Bush just realized after six years in office that Mexicans illegally cross the border and NOW he’s finally decided to try to stop them? No wonder 9.11 happened on his watch. The fucking coward hasn’t got a clue does he? This is just another Mission Accomplished PR stunt aimed at settling down the most inbred of the GOP base. What a waste.
BREAKING NEWS: Bush just realized after six years in office that Mexicans illegally cross the border and NOW he’s finally decided to try to stop them? No wonder 9.11 happened on his watch. The fucking coward hasn’t got a clue does he? This is just another Mission Accomplished PR stunt aimed at settling down the most inbred of the GOP base. What a waste.
PS – Janet S thinks this is a good idea as long as HER sons don’t have to go guard the border.
I just love this line from a PI story on their blog. “McDermott has one of the country’s safest House seats.” That must frost the right wing turds to know that the most liberal of the liberals has the safest seat. Don’t like it? Move! Go to Alabama where your inbred parents fit right in! HE HE!
Ya’ think Jimmy would autograph my sweater? Actually, the poor guy is overly maligned, and there is no doubt he is a terrific human being. My hat’s off to him.
The botched rescue….? Bad luck. Of course Jimmy could have just paid the ayatollahs their blackmail in arms for their release, just like saint Reagan.
How sad to name a perfectly good Seawolf Attack submarine after Jimma Carter.
Lessee here….current immigrants can obtain false documents that fool just about everybody, but they should instead turn themselves in to get biometric cow tags and stand in line to maybe obtain citizenship.
Somehow, I don’t buy this.
PS – Janet S thinks this is a good idea as long as HER sons don’t have to go guard the border.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/15/06@ 6:05 pm
[……………………………………………………………….Left Turn………….YOUR military service? Yeah, about the same as Goldysteinberg’s. Always someone else to protect your freedoms.]
Proud To Be An ASS, Er, Ass, Illegals can’t vote. What about that don’t you get?
Bush’s military misadventure in Iraq makes Desert One look like a training accident.
Comment by Animal Control Officer— 5/15/06@ 5:18 pm
What animals do you control with a mouth like that? What is your real name girly-boy? Jimmy’s attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran was all his doings. The worse the military has ever been was when he was President. We were selling cookies for JP4 just to fly airplanes once a month. Mr. Officer what military do you belong to Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Army?
What is the latest news on the Karl Rove indictment?
I just love this line from a PI story on their blog. “McDermott has one of the country’s safest House seats.” That must frost the right wing turds to know that the most liberal of the liberals has the safest seat. Don’t like it? Move! Go to Alabama where your inbred parents fit right in! HE HE! -Commentby LeftTurn— 5/15/06@ 6:11 pm
Nope, it only serves to confirm that his constituents are deaf and blind morons… in other words, perfect seattle sheep.
What is the latest news on the Karl Rove indictment? -Commentby Richard Pope— 5/15/06@ 6:39 pm
Relaxed Rove Addresses Conservatives – Tom Curry, MSNBC
EAST Seattle – A man who died on the way to the Seattle Jail apparently choked trying to swallow a plastic bag of drugs, according to autopsy results. Seattle County Coroner Rick Stone said an autopsy Monday morning showed Roger Rabbit, 57, of Downtown Seattle, asphyxiated after trying to swallow the plastic bag containing a suspicious white substance.
Wait a minute…it is probably the officer’s fault for not finding the hidden bag…find an att’y named Goldystein, Silverstein, Loeb or Goodman who can sue the city, the state, the officer personally, so Roger Rabbit can see some justice here!
“EAST Seattle – A man who died on the way to the Seattle Jail apparently choked trying to swallow a plastic bag of drugs,…” which were on route to the WaGOP prostitution and Drag Queen party.
Asslicker at 19-
First let me say I enjoy it when your wife and oldest daughter come to my house and give me head. Tell em thanks!
Now, my military service would be an issue if I had been an advocate for the war like Janet S. You see that’s where you right wing chickenhawks go all wrong. It’s one thing to serve and then support the war. It’s another thing entirely to be a hawk supporting the war with your words while you or your children of fighting age are comfy at home driving your SUV to soccer practice.
So the question isn’t where’s my service, it’s where’s yours? You who support the war. Or what about Handjob Hannity? Why didn’t he go to war when he had the chance? He was the perfect age to fight in GulfWar 1 but NOPE. He hid out at home behind his mom’s skirt. Scared to death. He talks a good game but didn’t have the guts to go. Or Whatadick Cheney or Lush Flimbaugh or even Baby Bush. All could have gone to war but didn’t – so if you claim to support the war, drag your inbred ass to the induction center and enlist.
By the way, now that I’ve proven it doesn’t matter, as one who opposes the war, it just so happens I am old enough to have been drafted. 11Bravo – Basic at Knox, AIT at Lost In The Woods – got my DD214 under honorable circumstances and it doesn’t matter a bit. Because I am AGAINST the war. It’s those that are for it who should be going – so what’s your excuse asswipe? Pimple on your but like Lush? Other priorities like WHATADICK CHENEY or just cowardly like MonkeyFace Bush?
By the way if you don’t understand things like 11 Bravo or AIT don’t worry, it’s just Army stuff you lowlife cowardly chickenhawks wouldn’t know anything about.
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – Looking for someone to help him cross into the United States, Jorge Gutierrez said Monday it will take a lot more than U.S. National Guard troops to keep him and other migrants out. **SNIP** “No guard, no wall will keep us from crossing,” he said. Jesus Rodriguez, 49, agreed. He was looking for ways to cross one of Juarez’s international bridges. “For Mexicans, there are no obstacles,” he said. […………OK………….How about Claymores and 50 cals every few hundred feet? Perhaps tear gas in the tunnels? What if we cut off welfare, food stamps, and free education and medical services?? I’ve lots of great ideas to stop illegals!!!]
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – Looking for someone to help him cross into the United States, Jorge Gutierrez said Monday it will take a lot more than U.S. National Guard troops to keep him and other migrants out. **SNIP**
H. Lee Scott, president and CEO of Wal-Mart agreed. “We will just air drop them to our stores. You think we are going to pay a living wage, and health insurance for our workers? Fuck that! There is no wall or soldier who will eep us from illegally hiring illegal immigrants and using child labot to keep our prices low.”
Carter had the third highest job growth rate of all the presidents since Harding.
Job Growth Record of Presidents
(as percentage of workforce)
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
H. Lee Scott, president and CEO of Wal-Mart also said that he would “choke to death JCH with his own intestines to ensure a good bottom line for his stores filled with crap.”
hey klake — ignore that guy — he’s a fucking fascist like you.
Another Democratic Congressman embroiled in scandal…
Democratic congressman denies bribery charges
Looks like you’ll need to rethink your “Republicans are the Party of Corruption” meme.
Did someone say party of corruption…. Oh OK
Clinton scandals:
Admited Perjury
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Rose Law firm billing record
Trooper Gate
More…. why sure…
Monica Lewinski
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Paula Jones
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
That was not enough, OK
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
Not bad for one donk, huh!
@16 your a fuckin idiot.
Hey, RFK, remember me? How ya doin?
@27 drafted that says it all.losssssssssssssssssssssssssssser
“Every one of those Duke Lacrosse players raped me!!”, said Tawana Brawley.
Yo has such severe anger-management problems that he literally sees no need to construct a rational argument. Without treatment, he will someday land up in jail for an outburst of anger that causes injury or death to someone else — potentially even a loved on.
The Durham DA said he would drop the charges against the Duke Lacrosse players for a 10 million dollar “donation” to the REV Jesse Jacksooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!
Sounds like Janet wants more… you remember these right
Cattle gate- Remember Hillary’s $1,00 investment that turned into a fortune.
PBS Gate- selling donor lists to PBS for direct solicitation- This is against the law
IRS gate- Auditing Oliver North come on.
Budist temple gate- Mainly Al Gore, but directed by Clinton
JCH (R-Bend over and grab your ankles for your cellmate in the federal pen)
Commentby wayne [………………………………………………………………….Wayne, I thought you queer Democrats liked to take it up the rectum Democrat “Tookie Williams” style? Aren’t jailed felons part of the Democrat base?]
Hey, RFK, I bought a dress just like the one you always talk about. Wanna put a stain on it? Or just think about it?
Yo has such severe anger-management problems that he literally sees no need to construct a rational argument. Without treatment, he will someday land up in jail for an outburst of anger that causes injury or death to someone else – potentially even a loved on.
Commentby Dr. Joyce Brothers— 5/15/06@ 8:41 pm
YO, you need to become a Kennedy. You can do all of the above with no consequences. It is great!!!
RFK, do you get hot when you talk about the Kennedy’s? I do.
“outburst of anger that causes injury or death to someone else – potentially even a loved on.”
Commentby Dr. Joyce Brothers— 5/15/06@ 8:41 pm [……………………………………………………………….Dr., As a Kennedy, I do that all the time, but I never go to jail! I drink and drive, do drugs, and bitchslap black security guards at the LAX airport. Hell, then I get reelected!!! Can you tell me why???]
Republican distraction scandals!
Clinton scandals:
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Trooper Gate
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
Every single one of them a lie.
Every single one of them paid for with your taxes
Every single one of them plaid out during a time of peace and prosperity.
Republicans are not only the party of the Culture of Corruption, but they are the Party of no ideas except for lies.
Here’s a statebystate GOP scorecard of corruption and this is just one set of scandals. There’s much more….
Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby
Gov. Robert Riley
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff. Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Alaska Senate President Ben Stevens (son of US Senate Pro Tem President Ted Stevens)
Sen. Ted Stevens
Probed for accepting consulting fees from oil services firm Veco. Subject to a recall petition.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Arkansas Arkansas Republican Party Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Arizona Rep. J. D. Hayworth
Rep. Rick Renzi
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
Rep. Doug Ose
Rep. Richard Pombo
Rep. John Doolittle
Rep. Ed Royce
Ethics probe for accepting salary from two men’s fitness magazines while governor, possible kickback from American Media publisher to Schwarzenegger charity and silence money to a woman who had an extramarital affair with Schwarzenegger. This probe may go criminal.
Probed for bribery regarding financial ties with and favors for defense firm MZM. Pleaded guilty to tax evasion, conspiracy, Nov. 28, 2005.
Tied to Abramoff scandal on loan papers. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff, including Indian casino money
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Colorado Colorado Republican Party Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Connecticut Gov. John Rowland
Rep. Rob Simmons
Convicted, imprisoned 2004
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Delaware Attorney General Jane Brady Accused of helping MBNA Bank of Wilmington skirt campaign finance laws.
DC Jack Abramoff, GOP lobbyist
Adam Kidan, DC Dial-a-Mattress franchise owner in DC and Abramoff associate since College Republican days when Abramoff was chairman
Michael Scanlon, former chief of staff to Tom DeLay
teve Rosen, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Keith Weismann, AIPAC
Larry Franklin, Colonel, USAF Reserves, Dept. of Defense
Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President’s Chief of Staff
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove
David H. Safavian, Head of Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget, former Chief of Staff, General Service Administration
Ex-Corporation for Public Broadcasting Chairman and current Broadcasting Board of Governors member Kenneth Tomlinson
Patricia Harrison, President Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush
J. Steven Griles, former Interior Deputy Secretary
Indicted, wire fraud, conspiracy
Indicted, wire fraud, conspiracy. To plead guilty in return for his testimony against Abramoff
Being probed for involvement in Indian casino scandal with Abramoff, Kidan, and DeLay. Indicted Nov. 18, 2005 for conspiracy to defraud Indian tribes. Pleaded guilty Nov. 21.
Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Probed for illegal disclosure of CIA classified information. Indicted on 5 counts: Obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury
Probed for illegal disclosure of CIA classified information. New Grand Jury investigating Rove
Arrested by FBI for making false statements about helping Jack Abramoff acquire two Federal properties in DC and Maryland.
Under investigation for violating the Public Broadcasting Act
Probed for violating Public Broadcasting Act
Investigated for criminal conspiracy in divulging the identity of covert CIA agent
Probed in Abramoff scandal for accepting bags of illegal campaign cash from Seminole casino interests in Florida
Probed for links to Abramoff
Florida Rep. Katherine Harris, US Senate candidate
Rep. Tom Feeney
Rep. Ric Keller
Probed for campaign donations from MZM, Inc. (related to Duke Cunningham probe)
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff. Probed for corporate ties to Yang Enterprises, involved in over billing state of Florida. Feeney was Jeb Bush’s 1994 running mate for Lt. Gov.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff and Kidan.
Georgia Ralph Reed, candidate for Lt. Gov.
Sen. John Isakson
Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Rep. Phil Gingrey
Rep. Jack Kingston
Probed for involvement in Abramoff, Kidan, DeLay Indian casino money laundering.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Guam Gov. Felix Camacho Probed for ties to Abramoff and demoting Acting US Attorney for Guam Frederick Black
Hawaii New Hawaii PAC and House GOP PAC
Dalton Tanonaka, former Lt. gubernatorial and congressional candidate
State Rep. and House Minority Leader Galen Fox
Campaign violations filed against a number of GOP candidates for the state legislature and US House for skirting spending limits.
Under FEC investigation for disguising and failing to report campaign loans. Also investigated for possible illegal foreign funding from Hong Kong and Japan.
Convicted on federal charges of fondling a woman on a Honolulu to Los Angeles commercial flight
Idaho Rep. Michael Simpson
Rep. Butch Otter
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Illinois House Speaker Dennis Hastert
Rep. Jerry Weller
Republican National Treasurer Bob Kjellander
Former House Leader State Rep. Lee Daniels (Elmhurst)
Probed for accepting money from Turkey.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff (Weller is married to the daughter of Guatemalan dictator and mass murderer [300,0000 Guatemalans] Efrain Rios Montt).
Under Federal probe for steering investment contracts to Illinois Teachers Retirement Fund.
Under Federal investigation for misuse of state employees for political activity and state contract kickbacks
Indiana Rep. Dan Burton
Gov. Mitch Daniels
Thomas Sharp, INDOT Commissioner
Jim Kittle, GOP state chairman
Rep. Chris Chocola
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Under investigation for soliciting campaign donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept. of Transportation contracts)
Under investigation for soliciting campaign donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept. of Transportation contracts)
Under investigation for soliciting campaign donations in return for INDOT (Indiana Dept. of Transportation contracts) Received DeLay ARMPAC money. FEC investigating
Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Kansas Rep. Jim Ryun
Sen. Sam Brownback
Adam Taff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
2004 congressional candidate (KS-3), indicted for campaign violations amnd wire fraud.
Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher
Transportation Commissioner Dan Druen
Deputy Personnel Secretary Bob Wilson
Darrell Brock, Chairman of Kentucky GOP
Gov. Personnel Adviser Basil Turbyfill
Transportation Secretary ill Nighbert
Dick Murgatroyd, Gov. Deputy Chief of Staff
Jim Adams, Deputy Transportation Secretary
Cory Meadows, Executive Director, Transportation Dept.
Environmental Protection Commissioner Lloyd Cress
Sen. Jim Bunning
Lt. Gov. Stephen Pence
Dave Disponett
Criminal probe in a state employees’ merit system scandal. Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff.
Merit system scandal, witness tampering. Indicted.
Merit system scandal. Indicted
Merit system scandal. Indicted.
Merit system scandal. Indicted
Merit system scandal. Indicted
Merit system scandal. Indicted
Merit system scandal. Indicted.
Merit system scandal. Indicted.
Probed in merit system scandal
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Indicted for violation of Kentucky civil service law
Louisiana Sen. David Vitter Linked to Abramoff in a case involving a Louisiana Indian tribe.
Maine Maine Republican Party Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Maryland Joseph Steffen, aide to Gov. Bob Ehrlich
Gov. Bob Ehrlich
Resigned for starting a rumor campaign against Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
Lawrence Novak, Vice Chair, state GOP
Under ethics cloud for awarding a $10,000 contract to conservative Boston Herald columnist to write columns supportive of Romney’s policies.
Arrested by FBI for drug money laundering
Michigan Rep. Dave Camp
Attorney General Mike Cox
Rep. Candice Miller
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Failed to pursue felony pollution charges against Graceland Fruit after a major Department of Environmental Quality investigation.
Investigated by House Erthics Committee for accepting campaign contributions in return for her yes vote on the 2004 Medicare bill.
Minnesota Rep. Gil Gutknecht Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Missouri Sen. Christopher Bond
Sen. Jim Talent
Gov. Matt Blunt, son of Roy Blunt
Rep. Roy Blunt, House Majority Leader
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Investigated for trading illegal PAC money with DeLay through Blunt’s Rely on Your Beliefs Fund. Received Indian casino money from tribes represented by Abramoff.
Mississippi Rep. Charles Pickering
Rep. Roger Wicker
Sen. Thad Cochran
Sen. Trent Lott
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Received funds from casino Indian tribes represented by Abramoff
Montana Sen. Conrad Burns
Rep. Dennis Rehberg
Probed for links to Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Nebraska Former Rep. Jon Christensen
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Received tainted money from DeLay. Refused to return it.
Nevada Sen. John Ensign
Rep. Jon Porter
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Received $25,000 from DeLay’s ARMPAC
New Hampshire Sen. John Sununu
Rep. Jeb Bradley
House Speaker Gene Chandler
James Tobin, Northeast political director National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee
Chuck McGee, former Exec. Dir. New Hampshire Republican Party
Allen Raymond, GOP Marketplace President
Probed for receipt of money from DeLay tainted PAC
Probed for receipt of money from DeLay tainted PAC
Campaign contributions violations
Indicted, conspiracy, GOTV phone line jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign. Convicted Dec. 15, on 2 telephone harassment charges.
Pleaded guilty, conspiracy, GOTV phone line jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign
Pleaded guilty to conspiracy, GOTV phone line jamming, Sununu 2002 campaign
New Jersey GOP State Chairman Tom Wilson
Rep. Jim Saxton
Rep. Frank LoBiondo
Rep. Mike Ferguson
Probed for his firm receiving $2.7 million from the Burlington County Bridge Commission
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff, may have illegally “wheeled” money from DeLay through his “MIKEPAC” to GOP candidates in Texas and other states
New Mexico Rep. Heather Wilson Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
New York Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro and US Senate candidate Probed for campaign donations from mobsters. Her husband served a year in prison for tax evasion.
Northern Marianas Gov. Froilan Tenorio Grand Jury probe, ties to Abramoff
North Carolina Rep. Charles Taylor
Hayes Martin, Taylor Campaign Treasurer
Rep. Walter Jones
Probed for ownership of shady Russian bank – whose other major investor is a former KGB general. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Indicted, fraud and money laundering
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
North Dakota Richard Clayburgh, House candidate Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Gov. Bob Taft, Misuse of state funds/ethics violations
Thomas Noe, Bush-Cheney 04 campaign chair, NW Ohio; Turnpike Commissioner; University Regent
Bernadette Noe, Thomas Noe’s wife; chair Lucas County GOP; chair Lucas Co. Board of Elections
Brian Hicks, Taft chief of staff, member Ohio University Board of Trustees
Cherie Carroll, Taft Chief of Staff Executive Secretary
Rep. Bob Ney
Rep. Jean Schmidt
Rep. Ralph Regula
Douglas Moormann, Gov. Taft’s Executive Assistant for Business and Industry
Walden O’Dell, Chairman & CEO of Diebold, Bush-Cheney major campaign contributor who promised to “deliver” Ohio to Bush in 2004
Convicted, four first degree misdemeanors, pleaded no contest (admission of guilt). $4000 fine and public apology, two Federal Grand Juries, one state Grand Jury still investigating Taft.
Misuse of state funds for rare coin fund. Indicted by Federal grand jury, arrested in Florida.
Misuse of state funds
Being probed for involvement with Abramoff, Kidan, and DeLay, Indian casino money laundering. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff and Kidan. Indictment may be imminent.
Probe of financial ties to Games, Inc., and proposal to put Ohio State Lottery on the Internet. Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Under criminal investigation for accepting loan from Noe.
Resigned for “personal reasons” Dec. 13, 2005 after initiation of a class action lawsuit against Diebold for securities fraud.
Oklahoma Rep. Ernest Istook
Sen. James Inhofe
Sen. Tom Coburn
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith
State Rep. Dan Doyle
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Misused campaign funds. Convicted.
Pennsylvania Rep. Don Sherwood
Rep. Curt Weldon
Sen. Arlen Specter
Rep. Joe Pitts
Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick
Investigated by DC police for assaulting and choking a 29-year old Maryland woman
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of money from DeLay’s ARMPAC (subject of Federal indictments), money laundered from Abramoff sources.
Puerto Rico Puerto Rican New Progressive Party (GOP affiliate party) Paid Abramoff $400,000 for lobbying for 1998 statehood referendum
Rhode Island Former House candidate (2002) Mike Battles
Providence Mayor Vince Cianci
Firm, Custer Battles, disbarred from Iraq contracts after allegations of over charging and money laundering
Imprisoned in 2002 for 5 years.
South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson
Rep. Gresham Barrett
Rep. Henry Brown
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
South Dakota Sen. John Thune
Rep. Bill Janklow
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Guilty, second degree manslaughter, imprisoned. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Tennessee Rep. Van Hilleary
Sen. Bill Frist
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Under Securities and Exchange Commission investigation for insider trading on his Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) stock
Texas Rep. Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader
Jim Ellis, Director Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC) PAC tied to DeLay and Abramoff
John Colyandro, Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC), DeLay associate
Warren RoBold, Lobbyist and DeLay associate
House Speaker Tom Craddick
Sam Walls, candidate for Texas House
State Rep. Todd Baxter
Rep. Kevin Brady
Rep. Pete Sessions
Probed for campaign finance fraud, ties to Abramoff/Kidan, Saipan sweat shops. Grand Jury, Travis County prosecutor, and House Ethics Committee probing DeLay. Indicted by Travis County District Attorney for 1 count of criminal conspiracy and 2 counts of money laundering. Arrested and booked at Harris County jail October 20, 2005. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff. Conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering charges still stand after Texas Judge dropped the one count of criminal conspiracy on December 5, 2005.
Probed for campaign violations involving TRMPAC and DeLay
Photos of him wearing women’s clothes surfaced in the 2004 runoff campaign
Investigated for receiving ARMPAC and TRMPAC money from Republican National Committee. To resign from office on Nov. 1, 2005
Recipient of $10,000 from ARMPAC in 2003. Arrested for DWI in South Dakota.
Probed for receiving money from casino Indian tribes represented by Abramoff
Utah Rep. Chris Cannon Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas Opposition to universal health care in Vermont tied to huge contributions from insurance industry.
Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode
Jerry Kilgore, gubernatorial candidate
Rep. Eric Cantor
Rep. Randy Forbes
Sen. George Allen
Rep. Tom Davis
Probed for contributions from MZM, Inc. (related to Duke Cunningham probe)
Received $5000 from MZM, Inc.
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff and Kidan.
Washington Rep. George Nethercutt
Rep. Doc Hastings
Spokane Mayor Jim West
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Under Federal and state investigation for abusing his office to obtain sexual favors and soliciting sex over the Internet from underage males. Recalled Dec. 6, 2005 by a 2-1 margin.
West Virginia Rep. Shelly Moore Capito Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan
Rep. Mark Green
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of funds from DeLay’s ARMPAC
Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi
Rep. Barbara Cubin
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Some more GOP scandals
1. Memogate: The Senate Computer Theft
The scandal: From 2001 to 2003, Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee illicitly accessed nearly 5,000 computer files containing confidential Democratic strategy memos about President Bush’s judicial nominees. The GOP used the memos to shape their own plans and leaked some to the media.
The problem: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act states it is illegal to obtain confidential information from a government computer.
The outcome: Unresolved. The Justice Department has assigned a prosecutor to the case. The staff member at the heart of the matter, Manuel Miranda, has attempted to brazen it out, filing suit in September 2004 against the DOJ to end the investigation. “A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich,” Miranda complained. Some jokes just write themselves.
2. Doctor Detroit: The DOJ’s Bungled Terrorism Case
The scandal : The Department of Justice completely botched the nation’s first post-9/11 terrorism trial, as seen when the convictions of three Detroit men allegedly linked to al-Qaida were overturned in September 2004. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft had claimed their June 2003 sentencing sent “a clear message” that the government would “detect, disrupt and dismantle the activities of terrorist cells.”
The problem: The DOJ’s lead prosecutor in the case, Richard Convertino, withheld key information from the defense and distorted supposed pieces of evidence — like a Las Vegas vacation video purported to be a surveillance tape. But that’s not the half of it. Convertino says he was unfairly scapegoated because he testified before the Senate, against DOJ wishes, about terrorist financing. Justice’s reconsideration of the case began soon thereafter. Convertino has since sued the DOJ, which has also placed him under investigation.
The outcome: Let’s see: Overturned convictions, lawsuits and feuding about a Kafkaesque case. Nobody looks good here.
Some more GOP scandals…
3. Dark Matter: The Energy Task Force
The scandal: A lawsuit has claimed it is illegal for Dick Cheney to keep the composition of his 2001 energy-policy task force secret. What’s the big deal? The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer has suggested an explosive aspect of the story, citing a National Security Council memo from February 2001, which “directed the N.S.C. staff to cooperate fully with the Energy Task Force as it considered the ‘melding’ of … ‘operational policies towards rogue states,’ such as Iraq, and ‘actions regarding the capture of new and existing oil and gas fields.'” In short, the task force’s activities could shed light on the administration’s pre-9/11 Iraq aims.
The problem: The Federal Advisory Committee Act says the government must disclose the work of groups that include non-federal employees; the suit claims energy industry executives were effectively task force members. Oh, and the Bush administration has portrayed the Iraq war as a response to 9/11, not something it was already considering.
The outcome: Unresolved. In June 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court sent the case back to an appellate court.
4. The Indian Gaming Scandal
The scandal: Potential influence peddling to the tune of $82 million, for starters. Jack Abramoff, a GOP lobbyist and major Bush fundraiser, and Michael Scanlon, a former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), received that amount from several Indian tribes, while offering access to lawmakers. For instance, Texas’ Tigua tribe, which wanted its closed El Paso casino reopened, gave millions to the pair and $33,000 to Rep. Robert Ney (R-Ohio) in hopes of favorable legislation (Ney came up empty). And get this: The Tiguas were unaware that Abramoff, Scanlon and conservative activist Ralph Reed had earned millions lobbying to have the same casino shut in 2002.
The problem: Federal officials want to know if Abramoff and Scanlon provided real services for the $82 million, and if they broke laws while backing candidates in numerous Indian tribe elections.
The outcome: Everybody into the cesspool! The Senate Indian Affairs Committee and five federal agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and Justice Department, are investigating.
Some more GOP scandals…
5. Halliburton’s No-Bid Bonanza
The scandal: In February 2003, Halliburton received a five-year, $7 billion no-bid contract for services in Iraq.
The problem: The Army Corps of Engineers’ top contracting officer, Bunnatine Greenhouse, objected to the deal, saying the contract should be the standard one-year length, and that a Halliburton official should not have been present during the discussions.
The outcome: The FBI is investigating. The $7 billion contract was halved and Halliburton won one of the parts in a public bid. For her troubles, Greenhouse has been forced into whistle-blower protection.
6. Halliburton: Pumping Up Prices
The scandal: In 2003, Halliburton overcharged the army for fuel in Iraq. Specifically, Halliburton’s subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root hired a Kuwaiti company, Altanmia, to supply fuel at about twice the going rate, then added a markup, for an overcharge of at least $61 million, according to a December 2003 Pentagon audit.
The problem: That’s not the government’s $61 million, it’s our $61 million.
The outcome: The FBI is investigating.
Clinton scandals:
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Trooper Gate
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
Every single one of them a lie.
Every single one of them paid for with your taxes
Every single one of them plaid out during a time of peace and prosperity.
Republicans are not only the party of the Culture of Corruption, but they are the Party of no ideas except for lies.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/15/06@ 8:54 pm
Just because Clinton hire chewbacca as the AG doesn’t mean he didn’t do them. He just wasn’t prosecuted. Makes a Kennedy proud.
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
I come up with a fictitious poll and I get called a liar. Leave it to a donk.
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 3/1/06 @ 10:06 pm
Applause RUFUS W. Bush, you are a true Neocon liar!
RUFUS W. Bush insanely said:
“Just because Clinton hire chewbacca as the AG doesn�t mean he didn’t do them. He just wasn�t prosecuted.”
After the millions spent trying to hang something on Clinton the Culture-of-Corruption Republicans had nothing but a blow job. Clinton was not prosecuted, because it was all a bunch of wingnut lies.
Oh, RFK, I love your lists! They aren’t as big as that other guy’s but it’s not how long you make it — it’s how you make it long. And I KNOW how long you make it!
RUFUS, if you want to hang something on Clinton, try WTO and NAFTA.
Those were his real crimes.
The rest of your “List” is complete Bullshit.
Hey, Donnawhatever! Be nice to my RFK. He’s really quite a sensitive guy. He even blushes easily. He’s just a lonely man who wants to be loved. That’s what we’re here for, right?
More GOP scandals…
(And by the way, I can do this longer than any of you inbred baby rapers and I don’t have to repeat myself. I can keep giving you fresh material because you assholes are so crooked.)
7. Halliburton’s Vanishing Iraq Money
The scandal: In mid-2004, Pentagon auditors determined that $1.8 billion of Halliburton’s charges to the government, about 40 percent of the total, had not been adequately documented.
The problem: That’s not the government’s $1.8 billion, it’s our $1.8 billion.
The outcome: The Defense Contract Audit Agency has “strongly” asked the Army to withhold about $60 million a month from its Halliburton payments until the documentation is provided.
8. The Halliburton Bribe-apalooza
The scandal: This may not surprise you, but an international consortium of companies, including Halliburton, is alleged to have paid more than $100 million in bribes to Nigerian officials, from 1995 to 2002, to facilitate a natural-gas-plant deal. (Cheney was Halliburton’s CEO from 1995 to 2000.)
The problem: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits U.S. companies from bribing foreign officials.
The outcome: A veritable coalition of the willing is investigating the deal, including the Justice Department, the SEC, the Nigerian government and a French magistrate. In June, Halliburton fired two implicated executives.
More republican scandals…
9. Halliburton: One Fine Company
The scandal: In 1998 and 1999, Halliburton counted money recovered from project overruns as revenue, before settling the charges with clients.
The problem: Doing so made the company’s income appear larger, but Halliburton did not explain this to investors. The SEC ruled this accounting practice was “materially misleading.”
The outcome: In August 2004, Halliburton agreed to pay a $7.5 million fine to settle SEC charges. One Halliburton executive has paid a fine and another is settling civil charges. Now imagine the right-wing rhetoric if, say, Al Gore had once headed a firm fined for fudging income statements.
10. Halliburton’s Iran End Run
The scandal: Halliburton may have been doing business with Iran while Cheney was CEO.
The problem: Federal sanctions have banned U.S. companies from dealing directly with Iran. To operate in Iran legally, U.S. companies have been required to set up independent subsidiaries registered abroad. Halliburton thus set up a new entity, Halliburton Products and Services Ltd., to do business in Iran, but while the subsidiary was registered in the Cayman Islands, it may not have had operations totally independent of the parent company.
The outcome: Unresolved. The Treasury Department has referred the case to the U.S. attorney in Houston, who convened a grand jury in July 2004.
Clinton was just a centrist pro-business Republican, minus the “Culture of Corruption” Neocon agenda.
Roger Rabbit needs to take a vacation in Florida!
2 More Fatal Fla. Gator Attacks Reported
Associated Press Writer
MIAMI (AP) — Florida had seen just 17 confirmed fatal alligator attacks in the previous 58 years. In less than a week, there appears to have been three.
You are SMOKIN” tonight!
I love it when you get in the zone, man. Do that thing you do!
Hey Pope! Why don’t you chace the ambulances in FLA? I am sure those were republican “nazi sympathizing” gators!
rujax @ 66, I am in awe of Left Turn’s list of BushCo atrocities! It is sooo hard to eep track of all the corruption and scandals in their wake!
Richard Pope @ 65 once again stoops to utter banality in his continuing quest to prove his manhood to JCH.
Job Growth Record of Presidents
(as percentage of workforce)
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/15/06@ 7:59 pm
HOW can you say this, Wabbit? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, civilian employment in the U.S. was 137,778,000 in January 2001 and 143,688,000 in April 2006. This is an increase of 5,910,000 jobs during 75 months. This is an average annual INCREASE of 0.7% in total employment.
Richard “Never met a Nazi I didn’t symnapthize with” Pope said
Job Growth Record of Presidents
(as percentage of workforce)
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Commentby Roger Rabbit� 5/15/06@ 7:59 pm
HOW can you say this, Wabbit? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, civilian employment in the U.S. was 137,778,000 in January 2001 and 143,688,000 in April 2006. This is an increase of 5,910,000 jobs during 75 months. This is an average annual INCREASE of 0.7% in total employment.
Comment by Richard Pope — 5/15/06 @ 9:25 pm
Uh,.. yeah, your point?
Lord, Pope, if I ever get hauled in for protesting Bush war crimes, remind me not to ask you to defend me.
You are plainly stump-stupid.
After the millions spent trying to hang something on Clinton the Culture-of-Corruption Republicans had nothing but a blow job. Clinton was not prosecuted, because it was all a bunch of wingnut lies.
Commentby Donnageddon— 5/15/06@ 9:06 pm
What millions are you talking about Donaa. Do you mean the millions spent on endless dalays in the Rose law firm billing records that ended up in Hillary’s closet? Are those the millions you are talking about?
RFUS W. Bush said “What millions are you talking about Donaa. Do you mean the millions spent on endless dalays in the Rose law firm billing records that ended up in Hillary’s closet? Are those the millions you are talking about?”
What the fuck are YOU talking about?
These are the millions I am talking about RUFUS W. Bush
God, I love the way you argue RFK! Do you get warm and tingly when you do that?
Do you mean the millions spent on White Water when Susan McDougal wouldn talk in fron of a Grand Jury? Do you mean those millios?
RUFUS W. Bush drunkenly said “Do you mean the millions spent on White Water when Susan McDougal wouldn talk in fron of a Grand Jury? Do you mean those millios?”
Read above.
You go, girl! You got em by the short hairs! Now kick him in the groin with your story about her dress!
Blast from the past!
No most republicans are fighting over there in Iraq now. Why, do you care about our fighting man in women? Oh that right as long as their vote dont count.
Commentby RUFUS— 4/11/06@ 10:14 pm
Well not all 65 million of us… Geeeesh
Commentby RUFUS— 4/11/06@ 10:54 pm
Looks like the woman with the incredible rape charges against the Duke University lacrosse players is a registered DEMOCRAT:
But what else do you expect from Durham County, the liberal anus of North Carolina and routinely the highest Democrat margin county in that entire state in terms of absolute numbers?
Roger Rabbit should have sympathy for the liberal Democrat alleged rape victim from Durham. Supposedly the exotic dancing outfit she worked for is called “Bunny Hole Entertainment”:
Dick Pope said “what else do you expect from Durham County, the liberal anus of North Carolina”
I am sure you will get some love from JCH for that one, Dick.
That is what you are hoping for, right?
Donna do you know who prosecuted Whete Water? Hahahaha You dont do ya. Hahahaha
Elect Dick Pope! He said “Liberal Anus!”
Bumper stickers will be issued.
RUFUS W. Bush slurred “Donna do you know who prosecuted Whete Water?”
You got me there, RUFUS W. Bush. I have no idea who prosecuted “Whete Water”.
RFK, you’re really working up a sweat. How does it feel?
…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
Now class sit back as Donna teaches us how the invention of the comuputer cost our economy millions of jobs.
This is your que Donna… go
Oh, I’m goin RFK, I’m goin good! How about you?
RUFUS W. Bush woke from a drunken slumber to spout:
“Now class sit back as Donna teaches us how the invention of the comuputer cost our economy millions of jobs.
This is your que Donna… go
Comment by RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy — 5/15/06 @ 9:50 pm
Gonna have to beg off, RUFUS W. Bush, I have no idea what you are blabbering about.
Poor JCH. The reason he is so-o-o racially polarized is because his own race has been in doubt since birth. His mother was putatively human but we’ll never know about his father. . . .’Course his mother’s claim to being human has been called into question by subsequent events. . .namely JCH’s birth.
We do know for certain he is a mixture. . .but whether one of the much feared ‘human-animal hybrids’ or just soom mongrel form of alien. . . that is as in extra-terrestrial, but for certain we know he has no humanity.
Hahahahahahaha Come on Proffesor Donna, you did say
higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
Instead of the invention of the computer lets do something easier. You pick it. Come on teach us Donna.
Looks like Donnageddon’s Horse’s Ass stock is taking a beating, but his single share of Sound Politics is performing well:
“Instead of the invention of the computer lets do something easier. You pick it. Come on teach us Donna.”
Uh, sorry, but if you want to lecture the “class” go ahead. I am not prepared for a lecture.
But you may want to sleep it off, before you start.
Sadly, Dick, I only have one stock in uSP. But is a proven winner. Started at $3 last quarter, and ended at $16.
uSP is a pretty much a loss over time.
I am counting on trying to buy stock on Wed. and selling on Sat.
That is a proven combination week after week.
After Donna teaches his law of productivity he will teach us how prosecution costs our inversely related to lies from the defense.
Go Donna go.
Wow. RFK, you sound like an expert in BOTH law and economics. You must be really smart!
Check out this graph!
Predictable returns, if you follow the trend.
Another GOP scandal…
11. Money Order: Afghanistan’s Missing $700 Million Turns Up in Iraq
The scandal: According to Bob Woodward’s “Plan of Attack,” the Bush administration diverted $700 million in funds from the war in Afghanistan, among other places, to prepare for the Iraq invasion.
The problem: Article I, Section 8, Clause 12 of the U.S. Constitution specifically gives Congress the power “to raise and support armies.” And the emergency spending bill passed after Sept. 11, 2001, requires the administration to notify Congress before changing war spending plans. That did not happen.
The outcome: Congress declined to investigate. The administration’s main justification for its decision has been to claim the funds were still used for, one might say, Middle East anti-tyrant-related program activities.
More GOP scandals…
12. Iraq: More Loose Change
The scandal: The inspector general of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq released a series of reports in July 2004 finding that a significant portion of CPA assets had gone missing — 34 percent of the materiel controlled by Kellogg, Brown & Root — and that the CPA’s method of disbursing $600 million in Iraq reconstruction funds “did not establish effective controls and left accountability open to fraud, waste and abuse.”
The problem: As much as $50 million of that money was disbursed without proper receipts.
The outcome: The CPA has disbanded, but individual government investigations into the handling of Iraq’s reconstruction continue.
13. The Pentagon-Israel Spy Case
The scandal: A Pentagon official, Larry Franklin, may have passed classified United States documents about Iran to Israel, possibly via the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a Washington lobbying group.
The problem: To do so could be espionage or could constitute the mishandling of classified documents.
The outcome: A grand jury is investigating. In December 2004, the FBI searched AIPAC’s offices. A Senate committee has also been investigating the apparently unauthorized activities of the Near East and South Asia Affairs group in the Pentagon, where Franklin works.
Hell, I made $350 in fake rottentomatoes stock just today! and it is just monday!
Actually, I have a standing buy order ar $1200, and then sell on Sat.
Works out well.
Donnageddon is a very, very smart fake stock buyer!
You could learn a lot from me Dick!
Wow. RFK, you sound like an expert in BOTH law and economics. You must be really smart!
Commentby Janet O— 5/15/06@ 10:05 pm
Donna the crowd is getting anxious. Janet was impressed with my questions. Come one tell us your theory of productivity.
And, word to the wise,, never dissapoints.
Not flashy, I agree, but a proven performer.
RUFUS W. Bush, I am sorry you are not following the conversation, but I am sharing my economic theories with Dick Pope.
You can look at them tomorrow when you sober up.
Ah left turn is talking party scandals I can do that…
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– First president accused of rape.
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
– Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
– Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
– Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
– Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
WOW RUFUS W. Bush!!!
Is this a Jeopardy Question?
I can’t wait for you to provide the questions!! And the evidence to support them!
This is like skeet, pull!!!!!
– Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15
– Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6
– Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million
– Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
Here’s the difference between LeftTurn’s scandal sheets and Rufas’ – LT’s are real and Rufas is full of shit recycled lies.
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
(A completely partisan attack that is generally perceived even by republicans as a bad political move.)
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
(Simply bullshit to the max. In six years W has already beat any record set by Clinton in 8)
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
(Simply bullshit to the max. In six years W has already beat any record set by Clinton in 8)
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
(Where do you get this stuff, make up in my head land?)
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
(Again you are just out of your mind. Must be all those times your uncle raped you.)
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
(Complete and utter lie as usual)
– First president accused of rape.
(Followed by W who raped a girl in college.)
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
(Sorry that happened under W not Clinton)
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
(After being attacked for eight straight years by partisans you bet.)
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
(Simply bullshit to the max. In six years W has already beat any record set by Clinton in 8)
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
(Simply bullshit to the max. In six years W has already beat any record set by Clinton in 8)
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
One right statement out of all these. Congrats Rufas you mistakenly told the truth once.
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar.
Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O’Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697
More GOP scandals…
18. Tom DeLay’s PAC Problems
The scandal: One of DeLay’s political action committees, Texans for a Republican Majority, apparently reaped illegal corporate contributions for the campaigns of Republicans running for the Texas Legislature in 2002. Given a Republican majority, the Legislature then re-drew Texas’ U.S. congressional districts to help the GOP.
The problem: Texas law bans the use of corporate money for political purposes.
The outcome: Unresolved. Three DeLay aides and associates — Jim Ellis, John Colyandro and Warren RoBold — were charged in September 2004 with crimes including money laundering and unlawful acceptance of corporate contributions.
19. Tom DeLay’s FAA: Following Americans Anywhere
The scandal: In May 2003, DeLay’s office persuaded the Federal Aviation Administration to find the plane carrying a Texas Democratic legislator, who was leaving the state in an attempt to thwart the GOP’s nearly unprecedented congressional redistricting plan.
The problem: According to the House Ethics Committee, the “invocation of federal executive branch resources in a partisan dispute before a state legislative body” is wrong.
The outcome: In October 2004, the committee rebuked DeLay for his actions.
20. In the Rough: Tom DeLay’s Golf Fundraiser
The scandal: DeLay appeared at a golf fundraiser that Westar Energy held for one of his political action committees, Americans for a Republican Majority, while energy legislation was pending in the House.
The problem: It’s one of these “appearance of impropriety” situations.
The outcome: The House Ethics Committee tossed the matter into its Oct. 6 rebuke. “Take a lap, Tom.”
More GOP scandals…
21. Busy, Busy, Busy in New Hampshire
The scandal: In 2002, with a tight Senate race in New Hampshire, Republican Party officials paid a Virginia-based firm, GOP Marketplace, to enact an Election Day scheme meant to depress Democratic turnout by “jamming” the Democratic Party phone bank with continuous calls for 90 minutes.
The problem: Federal law prohibits the use of telephones to “annoy or harass” anyone.
The outcome: Chuck McGee, the former executive director of the New Hampshire GOP, pleaded guilty in July 2004 to a felony charge, while Allen Raymond, former head of GOP Marketplace, pleaded guilty to a similar charge in June. In December, James Tobin, former New England campaign chairman of Bush-Cheney ’04, was indicted for conspiracy in the case.
22. The Medicare Money Scandal
The scandal: Thomas Scully, Medicare’s former administrator, supposedly threatened to fire chief Medicare actuary Richard Foster to prevent him from disclosing the true cost of the 2003 Medicare bill.
The problem: Congress voted on the bill believing it would cost $400 billion over 10 years. The program is more likely to cost $550 billion.
The outcome: Scully denies threatening to fire Foster, as Foster has charged, but admits telling Foster to withhold the higher estimate from Congress. In September 2004, the Government Accountability Office recommended Scully return half his salary from 2003. Inevitably, Scully is now a lobbyist for drug companies helped by the bill.
By the way search google on any of the scandals I posted and you will see they are real, not made up shit from Newsmax!
FROM THE WASHINGTON TIMES: In the portions of President Clinton’s Jan. 17 deposition that have been made public in the Paula Jones case, his memory failed him 267 times. This is a list of his answers and how many times he gave each one.
I don’t remember – 71
I don’t know – 62
I’m not sure – 17
I have no idea – 10
I don’t believe so – 9
I don’t recall – 8
I don’t think so – 8
I don’t have any specific recollection – 6
I have no recollection – 4
Not to my knowledge – 4
I just don’t remember – 4
I don’t believe – 4
I have no specific recollection – 3
I might have – 3
I don’t have any recollection of that – 2 I don’t have a specific memory – 2
I don’t have any memory of that – 2
I just can’t say – 2
I have no direct knowledge of that – 2
I don’t have any idea – 2
Not that I recall – 2
I don’t believe I did – 2
I can’t remember – 2
I can’t say – 2
I do not remember doing so – 2
Not that I remember – 2
I’m not aware – 1
I honestly don’t know – 1
I don’t believe that I did – 1
I’m fairly sure – 1
I have no other recollection – 1
I’m not positive – 1
I certainly don’t think so – 1
I don’t really remember – 1
I would have no way of remembering that – 1
That’s what I believe happened – 1
To my knowledge, no – 1
To the best of my knowledge – 1
To the best of my memory – 1
I honestly don’t recall – 1
I honestly don’t remember – 1
That’s all I know – 1
I don’t have an independent recollection of that – 1
I don’t actually have an independent memory of that – 1
As far as I know – 1
I don’t believe I ever did that – 1
That’s all I know about that – 1
I’m just not sure – 1
Nothing that I remember – 1
I simply don’t know – 1
I would have no idea – 1
I don’t know anything about that – 1
I don’t have any direct knowledge of that – 1
I just don’t know – 1
I really don’t know – 1
I can’t deny that, I just — I have no memory of that at all – 1
More GOP scandals…
23. The Bogus Medicare “Video News Release”
The scandal: To promote its Medicare bill, the Bush administration produced imitation news-report videos touting the legislation. About 40 television stations aired the videos. More recently, similar videos promoting the administration’s education policy have come to light.
The problem: The administration broke two laws: One forbidding the use of federal money for propaganda, and another forbidding the unauthorized use of federal funds.
The outcome: In May 2004, the GAO concluded the administration acted illegally, but the agency lacks enforcement power.
More GOP scandals…
24. Pundits on the Payroll: The Armstrong Williams Case
The scandal: The Department of Education paid conservative commentator Armstrong Williams $240,000 to promote its educational law, No Child Left Behind.
The problem: Williams did not disclose that his support was government funded until the deal was exposed in January 2005.
The outcome: The House and FCC are considering inquiries, while Williams’ syndicated newspaper column has been terminated.
By the way search google on any of the scandals I posted and you will see they are real, not made up shit from Newsmax!
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/15/06@ 10:23 pm
Newsmax… no no no. See source at 119
RUFUS W. Bush, you seem to be deep in wingnut “talking points” dream land.
But tomorrow you will wake up and Bush’s approval rating will still be at %29, and the Republican Party will still be as popular as an arm wrestler at a leper colony.
Man, are you gonna have “reality” headache tomorrow!
Don’t worry, just listen to Fox News,Rush, and “Savage” Wiener… nothing like a bit of “hair of the dog” to stifle a wingnut nightmare headache.
Notice how while sucking dicks Rufas can only talk about Clinton. Is that all you got? A guy who’s out of office six years and not running? I’m trashing your current GOP operatives, not old news types. Man your shit is weak.
More GOP scandal…
25. Ground Zero’s Unsafe Air
The scandal: Government officials publicly minimized the health risks stemming from the World Trade Center attack. In September 2001, for example, Environmental Protection Agency head Christine Todd Whitman said New York’s “air is safe to breathe and [the] water is safe to drink.”
The problem: Research showed serious dangers or was incomplete. The EPA used outdated techniques that failed to detect tiny asbestos particles. EPA data also showed high levels of lead and benzene, which causes cancer. A Sierra Club report claims the government ignored alarming data. A GAO report says no adequate study of 9/11’s health effects has been organized.
The outcome: The long-term health effects of the disaster will likely not be apparent for years or decades and may never be definitively known. Already, hundreds of 9/11 rescue workers have quit their jobs because of acute illnesses.
Because I am AGAINST the war. It’s those that are for it who should be going – so what’s your excuse asswipe? Pimple on your but like Lush? Other priorities like WHATADICK CHENEY or just cowardly like MonkeyFace Bush?
By the way if you don’t understand things like 11 Bravo or AIT don’t worry, it’s just Army stuff you lowlife cowardly chickenhawks wouldn’t know anything about.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/15/06@ 7:43 pm
LeftTurn you really need to see a therapist with your problems. You are really off base with you remarks and do not blame others who could not serve their country in the same capacity I have over the years. You can be against the war and I really do not give a rat’s ass. I’m the one who will take all the risks so you can stay at home and deal with your Fears. Do not belittle those who chose to go and make a positive change in this world. I do not need you to defend me because you think you are right and could be so wrong. If you need some help go to your local social health services and they will direct you to the right agencies. Hell Roger the Rabbit knows folks who can help you get past problems
“Newsmax… no no no. See source at 119
Comment by RUFUS W. Bush — 5/15/06 @ 10:25 pm ”
Washington Times ????
You mean the MOONIE paper?
Uh, I would trust Newsmax before I trusted the Korean Messiah!!!
RUFUS W. Bush, you really are drunk!
Here are some of the all too rare public officials, reporters, and others who spoke truth to the dismally corrupt power of Bill and Hill Clinton’s political machine — some at risk to their careers, others at risk to their lives. A few points to note:
– Those corporatist media reporters who attempted to report the story often found themselves muzzled; some even lost their jobs. The only major dailies that consistently handled the story well were the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times.
– Nobody on this list has gotten rich and many you may not have even heard of. Taking on the Clintons typically has not been a happy or rewarding experience. At least ten reporters have been fired, transferred off their beats, resigned, or otherwise gotten into trouble because of their work on the scandals. Whistleblowing is even less appreciated within the government. One study of whistleblowers found that 232 out of 233 them reported suffering retaliation; another study found reprisals in about 95% of cases.
– Contrary to the popular impression, the politics of those listed ranges from the left to the right, and from the ideological to the independent.
MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ was a prosecutor on the staff of Kenneth Starr. His attempts to uncover the truth in the Vincent Foster death case were repeatedly foiled and he was the subject of planted stories undermining his credibility and implying that he was unstable. Rodriguez eventually resigned.
JEAN DUFFEY: Head of a joint federal-county drug task force in Arkansas. Her first instructions from her boss: “Jean, you are not to use the drug task force to investigate any public official.” Duffey’s work, however, led deep into the heart of the Dixie Mafia, including members of the Clinton machine and the investigation of the so-called “train deaths.” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports that when she produced a star witness who could testify to Clinton’s involvement with cocaine, the local prosecuting attorney, Dan Harmon issued a subpoena for all the task force records, including “the incriminating files on his own activities. If Duffey had complied it would have exposed 30 witnesses and her confidential informants to violent retributions. She refused.” Harmon issued a warrant for her arrest and friendly cops told her that there was a $50,000 price on her head. She eventually fled to Texas. The once-untouchable Harmon was later convicted of racketeering, extortion and drug dealing.
BILL DUNCAN: An IRS investigator in Arkansas who drafted some 30 federal indictments of Arkansas figures on money laundering and other charges. Clinton biographer Roger Morris quotes a source who reviewed the evidence: “Those indictments were a real slam dunk if there ever was one.” The cases were suppressed, many in the name of “national security.” Duncan was never called to testify. Other IRS agents and state police disavowed Duncan and turned on him. Said one source, “Somebody outside ordered it shut down and the walls went up.”
RUSSELL WELCH: An Arkansas state police detective working with Duncan. Welch developed a 35-volume, 3,000 page archive on drug and money laundering operations at Mena. His investigation was so compromised that a high state police official even let one of the targets of the probe look through the file. At one point, Welch was sprayed in the face with poison, later identified by the Center for Disease Control as anthrax. He would write in his diary, “I feel like I live in Russia, waiting for the secret police to pounce down. A government has gotten out of control. Men find themselves in positions of power and suddenly crimes become legal.” Welch is no longer with the state police.
DAN SMALTZ: Smaltz did an outstanding job investigating and prosecuting charges involving illegal payoffs to Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, yet was treated with disparaging and highly inaccurate reporting by the likes of the David Broder and the NY Times. Espy was acquitted under a law that made it necessary to not only prove that he accepted gratuities but that he did something specific in return. On the other hand, Tyson Foods copped a plea in the same case, paying $6 million in fines and serving four years’ probation. The charge: that Tyson had illegally offered Espy $12,000 in airplane rides, football tickets and other payoffs. In the Espy investigation, Smaltz obtained 15 convictions and collected over $11 million in fines and civil penalties. Offenses for which convictions were obtained included false statements, concealing money from prohibited sources, illegal gratuities, illegal contributions, falsifying records, interstate transportation of stolen property, money laundering, and illegal receipt of USDA subsidies. Incidentally, Janet Reno blocked Smaltz from pursuing leads aimed at allegations of major drug trafficking in Arkansas and payoffs to the then governor of the state, WJ Clinton. Espy had become Ag secretary only after being flown to Arkansas to get the approval of chicken king Don Tyson.
DAVID SCHIPPERS was House impeachment counsel and a Chicago Democrat. He did a highly creditable job but since he didn’t fit the right-wing conspiracy theory, the Clintonista media downplayed his work. Thus most Americans don’t know that he told NewsMax, “Let me tell you, if we had a chance to put on a case, I would have put live witnesses before the committee. But the House leadership, and I’m not talking about Henry Hyde, they just killed us as far as time was concerned. I begged them to let me take it into this year. Then I screamed for witnesses before the Senate. But there was nothing anybody could do to get those Senators to show any courage. They told us essentially, you’re not going to get 67 votes so why are you wasting our time.” Schippers also said that while a number of representatives looked at additional evidence kept under seal in a nearby House building, not a single senator did.
JOHN CLARKE: When Patrick Knowlton stopped to relieve himself in Ft. Marcy Park 70 minutes before the discovery of Vince Foster’s body, he saw things that got him into deep trouble. His interview statements were falsified and prior to testifying he claims he was overtly harassed by more than a score of men in a classic witness intimidation technique. In some cases there were witnesses. John Clarke has been his dogged lawyer in the witness intimidation case that has been largely ignored by the media, even when the three-judge panel overseeing the Starr investigation permitted Knowlton to append a 20 page addendum to the Starr Report.
More GOP scandals…
26. John Ashcroft’s Illegal Campaign Contributions
The scandal: Ashcroft’s exploratory committee for his short-lived 2000 presidential bid transferred $110,000 to his unsuccessful 2000 reelection campaign for the Senate.
The problem: The maximum for such a transfer is $10,000.
The outcome: The Federal Election Commission fined Ashcroft’s campaign treasurer, Garrett Lott, $37,000 for the transgression.
More GOP scandals…
27. Intel Inside … The White House
The scandal: In early 2001, chief White House political strategist Karl Rove held meetings with numerous companies while maintaining six-figure holdings of their stock — including Intel, whose executives were seeking government approval of a merger. “Washington hadn’t seen a clearer example of a conflict of interest in years,” wrote Paul Glastris in the Washington Monthly.
The problem: The Code of Federal Regulations says government employees should not participate in matters in which they have a personal financial interest.
The outcome: Then White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, spurning precedent, did not refer the case to the Justice Department.
OK.. once RUFUS W. Bush keeps pulling the “Vince Foster was Murdered” Bullshit out of his hairy ass… I gotta let it go.
Keep up the bad work, RUFUS W. Bush!
I am sure you win many converts with that crap.
Good luck!
Rufas is sucking so many dicks that he has Clinton on the brain. Man I would be ashamed if all I could do was pull out old, bullshit claims about shit that never happened and never happened 10 years ago as a defense of more than 20 CURRENT scandals involving the highest people in my party. Must be a lot of shame on the right tonight!
Unlike Rufas I have a job so I have to go to bed but I will leave you with four more GOP scandals and get back to posting more (I have 599 left) in the morning.
* California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was investigated for violating state campaign finance laws, a charge for which he was later found guilty by a state judge. The state has a $100,000 cap on candidate loans; Schwarzenegger loaned himself over $4 million in the closing days of his campaign. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader Josh C. for the tip.)
* The forged documents that led Bush to inaccurately claim that Iraq had sought to purchase uranium from Niger are under investigation by a Senate committee and the FBI. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader N.Z. for the tip.)
* John Korsmo, Bush’s choice to chair the Federal Housing Finance Board, is the target of an ongoing Justice Department criminal probe related to his political fundraising activities and their subsequent cover-up. The scandal cost Korsmo his career; he was forced to resign from his position last week. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader R.G. for the tip.)
* The Texas GOP’s decision to seek assistance from the FAA to track down Democratic lawmakers fleeing the state to deny a legislative quorum was the subject of two formal inquiries — one from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the other from the Department of Homeland Security. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader Joe C. for the tip.)
Where did Janet O go. I thought you loved me?
I have too much more too post and cant do it all tonight. Good night all. Janet, think about that waitress sandwhich I talked about earlier, that is if you not hooked up with one of your pupils at the school you teach. We Kennedys love waitress sandwhiches.
Left Turn, have you published this list of yours somewhere?
JCH is really running out of steam if he’s started falling back on quotes from the Washington Times AKA Sun Myung Moon’s Pretend Newspaper.
Okay let’s see, where did I leave off? Oh yes, this is a good one…
28. Duck! Antonin Scalia’s Legal Conflicts
The scandal: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia refused to recuse himself from the Cheney energy task force case, despite taking a duck-hunting trip with the vice president after the court agreed to weigh the matter.
The problem: Federal law requires a justice to “disqualify himself from any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”
The outcome: Scalia stayed on, arguing no conflict existed because Cheney was party to the case in a professional, not personal, capacity. Nothing new for Scalia, who in 2002 was part of a Mississippi redistricting ruling favorable to GOP Rep. Chip Pickering — son of Judge Charles Pickering, a Scalia turkey-hunting pal. In 2001, Scalia went pheasant hunting with Kansas Gov. Bill Graves when that state had cases pending before the Supreme Court.
I think I will continue this in the open thread now since I want to keep it top of the puny right wing turd’s puny minds…
Notice once again, the right has no answer or defense to any of these other than to bring up their old tired drivel about Clinton. They are so stuck in the past that they’re not even going to realize what hit em when we boot their guys out of office in November.
“YO” you shouldn’t be so hard on RUFUS W. Bush @ 73.
Afterall he was drunk when he wrote that post.